What does the name Tanya mean from Greek. Photo gallery: famous Tatyana. Name in history and art

SIGNIFICANCE, ORIGIN. The name Tatyana (old Tatiana) comes from the Latin<Татиус>- the name of the Sabine king. Sabines - Italic tribes, some of which lived on the hills of Rome. According to another version, the name Tatyana is of ancient Greek origin, from the word<татто>- establish, define.
The name means the organizer, founder, sovereign, establishing, set, appointed.
The name is bright, good and beautiful, although not very shiny and prominent. It assumes in its bearer a large and courageous personality. Modest attention and colorful expressiveness combined in this sound.
The name is emotional and firm. There is a certain determination and self-confidence in it - as if the sound of (TA-) soft, but (-THYA-) distinct (-NA) steps is heard.
In the XVIII century. Tatyana were three percent of peasant women and only one - noblewomen. In 1961-1970. 12-14% of girls received this name (in 1981 in Moscow - 5%, in the countryside - 8%).

Tatiana of Rome, virgin, deaconess, martyr, January 25 (12).
She was born into a noble Roman family. Her father was elected consul three times. He was a secret Christian and raised a daughter devoted to God and. churches. Having reached adulthood, Tatyana did not marry, but gave all her strength to the church. She was made a deaconess in one of the Roman churches and served God, caring for the sick in fasting and prayer and helping those in need. Under Emperor Severus, Tatyana was captured. She was brought to the temple of Apollo to sacrifice to an idol.
She prayed - and suddenly there was an earthquake. The idol was blown to pieces, and part of the temple collapsed and crushed the priests and pagans. The demon, who lived in the idol, fled with a cry - everyone saw a shadow sweeping through the air. After severe tortures, the executioners gouged out Tatyana's eyes, but she endured and prayed for her tormentors.
The Lord heeded her prayer - and a voice was heard from heaven addressed to the martyr. Then eight executioners believed in Christ and fell at the feet of Tatiana, asking them to forgive their sins. They were executed, and the saint was again tortured. She was stripped naked, beaten, and then they began to cut her body with blades. But instead of blood, milk flowed from the wounds and a fragrance spread in the air. She came to court the next morning perfectly healthy and even more radiant and beautiful than before.
The amazed tormentors led Tatyana to the temple of the goddess Diana so that she would sacrifice to this goddess. But Tatyana crossed herself and began to pray. And suddenly there was a deafening thunderclap - and lightning incinerated the idol and the priests. The martyr was again subjected to cruel tortures. And again, the angels of God appeared to her in prison and healed her wounds.
The next day, Tatyana was taken to the circus and a hungry lion was released on her. But the lion did not touch the saint and began meekly licking her feet. Tatyana was thrown into the fire, but the fire did not harm the martyr either. When all the tortures were exhausted, she was executed.

ZODIAC NAME. Capricorn.


NAME COLOR. Crimson, blue, intense red, a combination of gray-lilac with rose-red, brown, red. Warm shades of yellow are most favorable.


VIBRATION. 100,000 fps.

TALISMAN STONE. Ruby, heliodor, tiger's eye.

PLANT. Elm, clover, blueberry.

ANIMAL. Gopher, lynx.

MAIN FEATURES. Activity, sexuality, will, intuition.

TYPE. It is enough to look into Tatyana's eyes to understand what the look of our foremother Eve was like: there is passion in them. sun rays. Very cheeky - a real tomboy. Lies in wait for the victim, like her totem animal - a lynx. Growing up, gives the impression of a person with some kind of secret knowledge reading the book of life.

NAME AND CHARACTER. Tatyana is stubborn, domineering, purposeful, does not tolerate objections, sometimes despotic. This is a very emotional, artistic person with great charm. Egocentric, not sentimental. Very subjective. The potential of the personality is colossal, but due to the properties of its character it is not always used. She prefers to be friends with men, next to whom she usually becomes softer and more feminine. Most often, Tatyana is quite sociable and sociable, although she doesn’t really consider even her relatives. Loyalty in it is combined with a feeling dignity. Soft romanticism and sensitivity to the order of life, striving for a harmonious dispensation, found a bright and emphasized form in Tatyana. She accurately represents what she needs in life and does not tolerate objections. The company behaves uninhibited. He knows how to get his way. In male society, she is transformed - she becomes lively, charming, flirtatious. Tatyana is not a primitive person and accepts life as it is, without any illusions. Tatyana Nikolaevna is especially stubborn. Tatyana Vladimirovna is a calmer and more gifted person. Tatyana Borisovna is a caring mother, her marriage is prosperous, and Tatyana Mikhailovna is the calmest of all Tatyanas.

FATE. Tatyana is a woman emitting light… Tanya - emotional child, practical and principled, knows how to stand up for himself. But its principles largely depend on the mood. Among peers strives for leadership. It is difficult to tolerate monotony, so she attends sports sections, a choreographic circle, needlework courses. There are many boyish traits in her character. It is difficult for parents to keep track of this mobile girl, although she cannot be called naughty. It's just living costs. Sometimes Tatyana will face a difficult fate.

PSYCHE. An introvert, unaffected, has an incredible memory. Sometimes her activity develops into excessive impulsiveness and impulsiveness, which can complicate her life. Self-confidence gives her optimism. It is most favorable when Tatyana's mobility is combined with a sense of humor, which, by the way, is greatly facilitated by the general energy of the name. This allows her to avoid a good half of conflicts and misunderstandings. Her actions, as a rule, are harsh, but Tatyana does not worry about the impression they make - the result is important. Strong will, determination, combined with high susceptibility, even gullibility, do not always contribute to good relations with friends or family. But Tatyana rarely regrets anything and is not inclined to correct the consequences. He does not accept deceit and evil.

INTUITION. Tatyana is guided by clairvoyance. It anticipates, guesses, envelops you with its charm. Men are very quickly convinced of this. He considers himself to be insightful.

INTELLIGENCE. Tatyana has a sharp mind. Her sociability and activity are well above average. Intelligence is quite high, but always aimed at solving practical problems. Tatyana is too analytical. Her lynx eyes miss nothing. Thanks to prettiness and charm, not only relatives can win over to his side.

HEALTH. Tatyana has fragile bones and is very<впечатлительный>stomach. You need to follow a diet and eat dinner early. Accidents in vehicles are possible. You need to watch your eyes.

