Burj Khalifa tower: little tricks. Tallest building in the world, Burj Khalifa

The Burj Khalifa is three times the height of the Eiffel Tower in Paris and twice the Empire State Building in New York. Just imagine: the aluminum used in the construction of the Burj Khalifa would be more than enough for five Airbus A380s. For reference: the Airbus A380 is capable of accommodating about a thousand passengers and is considered the largest of the currently operating passenger aircraft. Of course, the Dubai skyscraper consists not only of metal, but also of concrete, the weight of which is equal to the weight of 100,000 elephants (if we measure the scale of the king of skyscrapers in elephants and airplanes). And the spire of the building is visible for 95 kilometers - in other words, if you are going to Dubai, the first thing you will see from an incoming plane will be Burj Khalifa, a symbol of luxury and untold riches of these lands.

Observation deck at sky level

Have you ever thought about the fact that you can soar in the clouds not only while in the cabin of an airplane or in your own dreams? Burj Khalifa gives its guests a unique opportunity to go up to the 125th floor to enjoy the views of one of the most modern cities in world history, and if you're lucky, even the desert. However, truly clear weather in Dubai does not happen so often. The problem is the unbearable heat. When the temperature in the shade is 48 degrees, on the "upper floors" a sultry fog keeps around the clock, through which almost nothing can be seen.

There is entertainment in Burge for the most daring, namely: the opportunity to climb to the 148th floor. In 2014, the world's tallest viewpoint under open sky At the Top SKY. In addition, the site is literally crammed with the most modern and almost "spy" technology, with the help of which guests can not only admire Dubai, but also look into its most remote corners.

At the speed of light

Dubai is famous not only for its wealth, the scale of which is difficult to imagine for mere mortals, but also highest speed development. Burj Khalifa is more than just high building peace. It is a symbol of progress in the UAE. The construction, which began in 2004, proceeded at a record pace: in the first three years, 150 floors were already completed. The grand opening ceremony took place in 2010. Today Burj Khalifa is a whole separate world: there are offices, restaurants, apartments and even the Armani Hotel. So some high-rise residents do not even have to leave their homes to get to work.

Victory and more victory

Burj Khalifa has been holding a leading position for six years already, there is no higher skyscraper on the whole planet. The tower also entered the Guinness Book of Records as the building with the most large quantity floors, the longest lift distance and the highest private residences. Such scales attract extreme sports fans from all over the world: for example, rock climber Alain Robert, known as the French "Spider-Man", conquered the height of the Burj Khalifa skyscraper in 2011 - it took him more than six hours. Thrill-seekers Fred Fügen and Vincent Reffer, on the contrary, traveled from top to bottom, jumping from a height of 828 meters and setting a world record in BASE jumping.

The tallest restaurant in the world

Restaurant At.mosphere is located on the first level of the Burj Khalifa observation deck, namely on the 122nd floor, and this was enough to get into the Guinness Book of Records as the highest restaurant in the world. Here you will be fed the most exquisite dishes, the menu includes foie gras, oysters and Wagyu beef medallions. The wide windows offer a view of the stunning panorama of the city in the desert and even the planes that fly very close to famous skyscraper, coming in for a landing.

Double-story burger at the 163-story Burj Khalifa

In a multi-story building, food should also be multi-story. The Firebird Diner serves Burger Khalifa, which looks like the tallest building in the world for a reason. Quite extravagant, right? A two-story burger consists of one larger burger, on which its smaller counterpart is hoisted. Hidden in the bun is an American lobster tail, fried eggs, USDA premium beef patty with black truffle aioli. The mini burger has a foie gras patty on top, and instead of a spire, the skyscraper burger is topped with a pickled cucumber.

movie star

Shot from the film "Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol"

Almost more often than other skyscrapers, the Burj Khalifa hits wide screens: sometimes a skyscraper is filmed in a movie. It is understandable - every director dreams of getting such a location, regardless of what exactly he is shooting, a thriller, a blockbuster or a romantic comedy. Of the most famous films, it is worth noting the film "Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol" with Tom Cruise in leading role, as well as Independence Day: Resurgence.

The Burj Khalifa has broken all world records for height. The tower was built in the crisis year of 2010. It bears the name of the President of the United Arab Emirates - Khalifa, who allocated a huge amount for the construction of a skyscraper. Prior to that, the building was simply called "Burj Dubai". Translated from Arabic means "Dubai Tower". The skyscraper "Burj Khalifa", whose height is crazy, has 160 floors. On the 124th there is an observation deck from which you can see the whole of Dubai at a glance.

