Aphorisms and quotes about mistakes. Does a person have the right to make mistakes?

How inexorably time flies. It seemed like just yesterday we were playing hide and seek with the guys, we were robbers and Cossacks. We wandered around, running carefree eyes around the city. We looked at the charms of the girls in the hallways.

I have chocolate. Just like that.
“Seryozhenka, give me half,” Svetka squealed.
“And you will show me your pussy,” I answered this question with complete seriousness.
“Wow!!!” I lost half of my sweet cocoa.
“Can I touch it?” I asked shyly.
-Then all the chocolate.

Hide and seek remains, but now I’m no longer hiding from Kolka from the seventeenth and not from Lenka from the twenty-fifth. I’m hiding from books, from the professor at our university, who also hid his cunning gaze behind thick glass in a bone frame, from the problems of everyday life.

The trees already seem not so big, and the feet, in these funny sandals, have turned into a man's foot of size forty-four. Just some memories.
I only remember my tears. Mom took the belt off the wall.
- Mom, don’t. - Well, why, they didn’t give up their toys themselves.

I remember my uncle, a policeman, who came to us about this small offense, so to speak. Little ones have minor offenses.

Well, mom, why? - I shouted to the whole house.
-What are you doing, you scoundrel?!
-Aren't there enough toys for you?
“I’m denying you something, your whims,” Mom shouted, changing phrases with a leather belt.
-How could you hit Kolya on the head with a brick?
-And Lena? - Why did you drag her by the hair all over the yard? It's a girl.
I was locked in the room.
Oh well, everything's worked out. Everyone made peace later: Oh childhood.

Yes, everything has changed. Everything began to seem from a different point of view. With an older one.

My uncle, a policeman with a mustache, became a cop. Svetka and Lenka changed their childhood forms. Now the chocolate barter no longer took place. And my desires have increased.

Ice cream with limeade was replaced with vodka and beer. Now I must be responsible for my actions myself, independently. I took it as an academic so that I wouldn’t be kicked out of the university. It's like that joke:
-Are you divorced?
-Did I cook poorly?
-Not really. For non-attendance.

You have to pay for everything. Pay yourself. This is where I didn’t want to grow up one bit. I'm an adult, I solve my problems myself; I drink with whoever I want, I’ll come at whatever time I like.
I'm so old that I can say without a twinge of conscience. Call her on.
-Listen, mother, give me five hundred.
Gives. I'm going to Lenka's birthday party.
-When will you come back?
-I don’t know mom. Maybe tomorrow evening.
Came two days later, not alone. With Lenka. Mom was not at home. Go straight to the kitchen.
-b...: She didn’t even leave anything to eat. Is it difficult? I turn to the closet.
Note: I'm on a business trip until Wednesday evening.
-The money is in my nightstand. Kiss. Don't play around.
He went, no, rushed at the speed of light to her room. The eyes rolled around - three sevens along with the nose. Two pieces. Yes, sir. Today is Saturday, noon. Five hundred a day. See you this evening, until Wednesday.
-Lenka, we live.

Hello mother. How are you?
-How are you?
-Everything is fine.
-Mom, you know Lenka. So here it is. She will now live with me, in my room.
. ?
Lenka showed up on time and helped out by answering unnecessary questions.
-Yes, sir.
-Even though you know each other, Mom is my girlfriend.
“Hello,” her mother greeted her with a feigned smile.
- Hello, Aunt Katya.
-Mom, we went for a walk.
-When you come?
-When will we arrive?- Well: I don’t know, but don’t wait. Maybe it's too late again.
-No mom, she will be with me.
“That’s it, mom, I don’t want to talk to you anymore,” I said, closing the door to my room.

Money for you?
-For what?
-Mom, it’s good to pretend. You never asked.
- No mom. - I'm not a drug addict.
-Won’t you give it?!
-Okay.- No, no.
-I'm leaving home.
“At least eat for the road,” the mother scoffed.
“Fuck you,” I slammed the door.
The street received me with torrents of rain. Wet, cold, even though it’s summer.

