Anna Sokolova: biography of a young Russian gymnast. Dedicated to the little princess

Physical training of athletes, including young ones, is one of the urgent problems of modern theory and practice of sports training. With the improvement of technical readiness, both means of special physical training and gymnastic exercises of conjugated influence are used.

The successful implementation of the comprehensive physical education of young gymnasts largely depends on the skillful selection of means and methods of physical training over a number of years in an annual cycle.

Full physical training includes general and special training, between which there is a close relationship. This separation allows you to better build the pedagogical process, using various means and methods.

Special physical training is directly aimed at the development of physical qualities specific to this sport. The means of special physical training are: 1) competitive exercises, i.e. holistic actions that are performed in compliance with all requirements established for competitions; 2) special preparatory exercises

directly aimed at the development of physical qualities. These are exercises aimed at developing muscle groups that carry the main load when performing a holistic action. General physical training is aimed, first of all, at the general physical development of the gymnast, i.e. the development of physical qualities, which, although not specific to this sport, are necessary from the point of view of a comprehensive increase in the functional capabilities of the body. General physical training enriches the athlete with a wide variety of skills. Despite the various specific manifestations of physical qualities, they all have common patterns of development, on the basis of which they manifest themselves in a particular sport. General physical training is aimed at the overall harmonious development of the whole organism, the development of all its muscles, strengthening the organs and systems of the body and increasing its functionality, improving the ability to coordinate movements, increasing speed, strength, endurance, agility, flexibility, correcting deficiencies in physique and posture in young athletes. The specific choice of means depends on the inclinations of those involved, the existing traditions of the sports team and the available opportunities. It should also be taken into account that an increase in the indicators of one of the physical qualities (strength, speed, endurance, flexibility, coordination capabilities) is impossible at a certain level of development of the others.

For young gymnasts, the means of general physical training will be walking, running, climbing, exercises to develop a sense of balance, general developmental exercises with and without objects, exercises with weights. A significant place in the program of their classes should be given to outdoor and sports games, various types of athletics, swimming and diving.

General and special physical training should be presented in all types of the annual cycle - preparatory, competitive (basic) and transitional, but the ratio and tasks change.

In the first years of training, it is necessary to pay great attention to the general physical training of aphids; it contributes to the versatile development and increase in the functional capabilities of the body of young athletes. General physical training should be carried out throughout the year, varying in volume depending on the period of training. The authors of the programs emphasize that one of the most important conditions in training with young gymnasts is a combination of special and general physical training, because. Only under this condition can high sports results be achieved.

In many sports, the speed of movement must be maintained at the maximum level for some time. This requires special stamina. Numerous data indicating that strength training is an important condition for the development of other motor qualities.

The School of Rhythmic Gymnastics named after Ira Chashchina invites girls to take classes in recreational physical education or general physical education.

General physical training at the training camp in rhythmic gymnastics in Kazan "Dynamo-2016"

Modern children lead a fixed lifestyle, and this significantly affects their well-being. The health of the baby is the key to peace of mind for parents. Good solution for your child, is a health-improving physical culture! Classes will help to improve not only physical health, but change your thinking. Develop a positive outlook on the world around us.

We have developed a special program for children. aimed at the work of the spine, strengthening the muscular corset, improving the plasticity and flexibility of coordination of movements. What will help the child to form the correct posture. Performing a set of exercises, the child receives an "internal massage", which improves the blood supply to the internal organs. Helps to remove harmful substances from the body, improve digestion and metabolism. The weight of the baby is normalized.

In addition, the developed health complex is a beautiful form of motor activity, it is also focused on training concentration. Promotes rest and relaxation after intellectual stress.

What does the lesson contain?

The lesson is aimed at developing flexibility, plasticity, strength endurance, working out the main muscles of the body, developing creative abilities, and a sense of musical ear.

Classes include several areas at once, such as:

Recreational gymnastics Choreography Rhythm Stretching (stretching) General physical training Respiratory gymnastics Acupressure Development of small motor skills And a new direction Children's Yoga!

What is yoga for children and why is it needed?

Yoga #8212; This is a universal system that will suit anyone. There are no conventions here, therefore it does not matter what age, temper and what degree of preparation your child is. Yoga can be an amazing game that your child can play with you!

Yoga is an old system aimed not only at healing and strengthening the body, but also at finding peace, peace of mind. This is a healthy body and a healthy spirit, also a method of self-knowledge, self-improvement, disclosure of one's own capabilities, perception of the world around us.

