1 brix. What is brix and what does this organization do? The Minister of Foreign Trade of the People's Republic of China presented "Opportunities for doing business in infrastructure projects"

By creating a network of economic unions on all continents, BRICS can take a leading role in shaping global economic integration against the backdrop of waning integration impulses from developed countries.

Even against the backdrop of a noticeable increase in Russian activity in the field of creating economic alliances around the world, the role of BRICS in these efforts of Russian economic diplomacy in recent years has been insignificant. Despite the creation of the New Development Bank and a number of initiatives aimed at stimulating economic ties between BRICS members, there is a feeling that the integration process is facing difficulties.

It is possible that for BRICS, as well as any other forum serving as a platform for discussions of its participants, the acquired format is optimal, and the size and potential of its participants make us hope that the fruitful interaction of the leading developing economies of the world will be further developed.

One way to overcome the limitations and contradictions in the development of the BRICS may be to shift the focus from trade liberalization or large-scale integration of its core members in favor of creating a broader framework of integration/cooperation in the developing world. They would fill the gaps in the integration process and open up new opportunities for cooperation between the BRICS countries and partners on all continents. This, in turn, can be made possible by the unique nature of the BRICS, which is represented by one or more major powers on virtually every continent in the developing world.

The uniqueness of the BRICS lies, firstly, in the fact that each of its members is simultaneously the leading economy on its own continent or in a subregion within the framework of an agreement on regional integration: Russia in the Eurasian Economic Union, Brazil in MERCOSUR, South Africa in the Development Community South Africa (SADC), India in the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC) and China in the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) and a possible Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP). All countries in these regional integration mechanisms that are BRICS partners can form the so-called "BRICS +" - alliances open to establishing flexible and multi-profile cooperation regimes (not only through trade liberalization) on a bilateral or regional basis.

Secondly, each of the regional integration groups, led by the BRICS countries, also has its own network of economic unions with third countries. The Eurasian Economic Union has a free trade agreement with Vietnam, and MERCOSUR has a free trade agreement with Israel. Countries and/or regional blocs that have concluded agreements with regional blocs of the BRICS countries can create associations such as BRICS ++, which will expand the possibilities for creating potential alliances that are useful for partners and BRICS countries. Covering several systems of such unions at once, BRICS creates additional opportunities for integration and provides flexibility in choosing membership models, giving each country the right to vary the degree of its integration into the network and do it in stages and gradually.

In fact, the scope of BRICS+ forms an internal “regional” partnership ring of the BRICS countries, consisting of key regional integration blocs, such as the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) with three key players in Eurasia - India, China and Russia, MERCOSUR, SADC / YTS and so on. The broader BRICS++ format includes bilateral alliances (with individual countries or regional blocs) based on free trade zone agreements or other types of economic integration agreements (including in the investment sphere). The BRICS+ and BRICS++ formats increase the number of associations in which countries belonging to the expanded circle participate and create the basis for making such transactions multilateral on the basis of trade or investment agreements concluded by these countries with other participants. If economic potential can be built, the expanded BRICS network could have a significant impact on the development of trade and investment flows in the global economy and become a center for attracting these flows on the basis of “cumulative causation”, similar to what happened in advanced economies in previous years. decades.

As a result, by creating a network of economic unions on all continents, BRICS can take on a leading role in shaping global economic integration against the backdrop of declining integration impulses from developed countries. Along with finding new paths and strengthening new alliances, the BRICS could play the role of an “aggregation platform” for some regional trade agreements and other types of agreements, such as the Chamber of Commerce and Industry, which was supposed to be the aggregation for regional agreements in the countries of the Pacific region.

The essence of such an integration network will differ from the transcontinental project (an analogue of the network for developed economies), which was supposed to combine the Trans-Pacific Partnership with the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership. The BRICS network is able to provide greater diversity and flexibility in terms of economic integration standards, while respecting the key principles of inclusiveness and openness in admitting new members and applying new approaches to integration. The result of this will be the creation of a global economy that includes various models of development, and not the introduction of one single model or standard.

In which Russia presides this year. The first two days will be devoted to work in the BRICS format, and on July 10 a summit of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization will be held, at which a decision will be made on the start of accession to the SCO of India and Pakistan.

AiF.ru explains what the BRICS association is and what tasks its members solve.

What is BRICS?

BRICS (BRICS) is a group of five rapidly developing countries: Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa. Before joining South Africa, the organization was called BRIC.

