Running is the perfect physical activity. Types of running in athletics, what types of running exist

Running in any form is useful and interesting in its own way. Often, for beginner runners, some types of running remain under a veil of mystery. They may be unpopular or new and under-reported, but that doesn't mean they're boring and you don't need to know about them.

Running is a natural movement for human body. Previously, people ran to escape from wild animals, or vice versa, to hunt. Later, running competitions began. It should be remembered that cross-country competitions were held at the first Olympic Games. Now people run for health, use running as a basic training in various sports and for many other reasons. For all the time that people have been running, there has been a large variation in the types of running.

Today one can distinguish different kinds running, based on certain criteria. First of all, it should be understood that running can be amateur and professional. The first, of course, does a lot more people, and it is widely circulated among supporters healthy lifestyle life. To engage in amateur running, it is not necessary to seek help from professional trainers and plan complex training plans. The main thing in amateur running is to have fun, you should not overload yourself during jogging and force yourself to go on it when there is little free time and no strength. This, of course, is a huge plus in favor of amateur running against professional.

Professional running is hard work. There can be no question of skipping at least one workout, because a complex training system can be broken. Professional running is often a push to the limit. During some workouts, athletes can fall exhausted and enjoyment is out of the question. But the feeling of satisfaction received after winning the competition cannot be compared with anything. At these moments, you understand that hard training did not take a lot of time and effort in vain.

If we talk about the types of running, then jogging or jogging should be mentioned first. This is due to the fact that it is the most popular among both amateurs and professionals. What is so special about this run? Jogging - running in the aerobic zone at a low pace of 7-10 min / km. For beginner runners, this is a great workout that brings maximum benefit and minimum harm. For pros, jogging is about recovering from a hard workout.

While jogging, all the same muscles work as during normal running. That is why they should be dealt with by overweight people and all others who are contraindicated in heavy physical exertion. Due to the low speed of running, the risk of injury is reduced, which makes jogging the best option for amateurs and beginners.

Medium intensity running

Running at medium intensity is the sweet spot. It already gives a greater load on the body than jogging, but at the same time it is feasible for people without special training. They can be done by amateurs who already have sufficient form to withstand a running pace of 4.5-6 min / kilometer. As far as professionals are concerned, similar view running is the main training in the basic preparatory period. With such a run, you should monitor your running technique and choose a suitable surface. This is due to the increased injury risk of middle running.

Fast running is already the destiny of professional athletes. It is interesting to note that fast running is a broad concept. After all, the pace of 3 minutes per kilometer is fast for a marathon, and already very slow for a stayer distance. Fast running is most often either training or competition. In training, athletes hone the necessary pace that they will have to implement during the competition.

Variable run

Variable running is one of the varieties of training that has a large number of various variations. This number is only limited by the coach's imagination. Variable running is very effective for any distance and any athlete. Many amateurs include alternating running in their training, especially when preparing for amateur competitions and races.

Smooth running

This concept can often be heard from the lips of professional coaches or athletes. Under is meant running along the track of the stadium without obstacles. It cannot be said that it is the simplest. After all, it is on the tracks that athletes develop the highest speeds and must maintain them throughout the entire distance.

Sprint and middle distance running

The division into these types of running is widely used among professionals. It is necessary in order to prepare for a certain distance. Indeed, in order to run short distances or distances, a certain preparation is needed, which differs from training for medium distances. Sprint distances are 100, 20 and 400 meters, medium distances are 800, 1500, 3000 meters with obstacles, and long distances include running 5000 meters and more, but only 5000, 10000 and 42 195 meters are Olympic.

Hurdles and Hurdles

Many people think that these are exactly the same types of running and are simply called differently, but this is not so. Hurdles include the 110 meters for men, 100 meters for women and 400 meters. Barriers are installed on each track in certain places. Their height depends on the gender of the athlete and the distance he overcomes.

Steeplechase is another name for steeplechase. In this discipline, athletes must cover a distance of 3 kilometers. In one place on the circle there is an obstacle that is somewhat reminiscent of a barrier, only it has big sizes and more stable, and a hole with water, which athletes inevitably fall into after overcoming an obstacle. If in hurdling an athlete can easily knock down the hurdle, but lose time, then in steeplechase it will not be possible to do this. These disciplines are very spectacular and unpredictable.

road running

Everything you need to know about road running is already in its name. When they talk about this type of running, they mean running long distances, for example, a marathon and a half marathon. The fact is that a race for such a long distance cannot be organized at the stadium, so distances longer than 10 kilometers are already held in the open. For serious competitions, the organizers try to plan the distance without strong elevation changes. Not every marathon track will be able to break a world record or at least show good result. For example, the route of the Kazan annual marathon is very difficult, has many descents and ascents and is laid in windy places.

