Large caterpillar with a spike on its tail name. Caterpillar with a horn on its tail: photo, what is it called. Nutrition of different types of caterpillars

Here are ten of the most beautiful caterpillars on the planet. They will make different butterflies and moths, but while they are in the larval stage, they have no equal. Who said that those born to crawl are somehow inferior to those who can fly?

Attacus Atlas. A member of the peacock eye family, one of the largest butterflies in the world with a wingspan of up to 24 centimeters. The Atlas peacock eye caterpillar eats not only for itself, but also for the future butterfly - it simply does not have a developed mouthparts.

Acraga Coa - inhabitant tropical forests Central American, small furry moth with a wingspan of 20 mm. Due to their unusual appearance, the caterpillars are called “marmalade” or “pearl”. The “beads” on its back easily break off without harm to the insect itself - this defense mechanism like a lizard throwing off its tail.

Polyura Sempronius is an Australian butterfly with the curious nickname “tailed emperor”. The butterfly looks quite ordinary, but its caterpillar is completely unique - with a cool set of chitinous “horns”.

The Pipevine Swallowtail is a North American butterfly with a black and red horned caterpillar of a downright demonic appearance. However, it is completely safe - unless, of course, you are the plant that it is going to eat.

Hubbrad's Small Silkmoth, although called a “small” moth, is quite healthy - with a wingspan of up to 7 centimeters. Its caterpillar, like itself, is active exclusively at night, when its stunning coloring is not so noticeable to predators.

Blue Morpho is another butterfly from Central America. Caterpillars of this species are known for their tendency to cannibalism, and they prefer toxic plants, accumulating strong poison in their bodies. Predators usually avoid them.

Flannel Moth lives up to its name - it is soft and fluffy in appearance, and the caterpillars match it. But don't try to pet the Flannel Moth - it hides a sharp, poisonous sting. The poison is not fatal, but headache and fever are guaranteed.

Cerura Vinula, also known as the forktail, or the harpy silkworm, is a large nocturnal butterfly from the corydalis family. If its caterpillar is disturbed, it will take a special threatening stance - it will inflate and raise the front end of its body, stretch out odorous threads from behind and spray the offender with a caustic liquid.


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Look, is that a hummingbird? No, this is some kind of unusual insect. Or not? Still a hummingbird?

This is a glass hummingbird or hawk moth Hemaris thysbe, with a wingspan of 38-50 mm, which is so reminiscent of a hummingbird when feeding that many people would never guess that it is a moth hovering above flowers. The diurnal behavior of these butterflies and their similarity to hummingbirds in size, foraging and feeding behavior lead to the fact that this species is very often mistakenly identified in nature.

The butterfly feeds through a long proboscis, which curls up under its head when not in use. The hawk moth lives in North America, especially noticeable in the spring.

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Caterpillar - alien

Predators are more likely to attack caterpillars than butterflies. Therefore on life stage in the form of a caterpillar, many of them have a terrifying coloring. This green alien comes from the Philippines. It seems that his head is quite large and creepy, but this is just the effect of fake eyes, spots with the corresponding coloring. As a rule, the caterpillar's head is much smaller and is not located in the abdominal part.

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Beetle – Darth Maul

The large milkweed beetle Oncopeltus fasciatus goes by the middle name Darth Maul, due to its similar coloration to the Star Wars character's face. It feeds mainly on seeds, particularly milkweed.

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Caterpillar - snake

Wine Hawkmoth, known as elephant hawk moth, represents big butterfly families Sphingidae. Found throughout Great Britain and Ireland. Its larva is about 75 mm long and colored green and brown. When frightened, the caterpillar raises its body, leaning on its front part.

This pose resembles a snake with a large head, and the four spots imitate the snake's eyes. These caterpillars are mainly hunted by birds, but when the caterpillar is in this snake position, the birds do not dare to approach. It is unclear whether the birds see that the caterpillar actually resembles a snake, or whether they are simply frightened by the sudden transformation of the prey into an unfamiliar, brightly colored creature.

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Flower caterpillar

Can you figure out where the flowers are and where the caterpillar is? Moth caterpillar ( Synchlora aerata) is a genius at camouflage. She glues pieces of brightly colored flower petals to her back to blend in with her surroundings.

Depending on what plant they feed on, they may use all parts of colorful plants in the hope of not being discovered. When the petals begin to weaken and fade, the caterpillar discards them and replaces them with a new “coat”.

