Anastasia Romantsova biography personal life. Anastasia Romantsova: “A child is not your continuation and property. What are your basic requirements for a nanny

Ramzan Kadyrov and Tina Kandelaki

In moments of spiritual adversity, the most attractive Caucasian on the planet sends his private jet for a gorgeous Georgian woman, who convinced him that Instagram is not only very fashionable, but also very expensive. According to Kandelaki's colleagues, she earns more than €200,000 a month on the PR of Timati's patron, but Tina does not have to squander this money on small female weaknesses: after each weekend spent in Grozny, her collection of Breguet tourbillons, Harry Winston rings and Lanvin silks replenishes itself . Those owners of the Golden Gramophones, who were lucky enough to perform at the most profitable Chechen corporate parties, repeatedly testified: in the mornings, Tina was repeatedly caught leaving the bedchamber of the Hero of Russia - obviously, she taught him how to make the right “lift bow”. No one knows how Medni Kadyrova treats the “family friend”, but Vasily Brovko, a cohabitant and part-time faithful servant of Tina, as a wise and reasonable person, tries to remain in happy ignorance and not be nervous, but still continues to lose weight. However, it is possible that these conjectures are nothing more than the intrigues of cynical envious people who find it difficult to believe that not some Breguet, but Instagram can become the spiritual bond of love.
Ramzan Kadyrov with his wife Medni

Konstantin Ernst and Sofia Zaika At the end of 2012, the first person of Channel One, Konstantin Ernst, parted ways with the main supplier of television products for the country's highest-rated button - the owner of the Red Square company, Larisa Sinelshchikova, who finally and irrevocably preferred the Cote d'Azur to the Boulevard. All of Moscow froze in an alarming premonition: who will be appointed the hostess of the most comfortable and hospitable "Yolki" in the city? The stone from the collective soul fell only last spring: the monumental figure of Konstantin Lvovich is now noticed not hunched in a tragic pose in the darkest corridor of Ostankino, but arm in arm with an archetypal Russian beauty named Sofia Zaika. Friends of the daughter of a St. Petersburg banker call her Sofya Pavlovna - coupled with her noble features and aristocratic article and manners, this appeal sounds more than harmonious. Before meeting Ernst, Sonya enjoyed the status of the muse of the brightest characters in the bohemian parties of both capitals: so her first sweetheart was the St. Petersburg DJ Fedor “WHO DJ?” Boomer, who hosted the most fashionable raves in the city, where Sofia herself jumped shoulder to shoulder with sweaty hipsters in a Bottega Veneta dress and a Rolex watch; a similar scenario was repeated after she moved to Moscow - but with the participation of photographer Timofey Kolesnikov. Their family nest in the Stalinist era on Frunzenskaya Embankment was furnished by Zaika with the money earned in the Ulyana Sergeenko House, where her best friend, the universal fashion soldier Frol Burimsky, arranged for her. And at the end of May, Sophia suddenly disappears from Timofey's lens, and from Ulyana Sergeenko, and even from Instagram. The golden-haired enchantress breaks all ties with the party for the sake of one and only - all the guests of the premiere of "Eugene Onegin" at the Bolshoi, where Zaika and Ernst had their first joint appearance, could be convinced of her genuineness. They say that they have a very tender relationship - Sophia is surrounded not only by love and care, but also by Birkin bags. But whether the girl, as if drawn from Mukha's canvases, wants to try herself as a TV presenter, we will find out in the new season.
Sofia Pavlovna

