Blogger Natalya Kisel on social networks. Princess of video blogging - Natalya Kisel Direction of the channel on YouTube

Today, video blogging is a fairly popular activity, especially for young people. All large quantity people are seriously thinking about devoting themselves wholeheartedly to this matter. After all, it would seem that there is nothing complicated about this, and besides, it is interesting. So the question is: why not? Natalya Kisel once asked herself the same question and is now a well-known video blogger in certain circles. This girl will be discussed in our article.

Childhood and youth

According to Natasha, her childhood was not anything special. There was no computer, like the Internet. Therefore everything free time she spent on playing in the yard and best friends. Almost all of her peers lived this way.

The company treated her with respect and considered her a leader. And for good reason. The girl was distinguished by her determination. She always knew what she wanted. I saw the goal and confidently moved towards it. True, the expression “victory at any cost” has nothing to do with our heroine.

Natalya Kisel was not an excellent student at school. She struggled with mathematics and physics, but since her favorite subjects - English and Russian - were a success, she had no reason to worry.

As a teenager, Natasha became interested in the emo subculture. At this age, many boys and girls strive in some way in an original way express yourself, express your feelings. But interest in this culture was fleeting and was expressed more likely in music than in appearance.

It is known that Natalya participated in the Miss Vladimir competition several years ago. Unfortunately, she failed to snatch victory from the hands of her competitors; she took only 9th place. But this did not upset our heroine. She's not one to give up. And you can’t call it a failure. Participation in the competition contributed to increasing the popularity of our heroine.

How old is Natalya?

On August 25, Natalya Kisel was born in the city of Vladimir. How old is our heroine? For a long time the full date of birth was not advertised. It just so happens that many girls are in no hurry to voice their age, even in early years. But today it is reliably known that she is 27 years old. Simple calculations made it possible to find out that she was born in 1989.

And so, Natalya spent her entire life in hometown, went to kindergarten, school. The girl says that she loves Vladimir very much. Every corner of it is familiar to her. However, she does not hide that the prospect of moving to the capital, its scale and opportunities attract our heroine.

The beginning of change

Every person probably sooner or later wonders about their future, Natalya was no exception. In 2010, interested in becoming a video blogger, she created her own YouTube channel. This is a kind of diary that is available for everyone to view. On this moment her channel has more than 800 thousand subscribers. It is worth noting that every day the number of people joining Natalia’s video blog is increasing.

It must be said that this is not the first experience in this field of activity. After all, she previously had a popular printed blog on the liveinternet website. There, the heroine of our article posted short, no less interesting videos that viewers loved.

YouTube channel direction

Blogger Natalya Kisel focused on beauty topics. In her videos, the girl talks not only about how to apply makeup correctly, but also honestly highlights all the positive and negative sides bought by her cosmetics. Natalya also shares her experience, advice on what to buy, and various life hacks picked up on the Internet.

It is worth noting that the audience of such a popular YouTube really needs original ideas and content. Therefore, the playlist on Natalia’s channel called “Images” deserves special attention. In the videos from this section, she tries on a variety of wigs, outfits and experiments with makeup. Viewers can see how, as a result of these manipulations, the image of a young and sweet girl changes. And Natasha herself reveals and presents herself from a different, completely new perspective, which cannot go unnoticed by subscribers. Interesting ideas, charming appearance, the ability to keep the viewer at the screen until the end of the video does its job. Natalia's popularity is growing every day.

Personal life

Natalya Kisel is a member of official marriage With famous photographer Valery Timofeevsky. He is actively involved in his wife's current field of activity and helps with capturing her new images.

Valery's professional work is very important. It allows you to see in the photographs best qualities young girl. The husband also helps Natasha with video recordings. Based on the fact that the result pleases the viewer, the young couple is doing great. And, of course, everyone knows that common interests, goals and causes unite people and make their union stronger. Almost nothing is known about the blogger’s other close relatives.