Cross running

Cross-country running. In the case of cross-country running, there can be no question of a smooth stadium track, or even a flat highway track. It is not the most spectacular, because it is rarely possible to follow the athletes throughout the distance, but one of the most interesting. A sharply changing distance profile, descents, ascents, various surfaces from the ground to stones and water give cross-country competitions a certain intrigue.

There are various variations of cross-country running. Cross-country can include simple jogging through the forest, trail running and. The last two types are very interesting, but at the same time, require special training from the runner. In the trail, the athlete must overcome a difficult distance. Moreover, the difficulty can be due to both the coverage (often athletes have to storm rivers and ford streams), and a long distance up to several hundred kilometers. Skyrunning - races that are held exclusively in mountainous areas and with a mandatory climb of 1000 meters, depending on the discipline.

It is the various types of running and the ability to choose the run that suits the person best that encourage more and more people to run. Running is freedom. First of all, the freedom to choose the distance, intensity and location of training. Everyone can run as they want, as much as they want and where they want. Not every sport can boast of this.

Description of the most effective types of running, what they are used for. Jogging, stair climbing, sprinting and interval running, as well as other useful types.

Even the most natural sports exercises, like squats and pull-ups, are rarely necessary for a person in his daily life. Another thing is walking or running, this is the most common form of activity for a person since he got up on two legs. Primitive people ran after prey, from enemies and after them, modern man runs in a hurry so as not to be late. Those who monitor their health and fitness do not only run when necessary, they go jogging regularly.

Running is natural not only for humans, but also for animals, however, not for all. Elephants cannot run due to the structural features of their massive body. During movement, the center of gravity in the body of an elephant can shift by only a few centimeters, because of this, the impact load on the fulcrum at a time is 150% of total weight animal. For a person, the same load is 300% of the weight, however, we can run, and many also love it.

Consider the types of running that attract the most attention - running up stairs, using weights, jogging, marathon running and others. In any variety, running is a series of leg movements that are performed at regular intervals, in a cycle. Explaining what running is in theory is much more difficult than going out for a run and experiencing it in practice.

Running cycles

Any run includes several stages:

  • Push - it is most convenient to push off with the toe or the middle of the foot, this is exactly what experts recommend doing. Pushing off with the heel is uncomfortable and illogical;
  • Flight - a moment when the legs are torn off the ground;
  • Landing - contact with the ground of the other leg, occurs in the heel area.

Running in athletics

Running is an integral part of athletics, the level of load in this case depends on the distance traveled. Running in athletics includes several varieties:

  • Sprinting - overcoming distances with a duration of not more than 400 meters;
  • Middle distance running - from 800 to 3000 meters;
  • Stayer run - distances from 3 kilometers;
  • Road running - it is also called marathon running, includes a marathon and a half marathon, that is, very long distances, an ultra-marathon is also provided, a distance of a hundred kilometers is covered in one run.

Types of recreational running

Running for health is the most popular form of physical activity among amateurs. If you're not looking to run an ultra-marathon or set 400-meter sprint records, then fitness running is exactly what you need.


No need to try to take big steps, no need to develop great speed, a great way to keep fit for lovers. If you go to any park in the evening, you can see a huge number of people jogging, for many this replaces walking in the fresh air. Professionals practice jogging in case they need to recover from an overly strenuous workout.

The first effects of jogging are felt after the first workout, the process is a slow monotonous movement, immersing a person in a state similar to meditation. While jogging, you can dream, think about life, throw off accumulated stresses. All tissues of the body are saturated with oxygen, it experiences a slight aerobic effect.

However, it is important not to overestimate the effectiveness of jogging. If your goal is to get rid of extra pounds, then this type of activity will not allow you to lose right amount calories. Jogging is like brisk walking, no intense impact will be placed on the muscles, that is, you should not expect significant changes in physical appearance. If achieving the goal requires more serious loads, then jogging is appropriate to use before and after them.