The organization was founded in June 2006 as part of the St. Petersburg Economic Forum with the participation of the Ministers of Economy of Brazil, Russia, India, and China. In addition to summits, meetings are held at the level of foreign ministers, finance ministers, etc.

The first BRIC summit was held in June 2009 in Yekaterinburg. Since then, meetings have been held annually, in turn in the member countries:

- April 2010 (Brazil)
- April 2011 (China)
- March 2012 (India)
- March 2013 (South Africa)

Issues of financial cooperation, provision of loans, cooperation in the field of environmental safety and infrastructure projects were discussed at the meetings.

Countries cover more than 25% of the land and 40% of the world's population. Their combined gross domestic product (GDP) is $15.435 trillion. As of 2013, the total GDP of the BRICS countries is 16.039 trillion dollars (21.5% of the world), and the amount of gold and foreign exchange reserves is 4.4 trillion dollars. In addition, the BRICS countries have huge reserves of natural resources and influence world markets:

- Brazil - the agricultural industry is well developed (30% of the country's GDP);
- Russia - large reserves of energy resources (16% of world trade);
- India - production of tea (470 million tons per year) and spices (30% of the world market);
- China - labor resources (the share of the labor force is 83.2% of the total working-age population);
- South Africa - mineral reserves (91% of world reserves of manganese, 58% of chromium, 53% of gold, up to 20% of diamonds).

What tasks does BRICS solve?

During the summits, the participating countries discuss various problems - financial, scientific and technical, cultural, political. The difference in the levels of economic, social, scientific and educational development of the BRICS is too great. However, all participants in this union have one thing in common - these are countries with developing economies. The task of BRICS is to solve the issues of overcoming the global financial and economic crisis, raising the living standards of the population and transitioning to high-tech production.

What are they planning to discuss at the current summit?

BRICS Development Bank

In order not to apply for loans to the World Bank and the IMF, the BRICS countries during the summit will sign an agreement on the establishment of the BRICS Development Bank, which will finance infrastructure projects (the BRICS Bank). The amount of authorized capital of the bank will be $100 billion. The participants agreed that the share of the BRICS countries in the capital will not fall below 55% in case of admission of new members.

The BRICS Bank will start operating in 2016. The new financial structure will greatly facilitate mutual settlements and credit services between member countries of the association, as well as reduce dependence on the dollar and the euro. Some Latin American countries have been gradually reducing the share of the US currency in deposits and market financing since 2006. In 2008, Brazil and Argentina announced the launch of settlements in national currencies.

A number of financial structures already operate within the organization, including the Alliance of Exchanges, which includes the Moscow Exchange, the Brazilian BOVESPA (the largest stock exchange in Latin America), the Hong Kong Corporation of Exchanges and Clearing Organizations, the Johannesburg Stock Exchange (South Africa), the National and Bombay Stock Exchanges (India).

Pool of foreign exchange reserves

At the summit, the BRICS countries will sign a framework agreement on the creation of a pool of foreign exchange reserves for mutual assistance in the event of a sharp reduction in the gold and foreign exchange reserves of any of the participating countries. It will be a kind of “mutual aid fund”. Developing countries no longer want to depend on the US and the EU.

“The international monetary system itself is overly dependent on the position of the dollar, more precisely, on the monetary and financial policy of the American leadership,” he said. Russian President Vladimir Putin on the eve of the summit. According to him, the BRICS countries want to change this situation.

The volume of the pool will be 100 billion dollars. It will be distributed among the countries as follows:

- 41 billion - China;
- 18 billion - Brazil;
- 18 billion - India;
- 18 billion - Russia;
- 5 billion - South Africa.

It is assumed that the country's share will be part of its gold and foreign exchange reserves.

A country that decides to apply for assistance must justify its application by stating that it has problems with capital flight, pressure on foreign exchange markets and a sharp depreciation of the national currency.

BRICS Energy Union

Russia at the summit will put forward a number of proposals for cooperation, including the idea of ​​establishing a "BRICS Energy Union". As part of this alliance, the Russian Federation proposes to create the BRICS Energy Reserve Bank and the BRICS Energy Policy Research Institute, structures that will analyze the global energy market.

Information Security

At the summit, participants will discuss the rules of conduct in the global information space, which are based on the principles of respect for state sovereignty and non-interference in the internal affairs of states.

Degree Brix (Brix)(symbol °Bx) is a measure of the mass ratio of dissolved sucrose to water in a liquid. It is measured with a saccharimeter that determines the specific gravity of a liquid, or more simply - with a refractometer. A solution at 25 °Bx - 25% (w/w) means 25 grams of sugar in 100 grams of liquid. Or, to put it differently, 100 grams of solution contains 25 grams of sucrose and 75 grams of water.