Skyscraper "Burj Khalifa": height

This building has broken all world records in height. It surpassed the Empire State in New York. Its height is 443 m. The Petronas Twin Towers in Malaysia are also inferior to a skyscraper (452 ​​m). The Russian Ostankino Tower, 452 meters high, was also left behind. From the housing stock, the first place in the world before the construction of the legendary Dubai skyscraper belonged to the Taipei 101 skyscraper located in Taiwan. The height of the Burj Khalifa skyscraper is 828 m.

Record building time

Despite the crisis and difficulties with finances, construction was carried out at a record pace. On average, they drove out two floors in seven days. Not a single tower crane could cope with the delivery of concrete to such great height in the required quantity. The solution was pumped up through the pipes under high pressure. The construction of the skyscraper did not stop, even when other projects were suspended due to lack of funds. The workers received good wages. Many dreamed of working here.

Building design

The best specialists from Korea, the USA and Southern Europe. The pride of the creators is elevators that operate at a speed of 40 km / h. With one change to the most high point the tower can be reached in two minutes. The service elevator goes to the top.

Autonomous provision of a skyscraper

From the outside, the building is partly dotted with solar panels. There is also a wind turbine here. The energy that they generate is enough for uninterrupted round-the-clock provision. Technical units and television equipment are located in a 200-meter spire, which is made of metal.

The tallest building on the planet houses cinemas, swimming pools, residential apartments, shopping malls, hotels and more. Near the tower is one of the largest musical fountains in the world.

The opening ceremony

It took place on January 4, 2010. 6 thousand guests were invited to the celebration. The ceremony was postponed several times due to the difficult financial situation. There were a lot of high-ranking guests from 10 countries of the world.

The cost of a ticket to the highest tower in the world

The entrance to the observation deck is located on floor G. You need to go through a huge shopping center"Dubai Mall". If you do not know where to go, then you can simply walk up to any passer-by and name the object. You can also follow the signs. As soon as you enter, you will see a large hall. Here is the layout of the tower.

It is better to buy a ticket to the observation deck in advance on the official website. You will be sent a voucher, which you will need to exchange at a special counter for a ticket.

Ticket price:

  • adult (from 13 years old) costs about $35;
  • children's ticket (from 4 to 13 years old) - $ 25;
  • urgent - $110.

Visitors are allowed into the tower every half an hour. There is control at the entrance. Purchases will have to be left in the storage room. You can take your camera and tablet with you, but you will be asked to hand over your laptop. Also, rollerblading, weapons and glass bottles are not allowed here. It is forbidden to film the security screening process. On the way to the observation deck, I will demonstrate all stages of construction from the monitor. The skyscraper will grow right before your eyes. 12 people are allowed in the elevator hall. Visitors are not swayed in the elevators of the Burj Khalifa tower: the height, according to the guests, does not affect well-being in any way.

The view from the observation deck is extraordinary, because the windows here are completely panoramic. The majestic buildings of Dubai, which seem huge on the ground, look miniature from here. Now you need to feel the moment and enjoy the beauty that opens from the Burj Khalifa. The height at which the observation deck is located is 452 meters. From here you can see famous symbol United Arab Emirates - Burj Al Arab Hotel. Behind it is the man-made island of Palm Jumeirah. On the observation deck you can buy souvenirs to remember this amazing place. Inside the skyscraper there are 9 hotels, a whole system of fountains, 304 hotels, 2957 parking spaces, 904 apartments.

Height that needs care

The height of the Burj Khalifa seems impossible, but despite this, the building must look perfect. There are 26,000 glass panels here that should sparkle. In order to keep the building clean, special rails are attached to its outer side, along which 12 cars move. The weight of one is 13 tons. 36 people were hired to manage the equipment.

For general development Of course, it will be useful to know what the height of the sight in question is. "Burj Khalifa" (an impressive figure is obtained in meters - 828) is simply amazing! But it is better to try and find an opportunity to get to Dubai to enjoy the view from the highest skyscraper in the world.

Climbing the tallest building in the world - the Burj Khalifa in Dubai! How much does a tour to the observation deck cost? Where to buy tickets and how to save? Read our review and tips.

It seems that the Arabs, during the construction of the Burj Khalifa skyscraper, decided to collect all the titles of "the most": this is the tallest ground structure in the history of mankind, the building with the largest number of floors, the fastest elevator, the highest observation deck, etc.

