Postgraduate Physical Education. Belarusian State Technological University. List of documents for admission to graduate school

Head of Postgraduate Studies– Zubkov Dmitry Alexandrovich, Ph.D., Associate Professor

Code of the direction of training - 49.06.01

Code of the specialty in accordance with the nomenclature of specialties of scientific workers - 13.00.04

Name of the direction of training- Physical Culture and sport

Orientation (profile)- Theory and methods of physical education, sports training, health-improving and adaptive physical culture

Form of study- full-time / part-time

Normative period of full-time study- 3 years


FGBOU VO ChGIPC provides training of highly qualified personnel under the program of scientific and pedagogical personnel in postgraduate studies in full-time and part-time education in the direction 49.06.01 "Physical culture and sports" (qualification - Researcher. Lecturer-researcher).

Terms of study:

Full-time - 3 years;

Part-time - 4 years.

Full-time education can be carried out both at the expense of the federal budget, and on the basis of full cost recovery.

Distance learning is provided only on a full cost-reimbursement basis.

Postgraduate students who study full-time at the expense of the budget allocations of the federal budget are entitled to receive state scholarships.

Full-time graduate students are granted the right to deferment from military service for the entire period of study.

The basis for the emergence of the right to deferment from military service during postgraduate studies are the provisions of paragraph "b" of Article 24 of the Federal Law of March 28, 1998 No. 53-FZ "On military duty and military service" (as amended and supplemented, entered into effective from 30.09.2014):

Article 24

2. Citizens have the right to deferment from conscription for military service:
b) full-time students in educational institutions and scientific organizations on state-accredited programs for the training of scientific and pedagogical personnel in graduate school (adjuncture), residency programs or assistantship-internship programs - during the development of these educational programs, but not more than established by federal state educational standards for the terms of obtaining higher education - training of highly qualified personnel, and for the duration of the defense of a qualifying work (dissertation), but not more than one year after completion of training in the corresponding educational program of higher education.

On the basis of the Faculty of Physical Culture, since 2008, a postgraduate course has been opened in the specialty 49.06.01 "Theory and Methods of Physical Education, Sports Training, Health-improving and Adaptive Physical Culture" - Pedagogical Sciences.
The main content (specialty passport) can be viewed here:
Postgraduate study is a form of postgraduate education, which has the main goal of preparing a graduate student to defend a dissertation for the degree of Candidate of Sciences. The purpose of postgraduate studies is the training of scientific and scientific-pedagogical personnel of the highest qualification of a pedagogical profile for science, education and various branches of the national economy. The objectives of postgraduate training, in accordance with existing legislation, are:
in-depth study of the methodological and theoretical foundations of pedagogical sciences;
formation of skills and abilities of independent research and scientific-pedagogical activity;
improvement of philosophical education, including professional-oriented education.
A postgraduate graduate is a highly qualified specialist and is trained:
to independent (including managerial) research activities, which require broad fundamental training in modern areas of pedagogy, deep specialized training in the chosen direction, and skills in modern research methods;
to scientific and pedagogical work in higher and secondary specialized educational institutions of various forms of ownership.
During the functioning of the postgraduate school, six graduates successfully defended their dissertations. There are currently five full-time PhD students studying at the faculty.
The leading teachers of the faculty supervise the preparation of postgraduate students:
Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor V.G. Shilko. The main direction of scientific research is the problems of physical education and mass sports work in higher educational institutions, health-improving physical culture of the elderly.
Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor O.I. Zagrevsky. The main direction of scientific research is sports biomechanics, biomechanical substantiation of the technique of sports exercises, modeling in sports.
Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor L.V. Kapilevich. The main direction of scientific research is the problems of physiological support and control during physical culture and sports, health-improving physical culture, sports and health tourism.
Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor A.I. Zagrevskaya. The main direction of scientific research is the physical and sports culture of the individual, kinesiological competence (development of scientific approaches, principles, educational technologies), Olympic education of children, adolescents, students.
Admission to graduate school is possible for persons with a specialist or master's degree. Postgraduate studies are carried out full-time (3 years).
Applicants take the following entrance exams:

  • special discipline(theory and methodology of physical culture);
  • foreign language(English, German, French, Russian as a foreign language).

