What is the temperature in the aquarium? What water temperature should be in the aquarium for fish and how to maintain it constant and optimal Temperature for fish in the aquarium

Water is not just a source of life. Which fish and how long they will live in the aquarium depends on its properties. Being simple in its composition, water is actually a very complex chemical element.

Aquarium Owners Don't Need to Know Everything Chemical properties, it is enough to understand some of them. So, for example, aquarists need such characteristics of water as hardness, the presence of gases dissolved in it, temperature, salinity, and the degree of concentration of waste products.

Importance of water temperature for aquarium animals

The temperature of the water in the aquarium is a vital condition for the existence of the inhabitants. The course of all processes of development of fish and plants depends on what the temperature environment is. To determine the temperature regime, there are special aquarium thermometers. They measure not only how warm the water is, but also how many degrees it can differ in the lower and top layer. There should be no difference in temperature difference.

If there is such a difference, it is necessary to take measures to restore the balance, since differences can be detrimental to the fish.

The dependence of aquarium fish on water temperature

Body temperature in fish is not a constant value. It depends very much on environment. The higher the heat value, the faster speed metabolism and the faster the fish grows.

Each type of fish has its own temperature at which they feel most comfortable. Even exceeding the optimal temperature conditions significantly affects aquarium fish.

In an aquarium, especially if it is small in volume, and there are a lot of living organisms themselves, an increase in temperature leads to a decrease in oxygen in water. Increased life processes in fish lead to an increase in oxygen consumption. All this affects the state of water: it becomes cloudy, the smell of ammonia appears, oxygen starvation occurs in living organisms. In this case, even an air aerator does not help.

In vivo aquarium fish live in tropical waters, where it is always warm. Temperature differences are not as great as in our latitudes and are 2-3 degrees. Therefore, for fish there is a lower and upper bar of temperature values. To keep the fish comfortable they are acclimatized in quarantine. In a couple of days at a high water temperature, if it does not differ from their usual environment or is one or two degrees higher, the fish gets used to a new place of residence. If temperature regime lower, acclimatization may be longer, sometimes up to several weeks.

There is no specific temperature value for everyone, because fish are divided into warm-water and cold-water.

The warm-water type of fish lives in temperature range from 18 to 20 degrees. But they can also exist at seventeen degree water in an aquarium. These fish require a large aquarium if you have a pair, then they need at least 40 liters, for two pairs, respectively, there should be 80 liters. With all this, planting plants and supplying the aquarium with oxygen are necessary.

The cold water type of fish also needs a good supply of oxygen. But on the other hand, they can live at low temperature conditions (14 degrees), and at elevated water temperatures (25 degrees).

In fact, all this is not an unbreakable rule. For every kind there is a specific water temperature, from which one should build on in order to know what temperature should be in the aquarium.

The optimal temperature level for keeping fish in an aquarium

If the fish contained in the aquarium of the same species, then there will be no problems in their maintenance - it is enough to maintain one constant temperature water. Some aquarists want to diversify animal world your aquarium. In this case, you need to pick up fish with one temperature regime. Help, especially for beginners, may be able to know the following rules:

  • it is necessary to populate the aquarium with fish from one general temperature habitats;
  • for pregnant fish and fry that have appeared, it is worth starting a separate aquarium with a high water temperature;
  • per day, temperature changes in the water in the aquarium cannot deviate from the established norm by more than 2-3 degrees;
  • know what the optimal water temperature in the aquarium should be: in cold water it is easier to get sick and in water at a higher temperature, the presence of oxygen decreases;
  • for temperature control the aquarium must be equipped with a thermometer and a heating system (preferably with an alert sensor).

Ways to maintain the temperature in the aquarium

As already mentioned, special means are used for a constant temperature value. These funds are primarily intended for heating the aquarium. How much room temperature affects the aquarium, experienced aquarists know. The rest should remember ways to change the temperature balance of water in different time of the year:

  • not everyone knows that an aquarium refrigerator is used to lower the temperature;
  • if the apartment has air conditioning, then it will maintain the desired mode;
  • some amateurs blow the water surface with a fan;
  • if there is neither one nor the other, then ice can be used for cooling;
  • heating is carried out by a special heater;
  • when there is no desire to spend money on the purchase of equipment, you can use a regular heating pad.

Anyway man decides for himself how he will use to heat or cool the water in the aquarium. Using professional devices, there is a guarantee of correct temperature control.

