What is the difference between a guinea pig girl and a boy. How to determine the age of Cockerels (Betta Fighting Fish). Giant or royal fighting fish

The cockerel aquarium fish is well-known and popular among aquarists. This species is called betta splendes or fighting fish, refers to labyrinth fish, which are of interest not only for their appearance, but also for their lifestyle and habits. For beginner aquarists, bettas can seem like a difficult species to keep, as they require special care. For the process of reproduction and breeding, certain knowledge is needed, for example, how female cockerels differ from males and how to spawn.

The fish has interesting features that make it so popular for keeping at home:

  • The volume of the aquarium for a betta can be extremely small, the individual will survive even in 1 liter of water (but not recommended, because the fish will feel uncomfortable).
  • Breeding bettas does not need an air generator, this species has a unique labyrinth organ that allows them to breathe atmospheric air, so this individual is suitable for keeping in the bedroom and other rooms where you do not want to hear the sound of a running compressor.
  • Individuals betta spend interesting and beautiful games during the mating season.
  • In order for the female and male rooster to breed, they need to create the appropriate conditions.

The general requirements for keeping individuals include the optimum water temperature equal to 27 degrees, acidity from 6.5 to 7.3. Hard old water is not suitable for these fish.


Breeding males consists of four stages: selection of a partner, preparation for spawning, spawning itself, then growing fry. Each stage of fish breeding is part of one complex system, bettas are able to breed only in a specially created habitat, which, as a rule, is provided inside an artificial reservoir.

An ideal option for further breeding of fish is the keeping of individuals in a common vessel with a partition. In such an environment, the fish quickly get used to each other and are able to further breed offspring. Bettas breed well at a young age.

How to distinguish a male from a female

For successful breeding, it is important to distinguish the male betta from the female. You can determine the sex of a cockerel fish by reaching the age of 3 months. During this period, a number of differences between fish of different sexes already appear. In order to determine the sex by color, it is important to know that under favorable conditions, the male will be much brighter and more elegant than the cockerel girl. But if the female rooster was stressed due to a change of residence or other human interference in her life, the color of the female will be no less bright, in which case it will be impossible to distinguish between genders, the male and female will be the same.

There is another way to determine the sex of individuals, for this you need to pay attention to the fins. Males have larger fins that look like sails, this feature begins to manifest itself especially brightly after 6 months. The older the male, the more beautiful his fins become.

Pair selection

Reproduction of cockerel fish begins with the selection of a pair. Most of all, cockerel fish, female and male, from 5 months to 1.5 years are suitable for procreation. If older individuals breed, then the risk of problems with the reproductive system increases, in which case the fry are born with defects, most of them die.

If several female cockerels live in an aquarium, they need to acquire a male and vice versa. A pair should be purchased from a breeder, as pet store salesmen may not have information about the age and reputation of the individual. They should be bought at the age of 5 months, not earlier, in order to easily distinguish the gender of the cockerel when buying.

Preparing for spawning

Aquarium males are bred without significant difficulties if the required conditions are provided for them. In preparation for spawning, it is important to prepare a special aquarium where the couple should be deposited. Aquarium - jigger must meet the requirements:

  • Be voluminous, with a capacity of at least 40 liters of water.
  • There should be a partition inside the vessel so that the female rooster is separate.
  • The nest for spawning must be suitable for placing in it shelters of eggs and fry, as well as floating vegetation.
  • It should have a sponge filter and heating.
  • For a comfortable stay of individuals, a water height of 15 centimeters is sufficient;
  • The temperature inside the vessel should be between 27-28 degrees.

Before the female begins to spawn, it is important to properly feed the individuals. 2 weeks before the start of spawning, live food must be included in the diet:

  • Worms.
  • Crickets.
  • Cockroaches.
  • Bloodworm.
  • Artemia.

Feed should be crushed, the amount of food at one time should be equal to the needs of the fish. Excess food should not remain inside the container. A pregnant cockerel fish also needs a high-quality, varied diet.

It is important to observe the behavior of the couple. A sign of a successful spawning will be the couple's obvious interest in each other, excited behavior and demonstration of their appearance. However, if the fish show aggression, it is better to separate such a pair from each other. In such a situation, it is necessary to choose a new pair for them.


Spawning time for cockerels is unusual. Before spawning, the male builds a nest of air bubbles that cling to each other. The cockerel swallows oxygen, then spits it out. It is here that subsequently caviar and, for the first time, newborn fry of cockerels are located. The size of the nest does not matter for the quality and quantity of future fry.

