Functional styles of speech. The concept of style dominant and systemic organization around it of the main parameters of style

When was the science of stylistics formed?

2. What was the prerequisite for the formation of stylistics as a science?.
The style belongs to ancient rhetoric, but it is relatively young.
Recorded in the 20th century.
Poetics and rhetoric stood at the origins of stylistics.
Rhetoric - the study of the verbal expression of thought provided for the selection of words, their combinations and the study of figures of speech
Significant role of the works of Lomonosov. These works laid the foundations of stylistics as the doctrine of means of expression ah language.
The theory of 3 calms of Lomonosov caused controversy, on the basis of this theory, 2 directions arose about the study of languages ​​(the innovator Karamzin, the archaist Chemist)
High calm - high, solemn, stately. Genres: ode, heroic poems, tragedies, oratory.
Medium calm - elegies, dramas, satires, eclogues, friendly compositions.

Object and subject of style

The subject of stylistics is the subject of stylistics expressive possibilities and funds different levels language of the system, their stylistic meanings and coloring, as well as the pattern. Usage Yaz in different areas and communication situations
The object of stylistics - The objects of the study of stylistics are the units of the language system of all levels in their totality (sounds, words, their forms, phrases, sentences), i.e. the language is studied “along the entire section of its structure at once” (G.O. Vinokur). Low calm - comedies, letters, songs, fables.

4. Definition of style.
Stylistics is a branch of linguistics that has the main subject of style in all linguistic meanings of this term, as an individual manner of performing speech acts.
Stylistics explores the evolution of styles, the language of art. Lit. In its development, universal techniques
Stylistic items yavl. The study of expressive means of language. Figures of speech and tropes that are not associated with any particular style
Stylistics yavl. The connecting discipline between linguistics and literary criticism
In contrast to the sciences that have units, the style of units does not have and carriers of meanings are phonetic, lexical, etc. units
The main task of stylistics is the study and description of functional styles. A certain style norm, a description of the stylistic properties and features of language units, i.e. stylistic coloration

6. Functional style of speech.
Functional style is a historically developed and socially conscious variety literary language(its subsystem) functioning in a certain area human activity and communication, created by the peculiarities of use in this area language tools and their specific organization.

The internal structure of the style is determined by the main style-forming factor - this is the circumstance that affects the principles of organization in one or another functional variety, which affects the actualization of certain categories of vocabulary grammatical categories in this functional variety.

7. For the allocation of functional styles of speech, there are the following reasons:

Sphere of human activity ( the science, right, politics, art, life);

The specific role of the addressee of the text (student, institution, reader of newspapers or magazines, adult, child, etc.);

style goal ( education, establishing legal relations, impact, etc.);

Preferential use of a certain type of speech (narration, description, reasoning);

Preferential use of one or another form of speech (written, oral);

Type of speech ( monologue, dialog, polylogue);

Type of communication (public or private)

Kit genres(for scientific style - essay, textbook etc., for official business - law, reference etc.);

Characteristic features of the style.

Functional style substyles.

Speech styles have varieties, otherwise these styles are called sub-styles: popular science, religious, technical.

The main features of each style (dominant).

The main features of the scientific style: 1) the main form of speech is written, 2) the main goal is the communication of objective information.

Main features of the official business style: 1) high terminology, exists mainly in writing.

The main features of the journalistic style: 1) used in newspapers, television shows, socio-political magazines, documentaries, 2) the main function is communication and impact, 2) this style is intended for a mass audience. A mass audience is a set of people different professions and cultures that interact poorly with each other.

The main features of the speech style are: 1) communication in its original form, 2) use in a wide range of informal, non-official relations, 3) use in all spheres of life.

10. Bookish speech styles There are 4 book styles: scientific, official business, journalistic, artistic.

Conversational style
Purpose of speech: Direct everyday communication
Speech setting: Sphere of domestic relationships, informal setting
Speech genres: Friendly conversation, private conversation, private letters
Language means: Colloquial and colloquial vocabulary
Style features of speech: Emotionality, figurativeness, concreteness, simplicity.

book styles

Purpose of speech: Communication of scientific information, explanation of facts
Speech setting: Formal setting
Speech genres: Research Article, report, educational literature, dissertation
Language Tools: Terminology and Professionalisms
Style features of speech: Severity, logic, objectivity, accuracy, abstraction and generalization.