Information about the Burj Khalifa

The height of the Burj Khalifa tower in Dubai is 828 meters, the number of floors is 163, the elevator speed is 18 m / s (according to other sources - 10 m / s). The elevator raises to the 124th floor in a minute, there is a scoreboard in the cabin with a countdown of floors.

The blue dream of almost all tourists in Dubai is to climb this luxurious and breathtaking building. True, no one will let mere mortals to the very top. The maximum height accessible to tourists is 555 meters, or the 148th floor. But the most visited floors are 124 and 125 (456 meters). It is on these three floors that observation decks are located. At the top and At the Top Sky where tickets are sold.

Burj Khalifa is a city within a city: there are offices, apartments, a hotel, restaurants, shopping centers and so on. In front of the building is the famous dancing fountain, which draws crowds with its performances. The equally famous shopping center Dubai Mall adjoins the skyscraper.

(Photo © tucotuti / flickr.com / Licensed under CC BY-NC 2.0)

Where to buy tickets for Burj Khalifa in Dubai?

Advantages of buying on the official website: cheap (from 135 dirhams), you can buy tickets to the 148th floor or choose a promotion. For example, buy skyscraper + aquarium combo tickets. Site in English.

Benefits of buying on Sputnik: more expensive (from 180 dirhams), but in Russian. Unable to select combos.

We bought tickets for Burj Khalifa on the official website. We took a combo - a tower (124th and 125th floors) + an aquarium. For two it turned out 390 dirhams.

Here are the ticket prices for Burj Khalifa on the official website:

Interesting video! TV presenter and blogger Anton Ptushkin conducts a video tour of rich life In Dubai:

Buy tickets for Burj Khalifa in advance, and not at the box office in Dubai Mall - it's much cheaper! After payment, the voucher will be sent to email. It must be printed out and exchanged for a ticket at the box office.

What time to choose? If you want to visit the skyscraper in daytime, we advise you to take tickets for 8:30 or 9:00 - at this time there are still few people. At 10 and 11 in the morning, the sites are already crowded: all the windows are plastered with tourists taking selfies, someone is broadcasting live on Instagram, queues are lining up.

Prime time from 16:00 to 18:00 - busiest time(and the most expensive tickets). You can see the sunset, the dancing fountain and the lights of the city at night. However, can you imagine what kind of pandemonium on the sites? And the fountain is beautiful from below. If you really want to look at the fountain not from the ground, go up to the balcony of the Apple Store in Dubai Mall.

Come early. We arrived half an hour before they let us in. In the daytime and evening, it is better to arrive at least an hour in advance, as there is a queue to the ticket office and separately to the elevator.

How to get to Burj Khalifa in Dubai?

The exact address of the skyscraper is 1 Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Boulevard, Dubai. You can take the metro to the station Burj Khalifa/Dubai Mall. Then follow the signs to the Dubai Mall - through the covered walkway. At the mall, follow the signs for Burj Khalifa again. Next, you will reach the cashier and go up to the elevator.

There is a small queue at the elevator, about 10 people are allowed to enter. In a minute you will go up to the 124th floor, where there is an open terrace with glazed walls. On the 125th floor there is also an observation deck, but closed. We weren't on the 148th floor.

Hotel in Burj Khalifa in Dubai

If you want to splurge, then settle in a 5-star (who would doubt) hotel Armani Hotel Dubai 5 *. It occupies 11 floors of a skyscraper. He has excellent reviews - 9.1 out of 10. A double standard costs only 35 thousand rubles!

Our review of the skyscraper

Is it worth visiting? Undoubtedly! It's expensive, but you won't regret it. It is so tall that it hurts your neck when you look at it. To take a photo of a skyscraper, you have to contrive.

If you don't like to be in the crowd, come early in the morning - we did just that. After 10 a.m., haze appears and visibility decreases. Beautiful at sunset and at night, but expensive and crowded. Someone in the reviews complained that the night view is inferior to the morning one - the lights are like lights, the view is almost like from an airplane window.

Photo of the Burj Khalifa in Dubai

In the early 2000s, the ruler of Dubai, Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, launched a plan to turn his emirate into one of the main centers of world tourism. One of the points of this plan was the construction of a new area - Dubai Downtown, which includes more than 100 residential and office buildings, hotels, the largest shopping center, impressive fountains and many other projects. But the key element of the new district was to be the world's tallest skyscraper.