Initially, the male behaves aggressively and strikes the female. Further, during the ritual dance, the pregnant female rooster shows her partner imaginary eggs, provoking the male. The release of eggs is carried out as a result of wrapping the male around the partner. He puts pressure on her abdomen. The male picks up the discarded eggs and moves them to the previously created bubble nest. During this process, the female is motionless, waiting for the male to continue spawning.

There is no certain number of fry, the older the spawning pair, the more fry the cockerel will have. The average number of fry is 600.

During the entire incubation period, the bubbles will burst, while the male will regularly restore the nest and plant the falling eggs back. The process of repairing the nest can take up to 5 days until the first larvae begin to appear. At the end of spawning, the male is placed in a separate container, as he can show aggression, resulting in harm to future offspring.

fry care

Male fry require careful care, as they do not survive. Feed should be prepared a week before the fry appear.

For food you will need:

  • Infusoria.
  • Vinegar eel.
  • Artemia.

After two weeks, the microworm and chopped tubule must be added to the feed. In addition to a properly composed diet, it is necessary to create comfortable conditions for the development of young animals:

  • The aquarium must be equipped with a compressor, since up to the age of 20 days, the young animals have not yet formed a respiratory organ;
  • The water temperature must be gradually reduced to 22 degrees;
  • It is important to change the water daily.

As soon as the young animals reach the age of 3 weeks, they must be moved to a spacious aquarium. When the bettas are 3 months old, the fighting fish can already be distinguished by gender and prepared for spawning again.


If you follow all the necessary requirements and recommendations, it will not be difficult to breed bettas in a home aquarium. Even a novice aquarist will cope with this task. An unusual marriage period will be remembered for a long time by everyone who sees it.

Fighting fish or cockerel (lat. Betta splendens), unpretentious, beautiful, but can kill a female and other males. It is a typical labyrinth fish, meaning it can breathe atmospheric oxygen. It was the aquarium cockerel, and even its relative, the macropod, that were among the first aquarium fish that were brought to Europe from Asia. But long before this moment, fighting fish had already been bred in Thailand and Malaysia.

The fish gained popularity for its luxurious appearance, interesting behavior and the ability to live in small aquariums. And it is also easy to breed and just as easy to cross, as a result - a lot of color variations, different in everything from color to the shape of the fins.

The wild form of the cockerel does not shine with beauty - greenish or brown, with an elongated body and short fins. He got the name fighting fish because the males arrange violent fights with each other, which often end in the death of one of the opponents. The wild form is still used in Thailand for fighting to this day, although it is no longer leading to the complete destruction of one of the fish. Despite the fact that the fish are fierce fighters, they have a peculiar behavior in a fight. If one of the males rises for air during the fight, the second will not touch him, but patiently wait until he returns. Also, if two males fight, the third one does not interfere with them, but waits in the wings.

White form:

But those bettas that you will find on sale are far from being such fighting fish as their relatives. No, their character has not changed, they will also fight. The very concept of this fish has changed, because the current breeds should bring beauty, they have gorgeous fins, so long that they are damaged even from plants, not to mention the fight. They are kept for beauty, chic colors and no less chic fins, and not for fighting qualities.

With the right neighbors, they are quite accommodating. But during spawning, the male is extremely aggressive and will attack any fish. Especially fish similar to him (even his female) or brightly colored. Because of this, they usually keep one per aquarium, or pick up fish for him, which he cannot offend. The male can be kept with the female, provided the aquarium is large enough and the female has somewhere to hide.
Attention! The cockerel is just great for beginners and those aquarists who can't afford a large aquarium. He needs the very minimum both in volume and in nutrition. And he is unpretentious, strong, always on sale. Due to its labyrinth apparatus, it can survive in water poor in oxygen, and in very small aquariums.

Habitat in nature

The betta was first described in 1910. It lives in Southeast Asia, in Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam. It is believed that his homeland is Thailand, but with his popularity, it is difficult to say for sure whether this is so. "Betta" got its name from the Javanese "Wuder Bettah". Now in Asia, it is most often called "pla-kad", which means biting fish. Interestingly, in Thailand they call "pla kat Khmer" which can be translated as a biting fish from the land of the Khmers.

B. splendens is one of over 70 species described in the genus Betta, and there are 6 or more fish species that have not been systematized. The genus can be divided into two groups, one bears fry in the mouth, the second grows in a foam nest.

