A sport that is included in the Olympic Games. Why futsal is not an Olympic sport

Olympic sports are considered to be governed by the following International Sports Federations, which are members of the Association of International Winter Sports Federations:

  • International Biathlon Union (IBU);
  • International Bobsleigh and Toboggan Federation (FIBT);
  • World Curling Federation (WCF);
  • International Ice Hockey Federation (IIXF);
  • International Luge Federation (FIL);
  • International Skating Union (ISU);
  • International Ski Federation (FIS).

The Association of the International Olympic Winter Sports Federations (AIOWF) was established in 1983. The first president of the AIOWF was the president of the International Ski Federation, a member of the IOC Mark Hodler. In 2000-2002 he was President Gian Franco Casper(IOC member, FIS President). Since 2002, the president of the AIOWF is a member of the IOC, the president of the IIHF Rene Fasel(Rene Fasel). The headquarters of the AIOVF is located in Zurich (Switzerland).

The International Sports Federation (ISF) is one of the three main components of the modern Olympic Movement(OD) which governs one or more sports (categorized) at the global level and includes the organizations that govern those sports at the national level.

IN game types In sports, the structural unit of the competition is a game (match, meeting).

Only sports that are widely played in at least 25 three countries continents. They are included in the program of the Games at least seven years before the respective Winter Olympic Games, after which no changes are allowed.

A discipline is an offshoot of an Olympic sport that includes one or more competitions and must have strong international recognition.

To be included in the program of the Games, the types of competitions must have a strong international status both in terms of the number of countries and geographical distribution, as well as to be included at least 2 times in the programs of world championships or continents.

Types of competitions are included in the program at least three years before the respective Games, after which no changes are allowed.

Winter Olympic sports in Sochi 2014

In Russia, another classification is more common, according to which there are 15 winter Olympic sports.

Winter Olympic sports - Sochi 2014 Olympics.

1. Biathlon - winter olympic view sport that combines cross-country skiing with shooting from a small-caliber rifle. Included in the Olympic program since 1960. It is believed that biathlon as a competition originated in the form of a ski race, which took place in 1767 and was organized by the border guards on the Swedish-Norwegian border. During the descent on skis, the “athletes” had to hit a target from a gun at a distance of about 30 m.

The program of the Olympic Games includes 5 types of biathlon competitions for men and women:

The Individual and Pursuit competitions consist of 5 laps with 4 shooting between laps from prone and standing positions.

Sprint is a race with 2 firing lines.

The relay race consists of 4 stages: 3 laps of the distance and 2 firing lines in each.

Mass start - a race from a general start with 4 firing lines.

2. Bobsleigh - downhill on a special ice track in the form of a gutter on a sleigh (bobs). This sport was included in the program of the Olympic Games in 1924.

The birthplace of bobsleigh is Switzerland. It was here in 1888 English tourist Wilson Smith connected two sledges and a plank together to use them to travel from St. Moritz to Celerina below. Right here in late XIX century, the world's first bobsleigh club was organized, where the basic rules for competitions in this sport were developed.

The program of the Olympic Games includes three types of competitions: men in double and quadruple bobs and women in double sledges.

3. Curling - team sports game on the ice platform. During the competition, the participants of the two teams alternately launch special heavy granite projectiles (“stones”) across the ice in the direction of a special field marked on the ice. This sport was officially included in the program of the Olympic Games in 1998, although demonstration curling competitions were already held at the 1924 Games.

During the game, which consists of 10 periods, the athletes try to stop their stone weighing about 19 kg in a certain place or knock out the stones of opponents from the scoring zone.

4. Ice hockey is a sport game during which the players of two teams, guiding a puck with a diameter of 7.62 cm with their sticks, seek to throw it into the opponent's goal without letting it into their own goal. Men's ice hockey has been part of the Olympic program since 1920, and women have been playing this sport at the Games since 1998.

Canada is considered the birthplace of modern hockey. Canadians played this game on frozen lakes, and instead of skates they used cheese cutters, attaching them to their boots.

5. Luge is a downhill race on single and double sledges along a bobsleigh track. Lying on their backs, the athletes steer the sled using a tension belt. to the Olympic program this species sport entered in 1964.

Switzerland is considered the official birthplace of luge. In 1879, the first track for these competitions was built in Davos. Four years later, Switzerland hosted the first international luge tournament. And in Russia, the first official competitions between luger athletes were held in 1910 on Sparrow Hills in Moscow. In the Olympic program of competitions, the winner is the athlete who completed the course for least time. During the race, the speed of the sleigh is over 140 km/h.