Mark Garber and Anastasia Romantsova
The head of a fund that manages more than $2 billion has a reputation for being a phenomenally charming storyteller - and the number of ladies of all ages smitten with his gift for eloquence is about the same figure. But in the assets of Anastasia, until recently, there was only an unusually spectacular appearance - she looks exactly like the Vrubel Swan Princess. However, after a fateful meeting with the author of the guide "Entertaining Narcology", the Tsarevna instantly turned into a successful designer - all Moscow fashionistas wear crinoline outfits of her brand, tailored according to the latest word of the 21st century. Every time Garber takes pride of place in the first row of Romantsova's shows - he also applauds the collections louder than anyone else, he also praises the talent of his ward Anastasia the Beautiful more inspirationally than others. The couple does not advertise, but does not hide their creative union, sealed with a multi-zero interest-free loan: arm in arm with Mark appeared at several Pioneer Readings, and at a number of awards and anniversaries of glossy magazines. Recently, their joint exits have become much less frequent, but judging by the confidence with which the brand continues its expansion in the country's fashion market, Anastasia is still heard by Garber's brilliant speeches.
Mark with his wife Irina

Dmitry Peskov and Tatyana Navka
Having won Olympic gold in 2006, the graceful world champion in figure skating moved from the States to Moscow to participate in the Stars on Ice project. Then Tatyana was still married to her coach Alexander Zhulin. In an instant, the newly minted TV star became the soul of any secular company, her atypical wit for athletes was welcomed everywhere - including at Putin's receptions. At one of them, where all Russian Olympians were gathered in order to wish the president good luck before the final meeting of the IOC, which determined the fate of the 2014 Olympics. Navka handed Putin a touching plush C:) rashka and confused Guatemala with Guadeloupe in her wish. She lamented her failure on the shoulder of President Vladimir Kozhin, the manager of the affairs, after which they began to notice the chivalrous noble supply manager of the entire Kremlin and the charming figure skater everywhere together. No wonder - the charisma of the figure skater will turn the head of any man in a triple sheepskin coat. However, even the 180-meter apartment presented to Navka overlooking the Kremlin in the elite residential complex "Copernicus" could not save their relationship. It was rumored that Kozhin was extremely painful about their breakup and was even going to finally part with his lawful wife, but he did not finish the job. Unlike another Kremlin knight who fell to Tatyana's skates, Putin's press secretary Dmitry Peskov. It is noteworthy that, as in the case of the former cavalier of the champion, for the first time the couple was seen at the annual Bosco-ball. It is possible that soon at the same event, Dmitry will follow the example of his boss and at least comment on the rumors about his personal life throughout the country.
Navka and Peskov often appear together at social events

Sergey Kozhin

Anastasia Romantsova, designer and creator of the A La Russe brand, told Ksenia Wagner about raising her son, giving birth in Miami and her favorite personal care products.

My first question is about your schedule. You live in Moscow, but for family reasons you often visit America, and your son mostly lives there. It's not even Moscow-Paris or Moscow-London. How do you do it? What is your time management secret?

In fact, we move to America only for the winter time, from November to May. I am allergic to cold, and it is hard for me in the Moscow climate in winter, and even more so with a small child. I understand that it sounds strange, a huge number of people somehow raise children in the winter and do not take them abroad. But if there is such an opportunity, then I feel more comfortable. In the center of Moscow, the ecological situation is not entirely acceptable for me personally. And if the child lives outside the city, I hardly see him. The secret of time management is simple: when I am in America, I spend time only with my son, qualitatively, fully, and not looking at the phone.

It was a very pleasant experience. When choosing, I did not start from the hospital, but from the doctor. In total, there are three good hospitals there, and, in fact, they are the same, about the same level of the ward, medicines. I had a very cheerful and thoughtful doctor, this was a decisive factor.

- How did you find it?

I had a huge list of doctors to choose from.

On what basis was it composed? Recommendations from friends?

No, I intuitively walked this path. At that time, four years ago, I did not have acquaintances who gave birth there. I contacted the concierge services and looked through the lists. I was safer with a male doctor, although I know many people prefer women. My doctor's name is Semyon Zinker. He comes from the post-Soviet space, graduated from the university here, and then studied and worked in America for many years in leading hospitals. It was an important moment for me - the synthesis of the Soviet school and American technologies. But Zinker is now retired, no longer takes under any circumstances. I felt very safe, fun and easy with him.