The betta cockerel lives in stagnant or slow-flowing waters, with dense vegetation. Lives in canals, ponds, rice fields, as well as in medium and large rivers. Refers to labyrinth fish that can breathe atmospheric oxygen, which allows them to survive in very harsh conditions.


In nature, the wild is not too beautiful - a long body, with short round fins, brown or greenish body color. But now, it is a collector's item and the color as well as the shape of the fins has such a variety that it is simply impossible to describe it.

The fighting fish grows 6-7 cm in length. How long does an aquarium cockerel live? Not very long, usually 2 or 3 years with good care.

Difficulty in content

A fish that is good for beginners. It can be kept in very small aquariums, and in different conditions. Unpretentious in food, they will eat almost all available food. As a rule, they are sold as fish suitable for a general aquarium, but remember that males fight strongly with each other, beat females and in general can be aggressive during spawning. But it can be kept alone, in a very small aquarium, and it will tolerate it perfectly.

Cockerel show in the USA:


Although fish are omnivores in nature, they even eat some algae, the basis of their diet is insects. In natural reservoirs, they feed on insect larvae, zooplankton, and aquatic insects. All kinds of live, frozen, artificial foods are eaten in the aquarium. There should be no problems with feeding the betta. The only thing, try to diversify it - alternate types of feed in order to maintain health and color at a high level.

If you have been to the market, you have probably seen how these fish are often sold in tiny jars. On the one hand, this speaks of unpretentiousness in maintenance and care, but on the other hand, this is a bad example. You can read about how to choose the right aquarium for a cockerel at the link, there is nothing complicated there. It lives in all layers of water, but prefers the upper ones. It is very simple to keep it, 15-20 liters is enough for one fish, although this is the minimum volume, it still needs care. You should not keep it in a round aquarium, although this is a popular phenomenon. It is better to keep the betta in an aquarium from 30 liters, with a heater and be sure to cover it, as they can jump out.

If you keep more than one fish, then you need an even larger aquarium, with shelters for the female, preferably with subdued lights and floating plants. Of regular care, it is imperative to change the water, about 25% of the volume per week, since the accumulating decay products will primarily affect the condition of the fins. As for the filter, it will not interfere, but oxygen (aeration) is not needed for it, it breathes from the surface of the water.

As for the water parameters, they can be very different, only the temperature is critical, since this is a tropical species. Generally recommended: temperature 24-29C, ph: 6.0-8.0, 5-35 dGH.


Who do roosters get along with? In general, it is well suited for keeping with many fish. Definitely not to be kept with fish that love to snap their fins, such as pygmy tetradons. However, he himself can do the same, so he should not be kept with veil views. They themselves sometimes attack other fish, but this is a mistake in identification, apparently mistaking them for their relatives.

Attention! What you definitely should not do is put two males in the same aquarium, as they will definitely fight. Females are less aggressive, although they also have a strict hierarchy. One male can be kept with several females, provided that there are enough hiding places in the aquarium for the latter. Good neighbors will be speckled catfish, cardinals, acanthophthalmus, viviparous.

Sex differences

It is very easy to distinguish a male from a female in cockerels. The male is larger, brighter colored, has large fins. Females are paler, smaller, fins are small, and the abdomen is noticeably rounder. In addition, she keeps modestly, trying to keep secluded corners, and not to catch the eye of the male.


There was foam in the aquarium with a cockerel? Like most labyrinths, it builds a foam nest. Reproduction is not difficult, although problematic due to the temperament of the male and the soreness of the juveniles. The fact is that the male can beat the female to death if she is not removed in time. And in order to successfully raise the fry, you need to prepare.

The selected pair of males should be abundantly fed with live food before breeding, it is advisable to seat them separately. The female, ready for spawning, becomes much fatter, due to the formed caviar.
The finished pair is planted in a spawning tank, in which the water level is not more than 15 cm. There are tips on the Internet that an aquarium and 10 liters in volume will do, but calculate how much it will turn out if you reduce the level to 10-15 cm? Choose the volume based on your capabilities, in any case, it will not be superfluous, since the male will beat the female, and she needs to hide somewhere.

The water temperature is raised to 26-28 ° C, after which it will start building a nest and beating the female. So that he does not kill her, you need to add thick plants to the spawning ground, for example, Javanese moss (10 liters is enough, remember?). Floating plants, riccia or duckweed should be put on the surface of the water.

