Is the king snake poisonous? California king snake. King Snake Lifestyle

Sunny California is home to a very brightly colored reptile called the California reptile. king snake(lat. Lampropeltis getula california). This completely harmless creature from the genus of Royal snakes (Lampropeltis) of the Colubridae family is happily kept in home terrariums by lovers of exotic animals.

The snake does not show aggression towards people and quickly becomes tame and reproduces well in captivity. The only drawback of the scaly beauty is excessive timidity.

At the slightest fright, she spews out a huge amount of foul-smelling feces, the aroma of which can be compared in the strength of its effect, perhaps, only with the famous skunk liquid.


In addition to the California Peninsula, small populations of the reptile are found in the states of Oregon, Nevada, Utah, Colorado and New Mexico. The snake lives in both semi-dry and dry areas at altitudes up to 2.4 thousand meters above sea level.

She has a special passion for swamps, water meadows and the coasts of various bodies of water. In the savannah and on the outskirts of deserts it is found much less frequently. From the summer heat, she hides under the roots of trees, in rock crevices or in abandoned burrows of other animals. During the cooler months, the snake enters a months-long winter hibernation.


The reptile leads an active daily lifestyle. She hunts only in very hot weather early morning or in the evening twilight. The snake moves mainly on the ground, but can crawl onto low trees and bushes. Very young snakes especially love to crawl through trees.

The Californian snake feels excellent in water, so it often hunts amphibians. Other smaller species of snakes, including poisonous ones, also become its victims. They are the ones who make up most diet.

Cannibalism is also common among this species. Larger individuals gladly devour their weaker brothers. This phenomenon is most often observed during periods of starvation.

The snake will also not miss the opportunity to feast on rodents, birds and bird eggs. The victim is first strangled and then swallowed with his head.


The species is an oviparous snake. Puberty California snakes reach by 3-4 years. Mating occurs after the end hibernation usually between the beginning of April and the end of May. The female lays 4 to 10 eggs in a secluded place.

Sometimes in the masonry there may be large quantity eggs, which depends on the age of the female and her fatness. Incubation lasts about 50-70 days at ambient temperature.

Young snakes hatch from eggs fully formed and ready to independent life. Their body length is about 30 cm. In the first year of their life, they feed mainly on lizards; in captivity, they can be fed to young rodents.

Californian king snake occupies an important place in the ecosystem, restraining the growth of the number of amphibians, poisonous snakes and small mammals. In turn, she herself is food for birds of prey and coyotes.


The length of adult individuals is 150-205 cm. The body is slender, but very strong and muscular. The head is slightly elongated and the muzzle is rounded. Red spots appear clearly on the head.

The body is decorated with black and white rings. There is a bright red stripe running through the black rings. There may be subspecies without red stripes. The tail is relatively short. The eyes are located on the sides of the head. The pupils are round in shape.

The lifespan of the California king snake is about 30 years.

King snake belongs to the family Colubridae and is a prominent representative genus Lampropeltis (which in Greek means “sparkling shield”). It received this name due to its specific dorsal scales.

Royal, in turn, this snake was nicknamed because in the wild its favorite delicacy is other snakes, including poisonous ones. The fact is that the body of king snakes is absolutely not susceptible to the poison of its other relatives. There are reliably known cases when representatives of this genus ate even rattlesnakes, considered one of the most dangerous.

Common kingsnake lives mainly in deserts and semi-deserts of North America. It can easily be found in Arizona, Nevada and in the swampy areas of Alabama and Florida.

To date, seven subspecies of these snakes have been quite well studied, which differ from each other not only in color, but also in size, which varies from 80 centimeters to two meters at the most major representatives.

Types of king snakes

California king snake. This variety has a number of differences from other representatives of its species. Firstly, they have a rich dark black or brown color, on which light longitudinal rings clearly stand out.

Pictured is a California king snake

There are even specimens of snow-white color with a beautiful pearlescent tint and pink eyes. We can safely say about her that this is pet king snake for the reason that it takes root well in captivity.

Therefore, it is very popular among terrarium enthusiasts from all over the world. globe, who sometimes collect entire collections of similar snakes of the most varied colors.

The photo shows a domestic king snake

Under natural conditions, their main habitat is in the state of California, where they got their name. They live not only in desert and mountainous areas, but also near all kinds of agricultural land not far from people.

Keeping at home

Those who decide to keep such a snake in a terrarium should know that they feed mainly on small rodents, and keeping two or more snakes together in one space is unacceptable because they do not disdain eating their relatives.

