Seeing an old or abandoned house in a dream: interpretations from dream books. Old house according to the dream book

Dreams about home should not be ignored. They indicate future changes and emotional condition person. Why a house? What does such a dream mean? Seeing your old house means repeating the mistakes of the past. If the housing is someone else’s, quick changes will come in the life of the sleeper. Whether these changes will be happy or unhappy depends directly on the appearance of the house.

Why do you dream about a house?

Dreams about a house, according to various sources, personify the inner state of a person - his joys and sorrows, problems and relationships. Therefore, dreams about a cozy, clean home characterize a harmonious, balanced person. And vice versa - a dirty, neglected shack indicates that sadness and sadness have settled in the dreamer’s soul.

If you dream of a beautiful new house, then it promises the dreamer blissful changes in life. Rich interior decoration means that the sleeper will find hidden spiritual resources within himself. He can and will soon arrange his life in the best possible way: he will achieve success or improve his health, meet love or gain financial well-being.

Moving to a new beautiful house- career advancement. This is a big responsibility, but also a successful change in life.

Why do you dream of an old house? A dilapidated building with broken windows or rotten boards symbolizes upcoming unfavorable events. Destroyed old housing indicates chaos in the thoughts and heart. These could be unfulfilled ambitions, lost health, unhappy love. The dream warns that the time has come to take care of yourself, sort out your life, improve your work affairs, make peace or forgive your offenders.

Wooden housing

Why do you dream of an old wooden house? What is the interpretation of this dream? A structure made of wood indicates a surge of energy. Everything will work out, a creative breakthrough or diligence will definitely be rewarded.

A wooden house, according to some dream books, portends fast wedding. But an old hut with black smoke from the chimney will bring temporary difficulties and troubles in the family.

If there are breakdowns in an old wooden building and they need to be repaired, then such a dream indicates that there are problems in relationships with loved ones. To avoid difficulties in the future, it is necessary to improve relationships.

If you dreamed of an unfinished house, then the dreamer should take care of pending matters. Otherwise, upcoming changes may complicate the situation.

Stone housing

Why do you dream of an old house that looks more like a castle? If you see a stone, ruined building with gloomy towers, it means that a person should take care of his inner growth. Stone cult castles - symbol secret knowledge, hidden information. Such a dream means that the sleeper should sort out his internal conflicts, make peace with yourself.

An old stone house in a dream can bring unexpected changes that will contribute to success in business. This is a symbol of reliability and stability. The stone house represents inner peace and self-confidence.

If in a dream an old stone building collapses, then this is a warning that real life a crisis is coming. or the dreamer is facing a divorce. So that the dream does not turn out to be “in hand”, you should urgently reconsider your relationship and correct shaky affairs.

Dreaming about home

Dreams in which there are mentions of relatives warn of illnesses and misfortunes. Old parental housing portends problems with relatives or troubles associated with them.

Grandmothers? Such a vision speaks of a lack of warmth and care in the dreamer’s life. Grandmother is a symbol of kindness. If you see your grandmother’s house in a dream, then the lack of family warmth and comfort will bring sadness to the sleeper.

But why do you dream about an old house? deceased grandmother? Deceased relatives warn those sleeping that something will happen in life soon. In this case, you need to pay attention to the design of the dream. If the deceased grandmother’s home is clean, warm, and comfortable, then this is a good sign. He promises good news joyful events. If the deceased grandmother’s home looks untidy, abandoned, frightening, then such a dream leads to unpleasant changes in life.

A dream in which a person enters his grandmother's empty house (or his former house), speaks of inner emptiness. Unfulfilled desires, failed career, collapse in personal life - emptiness is interpreted as the aimlessness of real life.

Dreaming of someone else's house

Dreams about someone else's home are considered in dream books as a harbinger global changes. This could be a change of job or family status, or moving to another city or country. In such dreams you should also pay attention to general state buildings.

House? Alien, but big house portends changes in career and work. A small building- a symbol of family.

Even if someone else’s house is old, but it is clean, warm, comfortable, then the future changes will only bring joy and happiness.

If an old and alien home looks untidy, there is garbage and ruin in it, then difficulties and trials lie ahead.


A residential building inhabited by people indicates the dreamer’s relationship with his environment. If in a dream a house does not cause anxiety, if the sleeper feels good and joyful, it means that there will be harmony and happiness in fate and relationships. If there are quarrels and swearing between the residents in the house, then the same events will happen in the dreamer’s life.

Empty house

Why do you dream of an old house, empty and warns of a possible illness. And the absence of windows in such a house is a symbol of the coffin. This means that soon the news of someone’s death will upset the dreamer.

A locked door (or simply a locked house) is not a good sign. It also foreshadows death, illness, and painful events.

Actions in a dream

Not only the emotional coloring of a dream leads to correct interpretation visions. But the actions that the sleeper saw will help in the correct interpretation.