Detailed spawning of a pair of white cockerels:

As soon as the nest is ready, the male will begin to invite the female to him. A ready female will fold her fins and show humility, an unprepared one will take flight. Make sure the male doesn't kill the female! The male hugs the female with his body, squeezing the eggs out of her and releasing milk. In one run, the female lays about 40 eggs. In general, about 200 eggs are obtained for spawning. Basically, the eggs sink and the male picks them up and puts them in the nest. The female can also help him, but more often she just eats caviar. After spawning, it is better to plant it immediately.

The eggs hatch in 24-36 hours. The larva remains in the nest for another 2 or 3 days, until it has completely internalized its yolk sac and begins to swim. As soon as he swims, it is better to remove the male, as he can eat the fry. The water level must also be lowered, to 5-7 cm, and minimum aeration must be turned on. This is done until the fry develops a labyrinth apparatus and begins to swallow air from the surface. Then the water level is gradually raised. This happens after about 4-6 weeks.

The fry need to be fed with infusoria, microworm, egg yolk. As they grow, brine shrimp naupilii and chopped tubifex are added.
Malek cockerel grows unevenly and needs to be sorted to avoid cannibalism, and in the future also fights.

Detailed article in English: Betta fish or fighting fish

Cockerels are unusual, incredibly bright and exotic fish. Aquarists are very fond of them not only for their beautiful appearance, but also for their fighting character. However, in order for these fish to please their owners for a long time, they need special care. This article contains information regarding the features of keeping and breeding bettas in an aquarium.


The homeland of the cockerel fish is considered to be southeast Asia. Its main habitats are warm fresh slowly flowing or stagnant water bodies in Thailand, Vietnam, the Malay Peninsula and the islands of Indonesia.

For the first time, this unusual fish is mentioned in history in the 1800s. At that time, the inhabitants of Siam (now it is Thailand) noticed the increased aggressiveness of the males of this fish to each other and started breeding a special breed for fighting with cash rates.

Cockerels were introduced to Europe in 1892. The first countries to see the miracle fish were France and Germany. They came to the USA in 1910, where Frank Locke brought out a new color version of cockerels. In Russia, the history of their appearance is associated with the names of V.M. Desnitsky and V.S. Melnikov and attributed to 1896.

Description and varieties

Cockerel fish (fighting fish, Siamese cockerel, Betta splendens) is a species of fish that belongs to the macropod family. This is a labyrinth fish, which also uses atmospheric air for breathing.

The body shape of the cockerels is oval, it is flattened from the sides and elongated in length. The sizes of the fish are mostly small: males are about 5 cm, and females - 4 cm. However, there are individuals that can reach 10 cm in length. The caudal and upper fins are rounded, the pectoral fins are pointed. The fins of males are longer than those of females.

Cockerels have a very interesting and varied color. They come in one, two or multi-color. All the colors of the rainbow, as well as their shades, can be present in the coloring. Males are more brightly colored than females.

The brightness of the color is affected not only by lighting, but also by the condition of the fish: during spawning or skirmishes with their own kind, male cockerels become the brightest.

The life expectancy of a fighting fish is approximately three years.

To date, breeders have bred about 70 species of cockerels. All of them with a bright unusual color. There are several classifications of species.

Depending on the shape of the fins and size:

  • veil-tailed;
  • crescent-tailed;
  • crown-tailed;
  • two-tailed;
  • round-tailed;
  • delta-tailed;
  • brush-tailed;
  • flag-tailed;
  • poster;
  • royal.

Depending on color:

  • plain;
  • bicolor;
  • multicolor.

How to equip an aquarium?

Cockerel fish are considered unpretentious and easy to care for, but some conditions should be observed.


Cockerels can be kept both in small (10-15 l) and large aquariums. One individual requires 3-4 liters of water. If the aquarium is large, then it can be divided into several parts by partitions. In this case, several males can be kept in one container at the same time without compromising their health.

Partitions are made of transparent non-toxic material with small holes for water circulation. It is better to plant tall plants next to them in order to block the view of the fish and reduce unwanted encounters.

Cockerels are able to jump quite high out of the water, so the top of the aquarium is equipped with a mesh or a lid with holes for air to pass through


The optimum water temperature is 24-28°C, however, bettas tolerate lowering it to 18°C ​​quite well. It should be remembered that a long stay in an aquarium that is too cold is fraught with diseases for them. The control is carried out by means of a thermometer.