Other interests

In addition to video blogging, the girl pays considerable attention to traveling to other cities and countries. Well, who among us doesn’t like to travel? So, for example, quite recently she had the opportunity to visit wonderful England. Natalya talks about her adventures on the second channel, which she co-hosts with her husband.

In addition, Natalya Kisel in in social networks stated that she is interested in hairdressing and provides paid services for coloring, laminating, cutting and hair extensions. So many fashionistas can make an appointment with a girl in order to change their image, and at the same time get to know a famous blogger better.

Instead of a conclusion

In conclusion, I would like to note that the leap in development modern technologies allows every person to radically change their life. And to this shining example- Natalya Kisel. The girl’s biography was not eventful. But that didn't stop her from becoming famous person. Today, the example of our heroine can be followed by almost every person who is interested in this type activities. Undoubtedly, aspiration alone is not enough. You will have to master certain skills: compose interesting plan video, master the basics of editing. And, of course, you need to be patient.

Natalie does not hide either her husband or her dating story from her fans, but if you suddenly missed it or forgot, then this post is for you.

Natalie Kisel and Valera Timofeevsky: a story of acquaintance and love

It was December 2007. VKontakte was just becoming popular, and Natalie began adding everyone as friends interesting people from your city (at that time many people did this). Among them was Valera, who accepted the application. After some time, he knocked on Natalie’s ICQ, which surprised her greatly, since in the photo he seemed so unapproachable and stern.
A conversation ensued, which turned into constant correspondence. Later it turned out that they live very close, literally on neighboring streets. A week and a half later, the first meeting took place, to which Natalie agreed without hesitation for two reasons: firstly, obvious sympathy, and secondly, as a way to quickly forget ex-boyfriend, with whom I recently broke up.
The live meeting met all expectations, the sympathies grew stronger and, after three walks together, Valera already asked Nat to date. The girl agreed, although at that moment she believed that nothing serious would come of it.
As it turns out, she was very wrong. In 2012, Natalie and Valera got married, having dated for almost five years by that time.

Participant name: Natalya Kisel

Age (birthday): 25.08

City: Vladimir, Moscow

Channel direction: high-quality DIY, shopping videos, life hacks and experiments with appearance

Channel created: 04/20/2010

Number of subscribers: more than 1 million

Found an inaccuracy? Let's correct the profile

Read with this article:

Natasha was born in Vladimir. Lives in Moscow.

The girl admits that she loves her city very much and despite the fact that Moscow attracts her with its opportunities and scale, she is not yet thinking of moving to the capital or any other city in the near future.

As the blogger herself notes, in her childhood there was not only the Internet, but also a computer, so all her time was devoted to walks in the yard, communicating with numerous friends, playing “Dodgeball”, “Cossack Robbers” and “Hopscotch”, roller skating and cycling.

Peers considered Natasha a leader, listened to her and even imitated her in some ways.

According to the girl herself, she studied normally at school. C's in algebra, geometry and physics don't count!

And her favorite subjects were Russian and English language, biology. In general, Kissel can be considered a true humanitarian.

As a teenager, the girl became involved in the then popular emo subculture.

Although she herself believes that this hobby was completely fleeting and it was expressed rather not in appearance, but in the music that many emo groups sang.

At some point, Natasha was faced with the question of what to do in life and she, like many modern teenagers, turned her attention to the popular profession of video blogger.

This happened in 2010 and it was this year that Natasha registered her channel on YouTube.

Like many girls, Natasha chose beauty blogging as the direction of her activities in the vastness of video hosting.

But she doesn’t just tell you how to choose the right makeup, how to apply foundation or lipstick step by step.

In her videos, Natalie Kisel shares her experience from numerous purchases. This pretty girl just rakes everything off the shelves - hair masks, oils, creams, powders. The girl’s purchases simply cannot be counted.

But she honestly (at least in most cases, there are still advertisements on her channel) tells her subscribers which product worked well and which didn’t, and shares her impressions of the smell, texture, and so on.