This variety has a positive effect on the overall endurance of the body and the health of the cardiovascular system. The famous academician Amosov devoted several works to jogging, he even called this variety as running from a heart attack. Running for the health and beauty of the body is a vast topic and requires a separate study. Running on the spot is no less interesting, for training you do not need to go outside.

Running in the aerobic heart rate zone

Out of ignorance, it is often confused with jogging, but these are different concepts. The aerobic heart rate zone can be reached at both fast and slow paces, depending on the fitness level of the individual. In order to run fast enough, but at the same time keep your heart rate in the aerobic zone, you need to train for a long time. This type of running allows you to get a greater load on the musculoskeletal system and internal organs, spend more calories. In the process of jogging, the organs are massaged, the joints and bones receive a shock load that is useful for them.

Running with an aerobic heart rate is suitable for those who have a good level of fitness and want to maintain it, but do not spend a lot of time training. The starting point is a certain distance or time spent running, with the speed gradually increasing from run to run. It is advisable to combine this type of running with power loads, primarily aimed at the lower body, but this must be done very carefully.

It is impossible to unequivocally answer the question of whether running with a pulse in the aerobic zone helps to lose weight. Aerobic exercise works in a special way, the main process of burning body fat does not occur during training, but within a day after it, while a calorie deficit regimen must be observed. After a run, each person experiences a feeling of hunger, a meal should not contain more calories than what was spent in training. You can lose weight this way, but it will require complex calculations.

sprint run

Jogging over a distance of 30 to 400 meters is a sprint run, the athlete is required to run the presented distance as quickly as possible. This type of running Lately increasingly used to get rid of excess weight, subject to all the rules, it is really effective. For example, for a person who is engaged in weightlifting and regularly performs deadlifts, squats with a barbell, you can practice sprinting, but in a very dosed mode.

interval running

The name speaks for itself, it is the alternation of intense and weak loads at certain intervals for rest, that is, fast running on the verge of maximum speed for a person and slow running, for example, jogging. For example, a repeating cycle of 30 seconds of fast running and a minute of jogging. Due to the fact that the body is subjected to alternating aerobic and anaerobic loads, it increases its endurance performance.

Interval running cannot be recommended for a beginner, since a person without proper experience will not be able to dose the load correctly, and there is a risk of injury during training. If a beginner still wants to start not with jogging, but immediately with interval, then he should alternate short periods running and walking, then gradually increase the running time.


If you literally translate the term from Swedish, then it will sound like “playing with speed”, that is, running with alternating speed. Fartlek cannot be attributed to interval running, since there is no rest and cyclicality, this variety is much closer to cross-country running. Fartlek practitioners walk and briskly, fast, slow and very slow running.

Fartlek perfectly strengthens health, and if you run not in a straight line, but over rough terrain, then such qualities as coordination and dexterity will additionally develop. If it is not possible to run on the street, then you can play with speed on a treadmill, the efficiency will be somewhat lower, but at the same time there will be a constant development and strengthening of the ankles. For such a run on the street, it is necessary to select shoes that are comfortable in any terrain, a good warm-up is necessary before jogging, it will reduce the risk of injury.

Stair running

Universal remedy for fast weight loss and development of the leg muscles, the calf muscles are heavily loaded, as they are activated with each heel lift. To enhance the effect, you can run up stairs with weights, but first you need to practice without them. Also, the load will increase if you step not on every step, but through one. The greater the load when running up the stairs, the more calories will be burned in the process, respectively, getting rid of excess body fat will be faster.

It has long been known that those who want to lose weight should first of all give up the elevator.

Stair running can be used as an alternative to regular running, for example when outdoors it's raining or not enough time for a full workout. When moving up the stairs, you must remember that this is a double burden for the body and the muscular system. As a result, you get strong legs, a beautiful shape of the buttocks and hips, slim stomach, as well as strengthening the respiratory and cardiovascular systems.

Running with weights

The use of weighting agents can be recommended to someone who is used to receiving a certain amount of loads for a set period of time. The use of weights, for example, running with dumbbells, significantly increases the level of stress, such activity perfectly strengthens the muscles of the legs, develops general endurance organism.

Running with obstacles

A curious kind of running, but it is available exclusively for professionals. Organizing for yourself obstacles on the usual route is not an easy task. Obstacle running is good because a person constantly has to push off the ground with force, which has a positive effect on the development of strength in the legs and general condition organism.