King milk snake. On this moment Scientists have counted about 25 subspecies of milky king snakes, the sizes of which range from one to one and a half meters. However, they are all extremely similar to each other and are usually black, orange-red or white-yellow in color.

The photo shows a king milk snake hybrid

Since many representatives of these varieties can easily interbreed with each other, all kinds of hybrids can be found on sale. It is recognized as safe for humans because it is classified as non-toxic.

In captivity, their life expectancy often reaches twenty years. They feed mainly on small mammals, snakes and lizards. Mexican king snake. The main color of this variety is rich brown or gray.

On their head they usually have a darkish pattern resembling the letter “U”; their entire body is covered with quadrangular spots different color with white border. Dimensions vary from one to two meters. There are no significant external differences between females and males.

Pictured is a Mexican king snake

IN natural conditions Its habitat is concentrated in the region of Texas and in small provinces of Mexico, which is how it got its name. She likes to settle in subtropical mixed forests, in which pine and oak species predominate.

During the day, she usually hides in narrow crevices of rocks, among thickets of bushes and along slopes overgrown with dense vegetation. The peak of activity occurs at night. This species reproduces by eggs, which the female lays from 15 to 20 eggs at a time.

The photo shows the incubation of king snake eggs

For those who want to purchase a similar snake for home use, you can easily find many offers on the Internet by entering the query “ buy king snake».

For feeding when kept in a terrarium, small rodents, frogs and frogs are used, which are the favorite delicacy of dairy king snakes. For illumination, lamps emitting ultraviolet spectrum are placed directly in the terrarium.

IN summer time they can be taken out in the sun (exclusively in good weather), in winter it is advisable to provide additional heating of the space using household or special devices.

Vitamin E is added to the diet of king snakes for a period of two to three weeks immediately after hibernation. Mating occurs from mid-spring to early summer.

In one clutch, the female can lay from four to twelve eggs, which are subsequently placed in an incubator, where after about 60-79 days the first babies appear.

Sinaloyan king snake. This snake got its name because its main habitat is in the Mexican state of Sinaloa, where it can be found in river beds, streams and among dry mixed forests.

Pictured is the Sinaloyan king snake

Despite the fact that this species is virtually indistinguishable in color from coral adders, which are the most dangerous to humans, it is non-toxic and safe for people. They are usually small in size and rarely reach more than one meter in length.

Their diet includes not only all kinds of small rodents, frogs and lizards, but also large insects. If the Sinaloyan king snake is purchased to be kept in a terrarium, then it is necessary to install a small tank filled with water in which the snake can swim. It is also advisable to place houses, various shelves and other shelters. The terrarium is sprayed with water once a day, and they are fed about once a week.

Black king snake. This is a relatively small species of king snake, reaching a length of half a meter to a meter. Distributed mainly in Mexico. At the moment, she has been studied very poorly, so the features of her life are still a mystery.

The photo shows a black king snake

Honduran king snake. They live within the tropical rainforests and forests of Nicaragua and Honduras, from where they got their name. They have a bright and unusual color, thanks to which this variety is very popular among breeders. They adapt well to captivity and can live up to twenty years.

Pictured is a Honduran king snake

Striated kingsnake. Distributed in North America from Canada to Colombia. It is of medium size (the length usually does not exceed one and a half meters) and bright color, similar to the coral adder, unlike which it is not poisonous. It hibernates for several months, after which it begins to reproduce. The average lifespan of such snakes is about ten years.

Pictured is a striated king snake

Poisonous king snake. King cobra as a snake It is considered the largest venomous snake on the entire planet. Its size ranges from two to four meters, although individuals are known that reach more than five meters in length.

Their lifespan is approximately thirty years, during which it continues to grow and increase in size. They often settle near human settlements, for which their poison is extremely dangerous.

On the picture King Cobra

On the picture royal python

King python snake. It is considered one of the smallest representatives of pythons. It is not poisonous and does not pose any danger to humans. It has a completely peaceful character, which is why it is very popular among snake breeders.

The king snake is also called the Californian snake common snake and the chain queen. It is found only in the USA (California, Nevada, Arizona) and Mexico. This terrestrial snake lives in forests, on mountain slopes, meadows, banks of rivers and streams, in deserts, fields, and the outskirts of towns and cities. Compared to other snakes, the king snake is quite small - only 80 cm.

