The importance of arachnids in nature and in human life. The diversity of arachnids and their importance in nature and human life. General characteristics of arachnids What is the importance of arachnids in human life

Which came to land from the sea. More than 400 million years ago they lived in the waters of the World Ocean. Their size then reached one meter in length. After reaching land they shrank, but something else is striking: their shape remained the same. Scorpions are an interesting object for research, but they began to be studied in detail only in late XIX century. Scientists still never tire of being amazed at how many secrets and mysteries this animal keeps.

There were legends about the habits of this “evil creature”. Images of Scorpios penetrated into magic and astrology very early. They are present among the oldest Babylonian calendar drawings. Around 1150 BC e. Scorpio-man appears in the circle of zodiac figures. The ancient Egyptians considered the goddess Serket to be the mistress of scorpions. She was depicted with the head of a scorpion or with human head, but with a scorpion sitting on it. These animals were painted on tombs, and the first Egyptian king to go down in history was the Pharaoh or King Scorpio, who is reported in the Book of the Dead.

They were also well known to the ancient Romans and Greeks. Thus, the Romans had battle badges with the image of a scorpion, which is closely related to astrological beliefs. At that time, it was believed that the founders and destroyers of cities were born when a scorpion raised its sting above the horizon. The emperor and brilliant commander Tiberius was born under this sign.

One of the zodiac constellations. Ancient Greek myth says: Poseidon had a son - the legendary hunter Orion. Proud, he declared that he had no equal in this world, and he would kill any animal he met along the way. Before Orion had time to utter these words, an inconspicuous and inconspicuous scorpion approached his feet. He raised his sting and stung the brave man and boaster, poisoning him with his poison. The gods of Olympus were frightened by Orion's boast and therefore rejoiced at his death. In gratitude, the scorpion was carried to heaven and placed among the constellations of the Zodiac. From then to this day, Orion has been hiding from his killer. As soon as the constellation Scorpio appears in the sky, Orion disappears behind the horizon.

The constellation Scorpio was believed to bring misfortune. With his appearance in the sky, autumn came: the earth was frozen, rains and storms lashed it mercilessly, and wars devastated, exterminated and burned all living things. According to ancient beliefs, a scorpion appearing in a dream foreshadowed evil. At the same time, he protected from the evil eye and other troubles. Byzantine legend says that in ancient Amasia, located in the east of Western Asia, there was a talisman in the form of a scorpion. He protected the city from other poisonous animals and their relatives. In Africa, Persia, and the Levant, scorpions were a real disaster. Even if they did not attack people, contrary to strict religious prohibitions, the Jews were allowed to kill scorpions on Saturdays. These animals were an invariable attribute in the experiments of sorcerers and alchemists. With their help, they tried to create various magical potions, and even gold. In the Christian religion, scorpions are typical inhabitants of the underworld.

Scorpions are not only the oldest terrestrial arthropods, but generally the oldest among all animals living on Earth. Scientists have identified these primitive arachnids as a separate class.

Currently, the area of ​​distribution of scorpions encircles Earth approximately between 50 degrees north and south latitude. IN old times, until the end of the Tertiary period, when the climate was warmer and rain forests extended to high latitudes, these animals were found over most of the land. Now there are about 1,500 species and up to 800 varieties of scorpions. They live almost everywhere. They can be found in the snows of the Himalayas at an altitude of up to 5000 m, in caves at a depth of up to 800 m, in deserts and tropics, in European forests, and on the shores of the seas.

Scorpions range in size from 5 to 10 cm, some species reach a length of 20 cm. The largest is considered to be the tropical imperial scorpion, which lives in Equatorial Guinea. An adult specimen can reach a length of 8 cm. Once a specimen was found 29 cm long, if you count from the tips of the claws to the tip of the sting. The smallest animals reach a size of 1.2-1.3 cm. Scientists have at their disposal ancient remains of animals up to 40 cm long.

