Anna Samokhina: biography and obituary. Funeral of Anna Samokhina (photo, video) But you tried unconventional treatment

Details last days the life of actress Anna Samokhina was told by her daughter.

Anna Samokhina was called the Russian Marilyn Monroe. Everyone admired her rare and unusual beauty. Remember her roles in the films “The Prisoner of the Chateau d'If”, “The Royal Hunt”, “Tartuffe”, “The Chinese Service”, “Thieves in Law”! Alas, beauty never made the actress happy.

At the end of 2009, Anna Samokhina was given a terrible diagnosis. The actress died suddenly at the age of 48. There were many signs in her life that predicted tragedy.

When she was very young, Anna Samokhina met a gypsy woman, and she said that the actress would die at 45. A few years later, a palmist (a person who does palm reading. - Author) looked at her hand and said that the artist’s life would be short.

When Anna turned 45, she even joked about it, but her loved ones saw fear in her eyes. The next birthday came, and Anna breathed a sigh of relief, said that everything was not true and the prediction was wrong.

At the age of 39, Samokhina starred in the video “Native Wife” by Seeds of Canada. In the story, her heroine ends up in intensive care after a car accident. Who knows, perhaps this role became prophetic in the life of the actress.

“When they started filming the scene in the ward, I saw Anna constantly praying,” says singer Semyon Canada. “I was very worried when I had to connect the devices to her. It seemed to her that these shootings were a bad omen.

Doctors discovered the tumor at the last stage

The actress felt the first sign of illness in November 2009. She promised her sister Margarita Podgornaya to buy a ticket to Goa and relax with her. But severe pain in her stomach stopped her. The actress lost consciousness.

“I called my mother at the moment when she was feeling bad,” Samokhina’s daughter Alexandra shares the details. - She said she was in the Military medical academy and that she was diagnosed with a liver tumor. Then she underwent examination.

Soon Anna Samokhina was diagnosed with stage IV stomach cancer with extensive metastases. Despite the verdict, the actress was confident until the last moment that she would recover. One day, in the hospital corridor, a doctor approached Alexandra and said that Samokhina had two months to live.

“Tears started pouring out of me, and the doctor said: “Don’t let me see you like this!” You shouldn't hurt your mother."

– Anya left the hospital with Sasha. Then she called me: “Here’s the story. Well, what to do - seven deaths cannot happen, one cannot be avoided. Let’s fight,” says the actress’s first husband, Alexander Samokhin, in an interview with one of the publications. “She reacted calmly, as calmly as possible with such a diagnosis.

The man admitted that the actress turned to psychics to save her life. After all, despite the doctors’ disappointing forecasts, she believed in a miracle. A psychic from Karelia first said that she would undertake treatment. However, then she suddenly refused.

“Friends told me that they turned to Juna. And Juna replied: “I don’t go to the dead.” That is, Anya was still alive, and she was already called dead.

The actress smoked a lot

Many are still discussing what happened the real reason the illness of the actress, which exhausted her in just two months. Of course, the development of the disease could be influenced by constant stress and dissatisfaction with roles. After all, the actress had to act for mere pennies just to earn money. And with her external data and talent, she could do much more...

Beauty is both magical and horrible power. Many artists make huge sacrifices to remain forever young and shine on screens. long years. Anna Samokhina was also worried - she was afraid of growing old. She often said that she didn’t understand how many women accepted their age. Even while in a hospital bed, Anna Samokhina took care of herself.

“When my mother saw that some actress was a beauty and then they said about her: “That’s how old she is, she’s given up,” says Alexandra, “she answered this: “The main thing is to leave on time...” You know, I was at one of "Battle of psychics", and the psychic said that she programmed herself to leave young.

Also, many said that the actress took a course of beauty injections, like other stars who, unfortunately, quickly left: Yankovsky, Abdulov, Polishchuk, Turchinsky... Some scientists believe that the mechanism of action of stem cells is mercilessly deceptive: first comes the renewal of the body, the person looks younger before our eyes, and then cancer cells grow.

“I think this is not true,” continues Alexandra. – At the age of 35, my mother had eyelid surgery, which she never hid. I was also going to do circular lift. And if she was going to get beauty injections, she would have said that too. But she smoked a lot, loved meat and was fond of tanning. These factors could have contributed to the development of the disease.

