Full and short forms of adjectives. Full and short form of adjectives

Qualitative adjectives have a constant feature - they have full and short forms. This article describes in detail the types of ratios of the two forms and provides illustrative examples for fixing the material.

What are the forms of adjectives?

In Russian, full and short forms of adjectives are distinguished. This grammatical feature is constant and is characteristic only of a qualitative adjective:

  • Full adjectives- attributive, inflected forms (change by gender, number, cases), neutral in meaning. In sentences, they are most often used as a definition. Examples of full adjectives: dry, cold, red, neat.
  • Short adjectives- predicative, indeclinable forms (change only by gender and number, do not decline by cases), differ in book value. In sentences, as a rule, they act as a nominal predicate. Examples short adjectives: distant, young, white, meek.

Full and short adjectives are studied at school in grade 5.

Types of ratios of full and short forms of adjectives

Not all words of this part of speech have full and short forms of adjectives. According to the presence (or absence) of this grammatical feature, adjectives are divided into three groups:

  • Adjectives that have both full and short forms (good - good, cheerful - cheerful, fresh - fresh, smart - smart). Short forms are formed by adding endings to the basis of the adjective -a (s), -o (s), -s (s) and zero (cute - cute, strong - strong).
  • Adjectives that have only the full form. These include - adjectives with evaluation suffixes (tall, green), qualitative adjectives formed from relative (coffee, brown, milk) naming animal colors (bay, brown) and non-derivative adjectives (foreign, former).
  • Adjectives that are unique to short form (too small, necessary, much, happy).

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Difficulties in using adjectives are associated with the formation of a short form and the formation of degrees of comparison.

1. A short form can only be formed from quality adjectives. The short form is formed from the basis of the adjective and endings: zero, -a (-ya), -o (-e), -s (-i).

For example, cheerful. Oar base. Short form of cheerful, merry, merry, merry.

If there is a combination of consonants with K or N at the end of the stem, then a fluent vowel appears during the formation of masculine forms: full - full, bitter - bitter.

Adjectives with a basis in -enn (painful, artificial) in the masculine form are truncated N. For example, painful - painful (painful); Artificial - artificial (artificial); Limited - limited (limited).

Only in some cases is the correct form in -enn: sincere - sincere, base - low, frank - frank.

Some adjectives are used only in a short form: glad, much, must, need.

Some quality adjectives do not have a corresponding short form: adjectives with the suffixes -sk-, -n-, -ov-, -l- (comradely, efficient, advanced, skillful), denoting color (blue, lilac), animal color (crow, bay), a high degree of sign (tiny, fat), adjectives that are part of the terminological names (deep rear, fast train).

2. Qualitative adjectives have comparative and superlative degrees of comparison (Table 2).

The comparative degree shows that in one or another subject the feature is manifested to a greater or lesser extent than in others, for example:

Conversations became louder, more incoherent, more cheerful. Comparative degree education:

Table 2.

The initial form of the adjective from which the comparative degree is formed. Means of education comparative degree. Comparative adjectives.
Sharp Interesting Pointless simple form-her (-her-) Sharper (-s) More interesting (s) Senseless (s)
Adjectives with a basis on g, k, x, d, t, st hot, quiet, expensive, young, cool, fat -e- + stem final consonant alternation hotter, quieter, more expensive, younger, cooler, fatter
Adjectives with suffixes -k-, -ok- (-ek-) low, high, long, thin -е- + truncation of suffixes k-, -ok-(-ek-) lower, higher, longer, thinner
Tall, big Po- + -she- (-e-) higher, bigger
Good, bad, small from other bases better, worse, less
hard, weak, sweet COMPOSITE FORM Words more, less Harder, less weak, more sweet

The superlative degree shows that one or another subject is superior to other subjects in some way, for example: Labor is the best, most radical medicine (Table 3).

Formation of the superlative degree of adjectives.

