The stars have recovered. Stars who suffered from excess weight in childhood. Top fat celebrity women

In the world there is both standard beauty and beauty that is not included in certain parameters. Many women try to fit into such coveted 90-60-90. Below we talk about those who do not want to follow made-up beauty rules. These women accepted themselves as they are and do not have complexes about it. They are successful and famous.

Gabourey was born in Harlem on May 6, 1983. This mom famous actress was a street singer who performed gospel and rhythm and blues. Her father, who worked as a taxi driver, left the family when Gabi was still little. Having seen enough of hard life mother, Gabourey, in order not to repeat her fate, is studying at several colleges in New York; Sidibe graduated from three colleges. While studying in 2009, Gabi was invited to a screen test for the film “Treasure” (our film was called “Push”). The film was a huge success at the box office, and Gabourey was nominated for an Oscar, BAFTTA and Golden Globe for her role in this film. Fat and cutie Gabourey currently continues to star in the well-known TV series “ American history horrors."

Nicole Margaret Blonsky never suffered from complexes because of her figure. The future star was born on November 8, 1988 in the family of a Catholic and a Jew. Nicole dreamed of herself as Tracy Turnblad after seeing the musical Hairspray on Broadway. Nikki was working as an ice cream saleswoman when Adam Shankman announced a casting call for Hairspray in 2006. Among hundreds of applicants, Nicole is chosen. That's how it began successful career to the cinema. Today Nicole continues to act in Hollywood. To advertise the series Huge (“Huge”), Nicole starred in a swimsuit. “I’m comfortable in my body and I don’t see any reason to be shy.” Nikki has an amazing sense of humor, which allows her to act in large quantities comedies.

Mo'Nique was born in large family December 11, 1967. Before becoming famous, she worked as a simple telephone operator. She became widely known for her participation in the sitcom “The Parkers.” In 2009, Mo'Nique starred in the film Treasure. She played the main character's mother, and her co-star was Gabourey Sidibe. For this role, Mo'Nique receives an Oscar. In Hollywood she has fame scandalous actress, but this does not prevent Mo’Nique from continuing her career safely.

She is not only a talented and successful actress, but also happy mother three sons. In 2014, she crossed paths with Queen Latifah, and together they played in the biographical film Bessie, which tells the story of the life of Bessie Smith, the famous American blues singer. A spectacular woman and a talented actress, she doesn’t even think about losing weight. She doesn’t have any complexes about her appearance; even at the Oscars, Mo’Nique showed up with unshaven legs a la naturel.

The future celebrity was born on August 26, 1970 in the small village of Plainfield into an Irish-Catholic farming family. Melissa Ann McCarthy, after graduating from Catholic school, immediately left her native village. In New York she enters the acting studio. In addition to studying, she plays in the theater. She became famous for her participation in the television series Gilmore Girls. For her role in the TV series Mike and Molly, the actress received the famous Emmy Award, and for her role in Bridesmaids she was nominated for an Oscar. Plump Melissa continues her successful film career to this day. At the same time, she is engaged in producing activities and creating a designer collection for overweight women. Melissa isn't concerned about her weight and says she just doesn't have time for it. The actress is a member of happy marriage and has two children.

In 2014, Rebel Wilson was named the most curvaceous actress in Hollywood. Rebel was born in Australia on February 3, 1986. The future Hollywood comedy star began her career in 2002, starting to play in the Sydney teen theater. She began her career in Hollywood by starring in the film “Ghost Rider” in a small cameo role. Rebel gained fame after filming the film Bridesmaids in Vegas. Having played in the comedy "Bachelorettes", she opened new stage in his creativity. Wilson, among other things, is also a talented screenwriter and successful producer. If we talk about her personal life, the actress lives with openly gay Matt Lucas.

She was born on May 25, 1972 in the city of Montgomery in a large family. Spencer graduated from the university and has a bachelor's degree. The future star played in more than twenty films before fame came to her. She played in well-known and our TV series " Ambulance", "The Big Bang Theory", "NYPD Blue", "CSI: Crime Scene Investigation" and others. An Oscar and widespread fame were brought to her by filming The Help, where she played the role of Minnie with subtle psychology. Octavia is included in the list of "25 funniest actresses in Hollywood." This super-talented and sought-after actress never thought about losing weight to the “standard norm”.