What was the most enjoyable part of this experience for you?

The ocean was important to me - it was a decisive factor. At some point, I was strongly healed here and nothing was possible. I literally had to lie down and do nothing. This decision is not very suitable for me even in critical situations. It was necessary to change something, and I thought - where do I want to go? I want to go where the ocean is. I received a visa in a very pregnant state. At the visa center they told me: “You know, you are one of the few who honestly said that she was going to give birth.” However, they usually hide it. I honestly said. And they gave me a visa and wished me luck.

Did you have a natural birth or a caesarean?

Natural. I worked here as a midwife. She taught me how to breathe, prepared me for independent childbirth, and this helped me a lot. Everything went very quickly, from the first contraction to the moment the baby was born - 4 hours. We didn't even get an epidural. I understood that if it hurts me a lot, I will ask. If not, I won't. But there already ask - do not ask, it was too late.

- Do you remember your feelings? In America, they immediately give a child, put him on his stomach?

Everything can be discussed. My doctor was an adherent of classical medicine, but I agreed with him. First, I called a woman, who they call a "dola" - she takes the placenta. They always try to accept the baby, quickly wipe it off and only then give it to their mother. Her task was at some point to block their path, so I immediately got a baby, the umbilical cord was cut when the baby was still on me. But this could only be done with Zinker. He was against it, but I told him: “Doctor, do you need to talk? You practically give birth with me with a cigar. Let's make some deal." So we agreed. It was important for me that the person was on a positive wave. Confident, calm, professional.

- Do you remember your feelings in the first hours? Did you immediately realize that life has completely changed?

I didn’t have such that the world was divided into “before” and “after”. I was really looking forward to the moment the baby appeared in my life and was mentally prepared for it. I gave birth at a reasonable age. Of course, I became different, there was a reassessment of values ​​in many issues, priorities changed, but from the very beginning I understood that this would most likely be the case, and I was ready to go on maternity leave for some time and belong only to this person. In advance, I built the working situation in this way, prepared the people around me. I was afraid of uncontrollable postpartum depression, but, fortunately, she passed me.

- Do you think that if I had given birth at 20, this would not have happened?

It is hard to say. I know cases when adequate adult girls cannot control their emotions and simply drop out of life for 3 months. I always thought - what if it happens to me too? But, thank God, it worked out. Maybe because it was the sun and the ocean, which is so important to me.

It turns out that you were with the baby yourself? Were you surrounded by relatives? Often, when the first child is born, relatives surround from all sides, everyone has their own advice.

Basically, the first time I was with the baby myself. This was the main point. I have a very tame, tactile son, and he spent the first six months literally on me, without getting off his hands at all. Mom's opinion is final and basic. You just don’t have to go into conflict with loved ones and say: “You are wrong.” You have to do it gently, but in your own way. And the grandmother will still put on an extra blouse or extra socks, that's why she is a grandmother.

- That is, your position is to calmly accept it and not worry about what you did not do the way you wanted?

We are all control freaks. We will get anyone to the liver - both the nanny and the grandmother. To have everything as we want. But they also have experience. They did raise their children after all. My mother raised two children and, in general, not bad. It is clear that we are completely different generations. We belong to a generation that has undergone a colossal reassessment of values.

We, in fact, also experiment on our children. After reading psychological books, hitting the comprehensive early development of children, coming to the conclusion that everything should be natural and fresh, and so on. You can fight and try to prove the correctness of your position, but it is not necessary.What for?

Especially in your situation. When you are, in principle, at a distance and cannot control what is actually happening there. Or do you follow nannies and grandmothers on video cameras?

I have video cameras, but I easily let go of the situation and trust those with whom the child remains. It's just that if you don't do this, your head won't stay healthy. I try to be in the moment. If at work, then I concentrate on work and on the city in which I am. If with a child, I concentrate on him as much as possible. Here we are now doing interviews, and I am completely disconnected from the cases that will be later.

