Sagittarius woman from A to Z. Sagittarius woman in a relationship with a man. Career path of a Sagittarius woman

Representatives fire element active and filled with vital energy. They do not provoke conflicts, but always defend their point of view. Feminine charm is combined with such masculine qualities, like endurance and perseverance in achieving a goal. Enthusiasm, assertiveness and faith in a bright future are the main traits of their character.

Characteristics of the sign

Representatives of this sign are considered the most straight among the rest. She expresses what’s on the Sagittarius woman’s mind in the most direct, open manner. The impression she makes is of little interest to her. Getting to the bottom of the truth in any matter is absolutely her trait. Moreover, the likelihood that this truth will be unpleasant, is also great. Lies are unacceptable to her, so lies from her lips sound quite rare and completely unconvincing.

  • Colors that bring good luck: blue, light blue, violet.
  • Stones: emerald, agate and chrysolite.

Famous Sagittarius women have expressive appearance, among them:

  • Julianne Moore is an actress.
  • Ekaterina Andreeva - TV presenter.
  • Britney Spears is a singer.
  • Elizaveta Boyarskaya is an actress.
  • Tina Turner - singer.

Sagittarius girl

A girl born under this fire sign is characterized by friendliness, openness and independence. There is no doubt about the sincerity of her emotions, because she does not know how to laugh and cry on demand. It's not boring to spend time with her, because her intelligence and optimism leave no room for sadness. She can rarely be found in bad n mood, so it seems that sorrows pass her by.

Sagittarius girls and women always set certain goals in life. In achieving these goals, they are helped by faith in the best and it seems that they achieve their goals without making any effort. special effort. At the same time, the actions of Sagittarius are absolutely harmless to others.

Spiritual growth does not take last place in the development of Sagittarius. Sometimes this becomes the reason why they start going to temples.

Complex nature

Women of this sign are independent and proud. Early departure from parental care in order to start as early as possible independent life, sometimes leads to her losing contact with her relatives. However, this does not mean that her intentions include creating her own family. Living alone does not bother her; rather, it brings her joy. To some extent, she is afraid of the boundaries and restrictions that may arise with the appearance of a second half.

She is good at the art of public speaking. Defending her point of view, she will easily impose it on any person, convincing her that she is right. However, she finds it very difficult to perceive other people’s opinions, and sometimes she completely ignores them.

She tends to “throw herself headfirst into the pool,” so her actions always precede her thoughts, and outside advice and arguments “pros and cons” have no meaning at all. Looking at her, one might believe that she will cope with any problems on her own, but this is not the case.

Women and men of this sign are full of energy and are constantly on the move. They try to help even strangers. But often their loved ones suffer for this reason. There is simply no time or energy left for them. Giving main role In their life, social life, Sagittarius girls can remain alone for a long time, without a partner.

In defending her beliefs, she may seem unshakable and stubborn. No evidence or arguments will make her doubt that she is right. Attempts to command her or impose your point of view will be suppressed. But weak-willed and passive men will also be uninteresting to her. She can only be captivated by the person who is on the same level with her.

What do these women like?

A penchant for adventure gives rise to a love of adventure and long journeys among representatives of this sign. Traveling gives them a sense of freedom that is very dear to them. In addition to this, by frequently changing the environment, they get rid of monotony and boredom. Sagittarius usually goes on a trip not alone, but in company to share impressions of the trip.

The choice of Sagittarius often stops at exotic cuisine. But since they don’t like the process of preparing food, they will happily spend the evening in a restaurant.

Routine and monotony in work can lead to the fact that Sagittarius will perform their duties without much enthusiasm, with the least productivity. Only if the wages are high enough are they able to turn routine into an interesting activity.

Women of this fire sign prefer active sports: athletics, swimming, running. Sagittarians often become famous professional athletes.

Relationships and marriage

What kind of man a Sagittarius woman needs is not an easy question. Freedom for representatives of this sign always comes first. Therefore, it will not be easy for a man in this relationship. Love and mutual understanding in a relationship are possible only with those who have come to terms with it difficult character. Even for the sake of her loved one, she will not limit her freedom and independence. If a man’s character lacks confidence and firmness, he will be subordinate to this woman. And she will treat a strong and worthy man as an equal opponent.

