The meaning of the name Ilona for a girl. Meaning of the name Ilona: origin and history. What awaits a girl named Ilona in life: character, family relationships and fate

What does a person's name mean? This is a kind of pass to life.

The meaning of the name Ilona is quite interesting. The origin and history of the name Ilona are also ambiguous.

The meaning of the name Ilona

Scientists to this day shrug their shoulders; they cannot single-handedly determine where the name Ilona came from. Most likely it has one root c ancient Greek name Elena. It is believed that the name Ilona means “light, bright.” This girl has an ambiguous character and a great desire to help people.

Also, the name Ilona is interpreted as Greek "torch", "moon". The girl is happy, dreamy and thoughtful. The meaning of the name Ilona changed depending on the continent on which it was used, and the emphasis in the name also changed.

Origin and history of the name Ilona

The ancient Greek origin of the name Ilona, ​​to which the majority is inclined scientific world, brings a certain mystery to it. Ilona was not one of the goddesses, the name was practically not mentioned in manuscripts and was little used in Europe in the Middle Ages.

It began to gain popularity among Catholics, who celebrated Ilona’s name day in parallel with Elena’s name day. And Elena was considered one of the great martyrs elevated to the rank of saint.

Ilona's zodiac sign is Leo. This determines her strong-willed character and desire to be first in everything. But her desire to prove that she is right sometimes goes beyond all boundaries. She needs to restrain her emotions so as not to completely quarrel with her loved ones. She is very willful.

The character and fate of Ilona

The character and fate of Elon are quite complex. The girl does not look for easy ways to solve problems, she always one step ahead of competitors, but at the same time it is quite difficult to experience any conflict with loved ones.

This girl’s number is 1. Therefore, she is almost always first in everything. She is quite cheerful, but if she feels false in relation to herself, she immediately stops communication. She doesn't think long about making a decision, many things come to her mind at lightning speed.

She loves extreme situations and creates them herself, literally out of the blue. This is good at work, but it is very difficult for her chosen one to perceive in his personal life. He's quite it takes a long time to decide to start serious relationship , because he sees his partner as an eccentric person.

IN financial sector Ilona don't get involved in business, she will not only not be able to develop it, but will also ruin the work she has already begun. And all because Ilona is too eccentric, and rarely compromises with other people.

If Ilona finds someone’s advice useful for herself, she will make every effort to implement someone else’s idea better and better. She often causes envy with bright appearance and the ability to attract energy to oneself. She loves to listen to other people's complaints in order to gain important life experience. But you shouldn’t trust her with important things and secrets; she can use it against you at any time.

Demonstrating that she is right, Ilona often aggressive and even nervous. She increasingly attracts attention to herself with ambiguous actions, which evoke a desire not to get closer in communication, but rather to stop it altogether. It is not always necessary to defend your point of view in personal relationships. Sometimes it’s worth taking the man’s side in order to reach a compromise.

She refuses the help of friends and relatives, grows up quite early and becomes an individualist, a rebel. She can touch a man's heart and break him just as quickly. At the same time, Ilona herself It’s quite difficult to accept the end of a relationship.

Ilona's appearance and luck

What does the name Ilona mean? This is light. Outwardly she quite attractive and it’s difficult for her to say that she is deprived of the attention of men. She has incredibly expressive eyes that attract with their depth. The appearance is as bright as the character. But just as he is changeable, so is her mood. appearance. She is either bright and extraordinary, or a simpleton with a soul to plow open.

Ilona is happy lucky, she's gambling, but in moderation. Loves to travel and seek new emotions. To do this, she needs very little - a little free time. Ilona also loves any creative professions; she is ready to attend all extraordinary clubs. It is almost impossible to captivate her with routine and everyday activities. She gets tired of work very quickly and goes into himself.

Men quickly become ignited with the flame of passion for Ilona and just as quickly become disappointed in their chosen one. She not strong not only in matters of everyday life, but also in matters of raising children. She simply doesn’t see the point in wasting her precious time, which is rightfully allotted to her, on this. Ilona loves social events and large parties. She is always the center of attention for them.

She can organize such events herself, without considering it something shameful to adopt other people’s ideas for holding an event. She can easily become a passionate lover married man, but this will not add happiness to her. She will only be temporarily happy.

Ilona is always in search of what would ignite her soul. She is quite emotional, so she often mopes in the fall and spring. She lacks warmth, but she compensates for it with active communication and attention of the opposite sex. If Ilona gets the idea of ​​starting her own business, she should do it in parallel with her main job, otherwise she will work at a loss

What does the name Ilona mean? A torch that can burn the heart and soul of anyone, so men are in no hurry to cast their lot in with Ilona. Ilona scoffs at those men who literally run after her, she doesn’t even want to hear about romance and eternal love. But when such gentlemen disappear from her life, she is very upset.

