Create an Apple ID on your computer. How to register an Apple ID and why you need it

(information stored in a computer's database) which is used to access programs such as App Store, Apple Music, iCloud, iMessage, FaceTime and the like.

However, not everyone knows and can independently set up and register a new account on their phone. Most often, salon employees offer such people services for setting up an Apple account. for a fee. But you don’t have to pay money for it, because after reading this article, almost anyone can figure out how to set up and register an Apple ID account.

If you already have an Apple account

To obtain permission to use all Apple programs , only one account required. If there is an old identifier, then it is not necessary to create a new one. It’s better to sit down several times and think about whether this is necessary before making hasty actions. If a new identifier is created, it will be impossible to transfer information from the old one to the new one. Therefore, it is better to use an existing account.

How to create the newest Apple ID? Registration and setup

You can connect an account on an existing gadget when setting up another Apple product by Sign in to services such as iTunes or iCloud. Of course, you can use the website called Apple ID and find an item with simple, clear text: “Create an Apple ID.” To create a new account you will need:

What services can I use with my Apple ID?

You should only use one account - the one you created, including the password. Enter this data when you want to enter a particular program. With an Apple ID account you are allowed to:

  • Log in to the iCloud service in order to sort your personal data stored there;
  • Log in to various store areas, for example, the iTunes Store, iBooks Store, App Store, to purchase something or see what you have purchased;
  • Log in to iMessage and FaceTime with an account in order to simply chat with colleagues or family;
  • Log in to Apple if you are setting up another device on the iOS platform.

How to properly manage your Apple ID account?

An Apple ID account has the right to be used on all devices of this brand and has permission to a variety of programs, so you should always update your individual data. To do this, you simply need to go to your ID web page and change or update your details:

Account security comes first!

The most important task is the security and secrecy of the personal data contained in the account. But not only manufacturers must protect the device, its owner also has the responsibility to maintain this security. Therefore, there are recommendations on how to ensure maximum protection for your device:

  • If you wish, you can read the instructions on how to provide maximum security to your account and the device as a whole from unwanted guests.
  • You definitely need to delete security questions and choose ones that are easy for you to remember, but for which it will not be easy for strangers to find the answer.
  • It is important to create backup copy email, you will need it if you forget your password or answers to questions. In such a situation, this address will help restore access to the account through it.
  • IN new firmware A very useful item has appeared - this is a two-factor verification or, in other words, two-step verification. It will greatly enhance the security of your device. On later firmware and the latest devices This function is enabled automatically. If you configure it manually, you should go to the phone settings, then to the iCloud service, then you will see the “Password and Security” subsection - this is where this function is located. You can activate it with one click of your finger.
  • Finally, you should read the section in the manual or on the website about security and corporate ethics, as well as the responsibility that Apple employees bear for the data you entrust to them. Thus, on present time Apple is the most the best company on data security, but the organizers will not stop there, they will try to further strengthen the protection of user data in order to give a 100% guarantee to people that they do not have to worry about their information.

Do not forget that users themselves must take precautions, should not in any case and under any circumstances give the account password to third parties, even if it is the person closest to him, so that that information does not go beyond the Apple service. This is the only way Apple product manufacturers can guarantee the safety of their users.

Registering a single account for all Apple services (iTunes Store, App Store, iCloud) does not require special knowledge and skills, everything is elementary and simple, to say the least - intuitively clear. Why do you need an Apple ID, how to create an Apple account with and without a credit card, read “under the cut.”

In today's instructions we will talk about:

If you're not sure whether you need a single Apple account, here's a reminder: You won't be able to without an Apple ID:

  • find your iPhone (iPod Touch, iPad or Mac) if lost or stolen;
  • synchronize iPhone, iPod Touch and iPad with iCloud;
  • install free games and software from the App Store;
  • buy games and software from the App Store and Mac App Store;
  • buy music and video content from the iTunes Store.

How to create an Apple ID through iTunes

In order to create a new Apple account (aka Apple ID) from a computer we will need:

  • computer based on Windows (PC) or Mac OS X (Mac);
  • network connection Internet;
  • iTunes(preferably);
  • Email(access to the box is required).

