Grand Duke Felix Yusupov: memoirs, biography, personal life. Not renounce loving

The life of Felix Yusupov, the last of the Yusupov princes, is full interesting facts. However, only one is firmly entrenched in history books - about Felix Feliksovich’s involvement in the murder of Grigory Rasputin. “Amateur” will tell about others, no less curious, in his photo collection.

Rich heir

The father of Felix Feliksovich Yusupov - also, by the way, Felix Feliksovich - bore the title of Count Sumarokov-Elston. Only in 1885 did he receive the right to call himself Prince Yusupov, which is why we already know his son, born in 1887, by this name. In general, Felix Yusupov’s father made a dizzying career and, at the end of his years, rose to the position of mayor of Moscow. It was then that little Felix, who was the only heir to a huge family fortune, became one of the most eligible bachelors in the country.

Felix Yusupov at the age of 16, portrait of V. Serov

The father decided to further strengthen his son’s position and sent him to study not just anywhere, but to Oxford University. During his three years at Oxford, Felix wasted no time in making influential friends and even organizing Russian society Oxford University.

Prince Felix Yusupov poses for Serov's painting


Felix was born in the St. Petersburg house of the Yusupov family on the Moika. However, his mother, Zinaida Nikolaevna, was really expecting a girl, but Felix was born. Zinaida Nikolaevna then began to often dress him like a girl, allowed him to play with her magnificent outfits and, in general, allowed him to do everything that is only permissible for a girl.

Yusupov Palace on the Moika

This is where, most likely, the young man’s fascination with women’s outfits and cross-dressing began. For example, in one of his diaries he recalls: “One evening, when my father and mother were not there, we decided to take a walk, dressed in a woman’s dress. We found everything we needed in my mother’s closet. We dressed up, put on our rouge, put on jewelry, and wrapped ourselves in velvet fur coats. In this form we went into the city. On Nevsky, a haven for prostitutes, we were immediately noticed.” For a long time There were even rumors circulating in society about the count's homosexual inclinations, which, however, have no documentary evidence.

Felix attended officer courses at the Corps of Pages


“Tall, thin, slender, with an iconographic face of Byzantine writing,” that’s how pop idol Alexander Vertinsky described Yusupov. Obviously, it was not difficult for a person with such an outstanding appearance and huge fortune to find a profitable match. In 1914, with the consent of the emperor, Felix Yusupov married the niece of Nicholas II, Princess Irina Alexandrovna. For a long time the newlyweds, whom the First World War caught while traveling, they were forced to remain in Europe until the end of hostilities.

Felix Feliksovich and Irina Alexandrovna

A year after the wedding, in 1915, the Yusupovs had a daughter, Irina. Even at that time, being a husband and father, Felix Yusupov writes in his memoirs: “I have always been outraged by human injustice towards those who love differently. You can blame same-sex love, but not the lovers themselves. Normal relationships are contrary to their nature. Are they to blame for being created this way?” Researchers still cannot figure out whether Yusupov is simply demonstrating the freedom of his views, or justifies his hobbies.

During their entire married life, Felix and Irina had only one child.

Not a survivor

It must be said that Yusupov played one of the main roles in the action-packed action film “The Murder of Grigory Rasputin”. Moreover, even the Yusupov family house on the Moika embankment was chosen as the site of Rasputin’s murder.

Wax figures of Felix Yusupov and Grigory Rasputin at the murder site. Exhibition at the Yusupov Palace on the Moika

Judging by the investigation documents, four accomplices gathered in the Yusupov Palace: Yusupov himself, Purishkevich, Prince Dmitry Pavlovich and British intelligence officer Rayner. Rasputin was first poisoned with potassium cyanide, and the dose was given enough to kill five. Then Yusupov went upstairs to get a pistol and shot him in the back. Grigory attacked Felix, who came to make sure that Rasputin was dead, and tried to strangle him. Then Rasputin was shot by all four participants in the conspiracy. Then they beat him some more, just in case. The matter did not end there - Rasputin, riddled with bullets, poisoned and beaten, allegedly tried to escape. He was caught, tied up and thrown into the Neva.

After the revolution

For obvious reasons, Yusupov managed to escape punishment for the murder of Rasputin. He emigrated with his family from the impending revolution. First they reached the Crimea, from there they sailed to Europe, finally stopping in Paris, in a house near the Bois de Boulogne.

Prince Felix Yusupov in exile

Prince Felix Yusupov never returned to Russia again, even by invitation. Felix Feliksovich Yusupov died on September 27, 1967 and was buried in the Russian cemetery of Sainte-Genevieve-des-Bois.

I wrote about the history of the Yusupov family in a post. Separately, I would like to remember Prince Felix, who became famous as the killer of Rasputin. The prince's story about the murder of this enemy is reminiscent of a modern horror film. In his youth, Felix led a bohemian lifestyle; his favorite pastime was singing and dancing in city cabarets, dressed in women's dress. “Russian Dorian Gray” tried all the pleasures of a vicious society, where the smell of opium was in the air. In circles of decadence, such a lifestyle was considered quite acceptable and commonplace.