SEXUALITY. Sex for Tatyana is all or nothing. Everything - when he loves. Nothing - when he does not love. A sure way to win her heart is to go on tours with her and let her know that this is your passion too. Tatyana loves to dominate in sex. In bed, she is aggressive, easily excited, takes the initiative. In the caresses of a man, he expects humility, some subordinate admiration. Sometimes it can hurt a partner. She has a very sensitive body, especially her chest and lower back. During intimacy, Tatyana seeks to please only herself. Therefore, he often sees in a partner only an instrument to satisfy his passion. Sergei, Igor, Artem, Vladimir, Nikolai, Eduard and Ivan are close to her. The most sexy Tatyana Dmitrievna.

MARRIAGE. Tatyana has a somewhat exaggerated sense of ownership, which is sometimes perceived by her as love. She tries to bend her family to her will. Therefore, in the family there is an eternal war of characters. She is usually a good housewife, although she is rarely satisfied with this one role. She should live more in the interests of loved ones, and not make scandals for no particular reason. Children are wary of her, for them she is a strict mother. Tatyana has few friends, pragmatism prevails in relations with others. Appreciates material goods more than paradise in a hut.
Having arranged her life, Tatyana tries not to change it, appreciates sustainability and stability. If necessary, it becomes sweeping, not very shy in the means. Tatyana conquers men with caring, surrounds them with warmth and tenderness - she can be an excellent partner for those who are interested in more than just sex in her. She loves to win over strong men: Anatoly, Valery, Ivan, Oleg and Sergey. A successful marriage with Vyacheslav, Gennady, Cyril, Stanislav or Philip is unlikely.

HOBBIES. Likes to travel. She perceives music, works of art very superficially, although it happens that something affects her deeply. Knows how to cook well, keeps the apartment in exemplary order. I like rearranging furniture and updating the atmosphere in the apartment. Likes to meet new people.

FIELD OF WORK. Often Tatyana is talented, artistic. best use she finds her rich feelings and passions on the stage. He knows how to talk and make himself listen. She is interested in medicine, especially paramedicine. Can become an experienced engineer.

BUSINESS. Tatyana lives by the principle:<Счастье человека - в его руках>. Her active nature and great pride crave success and public recognition. A determined character helps her to make a career. A strict performer of her own, self-given desire. Meeting her is always reassuring. Business acumen is amazing. Capable of doing any job. The attention of the boss especially stimulates her.

CELEBRITIES. Tanya Rostokinskaya - a robber girl, a brave owner of an entire region, was born and raised in Elizabethan times in Rostokino, a junction point on a high road, among rich estates and an impenetrable forest. And this ataman was so famous that her fame splashed out on the pages of the adventurous novel of Lyubetsky, which was popular in the past.<Танька, разбойница Ростокинская, или Царские терема>, published in 1834. Folk songs were composed about her, the famous robber. For a long time, Tanka-atamansha walked around the outskirts of Moscow. It brought a lot of fear to the merchants. But the passion for green wine ruined the girl. Tanka, who instilled fear in the forests, disappeared<Лосинки>, in the dungeons of the secret order. They took her on a drunken case in a tavern. However, the memory of her still lived among the people for a long time. Even the village of Taininskoe long time called Taninsky. And the newly built water pipes were reputed to be robber caves and lairs.
Beck, Bulanova, Dmitrieva (Gypsy Tanya), Dogileva, Doronina, Drubich, Dyachenko, Zhitkova, Kuzminskaya, Lavrova, Lazareva, Lioznova, Markova, Meshcherkina, Morozov, Ovsienko, Ostryagin, Peltzer, Samoilova, Snezhina, Skorokhodova, Shmyg.

Tatyana is a solid and strong name. It gives its owner emotionality, determination and self-confidence. These qualities in many ways help her achieve success in life. Of great importance is the time of year the owner of this name was born.

Name origin

The name Tatyana has an ancient Greek origin. It originates from the word tatteo, which in translation means “arranging”, “one that commands”, “set”.

There is also a Latin version of the origin. AT Ancient Rome the male name Tatian was common. It is believed that Tatyana is his female form.

Tatyana, Tanya, Tanechka: name forms

Abbreviated forms:

  • Tanya;
  • Tanka;
  • Tata;
  • Tusya;
  • Tasya.

Affectionate treatment options:

  • Tanechka;
  • Tanyusha;
  • Tanya;
  • Tatusya;
  • Tanya.

If you are going to compose a poem and dedicate it to a girl named Tatyana, you can use the following rhymes: blush, clearing, sour cream, security, heavenly manna. Many also rhyme with the name short adjectives: desirable, spontaneous, multifaceted, long-awaited.

Photo gallery: name forms

Tatyana - full name form
Tanya - the most popular short form of the name Tatiana
Tanyusha is one of the options affectionate treatment to Tatiana

The church form (both Orthodox and Catholic) is Tatiana.

For passport and others official documents it is necessary to use such transliteration - TATIANA.

Table: name variations in different languages

LanguageIs writtenread
Chinese塔蒂亚娜 Ta di I on
Korean타치 아나 Tachi ana
Japaneseタチアナ Tachiana
DeutschTanja, Tanya, TanyaTanya, Tanya
FrenchTatianaTatiana, Tatiana
ItalianTatianaTatiana, Tatiana
Danish, Swedish, NorwegianTanja, Tanya, TanyaTanya, Tanya
Arabتاتيانا Tatianaan
GreekΤατιάνα Tatyana
CzechTaťana, TatianaTatiana, Tatiana
Romanian, MoldovanTatianaTatyana
BulgarianTatiana, TatianaTatiana, Tatiana

Patronymics that are combined with the name

The following patronymics are harmoniously combined with the name Tanya:

  • Alekseevna;
  • Vladimirovna;
  • Mikhailovna;
  • Sergeevna;
  • Yuryevna.

Among Tatyan Mikhailovna, she has the calmest character, Vladimirovna is the most talented, and Nikolaevna has an extremely stubborn disposition.