Lenka is a fool. What else to say. Yes, my mother can be a little harsh. But why run away from me when I need support most.
-You mom yourself is a fool.
-Yes, yes, I’ll go to my friends.

Those who called me their friend immediately disappeared somewhere. When I was left alone, without money, without a roof over my head, under which everyone always drank beer so well and ate a lot of sandwiches. Where is everyone? Probably then I realized that you can’t have too many friends.
Lenka left: Alas. Without considering me worthless. Everybody left. I am alone. Let it be - go ahead!

Seryoga, - you understand, - my mother came from vacation, - Romka called me on the phone.
-b...: again the movement of the bag. There again. Into the unknown.

-Why are you so sad?
-I miss.
-Me too.
-Len, I rented an apartment.
-Yeah, I work at VDNH, as a sales consultant.
“What’s the salary?” I repeat her question with a smile. Well, that's enough for a candlelit dinner.
-Will you come?
-Call later in the evening.
I love it when she smiles. What her hair smells like. How embarrassed she is when I look at her in the shower. Everything returned to normal.

Half a year has passed. Everything is at the same pace. Girl, work, rental apartment.
Recovered at the university.

Hello girl, yes, I'm here for a job advertisement.
-No, unfinished higher education.
-I do not fit?
-Thank you.
-Yes, according to the advertisement.
-No, unfinished higher education.
Whatever you say, learning is light. You can’t spend your whole life explaining to citizens how this combine differs from this wonderful meat grinder. There's nowhere without a tower.

Hello, Seryoga, great. How are you?
- Hello Romka, everything is fine. How are you?
-Maybe a beer in the evening?
-OK. Let's.
-Yes, Seryoga, let’s just do it without the girls.
- That's it, on Pervomaiskaya at eight.

Yes, four mugs.
“Your mother called me while sipping beer,” says Romka. She asked what and how.
-What am I? Told it like it is.
- You yourself are a fool. What does it cost you? Call and make peace.
-And what?!
-I'm sorry, what. She's bored and worried. After all, I haven’t seen you for six months.
This is your mother, you know, yours. The only one.
Got drunk.

- Hello.
-Serezh, Romka gave me your phone number, you are ignoring your mobile phone.
-Mom, leave me alone. What now? Why am I bothering you again? I have my own life.
-You have never bothered me and never bother me. Don't forget, it's your birthday tomorrow. Will you come?
-No, mom. Enough.
“Forgive me, son,” my mother’s voice sank. If I offended you in any way, I'm sorry.

I guess I'm not completely insensitive after all. Refrained from being rude.

Well? Will you come? will come.
-We'll see, mom.
-You can take your passion.

How many times have I heard the trill of my native bell? Now everything feels like it’s all over again for me. Sweat on hands and forehead.
“Why are you nervous?” Lenka teased me.
I rub my hands on my jeans. There would be no support, but she teases. I'm silent. Slap.
- Hello mom.
“Hello Aunt Katya, happy birthday to you,” Lenka congratulates.
-Hello. Congratulations.
“Thank you mom, reluctantly surrendering into her arms,” I squeeze out.

Guests from relatives, drinks, home-cooked food prepared by mom, smiles, congratulations - how great it all is. Again the memories took me somewhere to my childhood.
“Seryozha,” my mother said, pulling me out of my memories. Today is your eighteenth birthday. You have become an adult, as I have long wanted to hear, Mom took a breath. Even though we live separately, I miss you very much.
If I was ever wrong, please forgive me.
-Don't interrupt, son. I don’t want you to hang around somewhere, and with this gift, I express my love.
Glass clinks as the others join in on the toast. I unwrap the gift box. Keys. Mom gave me an apartment on one staircase, next to, next to her. I look around at the guests.

Excuse me,” I address everyone with a lump in my throat. I'm going out onto the balcony now. Tears well up in my eyes. After smoking two cigarettes, I return.
“Thank you mom,” I say dryly, as usual.
We've moved.

I’m finishing my third year, an excellent job, my own apartment, a girl whom I think I love more than anything in the world, complete income, what else do you need at twenty years old.