The memoirs of Prince Felix are interesting; he describes with self-irony the oddities of his life, when he became the laughing stock of the public, speaks honestly about his personal shortcomings and talks in detail, without embellishment, about the murder of Rasputin - “a demon in a peasant’s guise.”

Prince Felix Yusupov in Russian costume. Here he resembles Fedka Basmanov, the beloved guardsman of Ivan the Terrible. Fedka also liked to “dress up like a woman.” I have this in my post

As Prince Felix himself writes, his fiancée, Princess Irina, the niece of Emperor Nicholas II, helped him reconsider his views on life and pleasures. The prince called his former hobbies “poor.”

This is how Felix wrote about his future wife:
“I could not forget the young stranger I met while walking on the Crimean road. From that day I knew that this was my destiny. While still a girl, she turned into a dazzlingly beautiful young lady. She was reserved out of shyness, but her restraint added to her charm, surrounding her with mystery. Compared to this new experience, all my previous hobbies turned out to be wretched. I understood the harmony of true feeling.”

You can take Felix at his word. But an anecdote involuntarily appears.
The prince returns home in the morning. And his wife says to him:
- Where have you been?
- Played billiards with the officers.
- Why are you wearing a lady’s dress and your mother’s jewelry?
- Well, Ira, you walk like this every day. Did I even say a word to you?

Felix with his beloved wife Irina

It should be noted that Felix liked to dress up not only in women’s tchotchkes. He often appeared in the costumes of historical characters, perfectly fitting into the image of the heroes. The prince especially liked the character Cardinal Richelieu.
“At that time, costume balls became fashionable in St. Petersburg. I was a master of costumes, and I had many costumes, both men's and women's. For example, at a masquerade at the Paris Opera, I exactly repeated the portrait of Cardinal Richelieu by Philippe de Champaigne. The whole hall applauded me when I appeared in a cardinal’s robe, carried behind me by two black boys in gold trinkets.”

One day, dressed in a woman's dress, Prince Yusupov gained the favor of the English King Edward VII. This incident reminded me of the story of the Chevalier d'Eon, who almost became the royal favorite because of his disguise.

Masquerade scenes of the early 20th century in paintings by Konstantin Somov

“Once, we decided to go to a costume ball at the Opera as a couple: my brother put on a domino, and I put on a woman’s dress. Before the masquerade began, we went to the De Capucine Theater. We sat down in the first row of the stalls. Soon I noticed that an elderly person from the literary box was persistently lorning me. At intermission, when the lights came on, I saw that it was King Edward VII. The brother went out to smoke in the foyer and, upon returning, said with a laugh that a pompous fellow had approached him: I ask, on behalf of His Majesty, to tell you the name of your lovely companion! To be honest, I was pleased with it. Such a victory flattered one’s pride.”- Felix boasted.

By the way, the idea of ​​jokes with dressing up belonged to Nikolai, Felix’s brother and his girlfriend Polenka. Just for fun, Nikolai even helped Felix get a job as a singer in the chic Aquarium cabaret. The debut of the “singer” was very successful; after the performance, the conspirators roared with laughter in the dressing room, reading love messages from enthusiastic fans.

Cabaret "Aquarium", where Prince Felix shone

“Having diligently visited cafes, I knew almost all the fashionable songs and sang them myself as a soprano. When we returned to Russia, Nikolai decided that it was a sin to bury my talent and that it was necessary to bring me to the stage of the Aquarium, the most luxurious cabaret in St. Petersburg. He came to the director of the Aquarium, whom he knew, and invited him to listen to a French singer with the latest Parisian verses...

This is what posters looked like during the Art Nouveau era

On my poster there were three stars instead of my name, whetting the public’s interest. As I walked onto the stage, I was blinded by the spotlights. Wild fear gripped me. I was numb and numb. The orchestra began to play the first bars of “Dreams of Paradise,” but the music seemed dull and distant to me. Someone in the audience clapped out of compassion. With difficulty opening my mouth, I began to sing. The public treated me coolly. But when I performed “Tonkinka,” the audience applauded wildly. And my “Lovely Child” caused an ovation. I encored three times.

Excited Nikolai and Polenka were waiting behind the scenes. The director came with a huge bouquet and congratulations. I thanked him as best I could, but I myself was choking with laughter. I stuck my hand out to the director for a kiss and hurried to send him away.

There was an agreement in advance not to let anyone come to me, but while Nikolai, Polenka, and I fell on the sofa and roared with laughter, flowers and love notes arrived...

Six of my performances at the Aquarium went well. On the seventh evening, I noticed my parents’ friends in the box. They looked at me extremely carefully. It turned out that they recognized me by my resemblance to my mother and by my mother’s diamonds.

A scandal broke out. My parents made a terrible scene for me. Nikolai, defending me, took the blame upon himself. My parents' friends and our family swore that they would remain silent. They kept their word. The matter was hushed up. The café singer's career died before it even began. However, I didn’t give up this dress-up game. The fun was too great."

Living room of the Yusupov house on the Moika

Door to the bathroom

You can make a comedy about the adventures of Prince Felix. Perhaps the adventures of Prince Felix in the cabaret inspired the creators of the film “Some Like It Hot” (“Some Like It Hot”). The cross-dressing joke again led to family scandal.

