Svetlana Permyakova about her difficult fate, the death of her relatives and the birth of her daughter. Unsuccessful husbands of Svetlana Permyakova, or what the frantic desire to have a family leads to Maxim Scriabin who works

"on the channel "Russia 1". Moreover, the 45-year-old actress did not come to the studio of Boris Korchevnikov’s program alone, but accompanied by her five-year-old daughter Varvara and her father - Maxim Scriabin, who is younger than the Interns star "for 19 years. The couple openly spoke about how their relationship began, how it is now, and also about how they see their common future.

Maxim did not hide the fact that he met Permyakova on social networks. By the way, like Svetlana’s first husband Evgeniy, whose marriage, however, lasted only a couple of months. " Our meeting with Evgeniy was completely spontaneous. This was apparently destined from above - for us to meet with him so that I could meet with Maxim,” stated the guest of the show “The Fate of a Man.” The actress admitted that she immediately noticed the handsome Max, because she realized that, despite his youth, “he is an adult, responsible person, ready to take responsibility for her, protecting her and protecting her”: “In my eyes, he has always been an adult man.”

Svetlana Permyakova spoke about the most personal things in the show “The Fate of a Man”

Svetlana and Maxim said that in their relationship now everything is stable, calm, and they enjoy it. However, when asked by Boris Korchevnikov how Permyakova’s relationship with her mother-in-law is, the artist answered harshly: “She is not my mother-in-law. She is a grandmother for Varya, a mother for Maxim. We are not husband and wife.” Korchevnikov asked the “Interns” star: “She didn’t accept you at all? Why?" Her beloved man answered for the actress: “Well, there are obvious reasons. There is also an age difference. And I’m alone with my mother - she wanted, dreamed and wished for me to be next to her...” According to Svetlana Permyakova, there were, of course, attempts to improve relations with Maxim’s mother, and everything was fine, but at some point the actress’s failed mother-in-law categorically said that she did not want to see such an old lady as her son’s wife.

Permyakova could not restrain herself and nevertheless spoke out in the show “The Fate of a Man” about her resentment towards Scriabin’s mother: “Honestly, I am offended when a person declares: “This is my granddaughter, this is my son, and you are nobody. There are only two people in my life - my granddaughter and my son.” For God's sake".

Svetlana Permyakova, Maxim Scriabin and their daughter Varya

By the way, at the end of the program, Svetlana Permyakova, when asked by Boris Korchevnikov whether she really didn’t want to marry the man she loved, answered: “We are together. It is most important! There are so many people to whom proposals were made, cobblestones were presented, and a month later they part with scandals, divorces, and tears. We’ve been living for ten years now... God willing, Maxim and I will live there for how long... I need to get Varka married, I want to wait for my grandchildren...”

“I told Max: “I won’t marry you, but if I do, it will be with you.” And this is mutual,” admitted Svetlana Permyakova in her deepest secrets.

Svetlana Permyakova. The fate of a person with Boris Korchevnikov

Little Sveta Permyakova was born into a happy and friendly Perm family. Svetlana’s parents worked at a flour mill, and her daughter grew up surrounded by brothers. Everything was fine until both boys died under tragic circumstances. Left as an only child, Svetlana will want to become a real support and joy for her orphaned parents. And she will succeed.

Since childhood, the cheerful and mischievous Svetochka took part in all school productions, was not afraid to look funny and sincere and could light up the room with a sparkling joke. Later she admits that it all comes down to her love of applause. It was the encouragement of the audience that played a role main role in her choice of profession.


After graduating from school, Sveta enters Perm state institute arts and culture. During her training, the girl was noted by her teachers and saw in her serious comic talent. Natural plumpness, which confuses many, did not bother Svetlana at all. She understood that in the background modern trends appearance excess weight will be hers distinctive feature and will allow you to apply for roles that are not available to artists of the same type. And so it happened.

Immediately after graduating from the institute, Permyakova was invited to the Lysvensky Theater, where she made her debut in the production of “Murlin-Murlo”. First appearance on stage and first success! The future star coped with the task remarkably well and began to be invited to more and more new roles.

Perm viewer new actress idolized, critics praised him and awarded him prestigious regional awards. But Permyakova only wanted applause and cheerful laughter coming from the audience. She was especially pleased and inspired by children's laughter. And, after some time, Svetlana decides to try her hand at the Youth Theater. For almost eight years, the charming plump woman delighted the children, until her career as a comedian showed her new turn, which Permyakova will definitely fit into.