It can be difficult for men to understand what is on her mind. Beneath the external lightness lies a complex, multifaceted nature. In order to make her fall in love, a man needs to behave so that she does not feel controlled or jealous on his part. The Sagittarius wife is a good housewife who easily copes with housework.

Attention, TODAY only!

If you lack the brightness of life, then the Sagittarius woman will be able to bring it.

This is the brightest, most impetuous and positive sign of the zodiac that the horoscope has - the Sagittarius woman emits an incredible flow of energy, does not sit still, and in comparison with other zodiac signs she is a bright ray.

Next to her…

Any horoscope will tell you what a Sagittarius woman is like in relationships and love. She gives herself over to feeling, she was born for love and bright emotions, she experiences romance with her whole being, but does not tolerate boredom. This zodiac sign loves fresh sensations, intense experiences, and boring quiet life- not for her.

Sagittarius partner in bed - perfect couple for those who are looking for vivid experiences. She is stormy, passionate, not against experiments, wants and can do everything, and is capable of giving herself entirely to love.

In a marriage, a Sagittarius woman can surprise with her ability to manage a household; this sign is not afraid of difficulties; in her home there is always an atmosphere of kindness and joy. She adores children, but she can only be a faithful wife with a person who can understand her.

Should I start a relationship or not?

Whether you should start a relationship with this bright lady or not, the compatibility horoscope will tell you. What is a Sagittarius woman like in a relationship, what characteristics does she have with other signs?

1. Aries is an independent man, Aries knows what he wants, Aries is the boss, Aries is always right, he is in charge. Aries is unlikely to make a strong couple with a Sagittarius lady - a short, stormy romance is possible, but then a struggle will begin in which no one will give in.

2. A romance in which a bright Sagittarius woman and a romantic Taurus man find themselves may be beautiful, but short. She will quickly get bored with this zodiac sign; the couple’s compatibility is low.

3. Gemini is the same independent zodiac sign as Sagittarius. Gemini men have the same views on life, Geminis love vivid experiences, Geminis are bored alone. The horoscope indicates good compatibility; Gemini and Sagittarius often make strong marriages.

4. But Cancer is a zodiac sign from another planet. His horoscope clearly indicates that they have low compatibility - he is looking for a completely different girl. But there are exceptions, and a Sagittarius woman can make an interesting couple with Cancer.

5. But if a Sagittarius woman and a Leo man meet, no one will separate them. Bright, bold, similar, they make an ideal compatibility.

6. Virgo man from another world. Virgo is a calm sign, the Virgo is looking for a gentle and fragile young lady, the Virgo is not prone to adventure. A Sagittarius woman is unlikely to like Virgo at all, their paths rarely intersect, and compatibility is low.

7. And the scales - good friend for a woman of this zodiac sign. The horoscope says: Libra is contradictory, Libra is emotional, Libra needs support, Libra gets bored when alone. The Sagittarius lady is a good friend, but nothing more.

8. You can often find a union in which a bright Sagittarius woman and an assertive Scorpio man are together; they are attracted to each other. But in order for the Sagittarius woman to be able to understand a person like the Scorpio man, and so that the relationship does not collapse, they will both have to learn to give in. Both the Scorpio man and the headstrong Sagittarius want to be first, and they will have a hard time.

9. The horoscope states that the compatibility of such a union as the Sagittarius woman and her reflection, the Sagittarius man, is extremely high. This is where two halves found each other!

10. Such a union as a bright Sagittarius woman and a conservative Capricorn man is very unlikely - they are different, and are unlikely to attract each other at all.

11. But if a Sagittarius woman meets someone like an Aquarius man, a miracle can happen. Truly, the bright Sagittarius and the extraordinary Aquarius are an ideal couple who can live a happy and rich life together.

12. Pisces is the complete opposite of this lady. Pisces are calm, Pisces go with the flow, Pisces have a gentle nature, Pisces seek peace and harmony. However, these opposites attract each other and can form a bright and harmonious union.

According to the eastern horoscope

The eastern horoscope will reveal in more detail the features of this bright personality and help you get to know her better.