“I had a tragicomic story. I portrayed the Allegory of the Night, wearing a dress with steel sequins and a diamond star tiara. In such cases, my brother, knowing my eccentricity, accompanied me himself or sent reliable friends to look after me.

That evening, a guards officer, a well-known red tape guy, hit on me. He and three of his friends invited me to dinner at the Bear's. I agreed despite, or rather, because of the danger. The fun was breathtaking. At that moment my brother was playing nice with his mask and didn’t see me. I slipped away.

I came to “Bear” with four gentlemen, and they immediately asked for a separate office. The gypsies were called in to create the mood. Music and champagne inflamed the gentlemen. I fought back as best I could. However, the bravest one contrived to pull off my mask. Frightened by the scandal, I grabbed a bottle of champagne and threw it at the mirror. There was a ringing broken glass. The hussars were taken aback. At that moment I ran up to the door, pulled the latch and pulled. On the street I shouted to the cab driver and gave him Polenkin’s address. Only then did I notice that I had forgotten my sable fur coat at the Bear.

And flew at night into the icy cold young beauty in a half-naked dress and diamonds in an open sleigh. Who would have thought that this crazy beauty is the son of worthy parents!”

Of course, Felix's father was outraged by such behavior and disobedience. Once he already demanded that his son stop the stupid antics that disgrace the family.
“My adventures, of course, became known to my father. One fine day he called me to his place. He called me only in the most extreme cases, so I chickened out. And not without reason. The father was pale with anger, his voice trembled. He called me a villain and a scoundrel, saying that a decent person would not shake hands with me. He also said that I was a disgrace to the family and that my place was not in the house, but in Siberia in hard labor. Finally he told me to get out. After all, he slammed the door so hard that a painting fell from the wall in the next room...”

Respectable family of the prince.
Mother - Zinaida Nikolaevna, father - Felix Feliksovich, older brother Nikolai and younger brother Felix.

For the first time, the prince dressed up as a young lady as a child; together with his cousin, they decided to fool around and, stealing outfits from his mother’s closet, went for a walk along Nevsky Prospekt...
“We were twelve or thirteen years old. One evening, when my father and mother were not there, we decided to take a walk, dressed in women's clothes. We found everything we needed in my mother’s closet. We dressed up, put on our rouge, put on jewelry, wrapped ourselves in velvet fur coats that were too tall for us, went down the far stairs and, waking up my mother’s hairdresser, demanded wigs, they say, for the masquerade.

In this form we went into the city. On Nevsky, a haven for prostitutes, we were immediately noticed. To get rid of the gentlemen, we answered in French: “We are busy” - and moved on importantly. They fell behind when we entered the chic restaurant “Bear”. We walked into the hall right in our fur coats, sat down at a table and ordered dinner. It was hot, we were suffocating in these velvets. They looked at us with curiosity. The officers sent a note inviting us to have dinner with them in their office. The champagne went to my head. I took off my pearl beads and began throwing them like a lasso over the heads of my neighbors. The beads, of course, burst and rolled across the floor to the laughter of the audience.

Bar of the restaurant "Bear" at the beginning of the 20th century

Now the whole hall was looking at us. We wisely decided to give it a go, picked up the pearls in a hurry and headed for the exit, but the head waiter caught up with us with the bill. We didn't have any money. I had to go explain to the director. He turned out to be a great guy. He laughed at our invention and even gave us money for a cab. When we returned to Moika, all the doors in the house were locked. I shouted out the window to my servant Ivan. He came out and laughed until he cried when he saw us in our coats. The next morning there was no time for laughter. The director of “The Bear” sent his father the rest of the pearls collected on the floor in the restaurant, and... the bill for dinner!”

The prince honestly explained his eccentric antics with his vanity and pride:
“In truth, this game amused me and, moreover, flattered my pride, because women liked me too little, but I could conquer men. However, when I was able to conquer women, my difficulties appeared. Women submitted to me, but did not stay with me for long. I was already used to being looked after, and I didn’t want to look after me. And most importantly, I loved only myself. I liked being the object of love and attention. And even this was not important, but it was important that all my whims were fulfilled. I believed that this was how it should be: I do what I want, and I don’t care about anyone.”

Prince Felix himself denied rumors about his dislike for ladies:
“They often said that I don’t like women. Not true. I love it when there is something for it. Others meant a lot to me, not to mention the friend who made my happiness. But I must admit that the ladies I knew rarely met my ideal. More often than not they charmed and disappointed. In my opinion, men are more honest and unselfish than women.”

Although the prince treated same-sex love with understanding.
“I have always been outraged by human injustice towards those who love differently. You can blame same-sex love, but not the lovers themselves. Normal relationships are contrary to their nature. Are they to blame for being created this way?”

As chronicler N. M. Romanov wrote: “I am convinced that there were some physical outpourings of friendship in the form of kissing, mutual groping and perhaps ... even more cynical. How great was Felix’s carnal perversion is still little clear to me, although rumors about his lusts were widespread. In 1914, he married the niece of Nicholas II and “reformed.”

