Agricultural College of Management and Law of the Poltava State Agrarian Academy, Akup PGAA. Agrarian and Economic College of Poltava State Agrarian Academy Poltava Agrarian College

general information

Today, the educational institution trains R&D specialists, junior specialist in 7 specialties:

  • Production and processing of crop products (agronomy), license series AB No. 585974, dated July 22, 2011, with a capacity of 25 people.
  • Land management, license series AB No. 585974, dated July 22, 2011, with a capacity of 50 people.
  • Accounting, license series AB No. 585974, dated July 22, 2011, with a capacity of 50 people.
  • Beekeeping, license series AB No. 585974, dated July 22, 2011, with a capacity of 25 people.
  • Organization of production, license series AB No. 585974, dated July 22, 2011, with a capacity of 50 people.
  • Finance and credit, license series AB No. 585974, dated July 22, 2011, with a capacity of 25 people.
  • Green construction and gardening, license series AB No. 585974, dated July 22, 2011, with a capacity of 25 people.

The educational institution is accredited at the second level in all specialties.

Security educational process

Educational activities related to the provision higher education at the level qualification requirements to a junior specialist, the college provides full-time and part-time education on the basis of complete general secondary education and basic general secondary education.

The college has 4 departments and 6 cycle commissions, formed taking into account the profiles of academic disciplines. In the 2011-2012 academic year. During the year, the educational process is provided by 72 teachers, including 70 full-time teachers. Based on the results of certification, 31 (43.06%) teachers were awarded highest category, 17 (23.61%) - first, 14 (19.44%) - second, 10 (13.89%) - “specialist”. 12 teachers were awarded the title “Teacher-methodologist”, 3 people. - “Senior teacher”, “Honored worker of education of Ukraine” – 1 person; awarded with badges: "Excellence in Education of Ukraine" - 4 people, "Excellence in Education agricultural education Ukraine" - 9 people, "Badge of Honor" of the Ministry of Agrarian Policy - 9 people, "Peter Mohyla" - 1 person.

Among the full-time teachers of the college there is 1 doctor of agricultural sciences, 1 professor (1.4%).

Educational and material base of the college

The educational and material base of the college includes two educational and laboratory buildings, which house 15 classrooms and 17 laboratories. All of them are equipped with visual aids, technical training aids, necessary equipment and instruments for laboratory and practical work, which allows you to perform educational plans in full. The classrooms and laboratories are at an appropriate aesthetic level and provide safe conditions for learning.

To ensure computerization of the educational process and the use of applied computer programs, the college is equipped with five computer labs, in which about 70 modern computers operate.

The dormitory of the Agrarian and Economic College has 200 beds, the total area is 1653 sq. m. m, the area per living student is 6.4 square meters. m. The sanitary and technical condition of the hostel corresponds to state standards.

The book collection of the library with a reading room amounts to 41,054 thousand copies, of which:

  • 22470 educational literature;
  • 10170 fiction.

To get acquainted with the latest scientific achievements, advanced practical experience more than 30 are issued annually for teachers and students periodicals, namely: “Order Courier”, “Economy of Ukraine”, “Balance Budget”, “Agronomist”, “Ukrainian Beekeeper”, “Apiary”, “Proposal”, “Land Management Bulletin”, “Bulletin of Agrarian Science”, “Vegetable Growing” ", "Rural Hour", "Dawn of Poltava Region", "Poltava Bulletin", "All about Accounting", "Economics of the Agro-Industrial Complex", "Land Management and Cadastre" and others.

By Order of the Minister of Agrarian Policy of Ukraine No. 92 dated June 14. In 2000, on the basis of the institution, a republican educational and practical center for the training and retraining of specialists in specialty 5.08010102 “Land management” was created.

During its existence, more than 5 thousand people have been trained at the SPC. students from 12 educational institutions of Ukraine, and about 300 teachers were retrained special disciplines.

The college has created a proper base for artistic and technical creativity, there are clubs in various academic disciplines and sports sections. Sports and assembly halls.

Stepwise training of specialists is carried out in all specialties. Every year, 40-45% of college graduates, based on the results of a professional interview, enter senior courses at the relevant faculties of Poltava State Agrarian Academy, Kharkov National Agrarian University them. V.V. Dokuchaeva and National University bioresources and environmental management (Kyiv).

The educational and material base of the college meets the requirements and contributes to the training of highly qualified specialists for Agriculture.