Fire is a harbinger of future failures. Why do you dream about an old wooden house? A stranger's or native house engulfed in flames symbolizes the end of a former life. Good sign, if the dreamer tries to call the firefighters, it means that his bad streak will not last long. There will be helpers who will try to change the situation for the better.

Renovating an old home indicates that a person needs to “repair” his life - correct mistakes, restore good relationships after a conflict.

The arrangement of an old building means that wealth and success lie ahead. New furniture, carpets - joyful events in life will not take long to arrive. Sweep the floor or tidy up before guests arrive. And washing the floors is a bad sign. This is a symbol of death, serious illness.

Buying a home is directly related to the financial side and career matters. Appearance building will indicate positive or negative changes. An old, but large and bright house - career and finances will be in order. Uncomfortable housing with broken walls or holes - illnesses, difficulties, obstacles will soon appear in the life of the sleeper.

Our dreams are a reflection of experienced emotions and feelings. In the subconscious they are intricately mixed and transformed into amazing paintings memories, images of people we know well and have met by chance in life. And a dream always has some meaning. In this article we will try to explain why you dream of an old house. What does such night vision portend?

Important: if you want to interpret the dream as accurately as possible, you need to remember everything you dreamed about in the smallest detail. Try to remember the entire plot in detail. The easiest way to do this is if you write down the dream on paper immediately after waking up.

Why do you dream of an old house: interpretations of Velesov’s small dream book

In most dream books, a house symbolizes your actions and deeds in real life. This is what most interpretations are based on. We have put together a selection best interpretations from the dream books of the most authoritative authors.

The small Veles dream book gives the following meanings:

  • I dreamed about it. This means that in your everyday life you will commit some offense, go to an unseemly deed. As a result, your reputation will be damaged, and those around you will dramatically change their attitude towards you. Therefore, carefully monitor your actions and deeds - try not to violate moral standards and, acting in your own interests, do not offend other people
  • an old house dreamed of a child. If your baby wakes up and talks about such a dream, you should be more attentive to him. He lacks your attention, in addition, he experiences a lot of problems communicating with peers. Try to find out the reason. Perhaps the child needs your help and complicity
  • Dreaming small wooden hut, located in an abandoned place. Such a dream speaks of a desire to hide from the outside world, to be alone, alone with your thoughts. You need time to reboot to think about the meaning of your life
  • Very old house, almost a wreck, dreams of people with problematic health. You should see a doctor. But a dream may not be a sign of illness, but of problems in business at work. Please pay Special attention on health and career - something is wrong with them
  • The house is old, but looks pretty good and suitable for habitation. This means that you will face some difficulties in your personal life and career. But you will pass this test with honor, solve all the problems and, as a result, win
  • Buying an old house dreams of prosperity in everyone life spheres. But only on condition that the building is strong, beautiful, and the rooms inside are cozy and well-kept
  • But if in a dream you buying an old house, which is completely unsuitable for life, is in disrepair, this is an unfavorable sign. Such a dream foreshadows either health problems or severe financial losses.
  • Please note - in the rooms of the house there is many antiques or valuables? This means that you should wait to meet a person who will become very useful to you in the future. He will come to the rescue and help you out in a very difficult situation.

Why do you dream about an old house according to Aesop’s dream book?

  • You dream that you are in an old house and receive guests. This is an unfavorable dream. Soon you will lose close friends after some conflict, the culprit of which will be you yourself. Try not to provoke quarrels, and everything will end well
  • an old house may also be a dream because you feel dissatisfied own life. You are not satisfied with your relationship with your loved one, your earnings leave much to be desired, and you have no close friends.

Aesop believes that dreaming of an old house is a sign that it is time to recognize the problems that exist in your life and begin to solve them. Such a dream is a signal from the subconscious: you need to think and decide to change.

Other interpretations

An old cozy house is often associated with childhood and warm memories. Therefore, for interpretation, it is worth remembering what emotions you experienced in the kingdom of Morpheus:

  • Were calm and peaceful- wait good events regarding changes in personal life. Soon you will meet a person you love, build a family with him and have children. The relationship will be warm, harmonious, full of love and mutual understanding
  • But if in a dream, while in the house, you feel lonely If you experience a feeling of dissatisfaction, then not everything is good in life. Such a dream is a sign that you are offended by your parents and believe that because of them you have problems in relationships with the opposite sex. The time has come to resolve differences, otherwise despondency and even depression are not far away
  • You see in a dream an old house that belongs to your grandmother? This means that everything is fine in your personal life. Your home is always cozy, your family members respect and love you, and you have many happy years ahead, surrounded by loved ones.

Watch the video to see what else a house can mean in dreams:

What the old house looked like in your dream is of great importance:

  • If this dilapidated, abandoned building, in real life you feel unprotected. You have no support, no person you can rely on
  • If the old house is empty, and you don’t want to go into it, which means that the plans outlined in real life will not be realized. All your ideas are doomed to failure. This is not a reason to be upset. You just need to reconsider your goals, define new way which way you will go through life
  • If a house in a dream collapses before your eyes, you should pay attention to your health. It's under threat. Go to the doctor just in case

These are the most popular predictions.

