Zoology is important because. Science zoology. What have we learned

.(Source: "Biological Encyclopedic Dictionary." Chief editor M. S. Gilyarov; Editorial staff: A. A. Babaev, G. G. Vinberg, G. A. Zavarzin and others - 2nd ed., corrected . - M .: Sov. Encyclopedia, 1986.)


.(Source: "Biology. Modern Illustrated Encyclopedia." Editor-in-Chief A.P. Gorkin; M.: Rosmen, 2006.)


See what "ZOOLOGY" is in other dictionaries:

    Zoology ... Wikipedia

    Animal science. Dictionary of foreign words included in the Russian language. Chudinov A.N., 1910. ZOOLOGY Greek, from zoon, animal, and logos, word. Natural history of animals. An explanation of 25,000 foreign words that have come into use in ... ... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

    - (from zoo ... and ..logia), a science that studies the animal world, the origin, structure and development of animals. It is divided into two fundamental sections: invertebrate zoology and vertebrate zoology. The founder of zoology is Aristotle (384 322 ... ... Ecological dictionary

    ZOOLOGY- ZOOLOGY, one of the sciences of the biological cycle, dealing with the study of animal organisms. The foundation of 3. as a science in its original descriptive form was laid by Aristotle three centuries before Christ. era. In his History of Animals, Aristotle... Big Medical Encyclopedia

    - (from zoo ... and ... ology) the science of animals, one of the main sections of biology. Descriptions of animals have been known since ancient times. How did the science of zoology originate in Dr. Greece and is associated with the name of Aristotle; into a coherent system of knowledge took shape by the end. eighteen… … Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    zoology- and, well. zoologie f., German. Zoology, lat. zoology gr. zoon animal + logos teaching. The science of animal organisms. ALS 1. The science that teaches the history of these animal bodies is called Zoology; and the internal structure of these is interpreted by Zootomy. ... ... Historical Dictionary of Gallicisms of the Russian Language

    Modern Encyclopedia

    Zoology- (from zoo ... and ... logy), the science of animals. He studies the species diversity of animals (systematics), their structure (anatomy), features of life (physiology), patterns of individual and historical development (embryology, evolutionary ... ... Illustrated Encyclopedic Dictionary

    ZOOLOGY, the science of animals. Together with BOTANICS it constitutes the science of BIOLOGY. Considers the features of the structure, behavior, reproduction and life of animals, their evolution and role in interaction with humanity and the environment. ... ... Scientific and technical encyclopedic dictionary

    ZOOLOGY, zoology, pl. no, female (from the Greek zoon animal and logos doctrine). The science that studies the animal world. Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov. D.N. Ushakov. 1935 1940 ... Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov


  • Vertebrate Zoology, N.P. Naumov, Reproduced in the original author's spelling of the 1979 edition (Higher School publishing house) ... Category: Mathematics and Science Series: Publisher:

The word "zoology" consists of two words - "zoon" (animal) and "logos" (teaching). Zoology is the science of animals, their structure, life, diversity, classification, interaction with each other and with the environment.

What is studying

When studying the vast field of zoology - the science of the animal world - the following biological disciplines are affected:

  • cytology - cell science;
  • physiology - the science of the functioning of the body and the regulation of life processes;
  • anatomy (morphology) - external and internal structure of the body;
  • embryology - the science of the development of the embryo;
  • paleontology - the science of fossil animals;
  • genetics - the science of the development and heredity of organisms;
  • taxonomy - development of classification principles.

Each of these disciplines gives the concept of the origin, development, modification and structure of the animal.

Man is part of the animal world, therefore, is studied according to the same principle as any other animal.

Depending on the object of study, zoology is divided into the following disciplines:

Rice. 1. Animals.

Zoology is closely connected with other related sciences - medicine, veterinary medicine, ecology.

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Differences from plants

Animals have the features of a living organism, which is proved by the following features:

  • cellular structure;
  • growth;
  • metabolism;
  • breath;
  • excretion of waste products;
  • reproduction.

However, animals differ from plants in a number of ways:

  • lack of cellulose cell wall, vacuoles, chloroplasts;
  • heterotrophic nutrition, i.e. the use of other organisms as food;
  • the presence of an organ system or its rudiments;
  • active movement;
  • presence of instincts and behavior.

Rice. 2. Comparison of animal and plant cells.

Types of animals

There are more than 1.6 million species of animals in the world. Most of the animal world is made up of arthropods (1.3 million species). These include insects, spiders, crayfish.

Rice. 3. Arthropods - numerous animals.

To describe the diversity of species, a classification is used that includes nine categories:

  • Superkingdom (Domain);
  • Kingdom;
  • Sub-kingdom;
  • Class;
  • Detachment;
  • Family;

The smallest animal consists of one cell (no more than 0.5 mm in length). Giants are found not only among mammals (blue whale), but also reptiles, birds, amphibians.