Table: dependence of Tatyana's character on her patronymic

AlexandrovnaA selfish person who doesn't particularly value friendship. She will not do anything if there is no personal benefit for her in this. Envious and selfish, for the sake of her goals and desires, she will do anything, even if her actions bring problems to loved ones. They show their activity only with personal interest.
AlekseevnaQuite an extraordinary individual. Often guided by his deep intuition. Before embarking on any business, she first thoroughly analyzes everything and calculates her capabilities and strengths. Often pays attention to various details, even minor ones, missing really important things.
AnatolievnaSmart, domineering, stubborn and temperamental girl. He knows how to defend his opinion. The behavior of such a lady directly depends on what mood she is in. An irresistible desire to take a leadership position in family relationships and work activities. Does not tolerate monotony.
AnatolievnaA secretive personality with a rather heavy character. She needs constant communication, although basically such a girl lives on her own, inner life. From time to time it can show stubbornness and capriciousness. Has a tendency to generalize some incidents or facts without going into details.
BogdanovnaActive, restrained and dynamic nature. Has an innate sense of duty. Well-mannered, she always has an elegant look and knows when and how to give a compliment to please the other person. The girl with the rich inner world but with high self-esteem.

Nicky for social networks

  • tanya;
  • tanyusha;
  • tatiana;
  • tatka;
  • tatusha.

Patron saints of Tanya, name day dates

Patron saints of girls with this name:

  • martyr Tatiana of Rome;
  • nun Tatiana Besfamilnaya;
  • confessor Tatiana Byakireva;
  • Rev. Martyr Tatiana Gribkova;
  • martyr Tatiana Grimblit;
  • martyr Tatiana Yegorova;
  • Grand Duchess Tatiana Romanova;
  • Rev. Martyr Tatiana Fomicheva;
  • Rev. Martyr Tatiana Chekmazova.

Tatiana of Rome was the daughter of a noble man who secretly accepted Christianity from everyone. The girl decided to devote her life to serving Christ. To do this, she renounced everything worldly, including marriage. Her loyalty to the church was appreciated, and Tatiana received the rank of deaconess.

Under the ruler Alexander, the persecution of adherents of the Christian faith intensified. Tatiana was seized, they began to demand from her to renounce Christ. She was relentless despite threats and torture. It is said that by the power of prayer this saint overthrew the temples and idols of the pagans. Finally, the girl was beheaded along with her father.

Martyr Tatyana patronizes not only girls who are called that, but also all students. Just on the day of the veneration of this saint, Empress Elizabeth approved a decree on the construction of the first Russian university.

Tatiana of Rome - patron saint of girls named Tanya

Tatyana celebrate name day:

  • January 18;
  • The 25th of January;
  • October 3rd.

They believe that on Tatyana's Day, January 25, one should not refuse to help anyone, it is strictly forbidden to swear. Snow during these days portends a rainy summer.

Characteristics and influence of the name

Positive traits:

  • faith in yourself and your own strengths;
  • courage;
  • sincerity;
  • sense of humor;
  • cheerfulness and a positive attitude towards the world.

Tatyana has a surprisingly strong intuition, people trust her premonitions. She is easy to communicate, knows how to charm the interlocutor. Is different strong will, practically does not give in to other people's influence, believes in his abilities and strengths.

Negative Traits:

  • stubborn;
  • domineering;
  • does not tolerate objections;
  • prone to frequent mood swings.

Usually Tatyana does not take into account the advice of others, in every possible way resisting any attempts to help. This often leads to conflicts.

Tanya in childhood

Little Tanya is a very emotional, principled and enterprising girl. He knows how to defend his opinion. True, it often changes depending on what mood the baby is in.

Tanya has leadership abilities. She is trying to gain authority, supporting him not only in words, but also in deeds. Such a girl actively explores the world and tries to learn new things in life. different areas. She attends sports sections, creative circles, art schools. But often the baby abandons the work she has begun (whether it be a circle, section or study) halfway through.

Little Tanechka actively explores the world

teenage tanya

In adolescence, Tatyana begins to show stubbornness and authority, even some despotism. There is no question of objectivity in relation to others. Such a girl believes that she knows everything better than the rest, and her word should be final always and under any circumstances.

The young owner of this name is attractive. Tanyusha watches how she looks, quite often buys herself fashionable clothes and shoes. She loves male society more than female, she has practically no girlfriends. Often, Tanya's overconfidence and her selfishness repel others. Pride and excessive emotionality prevent her from building not only friendship, but also romantic relationships with guys.

Young Tatyana is stubborn, wayward and emotional

The influence of a name on character and destiny

According to Pierre Rouget, Tatyana gives the impression of a girl with some kind of mysterious knowledge. She is introverted, not influenced by others, has an extraordinary memory. This woman actively resists everything that gets in the way of her goal. It is distinguished by conflict, revenge and pride, often provokes scandals. Pleasant appearance and charm help Tanya to manipulate the people around her.

Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima believe that this name is given to a practical woman who does not wait for manna from heaven, but goes through life with the motto "Man is the blacksmith of his own happiness." In some cases, her activity can develop into impulsiveness and excessive impulsivity. This greatly complicates the life of the girl. However, self-confidence helps Tanya to remain optimistic even in difficult life situations. Usually the owner of this name is sociable and sociable, although sometimes too self-centered. In order to achieve his goal, he may completely disregard the opinions of others, including loved ones.

According to Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima, Tatyana is self-confident and self-centered

Boris Khigir's version says that Tatyana always knows what she wants from life. This is a power-hungry and persistent woman who does not tolerate any objections. She always adheres to her own principles and beliefs. In public, she is artistic, proud, loves the attention of men. At home, it can be despotic, often raising the tone of the household. She has very few friends, in relations with others she is more guided by a practical approach, sentimentality is not characteristic of such a girl. The owner of this name shows more tolerance for other people with age, which has a positive effect on her family relationships. Very jealous, but stubbornly hides it.

According to Mendeleev, Tanya is by nature a simple person who does not build illusions, but accepts life as it is. He does not think for a long time, he can respond harshly to the offender, reacts with blow for blow. Often her actions and actions are harsh, but such a girl is not particularly worried about what impression she will make. For her, the main thing is the result, and the rest is not so important. Decisive, strong, sympathetic Tatyana almost never regrets anything. It is not in her rules to correct her own mistakes or be responsible for the consequences of her actions.

Talents and hobbies

Tatyana's hobbies are changing as rapidly as her mood. Today she can strive for peace, lie on the couch, read and think about the great, and tomorrow the girl will be drawn to adventure and travel.

Since childhood, Tanya has a penchant for imitation and reincarnation, she has a great feel for music, but Creative skills does not always implement. As a schoolgirl, she goes to sports sections, circles, loves dancing very much.