Brix, Bolling, Plateau

The Bolling scale was developed by the German chemist Carl Bolling. It is based on the concentration of the sucrose solution as a mass fraction of sucrose at 17.5 °C

The Brix scale was originally developed when Adolf Brix recalculated the Bolling scale in relation to a temperature of 15.5 °C. The Brix scale was subsequently recalculated and now refers to a temperature of 20 °C. Brix can be calculated using the following formula: 261.3*(1 - 1/p), where p is the density of the solution at 20°C.

Bolling is still found in old saccharimeters and is still used in the South African wine industry.


The Brix scale is used in the food industry to measure the average amount of sugar in fruits, vegetables, juices, wine, soft drinks and in the sugar industry. Different countries use the scale in different industries.

For fruit juices, one degree brix is ​​approximately equal to 1-2% sugar by weight, which usually correlates well with perceived sweetness.

Since Brix is ​​related to the concentration of dissolved solids (mainly sucrose) in a liquid, it is also related to the specific gravity (density) of liquids. And since the specific gravity (density) of a sucrose solution is widely known, Brix can also be determined with a refractometer.

Modern Brix meters are digital refractometers that determine the Brix value based on the value of the refractometer. These instruments are usually compact, splash-proof and easy to use, and can be used by anyone on site. Increasingly, Brix is ​​being measured to determine the ideal time to harvest fruit and vegetables so that the product reaches the consumer in the ideal stage or quality for further processing in the wine industry.

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010 .

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    Brix- Saltar a navegación, búsqueda El término puede estar referido a: Grados Brix, una medida alimentaría que mide el cociente total de saccarosa disuelta en un líquido. BRiX, un tipo de sistema operativo. Brix (Mancha), población de Francia. Obtenido… … Wikipedia Español

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    brix- ● brix nom masculin (de A. Brix, nom propre) Aréomètre à flotteur étalonné à 15 °C indiquant directement la concentration d une solution de sucre pur, en grammes pour cent … Encyclopédie Universelle

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    Brix- es un sistema operativo sin kernel, sin filesystem, y sin programas, ya que esta diseñado en base a ideas bastante nuevas y relativamente poco utilizadas (por no decir desconocidas) … Enciclopedia Universal

    Brix- For other uses, see Brix (disambiguation). Degrees Brix (symbol °Bx) is the sugar content of an aqueous solution. One degree Brix is ​​1 gram of sucrose in 100 grams of solution and represents the strength of the solution as percentage by weight (% ... Wikipedia

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    BRIX- GERMANY (see also List of Individuals) 27.6.1859 Rosenheim/D 10.1.1943 Berlin/D Joseph Brix graduated as a civil engineer from the Technical University of Munich in 1881. He was then involved in the execution of the water supply system of the… … Hydraulicians in Europe 1800-2000

    brix- I. ˈbriks adjective Usage: usually capitalized Etymology: Brix (scale) : according to a Brix scale addition of sugar to the juice to about 50° Brix: calibrated in accordance with a Brix scale II. noun (… Useful english dictionary


  • Pi-ko-ko Parrot in a hat (22090), . "Pee-ko-ko Chick-Singer" is a fun interactive toy. When turned on, the chick-singer walks, chirps merrily and flaps its wings. If you clap your hands, it will squeal loudly and run quickly (as if ...

There are already a couple of reviews of such devices on Musk, but I decided to add my own, perhaps this will stop someone from wasting money, or maybe vice versa, it will help you choose exactly what you need. So, almost in a nutshell, a refractometer is a device for determining the amount of a substance in a solution, using the refractive index of light in the medium for this.
Being engaged in distillation, you periodically use raw materials, the sugar content of which is unstable and depends on many parameters. And to obtain a product with desired properties, it is useful to know the sugar content. And now, on the eve of the harvest of apples, from which a wonderful calvados is obtained (Applejack (applejack), eau-de-vie (oh de vie, water of life) applesam), the drink has many names, the essence is the same - a drink obtained by fermenting apple must with subsequent distillation, I finally decided to buy myself a refractometer.
To know how sweet the apples are born and whether it is necessary to adjust the must with the addition of sugar or glucose.
The refractometer I bought has three scales: a brix scale for sugar, a Baumé scale for salt, and a scale for measuring the percentage of alcohol. These are the advantages of the device and its disadvantage. The advantage is that, in principle, the device is universal, and the disadvantage is that in each of the measurements it is “undersized”. When I was choosing what to buy from the many options on Ali, I thought “the sugar content in apple must be about 20 brix, so the scale “up to 40” suits me perfectly.” but the alcohol scale is only up to 25% vol, therefore, wine (or mash) can be measured, but strong alcohol will no longer work.
And now I'm already thinking about purchasing a refractometer with a scale of 0-80% vol.
Although there is a set of hydrometers for measuring alcohol, but to use them, you need to pour about 100 ml of liquid into a measuring cup, and it is enough to drop 2-3 drops into a refractometer.
Let's return to the monitored device.
The parcel arrived in a record 8 days. The cardboard box with the device was packed in a yellow bag with a bubble wrap. The box contained the device itself, a pasteur pipette, a screwdriver for adjustment and instructions (in English). All this is placed in a nice cloth "pouch" with strings.