The news that Anna SAMOKHINA died of cancer on the night of February 8 shocked her family and fans. The actress was only 47 years old. Her close friend- producer Konstantin KULESHOV is sure that the beauty had a chance for salvation, but it was not taken advantage of.

I learned too late that Anna was in the hospital with the fourth, inoperable stage of cancer. Mutual friends accidentally saw her at the clinic,” Konstantin Kuleshov began the story. - She and her daughter hid the diagnosis, saying she just had an ulcer. Sasha later made excuses, as if her mother did not want to be seen in such a state! Anya's hair began to fall out, so she was shaved. But even in the clinic she took care of herself: she always had lip gloss, manicure files, and nail polish with her. Because of these secrets, so much time was lost! It was possible to use non-traditional methods of treatment, attract people from all over the country to treat this terrible disease with herbs.

I have friends who have overcome stage 3 and 4 cancer. My wife was cured of leukemia by fasting under the supervision of the wonderful Belarusian professor Evgeniy Lappo. He uses his own technique: taking “living water”, various herbs, horseradish compresses - the substances in it are able to find cancer cells and kill them. Samokhina was a strong-willed person, she would have managed it. But they didn’t give it to her. First of all, my sister. Rita, of course, will be offended by me for telling the truth and will spit in my direction, but the facts that I will tell you about are blatant. I don’t condemn anyone, God is the judge of us all. But Rita constantly interfered with the treatment, telling her sister that everything was useless and that it was not worth trying. And she told Sasha and me: “Don’t torture her, let her die in peace.”

- But you tried to use unconventional treatment?

Yes, the cure is by starvation. Anna immediately began to feel better, she was able to walk, we even took her from the clinic. But on the fourth day, Anya drank the juice and stopped fasting. Rita constantly slipped her meat products. Explaining this: let a person eat before dying. What a death if we did everything for Anya’s recovery! Why deprive a person of a chance? I forbade giving the patient meat, Rita continued to feed her broth. Although it is known that tumors develop in an acidic environment, meat-eaters have an acidic blood reaction. Vegetarians have an alkaline reaction, in which tumors do not develop and are even rejected. It has long been a known fact in medicine that observing fasts is a preventive measure to prevent the development of malignant tumors in the body. Rita also did not allow Samokhin to be treated with herbs. She wailed: let us pour out this bitter grass. And we'll pour you some soup. I somehow couldn’t stand it and asked: do you have a personal interest in your sister’s death? She, of course, was indignant. But I myself heard her say: “I need to return to Moscow, so that everything can be resolved with Anya.”

This whole situation reminded me of a famous joke. An orderly takes a patient on a gurney to the morgue. “Maybe we should still go to intensive care?” - the patient asks. "No. The doctor said to the morgue, that means to the morgue.”

Deadly apathy

- Was Anna really calm about the fact that she would be taken to a hospice?

For the last two years she has generally been in apathy. I didn't want anything from life. She refused to run her own restaurant - they say no one needs it. I was on a destructive diet: five days on coffee and cigarettes. By the way, together with my daughter, she has a predisposition to be overweight. I suggested that Anya go on vacation, relax, and finally have a child. "For what?" - she said indifferently. It seems that her career was going well: she played in six plays and acted. But little made her happy. Sasha says that her mother increasingly spoke out on the topic: what is the meaning in this life, what is the benefit of all this? I am sure that apathy was the cause of the onset of the disease.

- What do you have in mind?

There is a book by the writer Vladimir Zhikarentsev “The Path to Freedom”. That we attract all diseases with our thoughts. The author assures that cancer causes disappointment in life and reflection on the topic “why is this all for?” You need to get rid of this kind of thing. Anya should put her brain back in place. But after a series of troubles - the death of her mother-in-law, the driver of her car crashed, problems with real estate - she decided that it was her time to stand before God...