Having gained a little life experience, Ilona is looking for just such a relationship, but fate will most likely not give her such an opportunity. She constantly causes trouble for her loved ones, yet they love her madly. By selecting creative profession, Ilona will not go wrong, but will provide himself with frequent travel and positive emotions.

The secret of the name Ilona lies in its origin. In fact, it's a complete mystery. To date, it is still not clear what language the meaning of the name is associated with, in what culture and when they began to call girls that way. There is a version that it is a Hungarian version Greek name Elena also means “bright” in translation. Researchers claim that previously only girls born among nobles and monarchs were called Elons. This is not known for certain, but this assumption has its historical justification, so we can agree with it.

Character traits

Ilona is simply miss-charm, it’s easy to drown in her big and deep eyes, people look into them and forget. Perhaps the owner of this name is not the first beauty of the Universe, but her charm deserves its due. She beckons with her appearance, beckoning to some mysterious world, full of temptation.

Since childhood, Ilona has shown a very secretive and complex character. He doesn’t let anyone in on his secrets and mysteries; he keeps everything to himself. Her looks give misrepresentation about her as a very calm and reserved person. However, serious passions are boiling inside her. The only thing is that she knows how to control her feelings and emotions. If a woman learns to calm the tension of her character, then life will become much more interesting for her.

The representative of the name Ilona strives all her life to prove to everyone that she is worth something. Even when everyone around already believes in it, he still tries to assert himself. In any appropriate or inappropriate situation, he demonstrates his skills, knowledge and abilities to others. If someone tries to tell her that she is doing something wrong, then he will immediately fall into the list of “enemies No. 1”.

Interests and hobbies

Housework, cooking and knitting and sewing do not interest Ilona at all. She is everyone possible ways tries to avoid such leisure time, because for her it is too boring. The owner of this name is too cheerful and energetic for such things.

Ilona loves to travel, she simply loves to change her place of residence, refurnishing her home. Her other hobbies include club life, parties, and hanging out with friends.

Profession and business

Ilona always refuses help, and this is her big problem. In the end, she achieves her goal, but without support she does it much longer, but she can proudly say that she achieved everything herself. She is a rebel by nature, but this quality allows her to become a skilled leader. The girl is respected by the team, they listen to her. If he decides to open his own business, then he does it successfully and “makes” decent capital.


Ilona’s health depends only on her lifestyle. She has no predisposition to any diseases. During adolescence, problems with the gastrointestinal tract may arise.

Sex and love

Ilona is a girl who is interested in collecting men. She is constantly trying to conquer everyone. She has one amazing ability- forget everything, starting life again. IN intimacy tries to assert himself in the same way as in work. She is constantly looking for a balance between love and sex.

Family and marriage

Ilona gets married quite late, as she has been looking for a suitable candidate for a very long time. A decent, honest, kind and flexible man becomes a spouse. In marriage, she is very faithful to her chosen one and is a good and caring mother. However, matriarchy most often reigns in her family, since the woman is not distinguished by loyalty.


The female name Ilona continues to be popular and is on the list of the rarest. It has excellent significance and is compatible with most Russian male name forms. It promises the named unique characteristics and the patronage of rare symbols...

History and origin of the name

The topic of the origin of the name Ilona is complex, as is the question of the meaning and qualities promised by the name to the girl. But after much research, experts in the field of name studies came to the official opinion...

It turns out that this name form has Hungarian roots. The source is considered to be the name Elena, according to another opinion, it may also be the nominal form Iolanta, which is not very well known in the open spaces Russian Federation. In Hungary it is quite popular, but it is pronounced with the emphasis on the first vowel, while in our country it is placed on the second syllable.

Unfortunately, it was not included in the name book according to the Saints, and therefore the name day is celebrated on the day of a similar name, Helena. But, however, this arrangement of things does not make it less popular, and therefore it can be found in most regions of Russia, Ukraine, and Belarus. They are known to be blessed with a rare and unique character...

The meaning of the name Ilona

This is a Hungarian name, derived from the name Helen. As for the meaning of the name Ilona, ​​it is more complicated than in the previous section. The fact is that a girl named in this way is promised many important, rare, but also contradictory characteristics, some of which are given by significance, and some by origin.