What have we learned?

Zoology studies animals, includes many disciplines and affects related sciences. In terms of structure and way of life, animals differ significantly from plants. They are classified into nine categories.

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Zoology - the science of animals

Remark 1

Zoology("zoo" - animal and "logy" - teaching), - the science of animals.

Definition 1

Zoology- a part of biology that studies the diversity of the animal world, the structure of the body and the life of animals, their distribution on the planet, communication with the environment, patterns of individual and historical development.

Zoology helps a person to understand his physical essence. The study of zoology makes it possible to protect the animal world of the Earth, and to provide oneself with food, clothing and other material values ​​from the animal world.

Subject, object and tasks of zoology

Remark 2

Subject- living organisms of the animal kingdom and the kingdom of protists. An object- a certain type of animal.

The tasks of zoologists are aimed at studying:

  • The internal and external structure of animals;
  • Animal life;
  • Individual and historical development;
  • The relationship of animals with the external environment;
  • Geographical distribution of animals.

Research methods in zoology

Research methods in zoology are common to many biological disciplines. observation method. It is applied in natural and special conditions. When observing, the studied phenomena are fixed, with the help of recording and sketching.

Experiment- an active form of learning. With the help of experiments, a certain goal is pursued and a number of questions that have arisen are solved.

Comparative method. It is used to compare the studied object of the animal world. This method helps to classify and analyze the characteristic features of closely related forms of animals.

Monitoring. Constant observation and analysis of the studied studies of individual objects.

Modeling. It studies processes that cannot be reproduced experimentally. This method consists in demonstrating and researching certain processes and phenomena that occur in the animal world.

statistical method. It is aimed at the statistical processing of quantitative material, which is comprehensively analyzed and, as a result, certain patterns are established.

historical method. He studies the patterns and development of animals.

zoological method- organization of measures to combat animals - pests of agriculture and forestry.

Ecological-zoological method– organizing the production of fish stocks, the number of hunting facilities, acclimatization of useful animals.

Disciplines of the science of zoology

According to the objectives of the study, zoology is divided into disciplines:

Systematics. This discipline describes the external and internal structure of animals, thereby systematizing them by similarity. Systematics includes taxonology.

Morphology. Explores the external and internal structure of animals. Compares the similarity of different groups of animals, and establishes the patterns of their development.

Phylogenetics. It studies the evolutionary paths of representatives of the animal world.

Embryology of animals. He studies the individual development of animals.

Ecology. The relationship between themselves and other living organisms, and non-living environmental factors.

Ethology. Studying the behavior of animals.

Paleozoology. Studying ancient extinct animals.

Physiology of animals. Studying the functions of the animal body.

The modern organic world with all its diverse biomass can be divided into five:

  • animals;
  • plants;
  • mushrooms;
  • bacteria;
  • viruses.

Each of them is studied by a whole complex of sciences. We will consider what sciences are engaged in the study of representatives of the animal kingdom, how these disciplines are called, since when they arose and what results have been achieved to date.

science zoology

The main science that has devoted itself to the study of the diversity and lifestyle of animals is zoology. It is she who is the foundation on which the knowledge about our smaller brothers is kept.

What is zoology? It's unlikely to be answered in one sentence. After all, this is not just one dry science built on theory, it is a whole complex of sections and subsciences that collect materials about everything related to the animal world.

Therefore, this question can be answered something like this: zoology is the science of that part of the biomass of our planet that belongs to animals. Thus, the object of study of zoology are all animals - from the simplest unicellular to multicellular mammals. The subject of this science is the study of the external and internal structure, physiological processes, distribution in nature, lifestyle and behavior, interaction with each other and with the outside world.

Goals and objectives of science

To more fully understand what zoology is, it will help as follows:

  • to study the features of functioning, structure, embryonic and historical development of all representatives of animals;
  • consider ways of adapting to environmental conditions and trace the features of ethology;
  • determine their role in;
  • to reveal the role of man in the protection and protection of the animal world.

In connection with the goal, the tasks of zoology are the following points:

  1. The study of the external and internal structure, as well as the physiological characteristics of all representatives of animals.
  2. Comparison of their needs and their habitats.
  3. Establishing the significance and role of individual groups in nature and human economic activity.
  4. Conducting an analysis of the taxonomy of the animal world, identifying the most vulnerable groups, ensuring their protection and protection.

Having considered the goals, objectives, object and subject of zoology, we can say with confidence that it is precisely the animal world that studies zoology in all its manifestations.