Name and appearance

She received her name “royal” for her appearance. Undoubtedly, this is a majestic reptile, with a very beautiful color. The dark background (which can vary from reddish-brown to black-brown) is painted on the upper side with narrow yellow transverse stripes, which on each side are connected at the border of the ventral scutes with longitudinal stripes, thus forming a chain extending to the end of the tail. Each scale has a white or yellow spot, which makes it seem as if the snake’s body is covered with a scattering of mother-of-pearl beads. Sometimes there are pure white individuals with pink eyes and a pale yellowish, pearl-like pattern - these are albinos. Tail middle length and somewhat compressed laterally.

Lifestyle and reproduction

The snake leads a diurnal lifestyle. But the fact is that she cannot stand the heat, and if dry weather sets in, she can go out hunting at night, and during the day she hides under some stone. They feed on small rodents, other snakes, and lizards. Young snakes hunt exclusively for lizards. There are cases when some individuals attack other king snakes.

King snake – oviparous species. Snakes become sexually mature at the age of 2-3 years. After mating, 50-65 days later, females lay eggs. The number of eggs in a clutch is from 3 to 15 pieces. After 59-83 days, the eggs hatch and begin to feed after the first molt.

Toxicity and precautions

Representatives of this family have two poisonous teeth on the upper jaw, one on each side. These teeth have grooves, but in most snakes they are closed and form tubes that are empty inside. There is a muscle around the venom gland. When a snake bites, the muscle presses on the gland, squeezing venom into the teeth, which enters the victim's body through the grooves of the teeth. Typically, king snake venom affects nervous system the victim and paralyzes her. When the poison reaches the nerve centers that control breathing and heartbeat, the victim dies.

Many poisonous snakes lead night look life, and during the day they are lethargic and inactive. But this is not about the king snake. She can be mobile if necessary, even in hot weather. In addition, this is one of the most dangerous snakes for humans: it lunges without warning. Every year more than 100 people suffer from its bites. In order not to suffer from the bite of this reptile, you must follow the main rule of dealing with all poisonous snakes - be as careful as possible. If possible, do not come close and, of course, do not touch them or make them angry - they very quickly become aggressive and, in defense, rush to any Living being, even if it is much larger than the snake itself.

Types of king snakes

Several species belonging to the genus of non-venomous king snakes are especially widespread:

  • mountain king snake up to one and a half meters long, with a triangular black, steel or gray head and a strong, fairly massive body, the pattern of which is represented by a combination of gray and orange shades;
  • a beautiful king snake up to a meter long, with a laterally compressed and slightly elongated head, big eyes and a slender, massive body of fawn or brown color with brownish-red rectangular spots;
  • Mexican king snake up to two meters long, with a somewhat elongated, laterally compressed head and a slender, strong body, the main color of which is gray or brown with quadrangular or saddle-shaped spots of red or black and white;
  • Arizona king snake up to a meter long, with a short, somewhat rounded black head and a thin, slender body, on which a three-color pattern of red, black and yellow or white stripes is clearly visible.

Caring for a king snake, keeping it at home


When bringing such a unique pet into your home, you first need to take care of where it will live. Since your king snake will not jump or run, a horizontal type terrarium is ideal for its personal roof over its head. When choosing the size of such a home, you must be guided by the maximum dimensions to which your pet can grow, but you should remember that at home, these natives of the wild tend to slightly outgrow their relatives from open habitats. Therefore, choose a house for the snake in which it can maintain its motor activity and at the same time, so that the walls of the terrarium do not restrict its movements.


One of the most important rules for keeping snakes at home is the correct temperature regime, which is good to maintain with the help of special heating devices; a thermal cord or a thermal mat are good options for the latter. Which should be placed in one of the corners of the terrarium - this will be a more “tropical” corner, therefore, the further away from this corner, the cooler your pet will be. This way, you leave it to your long buddy to find the right conditions for himself at any given time.

Air humidity is no less important, especially during the molting period. To maintain the required moisture coefficient, it is necessary to spray the terrarium daily, just make sure that water does not get on the king snake, it can get very scared, and it does not need unnecessary stress. In addition to spraying, it is recommended to install a container with clean water, it will be both a watering hole and a personal spa for your friend. There he will take baths, and during the period of “changing clothes” he will not leave this personal pool at all.

As a substrate, you can use coconut soil, gravel, coarse sand, you can also place a large number of sphagnum, good place there will be a hot corner for him, where the humidity will be minimal, and he will be able to slightly adjust it. Don’t forget about shelters, because snakes also need somewhere to sleep and be away from prying eyes.