It was a huge mistake to place Samokhin in a hospice! “Mom was injected with morphine here,” Sasha confessed to me in a panic. After chemotherapy, Anya felt much worse. Within a week, the tumor doubled in size - it became the size of egg and gave extensive metastases, the liver was seriously damaged. Sasha asked me to bring a cot to protect my mother from the doctors. On that last Sunday, she and I begged the nurse not to go to the patient with a morphine syringe. Anya herself said: “Why stab me? Nothing hurts me." But the nurse replied that at the hospice they were supposed to inject morphine three times. I suspect that when we left, she was injected with a dose. But her liver couldn’t cope with cleaning the blood anyway.

- When did you see Anya in last time?

On Sunday, February 7th. We read a prayer with Sasha, I kissed Anya and said that tomorrow I would take her from the hospice. She smiled and replied - we love you, Kostya. Seven hours later she was gone.

pink cloud

- Did you love Samokhina?

And I don’t hide it. My wife knew about our relationship and didn't blame me. “I understand you,” my wife said, “it’s impossible to resist a woman like Samokhina.” By the way, Anya became the godmother of my children.

We met her in 2006 at a restaurant where she was the owner. I brought her the play. From the first minutes of communication we felt mutual sympathy. There are many beautiful women, but none equal to Anya. Graceful and sexy, with manners and gestures similar to a panther. The energy of love emanated from her. Being next to her involved me in an amazing atmosphere. When she touched you, you felt like you were in a pink cloud. She was simply super as a woman! I can say this with complete certainty, because I had a lot of them, just like Anya had men. For all her fame, she had a big kind soul and no hint of stardom. Anya was worth a hundred women!

-Have you confessed your feelings to her?

One day on a plane. Anya fell asleep - she always drank two hundred grams for courage. I leaned over to her and said one phrase, you can probably guess what it was. Without opening her eyes, she answered: I don’t believe it. I was embarrassed to show her my feelings, she did not show hers. She was a reserved person; she didn’t even open up to her daughter completely.

- Weren’t you embarrassed by the age difference?

It wasn't felt. Anya looked about 30 years old with a ponytail. Her age was revealed only by life experience. In the conversation it became clear that this is a woman who has experienced a lot in her lifetime, has been married several times, has adult daughter. The closer we got, the more I liked her human qualities. I can't believe we lost her. Every time the phone rings, I subconsciously expect to hear her low, soulful, hoarse voice...

Modest funeral

Fans of the artist were surprised that in last way it was carried out very modestly. Due to cramped conditions and overcrowding, many were unable to say goodbye to SAMOKHINA. I was also struck by the talk that Anna did not want Mikhail BOYARSKY to be present at her funeral. Konstantin KULESHOV told the reason.

Regarding the funeral, I told my daughter Samokhina Sasha: “Mom - famous actress, millions love her, many will want to say goodbye to her,” says Konstantin. “She answered that people should remember my mother as young and beautiful.” They say that she would not want to be looked at in a coffin, and she herself would be against a civil memorial service. My proposal is to arrange a farewell and funeral service in the spacious Kazan Cathedral of the Shoal. Sasha and her father decided to hold a funeral service in the church at the Smolensk cemetery. - As for Boyarsky, I knew that she was always afraid of him. In their youth, they had some kind of conflict on the set, but then they settled everything. By the way, I tried to call him to the hospital. Anya needed psychological help, and he was just the person who could shake her up. I called Mikhail and asked him to come, but he never found the time. I think that's why he was so depressed at the funeral.

Photo by Ruslan VORONOY

She was only 47 years old. Bright woman with an incomparable smile - this is how her relatives and fans will remember her.

Anna Samokhina was buried at the Smolensk cemetery, next to the grave of her mother-in-law, the mother of her first husband. Relatives refused a civil memorial service; the funeral service took place in the Smolenskaya Church Mother of God. But the temple could not accommodate everyone, so speakers were installed outside so that fans of the actress could hear the service. Many could not restrain themselves and cried. One woman became ill, but fortunately there was an ambulance on duty near the church.

Actors don't die

We often noticed that Anya had stomach problems,” actor Evgeny Leonov-Gladyshev told us. “Sometimes she asked me to bring mineral water to the dressing room to wash down a pill before the performance. Nobody thought that she was so seriously ill. Anya always said that she ate a bad salad. It’s good that she died in her sleep and passed away quietly.

The coffin was placed in front of the altar. They opened the lid in complete silence.

