How to install an application on iPhone using iTunes. Installing Apps on iPhone or iPad

iPhone is enough quality product Apple, which includes a huge number of all sorts of useful features. However, sometimes you just want to take and run some toy on your phone, relax and have a good time. But what if you don't have access to a wireless hotspot and you just can't download a game from the store?

In this case, you can easily download the game from the AppStore and then install it on your iPhone or iPad using iTunes. It is this method that we will consider in this article.

How to install games on iPhone using iTunes?

Downloading a game or app via iTunes

So, for starters, as you might have guessed, you will need to install iTunes on your system. This must be done without fail, because without it nothing will come of it. You can download iTunes on the official Apple website at this link. Download the latest iTunes installation package and install it on your PC.

Once you complete the installation, open the program. Next go to " App Store”, which can be done by clicking on the corresponding item in the upper right corner. Now select the device on which you want to install the game. Let's say it's an iPhone 6.

Now find the toy you need in the store and select it. Then click on the "Download" button. If you want to download something paid, then you will have to click another button - "Buy".

After clicking, the iTunes Store login window will appear in front of you. You will need to enter your Apple ID and password, and then click on the "Get" button. As soon as you do this, the download of the game you selected earlier will begin.

If you want to follow the progress of the game loading, you can click on the arrow icon in the upper right corner of the screen. By doing this, you will be able to see some additional download information. Once loading desired game completed, you can find it in My iPhone/iPad Apps.

OK, you were able to find the game and download it to your computer, but you still need to install it on your iOS device. How to install games on iPhone from computer? Now we'll take a look at that as well.

Installing the game from a computer via iTunes

So, in order to install an already downloaded game in iTunes on your iOS device, you need to connect it to your computer using a USB cable. Next, click on the tab of the connected device (in the center, at the very top of the iTunes window).

Now click on the "Programs" tab, which will be located on the left side of the window. You should see a list of programs in front of you. Find the downloaded game in it and click on the "Install" button opposite it.

And the last thing you need to do is click on the "Sync" button to complete the installation of the game or application on your device. You can follow this process using the synchronization bar that will appear at the top of the window after clicking on the corresponding button.

The note: if the whole process described above still fails, then you can try a couple of methods that may fix this problem. First of all, try restarting your computer and then reinstalling the game via iTunes. If that doesn't work, try reinstalling iTunes itself - that should definitely help. We also recommend that you check with each step listed here, as it was possible to miss something by mistake.

Every iPhone owner sooner or later thinks about how to install games on it. There are many options for this. To begin with, of course, you need to figure out how to download toys for your gadget, and then choose a convenient installation option.

One option is to install apps through iTunes. This program is suitable for iPhone 5/5S and below. First, download the program itself and install it on your computer. Next, connect the iPhone to the computer using a USB cable, run the program, and it, in turn, immediately detects the device. Click on the detected device - you should see a tab with an overview of the iPhone. Now select the “Programs” tab - a window will appear with the applications that you have available (those that you bought or downloaded for your iPhone). Choose the game you are interested in and click on “Install”. To complete the installation and save the changes, click on “Apply”. If the installation was successful, then you should see an inscription: “iPhone sync completed. You can turn off the device."

There is another installation option - using the Cydia program. Often, when buying an iPhone, it has this program, if not, then you need to Jailbreak to flash your version. You will then be able to install the Cydia program.

If everything is in order with the presence of the program, then run it by clicking on “Manage”, add a new source. Next, click on “Source” and then on “Edit” in the upper right corner. You should have an “Add” button - click on it, after that a window will pop up in which you enter the path to the source - Now click on “Add Source”, if Cydia says that the source is not registered - ignore it, just click “Add anyway”.