Irina's sincerity and kindness especially attracted Felix. She did not have the characteristic qualities of secular young ladies, which repelled the prince. Secularism has always spoiled character.
“Irina little by little overcame her shyness. At first she spoke only with her eyes, but gradually I was able to appreciate her intelligence and correctness of judgment. I told her my whole life. Not at all shocked, she greeted my story with rare understanding. I understood what exactly disgusted me about female nature and why I was more drawn to the company of men. Women’s pettiness, unscrupulousness and indirectness disgusted her in the same way...”

As it turned out, Felix’s friend, Prince Dmitry (who later became an accomplice in the murder of Rasputin), also courted Irina, but seeing the reciprocity between the princess and Felix, he retreated.
“My engagement has not yet been officially announced. Unexpectedly, Dmitry came to me asking if I would really marry his cousin. I replied that nothing had been decided yet. “But I also wanted to marry her,” he said. I thought he was joking. But no: he said that he had never spoken more seriously.

Now it was up to Irina to decide. Dmitry and I promised each other not to influence her decision in any way. But when I relayed our conversation to her, Irina declared that she would marry me and only me. Her decision was irrevocable, Dmitry retreated. The cloud overshadowed our friendship with him and never dissipated.”

Although historians argue who Prince Dmitry loved more - Irina or her fiancé - Felix, or maybe both at once, and therefore suffered doubly, not knowing who to prefer. And while he was suffering and thinking about his choice, both objects of his love decided to get married.

Is Grand Duke Dmitry Pavlovich a rival or lover of Felix Yusupov?

However, the bride's parents doubted the correctness of their choice and decided to terminate the engagement. Yusupov learned this news in Paris. Immediately, he went to Grand Duke Alexander to convince him. As it turned out, Felix was slandered in front of his future relatives by people whom he considered his friends.

Felix Yusupov in the portrait of Zinaida Serebryakova

“Arriving in Paris at the Gare du Nord, I met Count Mordvinov. I heard with horror that he had been sent by Grand Duke Alexander to announce to me that the engagement was broken! I was forbidden to even seek a meeting with Irina and her parents. In vain I bombarded the Grand Duke's envoy with questions. He stated that he was not authorized to speak further.

I was shocked. However, I decided that I would not allow myself to be treated like a small child. They have a responsibility to listen before they judge. I will defend myself and defend my happiness. I immediately went to the hotel where they lived Grand Duke with the princess, went straight up to their room and entered without a report. The conversation was unpleasant for both. However, I managed to convince them and achieve their final consent. On the wings of happiness, I rushed to Irina. My bride repeated once again that she would not marry anyone but me. Subsequently, it turned out that those who slandered me in the eyes of Irina’s parents, I considered, alas, my friends. I knew before that my engagement was a misfortune for others. It turned out that they resorted to meanness just to upset her. Their affection for me, even in this form, excited me.”
It is believed that Felix's rejected fans decided to stop his wedding.

The wedding day has arrived. Once again there was some curiosity. The groom got stuck in the elevator, and the king himself, along with his relatives, had to rescue his future son-in-law from trouble.
“On the wedding day, a carriage drawn by four horses drove for the bride and her parents to take them to the Anichkov Palace. My own arrival did not shine with beauty. I got stuck in an old, shaky elevator halfway to the chapel, and the imperial family, led by the emperor himself, worked together to get me out of trouble.”

Description of the wedding from the prince's memoirs:
“Irina’s wedding outfit was magnificent: a white satin dress with silver embroidery and a long train, a crystal tiara with diamonds and a lace veil from Marie Antoinette herself.

But it took me a long time to choose an outfit. I didn’t want to be in a tailcoat in broad daylight and wanted to get married in a business card, but the card outraged my relatives. Finally, the uniform of the nobility - a black redingote with a gold-embroidered collar and cuffs and white trousers - suited everyone.
Members of the royal family who married persons of non-royal blood were required to sign an abdication of the throne. No matter how far Irina was from the throne, she too submitted to the rule. However, I wasn’t upset.

Accompanied by my parents, I crossed two or three halls, already crowded and full of ceremonial dresses and uniforms with orders, and entered the chapel, where, waiting for Irina, I took the seats allotted to us.

Irina appeared arm in arm with the emperor. The Emperor brought her to me, and as soon as he took his place, the ceremony began.

The priest laid out a pink silk carpet, along which, according to custom, the bride and groom should walk. According to the legend, whichever of the young people steps on the carpet first will be the first in the family. Irina hoped that she would be quicker than me, but she got entangled in the train, and I got ahead.
After the wedding, we headed the procession to the reception hall, where we stood next to the imperial family to receive, as usual, congratulations. The line of congratulators lasted more than two hours. Irina could barely stand. Then we went to Moika, where my parents were already waiting. They met us on the stairs, as usual, with bread and salt. Then the servants came with congratulations. And again everything is the same as in Anichkovo.

Finally departure. A crowd of family and friends at the station. And again shaking hands and congratulations. Finally, the last kisses - and we are in the carriage. On a mountain of flowers rests a black dog’s muzzle: my faithful Punch reclined on wreaths and bouquets.

When the train started moving, I noticed the lonely figure of Dmitry in the distance on the platform.”