The Apple ID registration process is very simple, but quite routine, you will have to enter:

  1. address Email;
  2. password;
  3. secret information to verify your identity in case your Apple ID is hacked (answers to 3 standard questions);
  4. email address to regain control of the account (must be different from the main one);
  5. Date of Birth;
  6. payment details (credit or debit card number, expiration date, security code, physical adress).

Don’t be alarmed, you will only need to go through this procedure once (or every subsequent time when registering a new account).

  1. On Windows-PC run iTunes, go to iTunes Store and click on the button To come in «.
  2. In the window that appears, click on “ Create an Apple ID ". You can do without logging into the iTunes Store. From the iTunes main menu, select iTunes Store -> Create Apple ID.

  3. In the welcome window, confirm that you want to create a new account, click on “ Continue " (Continue).
  4. Read and accept the user agreement. You may not read it, but tick against " I understand and accept these terms and conditions" need to put, further " Agree " (Agree).
  5. Now roll up your sleeves and enter the required data in the appropriate fields. All fields are required.
    1. Email — email address, this will be the identifier (username) when logging into Apple ID.
    2. Password - password.
      Apple ID password requirements:
      • must consist of 8 characters, including at least 1 number, capital and small letters;
      • must not contain spaces or repeat 1 letter more than 3 times;
      • must not match the Apple ID or password that was used previously (the latter is not relevant for new accounts).
    3. Security Information (secret information). Select the desired question from the list and enter the answer next to it in the text field. There are only 3 questions, you need to answer them all.
    4. Optional Rescue Email — additional email address to restore access (optional).
    5. Enter your date of birth — indicate your date of birth. The system will refuse to register an Apple ID if specified date less than 13 years have passed to date. Tip: enter your date of birth so that you are over 18 years old, then age restrictions in iTunes will not be a hindrance.
    6. Would you like to receive the following via email? — if you want to receive email notifications about new products, Apple news, and information useful from the company’s point of view, check both boxes.

For Mac, the procedure is no different; we see no point in repeating it.

Video instructions on how to create an Apple ID via iTunes

How to Create an Apple Account from an iPhone, iPod Touch or iPad

You can create an Apple ID account directly from your iOS device and you can do this in 2 ways:

  1. in iOS Settings on iPhone (there was no other iOS device at hand);
  2. through the standard App Store application on iOS (the icon is located on the device’s desktop).

The methods differ only in where the creation of an Apple ID is initiated.

Creating an Apple ID on iPhone from the Settings menu

Registering an Apple ID on iPhone via the App Store app built into iOS

Video instructions on how to create an Apple account from an iPhone

You might not have missed the fact that to create an Apple account you need to have a credit card (Visa, Master Card and American Express). What to do if you don't have credit card of these systems? You can register an Apple ID without a credit card.

How to register an Apple ID without a credit card

The essence of the method is that an account is registered when downloading any free application or game from the App Store.

  1. On Mac in OS X run iTunes and go to Store -> Home page or just click on the button iTunes Store(located in the upper right corner of the program window).
  2. On the menu iTunes Store select App Store.
  3. Scroll until the section " Top Free Apps» (Best Free Apps) and select any application from the list.
  4. Under the application icon, click on " Free" (For free).
  5. In the authorization window " Sign in to the iTunes Store» click on « Create an Apple ID«.
  6. Repeat Steps 3-6.
  7. In the window for entering payment information for a credit card, under the inscription “ Please select a payment method"Another option will appear" None» (None), select it. The fields for entering credit card information will disappear.
  8. All you have to do is enter your address and click on “ Create Apple ID". In your response email, follow the link to confirm your application. Ready!

The same can be done directly on the iOS device, as a result an account will be created in the App Store without a credit card.

Ever since those seemingly ancient times, when only the iTunes Store was available among Apple services, Apple began to divide content according to region. For North America new products appeared earlier, for Europe - later. And the countries of the former socialist camp, including Russian Federation, for a long time were not covered at all, and for a resident of Russia who wanted to make online purchases in Apple stores, there was only one way out - registering a foreign Apple ID account.

