T26E4 SuperPershing: crooked American dream. T26E4 SuperPershing: crooked American dream T26E4 SuperPershing crew training

How did the developers nerf Super Pershing in

The slope of the tank's VLD and NLD armor has been reduced, now it has become much easier to penetrate the front of the hull, and tanking on it has become much more difficult. This is quite a big drawback, since the Super Pershing was played using armor. It was possible to tank in some situations, but now it is very difficult to do.

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What did they give us in return?

The Super Pershing tank in WoT received 50 strength, plus 10 meters of visibility and increased maneuverability. The tank began to pick up speed a little better. The gun remained the same, it’s not bad, but it could be better. The advantages given by the developers are very insignificant.

T26E4 SuperPerhing can be safely sold already on test. But a situation may happen that someday it will be uprooted again, and those people who sold Super Pershing will regret it. Although this may not happen.

We hope that by the end of the test the developers will change their minds about nerfing the super pershing and make it stronger.

Video example of playing a nerfed Super Pershing from Maracasi.

26-03-2015, 18:26

Good day everyone and welcome to the site! Tankers, this guide will talk about an interesting and very comfortable vehicle - an American premium medium tank of the eighth level in World of Tanks T26E4 SuperPershing.

In addition to the fact that thanks to the premium status, when playing on this tank, you will be able to take out much more silver from battle, that is, farm all game process It will also be very comfortable. The fact is that T26E4 SuperPershing in World of Tanks has a preferential level of battles, that is, you will not have to play against level ten vehicles. However, for a successful game, this fact is not enough, you also need to know your tank, and our guide to the T26E4 Super Pershing will help you with this.

TTX T26E4 Super Pershing

To begin with, every owner of this American must understand that in his hands is a tank with a good margin of safety, which is slightly higher than that of its classmates. In addition, T26E4 Super Pershing review there is a very decent one; in the basic configuration this parameter is 390 meters.

It is noteworthy that even though our tank is average, in terms of survivability it will give odds to some heavy tanks in WoT. The point is that T26E4 Super Pershing characteristics frontal reservations are great! If you touch the body, it is covered with 76-mm screens (calculated), behind which there is also the main armor, the thickness of which, taking into account the slopes, is 152 millimeters in the VLD and 140 millimeters in the NLD. That is, having set up a very small diamond, punch T26E4 World of Tanks it becomes very difficult to hit it head-on and not even every level 9 tank can handle it.

The forehead of the tower is also almost completely covered by a screen, and although it is located at a right angle, its thickness is nominally higher - 88 millimeters. Moreover, it also has main armor, depending on the area where the enemy projectile enters, its reduction varies from 106 to 224 millimeters.

So what are T26E4 SuperPershing zone penetration, you ask? So, in order to pierce our American in the forehead, you need to either aim at the machine gun nest on the VLD, or aim at the hatches on the turret, or under the gun mantlet if the opponent raised the gun up.

But if we talk about the side projection, it is always better to hide it, because on the side T26E4 SuperPershing tank it breaks through very easily, so much so that it is even undesirable to try to tank on the side, because if you turn the hull too much, you risk losing precious strength points.

By the way, for good booking you have to pay, so mobility in our case is also more similar to heavy tanks. T26E4 SuperPershing WoT low maximum speed, very poor dynamics, as well as poor maneuverability, which makes it slow and clumsy.

T26E4 SuperPershing gun

Once upon a time, the gun of this device was completely mediocre, mainly due to weak damage, but with the release of patch 0.9.17 everything changed significantly, now we have very decent weapons, but first things first.

Let's start with the fact that T26E4 SuperPershing gun It has a standard alpha strike by the standards of premium ST-8s, as well as not very remarkable, but still quite good damage per minute, which is equal to 1756 units.

After the release of update 0.9.17 T26E4 tank got good potential for farming silver credits. Now standard armor-piercing shells enough to pierce most nines and only if you are too lazy to target vulnerable spots or the distance to the enemy is too great, you will have to charge the gold.

Our gun has a problem in terms of accuracy. T26E4 SuperPershing WoT is the owner of a large dispersion, poor stabilization and rather long aiming, which is why it is possible to fight comfortably only at close and medium distances.

As for the vertical aiming angles, there are absolutely no complaints about them. Down your trunk American medium tank T26E4 SuperPershing can lower by 10 degrees, which allows him to play from the terrain and tank with his strong tower.