For two years we barely communicated with her, if only in small things. But I still know that she was pleased, knowing that I was at hand, nearby.
“Hi mom, do you have anything to eat?” I ran to the kitchen with a hungry look.
-What, yours doesn’t cook?
-Mom, it’s good to start an old song.

Hello, Sergey, it’s Evgenia Nikolaevna who’s bothering you.
-So what happened?
- Sergey, - my mother was admitted to the hospital.
-What? What happened?
-When the ambulance picked me up, they said it was a heart attack.

Hello, Nikolai Ivanovich, this is Sergei, my mother is in the hospital, I will interrupt my business trip.
-And what happened?
-I don’t really know myself. A neighbor called and said that the ambulance took me with indications of a heart attack.
-Yes, come on, fly out.

Who will you be?
-I am the son.
-I am the head physician, Sergei Alexandrovich.
-Very nice, namesake.
-Yes, stroke.
-Is this serious?
-Yes. Paralyzed limbs.
-It's hard to say how much. Now she only needs peace and care.
I go into the room.
“They gave her a sleeping pill injection,” says the namesake. She needs to get a good night's sleep.

Hello mom. Awoke. Do not Cry. Everything will be fine. Why can't you move? From fatigue.
-What happened with me. Seryozha, tell the truth.
-Mom, you had a stroke, your limbs were paralyzed.
-No mom, the doctor said that everything can be restored. Physical procedures.
Rest. Fresh air.

Mom, let’s all go to the dacha together, I said in the evening when I was already home.
-Come on, but I can ask you without Lena.
“Okay mom,” I didn’t argue.
The doorbell rang.
- Hello Nikolai Ivanovich. Come on in.

Nikolai Ivanovich, my mother’s classmate, on this moment director of the bank where I work. Thanks again to my mom, I fixed it.

Pour water into the vase.
- Hello Katenka. How are you
-But how. You see for yourself, but they promised that I would get better.
“Thank you for the flowers,” Mom smiled.
I went out onto the balcony to smoke.

Seryoga,” Nikolai Ivanovich interrupted me from my thoughts. Mom said that you want to go to the dacha.
-Yeah, but I have to go to work.
-Well, you don’t have to worry about work. Go. She needs rest now. Stay with her for at least a week.
-Thank you Nikolai Ivanovich.
-Okay, let's be careful there. I'll drop by at the weekend. Yes, by the way, let’s go to my place, I’ll give you a wheelchair. The wife died, but the chair remained. Otherwise, you know, you won’t get anything in our hospitals.

I agreed with Evgenia Nikolaevna, a nurse with thirty years of experience, and also our neighbor, who will look after my mother during my business trips.
-Len, come on too, just don’t quarrel. You know mom can't worry now. Visit her more often. I'll be gone for a whole month. That's it, come on, I need to go to the airport.
I go into my mother's apartment.
-Yes, mom, for a month. This is an important trip for us. That's it, come on. Look carefully here without me. And don’t quarrel with Lenka, you shouldn’t worry.
-She doesn't suit you.
-Mom, that's it, let's not do it. I'll probably figure it out myself somehow. That's it, I ran. I kiss her on the cheek.
-Good luck to you too.

There was one last meeting left. After shaving, I go down to the hotel cafe-bar and have breakfast. Some strange feeling inside, in the chest. My heart aches.
-Hello, Evgenia Nikolaevna, everything is fine with you. How is your mom?
-Everything is fine, don’t worry. She is sleeping. I just gave her an injection.
-Yes, I’ll fly this evening. Well, that's it, goodbye. Until the evening.

How long this month has dragged on. Well, that's it, the last meeting is over, we received this loan. That's it, all that remains is to pick up your things from the hotel, grab a bite to eat and head to the airport.
-Hello Sergey. This is Evgenia Nikolaevna.
-What? What happened?
-Mom had a second attack. The doctors did not take her to the hospital, saying that moving her was very dangerous. They put in an IV. Now the doctor has just left. The pressure has stabilized.
-Thank you for calling. We have bad weather, the flight was delayed for three hours.

Girl, dear, maybe we can do something. My mother is dying.
-I'm sorry, young man, but nothing depends on me. All flights have been postponed. Look what the weather is like.
I sit silently in the bar, drink, and blow smoke into the ceiling. Finally the flight is announced.