Benefits of a Foreign Apple ID

Apple services have reached with their tenacious hands to the most remote corners of the Earth. But still, the most delicious goodies, promotions and free services are provided by the AppStore of the United States of America. However, this also applies to Apple hardware. And if purchases such as music, movies and books are best purchased at regional offices AppStore (the price is significantly lower, and there are often discounts like for third world countries), then it is more interesting to connect programs and services through the American branch and here’s why:

  1. Games and programs appear in the American AppStore earlier than in other branches, and some exclusive editions are even released only for the USA. Special discount programs and cheap subscriptions also work only in the United States.
  2. iTunes radio, Spotify, Rdio services will only work through an American account, and if the access problem is solved by life hacks, using proxy servers and anonymizers, then applications for these services can only be downloaded using an American Apple ID registration.
  3. Such a nice thing as the free installation service for paid programs FreeMyApps, again only works with an American account - and this is a completely legal way to save a hundred or two dollars. At the very least, this is much better than installing hacked programs and infecting your device with viruses.

So in order to take advantage of the full amount of abundance, you will have to register a North American Apple ID.

When you register an Apple ID in the US, you get access to promotions and free services, which are not available to Russian users

How to register a foreign Apple ID

You can create an account in a few simple steps, using both a mobile device and a desktop computer. It will be possible to switch accounts “on the fly” without losing installed programs and downloaded applications and subscriptions. Just remember that you can link no more than three free accounts to one mobile device.

Since in both options for creating an account (from a desktop PC and from mobile device) Maps.Google service will be used, register yourself Google account, if you don't have it yet. Without it, access to the cards will be impossible and the task will become somewhat more complicated.

Registration using a desktop computer or laptop

To create an American account from a computer, you need to do the following:

  1. We check whether the computer is connected to the Internet, then open iTunes app, if you already have an Apple ID connected.
  2. From the “Applications” section we go to the AppStore category. Scroll down the page and click on the flag to select a region.
  3. Select the United States region - it is already assigned by default.
  4. Select any one from the list of programs free application, for example - Instagram.
  5. On the page with brief description application, click the Get button.
  6. In the dialog box for entering authorization parameters, select “Create an Apple ID.”
  7. In the invitation dialog, we examine what features will be available after registration and click Continue.
  8. Read the license agreement and turn on the checkbox confirming that you have read and agreed to it. Click the Agree button to move to the next step. If this is not done, registration will be aborted.
  9. Enter your registration details and information that will allow you to regain access if you forget your password. Please pay Special attention to select secret questions and answers to them. If for some reason you lose access to your account, you can restore it only by providing all three answers to the security questions.

    Enter your username, password and three secret questions with answers that will allow you to restore access if necessary

  10. If you do not plan to make purchases through this account, in the window that appears, select None in payment methods. Otherwise, you need to enter your bank card details, which must be an American bank or a bank that allows you to make electronic payments abroad. If three free accounts are already linked to your device, you can register only by connecting a bank card.

    When creating an Apple ID account, select the option without connecting a bank card if you do not plan to make purchases and no more than three free accounts are linked to your phone

  11. At this step you need to perform a delicate operation - entering personal data. You need to provide your first and last name, as well as a real American address with a phone number:
  12. Double-check the entered data and click Create Apple ID. If everything is correct, a verification screen will appear, and to confirm your email, an email will be sent to it with a link to activate your account. Opening in mail client received letter, follow the link.

    Sign in to iTunes using your new username and password. Now you have access to all the features described at the beginning of the article.

Table: required personal data for registration in the AppStore

EmailUse the mail services of an American provider: gmail, yahoo or hotmail. Russian letters in the email address are not allowed. Even if you have an email account with Cyrillic in the name registered and working normally, it will not be suitable for registering an Apple ID
PasswordThe password, at least 8 characters, must contain lowercase and uppercase characters of the Latin alphabet and numbers or an underscore.
Security InformationThree security questions from the list provided. You may need answers to them when restoring access to your Apple ID. For example, the name of your first dog, your favorite food and the city in which you met your first love, or the make of the car you drive
Date of birthDate of birth - your own or one that you can remember and not forget. If you choose an arbitrary date, make sure that the difference between the current date and the day of your imaginary birth is more than 13 years, otherwise registration will be interrupted

Below are the names of the fields that must be filled in when entering information about the account owner's address. The way buildings are addressed in America is different from ours, so you need to carefully transfer the information into the fields with the appropriate names. An explanation of their purpose is given in the table.

