Blacklist of producers of GMO products. Genetically modified organisms and products (GMOs)

Our specialists are especially proud of their potatoes, which kill Colorado potato beetles. For environmentalists, it is also the main irritant. Experts say that when rats eat transgenic potatoes, a change in blood composition occurs, a change in size internal organs, and pathologies appear in significantly greater quantities than when eating regular potatoes.

It is believed that all GMO products that are on our shelves are imported from abroad. Maybe. But our companies produce products for consumption from foreign components.

According to the UN Organization for economic cooperation and development, the following transgenic crops are registered in the world (in more than one country):

  • . 11 soybean lines
  • . 24 potato lines
  • . 32 lines of corn
  • . 3 sugar beet lines
  • . 5 lines of rice
  • . 8 tomato lines
  • . 32 lines of rapeseed
  • . 3 wheat lines
  • . 2 melon lines
  • . 1 line of chicory
  • . 2 papaya lines
  • . 2 lines of zucchini
  • . 1 line of flax
  • . 9 cotton lines

The following are widely grown: soybeans, corn, rapeseed and cotton.

According to Rospotrebnadzor of the Russian Federation, in 2004, compared to 2003, three times more samples (12,956 samples) of food raw materials and food products were examined for the presence of genetically modified sources (GMI). Largest quantity samples containing GMI in absolute values ​​were identified in 2004 in meat products - 946 (in 2003 - 272) and in “other” products based on plant proteins - 466 (in 2003 - 129). GMIs were found in small quantities in bakery and flour and cereal products (44 samples), poultry and poultry products (29 samples), baby food products (13 samples) and canned food (13 samples).

In general, foods containing GMOs can be divided into three categories:

1. Products containing GM ingredients (mainly transgenic corn and soybeans). These additives are added to food products as structuring, sweetening, coloring agents, and also as substances that increase protein content.
2. Products of processing of transgenic raw materials (for example, soy curd, soy milk, chips, corn flakes, tomato paste).
3. Transgenic vegetables and fruits, and soon, possibly, animals directly consumed as food.

It is also useful to remember the names of some companies that, according to the state register, supply GM raw materials to their clients in Russia or are producers themselves:

Central Soya Protein Group, Denmark;
. BIOSTAR TRADE LLC, St. Petersburg;
. CJSC "Universal", Nizhny Novgorod;
. Monsanto Co., USA;
. "Protein Technologies International Moscow", Moscow;
. LLC "Agenda", Moscow;
. JSC "ADM-Food Products", Moscow;
. JSC "GALA", Moscow;
. ZAO Belok, Moscow;
. Dera Food Technology N.V., Moscow;
. Herbalife International of America, USA;
. LLC "Salon Sport-Service", Moscow;
. "Intersoya", Moscow.

When purchasing products in a store, labels can indirectly determine the likelihood of GMO content in the product. If the label states that the product was made in the USA and contains soy, corn, canola or potatoes, there is a very high chance that it contains GM components.

Most soy-based products produced outside of Russia and not in the United States can also be transgenic. If the label proudly says “vegetable protein,” it is most likely soy and very likely transgenic.

GMOs can often be hidden behind E indexes. However, this does not mean that all E supplements contain GMOs or are transgenic. You just need to know which E can, in principle, contain GMOs or their derivatives.

This is primarily soy lecithin or lecithin E 322: binds water and fats together and is used as a fatty element in milk formulas, cookies, chocolate, riboflavin (B2) otherwise known as E 101 and E 101A, can be produced from GM- microorganisms. It is added to cereals, soft drinks, baby food and weight loss products. Caramel (E 150) and xanthan (E 415) can also be produced from GM grains.

Other additives that may contain GM components: E 153, E 160d, E 161c, E 308-9, E-471, E 472a, E 473, E 475, E 476b, E 477, E479a, E 570, E 572, E 573, E 620, E 621, E 622, E 633, E 624, E 625, E951.

Sometimes the names of additives are indicated on the labels only in words; you also need to be able to navigate them. Let's look at the most common components.

Soybean Oil: Used in sauces, spreads, cakes and deep-fried foods in fat form to add extra flavor and quality. Vegetable oil or vegetable fats: most often found in cookies, deep-fried foods such as chips. Maltodextrin: A type of starch that acts as a "priming agent" used in baby foods, powdered soups, and powdered desserts.
Glucose or glucose syrup: Sugar, which can be made from corn starch, is used as a sweetener. Found in drinks, desserts and fast food.
Dextrose: Like glucose, it can be produced from cornstarch. Used in cakes, chips and cookies to achieve a brown color. Also used as a sweetener in high-energy sports drinks.
Aspartame, aspasvit, aspamix: The sweetener, which can be produced using a GM bacterium, is restricted for use in a number of countries and is reported to have many complaints, mainly related to blackout syndrome, from consumers in the United States. Aspartame is found in carbonated water, diet sodas, chewing gum, ketchups, etc.

Many people believe that the label “modified starch” on a product means that the product contains GMOs. This even led to the fact that in 2002 Legislative Assembly At its meeting, the Perm Region included yoghurts with modified starch in the list of GM products illegally distributed in the region. In fact, modified starch is produced chemically without the use of genetic engineering. But starch itself may be of genetically engineered origin if it was obtained from GM corn or GM potatoes.

During the inspection, the most high percent GM soybeans were found in boiled “Traditional Veal” sausage produced by the Cherkizovsky plant. GMIs were most often found in the products of the same manufacturer, as well as in the products of the company “DHV S” (trademark “Rollton”).

Among the manufacturers whose products contain GMOs were also:

  • . LLC "Daria - semi-finished products";
  • . LLC "Meat processing plant "Klinsky"";
  • . MPZ "Tagansky";
  • . MPZ "Campomos";
  • . CJSC "Vichunai";
  • . MLM-RA LLC;
  • . Tolsto-Products LLC;
  • . Ostankino MPK;
  • . LLC "Sausage plant "Bogatyr"";
  • . Rose Marie Ltd. LLC;
  • . ML "Mikoyanovsky";
  • . OJSC "Tsaritsyno";
  • . OJSC Lianozovo Sausage Plant.

Our favorite dumplings also turned out to be genetically modified, and specifically: “Dumplings without haste, pork and beef”, “Daria classic dumplings”, GMOs were found in “Tasty beef steaks”.

GMO - genetic modified products:

List of genetically modified products:

Genetically modified organisms (GMOs) are developed as biological weapons, a means of curbing population growth and a means of undermining the food security of countries.

So, first on the list:

  • Lipton tea
  • Coffee "Nescafe"

Modified coffee is now actively grown by the Nescafe company. So far, large plantations of this type of coffee are grown only in Vietnam.

List of GMOs:

Manufacturing company Unilever

  • Lipton (tea)
  • Brooke Bond (tea)
  • Conversation (tea)
  • Calve (mayonnaise, ketchup)
  • Rama (oil)
  • Pyshka (margarine)
  • Delmi (mayonnaise, yogurt, margarine)
  • Algida (ice cream)
  • Knorr (seasonings)

Manufacturing company Nestle

  • Nescafe (coffee and milk)
  • Maggi (soups, broths, mayonnaise, seasonings, mashed potatoes)
  • Nestle (chocolate)
  • Nestea (tea)
  • Nesquik (cocoa)

Manufacturing company Kellog's

  • Corn Flakes
  • Frosted Flakes (cereals)
  • Rice Krispies (cereals)
  • Corn Pops (cereals)
  • Smacks (cereals)
  • Froot Loops (colored ring flakes)
  • Apple Jacks (apple flavored cereal)
  • All-bran Apple Cinnamon/Blueberry (apple, cinnamon, blueberry flavored bran)
  • Chocolate Chip (chocolate chips)
  • Pop Tarts (filled cookies, all flavors)
  • Nutri-grain (toast with filling, all types)
  • Crispix (cookies)
  • Smart Start (cereals)
  • All-Bran (cereals)
  • Just Right Fruit & Nut (cereals)
  • Honey Crunch Corn Flakes
  • Raisin Bran Crunch (cereals)
  • Cracklin" Oat Bran (flakes)