6. Skeleton is a downhill skiing on a two-track sled with a weighted frame along a bobsleigh track. Skeleton officially became an Olympic sport in 2002.

The Olympic skeleton competition lasts two days, during which each athlete makes 4 descents. The winner is determined by the minimum total time of 4 attempts.

In skeleton at the Olympic Games, 2 sets of awards are played: in individual competitions for men and women.

During races, the sled can reach speeds of 130 km/h.

7. Figure skating is a winter sport that involves the movement of athletes on ice on skates with the performance additional elements usually accompanied by music. Figure skating is one of the very first disciplines in the program of the Olympic Games: back in 1908, figure skaters competed during the Games in London.

In the program of the Olympic competitions in figure skating, 4 sets of awards are played out: in individual competitions among men and among women, pair competitions and sports ice dancing.

Essential elements figure skating are divided into steps, spirals, rotations, as well as jumps, the most difficult of which is the "Axel", especially the "quadruple" (4.5 turns).

8. Speed ​​skating is another kind of speed skating. For men, speed skating has been officially included in the program of the Games since 1924, for women - since 1932.

Until the 19th century, speed skating was almost the only and most popular sport in Russia. The first Russian championship in speed skating took place on February 19, 1889 at the skating rink of the Moscow River Yacht Club. In the program of the Olympic Games in speed skating, 12 sets of awards are played in 10 types of competitions: at a distance of 500 m, 1000 m, 1500 m and 5000 m (for men and women); at a special distance of 3,000 m for women and 10,000 m for men, as well as in team pursuit races for men and women.

Professional skaters can reach speeds of up to 60 km/h.

9. Short track - a kind of speed skating: skating along an oval track, which is usually marked on the hockey rink. This sport was included in the program of the Olympic Games in 1992.

Short track (from the English "short track") is relatively young, but the most extreme and dangerous view speed skating.

In the program of the Olympic short track competitions, 8 sets of awards are played out: in the 500 m, 1000 m, 1500 m (among men and women), the 3000 m relay race (women) and 5000 m (men).

Athletes in short track speed skating reach 50 km/h and the equipment includes protective helmet, knee pads, elbow pads, and sometimes neck and chin protectors.

10. Skiing- discipline of skiing, which is a descent from the mountains on special skis. Officially, this sport was included in the Olympic program in 1936.

The program of the Olympic Games in Alpine skiing includes five types of competitions, for women and for men:

In the slalom, athletes need to go through a track marked with flags and gates close to each other.

In the giant slalom discipline, the gates are already further apart, which allows skiers to develop great speed.

"Super Combination" and "Super G" are 2 more disciplines of alpine skiing that combine downhill and giant slalom, combining high speed and a "slalom" trajectory of the track.

11. Cross-country skiing - ski racing for a certain distance on a specially prepared track. For men, this sport was included in the Olympic program in 1924, at the first Winter Games in Chamonix. For women, cross-country skiing was included in the program in 1952.

The first races in cross-country skiing took place in 1767 in Norway.

The program of the Olympic Games in cross-country skiing includes 12 types of competitions (six among men and six among women):

12. Ski jumping - a discipline that is ski jumping from specially equipped ski jumps.

This sport entered the Olympic program in 1924 at the 1st Winter Olympic Games in Chamonix.

In the program of the Olympic Games, 3 sets of awards in ski jumping are played: 2 in the individual championship (90 m and 120 m high springboards) and 1 in the team (120 m high springboard).

Olympic Games is the world's largest sports forum and celebration of sports. The modern Olympics are held once every four years. The Olympic Games are organized by the International Olympic Committee (IOC) headquartered in Zurich (Switzerland). The Summer Olympic Games have been organized since 1896. The history of the Winter Olympics began in 1924.

Let's try to figure out what sports are included in Olympic Games. A sport becomes an Olympic sport by adding it to the official Olympic program.

The inclusion of any sport in the Olympics program can be initiated by the following sports organizations:

  • International sports federation of a sport;
  • the National Sports Federation of a sport through the International Federation;
  • International Olympic Committee.