Sports running is familiar to every modern athlete. Today, in all parks and other green areas, you can meet a lot of people who went for a run. Running in sports has long been one of the most beloved and popular varieties. This is not at all surprising, because absolutely everyone has the opportunity to do it.

The article provides information about the benefits of running to the body, types of running in athletics, as well as technique. Not only a professional athlete who regularly takes part in various competitions can become interested in this, but also ordinary people who carry out light jogging in the fresh air in order to maintain their health.

The benefits of running

Sports running allows beginners and experienced athletes to increase their own endurance, increase the tone of the immune system, and also strengthen muscles. In addition, even light jogging can improve the functioning of the endocrine system, activate metabolic processes and straighten the lungs. Thanks to rhythmic shaking, the whole body is gently massaged, and gravitational overload helps to renew blood in small capillaries. At the same time, already stagnant deposited blood is included in the general circulation.

Despite all these benefits, the main impact of this sport is the effect on the cardiovascular system. Regular exercise perfectly trains the heart muscle, and also activates its metabolism. At the same time, training contributes to the high-quality cleaning of blood vessels from cholesterol plaques that have appeared for a long time, prevent their re-occlusion and significantly reduce the risk of developing a stroke or heart attack.


People often start exercising as soon as they realize the benefits that running can bring. The types of running in athletics are also worth knowing, because among them you can choose the most suitable option for yourself.

Running can be recreational or sports. The first is aimed only at maintaining and maintaining health. The health option is easily mastered by every person, regardless of his initial physical training. The second - sports - includes running at different distances and with different conditions. In this category, there are several varieties of running, which differ not only in distance, but also in execution technique. The names of sports running are listed below. Along with this, the technique for performing each of the types is described in detail.

100 meters

The first of the sports distances for running is a distance of 100 meters. This option belongs to the category of sprinting, that is, for short distances. Its distinguishing features are a small distance and enough high level athlete's speed. Moreover, the speed must be maintained throughout the race, since the main goal is to be the first to the finish line.

The technique of this type of running is distinguished by its specific features:

  1. Start is initial basis for maximum fast track distances. In this case, it is more profitable to low start to get as much push as possible by placing the legs at a sharp angle.
  2. Acceleration is required to be done at the very first steps. In this case, the maximum speed must be observed in order to maintain it in the future.
  3. The finish must be done with a straight or slightly inclined torso. Experienced athletes can make a sharp throw to the finish line, thereby ahead of their rivals, but this requires good control of their own body, so this trick is not available to beginners.

The technique of sports running for 100 meters implies that the athlete has the highest possible speed endurance. Along with this, the athlete must have composure and clarity of movement.


The technique of this type of sports running is quite simple, but it is sometimes difficult for beginners to understand it. It is carried out on a conventional treadmill, located in a circle. Relay races can be run at any distance, regardless of their length.

At the start of the race, a relay baton is in the hands, and the legs are located at a low start. The main difficulty lies in the key moment of passing the stick to the next runner from his team. In this case, the technique is similar to sprinting, since in order to overcome the required distance, it is necessary to gain as much speed as possible.


Shuttle running in sports is distinguished by a special technique. Here you need to go a certain distance in both directions several times. This technique is quite difficult, as during the change of direction speed is lost, so the result is worse.

The start can be either low or high. But at the same time, the push with the foot should provide top speed. Equally important is acceleration. During its implementation, the athlete is forced to keep under control own body and have normal coordination to orient as quickly as possible when changing direction. Finishing for some athletes is extremely difficult. This happens due to limited space and achievement maximum level speed throughout the finish line.

The shuttle running technique must be perfected, since only in this case the athlete will be able to achieve results. The athlete himself must be fully prepared for loads with a periodic change of direction.

Low start

Sports running for short distances often involves a low start. Its essence lies in the fact that the technique is significantly different from the execution high start. In this case, the center of gravity of the athlete's body goes down and shifts slightly forward. This is necessary for good acceleration and speed.

The position of the hands is of particular importance. It is through them that it is determined how low the center of gravity is lowered and what is necessary for its return to natural level. The process of raising the center of gravity depends on the width of the setting of the hands - the greater the distance between the hands, the more difficult it will be to return the body to the desired position. It is because of this that sprinters are advised to choose the narrowest hand setting possible.