Scorpios are ferocious predators. They usually go hunting at night, and are especially active in hot weather. They react very sensitively to all touches, vibrations of air and earth. Special receptors accurately detect odors. Scorpions sense another creature at a distance of 20-50 cm. If the prey is unsuitable, the animal takes a threatening pose: it bends its “tail” sharply over its cephalothorax and waves it from side to side. Well, if the victim is edible, the scorpion grabs it with its claws and stings it with the tip of its tail, where it has poison. If the victim resists, he receives additional injections. At the same time, she is immobilized and dies from the poison. Scorpions eat only live prey; they prefer to avoid their relatives and not share with them. Here they show rare individualism. When scorpions are kept in captivity and in cramped containers, they attack their relatives and can eat each other. The ability of scorpions to lose water almost completely remains a mystery. These animals almost never drink, but take moisture from food. Their body is adapted to perfectly absorb and process what they eat. In this matter, the scorpion is a record holder: 70% of the food consumed replenishes the tissues of its body. In poor conditions, animals “fast” for 6-7 months. They can go hungry for one to two years! This is surprising, but true: after eating one moth, a scorpion may not eat for several months.

Venom is produced by all scorpions, but the degree of its toxicity varies among different types. When bitten, the venom destroys blood cells and has toxic effect on nervous system and the passage of nerve impulses. Out of 1500 known to science There are only about 25 species of scorpions that are particularly dangerous to humans. The Palestinian scorpion is considered the most poisonous in the world, accounting for 80% of all stung and 90% dead people V North Africa(Tunisia). Its venom is equal in strength to that of a cobra. In 1946, 1,933 people died from scorpion stings in Mexico. Until now, in this country, from 800 to 1000 people become victims of this predator every year.

They live from 8 to 25 years. This is a record for arachnids and insects. The biology of scorpion reproduction is very peculiar. Mating is preceded by a "mating walk". The female and male walk for many hours, and sometimes even days, with their claws clenched and their “tails” raised. Then the male drags his chosen one to a secluded place. The most striking thing is that these arthropods are mostly viviparous. Pregnancy in a female can last from three to 18 months. This is more than many mammals. As a rule, up to 25 scorpions are born. They climb onto their mother's back and sit there for about 10 days. The Scorpio female is a very caring mother, which increases survival rate and accelerates the growth of offspring. She catches prey, tears it into pieces and feeds it to the kids. She makes sure that the kids don’t eat each other. It’s amazing, but true: scorpions, isolated for a while and then planted with several females, unmistakably recognize their mother. To become adults, scorpions go through seven molts, reaching the age of one and a half years. The Scorpio dad is of little use at this time. He does not raise cubs, but does not suffer from appetite either. Short-lived love story for 20% of males it ends tragically. Most large females pierce their lover with a stinger and then eat him.

There are many legends and fables about the “imaginary suicide” of scorpions. For example, one of them says: if you surround it with burning coals, then in order to avoid painful death, he allegedly pierces himself with a sting and dies. Scientists have proven that scorpions' own poison is not dangerous. The fact is that under the influence of strong stimuli they are capable of falling into a motionless state. In science, this phenomenon is called catalepsy, or thanatosis. Having tossed around in a circle of fire, the animal raises its “tail” vertically and freezes. This picture is taken for “suicide.” But after a while the scorpion “comes to life” and, if nothing threatens it, quickly crawls away.

Scientists are also amazed by this fact. To navigate at night, Scorpio needs only a very faint glow from the stars. Research has shown that no animal has such sensitivity to light.

It is impossible not to mention one more mysterious feature Scorpios. Their vitality is simply amazing: only they are able to withstand very large doses of radiation - a thousand or more roentgens - without any harm! During the French test atomic bomb in the Sahara Desert, only scorpions survived in this hell. Something to think about! And at the same time, pay tribute to the heroism of these little creatures. After all, scorpions, with their amazing ability to overcome difficulties and the thirst for survival, cause not only surprise, but also respect, as a symbol of perseverance.

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The importance of arachnids in nature and human life is difficult to overestimate. After all, they are an important element in the food chain, regulate the numbers of many types of insects, and some can even be deadly. The importance of arachnids in nature and human life will be briefly outlined in our article.

Characteristic structural features of arachnids

But first, let's figure out by what characteristics animal organisms are classified as this systematic unit.

These are representatives of the phylum arthropods, whose body consists of a cephalothorax and abdomen. On the first of them there are six pairs of limbs - these are chelicerae, with the help of which arachnids pierce the body of the victim. There are also claws and four pairs of walking legs. These animals do not have antennae. There are no limbs on the abdomen, but they can be modified into arachnoid warts or pulmonary sacs. Structural features determine the significance of arachnids in nature.