Manufacturing company Hershey's

  • Toblerone (chocolate, all types)
  • Mini Kisses (candies)
  • Kit-Kat (chocolate bar)
  • Kisses (candies)
  • Semi-Sweet Baking Chips (cookies)
  • Milk Chocolate Chips (cookies)
  • Reese's Peanut Butter Cups (peanut butter)
  • Special Dark (dark chocolate)
  • Milk Chocolate (milk chocolate)
  • Chocolate Syrup (chocolate syrup)
  • Special Dark Chocolate Syrup (chocolate syrup)
  • Strawberry Syrop (strawberry syrup)

Manufacturing company Mars

  • M&M's
  • Snickers
  • Milky Way
  • Nestle
  • Crunch (chocolate rice cereal)
  • Milk Chocolate Nestle (chocolate)
  • Nesquik (chocolate drink)
  • Cadbury (Cadbury/Hershey's)
  • Fruit & Nut

Manufacturing company Heinz

  • Ketchup (regular & no salt)
  • Chili Sauce
  • Heinz 57 Steak Sauce

Hellman's manufacturing company

  • Real Mayonnaise (mayonnaise)
  • Light Mayonnaise (mayonnaise)
  • Low-Fat Mayonnaise (mayonnaise)

Coca-Cola manufacturing company

  • Coca-Cola
  • Sprite
  • Cherry Coca
  • Minute Maid Orange
  • Minute Maid Grape

Manufacturing company PepsiCo

  • Pepsi
  • Pepsi Cherry
  • Mountain Dew

Manufacturer Frito-Lay/PepsiCo (GM components may be contained in oil and other ingredients)

Lays Potato Chips (all)
Cheetos (all) (chips)

Manufacturing company Cadbury/Schweppes

Dr. Pepper

Pringles manufacturing company (Procter&Gamble)

Pringles (chips with Original, Low Fat, Pizza-licious, Sour Cream & Onion, Salt & Vinegar, Cheezeums flavors)

Honey can be collected from genetically modified plants.

There is a high frequency of information that bees cannot pollinate genetically modified buckwheat. So there is one.

Rice. In general, it is better to buy not anonymous varieties of plant products, but quite specific ones. For example, Basmati rice. There is a high probability that in this case the product will not be GMO.

Anonymous rice, as well as Chinese or Taiwanese rice, is most likely transgenic.

Russia is one of the main importers of this product from China. However, according to environmentalists, the Chinese have been producing GM rice unofficially for two years and exporting it.

Environmentalists reported that genetically modified rice was being grown illegally in China back in April. “In the spring of 2005, Greenpeace took rice samples obtained from supply companies, farmers and millers from China for genetic testing in the German Genescan laboratory,” Greenpeace Russia press secretary Maya Kolikova told NI. - It turned out that more than 2/3 of the samples (19 out of 25) were genetically modified.

When interviewing farmers and grain suppliers from China, we found out that for more than two years, transgenic rice has been illegally grown and actively sold both within the country and abroad.”

The situation, according to environmentalists, is aggravated by the fact that the Chinese government is considering the possibility of legalizing the industrial production of GM rice. The Greens believe that the Russians will suffer the most from the actions of the Chinese authorities - product supplies from this country account for more than 60% of our total rice imports.

However, in this matter there are not only disadvantages, but also advantages. After all, until now, rice supplied to Russia was formally considered unmodified, and no checks were carried out for the content of GMI in it. Therefore, no one can say how many transgenes we have already eaten and will still eat. If the consumer has information about where the rice comes from, he will be able to decide for himself whether to buy this product or not.

Environmentalists, however, see the problem not so much in the cereal itself, which can really be abandoned, but in the distribution of products with the addition of rice flour, including many for children - milk formula and cereals, noodles, and semi-finished products. Manufacturers, as a rule, do not indicate the country where the ingredients come from.

I would like to point out that "Indica", the term that can be found on packs of rice, is not the original name of any strain. It just means long grain rice. It could also be from China.

Attention! Traits of transgenic vegetables and fruits.

Is it possible to distinguish modified fruits and vegetables from natural ones?

Excessively clean potato tubers that differ little from each other or perfectly shaped tomatoes are a reason to think. After all sure sign natural natural products - availability in total mass“eaten” by insects and rotten specimens. Insects never eat GM products! If you cut a natural tomato or strawberry, they will immediately give juice; unnatural ones retain their shape.

The most famous products containing GM ingredients:

(according to Greenpeace)

1. Snickers chocolate bars
2. Pepsi
3. Maggi Seasonings
4. Pringles chips

Vegetable counters are filled with “Volgograd” tomatoes, like twins similar to Turkish ones. It turns out that in Volgograd, for several years now, only imported “plastic” varieties without taste and smell have been grown on a mass scale.

I wouldn't be at all surprised if they turn out to be GMO. I stopped buying tomatoes of these varieties, and I rarely bought them before.

From the article by E. Yakusheva “What are transgenic products?”:

Currently, 90% of transgenic food exports are corn and soybeans. Popcorn, which is sold on the streets everywhere, is 100% made from GM corn, and there is still no corresponding labeling on it. Soy products from North America or Argentina, 80% are GM products.

GM foods are attractive to retailers. For example, genetically modified vegetables and fruits are 4-5 times cheaper than their natural counterparts.

From the book of Liniza Zhuvanovna Zhalpanova:

"Foods That Kill You":

Transgenic products are purchased by Russia from other countries with the permission of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation. According to statistics, about 70% of imported products are made from genetically modified raw materials. These products include: soy products, flour, chocolate, chocolate bars, wine, baby food, milk powder, milk, kefir, yogurt, cottage cheese, carbonated drinks, canned corn and tomatoes, corn oil, cookies, starch, soy protein, soybean oil, soy sauce, lecithin, cottonseed oil, syrups, tomato sauces, coffee and coffee drinks, popcorn, breakfast cereals, etc.

It is assumed that some imported beer also contains genetically modified molecules taken over by the drink from modified yeast.

According to the National Association of Genetic Safety, about 1/3 of all products on the Russian market contain genetically modified components.

Greenpeace Handbook "How to Avoid Using Products with Genetically Modified Ingredients (GM Products)?"

The directory contains lists of food enterprises, divided into three categories (green, orange and red lists) according to the criterion of the presence of GM components in products.

The New Year's menu often includes canned store-bought vegetables. But canned corn and green pea extremely undesirable. They are GMO.

According to a month and a half study, our food is simply crammed with genetically modified organisms. Moreover, the most popular food in our area is sausages, dumplings, dry soups, canned vegetables, chocolates.

Environmentalists (Greenpeace and the All-Ukrainian Environmental League) categorically include in this list the products of the most famous brands - Coca-Cola, Pepsi, Nestle, Gallina Blanka, Knorr, Lipton, Bonduel. A full list of companies that have confirmed that their products may contain GM ingredients or have not denied their use can be found at

“The results of the study showed that in 18 out of 42 randomly selected food products the content of genetically modified soybeans exceeded 3 percent,” said Mikhail Mukharovsky, general director of Ukrmetrteststandart. “At the same time, the composition of nine of them did not indicate the presence of soy protein at all.”

Bonduel is therefore blacklisted!

I understand that the reliability of what is included in the list is not guaranteed, since the sources of information may be dubious. But otherwise I have practically no way to keep such a list at all.

Orchard, Rich puree - genetically modified products.

By the way, the very first genetically modified product on the market is a food banana, any banana at that (to increase productivity, it has, roughly speaking, a duplicated set of chromosomes).

If we talk about a banana: artificially induced polyploidy is also a form of genetic modification (because the chromosome set becomes larger compared to the original organism), most importantly, it is cheap and cheerful. But journalists have not yet learned to scare people with it.

