The meaning of the name Samson, character and fate. The meaning of the male name Samson

Meaning of the name : "Sunny"

Name synonyms : Sampson.

Short form : Samsonka, Sonya, Samonya, Samokha, Monya.

Origin : The name Samson is Hebrew. The ancient Jewish hero Samson had extraordinary physical strength due to his long beautiful hair. He fell in love with the treacherous Philistine Delilah, who, wanting to destroy the young man, put him to sleep and cut off his hair. Philistine soldiers blinded Samson and bound him in heavy chains. After some time, the young man's hair grew back, and he regained his strength. Samson easily destroyed the temple and found himself forever buried under its ruins along with the Philistines.

Character : Samson is an introvert, he is immersed in his own thoughts and is little interested in the events of the world. He doesn't like to share his experiences. He seems to be reading his own life... although, if circumstances force him to take care of someone else, to interfere in someone else’s life, then Samson accepts his troubles as his own.

As a child he loves to invent different games, naughty and restless, but quite peaceful. It’s easy and fun to be with him, but not for nannies and teachers, for whom he causes a lot of trouble. On a walk, you need an eye and an eye for him - as quick as mercury, he instantly disappears from the mother’s field of vision and appears just as imperceptibly. Sitting for a long time with textbooks is not for him. He quickly grasps the material and remembers it easily. The teachers are a little afraid of him: he has an observant eye and a sharp tongue, he notices the teachers’ shortcomings and funny copies them. He has many friends and acquaintances. He has a bright personality and talent.

Samson should not be frightened by telling him scary tales. He is impressionable and takes everything seriously. Samson is a little unsociable, try to invite his friends to your home, accustom him to society, to opposite sex. At school, Samson has authority, has organizational skills, loves sports, and participates in competitions. He loves mathematics, solves complex problems easily, and helps his friends. He loves chess and spends a lot of time solving chess problems.

If he was born in November, he is ambitious and inspires trust among friends. Samson never loses his temper, has wonderful business qualities. Him pleasant appearance. Purposeful, tries to bring everything he has in mind to life. He never trusts anyone, he keeps everything to himself. Thinks before doing or saying something. It seems that everyone knows him and everyone loves him, and it seems that there is no door through which he would not enter. In an unfamiliar company, within a few minutes he is on first-name terms with many. He can quickly get bored with male society, but never with female society. In the presence of ladies, he is cheerful and helpful, he will tell funny story, will find a compliment for every woman.

IN family relationships Samson shows himself to be a caring husband and father, but it is difficult for him to lose his independence, which is why he may pay little attention to his family, not help his wife around the house and not care for children, considering this not a man’s business. Samson's wife should give him a place and time so that he can be alone - this will make him much closer to his family.

Samson is in good health. Usually, in childhood, he may suffer from physical injuries, which he constantly inflicts on himself due to his agility. As an adult, the owner of this name should pay more attention to his diet, otherwise he may develop minor problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

In the professional sphere, the reliable and purposeful Samson usually achieves career heights. He's impressed scientific activity in the field of physics, mathematics, chemistry, he can also be an excellent engineer, designer, programmer, system administrator, banker, electrician, geologist, surveyor.

Zodiac: The name is suitable for Leos, Virgos and Aries

Stone: Amber

Color: Yellow

Mascot: Sun

Possible alliance with : Anna, Wanda, Iya, Lilia, Lyudmila, Olga

Name day: January 12, July 10

Known media named Samson : Samson Sukhanov (born 1766) is one of the best masons in St. Petersburg, whose hands created the majestic buildings of the Neva capital.
Samson Kutateladze (1914 - 1986) - famous Soviet thermophysicist, academician of the USSR Academy of Sciences.
Samson Samsonov ( real name- Edelstein; 1921 - 2002) - Soviet and Russian film director, screenwriter, actor. National artist USSR (1991).
Samson Kemelmacher (born 1953) is a singer-songwriter of Jewish songs in Yiddish and Russian chanson.
Samson Chanba (1886 - 1937) - Abkhaz writer and statesman.

