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In working with the Word application, everything seems to be clear: you press the keys, type letters, put punctuation marks, periodically format the text using the convenient panel at the top. But even here there are pitfalls. For example, how to delete an extra page in Word? It seems to be a simple question, but when you start to figure it out, you understand that you need to behave differently depending on how this very extra page appeared.

The version dependency in the case of Word is not so serious, but there is still a difference in working with the 2003 program and the 2016 application. Therefore, I will cover the different versions of Word, including the Mac OS program and the online editor. It certainly won't be redundant.

Removing an extra page

If you have an unnecessary page filled with symbols in your document, you can get rid of it using the Backspace or Delete key. But before clicking on one of the indicated buttons, select all the text on the sheet. You can do this in different ways:

  1. Place the cursor at the beginning of the page. Hold down the left mouse button and check the cursor to the end of the fragment to be deleted.
  2. Put the cursor at the beginning. Scroll the page to the end of the section you want to erase. Hold down the Shift key and left-click at the end of a sentence. Text that falls between the two marks will be highlighted.

To erase the selection, press Backspace or Delete. In principle, you can do without selection, erasing letters in turn using the same keys.

This will take a little longer, but will lead to a similar result - extra words and sentences will be thrown out of the text, as if they were never there.

Removing an empty sheet

Why does an empty sheet appear? No, this is not a suggestion from the Word to write more than you intended. It's just that the page contains extra paragraphs, page or section breaks, and other non-printable characters. By default, they are not displayed, which is why it seems that you have a blank slate in front of you. But if you click on such an icon on the top panel, you can find all non-printable characters. .

Note: if there are no extra sheets in the document, and they appear only when printing, check the printer settings. On some models, the options are set to print a separator page between different jobs.

This is a handy feature that allows you to quickly separate different documents if they are printed in one batch. But if you do not know about its existence, then you will probably be surprised to see a blank sheet, for some reason driven through the printer.

If the extra page is at the very end of the document, go to it using the Ctrl + End combination or simply scroll down the screen. Make sure the cursor is at the very end of the document and press the Backspace key. This will be enough if the blank sheet appeared due to extra paragraph marks or an accidentally inserted break.

Determination of the cause

If simply pressing the backspace key at the end of a document doesn't solve the problem, try to pinpoint the cause of the problem. To do this, turn on the display of non-printable characters and see what is happening on a blank page. You can do this on the Home tab - this is true for both Windows and Mac.

If the reason for the appearance of a blank sheet is extra paragraph marks, then you will see these characters. They need to be selected and erased using the Delete or Backspace key. If the gap is due to inserting a break, place the mouse cursor right in front of it and press Delete. On a Mac and in Word Online, the operation is similar.

If a blank page appears after a table inserted into the document, then it's all about the empty paragraph mark, which is added by default.

You can't remove it, but you can hide it.

If you do everything right, a blank sheet will surely disappear along with thoughts that you cannot handle a simple text editing operation in Word.

There are no related articles.

When working with text in Word, page breaks and section breaks are often used. Subsequently, unnecessary paragraphs appear, which means extra empty sheets in the Word file. If after the option with the “Delete” or “Backspace” button the page is not deleted, then it is worth considering the option of deleting the page using the formatting sign. There are several options for removing an extra page with content or completely empty clean slate. The methods that will be described below work in almost all versions of Microsoft Word - 2007, 2010, as well as in 2013 and 2016.

extra paragraphs

You can delete a sheet by removing extra paragraphs. To understand if there are extra paragraphs in the document, you need to click on the "Show all characters" button in the main menu. To do this, open the "Home" menu, find and click on this symbol.

Unnecessary paragraphs cause blank pages to appear. When the entire text is followed by the symbol, then it is easy to see unnecessary paragraphs.

It is necessary to select and delete by clicking on the "Delete" button.

Page break

This method is somewhat similar to the method above. To see where a page or section break was made, enable the already familiar button. Scroll through the document and find the page you want to delete. Place the cursor before or after the page break, as shown in the screenshot below, and click on the "Delete" button. When setting the mouse pointer after the break, you must use the "Backspace" button.

Paragraph after table

For example, the article has a table, probably also at the end of the page. This is the reason for the appearance of a clean unnecessary sheet. Most often, MS Word automatically adds a paragraph after the table, which, unfortunately, cannot be deleted using the two methods listed above. In our case, the blank page was the last one, here's how you can solve the problem of deleting it.

Naturally, we need the help of the symbol, turn it on and return to an empty sheet.

This is what it will look like after turning on the display of all signs.