I’ll say right away that I haven’t watched the series “Grigory R.”, which caused such a mixed reaction from the public, including in LiveJournal, I don’t know how exactly the scene of Rasputin’s murder is shown there, so this post of mine has nothing to do with this series (by the way , I didn’t watch the film not for reasons of principle, it just didn’t work out).
It just seemed interesting to me to talk about the murder of the “holy devil” from the point of view of a historian, so that everyone who is interested in this can compare the real historical facts with the way they are interpreted in works of art.

I admit that I myself stood behind the curtain in that very room on the ground floor of Prince Yusupov’s palace at Moika Embankment, 94 , where the murder was committed, so I’m telling the story as an eyewitness :)

So, as everyone knows, on the night of December 16-17, 1916 a group of conspirators belonging to monarchist circles killed the tsar's temporary worker - "elder" Grigory Rasputin.

The organizers and direct executors of this, in fact, last, desperate attempt to save the prestige of the Romanov dynasty were one of the leaders of the right in the State Duma, Vladimir Purishkevich, a representative of the opposing aristocracy, Prince Felix Yusupov, and the cousin of Nicholas II, Grand Duke Dmitry Pavlovich.

Before we get to the story of the murder, let's stop at the identities of the killers.

Vladimir Mitrofanovich Purishkevich (1870 - 1920), actual state councilor, member II, III and IV State Dumas, a large Bessarabian landowner. Graduated from the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics Odessa University. From 1900 - in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, then - in the Main Directorate for Press Affairs. Active member of the nobility monarchical organization"Russian Assembly". One of the founders of the Black Hundred "Union of the Russian People", from which he left in 1906 due to disagreements with its chairman Dubrovin, after which he organized another monarchist party- "Union of Michael the Archangel."

During the First World War, he somewhat retreated from politics and worked at the front as a commissioner of the Red Cross, organizing a sanitary train. In addition to his activities as a Duma deputy, he was widely known for his apt satirical epigrams on his political opponents (Milyukov, Guchkov, Goremykin, Protopopov, Sturmer, etc.).

Felix Feliksovich Yusupov (1887 - ?) belonged to one of the most noble and wealthy families in Russia. His father, also Felix Feliksovich, Count Sumarokov-Elston, in 1882 married the last in the Yusupov family, Princess Zinaida Nikolaevna, and in 1891 Sumarokov-Elston and the eldest in his family were allowed to add the title and surname of his wife to his surname. By the beginning of the war, the Yusupovs owned 17 estates in different provinces of Russia, five factories, a mine in the Donbass, eight apartment buildings and several palaces: in Petrograd, Moscow, Tsarskoye Selo, Arkhangelskoye and Koreiz. From May 17, 1915, Yusupov Sr. served as head of the Moscow Military District and commander-in-chief of Moscow. The Yusupovs were considered staunch opponents of Rasputin and Anglophiles, and therefore opponents of a separate peace with Germany.

Felix Yusupov with his wife Irina:

Felix Yusupov Jr. graduated from Oxford University (after that, why be surprised at his Anglophilia?). On February 9, 1914, he married the princess of imperial blood, the niece of Nicholas II, Irina Alexandrovna, although everything high society the capital was well aware of his homosexual orientation, which he, however, did not hide too much.

Dmitry Pavlovich Romanov (1891 - 1942?), Grand Duke, aide-de-camp, staff captain, cousin of Nicholas II. Graduated from the officer cavalry school. Participant of the First World War in 1914 - 1917.

It is interesting, by the way, to note that representatives of the Allied diplomacy and the press were most definitely involved in the murder of Rasputin. In particular, Samuel Hoare the head of the British military intelligence mission in Russia, recalled how two weeks before the murder of Rasputin, Purishkevich came to him for a visit and casually inquired about a trifle - whether it was possible to get a potent poison, “for business.” The cautious Chorus refused, and Purishkevich found another specialist in poisons - a military doctor Stanislav Lazavert . When leaving, Purishkevich told the Chorus that he and his friends "We decided to end this little matter with Rasputin" .
What did the Englishman Hoare do? Did you report the impending murder to the police? Did you inform your superiors? No, he smiled approvingly and began to wait to see what events would happen next.

Events were not long in coming.
Their most colorful description, subsequently borrowed by many historians and writers, often without reference to the source, is contained in memoirs French Ambassador Maurice Palaiologus , who apparently received the information first-hand.

So, the drama took place on the night of December 16-17 in the palace of Prince Yusupov on the Moika. Before this, Felix Yusupov had only a very vague, if not hostile, relationship with Rasputin. To lure him into his house, the prince resorted to a rather inelegant strategic technique. On December 15, he went to the “elder” and told him: “My wife, who arrived from the Crimea, madly wants to meet you. Would you like to come to my house tomorrow for a cup of tea? Come later, so at half past eleven, because My mother-in-law will have dinner for us, but by this time she will probably have left.”
The hope of making an acquaintance with the beautiful book writer Irina immediately seduced Rasputin, and he promised to come. But unlike Rasputin, Yusupov knew well that Princess Irina was still in Crimea.

The next day, December 16, at about 11 o'clock in the evening, all the conspirators gathered in the Yusupov palace, in one of the salons on the top floor, where dinner was served... At a quarter past eleven, Felix went by car to Rasputin, who was then living on Gorokhovaya, 68 , about two kilometers from Moika.