Baby fitness group (from 2 years old)

Development of small motor skills Formation of a sense of musical tempo Exercises regulating muscle tone, activating attention Health-improving gymnastics Choreography Rhythm Fitness aerobics Stretching (stretching) General physical training Respiratory gymnastics Acupressure Correction of posture, prevention of flat feet And a new direction of children's yoga.

Despite their good susceptibility, children are very mobile and it can be difficult for them to concentrate on repeating any movements for a long time. Because yoga classes for them take place during the game. The performance of asanas is based on imitation, and to make it easier for children to understand their names, familiar words are used: “frog”, “bow”, “grasshopper”, “cat”. This additionally provokes enthusiasm for classes. And also improves memory, develops observation and imagination of the baby.

Yoga is especially useful for elementary school students. Health bases confirmed child, are laid at the age of 8 years. Yoga helps fight curvature of the spine, increases the body's resistance to various diseases. Allows the natural activity of the baby to be released, therefore it is especially indicated for restless children, with noticeable hyperactivity. Students who specialize in yoga become more disciplined, less tired and learn better!

Yoga classes also help:

Overcoming self-doubt. Finding physical and mental peace. Prevention of the development of scoliosis and the development of good posture. Achieving harmony with the world around us. Understanding your own personality.

Studies have shown that children who practice yoga often improve their family and friends. They become more resilient. In such children, academic performance increases significantly, self-esteem increases, and purposefulness increases. Growing up. they simply achieve success in all areas of their own lives.


OFP in rhythmic gymnastics |. OFP in Rhythmic Gymnastics Step of the Minsk World Cup in Rhythmic Gymnastics (PHOTO. Line of means of OFP and SFP at the step. Line of means of OFP and SFP at the step of initial training in rhythmic gymnastics. Programs in rhythmic gymnastics. The system of long-term sports training in rhythmic gymnastics. what in a row. General physical preparation (OFP - Kosher) in artistic. In this article, Marina will explain what is general physical art training. Rhythmic gymnastics for children in Tomsk. Rhythmic Gymnastics WHAT IS GYMNASTICS c. Exercises and items | Rhythmic gymnastics. In artistic gymnastics In rhythmic gymnastics, what to cut. Types of jumps in rhythmic gymnastics. in fiction such a saying Run in rhythmic gymnastics, Unlike. Physical and technical training of female athletes. in gymnastics. Specifically, with OFP in gymnastics, which is in artistic. True stretch in artistic gymnastics. In rhythmic gymnastics, not only acute, but also acquired injuries occur. School artistic gymnastics "PUDRA". What are Master classes of champions in artistic gymnastics groups.

The world fame of the Russian school of rhythmic gymnastics is woven from the daily painstaking and creative work of individual strong personalities. One of the brightest examples of successful sports activity is the facts of the biography of the young Russian talent - the master of sports of international class Sokolova Anna Gennadievna. The young gymnast was born in the city of Yaroslavl, on January 3, 2018, she will cross the threshold of 16 years of age. At the moment she lives and works in the small town of Dmitrov near Moscow, where she moved with her parents when she was still a very young child. The athlete's arsenal contains prize awards of all-Russian and international competitions. The victories deserved by hard work allowed the gymnast Anna Sokolova to become a member of the Russian national team.

The beginning of a sports career

Enjoying Anyuta's virtuoso numbers at the sports Olympus, the girl's fans invariably bestow well-deserved epithets on the athlete: graceful, light, talented. Today's achievements of Sokolova became possible thanks to the persistent interaction of a friendly team of associates and mentors. The most important fans of the talented gymnast were and remain her parents - Yulia and Alexei Sokolov. The working sports everyday life of a little girl once began with an acquaintance with the first coach - Tatyana Konstantinovna Nikolaeva.

Later, Anna Sokolova trained under the guidance of five more successful rhythmic gymnastics coaches: Vera Viktorovna Milovanova, Ekaterina Petrovna Shumilova, Anna Vyacheslavovna Dyachenko, Elena Igorevna Yakovleva and Maya Ivanovna Gavrusenko. The last mentor on this list is engaged in the choreographic production of numbers for Sokolova.

The tandem of coaches and pupils brought noticeable success to the gymnast Anna Sokolova in her sports career. In 2012, participation in the championship, known as "Rus", brought the girl 4th place in the country, and in 2015, the young athlete already became a member of the Russian national rhythmic gymnastics team. Such a virtuoso breakthrough is not possible for every contender for this honorary title. In the collection of cups of the Russian master of sports there are important milestones of being on the high steps of the coveted podium.