Caterpillars can be great, easy-to-care pets for all adults and children. Other than being given enough food, caterpillars don't require much. The best part is watching these creatures cocoon themselves or become chrysalises and then magically transform into butterflies or moths a few days or weeks later. What could be better than this? Read on to learn how to properly care for a caterpillar and transform it into a butterfly.


Where to find caterpillars

    Select right time of the year. The most better time for hunting caterpillars it is spring and summer, since most butterflies lay eggs at this time. However, some individuals (in particular, hairy caterpillars) appear in the fall. Winter is the only time of year when it is impossible to find caterpillars.

    • IN wildlife caterpillar survival rate is about 2%; this means that out of every hundred eggs laid by a butterfly, only two will survive to adulthood. This is due to large number predators whose food is caterpillars. Thus, by taking a caterpillar as a pet, you give it a much greater chance of survival.
    • Be aware that fall caterpillars are more likely to remain chrysalised all winter, so you will have to wait much longer for the butterfly to emerge than with spring or summer caterpillars, where the wait is 2-3 weeks.
  1. Look for caterpillars on plants. The best place The caterpillars' favorite plants to look for are their favorite plants, since caterpillars usually stay close to their food source. If you are not picky about the type of caterpillar you want to care for, you can check the leaves of any plant in your garden or park. However, if you are looking for specific caterpillars/butterflies/moths, then you will have to target specific plant species. Here are some of the most common:

    Order specific types of caterpillars online. If you need special look caterpillars/butterflies and there is no way to find it yourself, then there is always the option of ordering from a specialized supplier via the Internet.

    Handle the caterpillars carefully. When you find a caterpillar, it is very important to handle it correctly. If you try to pick up the caterpillar, it can get caught with great force on the surface it is on, and if you pull, you can cause damage to the caterpillar or even tear off its legs.

    Where and how to place caterpillars

    1. Keep your caterpillar in a suitable container. Caterpillars don't need anything fancy to house them in - a 5 liter jar or aquarium is ideal. The jar or aquarium is easy to clean, and the caterpillar will be clearly visible through the walls.

      • Cover the container with gauze or mesh and secure with a rubber band to ensure proper ventilation. Do not poke holes in the screw top of the jar, as some sites advise, as the caterpillars may attempt to escape through these holes and injure themselves on the sharp edges.
      • If you are placing more than one track, make sure each one has three times the space larger size her body so that she can move calmly. This way you will avoid overcrowding.
    2. Place a paper towel or soil in the bottom of the container. It is a good idea to line the bottom of the container with paper, as it will absorb excess moisture and also collect caterpillar excrement. You can easily clean the track container by discarding one piece of paper and laying down another.

      Place a couple of sticks in the container. This is a good idea for a number of reasons:

      • First, the caterpillars will have something to climb on, which they may need to do to get to their food.
      • Secondly, the caterpillar may want to pupate while hanging from a branch. That is, you must check that the stick is held securely and will not fall.
      • Thirdly, when a butterfly hatches from a pupa, it needs to hang upside down on something to spread and dry its wings.
    3. Keep the container moist. Most caterpillars prefer somewhat damp environment. The best way To achieve this, periodically spray the container with a spray bottle.

    How to feed caterpillars

      Find a food plant for the caterpillar. A caterpillar's job is to eat, eat, eat, so the most important part of caring for a caterpillar is to provide it with a constant source of fresh food.

      • The first thing you should do is give the caterpillar some leaves from the plant or tree where you found it, as there is a chance that this was its food plant.
      • Watch the caterpillar closely to see if it is eating the leaves you give it. If yes, then congratulations, you have found its food plant! Now you only need to supply the caterpillar fresh leaves until it pupates.
    1. If you don't know the food plant, experiment with various types leaves. Caterpillars are very selective eaters, and each species has a limited number of plants on which they feed. In fact, most caterpillars will starve if given the wrong food. So if your caterpillar refuses the leaves of the plant you found it on, or if you find the caterpillar on something other than a plant, you will have to figure out its food plant through trial and error.

      The leaves must be fresh. Caterpillars will not eat old or dried leaves, so it is important to provide them with fresh green leaves at all times. The frequency of providing leaves will depend on the plant, some may last a week, others need to be renewed daily.

    2. Don't worry about giving the caterpillar water. Caterpillars do not need to drink; they get all the water they need from food.

      • However, if the caterpillar looks somewhat dried out, you will need to increase the humidity in the container, try rinsing the leaves with water and placing them in the container without drying them out.
      • Drops of water on the leaves will provide the necessary moisture.