Now you will see a list of new programs that you can install. Go to "" source and install "Installous 4". To do this, click on the line “Installous 4”, then on the “Install” icon. This program gives you access to many games and programs for your iPhone. When the installation is complete, you can close Cydia, and the “Installous” application will be located on the desktop of your iPhone. With it, you can easily install any games and programs. To do this, simply go to the “Browse” menu, the “Games” category and select games by description or by screenshots and user reviews.

As you can see, everything is quite simple. It takes a little patience and attention, and you will plunge into the world of games headlong with your universal device for entertainment - iPhone!

It seems that it could be easier - to install an application from the AppStore on an iPhone! However, even during this procedure, users encounter difficulties, most often associated with the quality of mobile coverage. With the ill-fated E even downloading a simple utility weighing 10 MB turns into torment - what can we say about professional programs like iMovie. If the quality of mobile coverage leaves much to be desired, the iPhone will only make pathetic attempts to download the application, after which it will report that the download is impossible.

The described problem is very relevant for people who live on the outskirts of their cities. Fortunately, in this case, you don’t need to change the operator in order to be able to install applications on the iPhone - it is better to use the power of the stationary (wired) Internet.

There are several ways to download the application on the iPhone, and first we need to consider the simplest, but requiring a stable 3G / 4G connection - downloading directly from the "apple" device. The user is required to do the following:

Step 1. Go to the AppStore store - for this you need to click on the blue icon with the letter A.

Step 2. Enter the name of the application you are interested in into the search engine. Then click the " To find» (« Search") in the lower right corner.

You can also search for popular apps in Apple's collections and top charts. To do this, you should use the corresponding tabs in the bottom panel.

Step 3. After iPhone finds the app you're interested in in the store and offers it, tap the " Download” (for free software) or a button with a price tag (if the program costs money).

Then click on " Install» (« Install»).

Step 4. Enter password from Apple ID. If you don't have an Apple account yet, you'll need to create one. Our site also talks about how to create an account on iPhone.

The difference between iOS and Android is that when downloading programs, the owner of the iPhone will be forced to enter the Apple ID password every time. In the case of Android, this is not required.

If the password is entered correctly, in place of the button " Install» appears circular loading indicator.

In addition, you can judge how far the download process has progressed by the icon on one of the desktops.

Step 5. Wait for the download to complete. Installation of programs on the iPhone occurs automatically.

The more up-to-date the operating system installed on your iPhone, the better your chances of downloading the app. Each of the programs in the AppStore has requirements for the iOS version. For example, popular app Periscope it is impossible to download to a gadget with the 7th “OS”, because this software requires a minimum of iOS 8.0.

You will learn that you should “upgrade” from a message like this:

How to download apps on iPhone using iTunes?

The second way to download applications is a great solution for users whose mobile Internet leaves much to be desired. You need to enable the program iTunes on a PC and already through it transfer applications to an "apple" gadget. Follow these instructions:

Step 1. Run iTunes and go to the " Programs».

Step 2. Select the " AppStore».

Step 3. In the search bar, write the name of the application you want to download. Then click Enter.

The results for the query will appear on the PC screen in two rows: " Apps for iPhone" And " Apps for iPad". In our case, we need a program for the iPhone, so we are looking for it in the first row.

Step 4. Having found necessary application, click the " Download” located under the icon.

Step 5. Enter password from Apple ID- as mentioned above, this is a mandatory procedure. Then click " Buy».

At the speeds offered by modern wired Internet, most programs load in just a few seconds. Go to the tab " media library» - if the application is in the list, then the download was successful.

All downloaded applications are stored in the computer's memory in a folder that can be found along the path C: Users Username MusiciTunesiTunes MediaMobile Applications. The iPhone application format is . ipa.

Step 6. Connect iPhone to PC, go to the device management menu by clicking on the button with the image of a smartphone.

Step 7. Start the mobile device synchronization process and iTunes.

Once the process is complete, you will find the app on one of the iPhone desktops. If it is not there, then the copying of the program did not occur due to an insufficient version of the OS.

How to transfer programs from an Apple device to a PC and why is it needed?