Admission is carried out on a competitive basis based on the results of entrance examinations. It is possible to apply for an extrabudgetary form with full payment of tuition fees.
You can get acquainted with information on the procedure for admission and obtain the forms of necessary documents on the TSU website.

Postgraduate studies have been working at the academy since 1981 to the present. Education is carried out in full-time and part-time forms.

Since 2014, the training of scientific and pedagogical staff in graduate school has been carried out in the following areas:

  • 49.06.01 "Physical culture and sport", focus 13.00.04 - theory and methodology of physical education, sports training, health and adaptive physical culture.
  • 44.06.01 "Education and pedagogical sciences", focus 13.00.08 - theory and methodology of vocational education.

The leading scientists of the academy carry out scientific supervision of dissertations of graduate students.
In 1995, a doctoral program was opened at the Academy (specialty 13.00.04).
Since 1979, the dissertation council for the defense of candidate dissertations in the specialty 13.00.04 has been functioning at the university.
In 2007, the Academy opened a doctoral dissertation council for the defense of doctoral and master's theses in 2 specialties: 13.00.04 "Theory and methods of physical education, sports training, health-improving and adaptive physical culture" and 13.00.08 "Theory and methods of vocational education" ( temporarily suspended).

List of documents for admission to graduate school:

  • a diploma of higher education and an application with grades;
  • copy of the passport;
  • consent to the processing of personal data;
  • photo 3x4 (at least 2 pieces);

Each applicant for graduate school is interviewed by their prospective supervisor. The latter reports the results of the interview and his decision to the selection committee.
The originals of the diploma and passport are provided to graduate students personally (when submitting documents to graduate school).
Documents for admission to graduate school are accepted at the graduate school of the academy from June 19 to August 15.

  • philosophy;
  • foreign language;
  • direction of training (physical culture and sports and (or) education and pedagogical sciences).

Enrollment on 30 and 31 August 2019.
During the period of postgraduate studies, candidate exams are taken in compulsory disciplines, as well as tests in elective and optional disciplines.

Documents for doctoral studies are submitted from May 21 to June 20 of each year. To the documents already listed, applicants must provide a copy of the diploma of a candidate of sciences, a certified list of published works, a detailed abstract on the proposed topic of the dissertation research, an extract from the minutes of the meeting of the department, to which it is planned to attach an applicant for doctoral studies, and an extract from the decision of the Academic Council of the Academy. Conducting an interview at the departments and considering the issue at a meeting of the Academic Council of the Academy until June 30 of each year.
Enrollment in doctoral studies is carried out on August 31 of each year.

For high-quality and timely completion of their dissertation research by graduate students and doctoral students, the academy has a good material and technical base, which is represented by 4 laboratories of departments, a research institute for information technology, an interdepartmental research laboratory, computer classes, a library (with paper and electronic media) .

general information

Chernihiv National Pedagogical University. Shevchenko (CHNPU) - additional information about the higher educational institution

general information

Chernihiv National Pedagogical University named after T. G. Shevchenko today has eight faculties:

Physical and mathematical, industrial and pedagogical, historical, physical education, primary education, chemical and biological, psychological and pedagogical, philological

Chernihiv National Pedagogical University today has:

6,000 full-time and part-time students; 27 specialties and specializations.

The educational process at the Chernihiv National Pedagogical University is provided by 40 departments, more than 70% of the teaching staff of which are doctors of sciences and professors, candidates of sciences and associate professors.

The training of teachers of the educational qualification level "Master" is carried out at all faculties of the Chernihiv National Pedagogical University.

History of Chernihiv National Pedagogical University named after T. G. Shevchenko

The genealogy of the Chernigov National Pedagogical University named after T. G. Shevchenko originates from the Chernigov Collegium, founded in 1700 on the model of the Kiev-Mohyla Academy.

In 1786, the Collegium was reorganized into a theological seminary, which, like its predecessor, continued to train teachers.