  • Sagittarius Rat is an intelligent woman who knows how to achieve goals and accumulate money. She has developed intuition and intelligence, and seeks to be surrounded by smart people.
  • The Ox is a woman who quickly defends her interests, fights for justice and protects the weak. She is a strong fighter, assertive, fearless and does not know how to give in, and does not see obstacles on the way to her goal.
  • Sagittarius Tiger will achieve everything he wants. She is not evil or predatory, but she is so swift and fearless that her enemies retreat without starting a fight. Any goal will be achieved by this lady, she will take whatever she wants.
  • The cat balances this sign and makes it more harmonious. This is a pleasant lady - soft, very sexy and charming, bright and positive, kind and even pliable.
  • The Dragon makes this sign responsible, with traits of perfectionism. She does everything perfectly, brings every task to perfection, loves to be the first.
  • The snake is a dangerous nature. She does not fight, but achieves her goals cunningly, in a roundabout way, sometimes she is ready to step over honesty for the sake of her desire. She is very smart and cunning, but not evil, she only has the best people Among friends, she loves everything that is most precious.

  • For Horse own desires at the first place. She is bright, creative, unpredictable and can sometimes seem a little crazy. She has an incredible amount of energy, it’s hard to keep up with her, and it’s hard to understand how she manages to achieve success in several areas at once.
  • The Goat is unbalanced, capricious and unpredictable. She does not sit still, but her desires change with the speed of light, it is difficult to understand her. Vulnerable, takes everything to heart, has a quick temper.
  • The Sagittarius monkey is a combustible mixture. He does not sit still, craves new experiences every day, climbs mountains, jumps with a parachute, conquers depths and peaks and is not afraid of anything. If she is bored with a person, she simply leaves without regret.
  • Sagittarius Rooster is a warrior woman, she is uncompromising, courageous, and will sacrifice everything for the sake of the goal and for the sake of loved ones. She loves extremes and does not tolerate stability.
  • If the Dog is up to something, he cannot be stopped. She will be able to cleverly bypass difficulties and enemies, find incredible solutions to problems, and will always take what she wants.
  • And the Pig is vulnerable and trusting. This woman is like the sun, open to everything and everyone, not afraid of evil, but from this she is defenseless and vulnerable, in need of protection.

Sagittarius is a unique sign, but every person is unique, and no two people are alike. Communicate, observe and be interested in a person in order to know his nature, and let the horoscope become your assistant! Author: Vasilina Serova

Sagittarius women are diehard optimists and never experience depression. The Sagittarius woman cuts the truth, regardless of the feelings of others. These ladies are excellent wives and loving mothers who manage to keep their home in perfect order and at the same time pursue a career.

Appearance of a Sagittarius woman

This is very bright women, they like to dress pretentiously, wear bright makeup, and wear flashy things and jewelry. Sometimes such excesses border on complete bad taste, but Sagittarians compensate for this with grace and cat-like dexterity of movements.

The Sagittarius woman knows how to walk confidently and is tall. She is very vain. He devotes a lot of time to his appearance.

Behavior and inner world of a Sagittarius woman

Sagittarius ladies are honest and straightforward, they love to gossip or just gossip. They are great optimists and have a lot of energy. Sometimes others decide that their behavior is a game for the audience, but this is not so.

Sagittarius women know how to lend their shoulder to difficult moments, so they have many friends and acquaintances, people love them. They become leaders of any community they enter. They don’t hold grudges for long; they look at things realistically and quickly assess their chances.

These ladies are very warm and friendly. They are not shy about showing their emotions, they can cry out loud or laugh at the top of their lungs. Moreover, they do all this completely sincerely.

Sagittarius Woman: Positive and Negative Traits

Sagittarians are prone to creativity, they interesting interlocutors, have a rich imagination, always in good mood, this type of personality attracts people, they always have a lot of friends.

Also, these ladies are very straightforward and spontaneous, but they do not want to offend anyone with their behavior. And they demand from loved ones to demonstrate the same qualities, and they are very offended without noticing their presence.

Sagittarius woman's career

The Sagittarius woman is excellent at combining work and family. In both places she has order and discipline.

Sagittarius Woman - Leadership Qualities

Sagittarius will be able to take custody of a person, seeing that he cannot cope. But this help is not a great success; under the tutelage of Sagittarius, it will no longer be possible to take your own steps. Sagittarians are very passionate and fight to the last, even if they feel that they are losing.

In work, a Sagittarius woman can outperform any man. These ladies use creativity and originality in their work, take initiative, and are good performers. In short, a Sagittarius woman is the dream of any company.

Sagittarius Woman: Career

The main thing for Sagittarius in work is interest, lack of monotony, the opportunity to express oneself and find a non-standard solution to a problem. They are prone to constant development, often radically changing their field of activity, deciding that they are bored with their previous work.