Advantages and Disadvantages of T26E4 SuperPershing

As you may have noticed, in current realities this device boasts a very impressive number strengths. But in order to realize the full potential of the tank and get the most complete understanding of what it is, it is worth highlighting the advantages and disadvantages separately:
Good safety margin and viewing range;
Excellent frontal armor;
Good alpha strike and damage per minute;
Decent penetration and farming potential;
Comfortable vertical aiming angles;
Preferential level of battles.
Frankly weak mobility;
Large silhouette;
Poor armor on the sides and stern;
Mediocre accuracy (stabilization, spread, convergence).

Equipment for T26E4 SuperPershing

As usual, thanks to the correct installation additional modules You can both enhance the existing advantages of the tank and brighten up its shortcomings. However, in our case the choice will be more than standard, on tank T26E4 equipment put the following:
1. – our damage per minute is still not that good, so let’s increase it, making the tank more dangerous and profitable.
2. – this module is necessary for pershing, because it has serious problems with precision and stabilization that could be reduced a little.
3. – this choice will allow you to easily achieve maximum range overview, which is extremely important in any battle conditions.

However, you can add to the given set of modules useful changes. Provided that you have already upgraded your review perks, it is better to replace the last point with in order to slightly increase your firepower, shooting comfort and visibility.

T26E4 SuperPershing crew training

Of course, the tank crew also needs training, because this is another great opportunity strengthen your combat vehicle. Moreover, the premium status and crew composition in our case makes it possible to train tank crews for other vehicles, but in general for T26E4 SuperPershing perks It is better to teach in this order:
Commander - , , , .
Gunner – , , , .
Driver mechanic - , , , .
Radio operator - , , , .
Loader – , , , .

Equipment for T26E4 SuperPershing

Consumables are selected according to a very simple and well-known scheme. If you want to farm as much as possible on this tank and constantly replenish your supply of silver, take , , . But in cases where you expect results from the battle and want maximum reliability, it is better to carry T26E4 SuperPershing equipment as , , . In addition, our tank burns extremely rarely, which means you can also buy it.

Tactics for playing T26E4 SuperPershing

To take out a lot of silver credits from the battle, as well as play effectively and for results, you need to take into account the strong and weak sides cars. In our case, first of all, we should rely on reservations, which means that for T26E4 SuperPershing tactics combat consists of contact clashes on the first line.

Having arrived on the flank with your allies, make sure that enemy artillery cannot fire at you unhindered. As for tanking, medium tank T26E4 SuperPershing should always face the enemy with your forehead, and for greater effectiveness, turn your body just a little. This must be done in such a way as to increase the given armor values, but at the same time not expose the vulnerable sides to attack.

In addition, you should not constantly stand still when confronted with an enemy. T26E4 SuperPershing WoT should dance slightly, moving back and forth, in order to make it difficult for the opponent to target his vulnerable areas.

As for dealing damage, best results can be achieved only if you fight at short and medium distances, because T26E4 tank has poor accuracy and stabilization. For the same reason, you should always try to get to the end and, at the same time, it is advisable to target the weakened parts in the enemy’s armor.

By the way, always remember your mediocre mobility. Certainly, T26E4 SuperPershing World of Tanks can change flanks or return to defend the base, but for this you must monitor the mini-map and be able to think several moves ahead, since long-distance throws must be started in advance.

And if you have any doubts about T26E4 SuperPershing is worth buying or not, I would say it’s worth it. This tank can farm, can confidently take a hit, and has a preferential level of combat; these qualities are extremely rare among premium vehicles these days.

Hello tankers! Today we will talk about pharmaceutical combinations, or rather about one of them. In front of you is a level 8 car. A vehicle whose armor is more than excellent. A machine against which landmines are absolutely nothing. A car that only in name refers to ST. And the reservation of which many of the TTs would like. Meet the T26E4 SuperPershing:

Premium car. This means only one thing - you can’t buy it with loans. The price of this miracle is 7,200 units. gold. No need to farm credits, pay and play. Here are some of the most important advantages of premium technology:

  • The machine is fully equipped (no need to pump anything)
  • Reduced level of fighting
  • The crew comes from other vehicles of this class (no need to retrain)
  • Increased income ratio
  • For the sake of the latter, most often prem. equipment and buy.

Well, now let's move on to disassembling the car.


