Delicious eggplant dishes bonduelle recipes. Fried eggplant recipes - quick and tasty

And eggplants, which we will talk about in another article, are of course known to everyone. But there are so many of them that no one can possibly know all the recipes.

Eggplants have their own flavor and are very easy to process. Prepare them different ways, and fry, and steam, and boil. While we are not talking to you about preparing eggplants for the winter. This will be in another article.

It is very easy and simple to prepare light summer dishes from eggplants. When you're tired of meat and want something satisfying, this is where they come in handy.

Several recipes for preparing eggplants, tasty and simple, with photos

I have given here some very tasty, simple, original recipes. I am sure that you will be able to prepare them in such a way that all your loved ones will be happy. Experiment! Fantasize. Add the spices you like. Good luck!


  1. Appetizer of eggplant, tomatoes and garlic


  • Medium eggplants - 6 pcs.
  • Medium tomatoes - 8 pcs.
  • Garlic - 3-4 heads
  • Salt - 2 tsp. with a mound
  • Vegetable oil - 50 ml.
  • Hot pepper - optional
  • Spices, herbs - to taste


1. Wash the eggplants and pat dry with paper towels. Cut off the tail and stem and cut in half crosswise.

2. Peel the garlic and cut into large slices. We will stuff the eggplants with them, so cut the slices so that it is convenient for you to do this.

3. Pour the chopped garlic into a deep cup. Add 2 heaped teaspoons of salt to it and mix.

4. Make deep longitudinal cuts in the end part of the cut eggplants.

5. Place chopped garlic cloves into these slits and stuff them. Stick several cloves into one hole, hoping that you have enough garlic for all the eggplants. You can also put hot pepper there. When salting garlic, you can add your favorite spices. We don't do this, but it's not forbidden.

6. Cut the tomatoes into small cubes. You can remove the skin, but this is not necessary.

7. Place the prepared eggplants in a saucepan, stuffed side up, and place the chopped tomatoes on them. There is no need to pour water.

8. Level the tomatoes evenly over the entire surface and compact. We try to let the tomatoes fill the voids between the eggplants.

9. Cover the pan with a lid, put it on medium heat and keep it on the fire for about 20 minutes. The tomatoes should settle and give juice.

10. Open the lid and try our resulting juice. If necessary, add salt and sugar. You can also add other seasonings you like. Add vegetable oil. Close the lid, reduce the heat to low and let stand for another 20 minutes.

11. Eggplants should become soft and can be easily pierced with a knife or fork. If the eggplants are completely ready, turn off the heat, close the lid and let cool (if you cook the eggplants on an electric stove, it is better to remove the pan from the burner so that they do not overcook and turn into porridge).

12. After they have cooled, put the pan in the refrigerator for a day.

13. Eggplants should cool well and brew.

14. Our dish is ready.

15. Remove from the pan and cut into easy-to-eat and beautiful pieces.

16. Place them on plates. Place a little tomato from the pan on top of each piece.

17. This dish can be served sprinkled with herbs, sour cream or mayonnaise, or ketchup. Basically with any sauces you like. We prefer to eat without adding anything else.

If you take this eggplant recipe, I think you won’t regret it. Fragrant, delicious!

Bon appetit!

  1. Fried eggplant salad with egg and onion


  • Eggplant – 3 pcs.
  • Egg – 3 pcs.
  • Onion – 2 pcs.
  • Mayonnaise - 3 tbsp.
  • Salt, pepper - to taste
  • Vegetable oil

Onion marinade:

  • Sugar - 1 tsp.
  • Salt - 0.5 tsp.
  • Vinegar 9% - 3 tbsp.
  • Water – 80 ml.


1. Wash the eggplants, wipe with paper towels, cut off the stem, cut lengthwise into plates and then cut into small cubes. Add salt and leave for 30 minutes to remove the bitterness.

We always did this before. Nowadays we have many varieties of non-bitter eggplants. If you know for sure that your eggplants are not bitter, you can skip this step.

Well, of course, you can be completely confident if you grow them yourself. If not, it’s better not to risk it, but let it sit with salt. It won't get any worse.

2. Cut the onion into thin half rings. Place in a separate deep, small cup. Add half a teaspoon of salt, a spoonful of sugar, three tablespoons of 9% vinegar and pour boiling water. Stir and let stand for 20 minutes.