How did it happen?
-Sergey, I didn’t want to say, but: She was sitting by the window, breathing the air, I went up to cover her with a blanket, it was already cool, a car pulled up, and there: your Lenka was kissing some guy in the car. The car was standing right under the lamppost. Everything was clearly visible. She just managed to tell me: “Look Zhen, I’m telling you, she’s not a match for him,” and she began to choke.
I shifted her onto the bed and called an ambulance. Before their arrival I got an injection.

The door opened and Lenka came in.
- Hello. Seryoga, couldn’t you call,” Lenka asked, smiling.
I get up from the chair, slap in the face. She falls. I want to add, but Evgenia Nikolaevna stops me.
-Get out of my house. Out, out, b..., I said. You have an hour, do you hear, exactly an hour to get out of here.
The neighbor grabbed my hands: “Hush, calm down, don’t wake up mom.”

Mom, I crap myself again,” I smiled from my crib.
She unquestioningly took and changed my diapers, sprinkled them with powder, gently saying:
-Oh, my little asshole.
It's easier now. Now there are even diapers for adults.
-Like this. So we changed your clothes. Why are you crying? Don't cry, don't.
After this attack, she could no longer speak. Only some hissing, guttural sounds.
“Mom, eat a little,” I brought the spoon to her mouth. No mom, don't turn your head away. You need to gain strength to get better.
She was ashamed when I changed her diapers and bed. Because of this, she refused water and food.
-Mom, what are you really doing? At least eat a spoonful of porridge.
-Khshsh, khshsh.
-Mom, how much did you clean up after me, spoon-feed me when I was sick. What did you tell me:
-Eat a spoonful of porridge and you’ll get better.
- Well, mom, well done. Let's go a little more.
-Khshsh, khshsh.
I look at her, look into her eyes, trying to guess what she wants.
During the day she sleeps more and more. The neighbor is constantly on duty near her, carrying out her daily fast. I come home from work and take the evening shift. I can already hear these sounds everywhere - khshsh, khshsh. I quickly run home. The boys come in. Call me for a beer. I politely refuse. The herbs are poured out. I'm going to the balcony. I score and smoke to somehow distract myself. I go into the room. Everything is new. Cough, cough. Now mom, now. I change clothes, feed.
-Yes, mom, now we’ll watch TV. I put another pillow on her. I can already understand it by its sounds. Yes mom, I’ll switch it now. Some kind of series. She loves them.

A noticeable smile on her face. She looks at these pictures, and I look at her.
God, how her illness has changed her. Just three months ago, this forty-two-year-old woman was breathing beauty. Ruddy face, figure. I even envied my director, who tried to look after her. She was truly beautiful woman. She never crossed her fate with anyone after her father's death.
Now the blanket hid the body of a shriveled, wrinkled old woman. I put my head on her chest, covering myself with her hand. I'm falling asleep. Dreaming about childhood.

“Ahh, mom it hurts,” I yelled to the whole yard.
“What happened, hugging me,” my mother asked.
“I fell from the tree, showing my hands, which were all covered in splinters,” I cried.
She laid me on the bed and smeared iodine on the abrasions. I remember only her hands, which could quietly remove all the splinters, stroking them and removing the pain. How I now wanted to pull the thorn out of her heart.

Woke up to the noise of the TV. He stood up carefully so as not to disturb his mother. I go to the kitchen to drink a glass of water. I come back, cover her, and lean over to kiss her. Cold wind, throwing open the window, bursts into the room. Cold face, with a frozen smile.

The night wind ruffles your hair, makes you forget, calm down. You can only breathe in the wind. Two days at the dacha. Since childhood, I can’t stand the procedures of preparing for a funeral.

Psalms sung by the priest, women crying behind me, a handful of earth in my hands. Last way.
“Seryoga, you’re coming,” Romka called out to me.
-No, you go, I’ll stay a little longer.