This article describes the most interesting views caterpillars

A caterpillar is a larva of an insect from the order Lepidoptera. The sizes of caterpillars can vary - from a few millimeters to 15 centimeters. These larvae are even poisonous, and therefore touching some species with your hands is life-threatening. In this article we will look at what types of caterpillars there are - beautiful, unusual, huge, with spikes, with a horn, small, furry and others.

Where do caterpillars live?

Most caterpillars live in the ground. Some of these insects live in bodies of water, while others live both on soil and in water, adapting to existence everywhere. There are two categories of larvae depending on their living conditions: secretive and free-living. The following types of larvae are classified as secretive:

The second variety is caterpillars that live on leaves, which they themselves eat. These are most species of larvae of the largest butterflies.

What do caterpillars eat?

An insect that has just been born eats upper layer the egg in which it grew. After this, the “worm” proceeds to its main meal. Each type of larvae has its own diet. Most caterpillars eat vegetation: fruits and various green masses. Larvae can be divided into 4 categories depending on their food supply:

  • Polyphages- all plants are consumed without exception. This species includes, for example, the caterpillars of moths.
  • Oligophages- prefer to consume specific plants. For example, umbrella bushes.
  • Monophages- eat only one type of plant. For example, silkworm larvae consume only mulberry leaves.
  • Xylophagous— the food source of this species is wood.

It is worth noting individual species caterpillars, which cannot be combined into any category, since there are few of them, but they exist:

Each type of caterpillar has its own diet, and it depends on the category of these larvae, their mode of existence and habitat.

Body structure of a caterpillar: description, photo

Any caterpillar consists of the following body parts:

  • Head
  • Breast
  • Abdomen
  • Pairs of legs
  • Spiracle
  • Mouthparts
  • Eyes

Such an insect consists of a head, abdomen, chest and several pairs of legs.

Head structure It can be different for different types of insects - from the most unusual with “horns” to a real imitation of other inhabitants of the Earth, for example, snakes and even fairy dragons.

Larvae head consists of six fused segments that form a hard capsule. In the area between the forehead and eyes, the cheek area is highlighted. At the bottom of the head there is a heart-shaped occipital foramen.

Head Most caterpillars are round, although they can be triangular or rectangular in shape. The parietal part usually protrudes, forming a "horn". Antennae grow on the sides of the head.

Saturnia butterfly caterpillar

Oral apparatus Such insects have well-formed gnawing upper jaws with teeth, thanks to which the “worm” gnaws or tears food tissue. There are tubercles on the inside that help chew food. Saliva is converted into a special spinning secretion.

Larvae eyes is the simplest visual system. The eye of this insect consists of one lens. The eyes are on the head and are located one after another along an arched line. Some insects may have one eye, but it has extremely complex structure and fused together from five simple lenses. There may also be another eye located on the inside of the arch. It turns out that almost every caterpillar has 5-6 pairs of eyes.

The body of this insect is well mobile due to the soft tissues of the shell. Consists of separate departments. The anus is closed by lobes with varying degrees of development.

Spiracle The caterpillar represents the stigma, which is located on the chest. In larvae living in water, the respiratory organs are tracheal gills.

Each caterpillar has several pairs of legs, some of them ending in specific hooks. The legs, which are located on the chest, have a sole with a claw. With its help, the insect moves by protruding or retracting its abdomen.

The body of an insect is necessarily covered with hairs, outgrowths or cuticles of various shapes: stars, needles, cones or bristles. Shaggy villi can be located either in the form of individual threads or in the form of tufted clumps on the back or tail. Almost all the fluffy caterpillars are very beautiful and then transform into the most attractive butterflies.

Caterpillar development: description, photo

Caterpillar development

Depending on the species, the butterfly larva can transform into a flying beauty from several weeks to several years. In the northern regions, the warm season does not last long, so the life cycle of the caterpillars can last two years. Some types of larvae live in the caterpillar stage for up to 12-14 years.

During its development, the larva changes in size and appearance. For example, from an ugly and naked larva it turns into fluffy caterpillar. The caterpillar then turns into a pupa, from which it then emerges beautiful butterfly.

Transformation of a caterpillar into a butterfly: description, photo

The pupa is usually cylindrical or round in shape. The color of the cylinder is monochromatic - green or light green. It may have a pattern on the surface in the form of stripes, dots or spots. When a butterfly is in the pupa stage, it already has wings, legs and a proboscis.

How do caterpillars reproduce?

The caterpillars themselves are the reproductive stage of butterflies. If we talk about the reproduction of caterpillars that do not turn into butterflies, then such insects lay eggs. Laying occurs on leaves, in tree trunks, in the ground or in reservoirs - depending on the species. The development of the larva in the egg occurs over several weeks. Then a small caterpillar appears.