The Mistral company probably deliberately does not mark on the packs the country of origin of the cereals and legumes that are packaged in them. The fact is that she appeared in the sale of American crops, which, most likely, are genetically modified. “Basmati Rice” is also not labeled. Unfortunately, as I only found out today, it is highly likely that he may be transgenic. From the book “Seeds of Destruction: The Secret Behind Genetic Manipulation,” by William F. Engdahl:

Texas biotech company RiceTech has decided it will receive patent payments on Basmati rice, a variation that has been a daily staple in India, Pakistan and Asia for thousands of years. In 1998, RiceTech patented genetically modified Basmati rice, and thanks to American laws prohibiting the labeling of genetic products, RiceTech was able to sell it legally, labeling it as regular Basmati rice. It turned out that RiceTech, through dubious means, had obtained precious Basmati seeds, which were deposited at the Rockefeller Foundation International Rice Research Institute in the Philippines (RIRIP). (10)

In the name of “security,” MRRI duplicated a priceless collection of rice seeds collected in the Philippines and stored it in a seed bank in Fort Collins, Colorado, making the very dubious promise that the seeds would be stored as a safe seed supply for farmers in the rice regions. MRID convinced farmers that sharing their invaluable finds in MRID rice seed varieties would serve their own safety.

In Colorado, far from the Philippines, MNIIR transferred valuable seeds (without which RiceTek might not have made its patented genetic modifications) to RiceTek researchers, who immediately patented everything possible. They knew it was highly illegal: Even in Texas, rice researchers know that Basmati rice does not typically grow on the dusty plains around Crawford, Texas. (eleven)

RiceTek, in collusion with MNIIR, stole seeds for its patent. In addition, according to carefully developed rules established by the Rockefeller Foundation, although seeds from a gene bank cannot be patented, any man-made improved variation based on them can be patented.

The variety "Jasmine" also has a GM modification.

From the article “Transgenic “Senior Tomato” and Dolly the Sheep…”:

You can delay the ripening of already collected fruits by placing them in special conditions. Using carbon dioxide, the effect of ethylene released by fruits is blocked. These properties are manipulated by traders transporting bananas, citrus fruits, as well as vegetables - and tomatoes in particular. They are harvested green and treated with ethylene along the way, causing artificial ripening. Such fruits and vegetables lose their taste qualities ripen unevenly. And it’s easy to verify this. For example, the tomatoes that we buy at the market are red on the outside but white on the inside. The delay in ripening is also due to the fact that most of the tomatoes that we sell are imported from Turkey, and they are all transgenic. Even on the boxes in which they are packed it is written: TRANSGEN.

Excerpts from the book by Mikhail Efremov: “Caution! Harmful products!

Additives with a high degree of likelihood of containing GI components:

E-153 - Vegetable Carbon (vegetable coal);

E-160d - Annatto, Bixin, Norbixin (annatto, bixin, norbixin);

E-161c - Paprika extract, Capsanthin, Capsorubin (paprika extract, capsanthin, capsorubin);

E-308 - Synthetic Gamma-tocopherol (synthetic y-tocopherol);

E-309 - Synthetic Delta-tocopherol (synthetic d-tocopherol);

E-471 - Mono- and Diglycerides of Fatty Acids (mono- and diglycerides of fatty acids);

E-472a - Acetic Acid Esters of Mono- and Diglycerides of Fatty Acids (esters of mono- and diglycerides of acetic fatty acids);

E-473 - Sucrose Esters of Fatty Acids (esters of sucrose and fatty acids);

E-475 - Polyglycerol Esters of Fatty Acids (esters of polyglycerides and fatty acids);

E-476 - Polyglycerol Polyricinoleate (polyglycerol polyglycerol oleates);

E-477 - Propane-1, 2-diol Esters of Fatty Acids (propane-1, 2-diol esters of fatty acids);

E-479b - Thermally Oxideized Soya Bean Oll Interacted with Mono- and Diglycerides of Fatty Acids (thermally oxidized soybean and bean oil with mono- and diglycerides of fatty acids);

E-570 - Fatty Acids ( fatty acid);

E-951 - Aspartame (aspartame, or nutrosvit).

Additives based on GM components:

Riboflavin (B2) otherwise known as E 101 and E 101A, made from GM microorganisms, is approved for sale in a number of countries. It is added to cereals, soft drinks, baby food and weight loss products. Caramel (E 150) and xanthan (E 415) can be produced from the grain.

Lecithin (E 322) is produced from soybeans, which can be genetically modified. This soybean is used, in particular, by Neslte in its chocolate, baby food and other products. Other additives that may contain GM components: E 153, E 160 d, E 161 c, E 308-9, E-471, E 472a, E 473, E 475, E 476 b, E 477, E479 a, E 570, E 572, E 573, E 620, E 621, E 622, E 633, E 624, E 625.

I would like to emphasize that food additives for any purpose (technological, to “improve” consumer qualities) can also be included in dietary supplements. Therefore, it is important to know which food additives prohibited or dangerous.

I saw how dairy production works. I just don’t really want to drink milk after that.

And only raw cow's milk can be consumed. You can make yogurt from store-bought milk, and not from just any kind, but preferably from the one that says that it is made from natural (whole) cow's milk (its fat content is usually indicated as 3.4-6%). It is not worth drinking such milk in its pure form, because it is pasteurized and if it is consumed regularly, after a while the joints will begin to ache - most likely due to the deposition of inorganic calcium in them, which appears during pasteurization (transfers from an organically bound form to an inorganic one) . But you can make curdled milk from it - it turns out quite well and does not cause any problems.

But any milk normalized by fat content is real poison. And even curdled milk from such milk is not very good, except from milk with a fat content of no more than 1% - lactobacilli can at least cope with such concentrations of modified milk fat.

GMO - manufacturing company:

Milky Way
Uncle Bans
Coca Cola
Parmalat (cookies)
Similak (baby food)
Potatoes (from Monsant USA)


''Greenpeace'' has published a list of companies that use GMOs in their products. Interestingly, these companies behave differently in different countries, depending on the legislation of a particular country.
In total, more than 120 names (brands) of GMO products are registered in Russia, according to voluntary registration data and a special register of products imported from abroad. Among the manufacturers whose products contain GMOs are:
LLC ''Daria - semi-finished products'', LLC ''Klinsky Meat Processing Plant'', MPZ ''Tagansky'', MPZ ''CampoMos'', CJSC ''Vichyunay'', LLC ''MLM-RA'', LLC '' Talostoproducts, LLC Bogatyr Sausage Plant, LLC ROS Mari Ltd.
Manufacturer company Unilever: Lipton (tea), Brooke Bond (tea), ''Conversation'' (teas), Calve (mayonnaise, ketchup), Rama (butter), ''Pyshka'' (margarine), ''Delmi'' (mayonnaise, yogurt, margarine), ''Algida'' (ice cream), Knorr (seasonings); Nestle manufacturing company: Nescafe (coffee and milk), Maggi (soups, broths, mayonnaise, Nestle (chocolate), Nestea (tea), Neseiulk (cocoa);
Kellog's manufacturer: Corn Flakes, Frosted Flakes, Rice Krispies, Corn Pops, Smacks, Froot Loops, Apple Jacks apple flavor), Afl-bran Apple Cinnamon/Blueberry (bran with apple, cinnamon, blueberry flavor), Chocolate Chip (chocolate chips), Pop Tarts (cookies with filling, all flavors), Nulri grain (toast with filling, all types) , Crispix (cookies), All-Bran (cereals), Just Right Fruit & Nut (cereals), Honey Crunch Corn Flakes (cereals), Raisin Bran Crunch (cereals), Cracklin'Oat Bran (cereals);
Hershey's Manufacturing Company: Toblerone (chocolate, all types), Mini Kisses (candies), Kit-Kat (chocolate bar), Kisses (candies), Semi-Sweet Baking Chips (cookies), Milk Chocolate Chips (cookies), Reese 's Peanut Butter Cups (peanut butter), Special Dark (dark chocolate), Milk Chocolate milk chocolate), Chocolate Syrup (chocolate syrup), Special Dark Chocolate Syrup (chocolate syrup), Setoawberry Syrup (strawberry syrup);
Mars manufacturing company: M&M'S, Snickers, Milky Way, Twix, Nestle, Crunch (chocolate rice cereal), Milk Chocolate Nestle (chocolate), Nesquik (chocolate drink), Cadbury (Cadbury/Hershey's), Fruit
Heinz manufacturing company: Ketchup (regular&no salt), Chili Sauce, Heinz 57 Steak Sauce;
Coca-Cola manufacturing company: Coca Cola, Sprite, Cherry Cola, Minute Maid Orange, Minute Maid Grape;
Manufacturing company PepsiCo: Pepsi, Pepsi Cherry, Mountain Dew;
Manufacturer Frito-Lay / PepsiCo: (GM components may be contained in oil and other ingredients), Lays Potato Chips (all), Cheetos (all);
Manufacturing company Cadbury/Schweppes:7-Up, Dr. Pepper;
Pringles manufacturing company Procter&Gamble: Pringles (chips with Original, LowFat, Pizzalicious, Sour Cream&Onion, Salt&Vinegar, Cheezeums flavors).
1 Hershey’s Cadbury Fruit&Nut chocolate products
2 Mars M&M
3 Snickers
4 Twix
5 Milky Way
6 Cadbury chocolate, cocoa
7 Ferrero
8 Nestle chocolate ''Nestlé'', ''Russia''
9 Nestle Nesquik chocolate drink
10 Soft drink Sosa-Cola ‘‘Coca-Cola’’ Sosa-Cola
11 ''Sprite'', ''Fanta'', ''Kinley'' tonic, ''Fruittime''
12 Pepci-Co Pepsi 13 ''7-Up'', ''Fiesta'', ''Mountain Dew''
14 Kellogg's breakfast cereals
15 Campbell Soups
16 Uncle Bens Mars Rice
17 Knorr Sauces
18 Lipton Tea
19 Parmalat cookies
20 Seasonings, mayonnaise, Hellman’s sauces
21 Seasonings, mayonnaises, Heinz sauces
22 Nestle baby food
23 Hipp
24 Abbot Labs Similac
25 Yogurts, kefir, cheese, Danon baby food
26 McDonald's (McDonald's) chain of fast food restaurants
27 chocolate, chips, coffee, baby food Kraft (Kraft)
28 ketchups, sauces. Heinz Foods
29 baby food, Delmi products Unilever (Unilever)