When deciding to grant the status of an Olympic sport, the International Olympic Committee analyzes a whole list of criteria that determine this affiliation:

  • there must be an International Sports Federation for a sport recognized by the IOC;
  • The International Sports Federation of a sport must recognize and implement the "Olympic Charter" as well as the World Anti-Doping Code;
  • the sport must be widely popular, competitions must be held regularly in this sport different levels, ending with the world.

Olympic sport competitions are held at the following intervals:

  • among men in summer disciplines, tournaments must be held in at least 75 countries located on four continents;
  • for women in summer disciplines, competitions must be held in at least 40 countries located on three continents;
  • winter sport competitions must be held in at least 25 countries located on three continents.

Given the high competition in the struggle for Olympic status, when determining this status, entertainment, popularity among young people, a commercial component, etc. are also taken into account.

Summer olympic sports

The schedule of the Summer Olympics includes competitions in 28 sports, including summer and all-season disciplines. Competitions in Olympic sports are held in 41 disciplines. Consider these sports and disciplines.

It consists in conducting races on water. The distance is covered in boats by crews of one, two, four or eight rowers. At the same time, athletes sit with their backs in the direction of movement. The classic length of the distance is 2000 m.


In it, athletes are placed in opposite parts of the site (court), which is divided into two halves. The actions of the athletes are to throw the shuttlecock over the net with the help of rackets. The one who reaches a certain number of points first wins.


In it, in the "basket", which is suspended at a height of about 3 meters, the athletes throw the ball. Two teams of five athletes play. The team that gets the victory more points at the end of playing time.


They box in the ring with gloves specially designed for this. The one who scores wins the largest number points at the end of the fight time, or ahead of time - due to a clear advantage, disqualification for violating the rules, inability or refusal of one of the fighters to continue the fight or knockout.


The fight takes place with the use of a set of certain technical actions. As a result of the struggle, it is necessary to put the opponent on the shoulder blades (carcass) or win on points.


Includes different kinds track racing, road racing, cyclocross, figure cycling, veloball.

Water sports

These are disciplines related to the performance of various activities in the water. Among aquatic sports, first of all, swimming in different styles and at different distances. In addition, such sports include water polo, diving and synchronized swimming.


This is a team match. Two teams compete on the playing field, which is divided by a grid. The task of the team is to send the ball over the net to hit it on the opponent's half of the court, preventing the other team from making the same attempt. There is a difference between regular and beach volleyball.

During the competition, athletes of two teams try to score from a distance of at least 6 meters the maximum number of balls into the opposing team's goal.


A very popular sport that includes performing certain exercises both on gymnastic equipment and without them. Gymnastics includes such disciplines as sports and artistic gymnastics, trampolining.

A type of rowing in boats, kayaks and canoes in which the oars are not attached to the boat. Pass in different numbers of athletes and at different distances. In addition to rowing, this also includes rowing slalom.


A kind of martial arts, when athletes, along with throws, can perform suffocating and painful holds on your hands. Athletes compete in kimono on a platform called tatami.

A sport involving a horse and a rider, associated with the implementation of a specific program. This type includes such disciplines as dressage, show jumping and triathlon.


It is a sport associated with different types running, jumping and throwing various sports equipment.

This is a game confrontation between two or four athletes. The essence of the game is to throw a special celluloid ball over the net, which is stretched over the tennis table.


A kind of competition associated with the operation of small boats (yachts) various designs in the format of the Olympic regatta.

The main goal of any of the athletes is to hit the goal or bring the ball into the opponents' scoring zone.

Modern pentathlon

The competition program includes five different activities: show jumping, sword fencing, shooting, running and swimming. Athletes receive points based on performance in all events.


A sport that has long been included in the list of the Olympics. In the program of the Summer Olympics, there are competitions in bullet and clay shooting. Bullet shooting is carried out from pneumatic, small-caliber and large-caliber types of weapons. Target shooting is made from smoothbore weapons shot on cymbal targets.


Olympic discipline associated with the use of a sports bow. The purpose of archery is to hit the smallest circle inside a round target measuring 1.22 m with an arrow.


Game view, the competition of two rivals. Players use rackets and special balls. The playing field (court) is divided by a grid. Athletes in the game with the help of a racket send the ball to the opponent's side so that he fails to hit it or hit it in violation of the rules.


The most difficult discipline. The competition program includes a 1500 m swim, a 40 km bike ride and a 10 km run around the stadium. At the same time, gaps between different types are not provided.

Modern martial arts come from Korea. Its main difference from karate is that fighters mainly use kicks during the fight.


