Important dates in life. Life chart by date of birth

There are years (periods) in a person’s life that play a certain role in fate. At the same time, these years have the same meaning for almost all people.

21 years old - considered the age of majority. A man accepts, perhaps, the first thing in his life important decision(marriage, profession, place of residence), which determines the next seven or eight years. After this period, it is very important to correct the mistakes made. Otherwise, health problems may arise that will make themselves felt much later.

24 years - a period that determines what to be and what to go. If a person was married at the age of 21, a person may think about the advisability of continuing a relationship with this partner. If a specific profession has been chosen, the foundations of a second, additional or next profession can be laid, which the person will turn to later.

29.5 years - the period of manifestation of an adult personality capable of making serious decisions independently. In terms of illnesses, this is rather a positive period, since health is stabilizing.

32 years - the period of final choice of profession, or at least for the next seven or eight years. In general, this is a major period for a person to find his place in life, ending at the age of 35. In addition, during this period, a person needs a partner to solve many life problems. It is not surprising that by the age of 35 a person occupies a strong position at work and in the family.

42 years - the time of the next crisis (family, work, health), which ends by the age of 48. This is a period of change, after which stabilization occurs until the moment of retirement.

At 56 years old man reaches the top.

63 years old - age is similar to 21 years old, because it means a crisis, a reassessment of values, or, conversely, an affirmation in one’s principles, which will now remain unchanged until the age of 84, if a person is destined to live to that age.

84 years old - a new and perhaps final revision of all life positions, appeal to higher values.

Calculation of the fateful years of a person’s life

Having lived a certain number of years, almost every person can note that there are years in which there are as many positive events as possible; There are some that go unnoticed.

Fateful years are certain years of a person that influence his entire future life. The main of these years is the year of birth, which is considered to be the starting point of a person’s further movement through life, which leaves an imprint on the character and destiny of a person.

Let's calculate the fateful years for a person who was born on 08.24.1961.

First life cycle:

1. Add the number 1 to 1961 (1st digit in the year of birth):

1961+1 = 1962 is the first fateful year.

2. To the year obtained at the 1st stage, add the second digit of the year of birth:

1962+9=1971 is the second fateful year.

3. To the year obtained at the second stage, add the third digit of the year:

1971+6=1977 is the third fateful year.

4. To the resulting year, add the fourth digit of the year of birth:

1977+1=1978 is the fourth and most important fateful year.

Second life cycle:

In the second cycle, we take the last fateful year of the 1st cycle as the starting point.

1978 + 1 = 1979 - 1st fateful year

1979 + 9 = 1988 - 2nd fateful year

1988 + 7 = 1995 - 3rd fateful year

1995 + 8 = 2003 - the 4th fateful year - the most important fateful year of the 2nd life cycle.

Third life cycle:

In the third cycle, the calculation is similar to the previous ones.

The predictive part begins from the third cycle.

We take 2003 as our starting point - the last fateful year of the 2nd cycle.

2003 + 2 = 2005 - the 1st fateful year of the third cycle.

2005 + 0 = 2005 - the 2nd fateful year of the third cycle.

2005 + 0 = 2005 - the 3rd fateful year of the third cycle.

2005 + 3 = 2008 - the 4th fateful year (the most important) of the third cycle.

Fourth life cycle:

The starting point for the fourth cycle is 2008.

2008 + 2 = 2010 - the 1st fateful year of the fourth cycle.

2010 + 0 = 2010 - 2nd fateful year. The significance of a stage in a person’s life is increasing.

2010 + 0 = 2010 - the 3rd fateful stage of the 4th cycle.

2010 + 8 = 2018 - the 4th, final, most important stage in a person’s life.

Since 2000, the calculation algorithm fateful years changes. In order to make the calculation, starting from the second stage, it is necessary to add not the number itself, but the difference (9 is the corresponding number in all positions except the first), for example:

Date of birth: 07/24/2003.

Add the number 2 to 2003 (1st digit in the year of birth):

2003+2 = 2005 is the first fateful year.

To the year obtained at the 1st stage we add 9 minus the second digit of the year of birth:

2005+(9-0)=2014 is the second fateful year.

To the year obtained at the second stage we add 9 minus the third digit of the year:

2014+(9-0)=2023 is the third fateful year.

To the resulting year we add 9 minus the fourth digit of the year of birth:

2023+(9-3)=2029 is the fourth fateful year.