You are a level 8 vehicle, so I advise you to start playing right away with a crew trained to 100%. Here you can also achieve this in two ways, but they will be slightly different from the usual ones. So here they are:

  • If you haven’t had American STs before or you want your own crew here, then train a new one for gold. It will cost 200*5=1000 units. gold.
  • If there were or are American STs, then simply transfer from them. There is no need to retrain, this crew is excellent. The car will still work 100% without penalty. You will transfer it to the vehicle in which you will go into battle. In short, there will be one crew for 2 cars.

Some people find the second option convenient, others don’t. In any case, the choice is before you.


There is no point in considering the research branch because... there is nothing to explore there. But I will focus on a more detailed examination of each module.

The turret rotation speed is 24 degrees/s. This is quite enough for a comfortable game. Reservation is quite good + there are screens. There is truth vulnerable spot, but more on that later.

Our weapon is typical for ST. We shoot quickly, accurately, but do little damage. Armor penetration for the ST gun is, in principle, normal, but it won’t work to butt heads with the TT. I will only note that armor penetration with gold shells is very high for level 8.

The turning speed of the chassis is more than good. Under our maximum speed quite enough.

The engine is weak, we reach a maximum speed of 30 km/h. But they didn’t give us anything else, so we’ll have to go with what we have.

The radio station is good, even more than good. On level 10 tanks they set 750, but ours is 745. We draw conclusions and rejoice. To play successfully, you need to see what is happening on another part of the map.

Advantages and disadvantages:

  • Excellent frontal armor
  • Accurate, fast-firing weapon
  • Projectiles fly very fast
  • Weak armor on the sides and stern
  • Low speed

Balance weight:

As can be seen from the table, we find ourselves at levels 8 - 9 of battles. Playing on 8, and even on 9, is comfortable. It’s always comfortable to play on premium equipment, that’s why it’s premium =)


Well, this is where things get complicated. We are not TT, although you can play it too. Not ST, not enough speed. We don't know what. You can play in TT supporting other heavyweights, but you can also play in ST. In the case of the ST, we will be much more comfortable because the ST has less gun penetration and, accordingly, it is very difficult to penetrate us. But the TTs, not all of them of course, but some of them will attack us quite steadily, and we with our guns from the ST will only be able to bite them a little. It’s quite difficult to circle us, so in my opinion, it would be more correct to play in ST. So what if we don’t have enough speed? Well, we’ll drive longer... The only thing you need to think about is not to drive too far from the base. Suddenly there will be a need to return.

Optional equipment:

  • Vertical stabilizer Mk1 (500,000 credits)
  • Medium caliber gun rammer (200,000 credits)
  • Optics (500,000 credits), reinforced aiming drives (500,000 credits) or fan (150,000 credits) - at your discretion.


As always everything is standard

  • Repair kit
  • First aid kit
  • Fire extinguisher

Instead of the latter, you can put oil.

Crew Perks:


  • Repair
  • Sixth Sense
  • The Brotherhood of War


  • Repair
  • Smooth rotation of the tower
  • The Brotherhood of War

Driver mechanic

  • Repair
  • King of off-road
  • The Brotherhood of War


  • Repair
  • Desperate
  • The Brotherhood of War
  • Repair
  • Inventor
  • The Brotherhood of War,

And finally, the most delicious:


Here is the profitability table for 20 fights with PA and gasoline. For a tank with a price of 7,200 gold, more than good)))


Orange - commander, gunner, loader
Red - engine, tanks, transmission
Green - easily penetrated areas
White - ammunition rack
Blue - driver mechanic.

In Game...

Lately I’ve been hearing more and more often that this tank doesn’t farm, is sad and can’t live without gold. For this reason, I would like to say a few words of subjective opinion in favor of the T26E4 as a premium tier 8 tank in our game. I would like to consider him from two aspects - firstly, a farmer of credits, and secondly, a tank for fun, a tank capable of miracles in battle, even in random conditions today. In addition, upgrading the crew for US medium tanks has never been superfluous to me personally.

Although this specimen is a representative of medium tanks in the game, it can rather be classified as heavy. A kind of transitional option. Therefore, for myself personally, the only main competitors of Super Persha would be the premium TT lvl 8 – IS-6 and Lowe. And then, Lowe does not have a preferential level of battles, accordingly it balances it even for 10s. This means that his good penetration of the BB will give a full advantage only in the top, but if he gets to the bottom of the list there is no, and he will have to fork out for gold or sweat with the penetration. Which of course does not detract from its other charms.