Tanya has a pronounced talent for acting

Career and business of Tatyana

Tanya is a born leader. It can organize the work of any team (whether small or large). But the girl feels most comfortable in the creative field. No wonder among the owners of this name a large number of talented individuals:

  • actresses;
  • singers;
  • journalists;
  • TV presenters.

My friend Tatyana enjoys working with children at the Schoolchildren's House. She deals with them acting skills puts on performances. From time to time on weekends, she likes to earn extra money as an animator at children's parties. The girl dresses up in a costume of a clown or a cartoon character and has fun with the kids with all her heart.

Tatyana can realize herself as a singer, actress or in another creative profession

For such a woman, it is important that her work is not limited to certain limits, but implies a certain freedom of action. Therefore, Tatyana can realize herself as public figure, Social worker, restaurant manager. This is a valuable employee, she does her work responsibly and efficiently, performs even difficult tasks “perfectly well”.

Thanks to her business acumen, Tanya has every chance to open own business and lead it to success. She is ready to work day and night to achieve the opportunity to lead a rich life. Financial reward is extremely important to her. Such a girl is a wonderful analyst, she is able to almost instantly assess the situation and find an extraordinary solution to the problem. This ability helps her in the conduct of her business. Thanks to the independence and courage of the bearer of such a name, her enterprise can become prosperous.


Tatyana's optimistic disposition does not allow her to mope and suffer from depression, but the girl's excessive emotionality can provoke mental breakdowns. They, in turn, can cause problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

It is important for the owner of such a name to pay attention to nutrition. She needs a regimen, a balanced diet, including fresh vegetables and fruits. A serious approach to health will reduce the risk of gastrointestinal diseases, relieve excess weight problems.

Tanya also needs to remember to monitor her immunity and maintain it. The girl has a penchant for infectious diseases. There may be problems with the condition of the eyes, so when working at a computer, you need to take regular breaks.

Tanya is extremely important to take regular breaks when working at the computer

Love and marriage Tanya

Tanya loves to flirt very much. Regardless of age, she loves to flirt. It is important for a girl to win the attention of her chosen one. Her beloved must be distinguished by courage and strength, Tanya is not interested in henpecked. She dreams of following her lover, and not "dragging" a man behind her. The life partner of the owner of such a name must have a strong character.

Tanyusha is a charming temptress and heartbreaker. She is distinguished by bright sexuality, the representatives of the stronger sex often lose their heads from such a girl. But she can truly open up intimately only with a man for whom she feels sincere love.

By nature, Tanya is the owner. Her chosen one will have a hard time, because the girl will always try to control him, sometimes hiding it, and sometimes openly. All this in order to subdue him to his will. True, enveloping her lover with warmth, tenderness and affection, she smooths out this minus.

It is important for Tatyana that her chosen one is worthy of her, distinguished by strength and courage

Tatyana is a thrifty housewife, devoted wife and caring mother. For children, she acts as a friend in any situation, she is always ready to support, understand and forgive. In family relationships, it is very important for her to have a strong, stable rear and financial well-being. Such a girl almost never initiates a divorce, she will try to save the marital union to the last. Prefers family problems do not take out of the house.

We know the story of Tatyana Larina from school. This is not a real character, but Alexander Pushkin described the character and fate of the heroine with such skill that the character traits inherent in girls with this name are perfectly traced in her. Emotional Tanechka in her youth falls in love with Eugene and tries to win his attention. When she becomes an adult married lady, she repels Onegin. The prudence and fidelity of a woman amaze the protagonist, he is imbued with deep respect for her.

The marriage of a woman who is called that is rarely successful. She is constantly trying to impose her opinion and lifestyle on her spouse, and not every man is ready to endure it. From time to time, Tatyana rolls up grandiose showdowns. Her husband must be calm and reasonable, otherwise a break is inevitable.

Table: compatibility with male names

NameCompatibility in loveMarriage CompatibilityRelationship characteristics
Alexander90% 80% Union of absolute opposites. The different rhythm of life and the lack of common goals will not prevent them from creating strong family, because the main thing for Alexander and Tatyana is a feeling true love and mutual understanding.
Dmitry100% 90% couple with perfect sexual compatibility. They will be able to live together for a long time in peace and harmony, regardless of heavy character Dima. Thanks to Tanya's frugality and care, this union will be long and prosperous.
Sergey90% 80% The owners of such names are creative natures, they know how to enjoy the little things in life ( delicious dinner, watching your favorite movie, picnic in nature). Their relationship is based true love. Since Sergey is inherent in indecision, in such a pair, Tatyana takes the reins of government.
Andrei90% 80% A tandem of adventurers and fidgets, for whom life is a constant movement. These people are united by the desire to learn something new and unknown, to travel together. Their life will definitely not be monotonous. Their relationship will not interfere with stability and organization.
Alexei90% 80% A harmonious and reliable union in which love reigns. Both take relationships seriously and responsibly. Such people have one goal for two - to create a strong family that will not need anything and will become comfortable, cozy nest. To achieve the desired go together and honest ways.
Evgeny80% 100% This is harmonious couple. Their relationship is based on similar interests, common goals, the same life views. They have an absolute understanding. When such people are together, they are "knee-deep".
Maxim90% 80% Both partners are strong-willed, active and powerful natures, they do not know how to give in and find compromise solutions. The battle for leadership in the family will lead to the fact that they have to part. A strong couple of Tanya and Max can only be when it is based on partnerships, and not romantic relationships. For example, their joint business will flourish.
Vladimir80% 70% A union of romantics who give each other tenderness and warmth. Financial instability may be the only reason for parting. financial difficulties and everyday problems can lead to a breakdown in relationships.
Denis80% 70% The relationship of purposeful and energetic people. Both are highly efficient. There is no ardent passion in their union, but they do not need it.
Artyom80% 100% The owners of these names have every chance to create a strong family. The roles are clearly observed in the couple: he acts as a breadwinner, and she is the keeper of the hearth. Artyom has more freedom in these relationships than Tatyana, but he uses it wisely.
Anton70% 40% Such an alliance is possible, but it is unlikely that it will develop into a long and stable relationship. He is proactive and emotional, and she is serious and unflappable. Anton is a spender, and Tatyana knows how to save money and properly manage finances. She will be annoyed by the impulsiveness of the chosen one, and he will be overly controlled by his beloved.
Novel80% 100% Harmonious couple. Such people have the same life values ​​and worldview, common dreams, for the realization of which they work hard together. Tanya and Roma value comfort, the main thing for them is durable family union. They also have good sexual compatibility, which further strengthens their marriage.
Igor90% 80% In this pair, the man makes every effort to create an ideal family. For this Igor is ready to work tirelessly. This is a true family man, his wife will always feel loved and desired. They will succeed in a successful marriage if Tatyana devotes herself completely to the family.
Oleg70% 40% Such a couple has a chance for a successful marriage in only one case: Tatyana must come to terms with the fact that the chosen one will not fulfill all her whims. In this union, a man strives for leadership, and this does not suit the imperious Tatyana. Frequent quarrels can still put an end to their relationship.
Vladislav70% 80% In this union, two creative natures have united, who have no time to yearn together. Both partners prefer a homely calm environment, avoid noisy parties. They are devoted spouses and caring parents. Their family will be strong and happy.
Yuri80% 70% The owners of such names will be able to build a happy family, provided that Tanya turns a blind eye to some of the weaknesses of her chosen one. Yura is a creative person, his mood often changes, he often experiences creative crises. For such a man, his wife is a muse that inspires him.
Anatoly80% 100% Thoroughness and reliability of Tolya attract emotional Tatyana. She appreciates his help and attention, and he spoils his beloved with pleasure. Such people set themselves realistic goals and live by common interests. Together they can do almost anything.