If you stir the soup at the same time, talk on the phone, give instructions to the driver - and the soup will not cook, and the driver will go to the other end, and on the phone you will answer complete nonsense. And this will have to be dealt with again. Therefore, it is better to do it once, but for sure.

- When you are here for a long time, does your son miss you? How are your meetings going?

He is very bored, but here I am grateful to the 21st century for technology. We still can communicate several times a day. He already knows how to use vibers and whatsapps, calls, shouts, says something or demands. Orthodox and Catholic Easter coincided this year. He says to me: “Saturday, why am I being forced to go to school?” I explain to him that they are organizing a holiday there. “Really? And will there be sweets? We constantly communicate via video.

- And when he was younger, how did you deal with it?

Yet I was not so much and often absent when he was little. Thank God, my profession allows me to work remotely. Communication with the team was mainly via Skype and other networks.

When there was a need for my arrival in Moscow, I simply flew in for a few days and flew back. A couple of times did not spend more than a day here. So that the baby would not be sad, I tried to just fly for a very short time. It was rather hard for me because of frequent flights and change of time zones.

- To date, you do not see any consequences of your early absence?

No. Of course he gets upset when I leave. And rejoices when I arrive. With my flight schedule, I breastfed for a very long time, slept next to him for a long time. I lived with a breast pump, it was my main companion and friend. Thank God there was plenty of milk. Many, when they leave, say - they haven’t fed for a week, the milk has disappeared. I tried to follow this, kept the milk. Once in Paris, they even put me on a novocaine blockade, because lactostasis began and my temperature rose to 40. The French doctors refused to do anything, they found a Russian doctor who organized a bath with soda for me and put 9 injections in my chest. I continued to feed. There were moments when I was at a meeting, and I had two stones instead of my chest and my hands were already shaking. But everything was decided.

Our mothers raised us without anything at all, and we have everything, we just need to know how to use it.

You are the mother of a boy, this is a special role. Do you have maternal selfishness? Do you think with some anxiety about your son's future relationship with girls, with friends?

I'm trying to educate a man now. He already knew at the age of two that he needed to give way to girls or women. He knows that his mother does not carry his things for him. As much as he considers it necessary to put in his little suitcase when we fly somewhere, so much rolls. And no matter what scandal is arranged at the airport, he rolls his suitcase himself. He and I go to the farmers' market on Sundays. He has his own little cart. Of course, he is interested for 15 minutes, and then the interest disappears. And "Mom, pull my cart." But we have it quite clear that he rolls this cart to the car himself. I am a supporter - from a certain age - of a rather strict upbringing for boys. Of course, a mother's heart breaks. But we must turn on the mind and understand that in the future it will be better for him. The number of ill-mannered, neurasthenic and spoiled boys today is frightening.

Tell me, how do you organize your joint pastime? Do you connect him to some of your adult affairs?

I can take my son with me to work, but I am not a supporter of this. The baby should have a childhood, but he doesn’t need his mother all the time. When he plays, for example, I go about my business. When either a nanny or a grandmother approaches him, they begin to entertain him additionally. What for? If the child is so well occupied.

- What are your basic requirements for a nanny?

I late took a nanny when the baby was almost two years old. Before that, my grandmother helped.

- She's Russian?

Yes, because at home we only speak Russian. Abstruse nannies who know different techniques do not interest me. I need a woman who knows how to give love and does it warmly and beautifully. I am not a supporter of too early development of the child, I think that up to a certain point, children do not need to be particularly loaded with anything.

You yourself touched on the topic of early development. Today it is a trend, especially among mothers who only care about children. How do you feel about this in America?