Breeding ornamental fish is a very exciting business. However, if you decide to devote yourself to this interesting hobby, you should know a lot of details and subtleties (first of all, such as the required temperature in the aquarium). Beginners often make a number of mistakes when introducing fish. To avoid them, we advise you to carefully read this article.

The most important factor in breeding fish

In order for your pets to be comfortable in the water, you need to know exactly what temperature should be in the aquarium. First of all, it should be remembered that each type of fish has its own water temperature. Someone likes cool water, and someone is more thermophilic. This should certainly be taken into account when you start equipping the aquarium. Especially if you want to put different fish. First make sure that all of them are able to exist at the same temperature.

Optimum temperature

So, you have decided to buy several types of fish. In this case, it will not hurt you to know which species prefers which temperature in the aquarium. Everything is pretty simple. Most ornamental fish that exist today are quite suitable for temperatures from 22 to 26 degrees.

There are some types of fish (there are not many of them) for which the optimum temperature will be slightly higher - from 28 to 31 degrees. These include, first of all, discus and labyrinth fish.

But goldfish, on the contrary, prefer cooler water - only from 18 to 23 degrees. Although they, of course, can live quite a long time in water, say, about twenty-five degrees. But after that, goldfish invariably develop various diseases and ailments. Therefore, it is better to maintain the optimal cool temperature.

Other types of fish, perhaps, are not so demanding and are able to exist quite comfortably with standard indicators in an aquarium of 22-26 degrees.

How to change the water temperature in an aquarium

Quite often, aquarists have to change the temperature in order to provide their fish with a safe existence. For this there are special devices. Many aquariums are already initially equipped with special heaters, thermometers and temperature controllers, which allow both to lower the temperature in the aquarium, and vice versa, to heat the water.
If your aquarium is equipped with a full arsenal of such devices, it will be easy for you to maintain the desired temperature. How to lower or raise the temperature in the aquarium? It is enough just to follow the readings of the thermometer and, if necessary, adjust the temperature regime.

The main thing is to avoid sudden changes. Sudden fluctuations in temperature levels (more than 2-3 degrees) can adversely affect the health of your fish. Stress, colds and other troubles will not bring anything but harm. Therefore, when buying an aquarium, choose a model with a thermometer so that you can constantly maintain the desired temperature.

  • Aquarium water temperature for fish

    You have decided to start an aquarium. Prepare for the fact that without heating systems, the temperature of the aquarium will be equal to or a couple of degrees below room temperature. If it's great in the summer, then in winter time problems can arise, because most aquarium fish are warm-water and prefer a temperature of 24-26 degrees.

    There are a number of fish that will have to create special conditions. So, optimal water temperature in the aquarium for discus it is 28-31°C. For the reproduction of adult fish, the temperature should rise to 30-33 degrees. Discus fry also prefer to grow in temperatures above +30°C.

    It is enough for angelfish to provide 22-26 degrees in the aquarium. Fish will be able to endure a temperature drop of up to 18 degrees, but you should not subject them to such tests too often. For spawning, angelfish require elevated temperatures in the region of 28-30 °, and this temperature must be stable.

    Goldfish prefer to live in cooler conditions. The ideal water temperature for a goldfish tank ranges from 18 to 23°C. At higher temperatures, swim bladder dysfunction may occur in fish.

    Swordtails in nature live in the waters of the North and Central America, and therefore are ready to endure temperature fluctuations from 20 to 26°C. Cases have been recorded when the water temperature in the aquarium for swordtails decreased to 10 degrees, and the fish endured it without loss. In order for the female swordtail to throw fry, in the aquarium, in addition to other factors (fatty food), 26-27 ° C must be kept constantly.

    The most unpretentious can be called guppies. It is believed that they are able to survive at temperatures from 4 to 36 degrees. At the same time, for normal growth and development, it is best to maintain the temperature within 23-27 degrees. At lower temperatures, diseases begin in fish, growth slows down, and puberty begins later. At temperatures close to 30 degrees, growth accelerates, but aging also comes earlier.

    Optimal aquarium water temperature

    Several conclusions can be drawn from all of the above. First, the aquarium should be populated with fish with similar temperature preferences. In addition, given that adult fish during the spawning period and fry in the first days after birth require elevated temperatures, a special spawning aquarium should be established, where greenhouse conditions should be provided for the fish.

    Another important detail is the daily fluctuations in water. If deviations of 3-5 degrees are permissible for guppies within a day, then this is rather an exception to the rule. For most fish aquarium water temperature should not deviate more than two degrees. This is difficult to achieve if the room where the aquarium is located is often ventilated.