The meaning of each letter of the name

T - amorousness and passion, the desire for diversity. Extraordinary thinking, ingenuity, creativity. Fighter for truth and justice.

A - the desire for improvement, purposeful activity. Born leaders in every area of ​​life.

b - peace-loving, quick-wittedness, tact and gentleness (even in relation to people unpleasant to her). Inclined to work that requires precision and calmness, attention to detail.

I - important role self-esteem plays in the life of such a girl. She desperately needs the respect of others, but at the same time maintaining self-esteem is much more important.

N - a critical attitude to everything. Pickiness in the choice of environment. Excessive concern for health (physical and spiritual). Diligent and honest in work.

Table: name matches

A rockRubyA symbol of striving for the great. It is considered the patron saint of lovers, helps to maintain fidelity, return passion to love union. This stone also cheers up and drives away sadness, gives courage and energy to its owner, gives inspiration to accomplish great things.
ColourRedSincerity and energy. Such people do not recognize the rules established in society, and do not take into account the opinions of others. Relationships with colleagues and loved ones are unstable. Very hardy and responsible, independently achieve their goals.
Number3 Goodwill and openness, the ability to find in a negative situation positive sides. Able to tune others in an optimistic way. Selfless people who do not seek personal gain, all their actions come from a pure heart. Bright and sociable nature, easy to find mutual language with those around you. They reach out to those people who need support.
PlanetMarsStrong character, aggressiveness, sometimes short temper. These are purposeful people who persistently achieve their goals.
ElementEarthpragmatists and skeptics. Prudent, at first they will think well, and then they will act. Hardworking and reliable in work, dedicated and independent in love relationships. Sometimes they can show excessive rigidity and coldness.
Symboltower clockThey represent the desire for orderliness and accuracy.
AnimalLynxSymbol of risk, transition to new level, illumination. Such people have great power. Their behavior is unpredictable. Behind the external frivolity they hide their dodgy and prudent mind, which helps them to walk along life path with your head held high.
Zodiac signCapricornStubbornly follows his goal. Judgment and the ability to sensibly assess one's own strengths and abilities help to overcome any difficulties and achieve the desired result.
WoodElmSymbol years life, dignity, power, harmony and balance.
PlantCloverThe personification of faith in one's strength, hope for the best and sincere love. A four-leaf clover is believed to bring prosperity and success. Moreover, its effect extends not only to the owner of the talisman, but also to his loved ones.
MetalLeadIn ancient times, it was believed that this metal has magical properties, in particular, lead is able to reflect evil energy.
auspicious daySaturday
bad dayMonday

Significant Years

The most important, fateful events occur in such significant years Tatiana's life

Songs in which this name is mentioned: "Tanya plus Volodya" by Evgeny Osin, "Tanya, Tatyana" by the Na-Na group, "Tanya" by Igor Talkov.

Video: a song about Tanya, "Student Intern" Evgeny Osina

When was Tanya born?

Winter Tanechka is distinguished by her fortitude. She is brave and responsible, has an analytical mindset. Such a girl tries to calculate everything in order to always be one step ahead. She usually makes reasonable decisions even in the most difficult situations. Tanya, who was born in the first two months of the year, is more calm and compliant than a girl born in December.

In the spring, Tatyanas are born with a rich imagination, a cheerful character and a great sense of humor. Such a girl has a penchant for the humanities, her inherent artistry will help to become famous actress or at least a successful negotiator. However, she does not particularly strive for popularity or power.

Spring Tatyana is distinguished by cheerfulness and craving for adventure.

Summer Tanya is an emotional, kind and generous person. Gifted nature. Such girls often manifest themselves in creative professions. The negative feature of this woman is her susceptibility to the influence of strangers.

Tanyusha, whose birthday falls on one of the autumn months, is serious, prudent and pragmatic. Such a young lady has special wisdom and goodwill. She does not change her principles, she appreciates her family very much.

Notable women with this name:

  • Tatyana Pronchishcheva - the first woman, a polar explorer of the Arctic, a member of the Great Northern Expedition;
  • Tatyana Mavrina (Lebedeva) - Russian graphic artist, Honored Artist of Russia;
  • Tatyana Chernigovskaya - Russian scientist in the field of neuroscience and psycholinguistics, Honored Scientist of Russia;
  • Tatyana Bulanova - Soviet and Russian pop singer, actress and TV presenter, Honored Artist of Russia;
  • Tatyana Ovsienko - Soviet and Russian singer, Honored Artist of Russia;
  • Tatyana Vasilyeva - Soviet and Russian theater and film actress, TV presenter, People's Artist Russia;
  • Tatyana Dogileva - Soviet and Russian theater and film actress, film director, People's Artist of Russia;
  • Tatyana Lazareva - Russian actress, TV presenter, singer, laureate of the TEFI television award;
  • Tatyana Tolstaya - Russian writer, publicist, literary critic and TV presenter; winner of the Triumph literary award and the TEFI television award;
  • Tatyana Navka - Soviet, Belarusian and Russian figure skater, three-time champion of Russia, three-time European champion, two-time world champion, Olympic champion in ice dancing.