Classification of zoological sections

Over two million animal species are known. Each has its own unique features, and when interacting with each other, they generally represent a unique system. The study of such a system requires a lot of time and effort. This is the work of a huge number of people. Therefore, all science is a special branch of zoology.

Classification of zoological sections by tasks

There is also a classification of zoological sections according to tasks for science. It represents the following categories:

  • taxonomy - a section that deals with the classification and determination of a place in for each representative of animals;
  • zoogeography - a science that studies their distribution and settlement throughout the territory of our planet;
  • morphology - a science that studies the features of the external and internal structure;
  • phylogenetics - studies the foundations of the origin and historical development of the animal world;
  • genetics - considers the patterns of heredity and variability in all generations;
  • histology - studies the cellular structure of tissues;
  • paleozoology - the science of fossil remains and extinct animals of all periods of the planet's life;
  • cytology - the science of the cell and its structure;
  • ethology - studies the features of behavioral mechanisms in animals in different situations;
  • embryology - deals with the consideration of embryos and the establishment of similarities and differences between all representatives of the animal world on the basis of embryonic analysis, as well as features of ontogenesis;
  • ecology - studies the interaction of animals with each other, as well as adaptability to the conditions of the surrounding world and interaction with humans;
  • physiology - features of all life processes;
  • anatomy - studies the internal structure of animals.

Zoology of vertebrates

What is zoology This is a section that studies all representatives of the animal world that have a chord (during life it transforms into a spinal column with a spinal cord).

The objectives of this academic discipline include introducing students to the external and internal features of all classes of vertebrates, their behavior and lifestyle, distribution and role in nature and human life.

The main distinguishing features of vertebrates, which are characteristic only for this group, are the following:

  1. Only they have a chord - the progenitor of the spine. In some species, it remains so for life, but in most it develops into a spine.
  2. The nervous system of such animals is clearly differentiated into the brain and spinal cord (with the exception of strictly chordates, in which it always remains in the form of a nerve cord above the notochord).
  3. The digestive system in representatives of different classes opens outward with a mouth opening on the front of the body, the end of the digestive tube is transformed into gills in marine life. In terrestrial, lungs are formed inside.
  4. All representatives have a heart - the center of the circulatory system.

It is precisely such animals that the section of zoology on vertebrates is devoted to.

Zoology of invertebrates

What is the study of animals? These are the features of the structure, lifestyle and significance in nature of all animals that do not have the above characteristics. These animals include representatives of the following types:

  • sponges;
  • coelenterates;
  • annelids, round and flat worms;
  • shellfish;
  • echinoderms;
  • arthropods (arachnids, insects, crustaceans).

Invertebrates make up the majority of all known animals. In addition, they play an important role in human economic activity.

That is why the study of invertebrates is important and of great scientific interest.

Zoology of protozoa

Protozoa include all unicellular animals. Namely:

  • sarcomastigophores (amoeba, ray, foraminifera, sunflowers);
  • flagellates (volvox, euglena, trypanosoma, opaline);
  • ciliates (ciliary and sucking ciliates);
  • sporozoans (gregarines, coccidia, toxoplasma, malarial plasmodium).

Some amoebas, ciliates and all sporozoa are dangerous pathogens of serious diseases in both humans and animals. Therefore, a detailed study of their life cycle, ways of feeding and reproduction is an important part in the search for methods to combat them. That is why the zoology of protozoa is no less important branch of science than all the others.

Brief outline of the development of science

This science is very interesting. Zoology has captivated and seduced many minds at all times. And this is certainly justified. After all, watching our smaller brothers is really a very interesting and useful activity.

The main stages in the development of zoology are not much different from those in other sciences. These are the main four periods:

  1. Ancient time. Ancient Greece - Aristotle, Ancient Rome - Pliny the Elder.
  2. The Middle Ages is a time of stagnation. All sciences were under the influence of the church, the study of all living things was strictly prohibited.
  3. The Renaissance is the most active period in the development of zoology. A lot of theoretical and practical data on the life of animals has been accumulated, basic laws have been formulated, systematics and taxa, and a binary nomenclature of animal and plant names have been put into use. The loudest names in this period were: Charles Darwin, Jean-Baptiste Lamarck, Carl Linnaeus, John Ray, Saint-Hilaire, Anthony van Leeuwenhoek.
  4. New time refers to the XIX-XX century. This is the period of development of knowledge about the molecular and genetic structure of animals, the discovery of biogenetic laws and mechanisms of embryonic and physiological development of animals of all types. The loudest names: Sechenov, Haeckel and Muller, Mechnikov, Kovalevsky.

Modern zoology

The 21st century is the time of digital technologies and the triumph of unique heavy-duty technology. This gives great advantages to all the sciences that study living nature, but at the same time it poses new challenges for them.