In the United States, soy is the most commonly genetically modified product. Due to this, the content of oleic acid in it increases. This acid replaces other fatty acids in the body and lowers cholesterol levels in the blood.

They have altered DNA. This allows mutations to be created with certain desired characteristics. Unlike natural products, these products undergo changes in laboratories, which later affects the entire harvest.

Genetically modified foods were created using biotechnology, which made it possible to transfer a gene from one organism to another in order to reward it with a property that it does not possess in normal life. Currently, scientists are beginning to genetically modify meat products, but still, the majority of genetically modified products today are of plant origin, that is, fruits, vegetables, etc.

At first, the idea of ​​changing the DNA of plants seemed like an excellent strategy that would help interest consumers, solve the problem of world hunger and help agriculture, but in recent years more and more researchers have proven that such products are dangerous to human health, negatively affect agriculture, and their use It has even grown into a social confrontation between those who advocate the use of genetically modified food and those who prefer natural products.

How do genetically modified foods affect health?

Many years of research and laboratory experiments have revealed the following negative properties of genetically modified products for human health:

  • The emergence of new types of allergies. These products contain new toxins and allergens that may cause Negative influence on the body. As evidence, we can recall the sensational Starlink corn scandal in 2000 in the United States. In this corn large quantities contained a toxic protein that causes very strong allergic reactions in people, including anaphylactic shock.
  • Emergence of pathogenic bacteria resistant to antibiotics. This means that some medications will be powerless against bacteria that are dangerous to human health, and some diseases cannot be cured.
  • Increase in chemical contamination of food due to the widespread use of chemical fertilizers for plant cultivation.
  • One Austrian study suggests that GMO foods reduce human reproductive function. This was proven by an experiment conducted on mice. Mice fed genetically modified corn were less fertile than mice fed natural corn.
  • It is not yet known how transgenic foods affect long-term health. However, there is a suspicion that they may cause the development of some dangerous diseases, for example, cancer.

What else are dangerous transgenic products?

Genetically modified foods are harmful not only to our health. Other areas of human life are also at risk, which is regularly discussed among representatives of different states and international organizations concerned about this problem.

Negative impact on the environment

Genetically modified crops are promoting increased use in the agricultural industry.

Chemicals affect not only transgenic products, but also traditional varieties, destroying them and causing irreversible damage to biological diversity.

In some countries, by law, farmers are forced to cultivate only genetically modified seeds, as a result of which traditional seeds are not used.

Negative impact on the economy

The development of GMOs is in the hands of a few companies. They continue to expand their influence in hopes of capturing the global market. This is affecting the global seed market and food production around the world.

GMO products are actively taking over the market and harming producers of conventional crops: they are cheaper than natural ones and thus attract buyers.

What foods are most often subject to genetic modification?

Currently large companies continue to work on the creation of genetically modified products. This includes meat. We list the most commonly found GM products on the market:

  • corn and its derivatives (flour, oil, flakes, syrups),
  • soybean and its derivatives,
  • cotton,
  • potato,
  • sugar cane,
  • with a long shelf life,
  • strawberry,
  • a pineapple,
  • Bell pepper.

And our last question: Are you for or against the use of genetically modified products?

Every housewife knows about genetically modified products. True, a little. We are sure that if we conduct an experiment and offer to try a dish prepared from genetically modified products and grown in natural conditions without the intervention of genetic engineering, then you will not even feel the difference. Marketers have long used the “non-GMO” label on bright product labels, and we intuitively choose packaging with this label, believing that it really is more useful product. Although only a few of us will be able to clearly answer what genetically modified products are and why they are so dangerous. FashionTime I decided to conduct an educational program on this controversial issue and find out about the benefits and harms of GMOs.

What is GMO?

Genetically modified organisms (GMOs) are foods and organisms that contain genes transplanted from other plant or animal species. Every year the population of our planet increases, and it needs more and more food. The soil and fertile lands in which crops were grown are being depleted. In order for a plant to gain additional properties, such as resistance to diseases, increased resistance to insects, and also increased productivity, a gene from another plant is transplanted into its cells. This entire procedure takes place in laboratory conditions. For example, if it is necessary to obtain a harvest of ripe and tasty strawberries in winter, then the gene of an arctic fish will be introduced into its cell. This will in no way affect the taste, but is aimed at identifying resistance to cold in strawberry fruits. However, if you have a fish allergy, it may occur when you eat these GM berries.

In Russia, the use of GMOs for food production has recently become legal. The list of permitted GM products includes only 14 species: 8 varieties of corn, 4 varieties of potatoes, 1 variety of rice and 1 variety of sugar beet. In our country it is prohibited to use GM products in the production of baby food. Nevertheless, many products containing GMOs end up on our store shelves from abroad. According to the National Association for Genetic Safety, about 30-40% of the foods in our diet contain GMOs. In the US, the level of genetically modified products is about 70%. Therefore, most products imported to Russia from the USA are genetically modified.

Today in the world there are over 60 species of plants grown using genetic engineering. The list of transgenes includes the most popular foods that we eat daily: rice, corn, soybeans, eggplants, apples, wheat, cabbage, strawberries, cucumbers, tobacco and others.

The benefits of genetically modified foods

The emergence of genetically modified products primarily had a beneficial effect on agriculture. Growing genetically modified vegetables and fruits can increase yields significantly. And since these products are easier to grow, their cost is much lower. Also, GM products are able to independently fight insects, weeds, and resist viruses and bacteria.

Scientists in laboratory conditions can produce GM products with a high content of vitamins and nutrients. Genetically modified products are also used in pharmacology, making vaccines against various diseases based on them.

The debate about the benefits and harms of genetically modified products did not subside with the introduction of the first GMO. There are no clinically proven studies that would prove that the consumption of GMOs causes direct or indirect harm to human health. On the contrary, the introduction of genetically modified products will increase the level of human immunity over time.