The weightlifting competition program consists of the snatch and clean and jerk. Snatch is an exercise in which the lifter lifts a projectile from the platform to full arm length overhead in one movement. The push consists of two separate movements - first, the projectile must be lifted from the platform and laid on the chest, slightly sitting down to push.


It is also one of the sports, competitions in which have been held for a long time. The task of the fencer is to make an injection to the opponent, while evading the injection himself. The winner is the one who first inflicts a certain number of injections on the opponent, taking into account the rules, or inflicts more such injections in a certain time interval.


One of my favorite sports. The essence of a football match is that two teams of 11 athletes each try to hit the other team's goal by kicking or heading the ball.

The essence of field hockey competitions is that the players of two teams of 11 athletes each, hit the goal of the other team with the ball with a stick as many times as possible and not let it into their own.

Winter Olympic sports

During the Winter Olympic Games, athletes compete in 7 winter sports in 15 disciplines.


Cross-country skiing with guns over set distances, combined with prone and standing shooting at the firing lines.


The match is played by two teams of 4 people playing 10 ends, during each releasing 8 stones. The draw in curling looks like this: a player, shod in one sliding shoe, and the second non-slip, launches a stone from the starting block and disperses it on the ice.

Skating sports

Disciplines related to the performance of certain actions on the ice cover. These include figure skating, speed skating and short track.


Includes cross-country skiing various distances, ski jumping, Nordic combined (cross-country skiing and ski jumping), alpine skiing, and snowboarding.

A winter Olympic sport representing downhill skiing along specially equipped ice tracks on a bobsled. The essence of luge is as follows. Men and women on single-seat sledges or double-seat men's crews go down the mountain in sledges along specially made tracks 800 - 1200 m long.


The players of each team, passing the puck with sticks, try to hit the opponent's goal with it the maximum number of times and not let it into their own.

Every year, many unrecognized sports compete for the attention and approval of the International Olympic Committee. But after a lengthy application process and following strict rules, they may not even get approved. If they are approved, this does not mean that these sports will ever appear at the Olympic Games. Given the sheer number of sports in the world, it's a shame that new sports can't bask in the Olympic sun. So which of these sports never got their chance? Here are 25 of the coolest recognized but unapproved Olympic sports.

25. Cricket

Including cricket in the Olympics makes sense. It is one of the most popular sports in the world with over 2 billion followers. More recently, there has been talk of including cricket in the 2024 Olympics. We just have to wait and see what happens.

24. Speed ​​roller skating

Photo: commons.wikimedia.org

If there is traditional skating at the Winter Olympics, then one would think that speed skating would be included in the Summer Olympics. However, it is not yet an Olympic sport. Skating organizations are fighting to include this sport in the Olympic Games, but so far without success.

23. Ultimate Frisbee

Photo: Wkimedia Commons

Although this sport may seem inappropriate, Ultimate Frisbee has all the necessary parameters to appear in the Olympics. In addition, these competitions are very interesting to watch. There has been talk about whether to include ultimate in the Olympics, especially from the International Olympic Committee, which is keen to meet current trends.

22. Bowling

Photo: Pixabay.com

For many, bowling is what you do after you've tried everything else. It's easy to forget that there are still plenty of really good, competitive bowlers in the world who would be ready to compete in the Olympics. If curling can be in the Olympics, it makes sense to include bowling as well.

21. Parkour

Photo: commons.wikimedia.org

Before you scoff at the possibility of parkour being included in the Olympics, think about it, isn't it just another form of gymnastics? Sports require good physical training. Some oppose the idea because the sport is difficult to judge, but since the leaders of parkour have met with the IOC, it is a possibility that it will be included in the Olympic sports.

20. Squash

Photo: commons.wikimedia.org

Despite efforts by the World Squash Federation to include squash in the Rio Olympics, the request was denied and will also be denied the inclusion of squash in the Tokyo Olympics. Judging by the popularity of squash in the US, it would be a great sport for the Olympics. There are 1.6 million players in America and 20 million worldwide.

19. Wakeboarding

Photo: commons.wikimedia.org

Wakeboarding would come in handy at the Olympics. It's a fun water sport and will attract a TV audience. But he hasn't made his debut yet. He was recently rejected from the 2020 Olympics. We hope that it will take place in 2024.

18. Dodgeball

Photo: Wikipedia Commons.com

Everyone remembers the dodgeball, and they must be at the Olympics. Everyone knows that this game school lessons physical education. She is incredibly fun to watch and you need to have a solid hand to win.