The most memorable gold for the athlete was the medal received at the competitions in Kazan. The second significant precious gold cup was a confident victory in the Czech Republic. Gymnast Anna Sokolova was also satisfied with her results in Russia, when she took the second step of the sports Olympus at the Hopes of Russia tournament. Gymnast Anna Sokolova has repeatedly won silver and gold medals in the rhythmic gymnastics team championship.

Personal life

In the sporting fate of any talented gymnast, periods of unprecedented take-off are replaced by moments of disappointment. Sports observers sometimes call Anna's achievements not entirely stable, forgetting that in life a person is not always in perfect shape. The gymnast Anna Sokolova herself treats her high-profile victories and insidious tricks of changeable sports fortune constructively. High achievements contribute to the general raising of the tone and striving for new heights. Embarrassing mistakes allow you to learn from your own mistakes.

For each new program, in a duet with a coach and in conjunction with other specialized specialists, Anyuta prepares carefully and thoughtfully. In one of the media interviews, the girl admitted that she was given additional strength and enthusiasm by numbers made to the accompaniment of Russian music. The main task of the young member of the Russian rhythmic gymnastics team is the constant improvement of technical techniques, multi-day training together with her friends in the gymnastics workshop, an optimistic attitude and faith in victory despite everything that may stand in the way.

The life of a sports professional is seriously different from the life of peers. A career in rhythmic gymnastics becomes significant if a girl starts training at an early age. Later, sports stars have to combine their studies at school with many hours of grueling classes, training camps and trips to competitions. In rare moments of relative calm, Anna Sokolova managed to tell her fans that she prefers algebra from school subjects, and in the color palette she will choose green.

For entertainment, easily accessible to other fifteen-year-olds, Anna simply does not have time. The Russian rhythmic gymnastics team has a strict regimen of necessary trainings, good friendship between the girls, mutual support and practical advice from team elders become an important assistant in achieving results.

Rhythmic gymnastics is the destiny of strong-willed athletes. A beautiful sport, filled with colorful notes of bright costumes, melodic background music, conquering the highest steps of a magical pedestal, starts small. Anna Sokolova in rhythmic gymnastics has gone from ordinary training, in which they study simple choreographic exercises, to the Russian national team, where the exercises are so complex and spectacular that they are difficult to compare with world-class circus acrobats and jugglers. The road to big sport is open to everyone, only a few conquer the golden Olympus. The sports biography of Anna Sokolova is a worthy example for novice athletes to follow. The main thing is to believe in the dream.

Her name is Anna (Anya, Nyusha, Nyushka) and she is only 10 years old, or rather she is already 10 years old, because she is an adult.
Although no, of course it is not, she is a child, a very nice, sweet, affectionate and intelligent child.
She, like all children, lives in her children's world, the world of fantasies and dreams, but at the same time she already understands complex, non-childish issues.
She loves freshly squeezed grapefruit juice, strawberries and cream, lemon, sweet muffin cake, crepes with sour cream, french fries, mom's mushroom soup, milk chocolate and Coke.
She knows a bunch of jokes and riddles. When I see her blue eyes and a kindly sly slanting look, I seem to return to childhood ....
I had to see her sad and sad, cheerful, mischievous and thoughtful. Her mood is like the weather can change a hundred times a day, or it can be monotonous for a whole week. The only thing I have never seen in her eyes is anger or indifference.
And Anya has a serious and adult hobby, which has become an integral part of her life. This is rhythmic gymnastics, which she has been doing since the age of three. Anya cannot imagine herself outside the world of rhythmic gymnastics, giving herself all to this wonderful sport. At the same time, there are only fives in her school diary. Looking at this blond, fragile charm, you are amazed at the willpower of this child, her perseverance in achieving the goal.
I could write a lot more about her, but I'm afraid to get carried away and make you bored. However, if you, dear readers, write to me and ask questions, then this story will become much longer and very interesting.