Already with early years begins to demonstrate a character that has realism, seriousness, prudence, peace and calm. This little girl is alien to various manifestations of frivolity, fantasy and imagination; she relies exclusively on logic and common sense. In some cases, this can cause damage, especially in childhood. Her peers may not like her because of her tendency to tell the truth to adults - she is considered a sneak, but she simply cannot lie and deceive her elders, this is in her subconscious. But she makes her parents happy - troubles rarely arise with her, there is practically nothing to punish her for, she performs all duties with an A+, listens and obeys, often asks for advice from adults and does not neglect criticism, but uses it for her own benefit. All of the above will affect the future...

This name gives a newborn child many different good inclinations, which manifest themselves in bright light during the teenage stage. At school, for example, this is an ideal student, a girl with an excellent sense of humor, conscientious and honest, practical and hardworking, serious at the same time. At any moment she is ready to come to the rescue and help out a friend, but only in honest ways, she will never agree to deceive or “fool” anyone - this is what gives rise to many enemies in her environment, for whom deception is a way of life and a way of life. achieving goals. She will not achieve what is planned through deception, self-interest, or betrayal - she is not created for this. Study well - especially strong interest is observed on the side exact sciences, with which her future work will be connected.

The professional activities of such a lady will be focused primarily on benefits for society and self-realization. He will not boast to anyone about his achievements in work and heroism; on the contrary, he loves spending time alone, peace, and independence. She suffers at the sight of envious glances - such sensations are alien to her, she hates them. But she has every chance of promotion - the bosses love people like that, you can rely on her, entrust her with a task that any other worker would refuse.

But in personal life it’s not easy. She will give herself entirely to someone who can make her fall in love with his personality, but unfortunately, her feelings are rarely reciprocated. She is amorous and naive; if she falls in love, she does not even notice the obvious shortcomings of her chosen one, which results in incredible problems, betrayals, lies and a lot of unpleasant things.

Ilona's birthday

Ilona celebrates her name day on August 5th. The patron saint of women named Ilona is Ilona of Varneton, a virgin.

What does it mean

Ilona means “bright” (translation from Hungarian).


It makes sense to start the analysis with its origin. The story has Hungarian roots. There is a version that the name Ilona is a Hungarian version of the name Elena.

What does the name Ilona mean?

In accordance with the description of the name Ilona, ​​the main traits of women bearing this name are intuition, sociability, receptivity and excitability.

Type: the character of the name Ilona is very excitable and receptive. Ilona is too impressionable, prone to laziness and slowness.

Psyche: she will be happy only when her life is filled with jewelry, palaces and magnificent receptions. Prefers to live in a world of his own making.

Will: despite its impressionability, the will is quite strong.

Excitability: Ilona is often too excitable and capricious. Relationships with other women are often difficult, so she prefers to be friends with men.

Reaction speed: it is very difficult for Ilona to forgive insults; she never forgets the insults inflicted.

Field of activity: Elon may only be interested in what is related to the world of art. Artists, models, and models often choose the profession.

Intelligence: has a synthetic mentality. Very curious, has a good visual memory. Grabs the whole without noticing the little things.

Receptivity: Ilona is not capable of treating people with indifference. She either loves him or hates him.

Morality: often makes compromises with his conscience.

Activity: Ilona often uses others, especially fans, for her own personal purposes.

Sociability: Quite friendly. She prefers to involve others in solving her problems rather than helping anyone herself.


According to the description of the name Ilona, ​​the character of women with this name is quite complex, they are secretive and reserved. But behind Ilona’s hidden coldness lies a hot temperament and rich emotions that she never ceases to control.

Ilona is always in search of an ideal, which is created by her rich imagination, so almost no one in her life becomes an authority. Often Ilona makes such grandiose plans that she is not able to implement them herself. In principle, her talents are most often enough to implement these plans. But halfway along the way, she may lose faith in herself and her strength and give up what she started.

Ilonas, as a rule, get married late, as they spend a long time looking for their ideal. And they are happy in marriage only if they achieve sexual harmony with their chosen one. In this case, she will become a faithful and devoted wife, but she will still never love to do household chores.


Options: Ila, Ilo, Lona.

Diminutives: Ilonushka, Ilonochka, Lonka, Isya, Ilosya, Ilonulya, Ilosenka.

Different languages

Famous Elons:

  • Ilona Korstin is a Russian basketball player, player of the Russian national team. Honored Master of Sports of Russia.
  • Ilona Mitresey is a French singer.
  • Ilona Usovich is a Belarusian track and field athlete.
  • Ilona Bronevitskaya – pop singer, actress, television and radio presenter. Laureate of the All-Union Performers Competition “Yalta-88”. One of the presenters of the TV program “Morning Mail”.

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