Poems about girls and girls with this name: "Tanyusha" by Sergei Yesenin, "On the way to class" by Agnia Barto, "Tatiana" by Yuri Vizbor.

Photo gallery: famous Tatyana

Tatyana Bulanova - Russian pop singer, actress and TV presenter Tatyana Vasilyeva - Soviet and Russian theater and film actress Tatyana Dogileva - Soviet and Russian theater and film actress Tatyana Lazareva - Russian actress, TV presenter, singer
Tatyana Navka - Soviet, Belarusian and Russian figure skater Tatyana Ovsienko - Soviet and Russian singer Tatyana Tolstaya - Russian writer, publicist, literary critic and TV presenter Tatyana Chernigovskaya - Russian scientist in the field of neuroscience and psycholinguistics Tatyana Mavrina - Russian graphic artist, illustrated many books of fairy tales

Tanyusha's character is an incredible combination of hardness and softness, determination and temperament. This is a bright and strong nature. At work, she shows responsibility and perseverance, and in the family, Tatyana can be both caring and domineering.

The name Tatyana means "organizer", "founder"(from the word "tatto" - "I establish, establish, approve", from ancient Greek).

According to a less common version, the name Tatyana has Latin roots and comes from the male name Tatian, which appeared on behalf of Tsar Titus Tatia. In this case, the meaning of the name is "lady from the Tatia clan."

Abbreviations of the name - Tanya, Tanechka, Tanyusha, Tatusya, Tanyura, Tanyusya, Tanyuta, Tata, Tatulya, Tatunya, Tusya, Tasha, Tatyanka, Tanyukha.

On the English language the name is written as Tatyana, in Italian and Spanish - Tatiana (Tatiana), in Ukrainian - Tetiana, in Polish - Tacjana.

The name Tatiana is one of the most popular, because 4% of women in Russia are Tatiana. Nowadays, very few newborns are called by this name, and the peak of the 80s and 90s apparently will not be repeated. Only 400 girls in Moscow became Tatyanas in 2017 (3,708 girls were named Sophia, 2,709 were named Maria, and 2,595 were Anna).

Day Angel. Tatyana's day - January 25. On this day, the day of the Great Martyr Tatiana, Empress Elizabeth signed a decree on the founding of Moscow University. Tatyana's Day, according to tradition, is a holiday of students, celebrated and loved by many, because, as you know, a student will never miss a chance to have a good rest.

Patrons named after Tatyana

  • Zodiac - Capricorn
  • The planet Mars
  • Color - Crimson, blue, brown, all shades of red and warm shades of yellow.
  • happy season- Winter
  • Happy day of the week- Saturday
  • treasured plant– Elm (symbol of longevity), clover (symbol of faith, hope and love), blackberry (health)
  • Patron - Gopher, lynx
  • Talisman stone - Ruby, heliodor, tiger's eye. Ruby symbolizes authority, gives courage and inspires. The tiger's eye is believed to bring health and protection.

Tatyana's childhood

Tanya means fidget. It is not easy for parents with this bright, positive girl - the energy in the child is over the edge, she has almost male character and clear leadership qualities. Her activity knows no bounds - she is a robber, a dreamer, an artist, an athlete and a singer all rolled into one. At the same time, she cannot be called naughty or complex - it’s just that life “overflows” in her, it is difficult for her to sit in one place. Some of her stubbornness can also be noted - her parents hear the word “herself” very often.

There are no problems at school - Tanya can stand up for herself, she has good abilities, and studying does not cause such obvious rejection as many other children. Of course, restlessness interferes in many ways, but it is not a serious problem. Her interests are wide - in fact, she can be interested in anything. And school amateur performances, informal communication are her native element, though she, as always, does not complete most of the cases. But in any company, her place is among the leaders.


Despite her creative, artistic nature, Tatyana can choose the most everyday profession - a lawyer, personnel officer, accountant. The reason is that she can succeed in almost any field, because her active, active nature will be everywhere in sight, in the thick of things. She is overconfident, but this only adds optimism to her actions.

Tatyana works conscientiously, tries to be the first in everything. Praise for her, approval, real achievements are the best reward.

She is ready to work without restrictions. Being a born leader, she often becomes a real business woman - here she is helped by business acumen, ambition, the ability to transform, an amazing ability to communicate at any level.

And yet, only in creative professions can Tatyana find what will be the basis of her life.

singer, model

The nature of the name Tatyana

Tatyana a strong character. Some kind of power seems to live in her, she is decisive, emotional, bright, sometimes a little impudent and proud. She has a charm, and few people manage to see her mistakes. In conversation and manners, she can show restraint, tact, intelligence. She is very smart, but her emotions and ambition get in the way. She is always ready to rush to the most incredible goals, without regard to the real situation. Tatyana is also hindered by the fact that she loves too much when she is praised. In an effort to get approval, she goes ahead, without looking back.

Tatyana is not limited by strict moral principles, and always acts in a way that is beneficial to her. As for objections and criticism, she does not tolerate them at all. Therefore, she has few friends, more friends, but even those can be counted on the fingers.

Tatyana does not particularly care what impression her actions make on others, she rarely regrets what she has done and does not consider it necessary to correct the consequences.

But she is quite concerned about the fate of her loved ones - she always strives to help, tries to settle everything, relieve tension, solve the problem. In the family, she is the center, unites everyone and gives everyone confidence. With such a mother, a person is not alone in this world.

Love, family and marriage

Charming, artistic and positive Tatyana enjoys well-deserved success with men. It is easy to communicate with her, she is very charming and can interest anyone. Her sensuality has no limits, and her passion is able to ignite granite. Relations with men are usually complicated by the fact that Tatyana takes any acquaintance too seriously, starting to see her husband in each partner, and in case of discord, she begins to despise the former, or even hate. In her youth, her hobbies are endless, but with age she becomes more serious, more prudent. Her chosen one, as a rule, is reliable as a rock, and quite successful.

Her family life cannot be called ideal - all because of Tatyana's tendency to lead and command. She stubbornly tries to subdue her husband, while giving reasons for jealousy. Over time, everything goes back to normal - Tatiana "gets used" to family life, calmly copes with everyday life, children, surrounding loved ones with care and attention, begins to appreciate stability, peace and material well-being. In maturity, she finds real understanding with her husband.

As a rule, relations with relatives on the part of the husband do not add up. Children are a little afraid of her because of the severity, peremptoryness - but with age, relationships become almost ideal.