You can transfer applications not only from a PC to a mobile device, but also to reverse direction. Why should this be done? Everything is very simple: if the program is stored on a computer, you can download it to your iPhone if necessary, even in the absence of the Internet. After copying the utility to a PC, you can erase it from the memory of the mobile device so that it does not take up memory.

Transferring programs from iPhone to computer is done like this:

Step 1. Run iTunes and select the " File».

Step 2. Find the section " Devices” and click on the item “ Move purchases from iPhone» in the menu that opens.

Synchronization will begin, after which all programs will be saved on the computer's hard drive.

How to download apps on iPhone through third-party file managers?

You can copy applications to iPhone not only through iTunes, but also with the help of third-party file managers, which have a number of advantages over the official media combine:

  • No jailbreak or internet connection required.
  • They don't sync.
  • Provide high speed data exchange.

Traditionally, two utilities are given as an example: iFunBox And iTools. We will look at how to transfer applications, using the first example - you can download it:

Step 1. Download desired program from AppStore on PC and run iFunBox.

Step 2. Connect your smartphone to the computer via a USB cable and make sure that the utility recognizes the device. The top panel should contain the name of the "apple" gadget and its modification.

Step 3. Click on the button " Install the application”And through the explorer, find the program you want to transfer on the PC hard drive.

Then click " Open". This will start the data transfer process, the progress of which can be monitored using the indicator at the bottom of the utility window.

Upon completion of the process, you will see a report that will show how many applications were installed successfully.

Please note that developers iFunBox do not recommend downloading applications through their program, the weight of which exceeds 1 GB. There is a high risk that such an application will crash immediately after the initial splash screen.

How to download and install a tweak on a jailbroken iPhone?

Jailbroken iPhone owners should be aware that tweaks, unlike apps from the AppStore, are not in the format ipa, but deb. Tweaks should be downloaded in the store Cydia- an "underground" alternative to the AppStore.


How to proceed if you need to download a tweak?

Step 1. Add the repository from which you intend to download the application. This is done through the button Sources».


Please note that the list on the right shows the most popular repositories - in particular, bigboss And ModMyi. To add another to the list, click " Edit", then " Add».

Step 2. Enter the name of the tweak you are interested in in the search box and wait for the search results.

Step 3. Once you find the tweak you want, click on it. A page representing the application will open - here you should click on the button " Install».


It remains only to wait for the download to complete. As you can see, the only difference between the procedures for downloading tweaks and official applications is the need to add repositories when using Cydia.

iFunBox And iTools can also be used to download tweaks on the iPhone. Another interesting application that can act as an intermediary is iFile. With such a utility on a mobile device, it is not even necessary to have a computer at hand. Can be downloaded deb-pack through any browser on iPhone – iFile takes care of turning such a set of documents into an application.


iPhone users constantly complain about the lack of memory, but at the same time they continue to install applications, the importance of which, to put it mildly, is doubtful. Solving the memory problem is actually simple: it is recommended to transfer all the programs that are stored on the smartphone “for a rainy day” and are not used regularly to the PC. For hard drive computer, the place occupied by applications for the iPhone is a “drop in the ocean”. Himself mobile device"breathing" will be much easier.

IN Lately, prices for smartphones have risen a lot and now many people still use iPhone 4. Today we will talk about how to download any application on iOS 7.1.2.

After all, many people want to use modern programs. Perhaps this is one of the most basic problems of old devices.

But do not get upset right away, because there is one very proven way and I will be happy to share it with you and tell you what to do.

How to install apps on iphone 4

So, well, I'll start with the reason why today the iPhone 4 is already considered so old and difficult to install any popular program.

It was a distant 2010 and on June 7 this miracle was born, which now looks more like a small brick. However, at that time it was the most powerful smartphone on the market.

After its release, technology began to move forward too quickly and literally three years later, Apple discontinued it.