At home, king snakes must be fed either hamsters or laboratory mice, once every five days; under no circumstances overfeed your pet. He, of course, will not refuse an extraordinary meal, but this may negatively affect his health, and, consequently, his life expectancy. From time to time, you can offer your snake vitamin and mineral complexes; it is best to add them to the water.

Subject to the rules of maintenance and feeding, average duration The life of a king snake, regardless of the species, is about ten years, but, as practice shows, the age of some individuals exceeds fifteen years.

Breeding snakes at home

In captivity, king snakes reproduce well. At home, during the winter, the temperature in the terrarium should be lowered, and in the spring, the male and female should be placed together. A week before wintering, the snake needs to stop feeding, after which the heating is turned off and the temperature gradually drops to 12-15°C. After a month, the temperature gradually increases, and the reptile’s normal feeding conditions return.

An adult female lays from two to a dozen eggs, and the incubation period can vary between one and a half to two months at temperature conditions 27 – 29 oC. A week after birth, the snakes molt, after which you can start feeding them a couple of times a week. Not allotted for young animals large terrarium. In the future, king snakes are kept alone, which is due to cannibalism.

Newly purchased snakes must be kept in a quarantine terrarium, which will identify any health problems with the reptile. It is best to keep such a snake in an isolated area to prevent airborne infection of other pet reptiles.

The cost of a king snake may vary depending on the place of purchase, as well as the species and age.

Average price in Moscow pet stores and nurseries:

  • California kingsnake HI-YELLOW – 4700-4900 rubles;
  • California king snake BANDED – 4800 rubles;
  • Honduran king snake HI-WHITE ABERRANT – 4800 rubles;
  • Californian king snake Albino Banana – 4900 rubles;
  • common California kingsnake Banded Cafe – 5000 rubles;
  • Honduran king snake HYPOMELANISTIC APRICOT – 5000 rubles;
  • Californian king snake Albino – 5500 rubles;
  • Huachuca Mountain Kingsnake – 5500 rubles.

Important! When purchasing, you need to pay attention that a healthy reptile has sufficient weight and does not suffer from anorexia.

It is necessary to examine the oral cavity, which should be free of oral fungus caused by staphylococci. You should check your reptile for mites, which cause skin irritation, and when and how it last time shed her skin. A completely healthy reptile must get rid of its old skin at one time.

IN last years Many owners of king snakes implant a special microchip in their pets, which allows them to track their location if necessary. This is very simple operation, and the unique number contained on the chip allows you to effectively control the reptile.

Royal or milk snakes (lat. Lampropeltis triangulum). These bright striped beauties came to us from the Americas, where they live in the territory from Venezuela and Ecuador to southern Canada.

This coloring wildlife only poisonous and dangerous predators, as well as their imitators. So, milk snakes are just one of the latter. They pose no danger to people or animals and are suitable even for beginner terrarium keepers. They can be compared with our snakes, which got a colorful outfit.

Rich red, white and black colors make them stand out and very attractive. One zoo can have several species of milk snakes, and none of them will be repeated.

Although in the wild the diet of striated snakes usually includes lizards, various rodents, eggs of relatives and even smaller snakes, in captivity they readily feed on ordinary mice. Since they hunt at night, immediately after landing the food animal you need to turn off the lights. Milk snakes swallow small animals alive; larger animals are fixed with vinegar and strangled.

For a comfortable stay, it is advisable to provide them with good ventilation and a small shelter. Tree branches and cute driftwood are suitable for decoration, and dry shavings, gravel or crushed bark can be laid on the floor.

Non-thorny cacti and artificial succulent plants look very impressive in terrariums. You can show your imagination and reproduce a piece of prairie for your domestic reptile. The only peculiarity is the separate keeping of individuals of the same species, since king snakes are prone to cannibalism.

The terrarium does not have to be large: a sufficient volume is 0.3 square meters. m. Optimal humidity for milk snakes it is 75%, the air temperature is 25-35 degrees during daylight hours and 22 degrees at night. It is also advisable to provide the snake with the opportunity to swim in a spacious bathing suit, which is best placed in a dark place.

Interestingly, they got their name “dairy” supposedly because of their love for milk. Of course, if you pour milk instead of water into a snake’s drinking bowl, sooner or later it will drink it, but it won’t get much pleasure. More likely, indigestion will develop. Just a long time ago local residents Having noticed poor milk yield from cows, they blamed these snakes for everything, believing that they sucked milk at night. How the minke whales could do this without lips was of no concern to anyone, because they had to find the culprits.

