Flying dragon lizard: description of the species and its features. Flying dragons Do lizards have wings?

In tropical rainforests southern hemisphere There are thousands of species of diverse fauna on our planet. Most people live here exotic species mammals, amphibians and birds. Their most striking representative is the dragon lizard. This is a small reptile with wings that, upon closer inspection, closely resembles the main character of Chinese folklore.

The flying dragon has a relatively small body

Description of the appearance of the reptile

The winged reptile belongs to the family of agamidae lizards. In the process of evolution, dragons acquired not only the ability to camouflage, but also the ability to fly. This miniature animal leads a secluded life in the upper tier tropical trees and rarely comes down to earth.

The only exception is a failed flight and the need to lay eggs. However, not all representatives of this subfamily breed on the soil surface. Some types of dragons hide their eggs in tree bark. Their small size and inconspicuous color allow them to remain invisible to natural enemies.

Reptiles with the formidable name “flying dragon” are not distinguished by their impressive size; the length of the largest individuals is forty centimeters, with the main part falling on the tail, which acts as a rudder during flight. It is not surprising that lizards easily avoid collisions with plant branches.

Males have distinguishing feature in the form of a growth

They have a narrow, flattened body. On the spine there are six elongated ribs on which a leathery fold is attached. As it straightens out, it turns into a kind of cape, which amazes with its bright patterns in the form of circles or smooth lines. A unique feature of the skeleton structure allows the reptile to glide above the ground, avoiding falling. In this way they can cover a distance of more than twenty meters.

Males have a bright orange skin growth on their throat, which they use to attract females during the mating season. With its help, he scares away other animals that violate the boundaries of his territory, which occupies three or four trees. According to experts, the enlarged hyoid bone helps stabilize the body during flight. Females are more modest in size, with blue or light blue folds.

Features of nutrition and reproduction

The winged lizard is known to eat insects. Their menu includes:

  • wood ants;
  • beetles and butterflies;
  • termites;
  • insect larvae.

Leading a sedentary lifestyle, the flying dragon lizard can wait for hours for prey to appear. As soon as this happens, the reptile catches and swallows the victim, without changing its body position.

The dragon feeds on various butterflies

When hunting flying insects, it plans between branches and catches prey. Grabbing it with his teeth, he returns to the tree and eats it. The necessary liquid is obtained from food, so the reptile does not need water. Among natural enemies, the main ones are birds of prey and snakes, from which the lizard hides, merging with the environment.

The flying dragon is an oviparous lizard. During the mating period, the male inflates his bright folds, thereby demonstrating to the female his beauty and readiness for procreation. The female lays two to four eggs. To protect them from predators, she buries them in small holes dug in the soil. Masks the nest with leaves and dirt. She is helped in this by her pointed nose, specially adapted for such manipulations.

The reptile guards the clutch for one day, after which it returns upstairs. After a few months, the cubs hatch, ready to independent life and having the ability to fly.

The hidden lifestyle does not allow scientists to thoroughly study the lizard. It is not yet known how many babies are born to one individual, as well as how long they live. But the number of these animals is not critical, and they do not fall under the status of protected animals.


The small, harmless reptile is found near the equator and in southeast Asia.

Reptiles live in a number of countries

Habitat its habitats include:

  • Myanmar;
  • India;
  • Southern China;
  • Kalimantan Island (Borneo);
  • Malay Islands;
  • Indonesia and the Philippines;
  • Bangladesh;
  • Eastern part of Vietnam and Thailand.

The flying lizard prefers places far from cities and villages. That is why in wildlife It is difficult for a person to meet this exotic animal.

Variety of species

Scientists know about thirty species of winged lizards. Among them the main ones are:

  • ordinary;
  • reticulate;
  • spotted;
  • bloodbeard;
  • five-way;
  • Sumatran;
  • horned;
  • Blanford.

All flying agama lizards are united by the presence of wings. They differ from each other in size, habitat and different colors. The color palette is determined by the color of the surrounding nature.

Sumatran lizard

Unlike other representatives of its kind, it prefers abandoned parks and degraded forested areas not far from human habitation. IN wild jungle and does not occur in remote areas.