In the same year, a completely new iOS 7 appeared, which was hugely changed. Naturally, the requirements for it were much higher.

Unfortunately, this turned out to be the latest version of iOS that this smartphone supports. AND main problem for today is that the applications we need require a minimum of iOS 8.0.

Let's see how you can install older versions ( do not connect the device to the PC):

  • launch iTunes on your computer, install if not available (DOWNLOAD ITUNES);
  • go to your Apple profile;
  • going to the App Store, find the desired application and install it;
  • then pick up your iPhone 4 and run App Store;
  • go to UpdatesPurchases and finding the right program, click Install;
  • a message appears saying that you have an old OS and you can install the version for iOS 7.1.2, to which we answer YES.

That's basically the whole procedure, which will actually take not so much time. The most important thing is that you do not need to do anything complicated

If you search on the Internet, you can also find the option to install Jailbreak. Then you can use the necessary software through Cydia, but here you can see for yourself.

A lot of people do it, but I'm not a fan of it. I just want to warn you that the protection of your personal data is immediately at risk.

The situation is the same if you install through third-party sites. You can download it is not clear what and then get a lot of problems.

CHANGES. If you have downloaded latest version iTunes, you won't find the App Store there. The solution to this problem is described here -

Absolutely every user of Apple products, be it a phone, tablet, player, etc., has a need to download and download the necessary programs, utilities, applications, music, movies, games, favorite TV shows.

You can, of course, contact the service center or customer service center of the company, but is it always convenient?

It is much easier and faster to learn how to download the information you need yourself. How to do this if you are an absolute beginner and do not understand anything about gadgets? This article will be about this.

Apple ID account

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After buying an iPhone, register in the system (without this you will not be able to fully use the device) to create an account, the so-called.

The registration process is very simple: you need to enter your email address and create a password. After that, you will receive a confirmation email, click on the link and you're done.

Let's consider this process in more detail (for those who encounter this brand for the first time).

Your Apple ID account will allow you to use the following features:

  • Purchase and install all kinds of programs and applications on absolutely all products of the company;
  • Take part in testing new products (for developers);
  • It is possible to purchase various equipment in the Apple Online Store;
  • It is possible to create and organize your collection in Apple TV;
  • Rent or buy films;
  • Call in video mode using Face Time;
  • Find friends through a special search;
  • Buy books in the built-in store;
  • Just find your device if it was stolen from you or you lost it;
  • Play games in Game Center;
  • Free to send messages via iMessage;
  • Create convenient playlists and home collection;
  • There is free access to training materials in iTunes U;
  • Possibility of a permanent support service;
  • Download and save music, talk shows, movies, series.

Apple ID also stores the following data about the user:

  • Full surname and name;
  • Your personal Apple ID;
  • Security questions (if you forgot your ID and password);
  • Primary and backup mailing addresses;
  • Date of Birth.

There are many myths about the Apple ID. We have listed the most popular ones below:

  • Paid registration is not true;
  • Data is required bank card- true, but there is a way to create account and without a credit card;
  • There can only be one Apple ID and it cannot be changed - not true, you can easily change your Apple ID. To do this, on the main page of my Apple press the key "Manage Apple ID" and enter your details (address Email and password), then in the section "Apple ID and primary email" press "Change" and enter a new mailbox address. A confirmation email will be sent to the address you provided, you will need to follow the link provided to complete the change process.
  • If you suddenly forget your ID, then you will no longer be able to use the device - not true! When contacting the support service, you will need to provide the data (which you filled out during registration), and they will do everything themselves and quickly enough.

Below we will consider what is still necessary for full use and for downloads.

Ways to download programs and applications on iPhone

Read also:TOP 15 Best Free Game Hits for iOS Gadgets

Method 1: Download via phone

Read also:How to update IOS on iPhone (iPhone): Simple and safe ways

This installation option is the fastest and best. All you need is a high speed internet connection, preferably a Wi-Fi network.