On March 30, 1995, a loud exclamation of a little man announced to the universe: "I was born, I came into this world to be happy and give joy to loved ones." A great miracle happened - a man was born. Little Anya did not yet know what difficulties she had to go through in the first years of her life. How often in our lives joy coexists with grief and despair. The bright ray of the sun, which illuminated the ward of the maternity hospital, was hidden by a gray cloud in the blink of an eye. In the ears of the happy mother, the cry of the newborn Anya had not yet subsided, when the doctor's voice sounded ... He was saying something about the few hours allotted to the baby on this earth, about a heart defect incompatible with life, about the futility of trying to save her ... These words mixed up in my mind Anya's mother, her mind and heart refused to accept the terrible truth: her baby is terminally ill...
But Anechka wanted to live, and her parents really wanted it with her. A few hours later, an ambulance took the girl to the 67th Moscow hospital. The hours allotted to the child, despite the difficult diagnosis, were added up into days and weeks. One after the other, there were examinations at the Morozov Hospital, the Institute of Pediatrics, preparation for surgery at the Scientific Center for Cardiovascular Surgery. Bakulev. The child had a series of operations to restore the activity of the heart. And every time, before the next operation, Anya's parents went to the "Children's World" to buy gifts for their daughter, trying to prove to themselves that they were confident in the successful completion of the next operation.
And the great faith of parents in the best, coupled with the professionalism of doctors, did their job. Now all the pain is behind. Anino's heart, two-thirds of which is a plastic prosthesis that can stretch, continues to amaze doctors for nine years. And it surprises everyone who at least once talked with Anya, and came into contact with her kindness, light, constant optimism and vitality. And looking into her open, sparkling eyes with love, I want to smile quietly and say: "You were born to be happy ..."
Part two: "VICTORY"
In 1996, when Anechka was one and a half years old, the last, decisive operation was performed, which lasted 14 hours with complete cardiac arrest and artificial circulation. After fourteen hours, the doctors had to start the heart and understand whether it would turn on the rhythm or not, whether it would beat or stop forever. Fourteen hours of painful waiting, fourteen hours between heaven and earth, fourteen hours of tension, misunderstanding, grief and hope. Fourteen hours of mental communication with a loved one. Yes, breaking all literary canons, I repeated "fourteen hours" six times in one paragraph. But I am ready to repeat these words as a hymn to life. Hours of victory, hours of triumph. Only 14 hours… How little it is even for the life of one person, not to mention the universe. And how much it is for a mother's heart, waiting for her child outside the doors of the operating room.
And the door opened. A surgeon, Alexei Ivanovich Kim, appeared on the threshold. His tired face lit up with a smile and he said: "She won." Anya's heart beat, with every beat heralding victory, the victory of life over death, the victory of hope over despair, the victory of light, goodness and love.
This is the main, but not the last victory of Anya Sokolova. At the age of three, Anya entered the world of rhythmic gymnastics and remained in it forever. Family friends did not understand, the coaches were afraid, the doctors warned: "Professional sports are harmful even to a healthy child, not to mention a girl with a heart disease." But Anya won time after time. She defeated stereotypes, she defeated fear, she defeated illness. Anechka won the very first prize at the age of 4. Since then, places from 1 to 3 have constantly accompanied the little "artist". And most recently, Anya became the bronze medalist of Moscow, among gymnasts born in 1995. Miracle - you say. And I agree with you. The Sokolov family forgot the word disease. Anya is growing up as a full-fledged, happy life girl. Her room is a small kingdom, having been in which you understand the soul of this child. Even from the walls breathes a special warmth. Prizes are placed everywhere, medals, posters with eminent gymnasts are hung. Years will pass and perhaps in the room of some blond girl there will be a poster with a portrait of the gymnast Anna Sokolova. And of course, the poster will have the inscription: "She knew how to win."
Part Three: "THE BOOK OF LIFE"
Most recently, Anya received holy baptism. It is no coincidence that this happened at a conscious age. Anya, walking towards this day, all these years her heart was preparing to receive Christ into herself. Often, adults do not understand the simple truths that are so close. And the heart of a child, open to love and faith, absorbs, like a sponge, the Truth of Heaven. On that bright day when the priest Fr. Maxim Pervozvansky performed the sacrament of baptism, Anya Sokolova got her own Guardian Angel, the Angel of Light and Goodness, who will accompany her all her life. I remember one episode. When we were returning from the church, Anya looked thoughtfully out the car window. I jokingly said, "See, you didn't have to do your homework because you didn't go to school because of the christening." Without turning her head, she said softly, "I'm so glad... I'm very glad...". Persistently continuing my stupid joke, I said, "Well, of course I'm glad, I would be glad too if at your age I missed one day of school." At that moment, she looked into my eyes and said with kind reproach: "I'm not glad that I didn't go to school ... I'm glad that I was baptized."
Simple truths... I pray every day that you never forget them. May love, kindness, compassion and warmth accompany you all your life.
The book of your life has just begun. There will be many pages in it, there will be a place in it for joy and sorrow, and fun and sadness, there will be a place for both love and happiness in it ... But let there never be a place for indifference in it.
You were born to be happy, win and write your book... the book of life.