I am close to their attitude to the child as a whole. This is not your continuation, not some kind of kidney and not your property. This is a separate person, he is just small. You have the opportunity to take your child with you, change clothes, feed. I never had a problem to come somewhere with a stroller. You are not preparing to go out into the city, like into a stone jungle, where you have to protect your child from everything. If we talk about additional classes, then they are educational, but at the same time entertaining. Among them, there are many joint ones with mom, and in general they are organized in a convenient way for moms and dads. But I would not say that they are super popular. Mostly parents go with their children somewhere to the park, to the beach, to a cafe, etc.

- Let's move on to beauty. Where do you get your hair cut and makeup done?

I paint and cut my hair more often in America. If here, then Alexander Zavodilkin. He works at Bersen. If we talk about manicure / pedicure, then I go near the office and A La Russe boutique either on Bronnaya in Wax&Go or KYNSI. Makeup is always done by the same girl - Dinara, from The Agent agency. We met her on some shooting, I like the way she works. She has endless patience. She feels and understands me well. It is important that the energy match.

- A beautician?

I really like Anna Mnatsakanova from Nazelie. They have a family contract, the sister organized the production of their own cosmetics in America. Anya saved me at the time. I have combination, oily skin, and if it sprinkles me, then to the fullest. I just tried everything. Laser peeling does not suit me at all - it only provokes incomprehensible inflammation. And after Anya's peelings, the skin does not even peel off. The clinic is called the Alliance of Beauty and is located near the Oktyabrskaya metro station. Anya is fast, easy. I don't like extra fluff. When there is a lot of free time, then a magic relaxing chair, a hot collar - all this is not bad. But when you don’t relax, but think about how to do it all faster, it starts to annoy you. And Anya specifically, in essence. Came, you were washed, cleaned. And she does the cleaning by hand - no one does that anymore. She has a very light hand, after which there is no feeling that a tank has plowed your face.

- What about sports?

Here it is not organized at all. I can do 5 Tibetans gymnastics at home. It is on the Internet, these are completely simple exercises. In the morning I like to stand in the bar, I can do light yoga. I go to Pilates. In America, I do yoga much more often, and I really like Soul Cycle, where I relax my body and soul. It's dark in class, the lights are like in a good nightclub, super incendiary music plays. I love this kind of music, I love to dance. You have superlight, the coach is practically a DJ in front of you.

But in general, I'm still a supporter of the fact that a woman should be soft to the touch. Not loose, but soft. Muscles must be in good shape, tightened, you must be healthy. But that doesn't mean you have to be a monumental athlete.

- What about food? Do you have specific rules?

If the average person gets to my house, then he, of course, will think that I eat very well. There are a lot of vegetables, fruits, fish in the refrigerator, no dairy products (we drink vegetable milk, and the baby loves goat milk). Although there was a period in my life when I drank cow's milk in glasses, I just really wanted to. Not so long ago I was in India. Their women, in principle, do not practice yoga. Because yoga kindles fire, and a woman should be water. They have such a theory that the whole body of a modern woman from a metropolis needs to be rebuilt in a feminine way, because it is completely masculine. Because we have energy in our head, and not where it should be. Their woman is the moon, water, milk. And they start giving you milk. It is interesting that they do the same in Issyk-Kul, they have a cleansing program where they give you mare's milk to drink. There are different points of view. It's their culture, they live with it. And they all work and function perfectly. But I personally live better with vegetable milk. Although in India I drink cow's with spices.

I eat what I want and when I want. If I want a croissant with coffee, I eat a croissant with coffee. If I really want meat (which rarely happens), I can eat lamb all day long, for example. In Moscow, more often than anywhere else, I eat meat and drink red wine. It is important to listen to your body, it is constantly changing. I truly believe that we are 90% water. And we do not know a huge number of factors influencing us. I really believe that in New York and Moscow you want meat more than on vacation, because these cities have such energy. For me, food is energy. And my body is very good at communicating what it wants. We agreed with him that I listen and hear these signals. For example, for a long time I ate bread crusts - probably, this is how my body needed it. Then she stopped. I sat on cottage cheese, then disappeared. Now I have hummus. What is there - I do not know, but I constantly want hummus. You have to listen to yourself. But this does not mean that I am sitting on a single product, in general I eat balanced and correct: cereals, a lot of vegetables and fish. I love hard cheese, nuts, dried fruits and all kinds of seaweed.