Cockerels are undemanding to the quality and composition of water. Nevertheless, it is better to adhere to such limits: hardness 4-15, acidity 6.0-7.5.

To prevent diseases and reduce stress, it is recommended to use special salt (half a teaspoon per three liters of water).

A prerequisite is regular water changes. In large aquariums, it is carried out once every two weeks, and in small ones - once every three days. Be sure to remove all food residues from the bottom.


The cockerel is a labyrinth fish, that is, it breathes not only with gills, but also with an additional special organ. In it, the blood is saturated with air, which the fish captures with its mouth. Therefore, aeration for males is not very important, but it is advisable to install a filter. It can be of low power, as these fish do not like strong currents.

It is also important that the surface of the water is not completely overgrown with plants so that the betta can rise to the surface and take in air. Sometimes it happens that a bacterial film forms on the surface of the water. It must be removed. This can be done using a sheet of paper, attaching it to the surface of the water, and then removing it along with the film.


For cockerels, river sand or gravel is quite suitable. You can also use purchased painted primer. Before placing in the aquarium, it must be ignited or rinsed under running hot water.


Both artificial and live plants can be used in a betta aquarium.

When choosing artificial algae, special attention should be paid to the absence of pointed edges, on which bettas can damage their fins. The best option is silk plants.

However, live algae are still better, as they contribute to maintaining the biological balance in the aquarium. They should occupy at least a third of the space. It is necessary to take care of living plants - thin out in a timely manner, remove rotten leaves. Plant them in the ground or in special pots.

Scenery and lighting

Cockerels love to swim between various obstacles, so shelters made of stones, snags, grottoes, etc. will be quite appropriate. The main thing is that all the scenery be without sharp edges and environmentally safe.

Do not install the aquarium in direct sunlight.


Cockerels are picky eaters and are almost omnivores. For them, you can use live, dry and frozen food. Nevertheless, most of the diet should be live food (bloodworm, tubifex, daphnia, cyclops, etc.). Males will not refuse from earthworms or flatworms, snails or zooplankton.

Feed the fish 1-2 times a day. They give just enough food at a time for the fish to eat it completely in 15 minutes. The rest must be removed immediately. Overfeeding is not recommended, as this can lead to obesity of the fish. It is good to arrange a fasting day once a week.


Cockerels do not get along well even with their own kind. Males constantly divide either the territory or the female. Therefore, in a small aquarium it is better to keep only a couple of bettas or a male with two females. You can read about how to settle several males in one aquarium at the same time in the section of the article “How to equip an aquarium?”.

Male betta fish are absolutely incompatible with all types of peaceful fish, especially those with long tails and fins (for example, guppies). Females are more peaceful.

All fish can be divided into several groups according to coping with cockerels:

  • swordtails, platies, black mollies, brocade and speckled catfish, thorns, rasboras, grumbling gourami, minors, etc .;
  • there may be fights with breaking of tails, if they are neon, guppies, cardinals, barbs, spotted, marble and pearl gourami, labeo, etc.;
  • Astronotus, piranhas, parrots, lineatuses, tetraodons, acara, etc. do not get along at all.


Male cockerel fish

In cockerel fish, it is quite easy to distinguish between a female and a male. The male is slender, brightly colored and has long fins. The female is smaller in size, her fins are short, on the abdomen near the tail there is a small white grain, which appears at the age of 3 months. For breeding, it is better to take a pair at the age of 6-8 months.

Despite the fact that spawning can occur in the general aquarium, it is still better to plant the fish. An aquarium for a couple should have a length of at least 15 cm, a volume of 4-5 liters. They equip it like this: the soil is not laid, subdued lighting is set, a couple of plants with small leaves are placed, water is poured to a level of 10-15 cm (after the male is planted, it is reduced to 5 cm), aeration is established. The water temperature should be around 28-30°C. Water in advance to defend 3-4 days. It is recommended to establish a shelter (grotto) for the female, as the male can be very aggressive during this period.

The male is placed first in the spawning ground. There he builds a nest of air bubbles held together by his saliva and small floating plants. After the female begins to spawn, he collects the eggs with his mouth and puts them in the nest. Then the female drives away and takes care of the offspring himself. For better development of caviar, you can add boiled water of the same temperature. After the appearance of the fry, the male is also deposited.