I'll follow you, father, as agreed. My car is waiting downstairs.
And in a fit of cordiality, according to Russian custom, Felix Yusupov loudly kisses the “elder” on the lips. Rasputin, overcome by instinctive distrust, exclaimed mockingly:
- Well, you kiss me, little one... I hope this is not a kiss from Judas... Well, let's go. Go ahead.

Ten minutes later, that is, around midnight, they got out of the car near the Yusupov palace on the Moika. Felix Yusupov led Rasputin to one of the rooms on the ground floor. They sat down in wide armchairs and began to talk about the occult and necromancy...
Between the chairs in which Yusupov and his guest were sitting, a round table had been placed in advance, on which cakes with cream, a bottle of Marsala and a tray with six glasses were placed on two plates. The cakes placed near Rasputin were poisoned with potassium cyanide. Each of the three glasses placed near these cakes also contained potassium cyanide dissolved in a few drops of water.

When the clock struck one in the morning, Rasputin suddenly became irritated and shouted rudely:
- What is this? Your wife won't come... You know, I'm not used to waiting. No one allows themselves to make me wait... no one, not even the Empress...
And then the “elder” suddenly drinks his glass, and clicking his tongue, says:
- Your Marsala is great. I'd like to drink more.

The poison has no effect. This is the third glass of poison and no effect. The conspirators are at a loss. Having gone upstairs and consulted with his accomplices, Yusupov goes back down, holding a revolver in his left hand behind his back.
“My wife is desperate that she makes you wait,” he says, “her guests have just left, she will be here now.”

But Rasputin barely listens to him; Puffing and belching, he rushes back and forth. The potassium cyanide finally worked. Yusupov does not dare, however, to use his revolver. The fragile and pampered pederast is afraid to openly attack the stocky man, who could crush him with one blow of his powerful fist.

But there is no more time to lose. Yusupov stands to the left of Rasputin and almost point-blank shoots him twice in the side. Rasputin falls to the floor. The rest of the conspirators quickly run to hear the shots. Grand Duke Dmitry states:
- Now we need to quickly throw it into the water... I'll go get my car.

His companions again go up to the top floor to agree on how to remove the corpse. About ten minutes later, Yusupov enters the lower floor salon to look at his victim and retreats in horror: Rasputin, leaning on his hands, half rises, then, with a last effort, he straightens up, lowers his heavy hand on Yusupov’s shoulder, tears off his epaulette and exhales in a fading voice :
- Scoundrel! Tomorrow you will be hanged! Felix, I'll tell the queen everything!

Yusupov has difficulty breaking free. Everyone comes running at the noise: Purishkevich, Dmitry Pavlovich, Lazavert. Enraged by the tenacity of the “old man,” they finish him off: Purishkevich fires one bullet into the back of his head, another into his back, and at this time Yusupov runs for a bronze candelabra and strikes Rasputin several times on the skull with it.
Everything is over...

At a quarter past three in the morning, Doctor Lazavert and Captain Sukhotin take away Rasputin’s corpse in Prince Dmitry Pavlovich’s car. On Krestovsky Island it is lowered under the ice.

Rasputin's corpse:

Half an hour after the murder of Rasputin, a bell rang in one of the rooms of the Petrograd Astoria Hotel. The Times reporter in Petrograd, Robert Wilton, answers the phone. After talking with someone for five minutes, he slowly lowers the receiver onto the lever and satisfactorily informs an elderly, fit man sitting with a pipe by the window: “They finally got to him, my general.”
The representative of the English command at Russian headquarters, General Handburn-Williams, understood everything immediately. “This was the end of Rasputin,” he wrote in his diary.

Over the following days, most English and French newspapers carried congratulations on Russia's deliverance from its " dark force", "national disgrace". On the front page of the London Times there was a huge photograph of Felix and Irina Yusupov with the caption - "Saviors of Russia."

Thank you for attention.
Sergey Vorobiev.

One of the most brilliant Russian aristocrats of the early twentieth century, Felix Yusupov was distinguished by his wealth, a variety of talents, an extremely unique character and striking beauty. Younger brother in the family, he was very attractive from childhood and his mother, Princess Zinaida Yusupova, dressed him up in dresses for girls, teaching him to use cosmetics and women's accessories. This game later had rather unpleasant consequences: as an adult, Felix often dressed up as women's clothing and in this form shocked the high society audience of St. Petersburg. He sang superbly, was an excellent actor and often played female roles on stage. There were all sorts of rumors about his adventures, including suspicions of homosexuality. What was surprising was that with such a reputation, a girl from a crowned family became Felix Yusupov’s wife.

Why the young beauty, niece of Emperor Nicholas II, Irina Aleksandrovna Romanova, agreed to marry a notorious reveler leading a not entirely normal lifestyle, and even with the blessing of her uncle the Tsar, remained a mystery. Felix in his diaries recalls this matchmaking in emotionally sublime delight: he fell in love with the dazzling princess and decided that fate was giving him a chance to cleanse himself of all his past sins. Perhaps he managed to charm Irina and convince her that she was his only salvation. To a romantically minded young lady, the idea of ​​saving a repentant sinner of such beauty must have seemed like a good deed. According to the memoirs of contemporaries, Yusupov was unusually good. Singer Alexander Vertinsky found his appearance stunning: “Tall, thin, slender, with an iconographic face of Byzantine writing.”