3. Pour a little vegetable oil into a frying pan, heat it up and fry the chopped eggplants in it. Stirring occasionally until done. Approximately 5-7 minutes.

4. Place the fried eggplants on a paper towel to remove any excess fat and let it cool a little.

5. Cut the hard-boiled eggs into strips. It’s very easy to do this with a special egg slicer, but you can just cut it with a knife.

We collect the salad.

6. Place slightly cooled eggplants in a deep salad bowl. Next add the chopped eggs.

7. Drain the liquid from the onion, you can press it a little with a spoon, as if squeezing it, and add it to the eggplants. Salt, pepper, add mayonnaise. Mix everything well.

8. Let the salad brew and cool in the refrigerator. Approximately 20-25 minutes.

9. The salad turns out tender and tasty. Everyone will eat it, and if they are not gourmets, they will not immediately understand what kind of dish it is.

10. For beauty, take a round mold and put the salad there

and decorate it with a sprig of herbs and a tomato. Well, if you add some imagination, then with a rose.


Bon appetit!

  1. Eggplants like mushrooms with garlic and dill

This eggplant dish is reminiscent of pickled mushrooms. But of course it does not replace them. Preparing such a dish is easy, quick and simple.


  • Eggplants - 1-1.5 kg.
  • Dill - bunch
  • Garlic - 1 head
  • Vegetable oil - 100 ml.

For the marinade:

  • Water - 2 liters
  • Salt - 2 tbsp. with a mound
  • Sugar - 1 tbsp. (optional)
  • Vinegar 9% - 150 ml.


1. Wash the vegetables as usual, dry them a little, cut off the ends on both sides and cut into cubes 1.5-2 cm in size. We cut directly with the peel. I like it when the pieces are with the skin on in the finished dish. Of course, if you don’t like it or if your vegetables are not young, you can peel the peel. The eggplants will turn out even more tender.

2. Pour salt into a pan of water, stir, bring to a boil and carefully add vinegar. Stir again and immediately add eggplants to the water.

3. We will cook the vegetables until cooked and soft. But it is important not to overcook them. Eggplants are very light, they float on the surface. Therefore, they must be stirred periodically during the cooking process.

4. They cook quickly. Approximately 5-6 minutes. You will see that they have become translucent. Well, or try it. Take out a piece and try, if the piece is soft, it means it’s cooked.

5. Place the finished eggplants in a colander and leave for 15-20 minutes to allow the marinade to drain.

6. During this time we will have time to chop the garlic. Chop the garlic quite finely and as desired. You can use a head of garlic, or you can use more or less, according to your taste. Please note that eggplants love garlic.

7. The eggplants have cooled down a little. Place them from a colander into a salad bowl so that the eggplants that were at the bottom and hotter are at the top. Add chopped garlic.

8. Add dill, pour in vegetable oil, mix.

9. In principle, our dish is ready. You just need to let it brew. Cover the salad bowl with a plate and leave at room temperature until completely cooled.

10. After the dish has cooled completely, place it in the refrigerator for 12 hours.

11. Now the dish has infused and is completely ready.

IN ready dish You can add sugar if desired, if not enough, then salt. Well, whatever you think is necessary.

It turned out to be an excellent eggplant dish. Fragrant, light, simple.

Bon appetit!

  1. How to quickly cook delicious eggplants in a frying pan

I suggest you look at two delicious and original recipes eggplant. One is very simple and very tasty in a frying pan, and the second is very original and also very tasty with mussels in rolls. Watch it, cook it, you won’t regret it.

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Eggplant dishes

A popular dish in Korea made from eggplant, sweet peppers, tomatoes and garlic with herbs. A very simple recipe - eggplant in Korean is excellent holiday snack!

Letcho with eggplant is a traditional Hungarian dish, the recipe of which is very useful to have in your own culinary arsenal. An excellent vegetable snack that won't spoil even festive table.

Very fragrant and juicy eggplants with delicious filling! If you don’t know how to cook stuffed eggplants, the recipe will help you figure it out.

Stuffed eggplants in Armenian is my signature dish, which was taught to me by a professional Armenian chef. The eggplants turn out simply excellent - you'll lick your fingers!

Eggplant satsivi - it's easy universal snack from the repertoire of Georgian culinary specialists and cooks. This cold appetizer looks great on any table, but especially good in nature.

Peking eggplant is a very popular dish in China, the step-by-step recipe for which I want to show you.

Eggplants with walnuts- this is very delicious snack to any table! A traditional dish Georgian cuisine.