Seeing people dressed in old clothes in a dream is a sign of mental anxiety. Vagrants or beggars rummaging through old things are a harbinger of long and hard work to achieve a high goal.

Dealing with a junk dealer in a dream means prosperity.

Old things piled up in a heap mean that deep down in your soul you condemn yourself for your weakness and cowardice, but you are not able to get rid of them.

Old faulty and unrepairable mechanisms that belong only in a landfill mean that all your hopes for change for the better will be in vain.

A dream in which you visit your old home foretells the receipt of good news.

Seeing an old abandoned castle in a dream gothic style– danger of being robbed or robbed.

An old neglected cemetery in your dream means that you will outlive all your family and friends.

If in a dream you change old car for a new, luxurious and expensive one - you will provide not only for yourself, but even for your children and grandchildren.

Throwing away old gloves means that you will suffer losses as a result of elementary deception and your own naivety.

Seeing decrepit old men in a dream means that in reality you will come to despair from the failures that are pursuing you.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation alphabetically

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Dream Interpretation - House

A house (residential) most often symbolizes a person.

However, a wooden house can symbolize a coffin.

A house with smooth walls symbolizes a man, and a house with balconies, loggias and bay windows symbolizes a woman.

Renovating a house means having sexual intercourse.

If you renovate your house with pleasure, then your personal life is in complete order.

If you experience unpleasant sensations while renovating a house, then you don’t love your sexual partner, maybe even hate them, but hide your feelings.

If a man climbs or descends a smooth wall of a house, then he is prone to homosexual contacts.

If a man climbs onto the balcony of a house, then his feelings for a woman are quite serious.

If a woman climbs the smooth wall of a house, then her feelings for a man will most likely remain unrequited.

If a woman climbs onto the balcony of a house, then she needs female guardianship and is inclined to enter into a lesbian relationship.

Climbing onto the roof of a house means striving to complicate and clarify relationships, a desire for scandals and showdowns.

Seeing a destroyed house means you have health problems, including in the sexual sphere.

Being or living in a destroyed house - all your attempts to achieve mutual understanding with your sexual partner were in vain.

Interpretation of dreams from

Home is a place where you always want to return. It’s good when you are welcome there, and the home itself is cozy and comfortable. But with old and abandoned housing, everything is not so clear. For some, these are tender memories of a carefree childhood, while others see in him eternal problems and all the wretchedness of the living space.

Also in a dream. A rickety, but painfully dear wooden hut or a dilapidated five-story building has a completely different symbols. Therefore, it is important to recreate all the details of the dream, your sensations and feelings down to the smallest detail.

The old house causes more problems in reality than in a dream

Terrible buildings threatening to collapse any day are an omen of deteriorating health. And if it is strong and well-groomed family nest, where the hand of the owner is felt, then difficulties will bypass you, you just need to pay more attention to your own well-being and be more careful about your professional activities.

A dream in which you are buying a home with a long history, but at the same time it is solid and beautiful in appearance, and inside it is cozy, comfortable and with big amount antique utensils, prosperity awaits you in all areas of life. Many lost connections with school friends, university classmates, colleagues past work will be restored because soon you will need them or they will need you. But if you have acquired the unpleasant, destroyed four walls, then in reality do not be surprised by illnesses and financial decline.

Seeing someone else's dilapidated and rotten building is an unpleasant omen. Perhaps you will do something that will ruin your relationships with family and friends. Plans and actions for the future should be carefully considered so that they do not go against someone's ideals and do not cause harm to anyone.

For children who saw a forgotten shack in their dreams, this is a sign that they are indecisive and afraid of themselves, so they want to hide from outside world. Talk to your child; most likely, something is bothering him.

Old houses haunt you

Remember what mood you were in the dream. If these are pleasant childhood memories, emotional nostalgia, comfort and peace, then in the near future you will have a soul mate and a warm family hearth.

If you are so drawn to go to your grandmother's hut, you are missing something in your relationship with your spouse or wife, and you are trying to protect yourself in a place where you are always loved and expected. But don’t be fooled, it may be empty and deserted, and in the corners everything is overgrown with cobwebs. So all your ideas and aspirations are doomed to failure. And when you are greeted with a rich table and delicacies, when you wake up, boldly go forward towards your goal, because you will definitely meet success.

A building collapsing before your eyes symbolizes only bad things. Deterioration in health, troubles in business and dismissal from work - all this is not excluded after what you saw.

It is worth noting that some interpret dreams about an old home not as an indicator of something terrible or vice versa, but as a reflection of the real picture. Rented housing, rent, constant moving to Everyday life- it is possible that this is just a “mirror” of your experiences about your own home, and with the purchase of an apartment or small house, these nightmares will not bother you anymore.

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