What is the zoology of the modern stage of development? It is a science that is preparing to give answers to questions:

  • What is the animal kingdom?
  • By what laws does he live and what features does he have?
  • How can a person without harm to nature use the animal diversity of the world for their own purposes?
  • Is it possible to artificially recreate lost (extinct) animal species?

Finding answers will take scientists a very long time, despite the possession of such a perfect technique.

The value of zoology is difficult to overestimate. More than once it has been mentioned above what a big role it plays in people's lives, their health and economic activity. It has been studied for centuries and will always be studied, because there are still a very large number of unresolved questions about animals.

Zoology as a science. Branches of zoology.

Zoology - animal science, is part of the science of living beings, biology.

Subject zoology is the study of the animal world in relation to the structure and function of the body of animals, their development, distribution on earth, their mutual relations in structure and origin, and relations to the surrounding world. In view of the absence of a sharp boundary between plants and animals, the field of zoology comes into contact with the field of botany and to a certain extent mixes with it in the doctrine of the lower representatives of both groups.

The branch of zoology devoted to the study of the structure of animals has the common name morphology.

The study of the structure of an animal or a known group of animals, independently of others, is the subject descriptive anatomy; if the structure of animals is studied by comparing various forms, then this branch of zoology is called comparative anatomy; the general task of the latter is to elucidate the laws of the structure of animals.

The finest structure of animals, studied with a microscope, is the subject of a special branch of morphology - histology, but since there is no sharp, definite boundary between the study of the structure of animals without auxiliary optical means and the study with the help of optical instruments (simple and compound microscopes), the field of histology is not delimited in a certain way from the field of anatomy.

Departures of the body of animals constitute the subject physiology; physiology may be directed to the elucidation of the activity of a certain particular organism, while others are considered only so far as is necessary for understanding the phenomena occurring in the animal studied, or physiology, then called comparative, studies all animals from the point of view of their functions, trying to clarify general laws of the studied phenomena.

A special department of animal physiology is the doctrine of their mental life - zoopsychology.

The relationship of animals to the environment is the subject animal biology in the narrow sense of the word (in a broader sense, biology is the totality of sciences about living beings); here, too, we can deal either with the biology of a given animal or with the general biology of animals, if we study the general laws of the relationships between animals and the surrounding world, both organic and inorganic. This includes the study of the influence on animals of various external conditions: temperature, light, the composition of the environment, its physical properties, pressure, movement or immobility of the environment, etc., as well as relations with other organisms that are their enemies, prey, means protection, food source, etc.

Not limited to the study of an animal in its adult, developed state, zoology considers how an animal develops before it reaches its final adult state; this branch of zoology is called developmental history, or ontogeny, or embryology. The structure of embryology includes both the study of the phenomena occurring inside the egg, the actual embryonic development, and those changes that occur in the animal later - postembryonic development.

The mutual relations between animals can be considered from the point of view of their origin; the branch of zoology that seeks to find out how the animal kingdom developed, by what changes and under the influence of what factors new forms of animal life were developed, and in what genetic (by origin) relationships different groups of animals stand among themselves, is called animal phylogeny. Its task is to establish the genealogy of the animal kingdom.

An essential role in relation to comparative anatomy and to the phylogeny of animals is played by the study of fossil remains of animals that lived in previous geological eras - animal paleontology or zoopaleontology.

In modern times, an important branch of zoology is the doctrine of the distribution of animals on earth - animal geography or zoogeography. Based on the facts of animal distribution and with the help of paleontology, geology and general animal biology, zoogeography seeks to elucidate the causes and laws of the modern distribution of animals. From the point of view of modern views on the origin of the animal kingdom, the distribution of animals is as much the result of a series of antecedent conditions as is the very structure of animals; at the same time, zoogeography is a valuable criterion for testing the provisions of theories of the origin of animals.

All the listed branches of zoology are closely connected with each other, pursuing their own special goals.

All zoology is divided into general and special.

The subject of the first is the study of data and laws relating to the whole animal world; the subject of the second is the detailed study of individual groups on the basis of the general views of zoology.

The departments of special zoology bear special names for the groups to which they are devoted: the science of mammals - mammalogy, about birds - ornithology, about reptiles - herpetology, about amphibians - batrachology, fish - ichthyology, shellfish - malacology, insects - entomology, spiders - arachnology, worms - helminthology, sponges - spongiology; other similar names are less common.

From theoretical zoology, which aims at the purely scientific study of animals, should be distinguished applied zoology. Based on the data of theoretical zoology, applied zoology studies animals solely from the point of view of human economic interests, from the point of view of their benefit or harm (direct or indirect), methods of protection, reproduction, or vice versa, their extermination. Two branches of applied zoology have become very important - applied entomology (the science of insects) and applied ichthyology (the science of fish).

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