We invite everyone to our #Olympico summer training camp under the name of Olympic Champion Yulia Barsukova in the sunny city of Sochi in the summer of 2017 for 4 shifts:

Venue: Sochi, Olympic Park Adler-Arena

The team has tinned coaches and legendary athletes:

Mishenina Alla Viktorovna- Honored Coach of Russia. Coach of the Olympic champion in group exercises Anna Gavrilenko. Excellence in Physical Culture of the Russian Federation, awarded the badge of honor "For Merit in Sports" 1st degree. Master of Sports of the USSR. Over 30 years of experience in teaching.

Ivanitskaya Valentina Alekseevna- Honored Coach of Russia. Senior coach of the Russian national team in group exercises. Under her leadership, the team became the owner of gold medals in the group exercises of the Games of the XXVIII Olympiad in 2004 in Athens and the Games of the XXVII Olympiad in 2000 in Sydney.

Gribkova Tatyana Nikolaevna- Chairman of the Regional Federation of Rhythmic Gymnastics, Honored Coach of Russia.

Shmakova Natalia Evgenievna- coach of the silver medalist of the Olympic Games in Beijing Inna Zhukova, head coach of the Krasnodar Territory team.

Uliana Vyacheslavovna Donskova- Honored Master of Sports of Russia, captain of the Russian national rhythmic gymnastics team in group all-around from 2006 to 2012, multiple European and World Champion, 2012 Olympic Champion in group exercises.

Belugina Olesya Vladimirovna- Honored Master of Sports in rhythmic gymnastics, champion of the XXVII Summer Olympic Games in Athens.

Zhukova Inna Ivanovna- Honored Master of Sports of the Republic of Belarus. Silver medalist of the Olympic Games in Pikin, Bronze medalist of the World and European Champion.

Lukonina Yana Olegovna- master of sports of international class in rhythmic gymnastics, two-time European champion among Juniors, world champion in 2010 in the team event. Winner of the World Cup and Grand Prix series. Currently, she works in tandem with the Honored Master of Sports, Honored Coach of Russia - Amina Zaripova, personal trainer of the seven-time World Champion and four-time European Champion - Margarita Mamun. At the moment she is educating the bronze medalist of the Russian Championship - Maria Sergeeva, a contender for participation in the Junior European Championship. Coach of the highest category of the Olympic Training Center under the guidance of the Honored Coach of Russia, President of the Federation of Russian Gymnastics Viner Irina Alexandrovna.

Alexandrova Elizaveta- European champion in group exercises, winner of the World Cup stages.

Mishenina Anastasia Vyacheslavovna- Master of Sports in Rhythmic Gymnastics. Champion of Italy in individual events and club standings, European champion in the USIP program. Coach Coach for the Egyptian gymnasts for the 2014 Izmir World Championships and for the Taiwanese gymnasts for the Asian Games in 2014. 11 years of experience with the Italian club Ritmica Piemonte.

Trofimova Uliana Olegovna- Master of sports of international class, leader of the national rhythmic gymnastics team of Uzbekistan, silver medalist of the Asian Games in Guangzhou in individual and team events, bronze medalist of the Asian Championships 2009 and 2011, bronze medalist of the World Cup Stages in 2011 (ball, ribbon), finalist of the World Championships in separate events, for the first time in the history of Uzbek rhythmic gymnastics, she managed to obtain a license to participate in the XXX Olympic Games in London.

Malygina Ekaterina Olegovna- Honored Master of Sports. Three-time World and European champion, three-time bronze medalist of the world championships, winner of many stages of the World Cup in group exercises.

Belugina Natalia- Master of Sports, 2004 to 2009 member of the Russian national team, coach of the Alina festival 2015, 2016.

Sokolova Anna Gennadievna- trainer-producer. Winner of various national and international tournaments.

Umarova Yulia Usmanovna- Master of Sports in rhythmic gymnastics, silver medalist of the Cup of Uzbekistan, silver medalist of the Championship of Uzbekistan in group exercises.

Kozyr Irina Valerievna- sports psychologist of the highest category. Choreographer.Dance teacher.


  • Training process with a highly qualified teaching staff;
  • Live communication with the stars of rhythmic gymnastics;
  • Leisure events and much more;

The program of the training process:

  • Subject preparation;
  • Work on elements with dance tracks (balances, turns, jumps);
  • Psychology
  • Stretching, flexibility
  • Classical choreography;
  • dance training;
  • Statement of programs;
  • Individual work with a trainer.

Additional activities:

  • At the end of the shift, a reporting Gala concert is planned;
  • Make-up and hair master class.


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