Harm from genetically modified products

The science of developing genetically modified products is very young. The first transgenic products were developed by Monsanto in 1988. There is no established opinion yet on how harmful GM foods are. But ecologists, scientists and even religious organizations oppose the removal of GM products. Many scientists believe that GMOs increase the risk of dangerous allergic reactions, food poisoning and even mutations. They also contribute to the development of resistance to antibiotics.

The green movement has its own concerns about this. Ecologists believe that genetically modified plants have a negative impact on the environment. For example, transgenic corn destroys not only harmful insects that are destructive to crop yields, but also others that are absolutely harmless. Another serious problem is cross-breeding, in which one plant (the weed) is given genes for a healthy, edible product. As a result, the weed acquires the beneficial properties of its fellow and becomes completely immune to herbicides.

Many scientists argue that genetically modified foods harm the human food system, disrupting metabolism and intestinal microflora, causing weakened immunity and the development of cancer.

Where are GMOs?

Most often, GM products are found in imported products. Transgenic products are grown in most countries of the world: USA, Brazil, Canada, China, Argentina, South Africa, Pakistan, India and with small indicators in almost all EU countries. Genetically modified plants can be included in meat and sausage products, confectionery and bakery products, baby food, dairy products and margarine, vegetable oil, peanut oil, mayonnaise and other sauces.

The manufacturer is required to indicate on the product packaging if the product contains more than 0.9% GMOs. Corresponding amendments to the Law of the Russian Federation “On the Protection of Consumer Rights” were made on December 12, 2007. The presence of transgenic products and its percentage must be indicated on the label in the list of ingredients.

Exists famous list Greenpeace, which lists companies that produce GM foods. You probably know many of them. We have selected the most popular brands on the Russian market: Nestle, Unilever, Hershey's, Coca-Cola, McDonald's, Cadbury, Mars, PepsiCo, Lays, Cheetos, Schweppes, Pringles, Milka, Novartis, Parmalat, Talosto, KamPoMos, Daria-semi-finished products, Lipton , soups Campbell, Knorr.

Many products now carry the “non-GMO” label, raising not only the price of the product by making it “organic”, but also our trust in it. We will tell you what GMOs are, whether you should believe all the myths, and whether they are really as dangerous as they try to present.

What is GMO?

The abbreviation GMO stands for genetically modified organism, which can be a living organism or a food product that is created using genetic engineering. What are the advantages of this notorious genetic engineering technology? The fact is that, for example, in agriculture, pests bypass treated plants, and you can also collect very big harvest. They have a very long shelf life and an attractive appearance - glossy shine, large size, beautiful shape. They are all created like a carbon copy. That is, it is very profitable, but is it safe for human health?

There are several common opinions about what kind of harm GM foods can cause to the human body:

1. The likelihood of tumor formation increases.

2. The body loses its ability to be susceptible to antibiotics and pills.

3. The easiest outcome is simple food poisoning.

4. GM foods can cause an allergic reaction in the body.

But not all experts today can confirm the veracity of each of these arguments. For example, Pamela Ronald, who has been studying plant genes for many years, argues that there is nothing wrong with GMOs: “Genetic modifications are not something new. Almost everything we eat now has been genetically modified in one way or another." She says: “Genetic modifications, in the sense of gene transfer between species, have been used for more than 40 years in winemaking, medicine, plant breeding, and cheese making. During all this time, there has never been a case where harm was caused to humans or the environment.”

Indeed, the harm of genetically modified organisms has not been officially proven by any scientist, although many experiments and studies have been conducted. So the connection between GM products and the occurrence of tumors is nothing more than an assumption.

As for pill resistance, bacteria develop resistance to antibiotics by creating genes through natural mutation.

Most plants produce substances that are toxic to humans. However, many foods that people consume produce toxins at low enough levels that they do not cause any adverse health effects.

But if genetic engineering technology is added to this plant, it is likely that it will begin to produce toxins at a higher rate. high level, and this means a direct threat to humans.

Children are more susceptible to food allergies than adults (almost 2 times). Allergic reactions in the human body occur when a genetically modified protein enters the body and stimulates the immune system. This is a completely normal reaction of the body to new components that it encounters for the first time.

Another danger that GM products pose is that the beneficial substances and properties of a particular fruit, vegetable or berry may be of lower quality than the nutritional properties of its normal counterpart. Thus, the body simply does not perceive the nutrients it receives.

How to distinguish a modified product from a natural one? Traits of transgenic vegetables and fruits. Is it possible to distinguish modified fruits and vegetables from natural ones?

Since purchased products do not always contain information about the presence of transgenes in them (and even more so, reliable information), it is necessary to know for yourself at least the basic signs of the presence of GMOs in a particular product.

In countries such as the USA, Canada and Argentina, transgenic corn, beets, potatoes, soybeans, and rice are grown.

In Russia, they can be used in the production of confectionery, sweets, including chocolates, in the production of milk and sausage and meat products, baking bread, and also in baby food.

GMO, Genetically modified organism is a living organism whose genotype has been artificially changed using genetic engineering methods

It is widely known that many products may contain GM additives or be completely genetically modified. This miracle of modern science is used to qualitatively change the properties of a particular product. To do this, scientists introduce a gene from another plant or animal into the gene structure of a plant or animal. But the effect of the introduced gene has not yet been fully studied, so no one knows how beneficial or harmful products containing GM additives are for humans.

It is up to you and only you to decide whether to eat such foods or not, and if you are determined to eat natural products without GM additives, you need to learn to recognize such products.

If you decide to completely abandon genetically modified products, then you just need to remember a few signs of GMOs.

Signs of GMOs in foods on your table

1. GM products do not spoil for a long time, so if vegetables or fruits perfect shape, have been in the store for a long time and have not changed, most likely they are GMOs.

2. If the product made in America or Asian countries and contains corn, potato starch, soy flour, then it is probably GMO.

3. If the product is manufactured in European countries and is labeled "Does not contain GMOs" then most likely it is an environmentally friendly product. But in this regard, it is somehow difficult to believe the green circles on products labeled “non-GMO”.

4. If the sausage it's cheap, then most likely soy concentrate has been added to it, which may be a GM additive.

5. If you or your family allergies appeared, perhaps this is the body’s reaction to eating GM products.

GMOs cannot be distinguished from pure products without laboratory testing, so your health and the health of your children depends only on you.

Genetically modified organisms are most often used in food production, which include soybeans, canola, corn and potatoes. And these can be: meat, bakery, fish and confectionery products. Most often, these products contain soy-based plant proteins. In addition, there are a large number of different GMO food additives.

Nutritionists, doctors and psychologists advise getting rid of your phobia of genetically modified foods and worrying more about proper, balanced nutrition. Visit fast food places like McDonald's less often, eat less Snickers and drink Coca-Cola.

It is also useful to remember the names of some companies that, according to the state register, supply GM raw materials to their clients in Russia or are producers themselves:

Central Soya Protein Group, Denmark;
. BIOSTAR TRADE LLC, St. Petersburg;
. CJSC "Universal", Nizhny Novgorod;
. Monsanto Co., USA;
. "Protein Technologies International Moscow", Moscow;
. LLC "Agenda", Moscow;
. JSC "ADM-Food Products", Moscow;
. JSC "GALA", Moscow;
. ZAO Belok, Moscow;
. Dera Food Technology N.V., Moscow;
. Herbalife International of America, USA;
. LLC "Salon Sport-Service", Moscow;
. "Intersoya", Moscow.

Most soy-based products produced outside of Russia and not in the United States can also be transgenic. If the label proudly says “vegetable protein,” it is most likely soy and very likely transgenic.

GMOs can often be hidden behind E indexes. However, this does not mean that all E supplements contain GMOs or are transgenic. You just need to know which E can, in principle, contain GMOs or their derivatives.