What about T26E4... Super Pershing balances out at level 8-9 battles. This means that with its modest penetration of 171 mm armor-piercing, we will not be lucky enough to meet Mouse in battle. But even without this, we have enough adventures. This gun makes you think about every shot, which is of course useful. Such a modest penetration will bring a lot of “joy” when targeting hatches and weak points, but the accuracy and speed of the gun allow you to independently pull out battles from the most deep places. Yes, the T26E4 does not have good dynamics, and it is not as fast as the researchable Pershing... but it has good screens, this is especially felt by the turret and airborne. It is strictly forbidden to tank with sides and expose rollers. But through the tower on maps with hilly terrain and through rubble on urban maps, it shows very good tanking, in particular against dangerous Soviet anti-tank missiles, accustomed to firing HE shells. He is able to work wonders by holding back projectiles with the gun's mantlet. Though lately after many people got their hands on it by doing combat missions, and the players in the random game are more accustomed to its features, they know where it breaks through (the rocket launcher on the turret, the turret control hatch, and the virtually completely defenseless hull and turret at the back and side). Still, it can severely disappoint the enemy by hiding weak points - for example, the rocket launcher when leaving to the left of the shelter, the body when taking a position on the hill. With the right playstyle and control over the situation, he is capable of holding the entire flank, including level nine tanks. Of course, if you don’t make mistakes and FBR will be on your side. And in such battles (even without a premium account), you can use it to earn from 25 to 60 thousand credits of net earnings per battle! With a bonus, with a beautiful fight, the amount of net earnings sometimes exceeds 100 thousand!

If farming is not important to you, you can charge sub-caliber shells with a penetration of 259 mm! In this case, your DPM (1757 if without a rammer) will not be exchanged for non-penetration - the same Lowe can be sewn not only in the NLD as armor-piercing, but also with complete peace of mind in the VLD, the cheeks of the turret, especially without aiming. And according to the results normal battle you will go to zero. Personally, I prefer to load mostly AP, leaving only up to 10 sub-calibers for especially critical situations where there is no room for non-penetration.

Its 1450 HP will also help you live longer, being reinforced by actually nice armored screens, which, however, are responsible for the weight, which has such a negative effect on the dynamics. True, while the armor in the front of the hull is 177 mm, the side and rear seem like cardboard in comparison - only 76 and 50 mm, respectively.

The main enemies of Super Persha, it’s not hard to guess - tanks with strong armor, in fact, the majority of heavy tanks of levels 9 and 8, and of course everyone’s favorite artillery, the shells of which hit us very well. And if Soviet cords with their precision and weak points You can still endure and win both at a distance and in the clinch, but the Germans are more unpleasant in this regard. Their NLD and turret cheeks are often at unfavorable angles and your duel turns into “beaters” without causing damage to each other, you have to charge gold shells.

The equipment that a tank needs to improve the comfort of the game is undoubtedly the Rammer, Aiming Drives, and the third I chose was the Horizontal Aiming Stabilizer. Exactly this rational decision, since ventilation will not give you the same advantage as a more accurate weapon.

As for the skills for the crew, there is a classic arrangement. The first is the Sixth Sense bulb for the commander and Repair for the crew. Next - everything is on cross-country ability and stabilization. Example of the second perks: Repair, Smooth turret rotation, Off-Road King, Radio interception, Non-contact ammunition rack.

In history...

The tank is one of experimental tanks T20 series, which were created during the Second World War. The main goal The design was to create a vehicle with sufficient firepower to withstand German armor. The 90mm Pershing M3 gun was similar to the German KwK 36 88mm that was used on the Tiger I.

In an effort to match the firepower of the Royal Tiger with its more powerful 88mm KwK43 gun, the T15E1 90mm gun was developed and installed in January 1945 on the T26E1 tank. This tank was named T26E1-1. The T15E1 gun had separate loading and characteristics allowing it to develop a muzzle velocity of 1140 m/s, which made it possible to penetrate the frontal armor of the Panther from an impressive distance of up to 2400 m.