What is a web

The predominant number of arachnids are capable of building trapping nets from a special substance found in special warts. They produce threads that can be compared even to steel wire in their strength. The web pattern is characteristic of each species. There are drops of sticky liquid on the spirally twisted threads. If an insect gets caught in it, it has little chance of getting out. In addition to the trapping net, dwellings and cocoons are made from this substance. The importance of arachnids in nature and human life is also determined by the way they feed.

Predator spiders

All types of spiders are predators, but their hunting methods are completely different. To get a victim, it is not necessary to lie in wait and pounce on it like jumping spiders. Many species use this catching net. Once caught in it, the insect tries to escape. At the same time, the threads of the web begin to vibrate. One of them is always attached to the limb of the predator. All he can do is approach the victim and kill him.

The importance of arachnids in nature and human life is also determined by their method of digestion. They can only eat liquid food. Through the hole that the spider makes in the body of the victim with the help of chelicerae, it injects digestive enzymes inside. After a certain period of time, the spider pumps the already digested contents into its intestine using its own sucking stomach.

Tarantulas can also be dangerous to humans. Their venom causes severe pain throughout the body, trembling and loss of consciousness. In this condition, a person must be injected with a special serum and the bite site must be burned with a match to stop the spread of toxins.

The importance of arachnids in nature and human life

It is worth noting that predatory spiders never attack a person in order to profit. They do this for protection. But their poison can be deadly. However, most often spiders prey on small inhabitants of water bodies and insects. By destroying the latter, they thereby regulate their numbers. Thus the number of bloodsucking Agriculture decreases. This certainly determines positive value arachnids in nature and human life. Spider venom is a raw material for the production of sleeping pills and sedatives medicines. To obtain them, many species of spiders are bred artificially.

Ticks: the importance of arachnids in human life

Modern taxonomy divides the class of arachnids into nine orders. The most common are spiders, ticks and scorpions. The importance of arachnids in the life of people and nature has different systematic categories of this type

Everyone knows that walking through the forest belt in late spring and early summer can be dangerous. After all, it is during this period that ticks actively reproduce and look for food sources. Their body consists of a fused cephalothorax and abdomen, and the head is formed by claws and chelicerae. Ticks are also distinguished from other arachnids by their indirect development cycle. This means that a larva with three pairs of legs develops from the egg, which eventually turns into four.


The great importance of arachnids in nature and human life is due to their wide distribution. It's not only forested areas, salt and fresh water bodies, soil, various plants, surfaces, as well as the body of animals and humans - all these environments are perfect for the feeding and activity of ticks.

The negative significance of arachnids in the life of people and nature is that many are pathogens of very dangerous diseases. Feeding on the blood of humans and animals, they can transmit encephalitis, and dogs, relapsing fever.

Methods of protection

To protect yourself from ticks when going for a walk, you need to cover your body with thick clothing and a hat. Returning home, look through all things, remove and destroy dangerous arachnids.

In order to prevent the barn mite from developing, it is necessary to monitor hygiene in the house, periodically change bed linen, dry pillows and mattresses in the sun, and carry out wet cleaning of the room more often.


Scorpions are also prominent representatives of the arachnid class. Most of them live in tropical and subtropical regions. On the back of their abdomen are glands containing a toxic substance. The ducts of the toxic glands are opened using a needle that ends in the abdomen. Scorpion venom is very dangerous to human health and sometimes even life.

Benefits and harms

But, as they say, every cloud has a silver lining. The important positive significance of arachnids in nature and human life lies in their participation in soil formation processes. For example, being saprotrophs, they decompose dead organic matter. At the same time, the soil is enriched with nitrogen, which is so necessary for plants to develop the root system. By destroying harmful insects and other arthropods, many types of mites help save crops cultivated plants, prevent the spread of deadly diseases.

Thus, the significance of arachnids in nature and human life is great, both negative and positive.

Scorpions are the most ancient arthropods that came to land from the sea. More than 400 million years ago they lived in the waters of the World Ocean. Their size then reached one meter in length. After reaching land they shrank, but something else is striking: their shape remained the same. Scorpions are an interesting object for research, but they began to be studied in detail only at the end of the 19th century. Scientists still never tire of being amazed at how many secrets and mysteries this animal keeps.