Samson - from other Hebrew. solar; old Samlson.

Derivatives: Samsonka, Sonya.


Samson is a man “in himself”, he is self-sufficient, he is little concerned about events outside world, much more - their own experiences and problems. But this does not mean at all that he is indifferent to human troubles and is unable to help if there is a need; a kind and sympathetic person, Samson will always help out in difficult times.

Meaning of the name Samson option 2

SAMSON- sunny (Hebrew).

Name day: January 12 - Holy Martyr Samson, together with his comrades, suffered for the faith of Christ during the time of Julian the Apostate. July 10 - The Monk Samson the Host, a doctor, built a house in Constantinople for wanderers, the poor and the sick, and he himself served them for the sake of God and the salvation of the soul.

  • Zodiac sign - Capricorn.
  • Planet - Sun.
  • Color - pale yellow.
  • A favorable tree is pine.
  • The treasured plant is the lotus.
  • The patron of the name is the white horse.
  • The talisman stone is amber.


Samson is an introvert, he is immersed in his own thoughts and is little interested in the events of the world. He doesn't like to share his experiences. He seems to be reading his own life to himself, although if circumstances force him to take care of someone else, to interfere in someone else’s life, then he accepts their troubles as his own.

Forms of the name Samson

Other forms of the name Samson: Simson, Sima, Soms. Short value named Samson: Samonya, Samokha, Monya. Patronymic name Samson: Samsonovich, Samsonovna; decomposition Samsonych.

Samson name in different languages

Let's look at the spelling and sound of the name in Chinese, Japanese and other languages: Chinese (how to write in hieroglyphs): 薩姆森 (Sà mǔ sēn). Japanese: サムソン (Samuson). Arabic: شمشون. Hindi: पहलवान (Pahalavāna). Ukrainian: Samson. Greek: Σαμψών (Sampsó̱n). English: Samson (Samson).

Origin of the name Samson

Planet- Sun

Color of the name Samson-pale yellow

Auspicious tree- pine

Treasured plant- lotus

Patron name Samson- White horse

Talisman stone- amber

Numerology of the name Samson

Name number 3 corresponds creative people. They are talented in art, sports, cheerful and reckless. However, they need constant adjustment. Without it, the “triples”, as individuals who are addicted, get very carried away. If there is a patient mentor and advisor, this can be one of the relatives or simply close person, “troika” can move mountains and achieve incredible success in life. But in the absence of such, the fate of the “troikas” is often unenviable. Despite all their external invulnerability, in their souls “troikas” are quite vulnerable and sensitive to criticism. Difficult in personal life.


Planet: Saturn.
Element: Earth-water, cold-dry.
Zodiac: , .
Color: Black, olive drab, lead, dark.
Day: Saturday.
Metal: Lead.
Mineral: Onyx, chalcedony, magnetite, obsidian.
Plants: Cumin, rue, hellebore, cypress, mandrake, pine, ivy, wrestler, belladonna, blackthorn, comfrey.
Animals: Hoopoe, mole, camel, donkey, turtle, ants.

The name Samson as a phrase

With Word
A Az (I, Me, Myself, Myself)
M Think
With Word
Oh He (Oh, Oh)
N Our (Ours, Yours)

Interpretation of the meaning of the letters of the name Samson

WITH - common sense, the desire for a strong position and material security; in irritation - imperiousness and capriciousness. It is important for a person to find his own path in life.
A is a symbol of the beginning and the desire to start and implement something, a thirst for physical and spiritual comfort.
M - caring personality, willingness to help, possible shyness. At the same time, a warning to the owner that he is part of nature and should not succumb to the temptation to “pull the blanket over himself.” By being predatory towards nature, the owner of this letter harms himself.
C - common sense, desire for a strong position and material security; in irritation - imperiousness and capriciousness. It is important for a person to find his own path in life.
O - deep feelings, ability to handle money. To be fully realized, however, a person must understand his purpose. The presence of this letter in the name shows that a goal has been prepared for it and you need to use your rich intuition to highlight it from the bustle of existence.
N - a sign of protest, inner strength not to accept everything indiscriminately, a sharp critical mind, interest in health. He is a hard worker, but cannot stand “monkey work.”