Huge, thick caterpillars: name, characteristics, what it looks like, what kind of butterfly it turns out to be, description, photo

The largest caterpillar in the world is the peacock eye. This fat, bluish-green caterpillar. When you look at it, you get the impression that its body is dusted with white powder. This larva grows up to 15 centimeters in length. This caterpillar produces a large and beautiful Peacock butterfly. The shaggy brown head and two large circles on the wings, reminiscent of peacock eyes, make the butterfly attractive and memorable.

Royal citheronia (lat. Citheronia regalis)- a caterpillar that grows up to 15 cm in length. Lives in North America. This large caterpillar with brown spikes in the form of horns often crawls out of the thickets and scares tourists with its appearance. It produces a beautiful red butterfly with yellow spots on its wings and a furry body.

Great Harpy Cerura vinula (Dicranura vinula) The length of this caterpillar is small compared to previous species - no more than 8 centimeters. But its terrifying appearance and great thickness terrify everyone who sees such an insect. The brown color of the head with black eyes beautifully complements the red rim, wide body with a black stripe and white spiracles - all this attracts attention, but is a little intimidating. The butterfly from this caterpillar turns out to be shaggy with comb-like antennae and a pattern on the wings.

(lat. Cossus cossus) is a huge brown caterpillar with an orange belly. Reaches a size from 8 to 12 centimeters. It digs holes in old wood and feeds on its tissues. The butterfly of this caterpillar is not impressive in its appearance, but it amazes with its huge wingspan - up to 10 cm. Velvety wings with black stripes and “veins”, as well as white spots, resemble the surface of old wood. This is an excellent camouflage from enemies.

Adam's head (lat. Acherontia atropos) or hawk moth caterpillar- reaches a length of up to 10-14 cm. Adults can have different colors: yellow, bright green or brown. It’s as if stripes are drawn across each segment of blue color. The body with blue dots and a black spiracle looks stylish and elegant. The hawkmoth butterfly looks a little scary: large, hairy, black in color. Easily visible on brightly colored vegetation.

Unusual caterpillars: name, characteristics, what it looks like, what kind of butterfly it turns out, description, photo

A person is attracted to everything unusual and beautiful. Many people don't like caterpillars because they think they are just ordinary "worms" - unremarkable and crawling around trees. But there are many beautiful and unusual caterpillars in the world that attract the eye with their bright color, both in the larva and in the butterfly.

Brahmin Moth- live in China, Japan and India. They live on the trunks of small bushes. The body is painted black and orange, which gives the larva uniqueness. They transform into a butterfly that is active at night. It has a noble, beautiful brown-black color of its wings and body.

Swallowtail (Spicebush Swallowtail)— during its development, the caterpillar changes color three times: first it is brown, then dark green, and then turns into a yellow-orange beauty with the head of a snake. As a result, the caterpillar turns into a rich black butterfly - beautiful and stylish.

Black Swallowtail

Black Swallowtail

Black Swallowtail- The white, black and yellow caterpillar lives in North America. Loves plant nectar. It turns into a very beautiful metallic green butterfly with blue tints.

Dalcerida (Acraga coa)- this caterpillar looks like the creation of glassblowers - transparent, like glass and delicate, like crystal. Its simple and at the same time unusual color with orange splashes attracts people's attention, but it is not very noticeable on the vegetation. Transforms into a butterfly in an orange “fur coat”.

Witch moth caterpillar (Phobetron pithecium)- lives on fruit trees. It is a real slug, since it does not have special legs, but moves on the sole, which is located on the abdomen. Transforms into a shaggy brown butterfly covered with silky hairs.

Greta Oto

Greta Oto

Greta Oto, or Glass Winged Butterflycommon caterpillar with a yellow stripe on its body, it transforms into a beautiful transparent butterfly. The glass effect is achieved due to the absence of colored flakes.

Slug worm (Isa textula)- this yellow one big caterpillar like a real slug leaves marks on the surface of leaves and trunks. The fibers on the sides help protect against enemies. A butterfly with velvet wings looks like an ordinary moth.

Swallowtail (Pipevine Swallowtail)- lives in dense thickets taiga Notable for its red spots on the tubercles of the body. In the shade of dense crowns of trees and vegetation, the taiga is invisible. The blue butterfly with bright iridescent black wings is very beautiful. It feeds on the nectar of taiga flowers.