Sagittarius woman in sex, marriage, career, family

Sagittarians in love give themselves completely to their partner. They are emotional and very sensual. The personal life of these women is quite eventful; they rarely get by with just one marriage.

How do Sagittarius woman feelings manifest?

1. Sagittarius may be considered promiscuous, all because of their spontaneity and lack of conventions when communicating with men. In fact, Sagittarians are simple-minded, honest and open. They are confident in themselves and in the purity of their intentions, so they expect the same from their partner.

2. These ladies are comprehensively developed, quickly find the essence of the problem, the meaning in the world around them, they are very attractive to men.

3. The Sagittarius woman openly demonstrates her emotions, which captivates people and men in particular.

4. Sagittarians often idealize their partner and do not notice his shortcomings.

5. Sagittarius women strive for romance in relationships and love new sensations. They are kind, positive, fair.

6. A man should support Sagittarius in everything, share her interests, and not try to limit her freedom.

Sagittarius Woman - Sexual Life

The Sagittarius woman is a wonderful lover, sensual, open to experimentation. He has a stormy temperament and always openly expresses his emotions.

The Sagittarius woman is the carrier of a strong flow of energy; she is simply created for love. She experiences each of her novels with every fiber of her soul. She doesn't know how to live a boring life. Always tries to experiment or bring newness to relationships.

Sagittarius's stormy temperament is best demonstrated in bed, but falling in love can be temporary.

Sagittarians approach relationships in bed easily and with humor, ex-lovers often remain their friends for life.

TO sexual relations The Sagittarius woman treats it like a game and doesn’t get too upset over a loss.

The Sagittarius woman moves through life easily and can easily have several love affairs at once.

Sagittarians never play; all their emotions and feelings are open. They can sometimes be considered rude due to their straightforwardness. The Sagittarius woman values ​​her freedom, but she cannot be alone for long.

Marriage and family of a Sagittarius woman

These women do not strive for marriage at all; they value freedom and feel quite comfortable in the “free” status. A man will need enormous endurance to persuade this woman to marry.

In relationships, Sagittarians value trust, honesty and openness most of all. It is important for them to feel freedom.

Sagittarius ladies are always good housewives; their home is always clean and cozy. Dull domestic responsibilities overwhelm Sagittarius, so here she tries to be creative, decorate the house, and design it. A large number of She spends money on creating practical furnishings and unique design in her home.

The Sagittarius woman does not at all strive to become a mother. Although if this does happen, they show themselves as good parents, but inside they protest against the current situation.

Children feel comfortable with their Sagittarius mother, but often she is too demanding of them and tries to realize her unfulfilled dreams through them. If the child starts to protest, Sagittarius will always find a compromise.

Gifts for a Sagittarius woman

Choosing a gift for a Sagittarius lady is a very difficult task. They will definitely appreciate the purchased ticket or paid trip to a new place. Any sports paraphernalia is also suitable. Sagittarius will like it as a gift Appliances, dishes, interior items. Can be presented jewelry, it is better to give such a gift as a surprise, this will make the gift even more valuable in the eyes of the Sagittarius woman.

Zodiac signs can tell you what positive and negative traits prevail in one or another zodiac sign.

In this article, the reader will find out what Sagittarius woman is?

The Sagittarius girl is a hot, bright, lively, proactive zodiac sign. Almost every man will pay attention to her if he likes active girls. Cheerful with lively ebullient energy and extravagant taste. Nevertheless, such a woman manages to remain natural in behavior. There is no falsehood in her manners.


People of this sign, including women, do not care so much about reputation that others perceive this trait as a negative part of their character. Girls most often have a rather unique view of the world, and others’ ideas about how and what should be do not bother them.


The base stone that is ideal for all girls of the sign is garnet. It is bright, extravagant and perfectly emphasizes the most interesting sides. There are several other stones that are suitable for those born in a certain period.

Birthstone by date of birth

  1. Born from November 23 to December 2 - amethyst, agate, jade;
  2. Born from December 3 to December 12 - sardonyx, turquoise and opal;
  3. Born from December 13 to 21 - emerald, ruby, topaz.

A woman of this sign, like no one else, can show men how much they do not understand women. She needs a truly insightful person so that he can understand and get used to the behavior of a representative of this sign. An easy, flirtatious, simple and sociable woman, at first glance, often turns out to be a complex person inside.