Probably, economic considerations also had weight in concluding this marriage: Felix remained, after the death of his older brother in a duel, the heir to one of the wealthiest families in Russia. His pedigree also fit well within the framework of such a mutually beneficial alliance, despite rumors about Yusupov’s intimate relationship with Grand Duke Dmitry Pavlovich, the emperor’s cousin. The wedding took place in February 1914 and the newlyweds went to Honeymoon abroad. The outbreak of World War II found them in Germany, where everything Russian citizens were detained as prisoners of war. After long negotiations and agreements, Felix and Irina, along with other subjects, were released to their homeland.

It should be noted that after getting married, Felix began to behave more restrained and gave up shocking antics in public, becoming interested in charity work. For all his antics, he was a deeply religious and well-behaved person who knew how to do good deeds. In connection with the hostilities, Yusupov began setting up hospitals for the wounded, entered officer courses in the Corps of Pages, and showed concern and concern for the fate of the country. In March 1915, their daughter Irina was born into their family. Felix's thoughts about the atmosphere in the royal family and the echelons of power led him, along with Prince Dmitry Romanov, to a conspiracy to assassinate Grigory Rasputin in December 2016. The “Holy Elder” arrived at the Yusupovs’ house on the Moika, where he received the first shot in the chest and was later drowned in the river.

After the revolution, the Yusupovs left for Crimea and from there - abroad. After several years of wandering, they settled in Paris. The few jewels and paintings taken from Russia allowed them to buy a house in the Bois de Boulogne. Later, Irina Alexandrovna took up the affairs of the Irfé fashion house they opened, but it gradually fell into disrepair due to Felix’s inability to live modestly and within his means. In 1932, the family was lucky to win a claim of 25 thousand pounds from the Hollywood studio MGM, which made a film in which it was said that Princess Yusupova was Rasputin's mistress. The Yusupovs spent the rest of their lives in France and were buried in the Sainte-Genevieve-des-Bois cemetery. The Last Prince Yusupov died in 1967 at the age of 80. Felix Yusupov's wife survived her husband by 3 years. In 1980, she was buried next to him, she was 74 years old at the time of her death. Irina Feliksovna Yusupova - Countess Sheremetyev by her husband, died in 1983 and rests next to her parents.

In the life of the last of the Yusupov princes there was a dazzling splendor of luxury and scandalous love stories, and brutal murder, emigration to Europe, poverty and loud trial with the famous Hollywood studio Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer...

A young man “with an iconographic face of Byzantine writing”

He can safely be called a representative of the “golden youth” of the early 20th century. The boy, born into the family of Count Felix Sumarokov-Elston and Princess Zinaida Yusupova, was one of the richest heirs in Tsarist Russia. People who knew him noted the beauty, grace and refined manners of the young man.

Sergei Diaghilev really liked the portrait of the young prince. Photo: Public Domain

When he was 17 years old, the artist Valentin Serov came to the Yusupov estate to paint portraits of members of the respected family. Good friendly relations were established between him and the teenager. Years later, Felix wrote in his memoirs that they had long conversations that influenced his young mind. The portrait of the young prince, in which Felix posed with a French bulldog, really pleased Sergei Diaghilev, who took the painting to Venice in 1907, where an exhibition of Russian painting was held.

“The picture brought unnecessary fame to me. My father and mother didn’t like this, and they asked Diaghilev to take her away from the exhibition,” Felix later recalled.

But Felix could not hide from fame, and besides, he constantly threw “sticks into the fire”, organizing daring antics. So, for example, it was no secret to anyone that he loved to dress up in women's dresses. Moreover, the young man “with an iconographic face of Byzantine writing,” as Vertinsky spoke of him, was even seen in one of the cabarets, where he played a female role instead of one of the “blue-eyed actresses” of the Aquarium Theater. The family jewels that the pretty “singer” was wearing helped to recognize Felix.

And Yusupov spoke openly about his pranks. By the way, in his memoirs he described in detail a walk with his cousin, when for fun they decided to walk along Nevsky, dressed in women's dresses.

“We found everything we needed in my mother’s closet. We dressed up, put on our rouge, put on jewelry, wrapped ourselves in velvet fur coats that were too tall for us, went down the far stairs and, waking up my mother’s hairdresser, demanded wigs, they say, for the masquerade. In this form we went into the city. On Nevsky, a haven for prostitutes, we were immediately noticed. To get rid of the gentlemen, we answered in French: “We are busy,” and moved on importantly. They fell behind when we entered the chic restaurant “Bear”. We walked into the hall right in our fur coats, sat down at a table and ordered dinner. It was hot, we were suffocating in these velvets. They looked at us with curiosity. The officers sent a note inviting us to have dinner with them in their office. The champagne went to my head..."

In the same book, Felix wrote about the origins of his unusual passions. So, according to him, the mother, expecting a child, was sure that a girl would be born. As a result, a pink dowry was prepared. When the boy was born, Zinaida Yusupova, “to console herself, dressed Felix as a girl until he was five.”