Annushka managed to give instructions on how to bury her,” explained Leonov-Gladyshev.

Anya is already at home, we are still visiting,” sighed the actress’s friend, actor Sergei Koshonin. - She was a very religious person. Before a performance he always crosses himself. Although she did not often go to church and did not observe fasts, she had faith in her soul. This means that God needed her more than here on earth. In general, Anna is a miracle of nature. And for us she will always remain alive. Actors don't die.

An apple that ripened early

Samokhin's funeral service was conducted by Father Viktor Moskovsky. Anna was friends with him, often talked, especially about Saint Xenia of Petersburg: she dreamed of playing her in a movie.

“I performed the funeral service for my beloved actress, my loved one, with special sorrow and mourning,” admitted Father Victor. - Many people ask: why do such young people leave? There are apples that ripen early, and others that ripen late. And now the early apple is ripe, plump, and if you don’t bite into it, it will spoil. It may be an unfortunate comparison, but perhaps Hannah was ripe for God. The funeral service contains the following words: “He will rest with the saints.” We bury Anna in the Smolensk cemetery, where Saint Xenia of Petersburg lies. I believe that she will patronize Anna and become her intercessor before the Lord.

The coffin was carried out to applause. They didn't stop talking for a long time. The hearse drove slowly along the cemetery path, along the edges of which hundreds of people stood and clapped and clapped.

The grave was covered with spruce branches and carnations. Another short funeral service was held here. In the frosty air, the voices of the singers sounded especially shrill. Relatives and friends, whom the guards carefully protected from the crowds of Samokhina’s fans, stood in a tight group. Anna's daughter Alexandra, who had been steadfastly holding back her tears all this time, could not stand it and burst into tears. Her father immediately approached her, hugged her, and whispered something in her ear. A few minutes later the girl came to her senses.

“I worked with Anya for four years,” recalls Andrei Noskov, who played with Samokhina in the entreprise “Hero of the occasion.” - I have never met such a talented actress. She has a mysterious smile and plasticity. But I found out that she was sick only recently. Anya was a rather secretive person in life. She has this manner of not letting anyone in on her problems. She rarely asked for help. That’s probably why she didn’t talk about her illness.

At exactly sixteen o'clock Samokhin was lowered into the grave. Applause began again. And then to a fresh grave more than an hour fans of the actress came with flowers. Most of all there were white roses - she especially loved them.


Samokhina herself found out that she had cancer only two months ago. In November, she was going on vacation to Goa, but before that she decided to undergo a test. The diagnosis was disappointing: stomach cancer, stage four, surgery was impossible. The relatives tried to find at least some way to help Anna, but the doctors just shrugged their shoulders - nothing could be done. A course of chemotherapy was given, but it did not help. Non-traditional methods of treatment also proved powerless.

The actress spent her last days in a hospice in Pargolovo. There, not only ordinary doctors support patients, but also priests. Daughter Sasha was always nearby and elder sister Margarita. Samokhin was also visited by her ex-husbands.

1. The daughter of the actress Alexandra was the first to throw a handful of earth into her mother’s grave. Behind her is Anna's first husband Alexander Samokhin.

2. Evgeny Leonov-Gladyshev: “Who knew that the disease was so serious?”

3. Mikhail Boyarsky was Samokhina’s partner in the film “Don Cesar de Bazan”.

4. Andrei Urgant played with Anna in the film “Russian Transit”.

5. Alexander Polovtsev could barely hold back his tears.

6. Sergei Selin and Sergei Koshonin cannot come to terms with the loss of their friend and colleague.

7. The funeral procession was headed by Anna Samokhina’s nephew Denis.

8. Anna’s sister Margarita helped Samokhina cope with trouble until the very end.


Yesterday, one of the most beautiful actresses of Russian cinema, Anna Samokhina, was buried at the Smolensk cemetery. But in her personal life, not everything went well for her.

Are beautiful women always happy?

Vadim BAZYKIN, Honored Pilot of Russia:

Happiness does not depend on beauty. Beauty is, of course, a gift from God. We must treat her correctly. She inspires a person, but happiness does not depend on her.