Years pass, and in invisible ways the thoughts of his pupils rush to college, where they received knowledge and ideological training. And they all pay tribute to the oldest in Ukraine educational institution, his wise teachers and mentors.

Room Agricultural College of Management and Law PGAA, which is located in Poltava on Pervomaisky Avenue, has more than a hundred years of history.

The building itself, with a total area of ​​almost 3 thousand. square meters, was built in 1901 according to the design of the architect A. Shirshov. Room in Art Nouveau style different periods subordinated to the Poltava Zemstvo Bank, a trade union trade and industrial organization. There was a post office, a telegraph office, and even an SS headquarters during the war.

From the first manager to the present day, basement buildings have been preserved along the entire perimeter of the establishment, not similar to each other. And the employees of the institution constantly find underground passages during excavation work. They were built during the period of the land bank's activity from the establishment to the neighboring premises where its workers lived. About what was once here financial institution, resembles a broken elevator at this time, a room for gold. An ancient visitor can see everywhere - the vestibule and the modeling of the walls and ceiling have changed little. There are century-old marble stairs with wrought iron railings.

The façade must be repaired once every 3-5 years. All repair work is carried out through the efforts of the institution’s management. The fee for the procedure is approximately 100 thousand hryvnia.

IN given time educational premises on Pervomaisky Avenue are included in the rating of the 35 best premises in Poltava late XIX- beginning of the 20th century. It has the rank of a local architectural monument.

The history of the educational institution dates back to 1947 with the formation of a two-year school for training management personnel of collective farms, which was subsequently reorganized into the Poltava interregional three-year school for the formation of management personnel for collective farms and state farms. Since 1966 the school was changed to Poltavsky agricultural technical school on the formation of management personnel of collective and state farms.

In 1980 led by G. A. Oleinik, an outstanding organizer of agricultural production, Hero of Socialist Labor, Honored Worker of Public Education of Ukraine. Under his auspices, based on American and Canadian projects, radical change in the areas and content of training - modern well-known qualifications have been formed: jurisprudence, finance, management of organizations. In 1991, the educational institution was changed into Poltava Agrarian College in 1994 - formed Poltava Agrarian College of Management and Law, which in 1997 was awarded state rank.

For the first time in Ukraine, the institution has begun the formation of specialists with the educational and specialized rank of “bachelor”.

Since 1999, the institution has been ranked first in the annual list among higher educational institutions of the Ministry of Agricultural Policy of Ukraine.

Since 2004, in accordance with the order of the Ministry of Agricultural Policy of Ukraine, the institution has been included in the Poltava State Agrarian Academy, creating new prospects for the formation of specialists for National economy Ukraine.

Material and technical structure Agricultural College of Management and Law

The material and technical structure of the institution is represented by two educational premises, which contain: 35 classes and auditoriums, 3 computer labs, a library with a literature fund of approximately 60 thousand manuals, and reading rooms. There are educational laboratories in production, a collection and experimental field, an auto-tractor track, a basic agricultural enterprise, gym.

Educational process carried out by 65 highly educated, qualified teachers, of which 56 work on a permanent basis.

15 candidates are joining the classes. Sciences, 35% of teachers have higher teaching qualifications, 17 teachers have pedagogical and honorary ranks.

The traditions of the older generation are continued by young teachers.

Students of the institution spend their leisure time in an exciting and meaningful way. They join subject sections, hold exhibitions, competitions, and seminars.

After classes, students will find a comfortable dormitory, determined to be the best among higher educational institutions of agricultural training in Ukraine.

Successfully completed accreditation, certification and specialization and completes educational activities in the following areas and qualifications:

- "Management of organizations";

- "Jurisprudence";

- "Finance";

- "Organization and technology of farming."

Students' internships take place in the main farms of the Poltava region:

Them. Kalashnikov;

- "Batkivshchyna" Kotelevsky district;

- "Lighthouse".

In addition, the best students have the prospect of carrying out educational and practical training and internships abroad - at farm enterprises in Germany, the USA and England.

Forms of education: full-time, correspondence.

Divisions and Qualifications:

Legal department:


Financial division:




Organization and technology of farming;

Agricultural production technologist.

Hence, Agricultural College of Management and Law PGAA- one of the oldest educational institutions in Poltava, which has a 60-year history. The perfect way for an establishment lies in thoughtful and creative thinking academic work educational institution over a half-century history, filling the work with such content that ensures the formation of specialists who are competitive in the labor market under the dominance of market relations.

Sincerely, IC "KURSOVIKS"!

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