Purpose of speech: Message, information
Speech environment: Sphere of legislation, office work, administrative and legal
Speech genres: Laws, orders, decrees, resolutions, protocols, certificates, instructions, etc.
Language means: Official business vocabulary, standardized turns of speech
Style features of speech: Accuracy that does not allow for a different interpretation

The purpose of the speech: The function of influence through the media
Speech environment: Speeches in newspapers, magazines, on radio, television, at rallies and meetings
Speech genres: Article, essay, reportage, feuilleton, interview, oratory
Language means: Socio-political vocabulary
Style features of speech: Logic and at the same time figurativeness, emotionality, appraisal, appeal.

Purpose of speech: Language fiction
Speech environment: Direct impact on the reader, his feelings, emotions
Speech genres: Epic, lyrical, dramatic
Language means: Using all the wealth of vocabulary
Style features of speech: Imagery, emotionality, the ability to use different styles.

11. Oral and written speech Oral speech- this is a sounding speech, it uses a system of phonetic and prosodic means of expression; it is created in the process of speaking; it is characterized by verbal improvisation and some linguistic features (freedom in the choice of vocabulary, use simple sentences, the use of incentive, interrogative, exclamatory sentences various kinds, repetitions, incompleteness of expression of thought). Oral speech implies the presence of an interlocutor. The speaker and the listener not only hear, but also see each other. Therefore, oral speech often depends on how it is perceived. The reaction of approval or disapproval, the replicas of listeners, their smiles, laughter - all this can affect the nature of speech, change it depending on this reaction. The speaking person creates, creates his speech at once. He simultaneously works on content and form. Oral speech is perceived by ear. To reproduce it again, special technical means are needed. Therefore, oral speech should be constructed and organized in such a way that its content is immediately understood and easily assimilated by listeners. The oral form of the literary language is presented in two of its varieties: colloquial speech and codified speech.

Colloquial speech serves such a language sphere as communication, which is characterized by ease of communication; informal relationship between talking people; unprepared speech; direct participation of speakers in the act of communication; widespread use of non-verbal means of communication (gestures, facial expressions, etc.). codified speech it is used mainly in official areas of communication (symposiums, congresses, conferences, meetings, meetings). Most often, it is prepared in advance (delivery with a lecture, report, message, information, report). It is characterized by moderate use of non-verbal means of communication.

Written speech is speech, graphically fixed. It can be thought about and corrected in advance. It is characterized by some linguistic features (the predominance of book vocabulary, the presence of complex prepositions, passive constructions, strict adherence to language norms, the absence of extralinguistic elements, etc.). Usually addressed to the absent. The one who writes does not see his reader, but can only mentally imagine him. Written speech is not affected by the reaction of those who read it. Written language is designed for visual perception. While reading, there is always the opportunity to re-read an incomprehensible place several times, make extracts, clarify the meaning of words, check the correct understanding of terms in dictionaries.

12. Oral public speech Variety oral form literary language used in various kinds of public speeches in public significant topics. Together with colloquial speech constitutes the oral form of the literary language, which is realized in two varieties - colloquial and public - and is opposed to its written form. Some researchers call the oral form of the literary language its oral-colloquial variety. Based on the selection of colloquial and public speech there are differences in the communicative function, in the topic and situation of speech. To U. p. r. the speaker resorts to the implementation of primarily the functions of communication and influence in the presence of an intellectualized topic and in a situation of public communication in the industrial and socio-cultural spheres.

13. How were speech styles formed? The concept of style (or syllable) as a special quality of speech originated in ancient poetics and rhetoric (Greek stylos - a stick pointed at one end, which was used to write on wax tablets; the other end of the stick had the shape of a spatula - they leveled the wax, erasing what was written). The ancients said: “Turn the stylus!”, which literally meant ‘erase what is written,’ and figuratively, work on the syllable, think over

written". With the development of the science of language, the ideas of scientists about what style is have changed. Conflicting opinions on this issue are expressed by modern scientists. However, the general recognition is the functional nature of styles, their connection with a certain area speech communication and types of human activity, understanding of style as a historically established and socially conscious set of methods of using, selecting and combining language units.

1. Speech style - main function - communication.

2. Official business style of speech.

3. Scientific style of speech. (17-18 century)

4. Artistic style of speech (11th century)

5.Publicistic (18th century)

.15. Characteristic features.16. Features of the development of scientific speech in Russia.