There were legends about the habits of this “evil creature”. Images of Scorpios penetrated into magic and astrology very early. They are present among the oldest Babylonian calendar drawings. Around 1150 BC e. Scorpio-man appears in the circle of zodiac figures. The ancient Egyptians considered the goddess Serket to be the mistress of scorpions. She was depicted with the head of a scorpion or with a human head, but with a scorpion sitting on it. These animals were painted on tombs, and the first Egyptian king to go down in history was the Pharaoh or King Scorpio, who is reported in the Book of the Dead.

They were also well known to the ancient Romans and Greeks. Thus, the Romans had battle badges with the image of a scorpion, which is closely related to astrological beliefs. At that time, it was believed that the founders and destroyers of cities were born when a scorpion raised its sting above the horizon. The emperor and brilliant commander Tiberius was born under this sign.

One of the zodiac constellations is named after Scorpio. An ancient Greek myth says: Poseidon had a son - the legendary hunter Orion. Proud, he declared that he had no equal in this world, and he would kill any animal he met along the way. Before Orion had time to utter these words, an inconspicuous and inconspicuous scorpion approached his feet. He raised his sting and stung the brave man and boaster, poisoning him with his poison. The gods of Olympus were frightened by Orion's boast and therefore rejoiced at his death. In gratitude, the scorpion was carried to heaven and placed among the constellations of the Zodiac. From then to this day, Orion has been hiding from his killer. As soon as the constellation Scorpio appears in the sky, Orion disappears behind the horizon. The constellation Scorpio was believed to bring misfortune. With his appearance in the sky, autumn came: the earth was frozen, rains and storms lashed it mercilessly, and wars devastated, exterminated and burned all living things. According to ancient beliefs, a scorpion appearing in a dream foreshadowed evil. At the same time, he protected from the evil eye and other troubles. Byzantine legend says that in ancient Amasia, located in the east of Western Asia, there was a talisman in the form of a scorpion. He protected the city from other poisonous animals and their relatives. In Africa, Persia, and the Levant, scorpions were a real disaster. Even if they did not attack people, contrary to strict religious prohibitions, the Jews were allowed to kill scorpions on Saturdays. These animals were an invariable attribute in the experiments of sorcerers and alchemists. With their help, they tried to create various magical potions, and even gold. In the Christian religion, scorpions are typical inhabitants of the underworld.

Scorpions are not only the oldest terrestrial arthropods, but generally the oldest among all animals living on Earth. Scientists have identified these primitive arachnids as a separate class. Currently, the distribution area of ​​scorpions encircles the globe between approximately 50 degrees north and south latitude. In ancient times, until the end of the Tertiary period, when the climate was warmer and humid forests extended to high latitudes, these animals were found over most of the land. Now there are about 1,500 species and up to 800 varieties of scorpions. They live almost everywhere. They can be found in the snows of the Himalayas at an altitude of up to 5000 m, in caves at a depth of up to 800 m, in deserts and tropics, in European forests, and on the shores of the seas.

In Ukraine, scorpions live in Crimea; they were also found in the Odessa region.

Scorpions range in size from 5 to 10 cm, some species reach a length of 20 cm. The largest is considered to be the tropical imperial scorpion, which lives in Equatorial Guinea. An adult specimen can reach a length of 8 cm. Once a specimen was found 29 cm long, if you count from the tips of the claws to the tip of the sting. The smallest animals reach a size of 1.2-1.3 cm. Scientists have at their disposal ancient remains of animals up to 40 cm long.

Scorpios are ferocious predators. They usually go hunting at night, and are especially active in hot weather. They react very sensitively to all touches, vibrations of air and earth. Special receptors accurately detect odors. Scorpions sense another creature at a distance of 20-50 cm. If the prey is unsuitable, the animal takes a threatening pose: it bends its “tail” sharply over its cephalothorax and waves it from side to side. Well, if the victim is edible, the scorpion grabs it with its claws and stings it with the tip of its tail, where it has poison. If the victim resists, he receives additional injections. At the same time, she is immobilized and dies from the poison. Scorpions eat only live prey; they prefer to avoid their relatives and not share with them. Here they show rare individualism. When scorpions are kept in captivity and in cramped containers, they attack their relatives and can eat each other. The ability of scorpions to lose water almost completely remains a mystery. These animals almost never drink, but take moisture from food. Their body is adapted to perfectly absorb and process what they eat. In this matter, the scorpion is a record holder: 70% of the food consumed replenishes the tissues of its body. In poor conditions, animals “fast” for 6-7 months. They can go hungry for one to two years! This is surprising, but true: after eating one moth, a scorpion may not eat for several months. Venom is produced by all scorpions, but the degree of its toxicity varies among species. When bitten, the venom destroys blood cells and has a toxic effect on the nervous system and the passage of nerve impulses. Of the 1,500 species of scorpions known to science, only about 25 are particularly dangerous to humans. The Palestinian scorpion is considered the most poisonous in the world, accounting for 80% of all people stung and 90% of deaths in North Africa (Tunisia). Its venom is equal in strength to that of a cobra. In 1946, 1,933 people died from scorpion stings in Mexico. Until now, in this country, from 800 to 1000 people become victims of this predator every year.