Eggplant casserole is a side dish, an appetizer, and even a main course for those who don’t like to overeat. Simple ingredients, a minimum of effort - and a delicious eggplant casserole is already on the table.

Chile is not only a country and a type of pepper, but also a delicious Mexican dish. I'm sharing how to make delicious black bean and eggplant chili.

Eggplant with champignons is a fairly simple but very tasty everyday dish made from simple ingredients. It is prepared without meat, so it is also a budget-friendly dish.

Crumble is a traditional English dish that is prepared in the oven. In this case, we will prepare eggplant crumble - without meat.

Fried eggplants with tomatoes are a wonderful appetizer for lunch, dinner, and the holiday table. It is prepared very simply and quickly. It will especially please lovers of eggplants and meat-free dishes.

Long years I tried to find out from my grandmother the recipe for her famous pickled eggplants, but nothing came of it - she is still silent, like a partisan;) Therefore, I pickle eggplants using my own method - I hope you like it!

Eggplants in Italian - very tasty dish, invented by the Italians. main feature eggplants in Italian - they are baked in the oven. The dish is vegetarian, very tasty and healthy.

This recipe can be used to prepare five liters of salted eggplant. In winter, salted eggplants can be used for appetizers and salads, or served with olive oil and onions.

Of all the savory winter snacks, I want to highlight spicy eggplants. Their taste is incredible. Making a snack at home is very simple. Spicy lovers will be delighted! ;)

This winter eggplant appetizer is very bright, both in color and taste. In addition, it is spicy and nutritious. In winter it will definitely bring back the color to your cheeks! Be sure to prepare it at home!

This recipe is dedicated to fans of “blues”. Korean-style eggplants are prepared for the winter with carrots, bell peppers and onions. All vegetables retain their juiciness and “fresh” taste. In winter, such a jar is a godsend!

This winter eggplant salad recipe is designed for those who like it spicy and are watching calories. Although it is highly recommended for everyone else too! It retains all the vitamins of fresh vegetables.

Quickly pickled eggplants are a spicy appetizer that can be prepared in just a few hours from very simple and affordable ingredients. I recommend trying it!

Eggplant lecho is my favorite variation of this dish. It is very simple to make, and ingredients can be added according to taste and preference. Lecho prepared according to this recipe can be canned.

This recipe is for one liter jar and allows you to keep the dish in the refrigerator for a year! No conservation! I advise you to choose young, medium-sized eggplants for preservation.

Stuffed eggplants are a very beautiful and tasty appetizer. For her, it is better to select eggplants of the same size. You can enjoy this snack for six months; it keeps well.

Eggplant in adjika is a spicy cold appetizer. Convenient: it can be stored in the refrigerator for a long time, or rolled into jars for winter storage. Interesting? I’ll tell you how to cook eggplants in adjika!

Beans with eggplants are a nutritious, healthy, tasty dish. It is recommended for vegetarians, it contains a lot of vegetable protein. Beans with eggplants can also be served as a side dish with meat.

Eggplant in pots is a Bulgarian national dish. There are many recipes for eggplant in pots. Having mastered this simple recipe, if you wish, in the future you can complicate it and add something else.

Eggplant puree soup is a French dish that takes 1 hour to prepare. The soup turns out to be exquisite, tasty, satisfying, and at the same time vegetarian. Well suited for cooking in summer.

Stewed eggplants with tomatoes - light summer dish. It cooks quickly, the main thing is to collect all the ingredients good quality. The dish is simple, because its taste depends on the quality of the ingredients.

The recipe for eggplant in tomato is simple, it is an everyday, everyday dish. It is light and tasty, quite healthy. It goes well as a side dish with hot dishes, and is also an excellent cold appetizer. Let's cook!

Classic recipe Cooking eggplant in batter is quite simple and does not take much time. This delicious treat is a great summer snack that won't take you 20 minutes to prepare.

Eggplants in a frying pan are a very tasty appetizer for a quick fix. It's great to serve it freshly prepared at a picnic, but it tastes even better the next morning. Master a simple recipe for eggplant in a frying pan - you'll love it!

Cabbage with eggplants is a rather rare dish, but like any dish whose recipe includes eggplants, it is tasty and healthy. This light vegetable dish can be an excellent side dish for pork.

Eggplant with nuts is a very easy summer snack, one of the classic snacks made from this wonderful vegetable. If I'm not mistaken, something similar is popular in Caucasian cuisine. Let's cook!