A separate playlist on the channel is the “Images” section. Here the girl tries on different wigs and experiments with makeup.

Thanks to the girl’s pretty appearance, all this looks interesting and pleasant.

Natasha has VKontakte Family status:married to Valery Timofeevsky.

By the way, in Natasha’s current work on YouTube he is not last place- he professionally photographs new images of his wife, helps her show them from the best side.

Hello everyone! Are you fans of video bloggers? Do you know all the bloggers on YouTube? I would like to tell you about one famous video blogger Natalya Kisel! Natalie Kisel. This is a very extraordinary girl, she attracts attention from the first seconds of viewing. She has a huge number of subscribers on her channel. But why is her channel so attractive? Let's find out soon!

As we can see, Natasha’s channel already has 465,415 subscribers! It's really a large number of spectators.

I have known Natasha for more than 4 years. She started by running her own blog and gathered a large number of readers. Soon, she decided to go into video blogging. And she did it very successfully, because having a large number of blog readers behind her, she easily managed to gather viewers around her videos.

By the way, despite the fact that Natasha has almost as many subscribers as her equally famous colleagues on YouTube, many do not know her.

Let's take a look at her top five most famous videos.


Video with an intriguing title. Nata opens a box of surprises from the Surpriser. The intrigue does not fade throughout the entire video, because you wonder what was put in the treasured box.

My purchases at Fix Price/ FIX PRICE HAUL

An interesting video in which Nata talks about her purchases from the site Fix Price. Natasha has a very sweet taste in things, so the video turned out to be very interesting :) I even wanted to order a couple of things for myself :)

We try chewing gum from all over the world!


And this video is dedicated to all those who like to order products from Ali:) Natasha, using her example, decided to demonstrate the effect of various products from Ali on herself.

Here's an example of a mask for lip augmentation

This is a planter for lip augmentation


This video is dedicated to Jelly Belly candies, famous on YouTube. Perhaps all famous video bloggers have already tried them. And Nata also decided to make a video review about these sweets. It turned out very interesting. This is the most popular video on the channel :)

I like Natasha's channel because it is very cute and has its own twist :) In almost every video Natasha shows us some cute little things and talks about them in a very interesting way :)

Natasha also keeps very beautiful sketchbooks and diaries. This is actually very inspiring to create your own similar creation :)





Beauty blogger

11.05.2019 16:16:10

Write your questions “Was it or WASN’T”️ to me - in the comments. And I’ll shoot a video one of these days and HONESTLY answer even satisfied personal

10.05.2019 15:53:34

Official Instagram account of Natalia Kisel

POST SHOCK! RUSSIAN MUSIC I LIKE ⠀ Many people know that I don’t like (and sometimes I can’t stand a lot!) of modern Russian music and that I often speak very rudely about it (yes, I’m not ashamed, by the way. I’m used to saying that Think). ⠀ But still, I never gave up on all Russian music. And in today’s post I wanted to write a few FAVORITE Russian songs ⠀ ⠀ (I don’t hope that you can know even half of it. Since most of this is not played on the radio) ⠀ 🖤 Idea Fix - Cry and dance ⠀ 🖤 Marakesh - Rainy Time ⠀ 🖤 Hi-Fi - School No. 7 ⠀ 🖤 June - City closed doors⠀ 🖤 Neversmile - The most faithful enemy ⠀ 🖤 Please please me - Eternal summer ⠀ 🖤 Total - Hits in the eyes (Adrenaline) ⠀ 🖤 3000 miles to Heaven - Below the angels ⠀ 🖤 Psyche - Snow ⠀ 🖤 Jane Air - Don't let her go ⠀ Do you know which ones - any of these songs? Which? If you want another post like this, put +++ in the comment️ ⠀ I’m wearing a sweatshirt from Alika (I’ll leave the link in Telegram - Elmo Blog channel)