To download, do the following:

  • Open the App Store app on your phone;
  • Choose the application or program you like and open it;
  • Press the Free button (for free apps) or Buy (for paid);
  • After that, on Install (install);
  • In the authorization window that opens, enter your data;

  • After the authorization process, the automatic download will begin.

When the automatic download is over, you will have an application icon on your phone's desktop.

You can also watch this download option in this video:

VIDEO: How to install an app from the App Store from iPhone

How to install an app from the App Store on iPhone

Instructions on how to install an application (game or program) from the App Store directly from the iPhone.

Method 2: Download via iTunes using a computer

Read also:iMyFone TunesFix: Solve all sorts of iTunes errors and problems without data loss!

You can also download applications via a personal computer from operating system Windows or from a MacBook laptop. The download process is exactly the same, but it takes much longer and you will need to connect your iPhone via USB cable. On the one hand, it seems why complicate these actions? But on the other hand, there are a number of advantages in loading this method:

  • Everything that you have installed on your phone through a computer is stored on its hard drive, and even if you have problems with the Internet, you can easily transfer the necessary data to your device;
  • If you need to reflash or restore your iPhone, then quickly enough you can transfer everything that was previously on the phone from your computer without having to go to the App Store and even without an Internet connection;
  • This method of downloading applications will be a priority if you only have mobile Internet or not unlimited from a network provider;
  • The advantage is that at any time you can transfer all your purchases of applications, programs to a computer.

A lot of downloaded programs or applications (if you did it through your phone) may not be displayed in iTunes (program or application section), and if you flash them, you will lose them. That's it for this you need to transfer everything to a computer. This can be done using the button "Transfer purchases from iPhone" .

How do I transfer purchased apps from my phone to my computer?

Let's take a closer look at this process.

You can do this in two ways:

  1. By automatically syncing your phone with your computer via iTunes;
  2. Independently without connecting to a laptop.

Everything installed applications are saved as ipa files, do not accidentally delete these files, as you will have to download them again through the application store.

What is synchronization? By and large, this is the usual copying of files from one device to another. But there is a feature here, so if you delete any application or program on your computer from iTunes, it will automatically be deleted from your smartphone as well. Therefore, be careful when deleting certain applications.

A smartphone can only be synchronized with one iTunes library at a time. If you want to connect to another library, then connect, just remember that the previous one will be deleted from your phone.

Be careful about syncing another iTunes library! Be sure to check if your contacts and calendar synchronization is enabled, if it is enabled (the checkmark is opposite), then be sure to disable it before you start connecting to another library, otherwise all your contacts and calendars will be deleted, and data from computer to the library of which you are connected.

If you have automatic synchronization of your iPhone with a computer connected with using iTunes, then you do not have to do anything extra, since everything that you download to your phone is automatically saved on the laptop in iTunse in the program section.

If you are syncing a flashed, refurbished, upgraded or newly purchased device with your PC, then you have the option of choosing what will be installed directly on your phone.

The second method takes a little more time, but is no less relevant. You do not need to synchronize your device with a laptop, the transfer is carried out without a phone-to-computer connection.

To do this, launch the iTunes program on a MacBook or on a PC with Windows system and log in.

This process can be done as follows:

  • On the Windows operating system, press the Alt key and select the item in the store that opens. "Authorize this computer" , and for the macbook we do the same steps only without pressing the Alt key.

  • Then, in the newly opened authorization window, enter your username and password (Apple ID + Password).

  • After these steps, iTunes will display a message about the successful activation of your computer.

After you log in, go to the main menu. On the top panel of the application screen, select the item "File" - "Devices""and press the item "Move purchases" .

If you are transferring to a computer with a Windows operating system, then you need to press the Alt button and do all the same steps as for a MacBook.

After the above steps, you can transfer all your purchases of programs, games and applications to your phone without connecting to the Internet.

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