We are starting KVN

The country would only recognize Svetka and Zhannka, cheerful vocational school students from the Perm Parma team, who became famous only in 2000. But Permyakova was a member of the “Club of the Cheerful and Resourceful” in 1992. Then the Perm State University team, in which she competed, was defeated. But the discovery of a duet with two comical girls brought Parma to the level of the KVN major league.

Success on the main comedy stage of the country made Perm girls popular throughout Russia and gave them a ticket to the capital's acting environment.

Permyakova came to Moscow at the invitation of Andrei Chizhov - on Russian radio, and as an actress she made her debut in the role of warrant officer Topalova in the once popular television series “Soldiers”, where she was noticed by producers and directors of other comedy projects. Offers poured in. At first they called for small roles, then the script of the then unknown, but now so beloved “Interns” fell into the hands of the star. Sveta was offered the role of a nurse with the character, principles and inimitable comic style of Lyuba Scriabina. And she agreed.

First love

Permyakova talks little and reluctantly about her personal life. As for the Permian period, little is known about it. There Svetlana was engaged in creative self-realization, building her path to the stars, and either did not think about boys at all, or carefully hides her romantic experiences.

But upon arrival in Moscow, among other offers, she received broadcast on the radio, where Andrei Chizhov invited her. This talented radio operator was not only her work partner and direct boss, he short term managed to become her good friend, and, according to the star’s recent admission, she fell head over heels in love with the charming Chizhov.

No romance followed. Permyakova admits her feelings only many years later, having already become a happy mother. And Chizhov always remained one of Sveta’s best friends, supporting the star in different periods, but thoughts about some serious relationship he never had.


At 36 years old, the charming actress meets the art director of one of the capital's clubs, Evgeny Bodrov. The romance began quickly, the young man knew how to charm. Romantic evenings, long walks, nights together... Permyakova fell in love, and when a short and fleeting romance was followed by a marriage proposal, she could not deny herself the pleasure of trying on White dress, although she understood that she and Zhenya knew too little, and many surprises could await her ahead.

And so it happened. Bodrov, who did not hide his sexuality from the star party, suddenly discovered that his wife, the most close person, I don’t know that Eugene loves both women and men equally.

And Sveta was shocked by the news. In addition, living together in marriage opened up new side and the character and habits of the spouse. They lived together for only a month, after which the woman, feeling deceived, filed for divorce.

She harbored a cruel grudge against her husband and many times publicly spoke of him as if he were not himself. good person and husband.


Moving away from failures in her personal life, Svetlana devoted herself to work. In addition to her employment with Interns, she also developed other areas of her activity, for which she needed a new PR manager. He became a young man 19 years younger than Permyakova herself, Maxim Scriabin.

The new specialist showed himself to be excellent, and he will soon be active professional activity allowed Svetlana to promote him to the position of director. While young people were working on developing Permyakova like a star, gossip appeared in the media: Svetlana was pregnant.

At first, no one believed in such a turn of events: the actress is under forty, she is involved in a very popular project, and, moreover, she is not married. But her belly grew and the star became prettier.

From Permyakova’s official statement it was clear: she was going to give birth to a child from her director, that same young Maxim Scriabin, but the scientist was getting married bad marriage Svetlana never got ready. Little Varenka was born to happy parents, and they began to raise her together.

Various gossips are constantly circulating around this controversial family. Rumor keeps the couple apart and then brings them back together. How many times have they been forced to give official comments! And here's the last thing: discord really exists, just like in any other family.

Most of all, the opinions of mom and dad do not agree on the methods of raising the baby. But they try to talk, spend time together, and come to constructive solutions. Last month, for example, the family went on vacation to the seaside and brought back good news: they had made peace.

Information that in the family of the popular comedian Svetlana Permyakova and her director Maxim Scriabin there are serious problems, began to appear last year. Allegedly the couple has irreconcilable differences. The actress herself was reluctant to comment on her personal life, and her common-law husband then assured the public that they continued to raise the child and work together. However, at the end of the year, the artist openly stated that she really broke up with the father of her daughter Varya, but did not give any reasons. Nevertheless, ex-lovers did everything possible to ensure that their little daughter did not become a victim of parental disagreements.