Maximum body length is 9 cm.

They are the smallest of the flying dragon family. Body length is only nine centimeters, the color is gray or brown almost indistinguishable from the bark of the trees on which they live.

Horned dragon

A unique species that lives on the island of Kalimantan. Includes two populations. One of them lives in mangroves, the other prefers lowland rain forests. A remarkable feature of horned lizards is their ability to camouflage themselves as falling leaves. The mangrove dragon has red membranes, while its relative has green membranes with a brown tint.

Imitation of falling leaves allows animals to float freely in space without fear of attack birds of prey. According to scientists, reptiles do not use their camouflage for communication. Individuals that have migrated to other forest zones acquire an adaptive membrane color. In any place where they live, they imitate leaf fall.

The ability for divergent evolution distinguishes the miniature lizard from many representatives of the fauna of our planet. Nature has endowed them with the ability to fly. and camouflage as the only way to survive in harsh conditions wild jungle.

In this video you will learn more about the little dragon:

Millions of years ago. Among them there are unusual specimens that amaze with their unique appearance and abilities.

the site will introduce you to some of the representatives of ancient reptiles.

flying dragon

This is a miniature representative fairy tale character. It differs from other species and flying lizards by the skin folds on the sides of the body. Thanks to them, they can fly from one tree to another in search of food, over a distance of more than 20 meters. They live in Southeast Asia.

The dragon family of flying lizards includes about 30 species. They are relatively small in size - up to 21 cm. Moreover, the long and thin tail makes up half of the entire length. The body is colored to match the color of foliage and bark.

In the normal state, the skin folds on the sides are tightly pressed to the body. In flight, they unfold, turning into bright wings of yellow, red or Green colour. And the dragon becomes like a butterfly.

It maneuvers well in flight, changing direction and altitude, while the tail acts as a rudder. It doesn't flap its wings, but they allow it to float smoothly in the air.

flying dragon

Lifestyle of flying reptiles

They lead a solitary lifestyle, preferring the dense crown of trees. They also feed on larvae. And they themselves are prey for and.

Throat pouch of a bright male yellow color. In the female it is blue or of blue color. Flying dragons do not hibernate. They breed throughout the year.

Having chosen a female, the male demonstrates all his advantages to her - the color of his wings, his throat pouch. And he tries to convince her with a kind of “speech”.

If courtship is accepted, then after some time the female descends to the ground and lays 2-5 eggs in a small depression. Covers them with a small layer of soil and leaves its offspring to survive.

The cubs appear after two months with all the skills for independent existence. The lifespan of flying dragons is up to 5 years.

frilled lizard

Lives in New Guinea. It got its name from the fold of skin around the head that looks like a collar. It regulates body heat exchange and serves to intimidate enemies. In case of danger, it opens and rises around the head by 30 cm.

The frilled lizard has the unusual ability to run on its hind legs. In this case, the torso is held vertically. Strong, tenacious paws with sharp claws help them run quickly and climb trees.

Owner of an attractive outfit

Males reach a size of up to one meter. The long tail makes up 2/3 of the total length. Females are much smaller.

During mating season the male attracts his chosen one, showing her his collar in all its glory. After mating, she lays 8-12 eggs in the sand and after about ten weeks independent offspring appear.

They lead a solitary lifestyle. They mostly live in trees, but if they don’t find food there, then they go down to the ground for prey. Omnivorous - they feed on plants, rodents, and bird eggs.

To frighten the enemy, the frilled lizard rises on its hind legs, at the same time opening its mouth wide and its orange collar (does not fly). Hisses, hits long tail on the ground and runs towards the enemy. Instantly turning into an incomprehensible creature. This transformation causes snakes and dogs to flee.

Moloch - spotted devil

For its terrifying appearance, this lizard was named pagan god evil to which sacrifices were made.

Her entire body (up to 22 cm) is covered with sharp horny spines. Moreover, they are all different sizes. The spotted devil has the ability to change body color depending on temperature environment and lighting. It also lives in the semi-deserts of Australia.

Leads a daily lifestyle. Moves slowly on powerful, outstretched legs. It lives in burrows dug in the sand and can bury itself completely in it.