The second prototype was converted from the T26E3 and used a modified T15E2 gun. The frontal armor of the hull and turret was raised to 178 mm with armor plates. Improvements in design have eliminated the need for stabilizer springs. The T26E3 test tank was standardized as the M26 Pershing, equipped with a standard 90mm gun. The T26E4 version was a later experiment and was developed in early 1945, also replacing the T26E3 gun with a more powerful and faster 90 mm gun.

The Super Pershing was so unlucky with the timing of its creation that the first tank reached Europe only at the end of the war. The war ended before he could meet any German tank. And at the end of the war, the production batch was reduced from 1000 to only 25 tanks and they were produced under the T26E4 Super Pershing marking. On this moment Only a few of them have survived.

After the war, two M26 tanks were equipped with the T54 gun, which had the same long barrel, and the ammunition was designed to be shorter and thicker, while maintaining the same muzzle velocity. They also featured the muzzle brake from the M3A1 cannon found on the M26A1 and M46 tanks. The vehicles were named M26E1, but due to lack of funds, further production was stopped.

Production and characteristics:

  • Weight: 48 tons
  • Produced: 25
  • Year of manufacture: 1945
  • Engine: Ford GAF ​​V8 water cooling, 500 hp
  • Gas tank capacity: 183 gallons
  • Speed: 30 km/h
  • Distance: 150 kilometers
  • Crew: 5 – Commander, Gunner, Loader, Driver, Gunner


  • 1x 90mm main gun
  • 1 x 50 caliber machine gun
  • 2 30 caliber machine guns

– a tank with a difficult fate and a dubious reputation. Some people dote on him, some consider him a machine for suffering, and some at one time even sold him for gold and crossed himself. But what’s surprising is that this tank, although controversial, is very often found in random games. And many players ask the question about the advisability of purchasing this machine. This means that there is a demand for the joint venture, and, despite all its oddities, it somehow attracts players.

The Curve of SuperPershing's Fate

Premium medium tank VIII level has a difficult fate in our game, in which there were ups and downs. This tank was rolled out for supertest in the distant update 7.4.1 (summer 2012), in update 7.5 it was finally configured and introduced for sale, and already in update 8.6. (exactly one year after 7.4.1) the car was removed from sale. The reason for this is simple - the tank caused a lot of discontent among the players who bought it, and the question of the uselessness of such a tank was very often raised.

Moreover, many players demanded that WG return the gold spent on the purchase of the joint venture. And in update 8.8 such an opportunity was provided - those who wanted to get rid of an unsuccessful car did so to their advantage. At the same time, the developers resorted to a trick - they simultaneously improved the tank’s armor (as well as maneuverability, visibility, accuracy and strength), thereby trying to attract attention to it, but the change was insignificant and had no effect. And in the same update it was put back on sale.

Since then, the car has been sold again, but the flow of dissatisfaction with it, if it has decreased, is not by much. And in the latest update 9.8 it was transferred to HD quality while simultaneously reworking the armor protection. Undoubtedly, the tank has become more beautiful, but there has been no dramatic improvement in its gaming characteristics.

This tricky and difficult fate of the tank can be explained very simply - all you need to do is take a closer look at its parameters and features.


The gun is perhaps the main disappointment of the tank. Judge for yourself - its penetration with a basic projectile is only 171 mm, this is the worst result among premium Tier VIII STs! For comparison, the penetration of a gun with a basic projectile is as much as 212 mm.

However, the joint venture’s weapon is also its pride. True, it’s too expensive, and therefore upsetting. The fact is that its sub-caliber shells have a penetration of 259 mm, which is more than enough to confidently inflict damage on the vast majority of enemies encountered. This may not seem like enough, but we need to remember that our patient has a preferential level of fighting, and therefore he does not get into the top ten (although he may feel relatively confident there too).

Yes, we almost forgot: the vehicle is equipped with a 90 mm Gun T15E1 cannon, which in its characteristics is very close to the top gun of a regular upgraded Pershing. The gun has an accuracy of 0.38 m/100 m (at line tank- 0.37), aiming time of 2.3 seconds and DPM of 1757 points (for a linear tank these characteristics are similar). At the same time, the gun has excellent (and typical for “Americans”) vertical aiming angles within the range of -10 +20 degrees.

In general, this weapon is quite complex and uncomfortable (with the exception of its declination angles); in the BB, it uncertainly penetrates even “classmates”, and in gold it negates all farming opportunities.

Dilemma: farm on BB or bend on BP

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