hedgehog image- respectable, solid, solid. Well, if the boy for this costume was not skinny.

Top. Shirt - plain (blue, white, yellow). The vest is colored, with a pattern (you can sew stripes of patterned, even with glitter, braid on a plain vest). For "solidity" under the shirt, you can tie a small pillow or some kind of thickness.

Bottom. Pants - plain or striped, which should be in harmony with the vest and the rest of the suit.

On foot. Elegant "solid" low shoes.

On the head. The hood-cape is sewn from fabric like a baize or cloth of gray color (Fig. 1). If possible, it is better to sew this part on a lining (colors - black, gray, and possibly red or white, if it will be in harmony with the rest of the costume).

Needles- from black plastic bags. Cut and fold the bunts (Fig. 2), glue with universal glue (“Moment”, etc.) and sew the finished cape hood onto the fabric with a wide flattened end. The hood fastens with 2 buttons under the chin. You can fasten a butterfly bow to one of the buttons (after making a loop on it). You can attach a butterfly simply on an elastic band. The color of the butterfly should be - contrasting to the shirt and hood.

Mask- from cardboard (see manufacturing technology in the chapter "Making masks"), but you can do without it. It is glued on top with the same fabric from which the hood is sewn. The nose is a piece of foam covered with black jersey (a piece of old black tights) and sewn to the mask. At the very end of the nose, you can make a mustache. To do this, you need to pass through the nose pieces of thick fishing line. Fix them in the holes so that they do not pull out with glue (from the wrong side). Around the holes for the eyes, you can make a stroke: stick a narrow black inlay or simply circle the holes with gouache with the addition of PVA glue or black ink (Fig. 3).

The mask is attached with an elastic band, and the hood must be put on the mask so that there are no gaps.