Caterpillar from the peacock eye family (Attacus Atlas)- a large white peacock-eyed caterpillar, as if plastered and frozen in its original state. The butterfly is very large with brown-orange wings and original drawing on the wings.

Beautiful caterpillars: name, characteristics, what it looks like, what kind of butterfly it turns out, description, photo

Nature has made even certain types of caterpillars beautiful so that we can admire their uniqueness. Their luxurious hairs and interesting colors delight you and you want to look at such a natural phenomenon without taking your eyes off.

Saturnia Io

Saturnia Io (Automeris io)- a beautiful caterpillar with green fibers in the form of pompoms. It is impossible to even imagine that a larva with such a color turns into a red butterfly. She seems to look with her black eyes located on her pink-yellow lower wings.

Blue Morpho

Blue Morpho

Blue Morpho- it is impossible to pass by at the sight of such a caterpillar. I want to look at every color stroke on the surface of her body. She is a dream for any artist. Transforms into a small blue butterfly.

Slug worm (Isochaetes beutenmuelleri)- looks like a decoration that is made of blue glass covered with artificial snow. The fabulousness of this caterpillar is given by the fibers in the form of needles. They seem to be covered with real frost. The butterfly is a regular brown moth.

Caterpillars with spikes: name, characteristics, what it looks like, what kind of butterfly it turns out, description, photo

Caterpillars with spikes do not look intimidating. They are beautiful, bright and interesting, you can look at them for hours. But it is better not to touch such caterpillars with your hands, since many species can be poisonous, and the spines are their weapon for protection from the enemy, through which they release poison.

Caterpillar "Burning Rose"— its spines are located on the cuticles of the body. As it develops, it turns into a delicate moth with iridescent beige and greenish wings.

a caterpillar that looks like a piece of black coal turns into a beautiful Peacock butterfly - bright and with an interesting color. Lives in America and mountainous forests of Asia.

Dryas Julia

Dryas Julia - Atlas Peacock-Eyes caterpillar (Attacus atlas) brown and white caterpillar with black spines. Lives in Thailand and the island of Java. It turns into one of the largest butterflies in the world, with a wingspan of up to 25 centimeters.

Caterpillars with a horn on the head or tail: name, characteristics, what it looks like, what kind of butterfly it turns out, description, photo

Caterpillars with a horn are often mistaken for space aliens, as they have an unusual appearance. But these insects are beautiful and interesting in their own way.

Hawk hawk- a green caterpillar with a blue horn. Lives in North America. Butterflies that come from such a caterpillar are listed in the Red Book. They are on the verge of extinction as people catch them and sell them.

Wine Hawkmoth (Deilephila elpenor)- found in our latitudes. The body is elastic, thick, bright green in color. The butterfly is beautiful, the pink beige velvet decoration on the wings and body looks amazing.

Linden hawk moth (Mimas tiliae)- also predominates in our latitudes, but also lives in South America, Asia. The color is green with small white dots with pink spiracles. The horn is multi-colored.

Small caterpillars: name, characteristics, what it looks like, what kind of butterfly it turns out, description, photo

The color of the caterpillar is usually the same as that of the plants they feed on. But there are microscopic caterpillars in the world that can masquerade as any flower, not only in color, but also in shape.

Flower Caterpillar Nemoriinae Tribe- you might immediately think that the caterpillar takes the shape of flower petals, but this is not so. She simply attaches the petals to her body using a silk thread produced by saliva. As a result, it is invisible on any inflorescence. Such a caterpillar turns into an ordinary moth, which no longer knows how to camouflage itself like its larva.

The smallest caterpillars in the world are clothes moth caterpillars. ( TINEOLA BISSELLIELLA ). Their size does not reach even a couple of millimeters, but they cause a lot of harm. If such a larva settles in a closet, then within a week it can ruin all the clothes, eating wool, fur fibers and skin.

At the end of its development phase it turns into an unsightly butterfly gray. Therefore, if you notice such a moth, then know that the job has already been done, and you need to look for a damaged item in your closet.

Fluffy, hairy caterpillars: name, characteristics, what it looks like, what kind of butterfly it turns out, description, photo

Beautiful and unusual fluffy and hairy caterpillars were described above. All these species delight with their original appearance. Here are some more caterpillars that look like fluffy and cute little balls of fur or fur.

Caterpillar Megalopyge opercularis- one of the varieties of coquette caterpillar. It seems that its body is a continuous thick head of hair, but this is how the caterpillar camouflages itself. Transforms into an interesting moth with velvety wings. The charm is given by light waves on the wings and a shaggy “mane” on the head.