A woman asks questions that often force her to be distracted from everyday life for a long time. Sometimes from the outside, others mistake this character trait for laziness, frivolity and indifference to responsibilities.

The intimate side of life

The girl is an ideal lover for people who want to experiment. She does not know how to indulge in simple caresses. She needs something more. Experimentation, unusualness, non-standard - this is what attracts her in a relationship. Among them, most of all are people with unusual inclinations and extraordinary tastes in sexual terms. These people love risks and thrills.

A detailed description of this zodiac sign can scare away the opposite sex. But this is only the first frightening impression. Only true connoisseurs of unusual relationships are able to appreciate the charms of a girl’s character. But to do this you will have to overcome many prejudices.

Representatives of the fairer sex love communication and know a lot about it. They can easily organize small talk and brilliantly support any topic, even if they don’t understand it very well. Women achieve this due to the fact that they love to listen. Girls born in the year symbolized by the boar need constant approval. Without this, they wilt, feel lost and unnecessary.

About love

They are unique in love. They have never been known for fidelity, but one cannot think that they might not love their partner. Sagittarians truly love to enjoy bodily sensations, they need variety. But they rarely equate intimacy with the manifestation of love. For them intimacy- it is rather pleasure, joy or pampering. Girls of this sign feel love for a man on a different level. They will tell you how to understand that a guy likes you by looking at you.

They rarely fall in love. To get this feeling, they need to really know their chosen one well. But if a girl feels love, you can be sure that this feeling will last for a long time.

Sign compatibility

Since Sagittarius is a rather strong and domineering zodiac sign, the girl has compatibility with a small number of signs. Leos and Aries will be good partners because these signs are also strong and understand the difficulties of limiting freedom. Even when in a couple, a woman needs to feel the absence of restrictions, otherwise it becomes crowded in a couple.

When communicating with Pisces and Virgos, girls of this sign will feel like real ballet primas. If a woman wants to show her leadership qualities in a couple, these signs are most suitable.

Scorpios and Libra are unfavorable signs when it comes to building relationships. Scorpios will not share the palm with Sagittarius, and Libra will never be able to keep up with them in their desire to gain new experiences. Libra is calmer in this regard.


Representatives of this sign have a very keen sense of justice and a desire to help people. In this regard, professions related to the protection of people will be very suitable, these are professions in the field of law, positions in court and the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Professions associated with risk can be completely unrelated to people, for example, a representative of this sign, who loves extravagance and risk, will look very impressive in the role of a tiger-dog or snake trainer.


In precious moments of rest, a girl of this sign usually spends all her fortune to have fun. Sagittarians are very addicted people and it is often difficult for them to stop. Therefore, on vacation where there is alcohol, food, pleasure, great danger awaits Sagittarius. There are many archers who were unable to stop in time and were overtaken by illnesses such as alcoholism and excess body weight.

As a wife

Getting married is an incredibly difficult task for her. She easily makes men fall in love with her and attracts attention. But the trouble is that for such a girl, her own freedom is an important value. Nevertheless, Sagittarius people also get married.

As a wife, she is not a very skilled housewife, but she loves guests and is ready to receive them at any time. Taking care of their comfortable stay in the family home. You can trust this girl to decorate your apartment; you can trust her taste. Under no circumstances should she be trusted to plan the family budget. Sagittarians are terrible spenders, and will manage wisely family budget a daunting task for them.

In the kitchen

Sagittarians love to cook. But the trouble is that they are terrible experimenters, and this passion for experimenting in the kitchen often does not lead to any good. In fact, there are representatives of this sign who know how to cook, but they find it boring to cook what they know how to do. Therefore, from the outside it seems that no matter what they try in the kitchen, Sagittarius rarely succeeds. If for a man in a relationship the ability to cook is not the most important thing in a girl, then she will fully satisfy all the other needs of her husband.

New Beginnings

Most of all, Sagittarians like to surprise people. Women are no exception in this regard. They, being passionate natures, can support any idea, even the craziest one. But after the initial delight of the experience wears off, they tend to quickly burn out. They lose interest, give up and are replaced by laziness and apathy.

About colors

Colors that will help balance their character lean towards blue and green. Green color slightly calms their seething energy, and blue cools excessive ardor. By adhering to these colors in the interior and clothing, you can somewhat balance the character of these bright individuals. The interior of women of this sign should contain wood, in any form, for example, as a vase or a piece of furniture.