A symbol that is completely alone, and creates an extra page with its presence. You need to remove it in the next steps.

1) Select a character on an empty page and press the key combination "Ctrl + D";

2) In the "Font" window, check the box in front of the "Hidden" function;

4) Turn off the symbol (in the off state, it does not light up yellow) or use the key combination "Ctrl + Shift + 8";

5) Blank sheet removed.

Section break correction

If you use "From Even Page" or "From Odd Page" section breaks, then a blank page will appear. Removing this sheet using the key combination "Cut" or "delete with the Del button" will not work. If a blank page appeared in the middle of the document, then when it is deleted, all text formatting will be violated. You can fix this problem, all you have to do is replace the "on current page" section break. Thus, all text formatting will be preserved without adding a blank sheet. In the following steps, you can replace the section break with "Current Page Break". For this you need:

The blank page will be removed without damaging the entire document.

Working with computer documents is a very responsible and serious thing. And it is not surprising that a person dealing with computer documents should know the various subtleties and nuances that exist in the Word word processor.

In addition, attention should be paid to the fact that this software is constantly evolving and, for example, having understood Word 2007, the user cannot immediately navigate Word 2010. However, there are actions that are the same in all versions of the program and as an example, let's try to delete a blank page in Word 2010.

Quick article navigation

Removing the extra sheet

Firstly, it is worth initially deciding where this extra empty sheet can come from? As a rule, the reason for its appearance is the use of a page break: in this case, removing a blank page in any version of Word is not difficult.

As you know, almost all text formatting is done using control characters. In fact, these characters are not displayed in the text (they are called non-printable for a reason).

In order to delete an empty page in Word 2010, you should:

  • Make non-printing characters visible: To do this, press the key combination Ctrl + Shift + 8.
  • Immediately afterwards on the pages open document there will be special characters that are responsible for formatting - this is the symbol ¶. You just need to select it and then press the Delete or BackSpace key.
  • After completing the previous step, the blank page will be deleted.

Way through "Page break"

There is another, longer method that allows you to delete a blank page that has appeared in your text file:

  • First you will need to go to your empty page and left-click on it.
  • Next, you need to find the "Page Break" window in the menu - after you click on this inscription, you will see that it will be highlighted in some way. certain color(default is black).
  • After that, you must press the Delete or BackSpace key and the blank page should be successfully deleted.

Standard way

Try clicking the left mouse button on an unnecessary page and after the flashing dash appears, press Delete or BackSpace - the page should be deleted immediately.

The world leader among text editors of information is rightfully Microsoft Word.

It sets the quality level for programs that create, view, and modify documents.

Why MS Word

Its arsenal contains several hundred different operations for working with both textual information and graphic data.
The advantages of MS Word over other editors include:

  • Performing all traditional operations on documents,
  • The presence of innovative OLE technology, which allows you to embed text fragments, images, tables, etc., made using different Windows applications, into the file
  • The presence of various technological solutions that turn routine work into an exciting process (for example, a collection of ready-made templates and styles or the ability to copy and autocorrect text).
  • Availability of features of publishing systems. With the help of MS Word, you can professionally make layouts, prepare them for subsequent sending to the printing house.

Creating a page

It is customary to start any business from a new leaf. Working in MS Word is no exception.
Initially, the program itself automatically creates new pages as needed.
That is, when the previous one is completely filled with information.

It happens that additional information has appeared, and it is required to place it between existing blocks, but on separate page, or jump to a new sheet requires the beginning of a section or chapter.

If you need to create new document, you need to hover over the Microsoft logo and, by activating the drop-down menu, select the "Create" item.

For a page break (when to start with new page if the previous one is not completely filled in) it will be enough to place the cursor and press the combination “CTRL + ENTER” on the keyboard or in the “Insert” submenu select “Page”, “Page break” in sequence.

Between two filled ones, you need to place the cursor at the end of the first page and in the "Insert" submenu select "Page", "Blank page" in sequence.

Getting rid of an unnecessary or empty page

If the newly created document has only one page, and the information contained on it does not require saving, to delete it will be enough to select all the text and press "Delete" or "BackSpace" (the same method is suitable for deleting any individual not blank page) or just quit working with the program, answering the question about saving in the negative.

To cut it, you need to place the cursor anywhere, select the “find” section in the “Home” submenu and enter “\page” (without quotes) in the pop-up window that appears.

All text on the sheet will be instantly selected, and to delete it, just press "Delete" or "Backspace" on the keyboard.

At the end of the document, a blank page appears, which does not carry any information, increases total weight file.