400 meters

The distance of 400 meters belongs to the short races. It can easily be used for both sprinting and relay races. The technique is no different from any sprint.

The start in such a race is always low. At the command of the judge, the athlete must take off from the treadmill and wave his arms to gain and maintain speed. During the first acceleration, you should accelerate by increasing the length of the step, but in no case its frequency. The distance in this type of race should be covered as quickly as possible and with full exertion of both physical and psychological strength.

the only hallmark 400 meters run is the transition to a free step after acceleration. It is characterized by a much lower intensity, which is not found in other techniques.

1 kilometer

Running a distance of 1 km is overcoming a long distance. To pass it, you must have good stamina. The running technique is to pick up speed closer to the finish line. At the same time, athletes overcoming such a path must be able to properly distribute their own forces.


Cross-country running, the technique of which is very similar to short and medium distances. Here all athletes start from a high start. The length of the distance is determined by the age and gender of the participants in the race. When cross-country, the athlete has to overcome various terrain, so he needs to adjust his pace of running to the terrain or the features of the track.

If the climb is carried out, then the runner needs to tilt the torso a little lower and slightly accelerate the movement of the legs. On the slopes, it is required to act the other way around - to deflect the body back and slow down the steps, at the same time reducing their length.

Running, despite its apparent simplicity in terms of the technique of its implementation, is one of those sports that includes one of the most large quantities disciplines and varieties, starting and ending with cross-country.

Moreover, running is an inseparable part of many sports, such as basketball, acrobatics and other disciplines where speed and perfection are required. About what kind of sport running belongs to, what types of running are, distances, as well as basic standards, all this will be discussed in this article.

Running, what types exist and what are their differences?

Types of running in athletics can be divided into core disciplines and running sports such as:


This running discipline is distinguished by overcoming from to, on a flat surface, with maximum acceleration. It should be borne in mind that it requires huge energy costs, healthy and respiratory system, which makes it relevant only for competing athletes, and various amateurs active image life. However, it is categorically not recommended for people who want to build up endurance, and also, regardless of the trimester of pregnancy!

Obstacle running

It also has short running distances, usually not exceeding 400-500 meters, with an arrangement, the height of which can vary from 35 to 95 cm or more, depending on the gender of the athletes, their skill, age, as well as weather conditions. Obstacle running is traumatic discipline, since there are frequent cases of a runner colliding with an obstacle, or unsuccessfully overcoming it, which leads to falls that are aggravated close to the sprint!

Cross running

A rather controversial running discipline, which, despite all its entertainment, is not olympic view sports. involves overcoming up to 12 km, on difficult terrain, such as forest paths, dirt road and even deserts. Cross-country running requires overcoming distances at low speeds, with occasional steep climbs and bump-jumping. Cross-country running is shown to both beginners and experienced athletes in the period of preparation for performances, since, subject to all safety rules, jogging perfectly trains endurance, strength and breathing, while actually not loading due to the lack of hard.

marathon run

A running discipline that requires athletes to achieve the highest possible endurance as a result incredibly long runs, the duration of which can reach up to 42 km. To overcome such extremely long distances, runners adhere to low speeds, close to . Marathon running is a fairly popular discipline that has earned honor not only on Olympic Games, but also among amateur enthusiasts, as well as at large-scale events dedicated to a healthy lifestyle, where a huge number of volunteers overcome marathons and in urban conditions, thereby carrying sports ideology to the masses!

Running for medium and long distances

Very common types of running, which have gained particular popularity in physical education classes in various educational institutions, as well as among ordinary amateurs healthy lifestyle. This discipline involves the passage of tracks from to , which is the best option for both people who want to lose , and for experienced athletes who want to maintain their e.

interval running

A rather peculiar running variety, which requires athletes to periodically speed changes from slow to fast, in a single run. Thanks to this change in speed, it effectively improves not only endurance, but also, however, due to its specification, such a run is recommended only for professional athletes who can control the respiratory rhythm. Beginners and hobbyists can also try to master interval running, the types and varieties of which are not of fundamental importance, however, without proper preparation of the respiratory system, they will get tired quite quickly, without realizing all the necessary load on the lower limbs.

Sports directly related to running

Various types of running is one of the workouts of most sports, except perhaps chess, powerlifting, sumo and ballroom dancing.