The baton in teacher training was taken over by the Teachers' Institute (1916), which began its activity as an educational institution above the average type.

In subsequent years, the Institute was repeatedly reorganized (Institute of Public Education - 1920, Institute of Social Education - 1930, Pedagogical - 1933, Teachers - 1935, United Teachers and Pedagogical - 1939).

In 1954 the institute is reorganized into a pedagogical one and operates until March 13, 1998, until it is granted a new status of the Chernihiv State Pedagogical University named after T. G. Shevchenko.

Scientific work at the Chernihiv National Pedagogical University named after T. G. Shevchenko

The training of junior specialists in the field of knowledge "Physical education, sports and human health" of the specialty "Physical education" aims to meet the needs of the individual, society and the state in specialists focused on modern methods of education and upbringing of a person, instilling a healthy lifestyle, as well as training such physical education specialists who are able to carry out educational and sports and recreational activities at a high professional level.

The need for such specialists is constantly growing. In each region, each region, both general educational institutions and special sports and medical institutions, rehabilitation centers operate. Ukraine also has a significant recreational potential. There are many sanatoriums, health centers, dispensaries in the state, a powerful network of medical institutions, sports and physical education institutions and organizations, as well as a large number of specialized children's medical and recreational schools and boarding schools that need specially trained teachers, instructors in physical education, physical education teachers, physical education methodologists, etc. All this requires sufficient professional staffing, including specialists in physical education, designed to help maintain an appropriate level of public health.

Professional training in the specialty "Physical Education", which is provided by the MNTU College, includes a deep study of the future profession, the acquisition of the ability to mobilize potential creative opportunities in selected activities, acquire knowledge of social and professional orientation in the labor market, the formation of sports and physical culture.

The relevance of the specialty "Physical Education" and the demand for such personnel is due to the unsatisfactory state of the health level of the population of Ukraine associated with the consequences of the Chernobyl disaster, as well as insufficient physical culture, recreation, sports, mass, rehabilitation work in all levels of the production and social sphere, insufficient propaganda health-improving work among the population, irrational use of the health-improving possibilities of the environment.

The training of specialists in physical education has its own characteristics and characteristics, since it is this specialty that is aimed at preserving and strengthening human health. Therefore, the educational and professional program in the specialty "Physical Education" of the MNTU College is designed to develop the abilities of a junior specialist to apply the basic methods of analyzing and assessing the health status of various segments of the population, working with regulatory, statistical, diagnostic and other documents characterizing the state of human health, acquiring organizational knowledge structures of various rehabilitation, medical, recreational and sports institutions, principles and methods of organizing their activities. The college provides basic knowledge of biology, anatomy, human age anatomy, dynamic anatomy, morphology, histology, human physiology, special knowledge of sports medicine, sports physiology, basic biochemistry and biochemistry of sports. Serious attention is paid to the problems of pedagogy, medical psychology, developmental psychology, sports psychology, correctional psychology in order to determine individual methods of working with sick and disabled people. College graduates receive in-depth knowledge of the types, forms, methods, techniques of massage, the features of the use of massage for people of different ages, conditions, gender, and the type of sport that a person is engaged in.

In the college, students learn to work as instructors with children of preschool and school age, as well as with people of different professions, with athletes and athletes, women, the disabled, etc. Such professional disciplines as: theory and methodology of gymnastics, theory and methodology of athletics, theory and methodology of sports and outdoor games, musical rhythm and choreography, etc. are taught in depth.

A wide palette of universal and specialized knowledge allows MNTU college graduates to successfully find work in the field of sports, recreation, education and upbringing. They will find themselves in activities such as:

  • activities of professional athletes and judges, timekeepers, instructors, coaches, sports teachers and experts involved in the training of athletes and athletes;
  • participation in sports and recreational activities;
  • activities of training centers and bases, sports camps to prepare athletes for competitions in various sports;
  • activities of children's sports schools, schools of higher sportsmanship, schools of the Olympic reserve;
  • activities of preschool and school educational institutions;
  • provision of services related to sports, etc.

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