The rise of the scientific style is associated with the diversity of the spheres of human activity, at first the scientific style is close to the artistic one, later the scientific terminology was replenished with Latin, which became an international scientific language. In Russia, scientific. style took shape in the 18th century, when the authors scientific books began to create Russian scientific terminology. In the 2nd half of the 18th century, thanks to Lomonosov, a scientific. terminology. He replaced foreign terms with domestic ones, in other cases introduced well-known Russian expressions to denote scientific concepts, gave foreign terms forms close to the norms of Russian grammar. The scientific style finally took shape in the 19th century.

The form of speech is written, the main goal is to communicate objective information. The content side makes its own demands on the form of existence of scientific speech. Aboriginal the form the existence of scientific speech written, and this is no coincidence. Firstly, the written form fixes information for a long time (namely, this is what science requires, reflecting the stable connections of the world). Secondly, it is more convenient and reliable for detecting the slightest informative inaccuracies and logical violations (which are irrelevant in everyday communication, but in scientific communication can lead to the most serious distortions of the truth). Thirdly, the written form is economical, as it gives the addressee the opportunity to set his own pace of perception. So, for example, a scientific report that takes 40 minutes orally, a well-prepared addressee in this field can be perceived in writing in 5 minutes (reading "diagonally"). Finally, fourthly, the written form allows you to access information repeatedly and at any time, which is also very important in scientific work. Of course, and oral form is also often used in scientific communication, but this form is secondary in scientific communication: a scientific work is often first written, working out an adequate form of transferring scientific information, and then in one form or another (in a report, lecture, speech) is reproduced in oral speech. The primacy of the written form leaves a noticeable imprint on the structure of scientific speech. In Russia, the scientific language and style began to take shape in the first decades of the 18th century, when the authors of scientific books and translators began to create Russian scientific terminology. In the second half of this century, thanks to the works of M.V. Lomonosov and his students, the formation of the scientific style took a step forward, but it finally took shape in the second half of the 19th century, along with scientific activity leading scientists of the time.

Text 6

(B) in the mind of the imminent from ... the trip of the head of the department on a business trip, a meeting was held. At the meeting, Pyotr Petrovich said that in the absence of ... management, he presented Alekseev with an extraordinary vacation according to his personal ... statement ... (c) as a result ... of which the load on each employee increases. Then he summed up the preliminary results of the internship in the department by two graduate students:

“Experience ... Andreev int ... l ... ectual int ... l ... gent conscientious ... taxpayer. As a responsible person, he will achieve a lot ... Xia. This is the future ... professional professional (s, ss) onal, ace .... He deals with issues of (personnel) managerial work in (industrial) developed countries and has already prepared a di (s, ss) tour on the topic “Go (s, ss) service as social institution". On prot...zheni...experience...experience, he has proven himself well. By the way, yesterday he was summoned to court as a witness in the co(r,rr)option case.

(B) distinguish ... from him the experience ... r Fedorov is a man ... prudent, con ... yu ... a non-initiative traveler works (c) half-heartedly, besides, he is not (k, kk) urate. Look at his work table, pieces of smoked...cooked sausage...and carbon fiber...and are a medal...n. As they say ... ko (m, mm) entries are superfluous. He did everything in defiance of our... demands... and wishes... .After talking with him, the head of the department was in a pre... heart attack condition... (in) a... month. As you know (half) summer, he was in the hospital, but (in) the continuation ... of winter (n ...) he never got sick. (C) due to the current situation (c) consequences ... it is advisable to discuss candidates for internship ... in advance. We are interested ... in (professionally) trained (n, nn) ​​personnel. Upon arrival ... the head of the department in Moscow, we will once again return to the issue of (professional (s, ss) ally) business qualifications of employees.

(C) conclusion ... Petr Petrovich emphasized that (despite) some shortcomings (c) general department coped with a difficult task.


1. Which statement is not true?

a) Functional style is a kind of common language.

b) Functional style is a kind of literary language.

c) Functional styles are historically established and socially conscious systems speech means used in a particular area of ​​communication.

d) Functional styles of language are related to the situation of communication.