17. Table football

Photo: commons.wikimedia.org

When you hear "table football", then you probably have images of the school and the students. Table football is not a sport that requires physical training, but it does require a huge number of other skills. Why not include it in the Olympics? Believe it or not, this option is actually being considered by the IOC.

16. Billiards

Photo: commons.wikimedia.org

In addition to evoking images of smoky, poorly lit bars or college dorms, billiards is also a highly competitive sport and can be more fun to watch than foosball. Currently World Association professional billiards and snooker (World Professional Billiards and Snooker Association) is trying to include it in the list.

15. Chess

Photo: commons.wikimedia.org

Some people don't consider chess a sport, but they are wrong. Even at the Olympics, chess is considered a sport, but it has never been officially included in the games. We think it's time to change that. There is a small chance that this will happen at the Tokyo 2020 Games.

14. Pole dancing

Photo: Pixabay.com

Yes, we know that including pole dancing in the Olympics is a bit iffy. However, there are competitive pole dancers, and they are perfectly developed physically. Although the sport has not been approved for inclusion in the Olympic Games, it has recently gained observer status and may be included as a sport in the coming years.

13. Beach soccer

Photo: Wikipedia Commons.com

Beach soccer is exactly what it's called. Instead of playing football on a grass field, it is played on sandy beach. He was strongly pushed to the Rio Olympics, but eventually rejected. Perhaps one day he will be lucky.

12. Futsal

Photo: commons.wikimedia.org

Another form of football, futsal is usually played indoors and with fewer players than football. Like beach soccer, futsal was considered as a sport for the Rio Olympics, but it ended up not being included.

11. Darts

Photo: Pixabay.com

Darts goes beyond leisure sports. Darts players take the game very seriously. Although the sport has never competed in the Olympics, it is currently being considered for recognition as an Olympic sport and is hoped to be part of the Olympics in 2024.

10 Ice swimming

Photo: commons.wikimedia.org

It would be correct to say that ice swimming is an extreme sport. Swimmers plunge into the water at a temperature of 3.8 degrees Celsius. Its roots stretch back to Europe, and many of its supporters would like ice swimming to be in the Olympics. However, critics call it "too dangerous". However, you could probably say the same about bobsledding.

9. Mixed martial arts

Photo: Pixabay.com

Other martial arts such as judo and wrestling are included in the Olympics, so why not mixed martial arts? They are as old as the world and it would make sense to include them, but the sport has been rejected by the Olympics as "too violent".

8. Floorball

Photo: Wikipedia Commons.com

Floorball is essentially hockey without ice. A ball is used instead of a puck. This sport is quite simple, but at the same time spectacular. It's a crime that this game hasn't made it to the Olympics yet. Although, it was officially recognized by the IOC.

7 Bowles

Photo: en.wikipedia.org

A game of bowls, or bowls, is not bowling, but something like that. Basically, you roll the balls across the uneven lawn to get closer to the other balls. The game was not accepted by the IOC, but bowls organizations are working to change that.

6. Ice climbing

Photo: commons.wikimedia.org

Climbing an ice wall is a crazy feat for most people, but the athletes who do it would love to compete in the Olympics. While the Olympics have largely rejected the sport, it could be included in the 2022 games.

5. Competitive ballroom dancing

Photo: commons.wikimedia.org

We all watched Dancing with the Stars. So why not let these athletes compete in the Olympics? Despite the fact that dance was not considered an Olympic sport, official organization DanceSport did everything possible to change this, and dance entered the future Olympic Games.

4. Frolf

Photo: commons.wikimedia.org

Frolf, also known as Frisbee, is already recognized as an official Olympic sport. It's great, but it still hasn't been approved for inclusion in the Olympics. We hope that one day Frolf will have a chance to show the world how cool he is.

3. Cheerleading

Photo: commons.wikimedia.org

Calling cheerleading a sport has always been a bit odd, but once it becomes an official Olympic sport, the controversy may well end. It's only a matter of time before he enters the list of the Olympic Games.

2. Sheep shearing

Photo: en.wikipedia.org

It may seem ridiculous to call sheep shearing a sport, but many farmers will disagree. Many feel it's time to take the sport to its highest high level and included in the Olympics. The probability of this is very small. However, it would be interesting to see it.