Table: address data for registration

Video: creating an account in the American AppStore in 3 minutes

Registering an Apple ID from a mobile device - iPhone or iPad

There are situations when you are far from your computer, but you need to create an account right now: vacation, business trip, trip to the country. The main difference from creating an account on a PC is that the created one is free Account binds to the device. After three linked entries, further creation of free Apple IDs will be available only after resetting the device to factory settings.

  1. From the main screen, open the AppStore application and log out of your existing account (if you have one). On the “Selection” screen, scroll down and, by clicking on the login, select “Log out”.
  2. Go to the search tab and find any free program. It is important to choose a free application, otherwise the system will definitely require you to link a bank card, and we need to register an account without it.

    Choose any free application to download

  3. Click Get and select “Create Apple ID” in the account login dialog.

    In the menu, select the creation item new Apple ID

    Since the country selection checkbox is already on United States, we accept the license agreement, having read it carefully (or not very carefully). If you are satisfied with everything, click on Agree. You may not agree, but then you won’t be able to register an account.

    Select America, it is already checked by default

    As in the case of registration from a PC, we indicate the location of the hotel, restaurant or even library as the registration address. The easiest way to find such an object is to use Google Maps. We transfer all address information from the sidebar, including postal code and contact phone number.

    In the Billing information section, select the payment method None, then click Next.

Video: creating an American Apple ID account on iPhone

The account is not registered - causes and solutions to the problem

Circumstances may arise such that it is not possible to register an account. Below we will look at the most common causes of errors.

  1. Sometimes the Apple server checks whether your IP address matches the range of addresses specific to the region to which you are linking your account. Simply put, you won’t be able to register an American Apple ID with a Russian IP. The way out of the situation is to use one of the huge number of proxy servers that can pass off your IP as American.
  2. Apple has strict rules: the account owner must be at least 13 years old (and all AppStore features and content will only be available to those over 18). If you are actually under thirteen (or, when entering an arbitrary date of birth, you made a mistake and indicated too young an age), the “account” will not be registered. And the worst thing is that if you sent data from a mobile device, then re-registration will be possible only after resetting to factory settings. If the reset option does not suit you, you will have to create an account from a desktop computer or laptop.
  3. Invalid characters in your login, password, or even email address. The most common ones are Cyrillic. Moreover, your mail service can normally perceive Russian letters and register a mailbox. But the Apple server will not accept such an address. The result is refusal of registration.
  4. There is a limit on the number of free Apple IDs associated with your device. Their number is limited to only three, and if you have experimented with different “accounts”, you have probably already exceeded this limit. There are two options to solve the problem: or create an account with an attached by bank card, or run it on another device or desktop PC, and use it on your gadget.
  5. The hosts file contains elements that block iTunes' access to Apple's activation servers. Most often, such entries appear after running programs that install JailBreak on your iPhone. In this case, you need to run the Notepad program with administrator rights, open the hosts file and delete from it all lines in which the word apple appears.

    In the hosts file, you must remove all lines that block iTunes access to the activation server

As you can see, there is nothing difficult in gaining access to the foreign segment of the AppStore. It is important to remember the main rule: the regional affiliation of the AppStore is determined by the Apple ID, or rather, the region that you chose when registering it. It will not be possible to change it in the future, so register your account carefully, double-checking yourself after each step and checking the instructions.

Having an Apple ID account gives you access to cloud storage, the app store, and many other features. But to do this, you need to have a credit card with which you can pay for installing paid applications. How to register for iTunes with or without a credit card? Read our instructions and get an account with the parameters you need.

Registering in iTunes with a credit card

Applications, music, films, interesting and relevant books - this is what you can download to your smartphone from using iTunes. In order to download paid content, you must attach a credit card to your Apple ID. With its help you can purchase programs, albums of fresh music tracks, films and much more. Using a credit card as a means of payment comes with certain conveniences.

But sometimes these conveniences create problems for us. For example, you bought an iPhone for your child and attached a credit card to the Apple ID. A child, not yet fully understanding where the funds on the card come from, can purchase a gigantic amount of clearly unnecessary content, introducing their parents into expenses. In this case, we recommend registering for iTunes without a credit card - this way you will save yourself from unnecessary expenses. If you need paid content, you can add a map in the future.