2. Mark the erroneous statement:

The following book styles are distinguished:

a) official business

d) journalistic

3. Which of the following styles is not bookish?

a) official business

b) scientific

c) colloquial

d) journalistic

4. What style of speech is characterized by such style features as informality, ease and expressiveness of speech communication?

a) official business

b) scientific

c) colloquial

d) journalistic

5. What vocabulary is not typical for colloquial style?

a) scientific terminology

b) colloquial words

c) common words

d) colloquial words

6. In what style of speech is clericalism not a disadvantage?

a) scientific style

b) official business style

in) journalistic style

d) artistic

7. In what style of speech is terminological vocabulary based?

a) scientific style

b) official business style

c) journalistic style

d) artistic style

8. What vocabulary do words belong to big guy, kitty, hard worker, squishy?

a) neologisms

b) evaluative vocabulary

c) archaisms

d) historicism

9. Social appraisal is the dominant ... style?

a) scientific

b) official business

c) journalistic

d) artistic

10. What style is dominated by conceptual accuracy and abstractness?

a) official business

b) scientific

c) colloquial

d) journalistic

11. What is the dominant journalistic style?

a) abstractness and precision

b) imagery and aesthetic significance

c) standard

d) appraisal and conscription

a) 1st person singular

b) 1st person plural

c) 2nd person plural

d) 3rd person singular

13. Vocabulary is not typical for the scientific style of speech:

a) commonly used

b) general scientific

c) spacious

d) terminological

The selection of language means within each style and the principles of constructing speech are determined by the stylistic dominant. The dominant is the main feature of the functional style, which determines its linguistic features. The dominant of the scientific style is conceptual accuracy, which determines the use of systematically organized terminology, the emphasized logicality of speech.

So, in the texts of the scientific style, special logical connectives are widely represented; this follows, this leads to, therefore, in this way. Accuracy in the scientific style is abstract, generalized. The dominant of the official business style is accuracy, which does not allow for double interpretation. Hence the syntactic cumbersomeness, the prohibition of pronominal substitutions, long sentences with a lot of clarifying phrases, digital marking of the text, standardized construction of speech, an exclusively written form of speech. The dominant of the journalistic style is social appraisal, which is manifested in newspaper "labels": fascist, democrat, party crat, in words with an estimated meaning: leader - ringleader, initiator - instigator, congress - bunch. The attitude towards evaluation determines the very selection of facts, the use of phraseological units and expressive syntax. The dominant of the artistic style is the figurativeness and aesthetic significance of each element of the text. Hence the desire for freshness of the image, unhackneyed expressions, the use of expressive means of speech, rhythm, rhyme. The dominant of the conversational style is the minimal concern for the form of expression of thoughts. This explains the phonetic inaccuracy, syntactic carelessness, and the widespread use of pronouns. Almost all styles are used both in writing and orally, however, the dominant business style is contrary to limited opportunities oral form: it is impossible to achieve the necessary accuracy if the preliminary thinking of the phrase is impossible. The differences between styles are most clearly revealed at the level of vocabulary, since there are words assigned to a certain functional style: terms in a scientific style, clericalisms (below, referred to, etc.) in official business, evaluative vocabulary (aspirations, accomplishments, consolidation, etc. .p.) in newspaper and journalistic. And yet the basis of each style is interstyle, uncolored vocabulary.

You can also find information of interest in the scientific search engine Otvety.Online. Use the search form:

More on the topic The concept of a style dominant and the system organization around it of the main style parameters.:

  1. 9. Basic principles and concepts of contract law, the main parameters of the contract

Independent work No. 1.

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I. Follow test tasks. Fill in the answer table (see below)

Which statement is not true?

a. Functional style is kind of common language.

b. Functional style is a kind of literary language.

c. Functional styles are historically established and socially conscious systems of speech means used in a particular area of ​​communication.

d. The functional styles of the language are so named because they perform essential functions as a means of communication.

Point out the wrong statement.

The following book styles are distinguished:

a. Official business;

d. journalistic.

Which of the following styles is not book style?

a. Official business;

b. scientific;

c. colloquial;

d. journalistic.

The selection of what book style cannot be considered universally recognized?

a. Scientific;

b. art;

c. journalistic;

d. official business.

What style of speech is characterized by such style features as informality, ease and expressiveness of speech communication?

a. Official business;

b. scientific;

c. colloquial;

d. journalistic.

What is the main language function of conversational style?

b. cognitive;

c. communicative;

d. aesthetic.

Which of the following is not a characteristic of conversational style?

a. Informality and ease of speech;

b. spontaneity and automatism;

c. accuracy and consistency of speech;

d. routine content.

Mark the wrong statement.

a. The situation of speech has a great attention to the conversational style.

b. This allows you to shorten the sentence as much as possible.

c. Compression - necessary condition for the existence of a conversational style.

d. The main form of existence of the conversational style is the monologue form.