The future Hollywood star was named Dana Elaine Owen at birth. She was born on March 18, 1970 in Newark, New Jersey. Queen's mother taught at school, her father served in the police. Her childhood was overshadowed by her parents' divorce, which occurred when Dana was only ten years old. She came up with the pseudonym Latifa as a child. In Arabic it means tender and soft. Quinn had never been thin and never wanted to be.

After school, the future actress and singer began her solo career musical career. Already at the age of 19 she received a Grammy for her first album. And the first famous film Latifa – “Jungle Fever” was filmed in 1991. She became known to us thanks to her masterfully performed role as Mother Morton in the now cult film “Chicago” (2002). In 2006, Queen Latifah's star was unveiled on the legendary Walk of Fame. This amazing woman also produces her own clothing line and is an advertising face for Pizza Hut. The actress is bisexual, which she talks about openly.

Kate Fisher, who recently amazed her fans with her sudden appearance in public after a 10-year seclusion in a new image, weight and even with a new name, continues to shock the public. Now her name is Tzipora Malka Bat Israel, the model turned to her roots and accepted the religion of her ancestors, is a member of the Jewish community and observes all the traditions of Judaism.

The other day she wrote a post on her Facebook page that perplexed not only her subscribers, but also fans of singer Mariah Carey.

“James Parker wants us to get back together,” Kate wrote, “and I can understand him: old love never rusts... But in fact, I’m sure he’s just stirring up a scandal in an attempt to attract attention to himself. James, isn't Mariah good enough for you? Stop it James, it's been 20 years, leave me alone."


Recall that in 1998, James Parker broke off his engagement to Kate Fisher, after which she became depressed and left Los Angeles, moving to Australia and switching to an extremely closed and secluded lifestyle.

“For everyone who has now written to me that I am fat, scary and useless to anyone: I know about excess weight, I work with it, I have a personal life, but all this does not concern any of you,” the ex-summed up. model.

Meanwhile, Kate is far from the only girl whose parameters have noticeably changed due to weight gain.

Kelly Clarkson, who starred in the film “Very Wild Things” in 1999, and then amazed the United States with her singing on the American Idol show and recorded several super-popular albums, got married in 2013, gave birth to two children in quick succession and gained more than 20 kilograms.

The singer is not at all worried about her external appearance, believing that in addition to her voice, she now has her family with her, charming children, and all this makes her much happier than in those days when she counted calories and thought that her body was the only value. which she has.

Jennifer Love Hewitt for last years I have not gained as much weight, but still quite noticeably. The actress, however, is not embarrassed by this: “I gave birth to two children, I gained weight and no longer look like a model. But I am happy and feel more feminine. “I’m not going to lose weight,” the star said in an interview.

Tyra Banks became a mother in January 2016. And although a surrogate mother carried the child, the ex-model admits that motherhood caused her to gain 10 kilograms of weight. “Now I’m a mother first and foremost, I’m imperfect, but I’m happy, and if someone wants to judge my appearance, they can kiss my fat ass,” Tyra reacted rather sharply to comments on her last photo online.

Aishwarya Rai, who wowed everyone with her purple lips on the red carpet at Cannes this year, looks a little fuller now than she did a few years ago. However, the actress considers her figure ideal for herself: “After giving birth, I gained 20 kilograms. I’m not a reed, but this is life, being happy is more important to me than being thin.”

Kelly Osbourne delighted everyone when she lost excess weight and appeared before the lenses of photographers as an elegant diva. However, it turned out to be too difficult for Kelly to keep in shape: “My life was poisoned by constant diets and worries about kilograms. I’ve gained more than 6 kilograms and I can finally relax: I want to live, not look!”