Salad with fried eggplants is a light summer salad that will delight you not only with its rich taste, but also with its appetizing and aesthetic appearance. Almost a gourmet salad made from very simple ingredients.

Korean-style eggplant salad is a vegetarian oriental dish that looks very beautiful and appetizing. The salad is prepared from vegetables, sesame seeds, soy sauce with a little vinegar. Delicious!

I’ll tell you how to cook eggplants in a slow cooker so that they turn out surprisingly tasty, juicy and aromatic. These eggplants can be eaten both hot and cold.

Did you know that vegetables can be cooked in the microwave, and they turn out less fatty, but retain all their beneficial features? I give advice on how to cook eggplants in the microwave - it will turn out delicious!

The recipe for the Greek dish moussaka is for all lovers of Mediterranean cuisine. Making moussaka at home is not difficult - especially with such an easy-to-follow step by step recipe, like this.

Greek eggplant or Greek eggplant recipe - for all vegetable lovers. Preparing a delicious appetizer of eggplant with vegetables and herbs is possible both at home and outdoors.

The recipe for stuffed appetizers with vegetables and spices will be of interest to anyone who likes stuffing vegetables. The result is a very tasty dish that can be safely served as a hot dish.

Eggplants with separately fried vegetables - simple summer dish from fresh and delicious vegetables. A great way to cook eggplant.

Recipe for garlic rubbed toast with roasted eggplant, feta and green onion salad.

Boiled eggplant salad is the great-grandson of the usual tomato and cucumber salad. Special cutting of components and some ingredients modernize this salad, making it more appetizing and tasty!

Mother-in-law's tongue is a delicious appetizer made from eggplant and tomatoes. The snack acquired such a non-standard name, not because of its physical similarity, but in the sense of similarity with the style or style of the mother-in-law :)

Another experiment with pasta was a great success, and here is the result - delicious spaghetti with cherry tomatoes, eggplants and bean sprouts, the recipe of which would interest even Italian chefs.

Adjapsandali is a dish of Georgian cuisine. He is equally loved both at home and in neighboring countries. There are analogues in different cultures. In Turkey, ajapsandali are imambayaldi, and in Europe they are called sote.

Take a look at the photo - eggplant cutlets are visually no different from meat cutlets. Imagine the surprise of guests when they are told that the tender cutlets they just ate were vegetable :)

Eggplants in sweet and sour sauce are a real delicacy whose taste will delight gourmets. A recipe on how to turn an ordinary product into a delicious treat!

Eggplant and mushrooms are a great combination to make a wonderful casserole for dinner. By the way, dinner will be Italian style! Very tasty, satisfying and without meat. See for yourself!

Georgian cuisine is not only about meat, wine and cheeses. The local chefs cook vegetables perfectly - and Georgian eggplants are a clear example of this.

Chinese eggplant is one of the most popular dishes Chinese cuisine. However, all the ingredients for this dish are available in any Russian supermarket, so the dish can be prepared here too.

Perhaps the most trivial thing that can be prepared from eggplants is fried eggplants with garlic. Fast, simple and very beautiful.

Moussaka with eggplant is a traditional Greek hot dish, which today is popular all over the world, including in Russia.

The most unusual and delicious preparation? Pickled eggplants. The easiest, healthiest and most original of salty snacks? Of course, these are pickled eggplants! Very easy recipe preparations.

Grilled eggplant is perhaps the easiest way to cook this vegetable. The simplest, but not the worst - the dish turns out very tender and piquant.

A chic dish for dinner or a holiday table - pork with eggplant. By the way, pork with eggplant is one of the most favorite dishes of the Chinese. It cooks quite quickly - this is a big plus.

Eggplant and zucchini stew is a tasty and lean dish. This dish requires only ordinary vegetables, a little seasoning and olive oil. Happy cooking!

Baked eggplants are beautiful and tasty. See for yourself how you can create a real culinary masterpiece from familiar and everyday ingredients!

Stewed eggplants - simple, tasty and light dish. Eggplants themselves are hearty vegetables, so they can be used both as an independent dish and as a side dish.

Eggplants are delicious, cheese is also delicious, and eggplants with cheese are delicious squared away!

It’s hard to imagine a vegetable stranger than eggplant. One is unreal purple what is it worth! European travelers first encountered eggplant during their tourist, research and expansion visits to India.