Yuri Khalimov, chief endocrinologist of the St. Petersburg Health Committee:

No wonder they say: don’t be born beautiful. A beautiful woman is always in greater demand. She needs to keep herself in shape. This applies to appearance, health, and intelligence. She is discussed and condemned more. On the other hand, the beauty believes that only a prince can be her husband. And there aren’t enough of them for everyone. That's why many beautiful women remain single.

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Question of the day: “Are beautiful women always happy?” Yesterday, one of the most beautiful actresses of Russian cinema, Anna Samokhina, was buried at the Smolensk cemetery. But in her personal life, not everything went well for her. Shooting - Katerina FILIPOVA

Andre SUBERU, head of the Nigerian diaspora in St. Petersburg:

Everyone has their own destiny. And I knew Anna Samokhina personally. And I know firsthand what a good woman she was. And the kind and talented people Unfortunately, they don't live long. And beauty has nothing to do with it.

Yuri LABETSKY, artistic director of the Vyborg theater “Holy Fortress”:

All the actresses of our troupe are very beautiful women. Theater for them is their personal life. And here they are happy. And we don’t ask them about what’s happening behind the stage.

Svetlana POPOVA, student

No. U beautiful girls there are a lot of fans, and this choice makes your head spin. It’s hard for them to decide, but time is running out. From this comes internal conflict, and as a result, the woman is often left alone.

Vladislav ALEXEEV, CEO football club"Dynamo":

A man makes a woman happy. I'm very beautiful wife, with whom we lived for almost forty years. We have two children and four grandchildren. And if she were asked such a question, she would answer without hesitation that she was very happy.

Thea DONGUZASHVILI, bronze medalist Olympic Games- 2004 in judo:

People must decide their own destiny. Happiness is in our hands. And if someone is unhappy, then it means he is doing something wrong.

Alexey DEMIDOV, Rector of St. Petersburg State University

technology and design:

I don’t see any relationship between a woman’s appearance and her personal happiness. Character is much more important inner world women, her reliability.

Dmitry DANILOV, cook:

Not always. And there are many examples of this. For example, my wife's friend is a beautiful woman. But in her family there is no love, no sensitivity, no respect between the spouses for each other.

Anna MOLCHANOVA, film actress:

No. As a rule, they expect and demand a lot from their men even during the dating period. And when they get married and it begins family life, then everyday life becomes jammed and discord begins. There's no time for happiness here.

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Anna Samokhina was buried in St. Petersburg. The most beautiful Russian actress passed away on Monday night. She was only 47 years old. A bright woman with an incomparable smile, this is how her relatives and fans will remember her.

Biography actor career Anna Samokhina. When born and died Samokhin, memorable places and dates. Cause of death. Actress quotes, Photo and video.

Years of life:

born January 14, 1963, died February 8, 2010


“The dawn was falling behind the February cloud.
You left, as the best leave.
IN white dream, into the ringing silence.
Having played out life for real!”
From the song “We can’t save anyone with love...” to verses by Marina Snegireva, dedicated to Anna Samokhina

Biography of Anna Samokhina

She decided to become an actress because of unhappy teenage love. She was separated from her boyfriend by his parents, who considered Anna frivolous. The girl suffered so much that decided to spite everyone to become an artist so that the young man would regret what kind of lover he lost. She never saw her beloved again, but she really became an actress. The most beautiful, most delightful actress of Russian cinema. The biography of Anna Samokhina was a bright story, full of ups, victories, love, glory. But, alas, a short story.
Anna entered drama school after reading only a couple of lines to the examiners.. And immediately, in my first year, I fell in love with the most handsome student on the course, Alexander Samokhin. She was only 16 years old when she married him, and at the age of 20 she became the mother of her daughter Alexandra Samokhina. After college, she and her husband went to work at the Rostov Youth Theater, and four years later, she received the role of Mercedes in the film “The Prisoner of the Chateau d'If,” which became a ticket to actor's biography Samokhina. Immediately followed by invitations to other films - “Thieves in Law”, “Don Cesar de Bazan”, “The Royal Hunt”.