07.05.2019 16:16:36

Official Instagram account of Natalia Kisel

Inspirational phrases and quotes. When I feel bad, I re-read them to “feel better.” And they’re just great! ⠀ The main thing is to believe. If you believe, then everything will definitely be fine. Even better than you can arrange yourself. -Mark Twain- ⠀ Never lose patience - this is the last key that opens all doors. -Antoine de Saint-Exupéry- ⠀ Everything works out in our lives when we truly love ourselves. -Louise Hay- ⠀ Sometimes you think: it’s all over, period, but in fact it’s the beginning. Just another chapter. -I.Ehrenburg- ⠀ We will never get what we want until we are grateful for what we have. ⠀ Success does not come to those who get up early. Success comes to those who wake up in good mood and does what makes him happy. ⠀ You must believe in yourself even when the whole world doubts you. ⠀ When you want something very badly, the law of attraction comes into play. ⠀ Listen to everyone. Listen to the few. Decide youself. ⠀ Life is like a photograph. It turns out better if you smile. ⠀ You have the right to think about me as you see fit. I have the right to disagree with your ideas. ⠀ Write your favorite quotes in the comments too!️ I’ll read them all! ⠀ Maybe I’ll post the second part later) #nyxcosmeticsrussia #nyxpmulatrip ⠀ ⠀

04.05.2019 15:11:46

Official Instagram account of Natalia Kisel

HOW TO CREATE BEAUTIFUL AND ORIGINAL PHOTOS WHEN YOU LIVE IN A SMALL TOWN? #1 ⠀ 🤦‍♀️Sometimes I ask myself this question and rack my brain. The population of my city is 350 thousand. The only beautiful thing we have is the center (let's be honest), which is quite small and you can get around it in about 15 minutes maximum🤦‍♀️ The rest of the areas are completely ordinary: garages, ordinary gray houses, standard playgrounds. ⠀ 🤦‍♀️How can a person who likes to take pictures live in such a city? It’s not easy at times, I confess, but I try to look for beauty even in ordinary places - for example, these photos were taken from the back of the ice complex. And all these pipes, wire - I like that it creates a certain “grunge” shade in the photo. ⠀ Remember: everyday life and even “devastation” can be presented BEAUTIFULLY and stylishly. It all depends only on your imagination and the selected outfit/angles/photo processing. And if you wander through the courtyards of areas not native to you, you can find graffiti, beautiful old doors of abandoned buildings, abandoned buildings themselves, which can serve as a good background for street style photos ⠀ And, of course, I often take pictures at home - there is a brick wall in my room a white “photo wall” that allows me to take photos of makeup, portrait looks, etc. ⠀ Would you like me to write “DIVISIONS” and planning my photo shoots in small town? Would you like to tell us some kind of “behind the scenes” of the creation of your photos? If so, write +++ in the comments and I will plan such posts️ ⠀ Sweatshirt with photo - AliExpress (you will find a link to it, as always in Telegram) Backpack @grafea

03.05.2019 16:15:01

Official Instagram account of Natalia Kisel

LAUNCHING MAY LIKE TIME️ ⠀ Do you want to get a lot of likes and discover new, inspiring profiles? Or even find new friends with similar interests? Then PARTICIPATE! ⠀ To participate: Like this and my previous three photos ⠀ Write here in the comments what you are interested in and what inspires you. And also “I want likes” ⠀ Like 2-3 people in the comments in front of you :) ⠀ You can write “I want likes” an unlimited number of times / so you will increase activity️ I personally will also like the MOST active ones and look at your profiles ⠀ Let's go! ⠀