And some overly zealous researcher found out that the ancient Greeks, who also saw eggplants in their own gardens more than once, called the purple fruit “the apple of madness” and were sure that, having eaten a bellyful of blue fruits, you could easily become damaged in your mind. Europeans decided to try eggplants only after America was discovered. The fact is that travelers from Europe saw that American Indians grow eggplants and happily eat the purple fruits without losing their minds.

There is a legend that a Turkish imam fainted after trying an eggplant dish for the first time. It seems that the food turned out to be so tasty that the impressionable Turk lost consciousness from an excess of feelings.

Eggplants contain a certain amount of vitamin C, which can protect us from colds and infections, and although the amount of ascorbic acid in eggplants is far from lemons or black currants, an additional portion of this vitamin is unlikely to be superfluous for your body. In addition, eggplant fruits contain quite a lot of B vitamins, which not only strengthen nervous system and fight depression and insomnia, but also help our skin quickly absorb moisture, which means it relieves your face of early wrinkles. In addition, the substances contained in eggplant restore skin tissue and even promote wound healing.

Eggplants are rich in manganese, iron and zinc, so blue fruits are recommended to be consumed for anemia. Eggplants are also useful for those who have problems with the heart and blood vessels, because eggplants contain substances that can reduce cholesterol levels in the body. In addition, potassium salts present in eggplant fruits improve heart function and help remove excess fluid from the body, so eggplants are useful for older people suffering from cardiovascular diseases, especially with edema caused by cardiac dysfunction.

And nutritionists consider eggplants to be almost the best food for those who want to part with extra pounds. One hundred grams of this valuable vegetable contains only 28 kcal; in addition, eggplants are rich in fiber, which can remove toxins and excess fluid from the body. The only “but”: when frying, eggplants easily absorb oil, so the final eggplant product may be too fatty. We'll open it for you little secret: eggplants will absorb less oil if the sliced ​​​​circles are immersed in cold water for 10 minutes.

When buying eggplants, you should give preference to young fruits. The fact is that eggplants contain a substance called solanine, which explains their slightly bitter taste. There is quite a lot of solanine in overripe fruits, and since large quantities This substance can cause esophageal irritation and stomach problems; it is better to choose younger eggplants. You can determine the “age” of an eggplant by its skin and stalk. A brown stalk indicates that the fruit was picked a long time ago, there are no brown spots on a fresh eggplant, and it is not soft and slippery, and the skin should not be wrinkled and dry. If you are still not sure that you have made the right choice, just in case, keep the purchased eggplants in a 3% solution of salt water - this way a significant part of the solanine is extracted.

Eggplant dishes are very popular in many countries around the world. You will learn how to cook blue ones so that they are tasty and healthy for the body from this collection of recipes with detailed description preparations and photos.

Blue rolls

Recipes for eggplant dishes are varied: from the simplest snack to a culinary masterpiece. Rolls prepared in this way are a hearty snack, one serving contains only 189 kcal and can be prepared in just half an hour. For this appetizer for 4 people you will need:

  • 550 g eggplants;
  • 30 g mustard;
  • 1/2 cup Provencal;
  • 1 small head of garlic;
  • 300 g tomatoes;
  • refined Oleina for frying;
  • salt, herbs.

Step-by-step description of cooking:

  1. Cut the blue ones lengthwise into thin slices, add salt and let stand for 15 minutes. Drain the resulting juice.
  2. Fry them in well-heated fat until golden and leave to cool.
  3. Cut the washed and dried tomatoes into slices.
  4. Mix mayonnaise with grated garlic, chopped herbs and mustard.
  5. Take a cooled slice, grease it with mayonnaise, add a tomato slice and wrap it in a roll. If you wish, you can diversify this dish and add hard cheese to the filling.
  6. This simple blueberry dish is served on a large communal plate, garnished with a sprig of parsley.

Boats stuffed with vegetables

This is a fairly simple dish with an energy value of 150 kcal per 100 g. For 4 servings you need to take:

  • blue ones - 700 g;
  • onion – 350 g;
  • carrots – 300 g;
  • boiled eggs – 4 pcs.;
  • dill, parsley, cilantro - 1 good bunch;
  • garlic - large head;
  • Oleina, odorless, for frying;
  • salt pepper.

For sour cream sauce with tomato:

  • sour cream – 400 ml;
  • flour – 60 g;
  • meat broth or water – 200 ml;
  • tomato puree -100 g.