What does it eat?

Despite its terrifying appearance, the moloch is actually a harmless creature - it feeds exclusively on ants. Catches them with a long sticky tongue. It eats several thousand of these insects per day.

The spotted color helps to camouflage well in the sand. In case of danger, the moloch bows its head in front of the enemy, putting forward a horny growth on its head. And significantly increases the size of the body, inflating it.

Her body is covered with sharp horny spines

Moloch can change its color within a few minutes, masquerading as its environment.

How does it reproduce

Eggs are laid between September and December. The offspring appears after 3-4 months, measuring less than one centimeter. They grow slowly and only at about five years old do the cubs grow to adult size. They live long enough for these reptiles, about twenty years.

Leaf gecko

Where do they live?

It lives on the tropical islands of Madagascar. Their unusual leaf-like appearance and color matching the color of tree bark make them invisible. The tail, with uneven edges and veins in the middle, is very similar to a dried leaf. This ability of animals is called mimicry (imitation, camouflage).

The second name (satanic gecko) was given due to its huge red eyes, which have excellent vision at night.

The size of these reptiles is 20-30cm. They live in trees and are active night image life, and during the day they hide among the foliage. They feed on insects.

The female lays two eggs several times a year. Incubation period lasts 2-3 months, depending on environmental conditions.

In the wild, the leaf gecko lives for about eight years. In a well-equipped terrarium up to 20 years.

Small belt-tailed lizards

The name was given for the ring-shaped scales with sharp spikes that encircle the entire body, leaving a small bare area on the stomach. They live in Africa and Madagascar.

When in danger, belt-tailed lizards curl up into a ring, covering their bare abdomen, and take the tail into their mouth. At the same time, sharp spikes rise on the back. With this ability they resemble hedgehogs.

During the day they lead active image existence. Crevices among rocks and stones serve as shelter for them. During the dry period they can hibernate. They live in small groups in which the male is the leader.

Video about the belt-tailed lizard

What do lizards eat?

They feed not only on plants, but also on small rodents and even their own relatives. They are long-lived, living up to 25 years in the wild.

Offspring are viviparous once a year. Cubs (one to two) are born up to 6 cm in size and capable of independent life.

All lizards, whether flying or not, tolerate life well in captivity in specially equipped terrariums. You need the appropriate temperature, diet and ventilation for each species.

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The common flying dragon (lat. Draco volans) is a lizard of the Agamidae family (lat. Agamidae), living on the islands of Sumatra, Kalimantan, Java, as well as on the Malay Peninsula, in South Asia and in southern India. This reptile has perfectly mastered the technique of gliding flight. The flying dragon usually glides at a slight angle, flying about 20 m.

If necessary, it can make a non-landing flight of up to 100 m. In flight, the flying dragon relies on the air cushion formed under its “wings”. The “wings” are broad folds of skin on the sides of the body, called the flight membrane, supported by greatly elongated false ribs. The articulation of these ribs with the spine allows the reptile to quickly open and close the flight membrane.


Flying dragons live in tropical rainforests, where all year round costs stifling heat at high humidity and minimal temperature fluctuations. To live, they choose the upper tiers of the jungle and lead an exclusively arboreal lifestyle, descending to the ground only in exceptional cases.

In search of food, the lizard flies from tree to tree, skillfully controlling the direction, speed and range of flight with the help of its tail and flight membrane. Before the start, the flying dragon jumps sharply up and straightens its flying membrane, and upon landing, neatly folds it.

The lizard's diet is based on wood ants and various insects, which it simply licks from the bark of a tree. Flying dragons communicate with each other using pretty complex language signs made by the throat sacs. Having met a relative, the reptile protrudes its brightly colored throat sac and begins to give them signs.

If a thought convincingly expressed in this way does not reach the mind of a stranger, then the flying dragon boldly rushes into battle and drives him away from its territory. Most often, such communication can take quite a long time, and, having talked enough, the reptiles fly off to their own affairs. Biologists have still not been able to decipher the code in which representatives of this species communicate with each other.