01.05.2019 15:29:32

Official Instagram account of Natalia Kisel

30.04.2019 15:50:46

Official Instagram account of Natalia Kisel

Are you also annoyed when your phone dies at the most inopportune moment, and you just started reading a post from your favorite blogger? Now you can purchase Samsung Galaxy A30 is a godsend for generation Z, obsessed with social networks)) Fast charging instantly returns the smartphone to work in 15 minutes, charging lasts 24 hours. Also at an attractive price! Besides the fact that he is incredibly handsome ( White color, like a seashell shell. In general, there are 4 colors to choose from), it produces awesome photos. It seems to me that this is paradise for those who are constantly on the phone ⠀ And also a double camera with artificial intelligence: all photos turn out very bright and clear, even in not the best lighting. This is also a godsend for those who dream of running a creative Instagram. There is also a surprise for selfie lovers - a built-in selfie focus ⠀ Write in the comments how long does your smartphone last to charge? Would you like a Samsung like this for yourself? #GalaxyA30 #DoWhatYouCant

29.04.2019 17:28:38

Official Instagram account of Natalia Kisel

WHY DO BRANDS GIVE ME THEIR COSMETICS? ⠀ And in general, your products? I get this question very often. Even some bloggers sometimes ask me how I get cosmetics (apparently, they have never dealt with this before). You probably very often see a lot of new cosmetic products in bloggers’ stories and posts and you understand that he didn’t buy it all himself, but was given to him? ⠀ The scheme is quite simple: when you develop your blog, you focus on some area - it’s easy to find brands for cooperation in any category. For example, although I don’t consider myself a beauty blogger (I’m more just a la lifestyle), there are a lot of cosmetics and personal care in my videos and photos, and this has been the case since the very beginning of my blogging journey. Behind me I have many collaborations with cosmetic companies, friendly relations with many representatives of brands. ⠀ I also noticed that they look more at YOU as a PERSONALITY, as a creator (what you look like, what you say, how you present everything on your blog) than at the number of subscribers. And it is right. More and more brands want to collaborate with sincere and creative guys, not with numbers. ⠀ What I mean is that you can collaborate without having hundreds of thousands of subscribers. ⠀ My TIPS: ⠀ Be yourself, open up to the audience more, but keep yourself in control. Don’t be afraid to be creative when creating content - monotony quickly gets boring. Don’t be afraid to write a “general” blog: pick any topics that interest you and that you think people might be interested in. Don't limit yourself to walls. Always be YOURSELF and don’t try to be liked on purpose. ⠀ In this photo I’m wearing: Sweater from AliExpress (link to it in Telegram)️ Skirt @monki Sneakers @pumawoman

22.04.2019 17:26:48

Official Instagram account of Natalia Kisel

Rate the look from 1 to 10️ I'm a fan of Sesame Street and wanted to create an outfit in the style of Elmo️ ⠀ Jacket @zara Jacket @stradivarius Skirt @primark Tights @calzedonia Shoes @buffalolondon Backpack @liujoglobal ⠀ Accessories: earrings and hairpin in the shape of a fried egg from AliExpress. You will find a link to them in my Telegram (Elmo Blog) #lookbook

21.04.2019 17:45:43

Official Instagram account of Natalia Kisel

Previously, I was also a fashion blogger ⠀ Well, more precisely, I generally try not to classify myself as any of the “types” of blogging. Because I often start to get carried away with something new (but at the same time I don’t forget about the old one!). And earlier, in 2013-2014, I often took photographs for the lookbook website. Who remembers/knows this one? ⠀ Now, it seems, I’m starting to get into making “looks” and choosing clothes for street photography again. Therefore, very soon I will delight you with photos of this type) I was inspired after our trip with @nyxcosmetics_russia to California, where most people are bright, creative, and not afraid to express themselves. ⠀ Yes, in Vladimir it’s tougher with this and when wearing red tights you can hear a chuckle from a guy passing by. And when I had bright pink hair I heard “I wish I’d ​​put on some green makeup, you fool!” And this was heard from a man who was walking with his wife and child... But still, we don’t live for the sake of these men, right? You need to dress up and not be shy! The main thing is that you feel like YOURSELF and enjoy it! ⠀ Write in the comments WHAT COLORS of clothes are you wearing right now? #nyxcosmeticsrussia #nyxpmulatrip #nyxcosmeticscoachella