2003 The Burj Khalifa will be built on this site.

In the spring of 2002, Dubai construction company Emaar approached architect Adrian Smith to design the tallest building in the world. Adrian Smith was chosen because of his Jin Mao skyscraper built in the heart of Shanghai. The original design was 518 meters high, enough to overtake Taiwan's then-record holder Taipei 101, which is 509 meters high. But on initial stage the construction project was changed at least 7 times, the latest options provided for a height of 705 and 750 meters. Smith was not happy with the constant demands to change the design and proposed 5 final versions of the tower, which will not change. Emaar chose a project with a height of 828 meters.
The project started under the name Burj Dubai, construction works started in January 2004.

In December 2004, the foundation of the tower was completed.

It took almost a year to build the first 10 floors of the building. September 2005:

Especially for the Burj Khalifa, a special brand of concrete was developed, capable of for a long time withstand temperatures up to +50 °C. It was poured only at night, and ice was added to the solution. Otherwise, too heat would not allow concrete to gain the necessary strength during solidification. April 2006:

The average rate of construction of the tower was 1-2 floors per week. October 2006:

October 2007: Burj Khalifa reaches 160th floor, 200m steel spire to be erected.

Designed specifically for the Burj Khalifa, glass will let in enough light, but at the same time reflect some of the heat, which will significantly reduce air conditioning costs. In addition, they must withstand huge wind loads on the tower. March 2008

is a famous skyscraper with a height of more than 800 meters, built in Dubai in 2010. According to experts, this stalagmite-like tower is currently the tallest in the world.

The Khalifa Tower is one of the most famous sights of the city, which is always popular with tourists from all over the world. This is truly a building masterpiece, demonstrating the power and wealth of the Emirates.

The cost of this skyscraper in total is $ 1.5 billion. This is a truly unique building, which is a real autonomous city in a metropolis. The Burj Khalifa even has its own streets and parks with evenly cut lawns.

The project was developed under the guidance of the world-famous architect from the United States, Adrian Smith, who has a huge practical experience in the creation of such high-rise buildings.

And the well-known Samsung from South Korea, who also participated in the construction of a number of famous skyscrapers in the United States, China and other countries.

Interestingly, the Burj Khalifa was built from the very beginning with the intention of making it the tallest in the world. Therefore, its final height was kept secret until the end, so that someone would not find out and build the building even higher.

In addition, in preparation for the construction of the Tower, a special concrete was invented that can withstand constant temperature environment more than +50 C, and the concrete mixture was poured using ice.

During the entire construction process, public interest in this unique building was extremely high and gave rise to a lot of rumors and newspaper ducks. In addition, it is known that the builders were paid very little, which is why they periodically rebelled.

What's inside?

Today the Khalifa Tower is the most main element business part of the city. Inside it houses offices and offices, hotels and restaurants, apartments and apartments, shops and boutiques, as well as swimming pools, gyms, jacuzzis, etc.

Inside the skyscraper even its own atmosphere. Purified, cooled and flavored air enters the premises through grates in the floor. The fragrance was also created by perfumers especially for this Tower.

The skyscraper is glazed with energy-saving glass, which does not let the sun's rays in, reflecting them. This allows you to maintain the coolness inside the building, which is so needed by people in this sultry country. Glasses are washed every day.

More than five dozen elevators operate in the Khalifa Tower. Moreover, people who live or work here have to ride elevators with transfers, the architecture of the entire building is so complex.

Near the skyscraper, on the street, there is a huge pond with a beautifully illuminated musical fountain, the height of which reaches 150 m. The fountain works to Arab national music, as well as world modern and classical hits.

It is known that rains are very rare in the Emirates, a small amount of precipitation falls only in winter. Therefore, in the Burj Khalifa, there is a system for collecting not rainwater, but condensate that falls on the surface of the building from the air.

This condensate is sent through the plumbing system to a special tank in the basement and is subsequently used inside the building to water flowers and other plantings throughout the entire complex.

The Tower has the most floors in the world - 163. Previously, the record for the number of floors belonged to the New York twin towers, sadly famous topics that they were completely destroyed as a result of the terrorist attack on 09/11/2000.

Inside the skyscraper on the 122nd floor there is a famous restaurant "Atmosfera". It ranks above all restaurants in the world. And on the 148th floor there is an observation deck, which is also the highest in the world - the height is more than 500 m.

Excursions to the Khalifa Tower

Tourists love to visit this unique skyscraper and not only for sightseeing purposes. Here you can stay in one of the hotels and have a great time traveling around the floors and visiting local restaurants, saunas, places of entertainment, etc., although the pleasure is not cheap.

You can also purchase a guided tour for several people and see all the sights of the Tower during the day. You will surely be delighted to see Dubai from a bird's eye view. You will simply take your breath away from the beauty of the city, watching it from the observation decks.

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