In 1989, Anna left Rostov and settled in St. Petersburg. But then the 90s came, not the best better time to work in cinema. Samokhina, a beautiful and talented actress, had to agree to everything that was offered to her, however, even in the weakest films she played effectively and unforgettably. In the late 90s, actress Samokhina starred in the successful comedy “Chinese Service” with Yankovsky and Bezrukov, and then often appeared in TV series.

Personal life

Samokhina’s personal life was not easy. After 15 years of marriage, she separated from her first husband and soon married a second time, to businessman Dmitry Konorov, with whose help Anna created the Diapazon film studio and opened several restaurants. But after 7 years, this marriage also broke up. Samokhina lived in her next marriage for two years, and after the breakup she said that doesn't want to get married anymore. IN last years Throughout her life, Samokhina was passionate about new projects, worked in enterprises, and played in plays.

Cause of death and funeral of Anna Samokhina

The death of Anna Samokhina was a big blow for her family and loved ones. The cause of Samokhina’s death was an oncological disease, stomach cancer, diagnosed at a late, inoperable stage. The course of chemotherapy only worsened her condition. Anna spent her last days in a hospice, where Samokhina died on February 8, 2010. Faith in psychics and charlatan healers, following dubious advice and later professional cancer treatment played a fatal role in the fatal outcome.

Two days later they took place Samokhina's funeral, Samokhina's grave is located at the Smolensk cemetery in St. Petersburg, where the actress’s first mother-in-law, whom she loved very much, is also buried. At the moment when Samokhina's coffin began to be lowered, applause sounded - this is how relatives and fans of this beautiful woman paid tribute to the memory of Samokhina, the most beautiful woman in Russian cinema, who died untimely.

Anna Samokhina was one of the most beautiful actresses of Russian cinema

Life line

January 14, 1963 Date of birth of Anna Vladlenovna Samokhina.
1978 Admission to the Yaroslavl Theater School.
1979 Marriage to Alexander Samokhin.
1982 Graduation from college, placement in the Youth Theater of Rostov-on-Don.
1983 Film debut in a cameo role in the film “Found Guilty”, the birth of Samokhina’s daughter, Alexandra.
1987 the main role in the film "The Prisoner of the Chateau d'If".
1989 Joining the troupe of the Lenin Komsomol Theater in St. Petersburg.
1994 Divorce from Alexander Samokhin, marriage to Dmitry Konorov.
2001 Divorce from Dmitry Konorov.
2004 Main role in the play “Josephine and Napoleon” at the “Wheel” theater in Togliatti, actual marriage to Evgeny Fedorov.
2006 Divorce from Evgeniy Fedorov.
November 25, 2009 Hospitalization of Samokhina.
November 26, 2009 Diagnosis of stomach cancer in the last stage.
February 8, 2010 Date of death of Samokhina.
February 10, 2010 Funeral of Anna Samokhina.

Samokhina's daughter, Alexandra, is very similar to her famous mother

Memorable places

1. Cherepovets People's Theater, where Anna Samokhina was accepted at the age of 14.
2. Yaroslavl State Theater Institute (formerly Yaroslavl Theater School), where Samokhina studied in the workshop of Sergei Tikhonov.
3. Rostov Regional Academic Youth Theater (formerly the Youth Theater), where Samokhina was assigned after graduating from theater school.
4. Theater "Wheel" in Togliatti, where Samokhina played in the play "Josephine and Napoleon".
5. Theater “Russian Entreprise named after. Andrei Mironov”, where Samokhina played in recent years.
6. St. Petersburg Maly Comedy Theater named after. A. Samokhina (former private theater), where Samokhina played in recent years.
7. Hospice No. 3 in Pargolovo, where Anna Samokhina died.
8. Smolensk Church, where Samokhina’s funeral service took place.
9. Smolensk cemetery in St. Petersburg, where Samokhina is buried.

Episodes of life

Relatives called Samokhina a “witch”; it was believed that she could “see” illnesses and even make diagnoses, as if looking right through people. And sometimes she even predicted the future. She was once asked if she could predict her own future, to which the actress replied: “No, it’s more difficult with yourself...”.

Anna spent the last months of her life in a hospice. Hospice employees said that Samokhina’s makeup was always impeccable, even on the most difficult days for the actress. To hide the effects of chemotherapy, Anna wore a headscarf and always tried to look beautiful.