17.04.2019 14:40:44

Official Instagram account of Natalia Kisel

16.04.2019 10:34:09

Official Instagram account of Natalia Kisel

What do you think, if I could only wear one color for the rest of my LIFE, what color would it be? Write ️ #nyxcosmeticsrussia #nyxpmulatrip #dollskill #nyxcosmeticscoachella in the photo the outfit of the second day at Coachella from @dollskill

14.04.2019 12:06:02

Official Instagram account of Natalia Kisel

FAVORITE CLOTHES OF SPRING 2019 ⠀ I wanted to chat a little with you about clothes. Well, who among us doesn’t love them? All of us girls are fanatics. I want to tell you what I choose (and will choose) this spring. ⠀ I absolutely love white or pastel sneakers. Among the brands I prefer are Vans and Converse. Quite classic overall. last love also - sneakers with photos! They are in collaboration with Hello Kitty When I saw them, there was not the slightest doubt that I should take them! As soon as I approached the Converse stand in San Francisco and saw them, I realized that I had to take them️ ⠀ Denim shorts and skirts are also favorites. Pencil skirts. And oooh yes! I have a lot of these, but I don’t stop buying new shades and materials ⠀ Accessories. Lately I prefer minimalist pendants and pendants, most often gold in color. I also love gold and pink-gold (sputtered) large earrings, earrings with fake pearls, also large. There are many of these on Aliexpress! ⠀ This spring I’m also planning experiments with hair/styling. I'm looking forward to getting my hair cut soon. Headbands, headbands with fabric inserts️ I’m still learning how to tie them correctly, of course it happens every time. ⠀ Write in the comments WHAT ARE YOUR FAVORITE clothes/accessories this spring? Which stores do you most often buy clothes from? ⠀ By the way, do you want a post with a selection of cool things from Aliexpress?) I’m a fan of Alik and that’s the only way I “swim” in him! And I just have a lot of things that I can tell/show you about #nyxcosmeticsrussia #nyxpmulatrip #nyxcosmeticscoachella

11.04.2019 12:35:18

Official Instagram account of Natalia Kisel

10.04.2019 18:32:02

Official Instagram account of Natalia Kisel

GUYS FROM MOSCOW️️ come to the grand opening of the NYX Professional Makeup boutique in the Evropeisky shopping center in Moscow. On April 12th and 13th we will be happy to give: ⠀ a holographic cosmetic bag with 3 bestsellers - for the first 200 customers with any purchase on both days, a belt bag with 3 bestsellers - for a purchase from 2500₽ a case with 15 bestsellers - for a purchase from 5000₽ . ⠀ And don’t forget about free makeup for everyone from makeup artists every day and a master class from Maria Viskunova @mariaviskunova on the 13th. It will be cool ⠀ #nyxcosmeticsrussia

08.04.2019 11:26:54

Official Instagram account of Natalia Kisel

WE ATTRACT ENERGY TO US ⠀ That's how it is. Both good and bad. It all depends on our inner mood, self-confidence and what we “pronounce” within ourselves, what we think about. I have long noticed that if you think about something negative, then this lump acquires power with such speed that it becomes creepy. In addition to one problem, several more appear and you begin to get angry, nervous... everything literally falls out of your hands. ⠀ And when you set yourself up for peace, positivity, satisfaction - the universe is reciprocal to you and gives you more opportunities. Offers many options for the development of joyful, pleasant events ⠀ In one book, I read the idea that you should always be positive and keep only good thoughts in your head. Even at the moment when everything is falling apart. When everything is opposite for you, it's NOT SO. Guys, this is so hard. It's very hard, I know. I myself am not yet fully able to “regulate” and manage myself in this way. But I'm learning it, I'm trying. Overcome yourself. ⠀ I can be upset and depressed about a lot of things. But knowing how the universe accepts THIS, I immediately mentally pinch myself and shift my focus to the good, to the positive, to joy. ⠀ Try to get rid of people who are negative a lot. Who gossip a lot, discuss other people's lives. Clean your environment. Make room in your heart for motivating, inspiring people. People who pull you to the bottom - you will feel them. And don't be afraid to leave. After all, you live your life - respect and love yourself! ⠀ Write in the comments, do you “SWITCH” your thoughts when everything is bad to positive? Is it easy? What/who do you listen to in order to be in high spirits? ⠀ #nyxcosmeticsrussia #nyxpmulatrip