Cooking instructions:

  1. Divide the blue ones in half lengthwise, remove the seeds and add salt. When they release juice, rinse and get rid of droplets of moisture.
  2. Let's prepare the filling. Chop the onion and grate the carrots. Place in a saucepan with well-heated oil and reduce the temperature. Add finely chopped garlic and simmer for 7 minutes. Mix chopped eggs and herbs into the resulting mass. This Georgian eggplant dish is quite spicy, but you can make it milder by reducing the amount of spicy ingredient.
  3. Fill each slice with minced meat and place on a greased baking sheet. Pour in a little water and bake in the oven at 180 degrees for about half an hour.
  4. While they are baking, we will make the sour cream and tomato sauce. Pass the flour, cool and dilute with a few spoons of cold broth. Boil the remaining broth and pour the flour mixture into it. Boil and add sour cream and puree. Mix well and cool.
  5. Ready-made stuffed blueberries will be very tasty with sauce and chopped herbs.

Moussaka in Greek

Classic Greek moussaka is made from lamb with... cream sauce and vegetables. 1 serving contains 450 kcal. For 8 people you will need:

  • 1 kg blue ones;
  • 450 g tomatoes;
  • 650 g lamb fillet;
  • 1 large onion;
  • 2 garlic cloves;
  • 1 glass of white semi-dry wine;
  • 50 g spread;
  • 500 ml cream;
  • 60 g flour;
  • 70 g cheese;
  • fat for frying;
  • cumin, ground paprika, chili pepper, salt.

  1. Cut the blue ones into long slices 10 mm thick. Add some salt and wait until the bitter liquid comes off. Pour boiling water over the tomatoes and peel them, remove the seeds with a spoon and chop them into cubes.
  2. Finely chop the meat. Chop the onion and garlic. Pour a little fat into a deep frying pan and fry them a little in it.
  3. Add the meat there and fry it for ten minutes. Pour in the wine and simmer until the liquid evaporates, don’t forget to stir. Add tomatoes, sprinkle with seasonings and keep for half an hour on low heat. Leave the finished mixture to cool.
  4. At this time, prepare the sauce. Melt the spread in a saucepan, add flour to it and lightly fry. Then add cream and cook over medium heat until thickened.
  5. We fry the blue ones in heated fat, placing them on parchment paper to get rid of excess fat.
  6. Take a deep fireproof mold. Cover its bottom and sides with fried blueberries. Next, fill it, alternating layers of meat and sauce. Sprinkle the top with cheese and cover with the remaining slices.
  7. Bake for about half an hour at 180 degrees. Place the finished moussaka on a wide plate and garnish with basil. When serving, divide it into pieces.

Layered vegetable pie

You can cook very appetizing dishes from eggplants. dietary dishes. Try this healthy and unusual pie. The energy value of 1 serving is only 190 kcal. Amount of ingredients for 6 persons:

  • 5 blue ones;
  • 400 g tomatoes;
  • 350 g mozzarella;
  • 1 onion;
  • 1 clove of garlic;
  • 100 g hard cheese;
  • 50 ml olive oil;
  • basil leaves;
  • salt.

Cooking diagram:

  1. We make circles from the eggplants, no more than 5 mm thick, sprinkle with salt and set aside.
  2. Wash and clean the vegetables. Cut the onion into rings and fry. Remove the skins from the tomatoes and chop the garlic very finely. Mix them in a frying pan and cook for about 20 minutes. This will be a tomato sauce, thanks to which the pie will be juicy.
  3. We wash the blue circles, blot them with a napkin and fry them in very hot olive oil.
  4. Coat the refractory mold with fat. Layer layers of vegetable slices, toppings and pieces of mozzarella. Top with grated cheese and basil. Bake at 180 degrees for about a quarter of an hour.

Sandwiches with cheese layer

This is a fairly quick and original dish with a calorie content of 350 kcal per serving. Ingredients for 4 persons:

  • 2 blue ones;
  • 1 large tomato;
  • 150 g of well-melting cheese;
  • 2 eggs;
  • finely ground crackers;
  • odorless oil for frying;
  • parsley sprigs or basil leaves;
  • pepper, salt.