Milk snakes are relatively small, their body length rarely exceeds 1.5 meters. In the wild, they become sexually mature at 2 years old, but in captivity the period of maturation extends to three years. They become active in the late afternoon and hide in shelters during daylight hours.

Pregnancy in striated snakes lasts from 50 to 70 days, and a clutch usually contains from 4 to 9 eggs. Hatched snakes, 25-27 cm long, grow quickly on food from newborn mice and by the age of seven months they become 2 times larger. Already in one year, the body length of milk snakes reaches one meter. They live on average 10-15 years.

The variety of colors, calm temperament, and size of the Californian king snake, comfortable for keeping in terrarium conditions, have made it a favorite among terrarium keepers.


The non-venomous snake of the colubrid family reaches an average size of 150 cm with an average weight of about 1800 grams. Rarely found individuals bigger size which reach 180 cm in length. Most terrarium snakes are 107-120 cm in size.

The color and pattern of the species Lampropeltis getulus californiae varies depending on the region of its habitat. So for snakes that live in coastal areas southern California, characterized by alternating white and light yellow stripes in color. Individuals living in the northern San Joaquin Valley and southern Sacramento Valley are characterized by a black belly and dark lateral stripes. California desert kingsnakes are distinguished by wide bands of deep black and bright white flowers, which alternate along the entire length of the snake, while almost the entire head is dark, and between the eyes there is White spot, and the tip of the muzzle is lighter than the main color of the head.

In addition, there are a large number of morphs bred by breeders, among which there are individuals of yellow, coffee, black and yellow color and even albinos. The most common color characteristic of the species Lampropeltis getulus californiae is dark brown or black stripes alternating with light yellow or white stripes.

The scales of individuals of the genus royal snakes are smooth and shiny. It is because of this that they received the name Lampropeltis - a derivative of Greek words"lampros" meaning shiny, and "peltis" a smooth shield used by Greek peltasts.

The body of adults is massive. The head is slightly wider than the snake's body, elongated and slightly compressed at the sides.
External distinctive features There is no dimorphism in California king snakes, and therefore only a qualified herpetologist can determine the sex using special tests.

The lifespan of individuals in captivity reaches 15-20 years, subject to necessary conditions content.

Origin and habitats in nature

The subspecies Lampropeltis getulus californiae belongs to the species Lampropeltis getula of the genus Lampropeltis (King snakes) of the family Colubridae (Cornerids)

The species is endemic to the southwest coast of the United States and northern Mexico. The main habitat of Lampropeltis getulus californiae is California, which is reflected in the name of the subspecies. California kingsnakes are also found in southwestern Oregon, Nevada, Utah, southwestern Colorado, most of Arizona, and several islands, primarily Sonora, Mexico. In addition, the subspecies was introduced to the island of Gran Canaria.

The biotope of the subspecies is very diverse. California kingsnakes live on the ground in shrubs, grasslands, deserts, swamps, as well as in agricultural lands and even near settlements. In the mountains, the subspecies is found no higher than 2164 m in the eastern Sierra Nevada and no higher than 1852 m in the southern California mountains.


California king snakes are predominantly diurnal. However, they can become nocturnal when it gets too hot.

The period of activity of Lampropeltis getulus californiae occurs from March - early April to October - early November. IN winter time they can hibernate in caves, rock crevices, mammal burrows, hollow logs, and old tree stumps. The process of hibernation in this species is called “Brumation” - when during hibernation the reptile wakes up to drink water, but does not eat anything. In the first year of life, young animals may not hibernate, but even in this case, the process of life activity during the period of brumation in adults is slightly slowed down in young animals.

L. californiae hunts mainly on the ground, but can climb bushes and trees. In addition, this species swims well.

If the king snake is alarmed, it begins to wriggle, hiss and rattle its tail in a way that sounds very similar to the sounds made by rattlesnakes. Being non-venomous, king snakes kill their prey through asphyxia (suffocation). Moreover, like all royal Lampropeltis snakes getulus californiae is immune to poisonous snakes, which does not stop her from hunting them. The California kingsnake is not dangerous to humans, but if mishandled, it can bite and release a foul-smelling fluid from its cloaca.

California kingsnakes must be kept alone due to their tendency to cannibalism. The exception is during the breeding season, when a group of snakes may consist of one adult male and two or three adult females. At the same time, the group must be constantly monitored, and the snakes must be separated for several hours during feeding. Young California kingsnakes should never be kept together.