From the latest discoveries - matcha tea (such a green powder), whipped with hot almond milk. Goes with a bang in the morning instead of cappuccino.

- You often fly. What beauty jars do you always take with you?

This trick rarely works for me. I've tried everything. I thought: I will fly as expected - I applied the mask, pasted the patches, smeared myself with cream. But in reality, I don't fly like that. Maximum - I apply lip balm and hand cream and fall asleep. The plane for me is the only place where I stay alone. This is a space where I can sleep. Watch a movie or read a book. I should be comfortable and comfortable - the mask somehow interferes with me. If you need to go to an event or a meeting right from the plane, that's another thing. Then I cover with patches Hydro-Gel Gold, Mosmake from Natalia Vlasova. Not only under the eyes, but right on the whole face, neck and hands.

- Tell us about your favorite means? If you buy something here, where do you go?

I go to Articoli, I really like their assortment, consultants. They always have samples for everything. In America, I order everything online.

- Do you have any jars to which you always return?

Well, here's Nazelie. I also really love Leonor Greyl - both the shampoo and conditioner, the amazing end product and the detangling spray. I absolutely love their scent. I love the Oribe Dry Volumizing Spray, TIGI Dry Shampoo. I love coconut oil for my body. I bring from the islands, I buy from us the most common, which is for food - without fragrances. At night I apply only oil, and in the morning after a shower I add a drop to Dr Nona body cream.

Interview and text: Xenia Wagner

Photographer: Evgeny Sorbo

January 8, 2014, 03:21

Ramzan Kadyrov and Tina Kandelaki

In moments of spiritual adversity, the most attractive Caucasian on the planet sends his private jet for a gorgeous Georgian woman, who convinced him that Instagram is not only very fashionable, but also very expensive. According to Kandelaki's colleagues, she earns more than €200,000 a month on the PR of Timati's patron, but Tina does not have to squander this money on small female weaknesses: after each weekend spent in Grozny, her collection of Breguet tourbillons, Harry Winston rings and Lanvin silks replenishes itself . Those owners of the Golden Gramophones, who were lucky enough to perform at the most profitable Chechen corporate parties, repeatedly testified: in the mornings, Tina was often caught leaving the bedchamber of the Hero of Russia - obviously, she taught him how to make the right “lift bow”. No one knows how Medni Kadyrova treats the “family friend”, but Vasily Brovko, a cohabitant and part-time faithful servant of Tina, as a wise and reasonable person, tries to remain in happy ignorance and not be nervous, but still continues to lose weight. However, it is possible that these conjectures are nothing more than the intrigues of cynical envious people who find it difficult to believe that not some Breguet, but Instagram can become the spiritual bond of love.
Ramzan Kadyrov with his wife Medni