Method for determining a person’s karmic years:

— the first karmic year of a person is his year of birth.

— the second karmic year is calculated as: year of birth + the sum of all the numbers that make up the year.

- third karmic year: to the second year obtained during the calculation we add in order all the digits of the year of birth. And so on.

For example, your year of birth is 1961.

1961 is the first karmic year.

1961+1+9+6+1 = 1995 (second karmic year).

1995+1+9+6+1 = 2012.

2012+1+9+6+1 = 2029.

Karmic years for people born in 1961: 1961, 1995, 2012, 2029.

Soon, very soon, the New Year 2013 will come. We are all waiting for something new, bright, joyful, with the hope that the new future will be better and more prosperous than the old past.

And I would like, of course, to lift the veil of secrecy, to find out what will happen there - in the near and distant future. Practical numerology will help you, because simple calculations are subject to everyone. Shall we begin?!

Today I invite you to independently determine the main, most important years in your life. These years are of significant importance in your destiny; significant and significant events for you take place or will continue to take place during these years.

Calculating the “main” years of life: the first method

To your year of birth we add the sum of the digits of the year of birth. Next, we add the sum of its digits to this number.
For example, year of birth 1979:
Thus, for the year of birth in 1979, the years 2005, 2012, 2017, 2027, 2038, 2051 are significant. These years will see significant changes in a person’s life. You should also pay attention to those years that are close to the “main” years (a year earlier, a year later). They also need to be taken into account.

Calculating the “main” years of life: the second method

Add up the sum of the digits of the year of birth. Our year of birth is 1979, we add it up: 1+9+7+9=26. The resulting result - the same number - is added to the main years.
For example,

Pay close attention to the years that coincided with you (when calculating different ways). And, I repeat, a year earlier, a year later - take that into account too. Good luck with your calculations! And in order not to miss new articles on practical numerology, we recommend

Numerology is the science of numbers and their energy. Every person understands that his date of birth has great value for his destiny. It not only reflects the karmic characteristics of fate, but also allows you to find out the future.

The most important years of your life do not always have to be the most positive and favorable. They may have different purpose and the task, but ultimately important dates really have huge weight. During these years, something happens that is necessary for life balance. Energy is renewed or rebuilt, helping to take a significant step forward or sideways.

How to calculate the important years of your life

Numerology is a simple science for those who prefer to enjoy its fruits. To do the calculations, you will need your date of birth. For example, you were born on September 11, 1986. The donor year is 1986. You need to take the last digit of your year of birth, add the month and day to it according to the numbers. We get 6+1+1+0+9=17. By adding 17 to 1986, we get 2003. This is the first important year of your life. Next we repeat the operation: 3+1+1+0+9=14. 14+2003=2017. And so on.

If, when adding the date and month, the result is a number less than 6, that is, 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5, then you will always need to add the same number to the year of birth, equal to the sum digits of the month, day and last digit of the year. Roughly speaking, you count once and add the same number each time. For example, you were born on January 12, 1999. 1+2+0+1=4. This means that your personal destiny number is 4 + the last digit of the year, that is, 9. 4 + 9 = 13. Important years will be repeated for you every 13 years. 1999+13+13+13 and so on: 2012, 2025, 2038.

Features of an important year

Many people ask a completely understandable question about what awaits them in such years of life. What to do if now is the year that is fateful for you?

Firstly, you should not change your principles. If this is needed, then fate itself will indicate this to you through some pleasant or unpleasant event. In any case, there is no need to run ahead of the locomotive.

Secondly, you need to follow the signs of fate who will follow you everywhere. Be careful - they will warn you about changes for the better.

Thirdly, you should learn to be diplomatic. There is no need for unnecessary squabbles and conflicts during such periods. Don't blame fate if you don't see changes. They are there, but they are not always visible.

Every moment of life, every moment is a miracle. Learn to appreciate every little thing, be it good or bad. To become stronger, we need to go through everything that fate and karma have in store for us. You can change your destiny, but this can only be done by those who trust themselves and their feelings. Good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

03.09.2017 04:47

The destiny of each person is something unique, but not predetermined. The thing is that her...

By date of birth you can find out what awaits us in the future, for what reason our destiny...

Numbers surround us throughout our lives. We come into the world on a certain day, at some time intervals we experience happiness and joy, at others sadness and despondency. It is obvious that there is a clear relationship between certain dates and ongoing events.