When the arrow on the scale reaches its limit, this does not mean that you can put an end to your career in show business, as fat as a fat woman’s butt.
We have collected ten representatives of the Russian and world dream factory, who, thanks to the extra pounds, only stand more confidently on the star pedestal.
Mariam Merabova (Russian singer) 42 years
“There must be a lot of good people,” the administrators of the “Voice” project whispered, discussing participant Mariam Merabova. The former backing vocalist of Dima Bilan was immediately loved by everyone on the project - for her relaxed style of communication, sincerity and real talent. Curvy figures did not prevent the singer from reaching the finals of the popular project, during which she was supported loving husband and three daughters. Among other things, Mirabova teaches at the prestigious music school another lady with appetizing shapes - Alla Pugacheva.

Singer Mariam Mirabova
Adele (British singer)
26 years
Despite the fact that couturier Karl Lagerfeld advised the British singer to lose her overweight, the girl was in no hurry to make an appointment with a nutritionist, but was preparing the next hits. Having released only two albums, in 2012 the singer took away six figurines from the Grammy Awards. At the end of the same year, Adele gave birth to a son, which only added to her curves.

Singer Adele
Anna Netrebko (Russian opera singer)
43 years
Last winter, more than three billion people watched from blue screens as opera diva Anna Netrebko performed the anthem Olympic Games in Sochi. The soft blue dress barely hid the rounded figure of maestro Valery Gergiev’s pupil. Among the famous opera divas Being overweight is a common trend, and some experts even believe that an impressive build makes the voice sound much more colorful.

Opera singer Anna Netrebko
Rebel Wilson (Australian actress)
28 years
The star of the films “Bridesmaids” and “The Bachelorette” could seriously lose her job if she stops eating after six in the evening. Hollywood directors are lining up to cast Rebel as the new witty fatty, which the actress will pull off brilliantly.

Actress Rebel Wilson
Masha Fedorova ( Chief Editor GLAMOR)
43 years
Masha Fedorova is perhaps the largest unit of secular Moscow. The curvy lady is a welcome guest at all parties of the capital's fashionistas and oligarchs. A woman is the standard of style not only for ladies with an XXL tag behind the collar, but also for slender society ladies and stars who run to the editor of a popular women's magazine for fashion advice.

GLAMOR editor-in-chief Masha Fedorova
Oprah Winfrey (American television host and media mogul)
60 years
Forbes magazine estimates Oprah's fortune at $2.8 billion, which allows her to be called the richest woman in world show business. The author and host of The Oprah Winfrey Show, born into a dysfunctional family, was raped at the age of 9, and at 14 she experienced the death of her own child. Oprah managed to achieve incredible success, despite the lack of a nutritionist and diet. After the TV presenter gained extra pounds, bloggers began to admit to each other on forums that Oprah looked much more charismatic with her appetizing complexion.

TV presenter Oprah Winfrey
Ekaterina Skulkina (Russian actress)
38 years
Ekaterina Skulkina lost count of how many times her sparkling humor caused KVN jury member Yuliy Gusman to burst out laughing. A graduate of the Club of the Cheerful and Resourceful is one of the most successful wards of Alexander Maslyakov. Thanks to her non-standard figure, Skulkina’s already sparkling jokes sound even funnier. Star of the show Comedy Woman and the presenter of Channel One often delights her followers on Instagram with humor. Thus, the actress made all her readers laugh to tears by ridiculing the oratorical abilities of the Kyiv mayor Vitaliy Klitschko.

Actress Ekaterina Skulkina
Octavia Spencer (American actress)
44 years old
American bloggers adore Octavia not only for her acting talents, but also for her impeccable appearances. The Oscar-winning star of The Help is known for her exquisite taste and sense of style. Despite her not overtly impressive weight, Spencer always looks so that after her appearance, all fashion critics applaud the fashionable fat woman.

Melissa McCarthy (American actress)
44 years old
The Oscar-winning star of Bridesmaids, Catch the Fat Girl If You Can and Cops in Skirts rarely keeps her mouth shut: the actress is either munching burgers outside of photographers' flashes or showing off a charming Hollywood smile when she appears in public. Melissa is such a popular character in the world of cinema that, even while heavily pregnant, she continued filming in the television series “Gilmore Girls,” where, according to the script, she was also expecting a child.