What vocabulary is not typical for conversational style?

a. Scientific terminology;

b. colloquial words;

c. common words;

d. vernacular words.

In which style of speech is clericalism not a disadvantage?

a. scientific style;

b. official business style;

c. journalistic style;

d. art.

What style of speech is based on terminological vocabulary?

a. scientific style;

b. official business style;

c. journalistic style;

d. art style.

In what style of speech is not only the vocabulary of the literary language represented?

a. Scientific style.

b. official business style;

c. journalistic style;

d. art.

What vocabulary do the words honey, hare, hard worker belong to?

a. Neologisms;

b. evaluative vocabulary;

c. archaisms.

d. historicisms.

What style trait is characteristic of the scientific style of speech?

a. abstract;

b. accuracy;

c. logic;

d. emotionality.

Is social appraisal the dominant style?

a. Scientific;

b. official business;

c. journalistic;

d. artistic.

What style is dominated by conceptual precision and abstractness?

a. Official business;

b. scientific;

c. artistic;

d. journalistic;

The dominant artistic style is?

a. Abstraction and precision;

b. imagery and aesthetic significance;

c. standard;

d. appraisal and appeal.

What style do you attribute the text, which contains graphs, charts, charts?

a. Art;

b. scientific style;

c. journalistic;

a. 1st person singular;

b. 1st person plural;

c. 2nd person plural;

d. 3rd person singular.

20. Vocabulary is not typical for the scientific style of speech:

a. Common;

b. general scientific;

c. colloquial;

d. terminological.

Mark the sentence preferred for written scientific speech.

a. The Archean era seems to have been characterized by volcanic activity.

b. The Archean era seems to have been characterized by volcanic activity.

c. It is better to feed the crossbill with pine and spruce cones.

d. This wheat grows well and produces a lot of grain.

Find a language formula that is inappropriate in scientific speech.

a. We are pleased with the results...

b. We are extremely pleased with the results...

c. We are satisfied with the results of the study.

d. The results are quite satisfactory to us.

23. In a hundred and forty suns the sunset was blazing.

a. gradation

in. hyperbola

with. grotesque

24. Dissuaded golden grove / Birch cheerful language ...

a. metaphor

in. personification

with. metonymy

I am a king, I am a slave, I am a worm, I am a god

a. antithesis

in. ellipsis

with. gradation

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Test 15 morphological forms in a row

Test 14. Vocabulary not only of the literary language is presented in the style of speech

Test 13. Emotionally expressive vocabulary is most fully represented in

Test 12

Test 11 big influence on style

Test 9

Test 7. Such a trait as

Test 6. The main language function of conversational style is

Test 3. Does not apply to book style of speech

a) official business;

b) scientific;

c) colloquial and everyday;

d) journalistic.

a) scientific;

b) artistic;

c) journalistic;

d) official business.

Test 5 informality, ease and expressiveness of speech communication characteristic of the style

a) official business;

b) scientific;

c) colloquial and everyday;

d) journalistic.

a) accumulative;

b) cognitive;

c) communicative;

d) aesthetic.

a) informality and ease of speech;

b) spontaneity and automatism;

c) accuracy and consistency of speech;

d) routine content.

Test 8. The statement is incorrect:

a) Speech situation pays a lot of attention to conversational style.

b) This allows the maximum reduction of the statement.

c) Compression, simplification is a necessary condition for the existence of a conversational style.

d) The main form of existence of the conversational style is the monologue form.

a) scientific terminology;

b) colloquial words;

c) commonly used words;

d) colloquial words.

Test 10 practical application often there is a mixture of styles, which begins to interact with each other. This process is called:

a) semantic flow;

b) written stream;

c) speech flow;

d) oral flow.

a) journalistic;

b) official business style;

c) scientific;

d) colloquial and everyday.

a) vernacular;

b) dialects;

c) jargon;

d) literary language.

a) colloquial and everyday speech;

b) official business speech;

c) scientific speech;

d) technical style.

a) scientific;

b) official business;

c) journalistic;

d) artistic.

a) sixty grams, with fifty percent;

b) driver, on vacation;

c) shorter, softer;

d) five kilograms of an orange.

Test 16 sweetheart, hare, hard worker refer to

a) neologisms;

b) evaluative vocabulary;

c) archaisms;

d) historicism.

a) abstractness and precision;

b) imagery and aesthetic value;

c) standardization and objectivity;

d) appraisal and invocativeness.

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