Terrarium: For the California king snake, a horizontal type terrarium is suitable. The dimensions of a terrarium for an adult individual can be at least 70x50x40 cm. When choosing a terrarium for a snake, you should focus, first of all, on the size of the individual itself. If the size of the individual does not exceed 2/3 of the perimeter of the terrarium, then it is spacious enough for this snake. The lid of the terrarium must be securely closed to prevent the snake from escaping.

Substrate: Mulch (cypress bark), coconut chips, and crushed corn cobs are suitable as a substrate for an adult California king snake. Such soil will absorb odors well, and it is also easy to partially replace it. If the snake can swallow the substrate while eating, then it is better to place it in a separate terrarium. For newborns, it is better to use a mat, paper towels or newspaper to prevent soil from getting into the internal organs snakes. In addition, on such a surface it is easier to observe the life activity of young animals.

Lighting: avoid hitting straight sun rays onto a terrarium with a snake, this will create an uncontrollable rise in temperature. For lighting it is enough to use fluorescent lamps. Daylight hours during reptile activity should be 12-14 hours. It is recommended to supplement daylight lighting with lamps with UVB 4-8%.

Content temperature: in the terrarium it is necessary to create a temperature gradient from 25°C in a cold corner to 32°C in a warm one. To maintain this temperature, you can use a warm mat, placing it under the terrarium in the place where there should be a warm corner. Top-type heating as such is not required, so you can install only a fluorescent lamp above the terrarium.

Humidity maintenance: to maintain the Californian king snake high level humidity is not necessary. The substrate must be dry, especially in a cold corner. However, in the terrarium it is necessary to place a container of water close to a warm corner in which the entire snake will fit, provided that the container is only half filled with water to prevent overflowing of water. It is also necessary to organize a so-called “humidity chamber” in the terrarium. This can be done by a ditch with wet moss, where the snake can burrow. And for imitation tropical rains, the terrarium can be sprayed with warm water once a week.

Decor: the presence of a sufficient number of shelters and snags in the terrarium is a prerequisite for keeping the Californian king snake. You can place live animals in a warm corner tropical plants and sphagnum moss. In a cold corner, humidity must be avoided so that the snake does not catch a cold from hypothermia, and therefore the shelters here must be dry. Snags and a drinking bowl with water, in turn, will help the snake during molting. To make the reptile feel protected, it is recommended to cover three walls of the terrarium with decoration.

Feeding in captivity

In the wild, the diet of Lampropeltis getulus californiae depends on the habitat, as it is largely an opportunistic reptile and will eat almost anything it can swallow. This is how rodents become prey for California king snakes, small mammals, lizards and their eggs, snakes (including rattlesnakes) and their eggs, frogs, salamanders, birds and large invertebrates, and the eggs of birds and turtles.

In captivity, these snakes can be fed with mice and rats of the appropriate size. It is better to give prey killed or thawed to avoid injury to the reptile. To diversify the diet, you can offer the snake quail eggs. Prey bones and egg shells are a good source of calcium, but it can also be added as part of a special vitamin and mineral supplement for reptiles.
Adults should be fed once a week, or when the snake has completely defecated. Young animals can be fed twice a week, so the baby snake will grow faster. At the same time, it is important to prevent obesity in adults and reduce the amount of food if necessary.


Before breeding king snakes in captivity, they must be overwintered. To do this, the snake needs to be prepared. You can't feed her for about a week, then turn off the heating and gradually lower the temperature. For king snakes minimum temperature for hibernation about 12 - 15°C. For about a month, the snake should be kept at this temperature, and then in the reverse order - the temperature gradually rises over the course of a week, after turning on the heating, after a week the snake can be fed.

Snakes can be wintered in special wintering boxes or in herpetological bags. There is a high risk that the snake will catch a cold, so it is advisable to prevent the humidity from increasing during wintering. There is no need to put a large drinking bowl; its size should only allow the snake to drink, and not to bathe. All spilled water must be cleaned up immediately, it is better that the drinking bowl is as stable as possible.

After wintering, the female and male are placed in the same terrarium. The female's pregnancy lasts on average about 45 days. The female lays from 2 to 12 eggs. Incubation lasts 45 - 60 days at a temperature of 27 - 29°C.

About a week after hatching, the newborns moult and can be fed. There is no point in feeding them before - they still have a reserve of yolk in their stomach. You can’t put your baby in a large terrarium right away. There it will be difficult for him to find food and hide, it will be stressful for him. Therefore, it is better to make a small terrarium or keep it in a temporary plastic nursery. Otherwise, keeping young animals is similar to keeping adult snakes.

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