Flying dragons breed throughout the year and never hibernate. Having met a female, the male carefully shows her his charms and demonstrates his flying membrane. The demonstration is supported by “highly artistic speech” using the throat pouch. Only a good flyer and speaker receives the right to procreate.

After some pleasantries, the female leaves the male and descends to the ground to build a nest. The nest is a small hole dug in loose or sandy soil, where the female lays from 2 to 5 eggs. She covers the masonry with a layer of earth and leaves it to its fate.

After 1-2 months, small dragons are born from the eggs, completely ready for independent life. Immediately after birth, they rush up to the treetops, where they can feel relatively safe. Flying dragons have plenty of enemies. Snakes and birds love to feast on them, so the ability to fly is not a luxury for them, but the only opportunity to survive in the wild jungle.


The body length of adult individuals usually does not exceed 22 cm, and the tail length is 20 cm. The body is greenish-bronze with numerous dark specks. Elongated jointed ribs serve as a frame for the flight membrane. It is bright red with black spots and is very large in proportion to the lizard's body.

The body is thin, slender, covered with small scales. The voluminous throat pouch is used for communication. Big eyes allow you to very accurately estimate the distance.

On the sides of the head there are black and white wing-shaped protrusions that form an additional load-bearing surface. The long thin tail acts as a rudder in the air. The long fingers are armed with sharp claws, making it easier to climb trees.

The average lifespan of an ordinary flying dragon is about 5 years.

The flying lizard (Draco volans) belongs to the family Agamidae lizards, order Squamate. The species name Draco volans translates as "common flying dragon".

Distribution of the flying lizard.

The flying lizard is found in tropical rain forests in southern India and southeast Asia. This species is distributed in the Philippine Islands, including Borneo.

Habitats of the flying lizard.

The flying lizard is found mainly in the tropics with sufficient trees to support the reptile.

External signs of a flying lizard.

The flying lizard has large “wings” - leathery outgrowths on the sides of the body. These formations are supported by elongated ribs. They also have a flap, called a dewlap, which is located under the head. The flying lizard's body is very flat and elongated. The male is about 19.5 cm long and the female is 21.2 cm long. The tail is about 11.4 cm long in the male and 13.2 cm in the female.

Common flying dragon, flying lizard - representative of agamidae

Dracos is distinguished from others by rectangular brown spots located on the upper part of the wing membranes and black spots below. Males have a bright yellow dewlap. The wings are bluish on the ventral side and brown on the dorsal side. The female has slightly smaller dewlaps and a bluish-gray tint. In addition, the wings on the ventral side are yellow.

Reproduction of a flying lizard.

The breeding season of flying lizards is believed to be between December and January. Males and sometimes females exhibit mating behavior. They spread their wings and shake their whole bodies when they collide with each other. The male also fully spreads his wings and in this state circles the female three times, inviting her to mate. The female builds a nest for the eggs, forming a small hole with her head. There are five eggs in the clutch; she covers them with earth, compacting the soil with the clap of her head.

The female actively guards the eggs for almost a day. Then she leaves the clutch. Development lasts about 32 days. Small flying lizards can fly right away.

Flying lizard behavior.

Flying lizards hunt during the day. They are active in the morning and afternoon. At night, flying lizards rest. Such life cycle allows you to avoid the daytime period with the highest light intensity. Flying lizards do not fly in the full sense of the word.

They climb onto tree branches and jump. When jumping, lizards spread their wings and glide towards the ground, covering a distance of about 8 meters.

Before flying, lizards turn their heads down towards the ground, gliding through the air helps lizards move. Lizards do not fly during rainy and windy periods.

To avoid danger, lizards spread their wings and glide downwards. Adults are extremely mobile and very difficult to catch. When the male encounters other lizard species, he displays several behavioral responses. They partially open their wings, vibrate their bodies, and 4) fully open their wings. Thus, males try to frighten the enemy by demonstrating enlarged body shapes. And the female is attracted by her beautiful, spread wings. Males are territorial individuals and actively protect their area from invasion, which usually has two or three trees and is home to one to three females. Female lizards are clear candidates for marital relations. Males defend their territory from other males who do not have their own territory and compete for females.

Why can lizards fly?