General description of the name Samson

From Hebrew - “solar”.

As a child, he likes to invent different games, he is naughty and fidgety, but quite peaceful. It’s easy and fun to be with him, but not for nannies and teachers, for whom he causes a lot of trouble. On a walk, you need an eye and an eye for him - as quick as mercury, he instantly disappears from the mother’s field of vision and also appears imperceptibly. Sitting at textbooks for a long time is not for him. He quickly grasps the material and remembers it easily. The teachers are a little afraid of him: he has an observant look and a sharp tongue, he notices the teachers’ shortcomings and funny copies them. He has many friends and acquaintances. He has a bright personality and talent. If born in November, he is ambitious and inspires trust among friends.

Samson never loses his temper and has excellent business qualities. He has a good appearance. Purposeful, he tries to bring everything he has in mind to life. He never trusts anyone, he keeps everything to himself. Thinks before doing or saying anything. It seems that everyone knows him, everyone loves him; there seems to be no door through which he would not enter. In an unfamiliar company, within a few minutes he is on first name terms with many.

He can quickly get bored with male society, but never with female society. In the presence of ladies, he is cheerful, helpful, by the way, he will tell a funny story and find a compliment for everyone. His girlfriends are jealous of his chosen one, but life with Samson is more difficult than one might expect. The reason for this is the same excessive sociability. Not jealous. Treats children superficially. He loves them, but considers raising them not a man’s job. He treats old people kindly.

Works as an artist, prosecutor, artist, cutter, fashion designer, electronics engineer, programmer, dentist, and holds leadership positions. Wherever he worked, he good connections, he is a reliable person. Whenever possible, he helps loved ones and his colleagues in difficult situations, regardless of time.

Talisman - amber. Totem animal - horse, totem plant- lotus.

Pros and cons of the name Samson

What are the positive and negative sides can be noted in the name Samson? It is probably impossible to say that it has many advantages, since this name is ugly and in many cases even absurdly combined with Russian surnames and patronymics, and also does not have beautiful abbreviations and diminutions (usually Samsons are called Sonya and Samonya, which makes it energetically strong name silent). The only thing that can add positivity to this name is quite good character most of its owners, which, moreover, lends itself well positive influence parents.


Samson is in good health. Usually, in childhood, he may suffer from physical injuries, which he constantly inflicts on himself due to his agility. As an adult, the owner of this name should pay more attention to his diet, otherwise he may develop minor problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

Love and family relationships

In family relationships, Samson shows himself as a caring husband and father, but it is difficult for him to lose his independence, which is why he may pay little attention to his family, not help his wife around the house and not care for children, considering this not a man’s business. Samson's wife should give him a place and time so that he can be alone - this will make him much closer to his family.

Professional area

In the professional sphere, the reliable and purposeful Samson usually achieves career heights. He is impressed by scientific activities in the field of physics, mathematics, chemistry, and he can also be an excellent engineer, designer, programmer, system administrator, bank employee, electrician, geologist, surveyor.