This is primarily soy lecithin or lecithin E 322: binds water and fats together and is used as a fatty element in milk formulas, cookies, chocolate, riboflavin (B2) otherwise known as E 101 and E 101A, can be produced from GM- microorganisms. It is added to cereals, soft drinks, baby food and weight loss products. Caramel (E 150) and xanthan (E 415) can also be produced from GM grains.

Other additives that may contain GM components: E 153, E 160d, E 161c, E 308-9, E-471, E 472a, E 473, E 475, E 476b, E 477, E479a, E 570, E 572, E 573, E 620, E 621, E 622, E 633, E 624, E 625, E951.

Sometimes the names of additives are indicated on the labels only in words; you also need to be able to navigate them. Let's look at the most common components.

Soybean Oil: Used in sauces, spreads, cakes and deep-fried foods in fat form to add extra flavor and quality. Vegetable oil or vegetable fats: most often found in cookies, deep-fried foods such as chips. Maltodextrin: A type of starch that acts as a "priming agent" used in baby foods, powdered soups, and powdered desserts.
Glucose or glucose syrup: Sugar, which can be made from corn starch, is used as a sweetener. Found in drinks, desserts and fast food.
Dextrose: Like glucose, it can be produced from cornstarch. Used in cakes, chips and cookies to achieve a brown color. Also used as a sweetener in high-energy sports drinks.
Aspartame, aspasvit, aspamix: The sweetener, which can be produced using a GM bacterium, is restricted for use in a number of countries and is reported to have many complaints, mainly related to blackout syndrome, from consumers in the United States. Aspartame is found in carbonated water, diet sodas, chewing gum, ketchups, etc.

Many people believe that the label “modified starch” on a product means that the product contains GMOs. This even led to the fact that in 2002, the Legislative Assembly of the Perm Region, at its meeting, included yoghurts with modified starch in the list of GM products illegally distributed in the region. In fact, modified starch is produced chemically without the use of genetic engineering. But starch itself may be of genetically engineered origin if it was obtained from GM corn or GM potatoes.

During the inspection, the highest percentage of GM soybeans was found in boiled “Traditional Veal” sausage produced by the Cherkizovsky plant. GMIs were most often found in the products of the same manufacturer, as well as in the products of the company “DHV S” (trademark “Rollton”).

Among the manufacturers whose products contain GMOs were also:

LLC "Daria - semi-finished products";
. LLC "Meat processing plant "Klinsky"";
. MPZ "Tagansky";
. MPZ "Campomos";
. CJSC "Vichunai";
. Tolsto-Products LLC;
. Ostankino MPK;
. LLC "Sausage plant "Bogatyr"";
. Rose Marie Ltd. LLC;
. ML "Mikoyanovsky";
. OJSC "Tsaritsyno";
. OJSC Lianozovo Sausage Plant.

Our favorite dumplings also turned out to be genetically modified, and specifically: “Dumplings without haste, pork and beef”, “Daria classic dumplings”, GMOs were found in “Tasty beef steaks”.

GMO - genetically modified products:

List of genetically modified products:

Genetically modified organisms (GMOs) are being developed as biological weapons, a means of curbing population growth and a means of undermining the food security of countries.

So, first on the list:

Lipton tea

Nescafe coffee

Modified coffee is now actively grown by the Nescafe company. So far, large plantations of this type of coffee are grown only in Vietnam.

List of GMOs:

Manufacturing company Unilever

Brooke Bond (tea)

Conversation (tea)

Calve (mayonnaise, ketchup)

Rama (oil)

Pyshka (margarine)

Delmi (mayonnaise, yogurt, margarine)

Algida (ice cream)

Knorr (seasonings)

Manufacturing company Nestle

Nescafe (coffee and milk)

Maggi (soups, broths, mayonnaise, seasonings, mashed potatoes)

Nestle (chocolate)

Nesquik (cocoa)

Manufacturing company Kellog's

Corn Flakes

Frosted Flakes (cereals)

Rice Krispies (cereals)

Corn Pops (cereals)

Smacks (cereals)

Froot Loops (colored ring flakes)

Apple Jacks (apple flavored cereal)

All-bran Apple Cinnamon/Blueberry (apple, cinnamon, blueberry flavored bran)

Chocolate Chip (chocolate chips)

Pop Tarts (filled cookies, all flavors)

Nutri-grain (toast with filling, all types)

Crispix (cookies)

Smart Start (cereals)

All-Bran (cereals)

Just Right Fruit & Nut (cereals)

Honey Crunch Corn Flakes

Raisin Bran Crunch (cereals)

Cracklin' Oat Bran (flakes)

Manufacturing company Hershey's

Toblerone (chocolate, all types)

Mini Kisses (candies)

Kit-Kat (chocolate bar)

Kisses (candies)

Semi-Sweet Baking Chips (cookies)

Milk Chocolate Chips (cookies)

Reese's Peanut Butter Cups (peanut butter)

Special Dark (dark chocolate)

Milk Chocolate (milk chocolate)

Chocolate Syrup (chocolate syrup)

Special Dark Chocolate Syrup (chocolate syrup)

Strawberry Syrop (strawberry syrup)

Manufacturing company Mars

Crunch (chocolate rice cereal)

Milk Chocolate Nestle (chocolate)

Nesquik (chocolate drink)

Cadbury (Cadbury/Hershey's)

Manufacturing company Heinz

Ketchup (regular & no salt)

Chili Sauce

Heinz 57 Steak Sauce

Manufacturer: Hellman's

Real Mayonnaise (mayonnaise)

Light Mayonnaise (mayonnaise)

Low-Fat Mayonnaise (mayonnaise)

Coca-Cola manufacturing company

Minute Maid Orange

Minute Maid Grape

Manufacturing company PepsiCo

Manufacturer Frito-Lay/PepsiCo (GM components may be contained in oil and other ingredients)

Lays Potato Chips (all)

Cheetos (all) (chips)

Manufacturing company Cadbury/Schweppes

Pringles manufacturing company (Procter&Gamble)

Pringles (chips with Original, Low Fat, Pizza-licious, Sour Cream & Onion, Salt & Vinegar, Cheezeums flavors)

Honey can be collected from genetically modified plants.

There is a high frequency of information that bees cannot pollinate genetically modified buckwheat. So there is one.

Rice. In general, it is better to buy not anonymous varieties of plant products, but quite specific ones. For example, Basmati rice. There is a high probability that in this case the product will not be GMO.

Anonymous rice, as well as Chinese or Taiwanese rice, is most likely transgenic.

Russia is one of the main importers of this product from China. However, according to environmentalists, the Chinese have been producing GM rice unofficially for two years and exporting it.

Environmentalists reported that genetically modified rice was being grown illegally in China back in April. “In the spring of 2005, Greenpeace took rice samples obtained from supply companies, farmers and millers from China for genetic testing in the German Genescan laboratory,” Greenpeace Russia press secretary Maya Kolikova told NI. - It turned out that more than 2/3 of the samples (19 out of 25) were genetically modified.

When interviewing farmers and grain suppliers from China, we found out that for more than two years, transgenic rice has been illegally grown and actively sold both within the country and abroad.”

The situation, according to environmentalists, is aggravated by the fact that the Chinese government is considering the possibility of legalizing the industrial production of GM rice. The Greens believe that the Russians will suffer the most from the actions of the Chinese authorities - product supplies from this country account for more than 60% of our total rice imports.

However, in this matter there are not only disadvantages, but also advantages. After all, until now, rice supplied to Russia was formally considered unmodified, and no checks were carried out for the content of GMI in it. Therefore, no one can say how many transgenes we have already eaten and will still eat. If the consumer has information about where the rice comes from, he will be able to decide for himself whether to buy this product or not.

Environmentalists, however, see the problem not so much in the cereal itself, which can really be abandoned, but in the distribution of products with the addition of rice flour, including many for children - milk formula and cereals, noodles, and semi-finished products. Manufacturers, as a rule, do not indicate the country where the ingredients come from.

I would like to point out that “Indica,” a term that can be found on rice packets, is not the original name of any strain. It just means long grain rice. It could also be from China.

Attention! Traits of transgenic vegetables and fruits.