Spotted Apatelodes- the only “blonde” caterpillar of its kind. Black spots of the body are visible through the white fibers. The body itself is yellow. Transforms into an elegant moth with unusual wings.

Striped caterpillars: name, characteristics, what it looks like, what kind of butterfly it turns out, description, photo

Common moth caterpillar- eats leaves big trees and bushes. It lives in our latitudes, as well as in America and Canada. The butterfly looks like an ordinary gray moth with large eyes and a furry abdomen.

- similar in color to a zebra, but has black and orange stripes. This striped caterpillar lives in New Zealand, North America and Australia. It feeds on ragwort bushes, so this diet makes them poisonous. A butterfly with a very interesting dark color leads a diurnal lifestyle. The red line and spots on the black wings give the appearance of this insect a bewitching charm and uniqueness.

- this type of caterpillar is the larvae of one of the most beautiful views butterflies in the world. They live in England, America, Ireland. Listed in the Red Book. The Swallowtail butterfly is a real decoration of fields and forests. She is more beautiful than any flower or other insect - graceful, bright and unique.

Silver hole (Phalera bucephala)- brown-black stripes on the body, covered with many thin villi. Lives in Russia, Turkey, and some countries of Eastern Europe, as well as in Scandinavia.

Caterpillars with a large head and eyes: name, characteristics, what it looks like, what kind of butterfly it turns out, description, photo

There are caterpillars in the world that resemble aliens. It feels like they came to us from outer space. Their head looks like the head of an alien. This helps the larvae repel predators. All they have to do is stand in a pose and all the enemies immediately scatter.

Caterpillar astronaut, Oleander Hawkmoth Daphnis nerii— in our latitudes, such a caterpillar is called the tomato hawk moth. It can be not only green, but also red with blue dots that look like eyes. The butterfly looks like a moth, but its color makes you admire it.

Hawkmoth caterpillar, megalopygid butterfly- lives in North America and Australia. It is impossible to pass by such a caterpillar, since its large spots on the head, similar to eyes, force one to pay attention to this caterpillar. This hawk moth is a very beautiful butterfly, and it looks like she is going to a gala ball - a white and red dress and a white cape with black dots.

Hawkmoth caterpillar (Hyles Euphorbiae)- lives in Southern and Central Europe. It is called an assistant in the fight against weeds, as it quickly destroys plantations of different types of similar plants. This hawkmoth's butterfly looks like a large moth with beige wings and brown and red splashes.

Caterpillars with dots and spots: name, characteristics, what it looks like, what kind of butterfly it turns out, description, photo

Another type of unusual coloring on the body of caterpillars is dots and spots. Such larvae look no less unusual than minke whales and space caterpillars.

Purple Caterpillar (Insects Caterpillar Cover)- many people are surprised where this name comes from, because the larva itself is brown-black. But it got its name thanks to the butterfly it turns into. Lives in the forests of Russia, America and Scandinavia.

Apollo butterfly caterpillar

Bedstraw Celerio galii Rott- a brown-green caterpillar with a red tail or horn lives in our latitudes. The butterfly looks like a brightly colored moth that is diurnal.

Apollo butterfly

Apollo butterfly caterpillar- lives in Norway, Finland and Sweden. Bright orange spots on the caterpillar's body and red spots on the butterfly's wings warn that the insect is poisonous. Upon contact with human skin, it causes a rash and irritation. Even watery blisters may appear.

Poisonous caterpillars: name, characteristics, what it looks like, what kind of butterfly it turns out, description, photo

A person should be wary of poisonous caterpillars. You cannot pick them up or even come close. Many species cause a burning sensation on the skin upon contact with the insect’s body, while others can even be life-threatening: breathing rhythm is disrupted, heart palpitations, headaches, and so on occur.

Flannel Moth- This poisonous caterpillar looks like a small hamster. Her butterfly is no less beautiful. But it is strictly forbidden to touch it with your hands, as it causes an allergic reaction and even a feeling of suffocation.

Lazy clown caterpillar (lat. Lonomia obliqua)- lives in Uruguay. Strongly poisonous insect, which releases a special natural toxin. The venom of this caterpillar causes skin burns. In addition, the toxin can penetrate through the skin internal organs and cause hemorrhage, for example, in the gastrointestinal tract, kidneys, and also causes pulmonary edema and disruption of the central nervous system.

Saturnia Maya caterpillar (Hemileuca maia) - covered with hollow spines, upon contact with which, a burning sensation on the skin, rash and nausea appears. Appearance this caterpillar should be repelled, because a crawling, hairy insect with black thorns will disgust any person. This caterpillar lives in our latitudes on oaks and willows. The butterfly from this caterpillar is also black in color with a hairy body, but it is not poisonous.