Zinaida Yusupova, “to console herself, dressed Felix as a girl until he was five.” Photo: Public Domain

Marriage to Irina Romanova

Knowing about Felix's scandalous fame in the world, it is difficult to believe that royal family approved his union with Irina Romanova, niece of Nicholas II.

His first acquaintance with the only daughter of Grand Duke Alexander Mikhailovich and Grand Duchess Yusupov romantically described Ksenia Alexandrovna in his biography. According to him, he immediately realized that this girl was his destiny:

Irina was the only daughter of Grand Duke Alexander Mikhailovich and Grand Duchess Ksenia Alexandrovna. Photo: Public Domain

“Shyness made her silent, which enhanced her charm and surrounded her with mystery. Captivated by a new feeling, I realized the poverty of my past adventures. Finally, I also found that perfect harmony, which is the basis for all true love.”

At that time, Felix was the only heir to the Yusupov family fortune: in 1908, his older brother Nikolai died in a duel with Count Arvid Manteuffel.

Knowing about the fabulous condition of the groom, Irina’s relatives did not want to believe the rumors that Felix, for example, was tied up love relationship with Grand Duke Dmitry Pavlovich. As a result, the wedding took place in February 1914 in the church of the Anichkov Palace. On magnificent ceremony even the imperial family was present.

“The Emperor asked me through my future father-in-law what to give me for my wedding. He wanted to offer me a position at court, but I replied that the best from His Majesty wedding gift will allow me to sit in the theater in the imperial box. When my answer was conveyed to the sovereign, he laughed and agreed. We were inundated with gifts. Next to the luxurious diamonds lay simple peasant gifts,” wrote Felix Yusupov.

The next year - in March 1915 - the young people had a daughter, Irina. True, new Family status and the birth of his first child did not change the reputation of the prince, who still remained the main character of secular gossip.

Murder of Rasputin

The name of Felix Yusupov also went down in history thanks to the high-profile murder that occurred in St. Petersburg in 1916.

On December 17, the corpse of Grigory Rasputin, an “old man” who had enormous influence on the royal family, was discovered in the Neva.

The forensic expert’s conclusion indicated that the “royal friend” was killed brutally: “The entire right side of the head was crushed and flattened due to the bruise of the corpse when it fell from the bridge. Death resulted from heavy bleeding due to a gunshot wound to the stomach. The corpse also had a gunshot wound in the back, in the spine, with a crushed right kidney, and another point-blank wound in the forehead, probably to someone who was already dying or deceased.”

The lack of water in the lungs indicated that Rasputin was thrown into the water when he was already dead.

Grand Duke Dmitry Pavlovich, Felix Yusupov and monarchist Vladimir Purishkevich were involved in the crime. What happened in the Yusupov Palace on the Moika on the night of December 17 is still not known for certain, since the participants changed their testimony several times.

It is generally accepted that the conspirators lured Rasputin to the palace, where they treated him to wine and cake poisoned with potassium cyanide. After this, Yusupov shot at Grigory Rasputin, but he attacked the offender, trying to strangle him. After that, the attackers fired several more bullets at the “old man.” However, the wounded Rasputin tried to hide from the killers, but they caught him, tied him up and threw him into the Neva near Kamenny Island.

Years later, in his book “The End of Rasputin,” Felix Yusupov wrote: “His body was thrown into the icy water of the Neva, trying until the last minute to overcome both the poison and the bullet. The Siberian tramp, who dared to do things too risky, could not die otherwise; only there, in his homeland, in the waves of Tobol or Tura, would hardly anyone look for the body of the murdered horse thief Grishka Rasputin.”

Describing his acquaintance with Rasputin, the young prince emphasized his unpleasant, repulsive “peasant” appearance. Photo: creative commons

Describing his acquaintance with Rasputin, the young prince emphasized his unpleasant, repulsive “peasant” appearance, but at the same time, his charisma and unusual, frightening gaze. At the same time, according to Yusupov, he managed to win the trust of this voluptuous “horse thief”:

“We sometimes talked with him for a long time. Considering me his friend, who unshakably believed in his divine mission, counting on my assistance and support in everything, Rasputin did not find it necessary to hide in front of me and gradually showed me all his cards. He was so convinced of the power of his influence on people that he did not even allow the thought that I might not be in his power.

You know, my dear,” he once told me, “you’re incredibly smart, and it’s easy to talk to you, you understand everything right away.” If you want, I can even make you a minister, just agree.”

There is one version that Yusupov turned to Rasputin with a request to cure him of the “sin of Sodom,” but during a hypnosis treatment session, he, on the contrary, tried to seduce the young man.

It is worth noting that in 1932 the film “Rasputin and the Empress” was released, in which the creators showed that Yusupov’s wife had an intimate relationship with Rasputin. The Yusupov couple, who were living in Paris at that time, were outraged by this fact, and they sued the Hollywood company Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer. The law was on their side, and MGM paid them a huge monetary compensation for libel. It is believed that after this story, a rule appeared to indicate at the beginning of the film that all the events shown on the screen are nothing more than fiction.

MGM paid the Yusupov couple a huge monetary compensation. Photo: Public Domain

Felix Yusupov died in France at the age of 80. His body rests in the Russian cemetery in Sainte-Genevieve-des-Bois.

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