    Knowing what the optimum temperature of the aquarium should be is extremely important. If fish are at risk of catching an infection in cold water, then in warmer than necessary water, all the inhabitants of the aquarium will suffer from a lack of oxygen. In the absence of control, the water temperature in the aquarium in summer can rise to 36 ° C, which is fatal for most species.

    Thus, it is very important to purchase a thermometer and a heating system complete with an aquarium. It is better if the heating pad is equipped with an automatic thermostat or at least a warning system for exceeding the maximum allowable temperature. Thus, it can be guaranteed that fish tank water temperature will not go beyond dangerous marks.

    Surely you know that all underwater inhabitants your aquarium have different duration life. Moreover, than bigger fish the longer she lives. This is certainly not a statement, but often it is true. The main factor strongly influencing the life expectancy of aquarium inhabitants is water temperature. At higher water temperatures, its inhabitants live less.

    As you know, fish and plants are not able to maintain their temperature at a constant level and are forced to be content with the conditions that we impose on them. The life expectancy of fish, depending on the temperature of the water, is almost linear dependence. So, for example, if one species of fish lives at a temperature of 20 ° C for about six months, then at a temperature of 30 ° C it will live for 3 months. This statement is true for all cold-water fish; for warm-water fish, this dependence is less pronounced, but still exists. In addition, warm-water fish are able to live in a rather narrow temperature range, which imposes additional requirements on temperature stability. For the most common aquarium fish, the temperature range is between 20-27°C.

    All of the above data suggests that if average duration fish is about 3 years old at a water temperature of 25 ° C, then when the temperature drops to 16 ° C, the fish may die, and when it rises to 34 ° C, it will also not live for 3 days. If the water temperature lies near the boundary values, then the fish can live longer, but still much less than at the recommended temperature.

    Thus, all the inhabitants of the aquarium must be selected according to the temperature range to which they are accustomed to living in natural habitats. All this will contribute to the fact that your pets will be healthy and live long.

    What pertains to aquarium plants, then the same rules apply here as for fish, only they are even more stringent. It would seem that many plant species are able to tolerate fluctuations in water temperature within a fairly wide range of 5-30 ° C, but at higher temperatures, plants significantly accelerate their metabolism, which is expressed in excessively rapid consumption of nutrients. All this leads to the fact that the processes of decay are accelerated in plants, which is manifested in the rapid decay of its leaves.

    At the first stage, at elevated water temperatures, the plants do not betray this by their appearance. In this regard, many aquarists make a big mistake by not controlling the water parameters and begin to take necessary actions only when everything is already too late - the plant died, and the aquarium was significantly disturbed.

    It should be said that among aquarium fish there are several species for which water temperatures above 30 ° C are the norm, while at the same time there are no plants that could grow normally at such a temperature. On the contrary, there are relatively few varieties of plants that require water temperatures above 20°C. The rule also works for them - the cooler, the more acceptable, but everything must be within the recommended temperatures for this species. For example, Ruby Echinodorus acquire their beautiful reddish color at a lower temperature, while at a higher temperature only young shoots have a reddish color.

    Many people prefer to keep aquarium pets as pets - they are unpretentious in maintenance, do not cause allergies in adults and children, do not make noise and do not require constant attention. In this article, we will look at what water temperature should be in an aquarium: why sudden changes in water are dangerous and what are the rules for observing the temperature regime.

    Effect of water temperature

    Many factors depend on the condition of the water in the aquarium: the growth of fish, their development, health and the tendency to breed. If the pet in the aquarium got sick and even died, it is completely the fault of the owner, who did not adhere to correct mode and fish care.

    It is noteworthy that both very high temperatures and low temperatures are harmful to fish - they equally badly affect the well-being of fish, reduce their activity and provoke a weakening of the immune system.

    Did you know? Strong heating of air and water negatively affects not only the fish, but also the plants living in the aquarium - they can quickly become exhausted and become lethargic.

    Beginning aquarists quite often make mistakes in keeping fish. To avoid this, you need to know what the correct water temperature should be for aquarium fish.

    Why deviations are dangerous

    If you do not adhere to the established norms and allow severe overheating or hypothermia of the liquid, or sudden changes in temperature, you can cause serious illness fish, and even their death.


    Almost all aquarium inhabitants are tropical creatures that live in fairly warm water. However, exceeding the required temperature state leads to serious consequences: the fish begins to suffocate and may die.