“Is your mother?” someone’s voice brought me out of my thoughts. These were gravediggers.
They sat down next to each other. I poured the remaining vodka into glasses.
-Everyone calls me Kuzmich, but this is my friend - Kolyan.
“And my mother is buried nearby,” Kuzmich said, pointing to the neighboring grave.
“And yours?” I turned to Kolyan.
-I don't know her. I'm from an orphanage.
We were silent. Kolyan ran for another bottle of vodka.
“Let’s go,” I said, filling the glasses, for all living mothers, may they rest in peace, and for all those who have passed away, may they rest in peace.

I raised my wet eyes to the sky:
- Look, mom, at these nice kids. Just as you wanted: a boy and a girl.
To my wife, to this sun-drenched yard. Listen. Can you hear? The sound of waves, the cries of seagulls. It was your dream to have a house on the seashore, to see me happy. Look - I'm happy, but I miss you.
A light breeze rocked the rocking chair. For a second it seemed to me as if she was sitting in it and looking at it all the same happy eyes, as I.

The sun illuminated the earth. . Eh: Earthlings.

For some reason I remembered the words from the book by G. G. Marquez. A man is not connected with the earth if his dead body does not lie in it."
A hundred years of loneliness have passed. I was returning to my native land. Which I have never forgotten and will never forget. To the ground where the mother's ashes rest.

From a distance I noticed a painted fence, a well-kept grave, fresh flowers on it.

Kuzmich did not deceive. He’s looking after me,” some kind of warm feeling spread through my body.
He opened the gate, walked in, sat down on the bench: - Hello, Mom. I'm home.

P.S. I just cried when I read it...

Don't be afraid to make a mistake. Finding the right steps is creativity. And in this search errors may occur. But why is a mistake considered a sin? (“Sin” translated from Greek means mistake, blunder). Because the Creator does not make mistakes! His every step, every action is unmistakable! This is exactly how a person can and should live. And such a life is possible in love and wisdom. Then every step is unmistakable, and then there is no sin.

In the meantime, Love and wisdom are not enough, mistakes are inevitable, and you should not be afraid of them. Otherwise, you can stop in your development and become a biorobot living according to error-free programs. But when making mistakes, it is advisable not to repeat them twice, much less three times, which often happens and leads to problems and suffering. This is exactly what you need to learn - not to repeat mistakes. The world loves a person and reacts gently to the first mistake, helping the person to realize and correct it. The world wants a person to show his essence as the Creator and helps him in every possible way in this, advising and prompting.

Often some teach others to do correct steps in life. And by whose rules are they correct? Following other people's rules makes a person insecure and gives rise to fears. Because of the fear of “falling into sin,” a person may stop in his development, but on the other hand, such help is sometimes simply necessary. The form of assistance is very important here: without pressure, without imposition, without subordination. Therefore, teaching is an extremely important and complex form of relationship.

Life is a great mystery, and it is impossible to comprehend it all with the mind. “Everything is permitted, and nothing leads to evil if it is preserved inner harmony and love for yourself and your surroundings.” This is what the Message “Heaven on Earth” says. And if doubt arises about this or that action, then ask what Love would do?

There is no need to adapt to anyone, to any circumstances. There is no need to lower your level of Love. Always, in any situation, you need to remember Yourself and remain true to Yourself. This is the search for truth. And on this path you need to be able to take risks. Making mistakes means taking risks. And this path is individual. Of course, it’s good to study other people’s mistakes, but you still can’t do without making your own.

May be creative human, but you can be reactive. That is, to approach every situation creatively, look for new moves, or live in a simple reaction to current events. Many live like this, “until the thunder strikes, the man crosses himself.” Bull's-eye! A person most often remembers God, the path to himself, when he feels bad. This is the life of a reacting person.

And every person has an interest and desire for something new. This is in his divine essence. That is why God manifested Himself in this World, began to create, created Creation. God is always new! And this fully applies to humans. What prevents a person from being a creator and being in constant search? First of all, fears. Fear of stepping beyond the horizon, going beyond the boundaries of the known.