Flying lizards have adapted to living in trees. The color of the skin of flying dragons is monochromatic green, gray-green, gray-brown, merging with the color of the bark and leaves.

Skeleton of Draco volans

This allows them to remain invisible if the lizards are sitting on branches. And the bright “wings” make it possible to soar freely in the air, crossing space at a distance of up to sixty meters. The spread “wings” are colored in green, yellow, purple shades, decorated with spots, specks and stripes. The lizard does not fly like a bird, but rather plans, like a glider or parachute. For flight, these lizards have six enlarged lateral ribs, the so-called false ribs, which, when expanded, extend a leathery “wing”. In addition, males have a noticeable skin fold bright orange in the throat area. In any case, they try to demonstrate to the enemy this hallmark, sticking it forward.

Flying dragons practically do not drink; they compensate for the lack of fluid from food. They easily detect the approach of prey by ear. For camouflage, flying lizards fold their wings when sitting in trees.

There are many legends and tales associated with dragons in the world, but what if dragon lizards exist in real world? Present to your attention flying lizard the Dragon, living on the islands of the Malay archipelago. The dragon lives in the interior of the island, mainly in the forests at the treetops.

This one is not big in size lizard that looks like a dragon They were named for a reason. The thing is that, despite their small size, they resemble those very dragons that are often depicted by artists in various science fiction novels and fairy tales.

Biologists have given lizard dragon name Draco volans, which means "flying dragon". Adults do not exceed 40-50cm in size.

Thanks to his large size and the ability to fly, they easily cover long distances, flying from tree to tree. They gained the ability to fly thanks to a leather membrane located on the sides; during flight, it stretches and can stay in the air.

Character and lifestyle of the dragon lizard

On the skeleton of the lizard you can see enlarged lateral ribs, a very elongated tail, the bone of which gradually tapers at the end.

All this is stretched by a very strong skin membrane, it stretches and straightens as the lizard flies, creating an air flow that allows the lizard to plan its flight.

Males have a special hyoid process near the throat, stretched by skin, which helps them “aim” during flight and is a bit like the front part of an airplane.

With the help of its coloring, the dragon lizard is perfectly camouflaged in tropical thickets; the camouflage allows it to merge with the bark of a tree, making it almost invisible.

Thanks to its coloring, the dragon lizard is perfectly camouflaged in trees.

Lizard dragon animal very quick and elusive. Thanks to their innate ability to glide in the air and excellent camouflage, they can rightfully be considered excellent hunters.

There are not many species of lizards in nature that have the ability to fly. The dragon lizard is one of the most common. The species itself is very poorly studied, all because they lead a very hidden lifestyle. Due to the fact that they spend almost all of their lives on the tops of tropical trees, this makes them almost impossible to see up close.

Because of lizard dragon small creature, it is a target for many predators, for these reasons the lizard very rarely descends to the ground. This protects herself from all sorts of dangers.

Lizard camouflage is another universal tool that allows you to hunt and hide from other predators. When another predator approaches, the lizard freezes on the tree bark, thereby making it almost impossible to notice.

But if the dragon lizard was nevertheless noticed, it easily flies to another branch at a very high speed, so even scientists are not always able to notice it during a flight.

Dragon lizard feeding

The dragon lizard is a predatory animal. Feeds mainly on small insects, various bugs and all small inhabitants tropical forest. These are mainly those that live in trees. They have very well developed hearing, which greatly improves their hunting skills and strategy.

The lizard's hunting zones are strictly separated, so they periodically have clashes over territory. Territories of this small predator sometimes does not exceed the distance between two trees, to which they fly in search of the next butterfly or small caterpillar.

If a victim is detected, it spreads its “wings”, extends its sharp claws and catches an unsuspecting victim.

They eat very little, they hardly need water due to the fact that there is always enough of it in their diet. It never descends to the ground in search of prey due to the fact that below it can almost always be caught by other predators who are not averse to feasting on the little dragon.

Their ability to fly is genetic, so even from the first minutes of life, they can engage in activities familiar to adult lizards - hunting and searching for prey.

In pet stores you can see a variety of different dragon lizard species. The varied colors and unusual structure of the lizard make them popular among lovers of exotic animals.

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