Actress Melissa McCarthy
Cornelia Mango (Russian singer)
28 years
It was impossible to pass by the switched-on TV when young Cornelia Mango appeared on the Star Factory project. The young artist attracted the attention of the audience not only thanks to her exotic appearance, but also to her special vocals and appetizing figure. Despite the fact that Cornelia never reached the final of “Factory”, since then she has been gaining not only weight, but also popularity.

When the arrow on the scale reaches its limit, this does not mean that you can put an end to your career in show business, as fat as a fat woman’s butt. SUPER has gathered ten representatives of the Russian and world dream factory, who, thanks to the extra pounds, only stand more confidently on the star pedestal.

Mariam Merabova(Russian singer)

42 years

“There must be a lot of good people,” the administrators of the “Voice” project whispered, discussing participant Mairam Merabova. The former backing vocalist of Dima Bilan on the project was immediately loved by everyone - for her relaxed style of communication, sincerity and real talent. Her curvy figure did not prevent the singer from reaching the final of the popular project, during which she was supported by her loving husband and three daughters. Among other things, Mirabova teaches at a prestigious music school of another lady with appetizing curves - Alla Pugacheva.

Adele(British singer)

26 years

Despite the fact that couturier Karl Lagerfeld advised the British singer to lose obviously extra pounds, the girl was in no hurry to make an appointment with a nutritionist, but was preparing her next hits. Having released only two albums, in 2012 the singer took away six figurines from the Grammy Awards. At the end of the same year, Adele gave birth to a son, which only added to her curves.

Anna Netrebko(Russian opera singer)

43 years

Last winter, more than three billion people watched from blue screens as opera diva Anna Netrebko performed the anthem of the Olympic Games in Sochi. The soft blue dress barely hid the rounded figure of maestro Valery Gergiev’s pupil. Among famous opera divas, being overweight is a common trend, and some experts even believe that thanks to an impressive build, the voice sounds much more colorful.

Rebel Wilson(Australian actress)

28 years

The star of the films “Bridesmaids” and “The Bachelorette” could seriously lose her job if she stops eating after six in the evening. Hollywood directors are lining up to cast Rebel as the new witty fatty, which the actress will pull off brilliantly.

Masha Fedorova(editor-in-chief of GLAMOR)

43 years

Masha Fedorova is perhaps the largest unit of secular Moscow. The curvy lady is a welcome guest at all parties of the capital's fashionistas and oligarchs. A woman is the standard of style not only for ladies with an XXL tag behind their collar, but also for slender society ladies and stars who run to the editor of a popular women's magazine for fashion advice.

Oprah Winfrey(American television host and media mogul)

60 years

Forbes magazine estimates Oprah's fortune at $2.8 billion, which allows her to be called the richest woman in world show business. The author and host of The Oprah Winfrey Show, born into a dysfunctional family, was raped at the age of 9, and at 14 she experienced the death of her own child. Oprah managed to achieve incredible success, despite the lack of a nutritionist and diet. After the TV presenter gained extra pounds, bloggers began to admit to each other on forums that Oprah looked much more charismatic with her appetizing complexion.

Ekaterina Skulkina(Russian actress)

38 years

Ekaterina Skulkina lost count of how many times her sparkling humor caused KVN jury member Yuliy Gusman to burst out laughing. A graduate of the Club of the Cheerful and Resourceful is one of the most successful students of Alexander Maslyakov. Thanks to her non-standard figure, Skulkina’s already sparkling jokes sound even funnier. The star of the Comedy Woman show and the presenter of Channel One often delights her followers on Instagram with humor. Thus, the actress made all her readers laugh to tears by ridiculing the oratorical abilities of the Kyiv mayor Vitaliy Klitschko.

Octavia Spencer(American actress)

44 years old

American bloggers adore Octavia not only for her acting talents, but also for her impeccable appearances. The Oscar-winning star of The Help is known for her exquisite taste and sense of style. Despite her not overtly impressive weight, Spencer always looks so that after her appearance, all fashion critics applaud the fashionable fat woman.