Tanya, Tanechka, Tanyusha - a female name that sounds gentle and affectionate. You decided to name your girl that way, and rightly so. She will have amazing life full of bright events and happy moments. Looking ahead, it should be said that Tanya chooses her own fate. She has two paths. Whichever path she chooses, that's how her whole life will turn out. We offer to get acquainted with a woman whom her parents will call Tanyusha.

A little about the meaning of the name

This name was first mentioned in Ancient Greece. But they say that it has Latin roots. Once upon a time there lived a Sabine king, whose name was Tatius. He was fair, but quick-tempered. They say that it was from the royal name that the female form Tanya originated. The meaning of the name will be interesting to know. Translated from Greek, it means "she who sets the rules." And if you watch the representative of the weaker sex who bears this name, you will notice her strong character and unshakable will,

Tatyana's character

Since childhood, the girl is very different from her peers. It is full of grandiose plans and ideas. Among the kids, Tanya stands out. She really likes to lead and make sure that her rules or requirements are clearly followed by her girlfriends.

She is emotional, a little unrestrained, will not allow herself to be offended. At the same time, Tanya - the meaning of the name is reassuring - is quick-witted. She is a mood person. If someone upset her in the morning, then the whole day the girl will walk gloomy and gloomy. It should be noted that it is very straightforward. Often her words hurt loved ones. Growing up, she never learns to control her emotions. She will always have Tatyana so prompts, sensing that there is a weak-willed person next to her, she will immediately try to subdue him. It should be said that she is smart, but is reluctant to go to school. Yes and higher education she doesn't want to receive. The girl believes that the most important thing in life is to marry successfully and live prosperously, without material problems. Adult Tatyana is a spectacular and enviable woman. She looks gorgeous and dresses well. She has many fans. Marries early and more often by calculation. As soon as a wealthy mature man appears among her gentlemen, Tanyusha will immediately begin to seduce him and fall in love with herself. It's hard to resist her beauty and charm.

fate line

Her fate is very interesting. How happy she will be, and whether the meaning of the name Tanya matches, you can find the answer in the verses. How many poets in their creations remembered a girl with that name. Remember Pushkin's Tatyana? She fell in love, but, not having received reciprocity, she married another man - an older and wealthy one. And that's exactly what happens in reality. Tanya's marriage will be successful and strong, but without love. More precisely, she will fall in love with her husband after a few years of marriage. And if a light burns in her heart, then we can safely say that our Tanya will be very happy. The meaning of the name also suggests another fate. If Tanya does not reciprocate her husband, then her marriage will break up shortly after registration. And nothing will save this union. The initiator of the divorce will be the woman herself. Although Tanya is very sinful and was not faithful in marriage, her husband does not want to leave and will do everything to save the relationship. But no, taking her property and children, Tanya will leave. The meaning of the name also suggests that this is a very independent woman. She knows how to earn money and easily finds a profitable job for herself. No, she can't build a career. But Tanyusha will live in abundance until old age. Rarely remarries. But she will always have a lot of fans.

Old age and loneliness

Old age creeps up unnoticed. Tanya, looking back, will look at her life differently. She realizes how many mistakes she's made. But do not return the past. She will be lonely in her old age.

The meaning of the name Tatyana: This name for a girl in Latin means "organizer". Another meaning of the name Tatyana is “founder”, “to approve”, “to establish”.

origin of the name Tatiana: latin.

Diminutive form of the name: Tatyanka, Tanya, Tanyusha, Tanyuta, Tata, Tatusya, Tusya, Tasha.

What does the name Tatiana mean? A girl with this name strives to be the best in everything, performs the assigned work perfectly and on time. She does not look for easy ways and chooses complex, responsible professions where her intellect is useful. The girl competes with her friends and sooner or later they get bored with it. If the husband ceases to suit the woman, she will initiate a divorce.

Angel Day and patron saints of the name: name Tatiana once a year celebrates a name day: January 25 (12) - St. Martyr Tatiana.

Signs: Tatyana's Day, according to centuries-old tradition, is a holiday of students. The sun will peep at Tatyana Kreshchenskaya - to the early arrival of birds; and if it snows, it will rain often in summer.


  • Zodiac - Capricorn
  • The planet Mars
  • Color - crimson
  • Auspicious tree - elm
  • Cherished plant - clover
  • Patron - gopher
  • Talisman stone - ruby

Characteristics of the name Tatyana

Positive features: The name Tatyana gives determination, self-confidence, openness, a cheerful disposition and a subtle sense of humor. A girl with this name has a strong intuition, even clairvoyance. Many trust her premonition. It is easy to communicate with her, she seems to envelop the interlocutor with her charm. Name strong will, she believes in herself, almost does not give in to extraneous influence. Even in childhood, Tanya knows how to stand up for herself, she is practical, economic.

Negative Traits: Variability of views and moods. Even her life principles depend on the momentary mood. She seems to be dissolved in the world around her and changes with it. Having matured, a girl named Tanechka becomes stubborn and domineering and does not tolerate objections. As a rule, Tanya does not listen to other people's advice, resists, can conflict and make enemies for herself.

The nature of the name Tatyana: What character traits determine the meaning of the name Tatyana? A woman named Tatyana is stubborn, domineering, purposeful, does not tolerate objections, sometimes despotic. Egocentric, not sentimental, absolutely not insightful, although she considers herself to be such. Very subjective. The business acumen is amazing, the mind is sharp, the potency of the individual is colossal, however, due to the nature of her character, she is not always used. Favorite saying: "Better a titmouse in the hands than a crane in the sky!"

Relations with men are usually complicated by the fact that in each of them Tanya sees a possible admirer, or even a husband, and if the relationship goes wrong, she begins to despise, and even hate the chosen one.

A girl named Tanya from childhood is distinguished by emotionality and at the same time the ability to stand up for herself, the girl is a real tomboy, but she cannot be called naughty. In the circle of peers, Tanechka is almost always the leader. AT school years one after another visits a wide variety of circles, but does not bring anything to the end, loses interest in these activities. At school, the girl studies well, but is restless, does her homework with difficulty. As a child, she dreams of becoming an actress.

Tanya has a sharp analytical mind. She does not miss anything, she resists everything that interferes with her life. She is proud, can be vengeful, very rarely follows other people's advice, no matter how useful they may be. At work, Tanya does not stay away from emerging problems and conflicts. The girl very subtly feels the atmosphere in the team. The nature of her actions at a critical moment depends on the position she holds and may not be very peaceful.