Is it possible to distinguish modified fruits and vegetables from natural ones?

Excessively clean potato tubers that differ little from each other or perfectly shaped tomatoes are a reason to think. After all, a sure sign of natural products is the presence in the total mass of “eaten” by insects and rotten specimens. Insects never eat GM products! If you cut a natural tomato or strawberry, they will immediately give juice; unnatural ones retain their shape.

The most famous products containing GM ingredients:

(according to Greenpeace)

1. Snickers chocolate bars

3. Maggi Seasonings

4. Pringles chips

Vegetable counters are littered with “Volgograd” tomatoes, like twins similar to Turkish ones. It turns out that in Volgograd, for several years now, only imported “plastic” varieties without taste and smell have been grown on a mass scale.

I wouldn't be at all surprised if they turn out to be GMO. I stopped buying tomatoes of these varieties, and I rarely bought them before.

From the article by E. Yakusheva “What are transgenic products?”:

Currently, 90% of transgenic food exports are corn and soybeans. Popcorn, which is sold on the streets everywhere, is 100% made from GM corn, and there is still no corresponding labeling on it. Soy products from North America or Argentina are 80% GM products.

GM foods are attractive to retailers. For example, genetically modified vegetables and fruits are 4-5 times cheaper than their natural counterparts.

From the book of Liniza Zhuvanovna Zhalpanova:

"Foods That Kill You":

Transgenic products are purchased by Russia from other countries with the permission of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation. According to statistics, about 70% of imported products are made from genetically modified raw materials. These products include: soy products, flour, chocolate, chocolate bars, wine, baby food, milk powder, milk, kefir, yogurt, cottage cheese, carbonated drinks, canned corn and tomatoes, corn oil, cookies, starch, soy protein, soybean oil, soy sauce, lecithin, cottonseed oil, syrups, tomato sauces, coffee and coffee drinks, popcorn, breakfast cereals, etc.

It is assumed that some imported beer also contains genetically modified molecules taken over by the drink from modified yeast.

According to the National Association of Genetic Safety, about 1/3 of all products on the Russian market contain genetically modified components.

Greenpeace Handbook “How to Avoid Using Products with Genetically Modified Ingredients (GM Products)?”

You can from here, from the Greenpeace website

The directory contains lists of food enterprises, divided into three categories (green, orange and red lists) according to the criterion of the presence of GM components in products.

The New Year's menu often includes canned store-bought vegetables. But canned corn and green peas are highly undesirable. They are GMO.

According to a month and a half study, our food is simply crammed with genetically modified organisms. Moreover, the most popular food in our area is sausages, dumplings, dry soups, canned vegetables, chocolates.

Environmentalists (Greenpeace and the All-Ukrainian Environmental League) categorically include in this list the products of the most famous brands - Coca-Cola, Pepsi, Nestle, Gallina Blanka, Knorr, Lipton, Bonduel. A full list of companies that have confirmed that their products may contain GM ingredients or have not denied their use can be found at

“The results of the study showed that in 18 out of 42 randomly selected food products the content of genetically modified soybeans exceeded 3 percent,” said Mikhail Mukharovsky, general director of Ukrmetrteststandart. “At the same time, the composition of nine of them did not indicate the presence of soy protein at all.”

Bonduel is therefore blacklisted!

I understand that the reliability of what is included in the list is not guaranteed, since the sources of information may be dubious. But otherwise I have practically no way to keep such a list at all.

Orchard, Rich puree - genetically modified products.

By the way, the very first genetically modified product on the market is a food banana, any banana at that (to increase productivity, it has, roughly speaking, a duplicated set of chromosomes).

If about a banana: artificially induced polyploidy is also a form of genetic modification (because the chromosome set becomes larger compared to the original organism), most importantly, it is cheap and cheerful. But journalists have not yet learned to scare people with it.

The Mistral company probably deliberately does not mark on the packs the country of origin of the cereals and legumes that are packaged in them. The fact is that she appeared in the sale of American crops, which, most likely, are genetically modified. “Basmati Rice” is also not labeled. Unfortunately, as I only found out today, it is highly likely that he may be transgenic. From the book “Seeds of Destruction. The Secret Behind Genetic Manipulation by William F. Engdahl:

Texas biotech company RiceTech has decided it will receive patent payments on Basmati rice, a variation that has been a daily staple in India, Pakistan and Asia for thousands of years. In 1998, RiceTech patented genetically modified Basmati rice, and thanks to American laws prohibiting the labeling of genetic products, RiceTech was able to sell it legally, labeling it as regular Basmati rice. It turned out that RiceTech, through dubious means, had obtained precious Basmati seeds, which were deposited at the Rockefeller Foundation International Rice Research Institute in the Philippines (RIRIP). (10)

In the name of “security,” MRRI duplicated a priceless collection of rice seeds collected in the Philippines and stored it in a seed bank in Fort Collins, Colorado, making the very dubious promise that the seeds would be stored as a safe seed supply for farmers in the rice regions. MRID convinced farmers that sharing their invaluable finds in MRID rice seed varieties would serve their own safety.

In Colorado, far from the Philippines, MNIIR transferred valuable seeds (without which RiceTek might not have made its patented genetic modifications) to RiceTek researchers, who immediately patented everything possible. They knew it was highly illegal: Even in Texas, rice researchers know that Basmati rice does not typically grow on the dusty plains around Crawford, Texas. (eleven)

RiceTek, in collusion with MNIIR, stole seeds for its patent. In addition, according to carefully developed rules established by the Rockefeller Foundation, although seeds from a gene bank cannot be patented, any man-made improved variation based on them can be patented.

The Jasmine variety also has a GM modification.

From the article “Transgenic “Senior Tomato” and Dolly the Sheep...”:

You can delay the ripening of already collected fruits by placing them in special conditions. Using carbon dioxide, the effect of ethylene released by fruits is blocked. These properties are manipulated by traders transporting bananas, citrus fruits, as well as vegetables - and tomatoes in particular. They are harvested green and treated with ethylene along the way, causing artificial ripening. Such fruits and vegetables lose their taste and ripen unevenly. And it’s easy to verify this. For example, the tomatoes that we buy at the market are red on the outside but white on the inside. The delay in ripening is also due to the fact that most of the tomatoes that we sell are imported from Turkey, and they are all transgenic. Even on the boxes in which they are packed it is written: TRANSGEN.

Excerpts from the book by Mikhail Efremov: “Caution! Harmful products!

Additives with a high degree of likelihood of containing GI components:

E-153 - Vegetable Carbon (vegetable coal);

E-160d - Annatto, Bixin, Norbixin (annatto, bixin, norbixin);

E-161c - Paprika extract, Capsanthin, Capsorubin (paprika extract, capsanthin, capsorubin);

E-308 - Synthetic Gamma-tocopherol (synthetic y-tocopherol);

E-309 - Synthetic Delta-tocopherol (synthetic d-tocopherol);

E-471 - Mono- and Diglycerides of Fatty Acids (mono- and diglycerides of fatty acids);

E-472a - Acetic Acid Esters of Mono- and Diglycerides of Fatty Acids (esters of mono- and diglycerides of acetic fatty acids);

E-473 - Sucrose Esters of Fatty Acids (esters of sucrose and fatty acids);

E-475 - Polyglycerol Esters of Fatty Acids (esters of polyglycerides and fatty acids);

E-476 - Polyglycerol Polyricinoleate (polyglycerol polyglycerol oleates);

E-477 - Propane-1, 2-diol Esters of Fatty Acids (propane-1, 2-diol esters of fatty acids);

E-479b - Thermally Oxideized Soya Bean Oll Interacted with Mono- and Diglycerides of Fatty Acids (thermally oxidized soybean and bean oil with mono- and diglycerides of fatty acids);

E-570 - Fatty Acids (fatty acids);

E-951 - Aspartame (aspartame, or nutrosvit).

Additives based on GM components:

Riboflavin (B2) otherwise known as E 101 and E 101A, made from GM microorganisms, is approved for sale in a number of countries. It is added to cereals, soft drinks, baby food and weight loss products. Caramel (E 150) and xanthan (E 415) can be produced from the grain.