Table 3

The initial form of the adjective from which the superlative degree is formed. Educational means of superlatives Adjectives in the superlative form.
Strict, short, quiet, high SIMPLE FORM -aysh- + alternating final consonant stem The strictest, the shortest, the quietest, the highest
Brave, wonderful -eysh- Brave, wonderful
Tall, handsome Nai- + -sh- (truncation of the suffix -ok) nai- + -eysh- Highest Most beautiful
Good, bad, small From other bases Best, worst, least
Solid, approachable, loyal, funny, sad, smart, interesting COMPOSITE FORM Word most words most, least comparative adjective + genitive pronoun all - all The hardest, the most accessible, the most faithful, the least cheerful, the saddest of all, the smartest of all, the most interesting of all

In the formation of short forms of adjectives from full ones (only qualitative ones), only the main accentological tendencies can be outlined, because strict regularities are not established here, fluctuations are often observed at the place of stress. The stress of the full and short forms in polysyllabic adjectives with unstressed ending-th (as well as parts of two-syllable adjectives) is identical, and in the paradigm of changing short adjectives by gender and number remains fixed on the main one (as in the paradigm of changing full forms). The formation of short forms from adjectives with a one-syllable and two-syllable stem (more often non-derivative) is accompanied by the mobility of stress both in word-formation and inflectional plans. In stems with full vowels, the stress in the short form moves to the first syllable. full vowel combination. In short forms of the middle gender, stress for the most part coincides with the masculine gender, although there are exceptions (dead - dead, light - easy, dark - dark, smart - smart, black - black, etc.). Plural word forms are always similar in stress to neuter word forms. The greatest shifts in stress occur in feminine word forms.

Thus, in the formation of short adjectives with a monosyllabic or disyllabic stem, there is a tendency to move the stress full form to the initial syllable of the stem in the masculine word form and to the ending in the feminine word form.

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Formation of short forms of adjectives

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  • 26. Simple, complex and compound numbers. Declension types of numerals.
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  • Short form of adjectives

    Short Form Education

    Most quality adjectives have two forms -

    complete and brief: talented - talented; noble - good

    native; wayward - wayward; ferocious - ferocious.

    In modern Russian, the short form is formed from the stem

    full form1 with endings: null for masculine gender, -а, -о

    respectively for the feminine and neuter genders. Sometimes between the end

    fluent consonants of the stem in masculine forms

    vowel -o, -e-.

    In doing so, the following should be noted: many

    adjectives ending in -stvenny, -enny, short

    the masculine singular form has a truncated suffix:

    peculiar - characteristic; solemn - solemn; essential

    ny - essential; painful - painful; related - related, etc.

    The formation of precisely forms with a truncated suffix, according to the observation

    pits of scientists, reflects the development trend of this group of adjectives

    nyh in modern Russian language2. Arising often in their use

    parallel forms (immoral - immoral, immoral,

    sensual - insensitive, numerous - numerous, mysterious -

    mysterious, etc.) are acceptable, but the variant on

    En, not na –enen.

    Only a small number of adjectives in this group form short

    some forms ending in -enen: haughty, untouchable, un-

    doubtful, ordinary, frank, penetrating, venerable, timely

    menen and some others

    Not all qualitative adjectives form a short form.

    They don't have it:

    1) adjectives with suffixes -sk-, -chesk-, -ensk-, -ov-, -ev-,

    a number of adjectives with the suffix -n-: "boorish act", "ironic-

    some notes”, “beggarly salary”, “ordinary employee”, “key pro-

    blema”, “early morning”;

    2) some verbal adjectives with the suffix -l-:by-

    rolled, melted; as well as many adjectives that are pro-

    outgoing real participles: outstanding (capable

    ti), swollen (face), etc.;

    3) many adjectives with subjective evaluation suffixes:

    thick, blushing, clean, unpretentious;

    4) many adjectives relative in origin,

    denoting colors: coffee, chocolate, lilac;

    5) adjectives denoting the colors of horses: buckskin, voro

    noah, bay, savrasy;

    6) words: junior, senior, large, as well as some simple

    river words: lesser, cursed, etc.

    There are such qualitative adjectives that use-

    Xia only in a short form, but do not have a full form: glad, much,

    love, needed.

    Some polysemous adjectives form a short form

    not to each of the values. For example, the adjective has a prominent,

    having three meanings: 1) visible, visible; 2) significant

    ny, important; 3) tall, stately, representative, - short

    the form is only in the first meaning: "The house is visible from afar."

    There are adjectives in which the full and short forms are different

    values. For example: imperious - ‘inclined to command, sub-

    repair himself '("powerful man") and powerful - "he who has power dis-

    command, command.