Famous people named Samson

Samson is one of the most romantic biblical characters. An angel announced to the expectant mother that she would give birth to a son who would defeat the Philistines. He also warned that Samson should never eat the juice of the vine or cut his hair, for his strength would be contained in the hair. The biblical stories about Samson consist of several episodes, sometimes funny and touching, sometimes cruel and tragic. Fate, as if on purpose, tested the hero, and it turned out that he fell in love with a Philistine woman. It was a beauty named Delilah. She skillfully found out the secret of his strength, and while he was sleeping, lulled by her caresses, the Philistines cut his hair and gouged out his eyes. Put behind bars, Samson bitterly repented of all his sins, adventures and wild adventures. And, apparently, the sky still took pity on him. The hair began to grow back quickly, and along with it the lost strength also returned. And then one day, when a noisy and colorful festival in honor of the idol of Dagon was taking place in Gaza, the Philistine nobles wanted Samson to be brought to the temple. Samson, hiding the strength that had returned to him, obediently entered the temple and also humbly asked to be led to the columns. He wanted to show that he could not stand on his feet without support and support. Then a terrible thing happened: Samson shook the stone pillars that supported the entire temple with such force that they collapsed along with the heavy vault and walls. Under the rubble of the colossal structure, as many Philistines died as Samson would not have been able to destroy in his entire life.

Samson Yakovlevich Makintsev (1776-1849) - adventurer, sergeant of the Russian service, deserted to Persia. Having entered the Persian service, Makintsev, or, as he was called in Persia, Samson Khan, began to recruit Russian deserters, for which he was consistently promoted. In 1820-1821 participated in the war between Persia and Turkey and contributed to the Persian victory at Toprak-kala; during the war between Russia and Persia, he refused to fight against the Russians; later pacified the uprising in Khorasan.

Samson Angel Day: January 12 (December 30) - The Holy Martyr Samson and his comrades suffered for Christ during the time of Julian the Apostate.

July 10 (June 27) - The Monk Samson the Host, a doctor, built a house in Constantinople for wanderers, the poor and the sick, and he himself served them with zeal and love for the sake of God and the salvation of the soul.

Compatibility with Zodiac signs

The name Samson is suitable for a boy born under zodiac sign, that is, from October 24 to November 22. Under the influence of this sign, Samson will retain his secrecy, loyalty to his friends and willfulness, which always draws the attention of others to him, but at the same time he will become more decisive, loving struggle and risk, and also strong enough to never lose heart.

  • I.p. Samson
  • R.p. Samson
  • D.p. Samson
  • V.p. Samson
  • etc. Samson
  • P.p. Samson

Samson is a male name of Jewish origin.
Option to spell the name in transliteration (Latin): Samson

Meaning of the name

Sun, sunny. "Sunny" (Heb.)
As a child, he likes to invent different games, he is naughty and fidgety, but quite peaceful. It’s easy and fun to be with him, but not for nannies and teachers, for whom he causes a lot of trouble. On a walk, you need an eye and an eye for him - as quick as mercury, he instantly disappears from the mother’s field of vision and appears just as imperceptibly. Sitting at textbooks for a long time is not for him. He quickly grasps the material and remembers it easily. Teachers are a little afraid of him: he has an observant eye and a sharp tongue, he notices the teachers’ shortcomings and funny copies them. He has many friends and acquaintances. He has a bright personality and talent. If he was born in November, he is ambitious and inspires confidence among friends. Samson never loses his temper and has excellent business qualities. He has a good appearance. Purposeful, he tries to bring everything he has in mind to life. He never trusts anyone, he keeps everything to himself. Thinks before doing or saying something. It seems that everyone knows him and everyone loves him, and there seems to be no door through which he would not be able to enter. In an unfamiliar company, within a few minutes he is on first-name terms with many. He can quickly get bored with male company, but never with female company. In the presence of ladies, he is cheerful and attentive, by the way, he will tell a funny story, and will find a compliment for every woman. His girlfriends are jealous of his chosen one, but life with Samson is more difficult than one might expect, and the reason for this is the same excessive sociability. Not jealous. He treats children superficially, loves them, but considers raising them not a man’s business. He is good-natured towards old people. He works as an artist, a prosecutor, an artist, a cutter, a fashion designer, an electronic engineer, a programmer, a dentist, and holds leadership positions. Wherever he works, he has good connections, he is a reliable person. And whenever possible, he helps loved ones and his colleagues in difficult situations, regardless of time. Name day:

Numerology of the name

Soul number: 3.
Name number 3 corresponds to creative people. They are talented in art, sports, cheerful and reckless. However, they need constant adjustment. Without it, the “triples”, as individuals who are addicted, get very carried away. With a patient mentor and advisor, who can be one of the relatives or just a loved one, the “troika” can move mountains and achieve incredible success in life. But in the absence of such, the fate of the “troikas” is often unenviable. Despite all their external invulnerability, in their souls “troikas” are quite vulnerable and sensitive to criticism. Difficult in personal life.