How to calculate any events by date of birth? Numerology will help with this. Using a simple technique, you will find out what the future holds for you and use it to your advantage.

How to calculate a specific event?

Numerology allows you to correctly interpret the numbers that surround you throughout your life and use this knowledge to your advantage. So, you can find out the best day for a date or shopping. To do this, you need to use a simple technique.

Step 1. Multiply your birthday by the month and then by the year.

Example. Let's say you were born on November 28, 1992. Multiply 28*11*1992 = 613536.

Step 2. You need to decide what year, month or day you want to predict. If you want to find out what 2017 will favor you with, then multiply the number obtained earlier by 2017. If you are interested in a specific month, for example, April, then multiply the number by another 4. And in order to find out what fate has in store for you on a specific day, for example, the fifth number, then multiply the resulting number by 5.

Example. Let's say you want to know what will happen on January 5, 2017. We take the number obtained earlier and multiply it. 613536*2017*5*4= 24750042240.

Now you can calculate any event by date of birth. Numerology will help in interpreting the received number.

How to interpret the result obtained?

The combination of certain numbers in the resulting number indicates what a certain day, month or year is most favorable for. Below is an interpretation of several numbers in a row.

0 - lack of strength and energy, depressed and depressed state.

1 - moving, travel.

2 - tide vitality, self confidence.

3 - everything related to food - meeting in a restaurant, receiving guests, successful experience in cooking, etc.

4 - success in love affairs.

5 - a large number of energy, passion.

6 - a surge of strength and energy.

7 - success in working with documents, signing important agreements, etc.

8 - material success.

9 - lack of vitality and energy, depression and apathy.

No matter how strange it may seem, in our case the simultaneous combination of twos and zeros are two contradictory states. In this case it is necessary additional interpretation remaining numbers.

Individual interpretation

How to calculate any events by date of birth? Numerology only gives general idea about possible events. For a deeper individual interpretation, you need to monitor your own life.

Keeping a diary for some time will allow you to establish the influence of non-standard combinations on your destiny. For example, if on a day characterized by the combination 24 you have success in love affairs, then this should be taken into account when predicting events in the future.

Thus, you will soon notice that when a repeating combination appears, the same event happens to you. This will allow you to control your future and adapt it to yourself.

Numerology is the science of numbers and their energy. Every person understands that his date of birth is of great importance for his destiny. It not only reflects the karmic characteristics of fate, but also allows you to find out the future.

The most important years of your life do not always have to be the most positive and favorable. They may have a different purpose and purpose, but at the end of the day, important dates do carry a lot of weight. During these years, something happens that is necessary for life balance. Energy is renewed or rebuilt, helping to take a significant step forward or sideways.

How to calculate the important years of your life

Numerology is a simple science for those who prefer to enjoy its fruits. To do the calculations, you will need your date of birth. For example, you were born on September 11, 1986. The donor year is 1986. You need to take the last digit of your year of birth, add the month and day to it according to the numbers. We get 6+1+1+0+9=17. By adding 17 to 1986, we get 2003. This is the first important year of your life. Next we repeat the operation: 3+1+1+0+9=14. 14+2003=2017. And so on.

If, when adding the date and month, the result is a number less than 6, that is, 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5, then you will need to always add the same number to the year of birth, equal to the sum of the digits of the month, day and the last digit of the year. Roughly speaking, you count once and add the same number each time. For example, you were born on January 12, 1999. 1+2+0+1=4. This means that your personal destiny number is 4 + the last digit of the year, that is, 9. 4 + 9 = 13. Important years for you will repeat every 13 years. 1999+13+13+13 and so on: 2012, 2025, 2038.

Features of an important year

Many people ask a completely understandable question about what awaits them in such years of life. What to do if now is the year that is fateful for you?

Firstly, you should not change your principles. If this is needed, then fate itself will indicate this to you through some pleasant or unpleasant event. In any case, there is no need to run ahead of the locomotive.

Secondly, you need to follow the signs of fate who will follow you everywhere. Be careful - they will warn you about changes for the better.

Thirdly, you should learn to be diplomatic. There is no need for unnecessary squabbles and conflicts during such periods. Don't blame fate if you don't see changes. They are there, but they are not always visible.

Every moment of life, every moment is a miracle. Learn to appreciate every little thing, be it good or bad. To become stronger, we need to go through everything that fate and karma have in store for us. You can change your destiny, but this can only be done by those who trust themselves and their feelings.

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