Method one

Let's learn how to sign up for iTunes with a credit card. Method one:

  • Go to the Apple website, in the “Manage your Apple ID” section;
  • Click on the link “Create an Apple ID”;
  • In the registration form we indicate your email address and other data;
  • We answer security questions;
  • If necessary, check the boxes for receiving announcements and special offers.

Next, enter the security code and click on the “Continue” link. At the next stage, we confirm the creation of an Apple ID using the control code received by email. After a few seconds, your Apple iD will be created. Once you've created your Apple ID, you can enter your account information into your devices and start using them. Each device will have access to the AppStore, iTunes Store, iCloud and many other services from Apple.

To link a credit card, log into your account from a PC and pay attention to the “Payment and Delivery” section. By clicking on the “Add Card” link and entering your credit card details, you will link a payment instrument to your account and will be able to purchase paid content.

Pay attention to the security questions that indicate the answers - in order to register, you must answer all the questions, not just one of them.

Method two

In order to register in the AppStore and be able to buy software and content, you need to install iTunes on your computer and try to download some paid application. At some point, iTunes will prompt you to enter your Apple ID to access your purchases. If you've already created an account and linked your credit card to it, enter your Apple ID and password and you'll be able to make a purchase.

If you have not yet registered an Apple ID using the above method, then at the stage when iTunes prompts you to enter your account information, click on the “Create Apple ID” button and go through the registration procedure. Please indicate your credit card type as your payment method - it could be VISA, MasterCard or American Express. Next, we confirm registration using the control code received by mail, after which we receive an Apple iD with a credit card linked to it.

Method three

How to register for Apple ID without a computer? Indeed, some users may not have a desktop PC or laptop at hand. What to do? The answer is simple - we can register an Apple ID using iPhone, iPad or iPod touch. To do this, you need to go to the AppStore and try to download any paid application - since we have not yet indicated your Apple ID details here, the registration procedure will be launched.

Registration is approximately the same as on a computer - we follow the instructions indicated on the smartphone screen. At a certain stage, we select the type of card to be attached, confirm the creation of an Apple ID using the control code, and get a full-fledged account with a card attached to it. Now everything is ready to pay for applications, interesting books, music albums and other content.

Pay attention to the term “credit card” - it means all types of banking products, be it credit or debit cards various categories and global payment systems.

How to sign up for iTunes without a card

We have already said that using an attached card can lead to serious financial losses. Also, many people do not like to indicate their card details for fear of theft Money. Their fears are quite justified, since scammers do not sleep, regularly coming up with new ways to rid honest citizens of excess funds in their electronic accounts.

How to register in iTunes without a credit card and is this operation possible? Some users are sure that a credit card is required here, but this is far from the case. We can actually register with iTunes without a credit card, using the functionality provided to us. By analogy with the above methods, we can register both on a computer and using the smartphone itself.

We won’t repeat ourselves twice and tell you how to register for iTunes without a credit card using a computer. In order to register, install iTunes on your computer and try to download some free application. iTunes will ask for an Apple ID, but since we don’t have one, instead of entering a login and password, we click on the “Create Apple ID” button. Next, indicate your email address, first and last name, password, answer security questions, and select “No” as the payment method.

At the final stage, we confirm using the control code and complete registration - the account without a linked credit card is ready.

Have you created an Apple ID without a credit card and later found out that you need access to paid content? There is no need to create another account - you can add payment information at any time, getting a tool for purchasing applications, music, videos and e-books.

Apple ID is unique name user, which is necessary for everyone who is among the potential clients of the iCloud service, which is supported by Apple devices. It should be noted that this platform is needed to make various purchases on the AppStore and iTunes Store. No less important is the fact that users of American gadgets using Apple ID can order products from the manufacturer online, and also contact Apple technical support, if necessary.

There may be several reasons why an iPhone owner wants to change his ID. Most often, users have to change their username after purchasing a used device, when the new owner simply does not know the unique name previously assigned to the gadget. Creating a new ID is not at all difficult; it is only important to remember a few fundamental subtleties, on which the success of the venture directly depends.