Hidden Spirit Number: 8
Body number: 4

It has gained fame and popularity in many Christian countries. unusual name Samson. Since biblical times, the exploits of a hero with this name have been known, defeating his enemies with the power of his hair. Many modern parents name boys this way, so it wouldn’t hurt for them to study the meaning of the name Samson. What is the character of its owner, what fate awaits him, what patrons will he have? Let's follow all this in order.

Name Samson: meaning and origin

If we consider the word "Samson" in Hebrew, it means "sun". This gives reason for many interpreters to consider Samson a “solar hero,” whom the sun god humanized. By the way, this word originally sounded “Shimshon”.

When the biblical legend of Samson and Delilah appeared, the word acquired the meaning of “strong.” The so-called Hebrew hero had extraordinary physical strength, stored in his long beautiful hair. But one day the insidious Philistine Delilah, having fallen in love with the hero, killed the young man. She was able to cut off his hair, putting the hero to sleep. Then Samson was blinded and chained by Philistine soldiers. Time passed, with Samson's hair growing back, his strength returned, and he broke the chains. Since then, it has been believed that the owner of the name Samson is characterized by courage, honesty, ardor, and stubbornness.

Mystery of the name

The meaning of the name Samson for a boy deserves careful study. What is characteristic of this “solar” creature? As a child, he is affectionately called Monya, Samonya, Samokha. Today it's pretty rare name. The patron planet for him is the Sun. The most suitable color is yellow. Amber is suitable for stones. Lotus and pine are considered auspicious plants. The defender of the name is a white horse. Saturday is called a lucky day. The most suitable time of year is winter. Numerology has established the number 3 for Samson, indicating the sociability and energy of this person.

Samson's name days are January 12 and July 10. In January, on this day, the holy martyr Samson, who suffered for Christ, was born. And on July 10, a Roman doctor, the Venerable Receiver Samson, was born. Having received excellent knowledge, he treated people for free.

Characteristics of boys with this name

Speaking about the meaning of the name Samson, it should be noted that this person does not like publicity and hype, he is an introvert - he is often immersed in deep thoughts and is far from surrounding events. The young man rarely expresses his experiences. More often he lives in his own own world, but sometimes he is able to take other people's troubles as his own.

It is quite difficult for parents to cope with a little boy. He is nimble, agile and requires a lot of attention. For entertainment, Samson chooses various extreme activities. This is why his peers like him, because there is never a dull moment with him. The boy cannot be called a diligent student, because he is restless. He often shows wit and observation, realistically parodies and jokes, which causes concern among many people.

The matured Samson is calmer and more balanced, he thinks about his every action and word. Equanimity and calm help him out in the most extreme situations. Everything he dreams of, he tries to bring to life. Samson can support his friends morally and financially.

The man’s appearance is attractive, so people make contact with him. He finds it easily mutual language with women. Samson is a gallant and witty gentleman who showers the ladies with compliments. But often relationships with him end only in flirting. This man cannot be called a good family man, because he places the responsibility of raising his children on his wife. Samson most often chooses activities that bring immediate benefit, and as friends he chooses people with high social status and financial situation.

Health and skills of the owner of the name

As a child, Samson must be protected from fears; you should not tell him horror stories. He takes everything very seriously. Parents have to make efforts to teach him to live in society. The young man is in fairly good health, which allows him to play sports and participate in competitions.