02.04.2019 20:07:30

Official Instagram account of Natalia Kisel

Instagram: posts or stories? ⠀ Lately I’ve been feeling like Instagram has been taken over by story mania! Only a few bloggers post frequently. Very few of those I follow post every day. But stories are a different matter! They are almost endless ⠀ Tell me, what is more interesting for you to watch your favorite blogger? Read posts and look at photos? Or watch his stories and thereby seem to “peep” into his life? After all, stories are often real life, where a person shows his days) ⠀ I don’t really like thematic stories from bloggers. Well, for example: Beauty blogger - removes only cosmetics Food blogger - only food Traveler - only travels. It's boring. I love when stories have no restrictions on topics. ⠀ Write, how do you like it? Photo: @lainalice ️

30.03.2019 11:34:19

Official Instagram account of Natalia Kisel

I WANT LONG HAIR. NO. I WANT SHORT ⠀ I don’t know about you... but I have such problems with this that I’m starting to piss myself off. For as long as I can remember, I’ve always dreamed of long hair. Well, more precisely, I had them... until I was 15 years old. Then it started: a ladder, a figesen, a bob, a short crown, almost like a boy, etc. My mother always cut my hair, as she is a former hairdresser. And always, when I told my mother “RUBY IN SHORT!” (that’s exactly what I said. It was slang that meant that I didn’t mind the hair and she could almost shave me bald🤣), my mother always groaned and said, “Natasha, maybe it’s not necessary? Leave it longer." ⠀ After 20 years, I realized that I was tired of these short hair and I started growing it. But when I reached a certain hair length, I stopped and it was already breaking, splitting, and the length did not increase. That's why I cut my bob in 2015. ⠀ Now I realized that I'm unlikely to grow long and luxurious hair. Because: I lighten them, constantly straighten them and endlessly use varnish. I am absolutely aware that this is bad for them. But... THIS IS LIFE without these points yet. ⠀ I really want to cut my bob haircut again and calm down. I feel like the ends of my hair have accumulated too much bad energy and I have to end it ⠀ Write WHAT LENGTH AND COLOR is your hair now? Do you grow or like to maintain your haircut? ⠀ ⠀#nyxpmulatrip #nyxcosmeticsrussia

24.03.2019 10:39:29

Official Instagram account of Natalia Kisel

LIKETIME let's launch #liketime and give each other assets and likes? In order to be on topic you need: ⠀ Like this photo and bookmark it and subscribe to @elmofeolife ⠀ Write in the comments “I want likes! Waiting for you!" ⠀ Log into the account of the person who left a comment in front of you and put a few likes and comments on his photo (only honestly!) ⠀ You can write as many comments as you want - this way you will increase your asset and get more️️️ LET'S GO!!! ⠀ I will also like and LET’S GO!