Permyakova and Scriabin made another attempt to improve relations this summer, when they went on vacation with their daughter. “Our summer vacation can be called symbolic, conciliatory. We talked a lot with Maxim about relationships, about what everyone would like to get from communicating with each other, about Varya’s upbringing. Everything went well, the trip was productive. Although we are still building relationships. I can’t say that ours is ideal,” the Teleprogram publication quotes Permyakova.

Recalling the difficult period when scandals regularly broke out between them, Maxim Scriabin named the reasons why they decided to separate. "We started quarreling because Sveta and I did not have the same views on Varyusha’s upbringing. I know that such conflicts occur in many families. They took us to different houses. Probably because at that time we had not yet learned to negotiate. Sveta did not forbid her daughter from any pranks or whims, so for Varya her mother was good. And a dad who doesn’t allow, for example, a lot of sweets, and scolds him for overindulgence when visiting, is bad. Minor disagreements accumulated. And then there was a conflict about Varvara’s health; it was inappropriate to agree with what I did not consider correct. Such disputes completely ruined the relationship. Dissatisfaction with each other accumulated. I could not forbid a mother to raise her child as she saw fit. It is very difficult. Requests turned into screams. Maybe, at that moment I got excited, “exaggerated” and said a lot offensive words . We had to break up,” said Scriabin.

They instantly broke off the relationship, stopped communicating, and also forgot about cooperation, and this lasted for three months. The couple still met from time to time, since little Varya spent time either with her mother or with her father, but the grievances began to be forgotten only after a while. Now the actress is sure that she must do everything possible to ensure that her daughter feels comfortable being with both parents.

Permyakova explained: “Maxim is Varya’s father, so he will remain a close and beloved person for me. And Varyusha is our common happiness. Women - strange creatures... We kind of broke up, everyone went their own way, but the strong connection between us remained. Both have confusion inside, in their hearts. At one time, we did not organize a wedding, do PR on the relationship, or invent something that does not exist. Both Max and I needed a child. Max is a careerist, I am a woman who was about to give birth. Judge not and be not judged, everyone has their own destiny. Varya grows up in an atmosphere of love. We parted ways to be happy parents . She will grow up and understand this. A child shouldn’t see mom and dad fighting and feel like they hate each other because of a misunderstanding.”

It is difficult to find a person in Russia who has never heard of Svetlana Permyakova. It’s not surprising, because she managed to conquer Russian television screens in various roles: actress, KVN participant, TV presenter, DJ.

Childhood and youth

On February 17, 1972, a daughter was born into the Permyakov family, who years later was destined to become famous. Svetlana’s mother and father worked at the same enterprise, a flour mill: Valentina Iosifovna held the position of accountant, and Yuri Vasilyevich worked at the control panel of an electric locomotive.

Svetlana had 3 brothers, but all three are no longer alive. The first tragedy in the Permyakov family happened even before Svetlana was born - the parents buried their son Andrei. The boy died from electric shock; he was not yet 2 years old. When the girl was 15 years old, brother Vasily, who was 25 at that time, passed away. The third brother, Sergei, died in 2010, at the age of 50. The family was grieving the loss of their children, and, at a young age, Svetlana helped her parents. Before latest actress She also looked after her mother, who was unable to survive the departure of her eldest son. She passed away a year after Sergei’s death.

Sveta got used to the role of an actress since school years, almost not a single performance took place without her participation. Years later, Permyakova admitted that with early childhood I loved the applause. After graduating from school, the girl entered the Perm State Institute of Art and Culture, taking the first serious step towards stellar career.

From the moment of admission, Permyakova began to specialize in comic roles. Even if the student did not get the opportunity to play fairy princesses, and her appetizing figure did not allow her to do this, Permyakova was not upset. The non-standard figure became the highlight of the actress.

Immediately after completing her studies, Svetlana Permyakova was invited to the Lysvensky Drama Theater. Her debut took place on its stage; she was entrusted with a role in the production of “Murlin Murlo”, after which the actress began to appear in various performances more and more often. With her participation, “Zoyka’s Apartment”, “Slavyanka’s Farewell”, “On a Lively Place” were released.