Reading the description of a Sagittarius woman, what she is like, one can come to the conclusion that for the most part these are memorable, extraordinary and ambiguous personalities. By communicating with them you can get a lot positive impressions and not really. But we must remember that ideal zodiac signs, like people, do not exist in nature. Every person has their own pros and cons.

Sagittarius woman: what is she like in life and who is she suitable for?

Women born under the sign of Sagittarius are distinguished by great liveliness, independence, natural manners, friendliness, kind-hearted, honest attitude towards people, lack of hypocrisy and prejudice. Whether she laughs or cries, she does it all from the heart, completely sincerely. The Sagittarius woman is characterized by intelligence, a cheerful and cheerful disposition, optimism, enthusiasm, extravagance of ideas, wild, inexhaustible imagination; It's interesting to talk to her.

Find a representative of this zodiac sign immersed in pessimism and melancholy is almost impossible. To turn into a gloomy, depressive creature, fate must batter her too much.

Sagittarius women cope with all their affairs simply brilliantly; their decisions and movements are quick. They are very smart, people have sympathy for them.

If we talk about the relationship between Sagittarius women and men, the former do not adhere to any conventions in this matter. They communicate very willingly, on equal terms, on a friendly basis, and, in the eyes of others, it often looks quite frivolous on the part of beautiful ladies. This is supported by the fact that by nature, representatives of this sign are very feminine and attractive in the eyes of the stronger sex.

However, this behavior has its reasons. Sagittarius women are very decent, honest, impeccable and confident in these qualities. All of them, from the point of view of Sagittarius, are sufficient grounds not to be afraid for their reputation and to ignore gossip and rumors. In addition, ladies born under this constellation are strong in spirit, and therefore are quite able to stand up for themselves.

This manner of communicating with men can mislead them. The stronger sex tends to perceive flirting as a prologue and an invitation to a close relationship. Sagittarius women are able to teach men an instructive lesson and show that they are very far from a correct understanding of female behavior. Too zealous attempts will be rejected by them with pride and coldness, and even the most successful seducer will suffer an inglorious defeat. Moreover, being unable to lie, the Sagittarius woman will bluntly tell her hapless suitors everything she thinks about them, without trying one bit to soften the blow to male pride.

Preferring directness, sincerity, and honesty in relationships with people, Sagittarius women often demonstrate a deficiency in their nature of the gentleness and sensitivity characteristic of the fair sex. The tactlessness of their statements does not stem from the unseemly intention of making someone suffer humiliation or offense. Representatives of this sign are ardent fighters for the truth, in which they see only good for people. It never occurs to them that sometimes the best solution is to simply remain silent. They expect a certain reaction to their desire for sincerity, and if it does not coincide with the expected one, Sagittarius will feel strong resentment and bewilderment.

Sagittarius women can pretend to be reserved, cold individuals, and all in order not to allow themselves to slide into the abyss of dreary good looks, into which, in their opinion, all married ladies invariably fall. In reality, women born under this constellation are very romantic and even sentimental; they can keep letters for a long time, things that at one time touched their soul. Sagittarius is fire sign, and therefore its representatives are distinguished by emotionality, passion, sensuality, love of life, denial of asceticism, beautiful, kind and generous soul.

If a man dreams of getting a Sagittarius as his wife, he will have to patiently and calling on all his ingenuity to help bring his beloved to the idea that the role of a wife, mother, and homemaker can give a lot of emotions and various impressions. He will be required to redirect the Sagittarius woman's innate curiosity towards family life, convince her that she will still remain the mistress of her own destiny, that her husband will not seek her submission and will not interfere with her hobbies and interests.

Sincerity, honesty, romance, pride, wisdom make the Sagittarius woman a great authority among her household, and children simply dote on their sociable, interesting, cheerful mother with an inexhaustible imagination.

A Sagittarius woman can be just the perfect partner when we're talking about about intimate relationships. The desire for new experiences makes her inventive, and her temperament, activity, and emotionality are aimed at a partner who can get true satisfaction with this woman.