21.03.2019 19:22:53

Official Instagram account of Natalia Kisel

The only free CREATIVE PROJECT with gifts and real exercises for everyone! We are launching a super-cool project @creative_doses especially for you, where we will not only share the most intimate information about creativity, but also prepare unique exercises for you that will pump you up! ️️Hurry!! The account will close on March 23 at 10.00! Subscribe to @creative_doses and all speakers! ⠀ This project will help you unleash your full creative potential for free! ⠀ And you can also get guaranteed prizes, 10 beauty boxes, 3 cool graphics tablets ⠀ ️ @elmofeo will tell you everything about creating creative photos! ️ @dark_princess_youtube knows everything about creating cool photos at home! ️ @alexandradikaia will share how to find your style in illustration! ️ @kateillustrate - how to monetize your creativity! ️ @lomakina .space will help you cope with a creative crisis and reach new heights! ️ @geyzerrr will reveal the secrets of sticky videos! ️ @yanainst will unleash your creativity with simple exercises! ️ @thecablook will help you learn how to easily combine colors! ️ @dominic__ana will tell you about all the trends of 2019! ️ @dayana_mum will talk about tools in creative photo processing ⠀ Within 10 days, @creative_doses will have a sea of ​​gifts from our sponsors @carmexrussia, @biosilkrussia, @parblomonitor and from every blogger! And the main prize is a Parblo graphics tablet monitor worth $300, which will be drawn on the last day! ⠀ From me you can win a ring light + fastener for selfies and broadcasts! ⠀ ️P.S. At the start of the marathon, subscriptions will be checked by the program, so all conditions must be met. ⠀ We are waiting for you! Grow with us ️

19.03.2019 17:40:09

Official Instagram account of Natalia Kisel

WHAT COLOR ARE YOUR SPONGS? ⠀ Write in the comments which of the lipsticks and glosses you liked on me the most? Personally, my favorite is the gloss from the HOLO series🥰 Products from the video all from Divage: ⠀ Divage Velvet Matt 02 Divage Endless Lasting Lipstick 06 Divage Metal Matt 04 Divage Praline Luscious Cream 3617 Divage Metal Matt Lipstick 04 Divage Crystal Shine 3D - effect 07 Divage HOLO lips 03 ⠀ And I also want to tell you some very cool news that can’t help but please you! This is a festival from the Divage brand “Play with color” There is a discount on all lip products! You also have the opportunity to win great and useful prizes! Specifically: 8 smartphones 16 backpacks 59 sets of cosmetics The conditions are as follows: You need to buy any lipstick or lip gloss from Divage Register a receipt on And take part in a prize draw You can buy products in your city or order on the website All details of the competition are on the website

16.03.2019 19:05:07

Official Instagram account of Natalia Kisel

HOW TO FIND INSPIRATION?🥰 ⠀ I get this question very often from my subscribers. Girls are wondering how to find inspiration and strength for something creative when there are no ideas, no mood? ⠀ Guys, I'M WITH YOU! I don't always have inspiration either. Although it seems to many that I am constantly on charge and spew out ideas and all sorts of goodies endlessly. Alas, this is not true. My “light bulb” also burns out periodically. ⠀ But still, I want to give you some advice and write what helps me “find myself,” recharge and tune in to creativity and the birth of new ideas: ⠀ Find a TEMPORARY role model. In other words, a person who you really like and want to take something from him. (I have almost always had people like this. At the moment I adore Adelaine Morin). Don't confuse this with COPYING. This is different. This is a little man, looking at whom you will be charged with energy! ⠀ Get your butt off the couch, even if you have apathy and no strength. Do at least SOMETHING related to creativity. You will notice how in the PROCESS you are already feeling better and have energy and motivation! The main thing is START doing something! ⠀ Take an anti-stress coloring book and turn on your favorite music. The process of coloring will calm you down and reconfigure you. While you are coloring funny drawings and singing along to your favorite performers, you can be inspired to do new things, believe me️ ⠀ Draw a bath with thick, fragrant foam or oils. Light a candle and jump into the bathroom, sit only by the light of the candle. Put your phone away! Just relax. In such an environment, new ideas always come to me and I make some plans! ⠀ Write, what else helps you PERSONALLY recharge with inspiration and motivation? ⠀

14.03.2019 14:41:22

Official Instagram account of Natalia Kisel

MY SPRING “Elmofeo Spring BOX” ⠀ It is filled with office supplies, cosmetics and all sorts of goodies and I collected it personally for you! ⠀ And I'm pranking him! HERE ARE THE CONDITIONS OF PARTICIPATION: ⠀ Follow me and @elmofeolife Like this post Post this photo to your profile and tag me in it Write in the comments “I want spring boxing from Natasha” ⠀ The results will be under the same post!️

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