The audience simply adored the actress. Permyakova managed to conquer not only the Perm theater audience, but also critics; she was twice awarded the honorary regional prize “Magic Backstage”. In 1998, the actress decided to leave Lysvensky for the Theater for Young Spectators, where she gave children joy for 7 years.


The starting point for the actress’s success is considered to be participation in the KVN Major League, but here success did not come to Permyakova immediately. She made her debut back in 1992, but fate decreed that her team was defeated in the first game, after which the girl did not appear on the KVN stage for 8 years. In 2000, the actress returned to the stage to captivate the audience.

By that time, she had already managed to move to the Youth Theater, where she met, a man who in the future would become one of the co-authors of Permyakova’s success as part of the Parma team from Perm region and a renowned director of TNT projects. The idea of ​​staging numbers about two narrow-minded but resourceful vocational school students, Svetka and Zhanka, who became public favorites, will be a triumph.

Svetlana Permyakova on the KVN stage

Spectator recognition soon brought the “Big KiViN in Light” team and 2nd place in the KVN Major League. The team was strong, because, in addition to Permyakova and Kadnikova, in Parma he shone in the form of a gopnik from the Kolyan region. Later he will become the star of the series "".

Films and television

The first serious role in the actress’s cinematic biography was filming in the cult TV series “,” where she played warrant officer Topalova. Start television career turned out to be extremely successful for Permyakova, after which she began to receive invitations to other television projects.

Svetlana Permyakova in the TV series “Soldiers”

Svetlana's next major success was the role of nurse Lyuba in the TV series "", where she stayed for 6 years. The consequence of such a resounding success was the All-Russian Golden Rhinoceros award, which she was awarded in 2011.

In parallel with filming “Interns,” Svetlana Permyakova begins a career as a TV presenter, which started on the “Three Rubles” show on RU.TV. Almost immediately, the actress was invited to host the Ukrainian television project “Ukraine Doesn’t Believe in Tears,” in which participants from 5 European countries. After its completion, Svetlana played the role of TV presenter of the projects “Closet” on the channel “Friday” and “About the Most Important Thing” on the TV channel “Russia 1”.

Svetlana Permyakova in the TV series “Interns”

Character actress in demand Russian cinema. With her participation, in 2011, the melodrama “Housekeeper” was released about a provincial woman who begins her career in the capital with a modest position as an au pair in the house of a wealthy owner of a chain of flower shops. Permyakova enlivened the story with her appearance in the frame. Soon the artist portrayed on the screen the image of a postmaster in the comedy “Kalachi”, as well as a saleswoman from an adult store in the film “The Big Laugh”.

The next work in the actress’s filmography appeared only in 2016. Permyakova played the heroine Baba Lyuba in the fairy tale story "". The film about a girl Masha, who thanks to her magical abilities ends up in a secret corporation, stars Russian screen stars -,.

In 2017, Svetlana completed filming in the comedies “Zomboyashchik”, “First Guy in the Village”, and the crime series “Witnesses”.

Personal life

Little is known about Svetlana Permyakova’s personal life. In her youth, the actress experienced an affair with a married man named Alexander. They worked together in the same theater. The relationship developed uncertainly, but after the wife of her beloved Permyakova became pregnant, they stopped dating. In the program “The Fate of a Man,” the artist also said that at the age of 22 she had an abortion. At that time, the girl was not ready to become a mother, so she decided to take such a step.

Svetlana Permyakova in the program “The Fate of a Man”

She was married once. In 2008, she became her husband, who at that time held the position of art director in one of the clubs in Moscow. The couple divorced a month after the wedding. Later, in the “Secret to a Million” program, Svetlana revealed the reason for separating from her husband. He abused alcohol, illicit substances and was HIV positive.

Permyakova’s next wedding took place in the fall of 2011. True, she was not real, but on screen: her heroine, the inimitable Lyuba from “Interns,” finally tied the knot with the actor’s hero.

In 2012, the media space was blown up by the news about Permyakova’s pregnancy. At the end of the year, the artist gave birth to a daughter, Varvara. Later it became known that the child’s father is producer Maxim Scriabin, who is 19 years younger than Svetlana.

The actress spoke about her personal life to the whole country in 2014 in the program “Alone with Everyone.” Unlike her heroines, who understand men, she was often burned in life. After the birth of her daughter, she publicly declared that she was not going to marry her father and that she was now truly happy.