Melissa McCarthy(American actress)

44 years old

The Oscar-winning star of Bridesmaids, Catch the Fat Girl If You Can and Cops in Skirts rarely keeps her mouth shut: the actress is either munching burgers outside of photographers' flashes or showing off a charming Hollywood smile when she appears in public. Melissa is such a popular character in the world of cinema that, even while heavily pregnant, she continued filming in the television series “Gilmore Girls,” where, according to the script, she was also expecting a child.

Cornelia Mango(Russian singer)

28 years

It was impossible to pass by the switched-on TV when young Cornelia Mango appeared on the Star Factory project. The young artist attracted the attention of the audience not only thanks to her exotic appearance, but also to her special vocals and appetizing figure. Despite the fact that Cornelia never reached the final of “Factory”, since then she has been gaining not only weight, but also popularity.

Stars of the cinema and music scene, like no one else, try to take care of their appearance, however, they do not always succeed. The article presents obese celebrities (TOP 10), who were not always like this and a few years ago delighted the public with the slimness of their figures. Some of the participants in this unique rating are extremely dissatisfied with their new image, but there are also those who feel confident in any form.

Mariah Carey

At the beginning of her career, she had seductive forms and probably did not imagine that, like many other overweight celebrities, she would be a participant in such ratings - in recent years, the singer began to rapidly gain extra pounds.

The situation was aggravated by the divorce from Nick Cannon. After a scandalous breakup ( ex-husband threatened to reveal some of the star's secrets) Carey went on tour. The performance in the Chinese city of Chengdu turned out to be a complete failure- not only did the performer often use a soundtrack and forget the words, but it was also clearly not the right size for her.

In 2015, the singer began dating billionaire James Packer, but just a few days ago it became known that her lover left Mariah, despite the engagement.

Now fans again have concerns that the drama in her personal life will not have the best effect on Carey’s appearance.

Val Kilmer

In recent years, journalists compiling lists of fat celebrities have tended to include an actor who was once a virtual paragon of sexuality.

Apparently, this time is far behind Val Kilmer. Seeing significant changes in the appearance of their idol, many fans decided that he was seriously ill, and this affected his weight. In turn, the actor denied such assumptions, but in the end they were confirmed. Now we can only hope that the disease will recede.

Now he continues to actively work in the field of cinema, without commenting on the changes that have occurred. Kilmer recently appeared as Detective Dobson in the Psych project.

Kim Kardashian

Probably, in recent years, of all the famous people, it was Kim Kardashian who most attracted the attention of the public with the metamorphoses of her body. In the mid-2000s, the star of a popular reality show had a rather slender figure.

Gradually, the girl’s weight became more and more, and this especially concerned her rear. A few years ago, Kim's fans noticed that she had also gained weight after giving birth. There was no point in the celebrity denying this obvious fact - the pictures spoke for themselves. Nevertheless, last year the brunette decided to have a second pregnancy, subsequently admitting that during her pregnancy she had gained more than twenty kilograms. After giving birth, Kardashian hired a nutritionist, and despite the fact that so far significant results This one didn’t work; Kim, as before, intrigues fans with bold outfits and half-naked photos.

The star’s despair is revealed only by statements that she considers pregnancy “the worst thing in life.”

Christina Aguilera

In the 2000s, this girl was the standard of slimness for her fans around the world. Kritstina Ailera's height reaches 157 centimeters, and her weight at that time clearly did not go beyond 50 kilograms.

Everything changed a few years ago - the public noted with surprise that, it turns out, famous singer and the actress is prone to being overweight, and since then her name has appeared with noticeable regularity on lists of overweight celebrities. Photos of the star clearly indicate that, despite such noticeable changes, she remains faithful to her previous style even on stage.

True, now mesh tights and open tops do not look as impressive on Christina as they did before.

Jennifer Love Hewitt

Some time ago, I had the pleasure of demonstrating interesting designer outfits on the red carpet, which looked simply luxurious on the miniature star.