However, if in some types of sports, running training has only an auxiliary function for the overall strengthening of the body, in some other sports, running is their integral part, such sports disciplines include such categories as:

  • Long jump. Here running plays key role in achieving the maximum result, and athletes spend months honing their technique with maximum acceleration for a short period of time.
  • Pole vaulting. An incredibly spectacular sport that also requires the athlete to thoroughly master the technique of running, while maintaining the correct breathing rhythm to produce a powerful push with the help of a pole.
  • Jumping over the bar. To carry out a correct and safe jump, it is necessary to make a verified acceleration, where a simple run is indispensable without a proven running technique.
  • Various relay races. are one of the few team disciplines in athletics where running at a distance of 5- is important. In addition, relay races are an integral part of many school competitions for shorter distances, where running is the main guarantee of victory.
  • Football. This type sport also directly depends on the ability of a football player to overcome long distances while maintaining correct breathing. It is worth noting that it is for football players that interval running is very relevant, which allows you to quickly accelerate, slow down and at the same time maintain clear self-control regarding the situation on the field, with the least expenditure of physical strength.

What kind of running is best for you?

There is no affirmative answer to such a question, since each of the running disciplines is suitable for people. with specific goals. However, there are categories of people who should give preference to only one of the above types of running, which useful for populations such as:

  • People who want to keep the body in good shape, as well as setting themselves. This category of athletes should give preference to jogging at a moderate pace.
  • those wishing to increase overall endurance in general and strengthen the respiratory system in particular. Such people need to focus on marathon running, with a gradual increase in the distances covered.
  • Beginners who want to comprehensively increase both endurance and leg strength can easily master the technique of cross-country running, which is also least traumatic in terms of knee wear. Also, any other varieties, physical education in light mode and other restorative activities are suitable for such people.
  • Athletes playing football, hockey, basketball, need to focus on interval running.

In contact with


Run- it's ideal exercise stress which is provided by nature itself. It is no wonder that running and walking have a favorable effect on the body and well-being. Running is probably the most accessible of all types of physical education. After all, it does not require any specially equipped halls or sites, and also does not require special training or skills. All you need to run is a nearby park and comfortable athletic shoes. According to the most conservative estimates, more than 100 million middle-aged and elderly people on our planet use running as a health remedy.

Running leads to the restructuring of bones, which leads to a decrease in injuries in a person in ordinary life. Running makes all the main muscle groups of the body work and compensates for the missing energy costs, which leads to weight loss and beautiful figure. Running strengthens the circulatory system, which is an excellent prevention of heart disease. Running also changes the oxygen and biochemical composition of the blood, which leads to the absence of oxygen starvation and a decrease in the risk of cancer. Running stimulates the metabolism. Running stimulates the release of special substances that elevate mood and improve performance. nervous system. Running has a positive effect and normalizes work digestive system. Running relieves headaches, relieves insomnia, steadily reduces arterial pressure, slows down the aging process in the body, relieves frequent colds, increases endurance and performance ... Literally all organs begin to work better. And even the head! Runners improve memory, attention, intelligence. And more - even the character is changing. A person becomes calmer, more cheerful, more self-confident.

The most powerful stimulus for running is precisely the pleasure, the great feeling of joy that it brings. In most cases, those people who, as a result of improper training, could not experience these sensations, stop exercising. When the popularity of running and jogging peaked in the mid-70s, many people talked about the feeling of euphoria they experienced while exercising. This sensation, which is known as the "high" of the runner, could be brief, and sometimes lasted up to several days. Such sensations are typical not only for runners. Many people who regularly participate in other vigorous sports report similar sensations. They feel happier, calmer, more prepared to deal with life's challenges, and think more clearly.

The advantage of running is that the training regimen can be chosen for almost any person. Individual approach- this is the basic rule with which you need to start running training.

Depending on your goals, you can run both in the morning and in the evening.

morning run serves as the best option for awakening the whole organism (from skeletal muscles to the logical mind), this the best way stimulation of the digestive system for breakfast (note to those who suffer from lack of appetite in the morning).

Evening run is the best way to get rid of stress labor day, relax, recharge your batteries. For many people, this can be a convenient way to get rid of evening gluttony and get a healthy and sound sleep at the same time.