1. American football

Photo: Pixabay.com

Technically, American football was once included in the Olympics, but that was a long time ago and the sport has since been rejected. Considering that the sport kind of gives America an unfair advantage, would it be interesting to see how other countries play against each other? Some believe that the sport may have a chance to enter the 2024 Olympics.

The status of the Olympic is acquired by a sport, competitions in which are included in the official program of the Olympic Games.

Inclusion of a sport the program of the Olympic Games is initiated by:

International sports federations ( MSF);

National sports federations through MSF;

the International Olympic Committee;

To acquire Olympic status A sport must meet a number of requirements:

The presence of an International Sports Federation for a sport recognized by the IOC;

Recognition and implementation by the relevant sports federations of the "Olympic Charter" and the World Anti-Doping Code;

Wide distribution, holding world, regional and national championships, cup competitions:

  • in at least 75 countries on 4 continents for summer men's sports
  • not less than 40 countries of 3 continents for summer female species sports
  • in at least 25 countries on 3 continents for winter sports

However, due to the strong competition and the interest of the IFs in promoting their events, the fulfillment of the above requirements is not enough to give the sport Olympic status.

In light of the IOC's struggle to limit the over-expansion of the program of the modern Olympic Games, various additional requirements are put forward - entertainment, television audience coverage, popularity among young people, commercial viability and others. The authority to include or exclude a sport from the program of the Olympic Games belongs to the session of the IOC, in relation to the discipline - to the Executive Board of the IOC.

According to the IOC classification, the program of the modern Olympic Games includes 28 summer and 7 winter sports. The number of sports is determined by the number of International Sports Federations. According to the IOC classification, a number of sports are a group of sports (disciplines) united by belonging to one International Sports Federation. These include, for example:

- Water sports(swimming, diving, water polo, synchronized swimming);

- Skating(figure skating, speed skating, short track);

Gymnastics (gymnastics, rhythmic gymnastics, trampolining);

skiing (cross-country skiing, Nordic combined, alpine skiing, ski jumping, freestyle, snowboarding) and others.

In Russia and the CIS countries, there is a practice not to combine some sports into groups, but to consider them separately. Based on this concept, the program of the modern Olympic Games includes 41 summer and 15 winter sports.

Due to the prevailing differences in the definition of the concept of "sport", there is a problem of defining a separate type of competition by sport. Yes, in English language separate view competition is denoted by the word event (event), while in Russian, historically and intuitively, the use of the word “discipline” (discipline) in this context, which, in turn, according to the IOC classification, denotes a subspecies or sport that is part of a group of sports . This sometimes causes confusion.

eng. Sport - - event /Sport-[discipline]-event/

Russian. [Group of sports] - sport - discipline

Sports that were previously included, and then excluded from the program of the Olympic Games:

Baseball (1992–2008), Basque pelota (1900), cricket (1900), croquet (1900), lacrosse (1904–08), same de memory(1908), polo (1900, 1908, 1920–24, 1936), rackets (1908), rocky(1904), softball (1996–2008) water motor sport (1908), tug of war [sometimes seen as discipline athletics or gymnastics] (1900–20).

Sports such as figure skating and hockey, which first appeared on the program Summer Olympics 1908 and 1920, respectively, became part of the program of the Winter Olympic Games since 1924.

The organizers of the Olympic Games, in agreement with the IOC and the relevant MSF can declare in the program of the games as a demonstration (demonstration) sport, which in the future could qualify for Olympic status.

Demonstration sports who have not received Olympic status:

Summer: American football (1932), Australian football (1956), water skiing (1972), ballooning (1900), bowling (1988), bowls (1900), budo(1964), Finnish baseball (1952), glyma [Old Norse wrestling] (1912), gliding [aerobatics] (1936), kaatsen [dutch handball](1928), korfball (1920, 1928), lakan [fencing with canes](1900), long memory [variety of same de pame] (1900), motorcycling (1900), roller hockey (1992), savate [French martial arts] (1924).

Winter: bandy [Hockey with a ball] (1952), icestock [Bavarian curling] (1936, 1964), track dog racing [dog sledding] (1932), skijoring [cross-country dog ​​sled racing] (1928), speed skiing [downhill skiing](1992), winter pentathlon (1948).

Below is a list of all sports included (previously included) in the programs of the Olympic Games. When you click on the links, you will be taken to a page where various information on the selected sport will be presented: Olympic statistics, medal standings, lists of disciplines, Olympic results.

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