Today, fans can only remember the fragility of their favorite actress, because gradually she, like other overweight celebrities and stars, began to appear more and more often in ratings containing “before” and “after” pictures. The Heartbreaker star's weight gain did not happen out of nowhere - last summer she gave birth to her husband's second child. Apparently, Jen is not going to stay at her new weight for long - the paparazzi note that the actress is gradually getting into shape.

Plus, caring for two small children certainly helps a new mom burn calories.

Charlize Theron

IN this year this actress unexpectedly got into the TOPs, which regularly include certain overweight celebrities.

As it turned out, one of the most beautiful women Hollywood decided on a very bold experiment with appearance. Charlize Theron plans to appear before the audience as a mother of many children in the film “Tally,” and for this she has gained sixteen kilograms. For the first time, unexpected metamorphoses in the star’s appearance were noticed in Vancouver on the set. According to the plot, Charlize is trying to build a business, combining this with caring for three children and caring for her sick brother.

It is worth noting that the famous blonde once already sacrificed her usual appearance for the sake of art - while filming the “Monster” project, she gained about thirteen kilos. Theron's efforts were not in vain - she was awarded an Oscar as best actress of the year.

Mischa Barton

For many years, the media have compiled various TOP lists in which the fattest celebrities are put on public display, and Mischa Barton has almost always been an integral participant.

It is noteworthy that the actress was once reproached for her excessive thinness. The girl was the star of the project “The O.C.,” but after the series closed, her popularity began to wane. Appearance Misha began to change rapidly and eventually it became obvious that she was trying to fight excess weight.

Barton was unable to regain her previous form, after which rumors began to spread that she was addicted to alcohol. This year, the American managed to leave many problems behind, appearing before the public noticeably thinner.

Eva Polna

When the topic of discussion becomes the overweight celebrities of Russia, it is often impossible to do without mentioning the lead singer of the once-existing group “Guests from the Future.”

In 2009, the group broke up, and fans famous singer They began to pay attention to the fact that Eva Polna had gained several kilos. This is not surprising, considering that the star gave birth to two daughters. In addition, the performer has never had a thin physique.

Nevertheless, more and more often one could see unpleasant comments from Internet users under the singer’s photo.

For some time there were rumors that she decided to undergo liposuction, but, apparently, the star is in no hurry to take such radical measures. Paradoxically, recently the friend of the singer of the hit “Metko”, Yulia Kovalchuk, found herself in an unpleasant situation because of Eva’s extra pounds. On your page in social network the girl posted joint photo with Polna, after which fans began to accuse the former lead singer of “Brilliant” for deciding to once again stand out as slim compared to her friend.

Jessica Simpson

Many fans of this singer and actress remember the incendiary videos with her participation, which were actively aired on TV in the early 2000s. Then the girl had a very impressive figure with ample breasts, a wasp waist, and long slender legs.

Jessica Simpson gained significant weight, like many overweight celebrities, after her first pregnancy. It was alleged that the famous blonde then gained more than thirty kilograms. The actress planned to lose excess weight after the birth of her daughter, however, a few months later she became pregnant with her second baby. In 2013, Simpson and her husband had a son, and since then the star has been periodically trying to lose weight, but so far she has not been able to get close to her previous volumes. According to Jessica herself, her second pregnancy was easier, and her weight did not change as radically as the year before. In addition, the artist claims that she does not feel any discomfort at all because her husband accepts her for who he has become.

The main proof of these words is the fact that the wedding took place after Simpson’s second birth.

Lily Allen

A couple of years ago, this petite girl was forced to be in the same TOP as other overweight European celebrities.

The fact is that during pregnancy the British woman gained a noticeable amount of extra pounds. For a long time she didn’t have time to take care of herself, but, according to the singer, she herself didn’t notice how she returned to her previous figure.

The talented brunette said that she would get rid of excess weight Active touring helped her. Allegedly, during the concert period, the British woman had no time for proper meals, and she was forced to make do with two bags of chips a day. However, as it turned out, the main role in Lily’s weight loss was not played by her peculiar “diet” - the girl was actively involved in dancing, and also combined various physical activities.

Be that as it may, the artists presented on this list still have many fans who have no doubt that with a change in weight, real talent does not go away, which is why their idols are as good as ever!

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