Lecithin (E 322) is produced from soybeans, which can be genetically modified. This soybean is used, in particular, by Neslte in its chocolate, baby food and other products. Other additives that may contain GM components: E 153, E 160 d, E 161 c, E 308-9, E-471, E 472a, E 473, E 475, E 476 b, E 477, E479 a, E 570, E 572, E 573, E 620, E 621, E 622, E 633, E 624, E 625.

I would like to emphasize that food additives for any purpose (technological, to “improve” consumer qualities) can also be included in dietary supplements. Therefore, it is important to know which food additives are prohibited or dangerous.

I saw how dairy production works. I just don’t really want to drink milk after that.

And only raw cow's milk can be consumed. You can make yogurt from store-bought milk, and not from just any kind, but preferably from the one that says that it is made from natural (whole) cow's milk (its fat content is usually indicated as 3.4-6%). It is not worth drinking such milk in its pure form, because it is pasteurized and if it is consumed regularly, after a while the joints will begin to ache - most likely due to the deposition of inorganic calcium in them, which appears during pasteurization (transfers from an organically bound form to an inorganic one). But you can make curdled milk from it - it turns out quite well and does not cause any problems.

But any milk normalized by fat content is real poison. And even curdled milk from such milk is not very good, except from milk with a fat content of no more than 1% - lactobacilli can at least cope with such concentrations of modified milk fat.

GMO - manufacturing company:

Milky Way

Uncle Bans

Coca Cola

Parmalat (cookies)

Similak (baby food)

Potatoes (from Monsant USA)


''Greenpeace'' has published a list of companies that use GMOs in their products. Interestingly, these companies behave differently in different countries, depending on the legislation of a particular country.
In total, more than 120 names (brands) of GMO products are registered in Russia, according to voluntary registration data and a special register of products imported from abroad. Among the manufacturers whose products contain GMOs are:
LLC ''Daria - semi-finished products'', LLC ''Klinsky Meat Processing Plant'', MPZ ''Tagansky'', MPZ ''CampoMos'', CJSC ''Vichyunay'', LLC ''MLM-RA'', LLC '' Talostoproducts, LLC Bogatyr Sausage Plant, LLC ROS Mari Ltd.
Manufacturer company Unilever: Lipton (tea), Brooke Bond (tea), ''Conversation'' (teas), Calve (mayonnaise, ketchup), Rama (butter), ''Pyshka'' (margarine), ''Delmi'' (mayonnaise, yogurt, margarine), ''Algida'' (ice cream), Knorr (seasonings); Nestle manufacturing company: Nescafe (coffee and milk), Maggi (soups, broths, mayonnaise, Nestle (chocolate), Nestea (tea), Neseiulk (cocoa);
Kellog's manufacturer: Corn Flakes, Frosted Flakes, Rice Krispies, Corn Pops, Smacks, Froot Loops, Apple Jacks apple flavor), Afl-bran Apple Cinnamon/Blueberry (bran with apple, cinnamon, blueberry flavor), Chocolate Chip (chocolate chips), Pop Tarts (cookies with filling, all flavors), Nulri grain (toast with filling, all types) , Crispix (cookies), All-Bran (cereals), Just Right Fruit & Nut (cereals), Honey Crunch Corn Flakes (cereals), Raisin Bran Crunch (cereals), Cracklin'Oat Bran (cereals);
Hershey's Manufacturing Company: Toblerone (chocolate, all types), Mini Kisses (candies), Kit-Kat (chocolate bar), Kisses (candies), Semi-Sweet Baking Chips (cookies), Milk Chocolate Chips (cookies), Reese 's Peanut Butter Cups (peanut butter), Special Dark (dark chocolate), Milk Chocolate milk chocolate), Chocolate Syrup (chocolate syrup), Special Dark Chocolate Syrup (chocolate syrup), Setoawberry Syrup (strawberry syrup);
Mars manufacturing company: M&M'S, Snickers, Milky Way, Twix, Nestle, Crunch (chocolate rice cereal), Milk Chocolate Nestle (chocolate), Nesquik (chocolate drink), Cadbury (Cadbury/Hershey's), Fruit
Heinz manufacturing company: Ketchup (regular&no salt), Chili Sauce, Heinz 57 Steak Sauce;
Coca-Cola manufacturing company: Coca Cola, Sprite, Cherry Cola, Minute Maid Orange, Minute Maid Grape;
Manufacturing company PepsiCo: Pepsi, Pepsi Cherry, Mountain Dew;
Manufacturer Frito-Lay / PepsiCo: (GM components may be contained in oil and other ingredients), Lays Potato Chips (all), Cheetos (all);
Manufacturing company Cadbury/Schweppes:7-Up, Dr. Pepper;
Pringles manufacturing company Procter&Gamble: Pringles (chips with Original, LowFat, Pizzalicious, Sour Cream&Onion, Salt&Vinegar, Cheezeums flavors).
1 Hershey’s Cadbury Fruit&Nut chocolate products
2 Mars M&M
3 Snickers
4 Twix
5 Milky Way
6 Cadbury chocolate, cocoa
7 Ferrero
8 Nestle chocolate ''Nestlé'', ''Russia''
9 Nestle Nesquik chocolate drink
10 Soft drink Sosa-Cola ‘‘Coca-Cola’’ Sosa-Cola
11 ''Sprite'', ''Fanta'', ''Kinley'' tonic, ''Fruittime''
12 Pepci-Co Pepsi 13 ''7-Up'', ''Fiesta'', ''Mountain Dew''
14 Kellogg's breakfast cereals
15 Campbell Soups
16 Uncle Bens Mars Rice
17 Knorr Sauces
18 Lipton Tea
19 Parmalat cookies
20 Seasonings, mayonnaise, Hellman’s sauces
21 Seasonings, mayonnaises, Heinz sauces
22 Nestle baby food
23 Hipp
24 Abbot Labs Similac
25 Yogurts, kefir, cheese, Danon baby food
26 McDonald's (McDonald's) chain of fast food restaurants
27 chocolate, chips, coffee, baby food Kraft (Kraft)
28 ketchups, sauces. Heinz Foods
29 baby food, Delmi products Unilever (Unilever)

Products whose preparation technology uses GMOs:

— JSC “Nizhny Novgorod Oil and Fat Plant” (mayonnaise “Ryaba”, “Vprok”, etc.).
— “Bonduelle” products (Hungary) — beans, corn, green peas.
— CJSC “Baltimore-Neva” (St. Petersburg) — ketchups.
— CJSC “Mikoyanovsky Meat Processing Plant” (Moscow) — pates, minced meat.
— CJSC EUROPE FOODS GB’’ (Nizhny Novgorod region) — soups ‘’Galina Blanca’’.
- Concern ''White Ocean'' (Moscow) - chips ''Russian Potatoes''.
- JSC ''Lianozovsky Dairy Plant'' (Moscow) - yoghurts, ''Miracle milk'', ''Miracle chocolate''.
— JSC “Cherkizovsky MPZ” (Moscow) — frozen minced meat.
- LLC ''Campina'' (Moscow region) - yoghurts, baby food.
- LLC ''MK Gurman'' (Novosibirsk) - pates.
- OOO ''Frito'' (Moscow region) - ''Laze'' chips.
- OOO ''Ermann'' (Moscow region) - yoghurts.
- LLC ''Unilever CIS'' (Tula) - ''Calve'' mayonnaise.
- Factory ''Bolshevik'' (Moscow) - cookies ''Yubileinoe''.
- ''Nestlé'' (Switzerland, Finland) - ''Nestogen'' dry milk mixture, ''Vegetables with beef'' puree.

Pay attention to how carefully products for children are screened out - there are GMOs everywhere, not here or there, and if your child does not eat yogurt, he eats Nesquik or cereal or purees. And one way or another, the GMO gets into his body. This is the situation in supermarkets now: absolutely all products have a “Non-GMO” label. We read the ingredients on the label: modified soy, modified starch, and so on.

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