Caterpillar (Orgyia leucostigma)— you won’t be able to pass by such a caterpillar, since it is noticeable thanks to its red head and body white. Eats everything green and woody in its path. If you touch the hairs of this insect, burns and irritation immediately occur. The rash may not go away for several weeks.

White cedar moth caterpillar (leptocneria reducta)- lives on a cedar tree in several groups at the same time, eating every single leaf. Contact with the hairs of this caterpillar causes irritation, but not for all people. If a person has sensitive skin, they will most likely feel a burn and develop a rash.

Remember: Beautiful caterpillars are almost always poisonous. Their bright colors are designed to scare away predators. Therefore, if you see, for example, a blue caterpillar with an orange head or a green caterpillar with bright red, blue or black spots, try not to touch such insects with your hands and move away from them.

Caterpillars are amazing insects. Ordinary people They don’t know much about them, and they think that they are ordinary worms that crawl through trees. Only entomological specialists know everything about caterpillars. Here Interesting Facts about these insects:

  • Entomophagy, or the eating of insects, has flourished on Earth since ancient times. Caterpillars occupy a place of honor among gourmets. They are eaten raw, dried, fried, with sauces, and omelettes.
  • Caterpillar Silkworm specially bred in many countries. From 100 kg of cocoons, 9 kilograms of silk thread are obtained.
  • The color of any caterpillar imitates the living conditions of this insect. This is an excellent means of camouflage and protection.
  • The caterpillar's body contains 4,000 muscles. For comparison, a person has only 629 of them.
  • During the first two months of life, the caterpillar eats a lot plant food, which helps it increase in size up to 20,000 times its original weight.
  • Caterpillars that live in northern latitudes, do not have time to go through the entire development cycle in one season, and therefore they remain to spend the winter in cocoons. It is worth noting that in this state the caterpillar can withstand frost temperatures down to -70 degrees.
  • Some types of caterpillars live in anthills, making special sounds and secreting enzymes. The ants think that the caterpillar is their queen, so they feed it and take care of it.
  • Certain species of caterpillars become poisonous due to the food they eat. For example, the caterpillars of the moss bear feed on poisonous ragwort. Their body begins to release toxins, making these insects a threat to animals and people.

Caterpillars - amazing creatures nature. There are many different species, and almost all of them turn into beautiful and graceful butterflies that adorn our lives.

Video: The largest caterpillar EVER

Caterpillars in the garden, on summer cottage capable of destroying crops. The invasion of voracious pests indicates insufficient attention to preventive measures.

Types of harmful caterpillars

Most leaf-eating insects cause damage to plants. Caterpillars damage leaves, suck out nutritious juice, and cause curling and drying out of the green mass.

The pests overwinter in the leaves; with the onset of spring, a whole horde of hundreds/thousands of eggs and grown individuals safely move onto trees and vegetable crops. Moth, hawthorn, silkworm, cabbage moth, and leaf roller actively destroy plants and reduce yields. If there is a large concentration of butterflies and their larvae, the damage to the farm can be very serious.

Harmful caterpillars in the garden:

  • hawthorn. Hairy creature, color – yellow-black. Actively creates nests for the winter, wraps a web around the base of the leaf blade and petiole. On bare fruit trees in the cold season, the web is clearly visible. You must not hesitate to destroy the lacewing caterpillars: up to three thousand individuals can be in one nest;
  • goldentail A pest with a bright color, its characteristic color scheme is a combination of black and red-orange. The pest attaches nests to branches, tightly wraps itself around adjacent leaves and internodes, creating a reliable home for the cold season. You also cannot hesitate if the tree is dotted with nests inhabited by hundreds of voracious pests. Cutting off damaged areas together with the “tenants” will save the garden from the invasion of caterpillars;
  • leaf roller Dangerous pest Green colour It doesn’t look as scary as the silkworm, goldentail or hawthorn, but it does no less harm. The caterpillar eats leaves, stems, flowers, and destroys the plant almost completely. Leaf rollers twist the greens into a tube, build a nest with a web inside, and feed on the juices of the leaf. Pests actively reproduce: up to three generations can change in a season;
  • gypsy moth. Hairy creatures with long hairs are clearly visible on trees. Leaves damaged by pests attract even more attention: often only veins remain of the greenery. The gypsy moth most often lives in forests, but when it gets into the garden it causes big damage fruit trees.