    A sign of overheating is restless behavior of the fish, unnatural color (severe redness of the scales). In this case, you need to pour a small amount of cool (but not cold) water into the aquarium until the indicators approach normal.

    It is also necessary to provide enhanced air exchange - start the compressor pumping air.

    If the water temperature in the aquarium for fish has risen no higher than 35 ° C, then a gradual decrease in it to a normal level of 25 ° C may not adversely affect the health of the fish.
    But overheating above 35 ° C can lead to the death of your aquarium pets.

    Important! Well-fed fish tolerate overheating worse than hungry ones - warm water environment reduces the amount of oxygen in it, and well-fed inhabitants of aquariums need air more than hungry ones.

    It is imperative to control the water with a special thermometer or an aquarium thermostat.


    A significant decrease in indicators below 22 ° C also provokes a disease and a change in the behavior of the fish - either severe lethargy, apathy, or, conversely, hyperactivity appears.

    In order to bring the indicators back to normal, you need to add warm (but not hot) water to the aquarium.
    It is necessary to monitor the temperature of the liquid: if you pour it too hot, you can cause a burn on delicate scales and the death of this small tropical animal.

    Often, hypothermia of water occurs as a result of a general cooling, especially in autumn and winter months. For tropical fish a cold environment is a real disaster (only some fish can normally endure a slight cold snap:,).

    Signs of hypothermia in fish are blanching of the scales, lethargy, refusal of food. In a cold environment, the risk of infection with infectious diseases increases, so the fish, long time being in cool water, very quickly catch cold and fall ill.

    Fish fry also die - in a cold environment they can die within 20 minutes from the moment the liquid cools.

    sharp drops

    Rapid changes in temperature also adversely affect the health of this home inhabitant. Changes are possible in such cases:

    • a decrease in temperature directly in the room where the aquarium is located - as a result, the liquid in the aquarium and the air also cool down;
    • transplanting fish from one container to another (for example, while cleaning the aquarium) - liquid in a shallow container can cool quickly.

    Important! Temperature difference for fish is negligible, at first sight, swing at 2-3 degrees. However, this may be enough for the fish to catch a cold or overheat.

    In order to avoid a decrease in water degrees due to daily fluctuations in the room, it is necessary to put a good thermostat in the aquarium - it must always maintain an optimal environment.
    Remember: room temperature is not always favorable for aquarium pets. Our climate is not the tropics, and the heating of the air may not reach as many degrees as necessary for the normal functioning of the fish.

    What should be the optimum temperature

    It is important to remember that the temperature in the aquarium should be the same for any weather conditions and any time of the day - 25 °C. If you keep discus, pearl gourami and other heat-loving animals, temperatures can reach 27°C.

    Did you know? The most unpretentious aquarium fish are guppies, gambusia, macropods - they also do not need enhanced aeration of water with oxygen.

    To maintain the optimum temperature in the aquarium, as mentioned above, a thermostat is used. Take care of the correct aquarium lid: it should contain coverslips - they reduce the evaporation of liquid, and keep the air in the aquarium at the same temperature as the water.
    If you artificially raise the thermometer by 3–4 degrees, this will stimulate fish to reproduce and spawn.

    Features of compliance with the temperature regime during transportation

    As a rule, most fish die due to their improper transportation. Basically, when buying a fish, people transport it in a bag of water - in this case it is almost impossible to control the temperature regime.

    In addition, such transportation is unacceptable in the cold or too hot season - the water can cool down or overheat very quickly.

    The most comfortable way for the fish to be transported will be a thermos - you can maintain the desired temperature in it for a long time, moreover, in case of an accidental fall, the fish is not injured. The permissible change in the state of the liquid in the thermos during transportation and in the aquarium as the final habitat of the fish is 1–2 degrees.

    Temperature control methods

    As already mentioned, the most convenient and effective way temperature control is a thermostat - it has the ability to maintain a constant warm atmosphere in the aquarium.

    One way to prevent overheating in hot weather is to install an air conditioner in the room, but this is a radical method, in addition, it reduces the humidity of the air.

    If there is no traditional thermostat, you can use certain heating pads with a thermostat that turn off on their own when they reach desired temperature. Using a powerful heating pad will allow you to ventilate the room without fear - the temperature in the room will not decrease.
    Remember: maintaining the correct condition of the water in the aquarium is the key to the longevity and health of your fish.

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