They live from 8 to 25 years. This is a record for arachnids and insects. The biology of scorpion reproduction is very peculiar. Mating is preceded by a "mating walk". The female and male walk for many hours, and sometimes even days, with their claws clenched and their “tails” raised. Then the male drags his chosen one to a secluded place. The most striking thing is that these arthropods are mostly viviparous. Pregnancy in a female can last from three to 18 months. This is more than many mammals. As a rule, up to 25 scorpions are born. They climb onto their mother's back and sit there for about 10 days. The Scorpio female is a very caring mother, which increases survival rate and accelerates the growth of offspring. She catches prey, tears it into pieces and feeds it to the kids. She makes sure that the kids don’t eat each other. It’s amazing, but true: scorpions, isolated for a while and then planted with several females, unmistakably recognize their mother. To become adults, scorpions go through seven molts, reaching the age of one and a half years. The Scorpio dad is of little use at this time. He does not raise cubs, but does not suffer from appetite either. A short love affair for 20% of males ends tragically. Most large females pierce their lover with a stinger and then eat him.

There are many legends and fables about the “imaginary suicide” of scorpions. For example, one of them says: if you surround him with burning coals, then, in order to avoid a painful death, he supposedly pierces himself with a sting and dies. Scientists have proven that scorpions' own poison is not dangerous. The fact is that under the influence of strong stimuli they are capable of falling into a motionless state. In science, this phenomenon is called catalepsy, or thanatosis. Having tossed around in a circle of fire, the animal raises its “tail” vertically and freezes. This picture is taken for “suicide.” But after a while the scorpion “comes to life” and, if nothing threatens it, quickly crawls away.

Scientists are also amazed by this fact. To navigate at night, Scorpio needs only a very faint glow from the stars. Research has shown that no animal has such sensitivity to light. It is impossible not to mention one more mysterious feature of scorpions. Their vitality is simply amazing: only they are able to withstand very large doses of radiation - a thousand or more roentgens - without any harm! During the French atomic bomb test in the Sahara Desert, only scorpions survived this hell. Something to think about! And at the same time, pay tribute to the heroism of these little creatures. After all, Scorpios, with their amazing ability to overcome difficulties and thirst for survival, evoke not only surprise, but also respect as a symbol of perseverance.

The importance of arachnids in nature

Some insects use the bodies of spiders to lay eggs in them.

Example 1

Wasps from the Pompilidae family paralyze the spider with their bite, after which they drag it into their burrow. The wasps lay eggs in the spider's body, and the developing larvae feed on its tissues. Spiders are like “live canned food”.

The importance of arachnids in human life

Among arachnids there are poisonous species, which can cause harm to human or animal health, or, in some cases, lead to death (karakut, tarantula, tarantula). Thus, karakurt bites are accompanied by severe pain throughout the body, mental disorders, fainting. Spider bites may also be accompanied by necrotic tissue changes, including exposure of internal organs.

Ticks are carriers of bacterial, protozoan, viral diseases, rickettsia:

At mass attack ticks may cause severe feverish conditions and nervous disorders.

Red spider mites settle on the leaves of cotton and other plants, causing their death and reducing yield.

Exists large group ticks - inhabitants of human housing and buildings. These mites feed on flour, grain, sunflower seeds, smoked fish and meat, mold spores, and epidermal scales exfoliated from human skin. Ticks can enter food products digestive system humans and cause dyspeptic disorders. Some types of mites are able to adapt to anaerobic conditions of the intestine, live and reproduce in it (cheese mite, flour mite). House mites live in carpets, mattresses, bed linen, human upholstered furniture. Cause allergic reactions and exacerbation of respiratory system diseases.

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