How to get rid of it: effective methods of control

There are several ways to clear your garden, vegetable garden, and flower garden from voracious creatures. The best option is to monitor the condition of the plants all year round, prevent the invasion of caterpillars, regularly spray the garden and vegetable garden with decoctions with a natural base. If furry, unpleasant-looking creatures have filled the area, traces of activity are clearly visible on the leaves, only an integrated approach will help.

Mechanical methods

Any amateur gardener will cope with the task if he decides to collect pests from the crown or prevent the penetration of wintering caterpillars from the soil. Experienced owners offer several ways to fight.

Proven methods:

  • manual collection of pests. The method is effective if there are few caterpillars. It is important to go through all areas of the crown, collect the voracious creatures in a bucket, and then destroy them. It's not a pleasant task, but the result is good. Many gardeners use the method of collecting pests from low plants or dwarf varieties fruit trees;
  • glue belt Means with strange name prevents pests from crawling from the soil to the crown. The method is harmless to the tree. Boil 2 parts of birch tar, pour in 1 part of burdock oil, boil for 2 minutes, remove the mixture from the stove, cool. Apply a thick mixture to the trunks of fruit trees. Pests will not be able to overcome the barrier of sticky mass; the owners will only have to collect the furry creatures from the protective adhesive belt;
  • cutting off the nests and oviposition of some pests. The sooner the owner discovers leaves damaged by lacewing, apple moth, and hawthorn, the greater the guarantee that all pests will be collected. It is important to remove the leaves before the caterpillars switch to an open form of feeding.

Biological methods

The fight against the attraction of natural enemies has been practiced for decades. The owners noticed that many birds eat garden pests in large quantities.

If there are not many caterpillars bred, the winged helpers are able to completely clear the area of ​​pests. The owners need to attract birds to the garden, set up titmice, nest boxes, and birdhouses.

Important! Swifts, swallows, titmice, starlings, pied flycatchers, and cuckoos eat not only small, but also large caterpillars with long hairs on their bodies.

Chemicals against caterpillars

Experts consider it the most effective method of combating voracious creatures in the garden. After spraying with toxic drugs, most individuals die.

Unfortunately, the method has downsides:

  • the use of chemicals often provokes intoxication in people after eating processed fruits;
  • required permanent shift insecticides: pests get used to the components of the drug, control turns out to be ineffective.

What to do? Select formulations of the latest generations that do not cause resistance in caterpillars. Experienced owners recommend alternating toxic drugs and decoctions of herbal ingredients.

Effective insecticides against caterpillars:

  • Karate.
  • Aktara.
  • Decis Pro.
  • Inta – Vir.
  • Spark.
  • Kinmiks.
  • Rovikurt.
  • Lightning.
  • Ram.
  • Sumi is Alpha.
  • Fufanon.

Find out the instructions for using the aerosol in the apartment, as well as precautions when using the chemical.

How to get rid of flies in an apartment? Effective methods fight against buzzing insects are described on the page.

Folk remedies and recipes

Spraying fruit and vegetable crops with safe, non-toxic compounds brings only benefits. There are several compounds that destroy/repel smooth and hairy caterpillars.

Proven means:

  • decoction of black henbane. The product is used when hawthorn, cabbage white, and goldentail appear. You will need 2.5 kg of chopped plants (leaves and twigs). Pour water over the greens, boil for half an hour, bring the volume to 10 liters, boil again, remove from heat. Let the product sit for 12 hours, strain, add liquid soap or a handful of grated laundry soap. Spray the affected plants 5–6 times when the pests have just appeared;
  • decoction from the stems of peppermint. The plant's shoots will be needed during the flowering period. For 2 kg of fresh raw materials, take 10 liters of boiling water, close the bucket with a lid, and let it brew for a day. Remove the green mass, strain, spray garden crops when leaf-eating insects appear;
  • red elderberry decoction. Another proven remedy for repelling caterpillars, beetles, slugs, and fly larvae. Finely chop 200 g of stems and leaves, steam in 10 liters of boiling water, leave for 24 hours, strain. For active adhesion to the surface of the leaves, many owners add shavings from laundry soap to a bucket of warm water. Spraying should be done before and after flowering.

When pest caterpillars appear, there is no time to waste: the nests are inhabited by thousands of individuals, ready to gnaw leaves and young shoots. Decoctions with herbal ingredients and proven insecticides will help repel and destroy pests. Mechanical methods of controlling leaf-eating pests have a good effect.

The following video talks about an excellent remedy for protecting cabbage from pest caterpillars:

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