The boy's favorite subject is mathematics. He devotes a lot of time to playing chess. Samson is a bright, versatile personality with excellent abilities to exact sciences, but his explosive nature forces him to change jobs frequently.

Professional success

Samson has many talents that make him stand out from the crowd. He makes a good programmer, prosecutor, artist, artist, dentist. He often occupies leadership positions, although he does not set such a goal for himself. He is good at both the role of a subordinate and the role of a leader. Useful connections appear everywhere.

Samson’s professionalism can be learned; he deserves respect from those around him. He never enters into conflict and immerses himself in his work. Sometimes he becomes a reformer of established traditions in the team and takes risks. Although sometimes he shows excessive cruelty towards people. This explosive nature, as already mentioned, leads to frequent job changes.

Samsonov's personal life

Samson knows how to love, and is loved by others. He takes care of his family, respects his elders, and instructs his children. His children become participants in mathematical Olympiads and attend technical clubs. Household members take part in his scientific activities.

Samson is not very sociable, has few friends, almost never goes to visit, values ​​order and a stable lifestyle. Sometimes he retires from his wife and organizes his territory. A man builds romantic relationships consistently, carefully and honestly.

Samson Vyrin: the meaning of the first and last name

Let's talk about literary heroes, bearing the described name. Thus, in the work of A. S. Pushkin “The Station Warden” a very unusual image "little man", who suffers poverty and humiliation. This hero is Samson Vyrin. The meaning of the first and last name of this character interests many readers. Being stationmaster, he meekly and powerlessly bears his cross. The meaning of the name Vyrina - Samson - has already been described above. It stands briefly on the surname. But first, a little about the character.

Samson Vyrin (according to Pushkin) served at one postal station. Often he heard reproaches and insults from wealthy travelers. He was a widower and raised his daughter Dunya. She grew up to be a good helper and made her father happy. But one day trouble happened: a hussar drove past the station and took his daughter to St. Petersburg. Vyrin went on foot to the capital in search of Dunya. He found his daughter's kidnapper, but he kicked him out, trying to pay him off first. Vyrin returned home, and the harmony of his existence was disrupted. He started drinking and died. And the main thing that the hero could not come to terms with was how can one repay good with evil?

The surname Vyrin is quite rare in Russia. Most likely, it reflects the nickname, name, and profession of its owner’s distant ancestor. Ancient chronicles testify to the important persons of the Vyrins in the merchant environment of the 17th-19th centuries. They had power in Moscow and were respectable people. The first mention of the surname was recorded after the census during the reign of Ivan the Terrible.

Who is he - Samson Silych Bolshov?

The modern reader is familiar with Ostrovsky's play "Our People - Let's Be Numbered." The author ironically shows the merchant environment, its habits and aspirations. Money matters are above all else for the hero of the work, the merchant Samson Silych Bolshov. You have already been able to study the meaning of the name. How does Ostrovsky draw his hero? He displays selfish and ignorant qualities, and his companion is an uneducated wife who has a high opinion of herself. The reader also sees Bolshov’s ill-mannered daughter, Lipochka, who dreams of marrying a noble man.

All characters vividly reflect all the realities of merchant life. In relation to his daughter, Bolshov looks like an absolute tyrant. Ostrovsky showed the soulless world of people with their own laws, where grown-up children do the same as their parents.

Historical figures with this name

Many people who read the Bible know that Samson is the most romantic character there. Its history is described at the beginning of the article. God sent an angel to earth to announce to his mother the birth of her son, the conqueror of the Felistines. This young man was forbidden to drink grape juice and cut his hair, for this contained his power.

History also knows such a person as Makintsev Samson Yakovlevich. He became famous for being a sergeant in the Russian service. After one battle, he deserted to Persia (1821). Occupying a high position in the Persian army, he refused to fight with Russia and even pacified one of the uprisings against it.

Another famous owner of this name was Samson Ksenofontovich Sukhanov. He worked as a mason in St. Petersburg and created early XIX century, majestic buildings of the capital on the Neva.

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