This is an excellent organizer, administrator, public figure. Often this is a good teacher, knows how to communicate with children, make them listen to themselves. She is interested in biology and medicine. The meaning of the name Tatyana allows the girl to be an experienced engineer. She is an active, resolute, proud nature, all these qualities bring her success in her career. Sometimes Tanechka is somewhat self-confident, but this gives her optimism. Sometimes she is overly impulsive, which complicates her life. Attaches great value the fate of the people around her, seeks to settle everything, relieve tension. In the family, Tanya is the center that unites everyone and gives everyone a sense of confidence, the consciousness that he is not alone in this world.

Tanya has few friends, she will never refuse to help, but she will never give up her or her family's interests. Tanya does not care what impression she makes on others, she rarely regrets anything and does not consider it necessary to correct the consequences. The girl is not insidious, she will not knowingly harm anyone.

Tatyana and her personal life

Compatibility with male names: Greatest Chances for a successful marriage named after Tanya with Anatoly, Valery, Miroslav, Sergey, Stepan. The name is also combined with Tikhon. A successful marriage of the name with Alexei, Bashilo, Bronislav, Gennady, Cyril, Stanislav, Philip is unlikely.

Love and marriage of Tatyana: Does the meaning of the name Tatyana promise happiness in love? For her has special meaning family. And, nevertheless, family life does not always work out well, since Tanya is trying to impose her will on her husband or will constantly give him a reason for jealousy.

A woman is sexy, with intimacy she is relaxed, but only with the person she loves.

In marriage, the meaning of the name Tatyana helps to calmly relate to household work. Children, usually two of them, she loves very much, becomes their true friend, forgives them a lot, constantly worries about them. She tries to subdue her husband to her will, this is not always possible. However, Tanya is not inclined to divorce, she appreciates stability and stability, material well-being. Gradually gets used to and in maturity finds a common language with her husband.

Talents, business, career

Choice of profession: Tatyana early reveals the gift of imitation and reincarnation. She subtly feels the music, but does not always realize these creative abilities on stage. Contrary to her natural gift, she can choose the profession of an accountant, agronomist, chemist. The girl Tanechka is capable of doing any job, clearly imagining what she needs in life.

Business and career: Tanya is lucky, she can win the lottery, she is lucky in gambling. As a rule, she successfully marries, giving her husband the duty and the right to provide for the family.

Health and Energy

Health and Talents: The meaning of the name Tatyana from the point of view of medicine. Tanya is born restless. Constantly crying, falling asleep for a long time, but mother's milk eats well. Even seven-month-olds quickly gain weight. Some do not develop very well physically: they start holding their heads late, their front teeth are cut late. "March" girl is located to bronchitis. "April" with the name Tatyana is located to obesity.

In childhood, it is located to infectious diseases. Often there are minor injuries, there may be a broken arm. The tonsils are disturbing, maybe hormonal disorders. Weak lungs, the girl needs to be protected from pneumonia.

After childbirth, she usually recovers, her metabolism is disturbed. A woman may suffer from ovarian dysfunction, then she is faced with the problem of infertility. There may be excess hair on the arms and legs. Tanya is not too happy in her personal life, there are often nervous breakdowns, stress, depression. Some are disposed to alcohol addiction, to drug addiction.

Mental disorders are more common in "Noyabrskaya" - with patronymics Vladimirovna, Anatolyevna, Nikolaevna. Drinking herself, Tatyana, who owns the name, descends and pulls the whole family behind her. Tanya with such middle names may be registered with a psychiatrist. The worst thing is that Tanechka drags along everyone who has a weak character, spoils the lives of many, showing selfishness and dishonesty in relationships with people.

The fate of Tatyana in history

What does the name Tatyana mean for women's fate?

  1. Tatyana A. Kuzminskaya, sister-in-law of L.N. Tolstoy (the sister of his wife Sophia), always admired the great writer with her voice, liveliness, intelligence, all-conquering charm - and served as his prototype for the image of Natasha Rostova, the most charming heroine of the novel War and Peace.
  2. Tatyana Larina - beloved A.S. Pushkin is the heroine of the novel in verse "Eugene Onegin", about which he wrote: I love my dear Tatyana so much!
  3. Tatyana I. Peltzer (1904-1992) - famous Russian actress. Of the roles she played on stage, Kukushkina can be noted in the play “Profitable Place” by A.N. Ostrovsky, Feodorovna in "Three Girls in Blue" by L. Petrusheska, Marceline in "The Marriage of Figaro". The last performance, staged by Valentin Pluchek, was shown on television more than once. One of the last theatrical works of the actress is the play "Memorial Prayer". Tatyana Peltzer made her film debut with a small role in the film "Wedding" (1943), along with the famous Erast Garin and Faina Ranevskaya. Tatyana Peltzer starred a lot, but among her many brightly and juicy roles played, there are almost no main ones. However, even small episodes were remembered for a long time, for example, at the age of 65 she famously danced on the roof and climbed over fences in Ilya Frez's cheerful children's picture "The Adventures of the Yellow Suitcase". And the actress was filmed, albeit in episodes, but with such directors as Iosif Kheifits, Alexander Rou, Ilya Frez, Nadezhda Kosheverova, Svetlana Druzhinina. Among other works of Tatyana Peltzer, it is worth noting the roles of Aniskin's wife in the film "Village Detective", Fedosya Ivanovna in Mark Zakharov's wonderful film "Formula of Love", as well as the roles of the 1980s in fairy tale films shot by Mikhail Yuzovsky.
  4. Tatyana Shchepkina-Kupernik (1874-1952) - Russian Soviet writer and translator.
  5. Tatyana Yakovleva (1906–1991) is the beloved of the poet Vladimir Mayakovsky.
  6. Tatyana Samoilova (1934) is a Russian film actress.
  7. Tatyana Doronina (1933) is a Russian theater and film actress.
  8. Tatyana Mavrina (Lebedeva) (1902-1996) - Russian artist.
  9. Tatyana A. Dogileva (1957) is a Russian theater and film actress.

Tatiana in different languages ​​of the world

Translation into different languages has a slightly different meaning and sounds a little different. Translated in English as Tatyana, in Italian: Tatiana, in Ukrainian: Tetyana, in Polish: Tacjana.

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