On February 7, 2010, a charity concert was to take place, the profits from which would go towards Samokhina’s treatment. Mikhail Boyarsky, Evgeny Dyatlov, Georgy Shtil and others were planning to perform at the concert. Russian actors. But the actress asked not to organize any concerts, and a day later she was gone.

Actress Anna Samokhina passed away at 47 years old


“Adventurism is either for schizophrenics or for very strong people, and I am somewhere in the suspicious middle...”

“I always need to move forward, I don’t accept stagnation in any business.”

Documentary film “Anna Samokhina. The loneliness of a queen."


“Mom hoped until her last days that she would get better and be able to enjoy her roles again. She wanted to be remembered as young and beautiful. She even treated this tragic situation with a smile and did not take everything that was happening seriously. So it burned down literally before our eyes, in a matter of days.”
Alexandra Samokhina, daughter of the actress

“It is impossible to come to terms with the fact that a serious, incurable illness cut short the life of a talented actress, young and charming woman that many plans remained unrealized, hopes did not come true, dreams did not come true. The memory of Anna Samokhina will forever remain in the hearts of all admirers of her brilliant talent.”
Vladimir Putin, President of the Russian Federation

“Anna always amazed me with her love of life, light, energy, and goodwill. It hurts when such people leave - talented, beautiful, spiritually rich, generous in soul. This is a real tragedy for loved ones, friends, colleagues, fans. Bright memory about Anna Samokhina will remain in the hearts of all of us - people who sincerely love her.”
From the official message of the Committee for Culture of St. Petersburg

“We have lost a talented, kind, sympathetic person, a wonderful actress. Anya was a good friend and just very beautiful woman. This is a huge, terrible loss for all of us."
Vitaly Melnikov, director

...with the graves of Saint Blessed Xenia of Petersburg, Pushkin’s nanny Arina Rodionovna, mother of the legendary musician Viktor TsOY - Valentina.

There were no problems with the burial place at the prestigious cemetery: Anna’s first husband, Alexander Samokhin, had his parents buried here. Despite the divorce, the ex-spouses maintained warm friendly relations, because they grew up common daughter Alexandra. That's why ex-husband, who has long had another family, is now experiencing what happened as a personal drama.

Anya’s mom and dad are buried in Cherepovets,” Alexander told us. - She was left without parents very early: her dad died in his early 30s, and her mother died at 52. This is rock! And Anya left very young, at 47 years old, and Sashenka was left without herself dear person. We all try to support her. Next to Sasha is her beloved person, I hope they get married soon. I really want to see her happy, recent months My daughter had a terrible ordeal. Sasha told me that when her mother was taken to the hospice, she lost sleep. Literally every day I went there so that Anya would not feel abandoned.

In the memory of all those who loved her, Anna will remain forever young.

Sasha SAMOKHINA was supported by her father Alexander

Left enlightened

Anna Samokhina died on the night of Monday February 8th. And just the day before, a ray of hope flashed among the relatives. On Sunday evening Anna suddenly said that she felt much better. She was even able to sit up on the bed on her own, although before that she was unable to even move her leg.

“Her voice has become cheerful again,” says Alexander Samokhin, “we haven’t seen her like this for a long time.” Sasha went to the hospice and called me. “Dad, she’s better, mom is smiling,” the daughter rejoiced. And a few hours later everything happened. And she also left with a smile on her beautiful face.

I am sure that before her death Anya saw something very good, probably angels. It couldn’t be otherwise, because she herself was a bright person. I have had another wife for a long time, but Anya has become like a sister to me.

At the head of the funeral procession
the portrait of the deceased was carried by her nephew Denis

Refused help

The farewell ceremony was somewhat delayed due to the delay in the arrival of the actress’s older sister, Margarita, from another city. Only at one o'clock in the afternoon the body from the morgue on Vyborg side transported to Vasilyevsky Island to the temple. And before that, people stood in separate groups, waiting. Everyone remembered the last time they saw the actress and what exactly they talked to her about.

SAMOKHINA's sister Margarita (left)
could not hold back bitter tears

“Anya categorically did not want to see Boyarsky,” I heard, stopping next to one of the companies. “But he’ll probably still come, because it’s impossible not to let someone go to a funeral.”