Konstantin Ernst and Sofia Zaika At the end of 2012, the first person of Channel One, Konstantin Ernst, parted ways with the main supplier of television products for the country's highest-rated button - the owner of the Red Square company, Larisa Sinelshchikova, who finally and irrevocably preferred the Côte d'Azur to the Boulevard. All of Moscow froze in an alarming premonition: who will be appointed the hostess of the most comfortable and hospitable "Yolki" in the city? The stone from the collective soul fell only last spring: the monumental figure of Konstantin Lvovich is now noticed not hunched in a tragic pose in the darkest corridor of Ostankino, but arm in arm with an archetypal Russian beauty named. Friends of the daughter of a St. Petersburg banker call her Sofya Pavlovna - coupled with her noble features and aristocratic article and manners, this appeal sounds more than harmonious. Before meeting Ernst, Sonya enjoyed the status of the muse of the brightest characters in the bohemian parties of both capitals: so her first sweetheart was the St. Petersburg DJ Fedor “WHO DJ?” Boomer, who hosted the most fashionable raves in the city, where Sofia herself jumped shoulder to shoulder with sweaty hipsters in a Bottega Veneta dress and a Rolex watch; a similar scenario was repeated after she moved to Moscow, but with the participation of photographer Timofey Kolesnikov. Their family nest in the Stalinist era on Frunzenskaya Embankment was furnished by Zaika with the money earned in the Ulyana Sergeenko House, where her best friend, the universal fashion soldier Frol Burimsky, arranged for her. And at the end of May, Sophia suddenly disappears from Timofey's lens, and from Ulyana Sergeenko, and even from Instagram. The golden-haired enchantress breaks all ties with the party for the sake of one and only - all the guests of the premiere of "Eugene Onegin" at the Bolshoi, where Zaika and Ernst made their first joint appearance, could be convinced of her genuineness. They say that they have a very tender relationship - Sophia is surrounded not only by love and care, but also by Birkin bags. But whether the girl, as if drawn from Mukha's canvases, wants to try herself as a TV presenter, we will find out in the new season.
Sofia Pavlovna

Mark Garber and Anastasia Romantsova
The head of a fund that manages more than $2 billion is known as a phenomenally charming storyteller - and the number of women of all ages smitten with his gift for eloquence is about the same figure. But in the assets of Anastasia, until recently, there was only an unusually spectacular appearance - she looks exactly like the Vrubel Swan Princess. However, after a fateful meeting with the author of the guide "Entertaining Narcology", Tsarevna instantly turned into a successful designer - crinoline outfits of her brand, tailored according to the latest word of the 21st century, are worn by all Moscow fashionistas. Every time Garber takes pride of place in the first row of Romantsova's shows - he also applauds the collections louder than anyone else, he also praises the talent of his ward Anastasia the Beautiful more inspirationally than others. The couple does not advertise, but does not hide their creative union, sealed with a multi-zero interest-free loan: arm in arm with Mark appeared at several Pioneer Readings, and at a number of awards and anniversaries of glossy magazines. Recently, their joint exits have become much less frequent, but judging by the confidence with which the brand continues its expansion in the country's fashion market, Anastasia is still heard by Garber's brilliant speeches.
Mark with his wife Irina

Dmitry Peskov and Tatyana Navka
Having won Olympic gold in 2006, the graceful world champion in figure skating moved from the States to Moscow to participate in the Stars on Ice project. Then Tatyana was still married to her coach Alexander Zhulin. In an instant, the newly-made star of television screens became the soul of any secular company, her atypical wit for athletes was welcomed everywhere - including at Putin's receptions. At one of them, where all Russian Olympians were gathered in order to wish the president good luck before the final meeting of the IOC, which determined the fate of the 2014 Olympics. Navka handed Putin a touching plush C:) rashka and confused Guatemala with Guadeloupe in her wish. She lamented her failure on the shoulder of President Vladimir Kozhin, the manager of the affairs, after which they began to notice the chivalrous noble supply manager of the entire Kremlin and the charming figure skater everywhere together. No wonder - the charisma of the figure skater will turn the head of any man in a triple sheepskin coat. However, even the 180-meter apartment presented to Navka overlooking the Kremlin in the elite residential complex "Copernicus" could not save their relationship. It was rumored that Kozhin was extremely painful about their breakup and was even going to finally part with his lawful wife, but he did not finish the job. Unlike another Kremlin knight who fell to Tatyana's skates, Putin's press secretary Dmitry Peskov. It is noteworthy that, as in the case of the former cavalier of the champion, for the first time the couple was seen at the annual Bosco-ball. It is possible that soon at the same event, Dmitry will follow the example of his boss and at least comment on the rumors about his personal life throughout the country.
Navka and Peskov often appear together at social eventsSergey Kozhin

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