However, there is one important condition here: the Sagittarius husband must match her in temperament and just as openly show all his feelings. If this does not happen, then the relationship in the couple may become noticeably more complicated. Sagittarius women, as a rule, remain faithful to their life partner, but will suffer in secret, risking chronic stress. However, sexual disharmony can also lead to more drastic results: going “to the left” or leading to divorce. However, even in such sad situations, Sagittarius remains a worthy representative of the fire sign: she will not perceive this as a tragedy of her entire life and will not lose heart, considering it all a not very successful joke that fate has played on her.

Sagittarius woman and sex

A woman born under the sign of Sagittarius is a seductress and an incorrigible coquette. She loves to flirt and is a gambler love games. She will experiment in sex with a light feeling so that her partners remain friends. She is incapable of deep emotional attraction and is more prone to follow the whims of romantic moods. If the connection fizzles out, she will be philosophical about it. After some time, she will have a new lover.

A woman born under this sign is not against having sex with a partner, but she is much more interested in friendship, exchange of ideas and romantic adventures. She can be very seductive, and it is sometimes difficult for a man to understand whether she is starting a sexual game or just looking for a friend.

Her enthusiasm, willingness to meet halfway, sense of humor and wit will delight any man. She is a good listener, a good companion for a man who loves sports and adventure, and a wonderful hostess who can liven up any party; interesting people are always drawn to her.

She loves her freedom, and nothing should interfere with her freedom-loving nature. She can't sit still, she loves to travel. She loves variety and is ready to quickly break up with a man who no longer interests her.

Her frankness in matters of the heart misleads men. She does not try to restrain her desire to talk about other men she has known, and if her lover disappoints her, she will not hesitate to say so.

Sensitive and touchy, she loves flattery. A man with a good tongue can easily win her heart. As a result, she often becomes a victim of unscrupulous men while there is no real person nearby. Proud, changeable and flighty, she is difficult to understand and almost completely uncontrollable.

The biggest difficulty is her inability to give herself entirely to a man. She indiscriminately moves from one to the other, never offering much resistance, but not experiencing much pleasure either. She has great experience, but little real feeling.

Suitable for Sagittarius women

Oddly enough, but the most perfect union A Sagittarius lady can create a relationship with a man of her sign. The sign itself does not have a pronounced gender, therefore Sagittarius and Sagittarius will see themselves in each other, love and understand until the last ellipsis.

Relationships with Aries and Leo will become slightly less ideal. The lamb feels his Sagittarius partner with amazing sensitivity; he has that solidity and pressure that the Sagittarius young lady sometimes lacks. In his skillful hands, her unimaginable plans will quickly turn into reality. In addition, Aries and Sagittarius have quite similar temperaments; they will feel good in the same bed in any position.

The Leo man is inferior to Aries only in his position relative to the Sagittarius lady. If the first one stands on a par with her, then the second one will definitely put it higher and admire it as if it were a work of art. It's harder to spin a Leo financial assistance in the implementation of projects. But in this tandem, the big advantage will be the lady’s complete power over the gentleman in a horizontal position, in the heat of which he will give everything and even more.

Not the best combinations

An interesting and exciting romance awaits Sagittarius with Aquarius, however, this tandem will most likely end in pure friendship. Aquarius is good for his calm attitude towards any antics of the Sagittarius, but he is not an assistant in her affairs, after all, he needs to save the world!

Pisces and Scorpio men rarely get involved with a Sagittarius lady. Pisces are frightened by her unbridled imagination and speed of reactions; they are more interested in the concept than in its implementation. Scorpios do not agree to be on the sidelines after ideas, and they make very self-centered friends. The Scorpio man prefers to be his lady's only goal.

A love affair with Cancer often leaves an unpleasant aftertaste in the soul of a Sagittarius. He quickly lights up with her plans and desires, but then, instead of moving forward, he slowly crawls backwards, which in the opinion of the Sagittarius lady is shameful.

Not suitable for Sagittarius women

Despite the similarity in outlook on life and desire to experiment, the love affair between a Sagittarius woman and a Gemini man ends quickly, and not at all on a friendly note. The lady may think that the gentleman is too demanding, although he himself does not perform the functions of protection and support, while Gemini will be embarrassed by the exactingness of the Sagittarius. And as always, he doesn’t owe anyone anything!

Any kind of relationship with Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn is excluded for the Sagittarius lady. Representatives of earth signs have nothing to do in the world of fire and air. Lady Sagittarius can only become interested in Capricorn as a last resort, but then quickly fly away from a world in which there is no place for miracles.

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