Nevertheless, the desire for something new breaks through in a person, but with a distorted understanding of the World it results in a purchase new car, in search of a new object of love, new conditions of comfort, new entertainment, expansion of new financial horizons. By “tickling your nerves” with various substitutes, a person compensates for his desire for his own growth, for revealing his essence. But such mistakes create karmic, cause-and-effect debts, which can accumulate and turn into real debts. Aging of the body and illness are one of the consequences of the accumulation of various debts.

The consequences of those mistakes that strained the World and left a karmic trace are most quickly eliminated by the path to Self. Every step towards your essence removes a whole layer of debt. It is as if the calculation takes place with a higher coin, not with paper money, but with gold.

In fact, the path to Self is not so difficult, and anyone can complete it, if only they have the desire. Often in the material world, a person puts much more effort into steps that contradict evolution. Going from Yourself, against the flow of the Universe is much more difficult!

You can become the creator of your life by moving towards knowledge and revelation of yourself. And here you should not be afraid to take risks and make mistakes. The discovery of your new depth will more than cover and eliminate all the roughness of errors. Indeed, in this case, a new state of Love opens. With what stronger love, the less fears, the fewer mistakes.

Human error is actions that lead to undesirable consequences. Such accomplishments may be unintentional or committed for another purpose. The reasons for errors are different: inattention, fatigue, personal problems, ignorance, misleading by other people, naivety and stupidity. They occur when a person does not think about possible consequences, lives one day at a time, indulges his weaknesses. Mistakes are made at work, in relationships with strangers, in family, in love and in education. Sometimes they only affect the life of the person himself, and sometimes they spread to others, cause harm to loved ones, and disrupt entire processes. People are not robots; they can repeat the same mistake even several times. It’s not for nothing that they talk about the “human factor”.

Sometimes a mistake seems like it only at first glance, but after a while it turns out that the situation turned out even better. For example, a person did not set his alarm clock, was late for an important meeting and lost his position. But after a while he can get much more profitable proposition from another employer. Aerobatics- find benefit in any situation and learn from your own and others’ mistakes.

Right and responsibility

Along with the right to make mistakes, a person acquires responsibility for the consequences to which he leads. If at the moment of a mistake an individual cannot cope with the situation, then he can rehabilitate himself by correcting it. It is important to correctly determine the cause of the error, analyze your behavior, understand what could have been done differently, and think about how to act now. Then the wrong step will serve as a lesson for the future. But there is no need to worry in vain because of past mistakes that can no longer be corrected. So a person loses the opportunity to look into the future and enjoy the present. And sometimes this becomes his biggest mistake in life.

Mistakes can lead to real tragedies. For offenses that not only hurt the feelings of others, but cause them damage and serious harm, punishment follows. This means that a person does not have the right to make mistakes that violate other people’s boundaries and are contrary to the law. In this case, the situation is worthy of more than just moral condemnation. Each individual himself determines the line beyond which he can cross. One person will be tormented by his conscience for the slightest offense, while another will easily forget about his serious mistakes. It is important to find a middle ground between perfectionism and an absolutely uncritical attitude towards your behavior.

Every person makes mistakes, regardless of age and amount of accumulated wisdom. This is an unchanging part of life, lessons that no one has the right to step over.

We begin to make mistakes from childhood, when, trying to get up, we fall. Then we make mistakes over and over again in school and, finally, in adult life. Mistakes help a person learn. With the help of them, he remembers what he did wrong, and next time he tries to improve, improving again and again. But not all people learn from their mistakes. Some people commit them again and again, without even trying to fix anything. “I stepped on the same rake again,” says society in this case.

But is it necessary to reproach a person for making a mistake? Definitely not. We all make mistakes, even the most smart people people on the planet sometimes make mistakes. This means that everyone has the right to make mistakes. Even a teacher or professor, because they are people too. Only a robot can make mistakes. But he cannot improve. But a person, making mistakes, can learn something new.

Thus, we can say that mistakes are even useful. But a person himself must learn from his mistakes; no one else should point them out to him. However, there must be moderation in everything. You need to be able to forgive mistakes, but if there are too many of them, you should think about it. After all, some people make mistakes systematically, without even thinking about the consequences.