Tips for beginners:

  • Do not eat for at least one hour before class.
  • Beginners are advised to run with the type that starts from the heel.
  • Don't run every day. Let your muscles rest at least once or twice a week.
  • After ten days of training, run uphill a couple of times.
  • IN cold weather and after an injury, use ankle and knee braces.
  • You must breathe through your nose while running. If you start breathing through your mouth while running, then the load is excessive and you should reduce the intensity of the exercise.
  • Warm up your body before running. Stretch, warm up (do swings, twists, lunges), walk at a fast pace, and only then move on to running in a regular style. The optimal speed is 1 km in 7-8 minutes. It's best to start with runs of 200-300 meters, even if you feel capable of rushing to China. Run the same distance every day, only once every ten days adding 5-10% to the distance.
  • After a run, be sure to let yourself cool down - go for a step, walk for at least another 15 minutes. Within a quarter of an hour after a workout, in order not to harm the heart and blood vessels, you can not sit down, lie down, take a hot shower, go to the sauna.
  • If you suddenly get a pain in your side, don't stop. Slow down the pace slightly, take a deep breath and slowly, calmly exhale. If it pricks in the right side, then when exhaling, step on left leg, if in the left - vice versa, on the right. Lean forward slightly. The cause of tingling is convulsions in an untrained diaphragm, unaccustomed to such loads. With regular jogging, such pain passes very quickly.
  • If during the run you get sick, the tibia bones, shins “ache”, go to running on toes.
  • Running at temperatures below minus 20 degrees is completely unacceptable.

What to run?

Running is a "cheap" sport. It does not require special equipment costs, unlike, for example, skiing or diving. Yes, of course, it's nice to get clothes for different weather conditions, a jacket, a bag-belt, wristlets, a baseball cap ... But above all - shoes!

Special running shoes (marked "running") are ideal for running. They should be light, with non-slip soles, roll easily from heel to toe and be well ventilated, that is, “breathe”.

If you have flat feet, be sure to get orthopedic insoles. Otherwise, running instead of pleasure will bring excruciating pain!

Optimal volume of classes

For aerobic exercise to have a beneficial effect, it must last at least 20-25 minutes. It is not at all necessary to squeeze out everything that you are capable of in a third of an hour. This means that during exercise, the heart rate (HR) should be within the range of 120 to 150 beats per minute. That's when your aerobic exercise will be useful. Below or above these limits, classes will not give any effect or even harm. And also make sure that after running your heart rate returns to its original state in about 5-10 minutes. A slower recovery of the pulse will tell you about the excessive load.

Running three times a week is considered optimal. Because the recovery period for the body after exercise is approximately 48 hours. More frequent workouts can lead to fatigue and injury, and besides, they do not increase the healing effect. Running more than 3 times a week can be done only if the loads during running are small (15-30 minutes). In this case, recovery occurs within a few hours. However, such loads are less effective, since they do not bring sufficient changes in the body. Reducing the number of classes is also ineffective. However, maybe if the duration of the run is increased.

Very easy way check if you are too tense while jogging - "speech test". Sing a song or read a poem. As soon as difficulties with continuous pronunciation appear - it becomes intermittent, slow down the pace of training. Pulse and respiration will automatically adjust to levels that reflect the lower intensity of exercise.

Where is the best place to run?

While you can run almost anywhere, smooth, level surfaces are the best and safest. Everything is suitable: grass, asphalt, cinder track, artificial turf, "running tracks", etc. However, softer surfaces put less stress on the joints of the legs than hard ones. Exercising indoors or outdoors brings the same benefits.

Exercises on the treadmill

  • allow you to run on level ground, so there is less chance of you tripping;
  • safe from the point of view of accidents and pollution environment;
  • give you the ability to get information about your speed, distance and heart rate, which helps you manage your training program;
  • allow you to set the desired distance, speed, slope of the surface.

Running on air

  • allows you to study for free;
  • gives you the opportunity to train when you want;
  • allows you to breathe fresh air if you run in the countryside.

Contraindications for running

Before you start exercising, consult your doctor. Especially if you have chronic diseases. Running can harm, cause an exacerbation if you have a congenital heart disease, a previous stroke or myocardial infarction, disorders heart rate type of atrial fibrillation, circulatory failure, pulmonary insufficiency, hypertension ( high pressure from 180 to 110 or more), chronic kidney disease.

You can change the pace, and the load, and the route, and the time for training, but one thing should always remain the same. This is the desire for results, the pleasure of sports and a great mood!

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