There are several options for deleting it in Word:

  • By pressing the combination "CTRL + END" move to the end of the document and hold down the "Backspace" key until it disappears.
  • In the "Home" submenu, find and click on the "Paragraph mark" symbol. All non-printable characters (such as spaces) will be displayed.

After that, it will be enough to either remove the spaces, or on the previous sheet before the empty one, 2 times left-click on the “Page Break” and press one of the keys, “Delete” or “Backspace”.

Access is denied or what to do when the text is protected from editing

To make changes to a document protected from editing with a password, it is enough to find out the password itself from its creator.

Then go to the "Review" submenu and find the "Protect Document" tab.

In the "Protect document" tab, enter the password by selecting "Disable protection".

Editing access will be open.

If it is not possible to find out the password, you can go around.

In the window that appears, you must specify a new name for the document and select the "Web Page" extension. The document is closed.

New file opened with notepad. You can do this by right-clicking on it and choosing "Open With" from the drop-down menu, choosing notepad as your preferred program.

In the document that opens, find the line "w: nprotectPassword> any text" and delete it. Next, you need to save the changes and close the program.

Open the file again using MS Word and, going to the "Review" submenu, in the "Protect document" tab, select the "Disable protection" item. We save the document under the desired name and in the required format.

Correctly identifying the cause of the extra pages will help you quickly fix the problem. Regardless of the version of Microsoft Word (2003-2016), there are 4 main reasons for the existence of blank pages at the end of the document:

  1. Extra problems or line breaks.
  2. The presence of hidden characters.
  3. Move part of a table.
  4. The presence of a transparent or white pattern (rare).

Reasons for a blank page

If, when working with a document during editing, pages appear that do not contain text, most likely there are page breaks or empty paragraphs on it.

Note: if a blank page appears only when printing a document, then the problem is in the printer settings (page between jobs).

Method 1: Remove Extra Spaces and Paragraphs

Most easy way- delete an extra page using the Backspace or Delete keys, designed to remove characters from the text.

Step 1. Go to last page document and place the cursor on it.

Step 2 Press the indicated keys until the unwanted page disappears.

Step 3. If there are a lot of empty paragraphs on the page, then the key will have to be pressed several times.

Method 2: Remove hidden characters

Since the appearance of a blank page usually means that there are hidden characters on it, in order to remove them, you must make them visible.

Step 1. You need to click on the "non-printable characters" icon, which is located on the main tab. By turning on the display of hidden characters, you can see the reasons for the extra page and eliminate them.

Step 2 Highlight the extra empty paragraphs and delete them.

Step 3 In addition to empty paragraphs, a manually enforced page break or section break can cause a blank page to appear.

To delete it, place the cursor in front of the break and press the Delete character key.

Method 3: Edit the table

If you failed to remove the page using the two previous methods, you probably have a table at the end of the document. In Word, after each table there is an empty paragraph, and if the table reaches the end of the page, then the paragraph is transferred to the next one. You can't just remove that character, which represents an empty paragraph. In order to remove an empty sheet, you need to make this paragraph hidden.

Step 1. Show hidden spaces.

Step 2 If the table forms a space on the next page, then reduce the line spacing of the table cells or the font, remove unnecessary transitions to new lines.

How to delete the first page in Word

To remove the cover page in latest versions Microsoft Word, you must complete the following steps.

Step 1. Go to the "Insert" tab.

Step 2 Select the "Title Page" menu.

Step 3 Specify the appropriate value - "Delete the current cover page".

In versions earlier than 2007, the cover page is the same as all other pages in the document, so the same methods are used to remove it.

How to delete a page in the middle of a document

The appearance of an unnecessary blank page in the middle word document, as a rule, is associated with the presence of a section break. This feature is rarely used in practice and is mostly added to the document by accident during editing.

Method 1: Remove the section break (method 1)

An extra page in the middle of a text document usually appears due to a section break. It is removed using the following steps.

Step 1. Position the cursor in front of the break.

Step 2 Press the Delete key.

Note: If you remove a blank page from the middle of a document that results from a section break, formatting may be messed up after the break is removed. If you need formatting after this page that differs from what was set before this page, then leave a section break. Otherwise, when you delete a break, the formatting will automatically become the same throughout the document - the same as it was in the text located before the break.

Method 2: Remove the section break (method 2)

Step 1. Go to the "Layout" tab.

Step 2 Replace break type - set to "no break".

Now you know how to remove a page in Word. The above tips can be applied in all versions of Microsoft Word.

How to delete a blank page in Word - instructions with animation updated: February 15, 2019 by: Scientific Articles.Ru

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