The length of the device is 15 cm, diameter is about 2.5 cm
Device with ATC - automatic temperature correction
In order to carry out measurements, it is necessary to draw liquid into the pipette, open the lid, drop 2-3 drops on the “object glass”, close the lid and press it against the glass of the device to level and squeeze out air bubbles.
Then look into the eyepiece of the device and see what happened.
This is what the device shows when measuring beer

And these are the indications for the "test" solution - a spoonful of sugar in a glass of water

As it turned out during the discussion of the review, the alcohol scale in this device is not indicative and shows the approximate (possible) alcohol content at a given wort sugar content.
In order to understand what strength alcohol is according to the indications of the Brix scale, you can use the table:

It is up to you to buy a similar refractometer or choose a device with one scale.
Thank you for your attention.

I plan to buy +6 Add to favorites Liked the review +12 +22

Brix is ​​the most common refractometer calibration scale. Brix expresses the concentration of a solution of chemically pure sucrose in distilled water in mass percent (number of grams of sucrose in 100 grams of solution) and is used to express in mass percent the concentration of sugar solutions in the general case.

Refractive indices of aqueous solutions of sucrose at 20°С

According to the 20th ICUMSA Conference (International Commission of Uniform Methods for Sugar Analysis) 1990

from concentration at 20°С

Temperature Corrections for Refractometric Analysis
aqueous solutions of sucrose

Concentration of sucrose solution, %

Subtract from the found content of sucrose,%

Add to the found content of sucrose,%

Origin of the word Brix

Professor A. Brix (Brix) - German chemist of the 19th century (1798 - 1890). He was the first to measure the density of juices obtained from plant fruits using a float density meter (hydrometer). The winemakers of Europe were concerned that they could not predict which grapes would make the best wine. The ability to predict the quality of future wine was extremely important to them, since the best wines were many times more expensive than ordinary ones. Contemporaries highly appreciated the discovery of Professor Briks and named a new unit of measurement after him.
Brix is the mass percentage of solids in the fruit juice.
Brix now defined as the percentage of sucrose in solution. Instruments that determine the concentration in units of Brix are calibrated precisely by solutions of sucrose in water. In fact, when measuring the concentration of fruit juices in units of Brix, we get a certain total number of grams of sucrose, fructose, acids, salts, vitamins, amino acids, proteins and other substances contained in 100 grams of juice and is equivalent to the corresponding amount of sucrose. Therefore, juices are less sweet in taste than sucrose solutions of similar Brix value.
Brix is ​​directly related to fruit quality. For example, grapes with an inexpressive sour taste grown in depleted soil have a Brix value of no more than 8, and rich-flavored grapes grown in fertile soil have a Brix of up to 24 or more.
Thus, sugar is only one component of Brix. It must be remembered that some substances can distort the Brix value, for example, alcohol, vinegar. To control vegetable oil, syrup, molasses and other dense liquids, a refractometer calibrated between 30 and 90 Brix is ​​required. Honey is checked with a refractometer with a scale marked in units of water content, and not in units of solids content in water, as usual.

Determining the quality of some fruits
according to the Brix value of the juice they contain

Fruits and berries


Vegetables, root vegetables, legumes


Avocado Peanut
A pineapple Broccoli
Orange green beans
Watermelon Swede
Banana Green peas
Grape White cabbage
Cherry Cauliflower
Grapefruit Potato
Pear sweet potatoes
Winter melon Kohlrabi
cantaloupe sweet corn
strawberries Onion
Raisin Carrot
Coconut hot pepper
Kumquat Parsley
Lime Turnip
Lemon lettuce
Raspberry Beet
Mango Celery
Papaya Asparagus
Peach tomatoes
Blueberry Pumpkin
Apples green beans

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