    Grammatical properties of short adjectives

    In modern Russian, short adjectives do not decline

    are, but change only by numbers, and in the singular and by

    In a sentence, short adjectives appear most often in

    the role of the predicate: “I like that you are not sick with me, I like

    Xia, that I am sick not with you ”(Tsvet.); "You don't love me, don't pity me,

    Am I not a little handsome? (Es.). In the definition function, they can

    used only when they are isolated. In this role

    they are used mainly in poetic speech: “Dika, pe-

    primal, silent, like a doe in the forest, timid, she is in her family

    Noah seemed like a strange girl ”(P.); “It is full of longing and trembling, Tama-

    ra often sits at the window in lonely meditation ”(L.); “But, right, remember

    nude on the fly, as Tashkent blazed in bloom, all enveloped in white flames,

    hot, odorous, intricate, incredible.


Adjective - independent part speech that indicates a sign of an object and answers questions which? what? whose? Adjectives agree with nouns , that is, they are placed in the same gender, number and case as the nouns to which they refer. In a sentence, adjectives are definitions or part of the predicate.

Adjectives can be extended by nouns or adverbs, forming phrases with them ( weak from illness, very cheerful).

Declension of adjectives.

In the endings of adjectives, after hissing under stress, the letter O is written, without stress - the letter E ( big snow, good rain).

Plural of adjectives.

Distinguishing adjective suffixes in writing -TO- and –SK-.

Suffix -to- it is written:

1. in short form adjectives

2. in adjectives formed from some nouns with a base on –k-, -h-, -c-.

Other adjectives have the suffix - sk-.

Sharp (sharp), weaving (weaver). Kyrgyz (Kyrgyz).

Hyphen and continuous spelling complex adjectives.

A hyphen is used when a compound adjective:

1. denotes shades of colors ( yellow-blue)

2. formed from compound nouns that are written with a hyphen ( Tien Shan)

3. formed by adding equal words, between which you can insert the union And ( bitter-salty )

Compound adjectives are written together, which are formed on the basis of the phrase ( railway - railway).

Ranks of adjectives by meaning

Adjectives are divided into three categories:




Quality adjectives denote such a sign (quality) of an object that can be in it to a greater or lesser extent (dark cloud). Qualitative adjectives form degrees of comparison and a short form. They can be combined with adverbs very, extremely, too and others. Compound adjectives are formed from quality adjectives by repeating them ( pale-pale), adjectives with a prefix NOT.

Not all of the listed features are found in every quality adjective.

Relative adjectives denote such a sign of an object that cannot be in an object to a greater or lesser extent ( wooden log). They, as a rule, denote the material from which the object is made, the object consists, spatial, temporal signs of the object, and more.

Relative adjectives do not have degrees of comparison, a short form and cannot be combined with an adverb very.

Possessive adjectives denote the belonging of something to a person or animal and answer the question whose? whose? whose? An object cannot have such features to a greater or lesser extent.

When adjectives are used, their meanings can change. Thus, a relative adjective can become qualitative or possessive. (fox trail(fox footprint - possessive) - fox hat(fox hat - relative) - fox cunning(such as that of a fox - high quality) ) .

Adjectives with the suffix -IN-, -YN-, formed from nouns that name animals, can have not only a possessive, but also a qualitative meaning: donkey stubbornness, swan song.

Full and short adjectives.

Adjectives have full and short forms ( white - white, smart - smart, beautiful - beautiful, strong - strong).

Qualitative adjectives have two forms - full and short: kind - kind. Short qualitative adjectives change by number and gender, but do not decline (do not change by case), in a sentence they are most often the nominal part of the compound nominal predicate (Who is neat, he is pleasant to people).

Possessive adjectives of all genders in the nominative case have only a short form; in other cases, they can have a full and short form ( Bear Den , grandfather's sheepskin coat).

Relative adjectives only have the full form ( yesterday's).

For short adjectives with a sibilant stem bnot spelled (mighty oak).

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Only qualitative adjectives have a short form. Short adjectives differ from full adjectives in definite morphological features(they do not change by case, they have only the form of gender and number) and syntactic role(in a sentence they are predicates).

For example: Molchalin used to be so stupid! (Gr.). Short adjectives act as definitions only in certain phraseological turns(in broad daylight; on bare feet; in broad daylight, etc.) or in works of oral folk art (good fellow, beautiful girl).