Cooking diagram:

  1. We cut the eggplants into circles, add some salt and let them stand for a while. Drain the resulting liquid, wash and dry.
  2. Cut the tomato and cheese into thin slices. They will be the filling.
  3. Beat the eggs with salt and pepper.
  4. We form sandwiches from the circles, placing the filling between them, breading them in egg and breadcrumbs.
  5. Fry them until golden on both sides. It is better to eat them hot so that the layer stretches pleasantly.

Appetizing stew

Despite all the variety of blueberry delicacies, a favorite in the summer is zucchini and eggplant stew. 1 serving contains only 300 kcal. Required ingredients:

  • 3 eggplants;
  • 4 tomatoes;
  • 1 zucchini;
  • 3 pods of different colors bell pepper;
  • 2 branches of celery;
  • 2 large onions;
  • 2 cloves of garlic;
  • 100 ml odorless oil;
  • 125 ml dry white wine;
  • 250 ml broth or water;
  • bay leaf, ground paprika, salt;
  • bunch of parsley and basil.


  1. Cut the zucchini, pepper and celery into thin strips, and the remaining vegetables into large cubes.
  2. Take a frying pan with high sides, pour oil into it and heat it up. Chop the onion and garlic and fry in it. We also add the remaining products, spices, aromatic herbs and wine. Boil everything together for 5 minutes.
  3. Pour in the broth and keep on low heat until done.

We have told you just a few ways to prepare this simple vegetable. But even these recipes are enough to pamper your loved ones and friends with delicious and healthy food.

Video: Stuffed eggplants

This section contains eggplant recipes that are delicious and simple, and are deservedly popular. That is, those that are now in particular fashion. For example, parmigiano, gratin, sauté, eggplant with mushrooms, Korean style, quick marinated and, of course, a variety of rolls. Each of the recipes is interesting in its own way. Many dishes deserve to take pride of place on the holiday table. AND important point, all eggplant dishes are very easy to prepare and do not require special culinary experience.

Zucchini, eggplant and potato stew

Eggplant stew with zucchini, potatoes and bell peppers. Easy to prepare, the recipe is suitable for those new to the kitchen.

Eggplants are like mushrooms

This recipe for eggplants disguised as mushrooms is striking in its simplicity and wit. They can be served immediately after cooking or stored for the winter.

Marinated eggplants stuffed with vegetables

Very interesting dish from eggplants: “little blue” ones are baked, then stuffed aromatic filling from various vegetables (in our example, pepper) and filled with aromatic marinade. After six hours you can try.

Adzhapsandali in Georgian

When the eggplant season arrives, don’t miss the opportunity to prepare a Georgian stew in which the “little blue ones” play main role, combined with a wide variety of vegetables - potatoes, bell peppers, tomatoes and onions, flavored with a generous portion of spices.

Pickled eggplants instant cooking

A successful and very simple recipe for quick pickled eggplants. You don't need a mountain of different-sized vegetables, just blue ones, dill and garlic. The marinade is made without vinegar, using lemon juice. In my opinion, this is a definite “plus” of the recipe.

How to bake eggplants with tomatoes and cheese

One of the most simple ways cooking eggplants - bake them with cheese and tomatoes. The dish is prepared very quickly - only 20 minutes.

Eggplant boats baked in the oven

A simple way to stuff eggplants in the form of boats filled with minced meat, bell pepper and cheese.

Eggplant rolls with cheese and garlic

Step-by-step instruction How to cook classic eggplant rolls with cheese and garlic. Once you master this basic recipe, you can make eggplant rolls with any filling.

Eggplants in tomatoes for the winter

Delicious eggplants, stewed in a spicy tomato sauce with pepper and garlic, which can not only be closed for the winter, but also prepared as a seasonal dish.

Lecho with eggplant recipe with photo

An appetizer of eggplants, sweet peppers, tomatoes, carrots and onions in a thick sauce, which can be prepared as a separate dish without adding vinegar, or add vinegar and roll it up in jars for the winter.

Korean-style eggplants for the winter

Amazing delicious salad made from eggplants with sweet peppers, carrots, onions and Korean spices, can be prepared for the winter or quickly marinated (will be ready in a day)

A spectacular appetizer of eggplants and sweet peppers for the holiday table

If you want to make a spectacular vegetable appetizer for the holiday table, I recommend this recipe - quick marinated fried eggplants with baked sweet peppers in a sweet and sour garlic marinade.

Eggplant gratin

Authentic recipe for Italian eggplant casserole with thick tomato sauce, parmesan cheese and fresh basil.

Korean marinated eggplants for the winter

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