Just at these words, Mikhail Sergeevich appeared in the distance with a scarf wrapped over his eyes.

Look,” they whispered in the crowd, “Boyarsky!” He disguised himself so that you wouldn’t recognize him right away.

Without greeting or communicating with anyone, Boyarsky entered the temple, stayed there for several minutes and just as quickly left the cemetery territory.

We nevertheless decided to stop the star, asking him to say a few words about the deceased, and asked why she categorically refused the financial assistance he offered.

“I won’t say anything,” Boyarsky snapped. “She refused not only my help, but help in general.” By the way, she asked that there be no journalists at her funeral. I'll follow this one smart woman and I won't talk to you. Turning sharply, he quickly walked away.

Mikhail BOYARSKY dropped into the church for just a couple of minutes

I dreamed of playing a saint

All the other St. Petersburg celebrities were at the funeral until the very end. Semyon Strugachev, Evgeny Sidikhin, Olga Orlova, Sergey Selin, Alexander Polovtsev, Yulia Sobolevskaya, Sergey Migitsko, Evgeny Leonov-Gladyshev could not hold back their tears. Hundreds came to the cemetery ordinary people- fans of Samokhina’s talent. The temple could not accommodate everyone, and people waited for the end of the funeral ceremony on the street, not paying attention to the 11-degree frost. Both women and men cried. Actor Sergei Koshonin brought special equipment to the cemetery in advance, and there was an audio broadcast of the church ceremony on the street.

Alexander POLOVTSEV perceived the death of his colleague as a personal loss

“It is no coincidence that Anna Vladlenovna rested next to Saint Xenia of Petersburg,” Father Victor, the priest of the Church of the Smolensk Icon of the Mother of God, who performed the funeral service for the star, shared with us. - They say that she really dreamed of playing this saint in a movie, she was even already thinking through the script. It is a very difficult task and a huge responsibility to play a holy man. Only a spiritually strong actor can do this. She would have succeeded. We will always pray for Anna and love her.

The friend of his youth did not have time to say goodbye

We managed to talk on the phone with the man who was Anna Samokhina’s first love. German Volgin was very sorry that he could not come to the funeral.

I didn’t manage to say goodbye to Anechka, but I will certainly come to St. Petersburg to bow to her grave for nine or 40 days. We did not communicate with her for many years; I saw her daughter Sashenka only as a baby. I want to express my deepest condolences to her. When I read on the Internet that Anna had passed away, I couldn’t believe my eyes. At school she was Anechka Podgornaya. We studied in parallel classes and loved each other. Anya has always been a strong-willed person. She succeeded in everything at school, no matter what she set her mind to, and she had huge plans. She dreamed of being an actress and became one. She would make a great director. But I didn’t have time... I can’t come to terms with it! After all, who, if not Anya, was supposed to defeat the disease?! She has always been a fighter by nature. Most likely, we broke up because we were both very ambitious. Alas, I could not hold her back then. All my life I had been planning to come to her performance, but I never got around to it. But I know that she was always looking for me with her eyes in the hall. I didn’t have the courage to meet her, and now I can only regret...

knew how to be different

Anna Samokhina was discovered for cinema by assistant director Georgy Yungvald-Khilkevich Alexander Prosyanov. Here's what he said:

Throughout the Union, Khilkevich searched beautiful actress for the film "The Prisoner of the Chateau d'If". My task was not easy - to look through all the young actresses in several cities. Rostov-on-Don was last on this list. The boardwalk, dilapidated stage of the Rostov Youth Theater struck me so much that I wanted to immediately turn around and leave. But they told me in time that there was a very beautiful young actress working in the theater and she would certainly suit me. I headed to the actors' dormitory. “How do actors live here?” - I was surprised, walking along the gloomy corridors of the dorm. I met Anya in the common kitchen. She stood at the stove in a simple, old robe and curlers. “Come on, what kind of Mercedes is this?!” - I thought. But Anya herself showed persistence.

Wait, I’ll show you my album now, and you’ll see that I know how to be beautiful! When I saw the pictures, I was literally dumbfounded and realized that it was not in vain that I had traveled all over Russia. Anna knew how to be different! The kingdom of heaven to her!

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