Short adjectives, having lost the ability to change in cases and acting, as a rule, in the role of a predicate, sometimes acquire a new lexical meaning that is different from the meanings of full adjectives.

Adjectives prominent and visible, right and right, capable and capable, etc. can become different in meaning. Moreover, such adjectives as much, necessary, glad, and some others are used only in a short form: Hello, Balda-man, what quitrent do you need? (P.), But is the handsome Lel really good at songs? (A. Ostr.).

The adjective must in separate phraseological turns is used in the full form: to the right extent, properly, etc., but has a different meaning.

In modern Russian, short adjectives are formed from full ones. In the singular, generic endings are: for the masculine gender - zero ending (strong - strong, new - new, skinny - skinny, etc.); for the feminine, the ending is -a (strong, new, skinny); for the middle gender - the ending -o, -e (strong, new, skinny). In plural there are no generic differences: all short adjectives end in -s, -i (strong, new, skinny).

If the stem of a full adjective has two consonants at the end, then when short masculine adjectives are formed, a fluent vowel o or e sometimes appears between them (sharp - sharp, eternal - eternal, etc.). Short forms are also formed from full adjectives into -ny and -ny (-enny, -anny). In the masculine gender, they end in -en or -nen (red - red, honest - honest, muddy - muddy, hungry - hungry and modern - modern, fragrant - fragrant).

If the short form of adjectives is formed from passive participles into -ny, then it ends in -en (-an, -yan) (confident - sure, second-hand - second-hand).

There are fluctuations in the use of these forms. For example, along with the -en form, the -enen forms are also used (natural and natural, related and related). The -en forms are more productive for the modern Russian language.

In modern Russian, they do not have short forms:

1. Qualitative adjectives that are relative in origin, as evidenced by their word-building connections with nouns: fraternal, tragic, comradely, enemy, friendly, blood, whole, efficient, slanderous, gift, combat, draft, advanced, etc.

2. Adjectives that are part of terminological names of a qualitative nature: deep rear, fast train, urgent mail, etc.

3. Some polysemantic adjectives in their individual meanings. For example: glorious in the meaning of "pleasant, good": Nice song, matchmaker! (G.); round in the meaning of "full": The second misfortune of the prince was his round loneliness (Ch.); bitter in the meaning of "unfortunate": Nothing, Fields, you are laughing at your happiness, bitter widow (Trenev); poor in the meaning of "unfortunate": Oh, poor Snow Maiden, savage, come to me, I will love you (A. Ostr.) and some others. The same adjectives, acting in a different meaning, can also have a short form. For example, glorious in the sense of “famous, worthy of glory”: Kochubey is rich and glorious ... (P.); round in the meaning of "having the shape of a ball": She [Olga] is round, red-faced ... (P.); bitter in the meaning of "sharply unpleasant in taste": Without me, jumble begins in the house: that is not so; the other is not for you; either the coffee is bitter, or the dinner is late ... (A. Ostr.); poor in the sense of "having a lack of something": Low voice her [Gorchakova] was deaf and poor in shades (Shol.); poor in the meaning of "inexpensive, miserable": The candle is dull and somehow blindly illuminates the room. Its environment is poor and bare... (S.-Shch.).

4. Adjectives with the suffix -l-, formed from verbs and retaining a connection with them: experienced, emaciated, backward, skillful, etc. The short forms of such adjectives would coincide with the forms of the past tense of the verb: I used to, grew thin, lagged behind, knew how. With the loss of connection with verbs, adjectives get the opportunity to form short forms: flabby - flabby, dull - dull, etc.

5. Separate adjectives that receive the value of an enhanced degree of quality (without changing the main lexical meaning), with prefixes pre- and times- and with suffixes -usch-, -yusch-, -enn-: kind, clever, cheerful, thin, hefty and others.

Short forms of qualitative adjectives differ from truncated adjectives, i.e. those formed by cutting off the final vowel of the full form. Compare, for example: The fields were covered with a gloomy night (Lom.). - My soul is gloomy (L.). The first adjective is truncated, the stress in it falls on the stem, in the sentence it performs the function of a definition (like all truncated adjectives in general). The second adjective is short, the stress falls on the ending, and it acts as a predicate.

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