In February 2017, the star of KVN, the TV series “Soldiers” and “Interns” Svetlana Permyakova celebrated her 45th anniversary. The actress received many congratulations. And the host of the talk show “Let Them Talk!” dedicated an entire program to her. Svetlana came to the filming of the program with common-law husband Maxim Scriabin and daughter Varya.

Svetlana Permyakova with her husband and daughter

In 2017, still very young, Varvara already took her first steps in modeling business. The girl walked the catwalk at a fashion show of children's clothing as part of the capital's Fashion Week. Mom could not contain her feelings of pride and posted it in her "Instagram" photo and video report about this important event in my daughter's life.

In November 2016, Permyakova admitted that she dreams of a second child. The fact that daughter Varya was born late does not bother the actress at all. She believes that many Europeans and Hollywood actors give birth after 40 years of age and do not experience health problems.

Pregnancy and the birth of her daughter forced Permyakova to take control of her own appearance. Svetlana has always been far from standard model parameters. And, according to her, she did not experience any complexes. And she benefited from this as an actress, because directors needed this type to embody bright and colorful images.

To get pregnant in her late twenties, she lost 16 kg. With a height of 165 cm, she began to weigh 78 kg. Pregnancy and breastfeeding her daughter returned the actress to her previous weight, but Permyakova quickly brought it back to normal. A salt-free diet, consumption of large quantity water, exclusion from diet white bread and semi-finished products.

2017 brought big changes to Permyakova’s life. The actress bought an apartment in Moscow. Svetlana, as an active woman, took part in the renovation herself. She published photos of the process on the microblog. The artist pleased her fans with messages about her new lover. After one of Svetlana’s concerts, a military man came up to meet her. The man invited the artist to a restaurant, and she agreed. The TV presenter's new boyfriend is called Alexander, he is 3 years older than her.

Svetlana Permyakova now

In addition to the theater agency, in the fall of 2018, Svetlana announced the opening of a children's musical theater and Everett studio. The first family performances have already taken place, in which, as planned by the project’s authors, young spectators also took an active part. Svetlana Permyakova became the artistic director of the creative team, but such a responsible position does not prevent her from appearing on the stage of all interactive performances as a performer.

Svetlana Permyakova at the opening of the Everett Theater in 2018

The actress is also in demand in the enterprise. With her participation, the plays “Non-flying weather, or the mating season of penguins”, “Too Married Taxi Driver”, “There Can’t Be Too Many Husbands” and “All Women Want Love” based on Nikolai Kolyada’s play “Murlin Murlo” are currently being performed.

Permyakova’s cinematic career also continues to develop. The actress is starring in the adventure fantasy “Galaxy Goalkeeper” directed by .


  • 2007-2010 - “Soldiers”
  • 2009 - “Soldiers: New Year, your division!
  • 2010-2016 - “Interns”
  • 2010 - “Kalachi”
  • 2011 - “Housekeeper”
  • 2012 - “Big laugh”
  • 2016 - “Santa Claus. Battle of the Mages"
  • 2017 - “Witnesses”
  • 2018 - “Zomboyashchik”
  • 2018 - “The first guy in the village”
Probably, each of us can easily remember a couple of favorite male comedians. However, remembering at least a few women who can really make you laugh is not an easy task. One of the few of this kind is the popular Perm actress Svetlana Permyakova. KVN gave her a ticket to the big stage. She became a real star of the club. And some time later - one of his most popular students. Today she famous actress, popular TV presenter and happy mother. The audience loves her, and her friends dote on her. But could anyone imagine that this would be her fate? Probably, only the actress herself knows the answer to this question.

Childhood and youth of Svetlana Permyakova

The future actress was born into an ordinary Perm family. Both of her parents worked in a flour mill. My father was an electric locomotive driver, and my mother was an accountant. Her family was friendly. However, troubles did not always bypass their home. Today Svetlana is the only child in the family. But once upon a time everything could have turned out differently (two of her brothers died tragically). The death of their sons was a strong blow for Sveta’s parents, and, trying to somehow fill the gap in their hearts, the girl always tried to be hope and support for her family.

Remaining active and restless, Sveta s early years participated in various school productions. “I just loved the applause,” she admitted many years later. That’s why children’s performances in home school actresses rarely managed without her participation. It seemed that Permyakova never doubted who she wanted to become in the future. And her admission to the Perm State Institute of Art and Culture did not come as a surprise to anyone.