First of all, the iPhone or iPad consumer should know that you can change your Apple ID directly from the device, which significantly reduces the time spent on the procedure. The user does not need to additionally register on the manufacturer’s website. The data in the memory of your phone or tablet will not disappear anywhere, photos, contacts, etc. installed applications will be saved. In addition, you will not need to create a new ID credit card owner.

Quick Way to Change Username in Apple App

So, if the user of the device purchased a device that was previously used for its intended purpose and knows the ID of the previous owner, but wants to change the previous ID to his own in his iPhone, he should follow the instructions described below.

Some iPhone users may for a long time neglect their direct advantages, which lie in the ability to download and install new software products located in the AppStore on the gadget.

In order for the purchased device to bring not only joy, but also benefit, you should understand the principle of changing the username in the manufacturer’s program.

Create a new account

If, for example, there is a need to create an Apple ID for the first time on an iPhone 5s, the user must register by creating a new unique name in the developer program. When purchasing a new device, you should not neglect setting up an Apple ID, since it is of strategic importance.

Changing your account

If you need to change your previous Apple ID on your iPhone, you need to enter data that allows you to use iCloud services. Modern gadgets, in particular the iPhone, have at least two places where you can enter relevant data. Greater convenience for the user will be provided by going to the following address: Settings -> iCloud. After the application window opens, the previous account will most likely appear on the screen; if you do not know the existing password, no known trick will allow you to leave your account. In view of this circumstance, when purchasing a used gadget, it makes sense to ask the former owner for the password for the account, otherwise the new owner will not be able to change it in the future. If the password is known, you should scroll through the window that opens to the “Logout” button and click on it.

The third step to help you change your account is to register in the iCloud application. If, by luck, the field for entering data in iCloud turns out to be empty, you simply need to enter your personal data into it and click on the “Login” command. You should not wait for a lightning-fast response from the program, since checking a record can sometimes take more than a minute.

So, if you change the ID on your iPhone, you can get free access to such a modern “storage” of information as cloud storage. It is worth noting that iCloud reserves 5 GB for its users. Using iCloud, you can save copies of information blocks located on your iPhone. An important advantage is the ability to quickly synchronize any data, for example, contacts and calendars, between several standard devices that were created by the American manufacturer.

Among other things, those who decide to change their Apple ID on their iPhone will have access to a function that allows them to find their phone if it is lost or stolen. Activating this application is that very strategically important thing that will help the owner even remotely block the gadget, delete all personal data from it, and also track its location on the world map.

Benefits of the iCloud app

Once the user has managed to create or change an Apple ID on the iPhone, he will be able to unlimitedly use the iCloud service by purchasing goods in the iTunes Store and AppStore web stores. As described earlier, American-made phones and tablets have two places that require you to enter a personal account. After all the above steps have been completed, you should go back to the gadget settings and select the iTunes Store and AppStore programs. The instructions describing the second step of action will help you change everything; the user, again, will not need specialized passwords, he will only have to log out of his previous account and enter new credentials.

The manipulation performed allows you to change the previous account registered former owner to a new one, which the current owner of the device was able to create. Using the entered Apple ID, you can purchase goods in the iTunes Store and AppStore. It is important to know that purchases made will be registered and saved directly under your personal username. Thanks to this, a product purchased once will not have to be purchased several times in case of its loss, and applications for which the agreed amount will be paid will be constantly in the use of the owner.

In view of this circumstance, the user has the opportunity to enter in the iCloud program not only his own personal data, but also that of others. To some, this behavior may seem strange and illegal, because entering someone else’s username makes it possible to download for free everything that was previously purchased by the previous owner. Today, on the World Wide Web you can find many services that, for a certain fee (relatively small), allow everyone to use specialized general accounts, in particular, accounts that have an impressive database of various purchased programs.


Gadgets from the American manufacturer Apple attract users from all over the world with their popularity, capabilities and extensive functionality. Almost every modern person wants to own a world-famous device that provides its owner with a lot of opportunities and advantages. To enjoy all the delights of an iPhone or iPad developed by American software engineers, you can create a unique account, which should be on each device. As it became clear from the above material, creating or changing an ID is quite simple; it will require very little time and effort.

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