I had a friend as a child who would set me up at every opportunity. "It's all her!" - she said every time the adults, after one of our pranks, looked at her reproachfully. Of course, it was unpleasant for me. And every time I told her about it. But she just shrugged it off and said: “Okay, I made a mistake once, it doesn’t happen to anyone. It won’t happen again.” And every time I believed her. The climax was an incident at school. My friend enthusiastically copied from me homework and proudly showed it to the teacher. She noticed that our task was identical. "It's all her!" - V Once again stated my now ex-girlfriend.

Thus, we can say that a person has the right to make a mistake only if he does not yet have experience in this matter. But if he made the same mistake twice, that's a completely different matter.

Option 2

Today I want to talk about the right to make mistakes. It is absolutely impossible to imagine perfect life. From birth to last days life, all of us are accompanied by completely different life situations, moments of joy and sadness, all kinds of events. Any person has the right to make a mistake. And this is a fact that has been known since ancient times.

The world is far from ideal. It's hard to imagine ideal people, perfect weather, which will stand every day, one hundred percent sincere attitude of friends towards each other. In all areas and aspects of life, people make mistakes from time to time. Be it issues related to personal life or issues and tasks solved at the state level. Of course, this is scary, but many people make mistakes. In matters of defense, healthcare, and the creation of medicines, one cannot under any circumstances make mistakes. But even where there is a button, the lives of millions of people depend on its activation (for example, weapons mass destruction), the human factor and the possibility of error can be allowed.

Reflecting on this topic philosophically, one can come to the following conclusion. If you are afraid to make mistakes throughout your life, then all events can pass you by. Are you afraid to go to a hobby group because of the possibility of making a mistake with the topic of the group? Then there will be no additional knowledge and skills. When you are afraid to make a mistake while testing for your license, you can also get upset and drive incorrectly. For fear of making a mistake when choosing a spouse, you may not get married at all and end up remaining single for the rest of your life. This is a road to nowhere.

Let's remember primary school. From the first grade, children are taught various sciences, reading and writing. The child solves problems, rewrites text, names letters. He often makes mistakes, but continues his learning. As a result, all people sooner or later receive the knowledge that they studied.

The same happens in ordinary life. There is no need to be afraid of making a mistake. It is also very important to understand that other people can make mistakes and do something wrong. Be it friendship issues or misdiagnosis. It's terrible when people make mistakes all the time. This leads to terrible tragedies and bad consequences. Mistakes can only be made if a person is able to draw conclusions for himself and never repeat what he did.

Live and make the most of life. Even if mistakes are made.

Essay Right to make mistakes

Mistakes are made by absolutely every person living on earth, regardless of age and gender. Mistakes are a part of each of us; it is a limitless experience for resolving any situations and worldly problems. We make our first mistakes when we are still very small, these are our first steps, we walk and fall. Then follow the mistakes of our youth, at school, university, and then in adulthood. Mistakes teach us to comprehend this vast world. With the help of them, a person tries to correct situations in similar situations in the future, improving himself again and again.

Many, unfortunately, are not able to learn from their mistakes; they are repeated again in their lives. And most often, such people do not even make attempts to correct them, leaving everything as it is.

But is it really a person’s fault that he makes so many mistakes in his life? Of course not. People all make mistakes, even brilliant minds have made their mistakes. Everyone has the right to make mistakes, both smart and not so smart. Only robots cannot make mistakes. But he will never do something new, and a person learns from mistakes and gains knowledge.

You can be one hundred percent sure that the mistakes a person makes are necessary and very useful to him. A person must make mistakes himself and correct them himself; no one has the right to point them out to him. The most important thing is to never be afraid to make mistakes in your life. If you always feel afraid of making a mistake, then your whole life can pass you by. Renting on driving license you're afraid of making a mistake, but then you won't get one invaluable experience on your mistakes. Even when choosing products in a store, you are afraid of making a mistake and choosing a product you don’t need, but then you will not understand what the product actually is. It is also important to always forgive mistakes, but if there are too many of them, you should think about it. Many commit them without thinking about them, and do not think about their consequences.

A person has the right to make mistakes where it is his first time and has not made them yet, but if mistakes have already been made more than 2 times, this is a different matter.

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