During her studies, Svetlana finally acquired the role of a comic actress. The roles of princesses and first beauties passed her by, but she was not at all worried about this. Her performance was celebrated by her teachers. However, no one expected great success from her. After all, being a comedian is a completely special thing. Besides, Sveta has always been overweight girl. However, over time, it is the non-standard proportions of the figure that will become distinctive feature actresses.

Svetlana Permyakova in KVN - Svetka's diary

The first roles of Svetlana Permyakova

After graduating from the institute, Svetlana did not wait long for her first offers. The actress was invited to the Lysvensky Drama Theatre, on the stage of which she soon made her debut in the play “Murlin-Murlo”. Following the debut role, others followed. She became especially famous in the theater community of Perm for her work in the plays “Zoykina’s Apartment”, “In a Lively Place”, “Farewell of a Slavyanka” and many others. The audience adored her, and the much-coveted applause was always in abundance in the actress’s life. Her work was also noted by famous Perm critics. For her theatrical roles, Svetlana twice received the prestigious regional “Magic Backstage” awards. However, serious dramatic roles never attracted Svetlana Permyakova. Laughter was always more familiar and desirable for her. Especially for children...

In 1998, the actress moved to the local Theater for Young Spectators. She will spend more than seven years within its walls, during which she will play many wonderful roles.

Svetlana Permyakova KVN: Svetka and Zhanka

Permyakova’s first appearance as a member of the KVN team dates back to 1992. However, that appearance on stage can hardly be called successful. Team of Perm State. The university lost in the first game, and Svetlana herself forgot about television for a long time. She will return to the Club of the Cheerful and Resourceful only eight years later, when she takes the stage as part of the Perm team “Parma”. One of the main features of the group will be her duet with Zhanna Kadnikova, who played the roles of two eccentric “vocational school students”. It is worth noting that such a stage tandem formed during their joint performance in the Perm Youth Theater. The next stage for both actresses will be to conquer the Moscow stage. The duet's numbers had big success, and soon predetermined the overall success of the Perm team. At the festival in Jurmala, “Parma” won the “Big KiViN in Light”, and a year later - silver medals at the KVN tournament.

Such success made Svetlana popular in all corners of Russia. And gave her a ticket to Big world movie.

Svetlana Permyakova's career in film and television

The first significant role for Permyakova was the role of warrant officer Zhanna Topalova in the popular TV series “Soldiers”. The film debut turned out to be successful, and some time later the actress began to appear in other famous TV series. The role in the sitcom “Happy Together” was followed by a role in the serial film “Petrovka, 38”. In 2010, Svetlana Permyakova first “took on” the role of the eccentric nurse Lyuba in the TV series “Interns.” It was this work that brought her all-Russian popularity, as well as the prestigious Golden Rhinoceros award. New roles and interesting offers rained down on the actress as if from a cornucopia. “Housekeeper”, “One for All”, “The Big Laugh” - these films made us talk about Svetlana Permyakova as an established actress.

In 2010, the actress made her debut on television and as a TV presenter. Svetlana’s first project is the “Three Rubles” program on RU.TV. After this comes a more popular show - the musical program “Ukraine Doesn’t Believe in Tears,” which brought together participants from Ukraine, Belarus, Lithuania, Estonia and Latvia. Svetlana becomes popular and successful. She participates in numerous projects, but the comedy series “Interns” still remains in first place for her.

Svetlana Permyakova. Hipsters show

Svetlana will decide to leave the show for a while only in 2012, when she officially announces her pregnancy.

Personal life of Svetlana Permyakova

Svetlana Permyakova’s only marriage happened in 2008. Then Evgeny Bodrov, art director of a Moscow club, became her husband. However, this union did not last long, and a month after the marriage was registered, the couple decided to separate.

For a long time, nothing was known about the actress’s personal life. That is why the news about Svetlana’s pregnancy came as a real surprise to everyone. At the end of 2012, the actress gave birth to a daughter, whom she named Varvara. At the time of the birth of the child, Permyakova was already almost forty years old.

As friends and acquaintances of the actress note, the daughter’s father is Svetlana’s twenty-one-year-old director, Maxim Scriabin. Svetlana herself assures that there is no question of a wedding.

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