Female cockerel fish

The fry are fed with finely chopped tubifex and brine shrimp. Dry flakes are undesirable as they slow down development. At the age of three weeks, fry are sorted to avoid eating large small ones. The labyrinth organ in fish is finally formed at the age of one month. Then you can remove the aeration. And as soon as the fish begin to show aggression towards their neighbors, they are removed and begin to be kept as adult cockerels.


One of the most common diseases among bettas is fin rot. It is caused by a specific bacterium that enters an aquarium with poorly treated soil, live food or sick fish. With this disease, the tail and fins droop and become, as it were, scorched at the edges. In the absence of treatment and the progression of the disease, the fish may lose its tail and fins.

Other very common ailments in bettas are dropsy, fungal skin lesions, oodiniasis, ichthyophthyriasis.

  • In South Asia, bettas were used to fight with money stakes. As a rule, fights did not lead to the death of fish, the matter ended in frayed tails. Now such fights are prohibited.
  • A male cockerel can fight to the point of exhaustion even with his reflection in the mirror.
  • These fish are endowed with two respiratory systems: gills and a labyrinth organ.
  • Cockerels show sympathy for the opposite sex in a very interesting way: the female “fidgets” back and forth, and the male sticks out his gills and fins and wriggles his whole body.

Don't pet your betta too often (although they do), as some owners do. The scales on top have a protective layer of mucus. If this film is accidentally damaged, then the fish will become very vulnerable to various diseases.

Sometimes bettas can lie down on the bottom of the aquarium. If this does not last long, then you should not worry - they are resting like that. The alarm should be beaten if such behavior is observed for a long time. Then you need to contact a specialist and check the health of the fish.

We hope that this article was useful for those who are planning to settle a betta fish in their aquarium. Let the pet feel comfortable and please with its beauty for a long time!

And by tradition, a video that deals with the rules for the care and maintenance of a Siamese cockerel:

Royal cockerel and other types of fighting fish

Cockerel fish, Siamese cockerel, or fighting fish (lat. Betta splendens) is a representative of the Macropod family, suborder Labyrinth. Cockerel fish are found in freshwater reservoirs with stagnant water in Southeast Asia. Nowadays, breeding forms of males often become participants in international exhibitions.

For the first time, the cockerel fish was learned in the 19th century, when the inhabitants of Siam found it in rice ditches. Noticing an aggressive nature towards their relatives, people handed over the fish to the local ruler. European naturalists visiting Siam studied its features. Later, with her participation, "cock" fights were organized, for which the fish was nicknamed "fighting". Cockerels were brought to Europe in 1892. At the beginning of the 20th century, American breeders began to develop new species of Betta splendens, which were distinguished by fins of unusual symmetry and rich scale colors.

general description

The aquarium cockerel Betta splendens has an elongated, oval-shaped body, flattened on the sides. The body size of the male is 6 cm, females - 4 cm in length. In most species, the color of the scales of males is brighter than that of females, the fins of males are lush and long, in females they do not stand out so much. Today, in addition to natural species, there are a number of other species and breeds that have been bred artificially. Aquarium betta bettas are distinguished by a variety of shapes: red fighting fish, yellow bettas, blue, green, pink, white, multi-colored. In the light, the body of the fish flickers in different colors. During the spawning period, males become very lush and bright, demonstrating their superiority over competitors. Even the female can be distinguished by long fins, and engage in battles.

The fighting fish, or betta cockerel, got its name due to its character. Cockerels are often kept alone: ​​so that they do not get bored, a mirror is attached to the wall of the tank. When settling in a common aquarium, a cockerel fish enters into fights with representatives of its own species, or other neighbors. In an excited state, the female and male protrude their fins and gill covers, acquiring a menacing look.

The dorsal and caudal fins of the cockerel are rounded, the ventral fin originates from the head or the middle of the belly, and ends at the very base of the caudal fin. The scales of the fish have a cycloid structure, adhere well to the skin. As a labyrinth species, cockerel fish is a two-breathing hydrobiont, thanks to the labyrinth channel, it captures atmospheric air, dissolving it in this organ. It also breathes through gills.

About the varieties of these fish in the shape of the caudal fin and color

Fighting cockerels (Betta splendens) are varieties of Betta. The breeding forms "betta" and Betta splendens are completely different forms. Bettas include: Cockerel (Betta splendens), Betta unimaculata, Betta imbellis ladiges (dwarf or black cockerel), Betta picta, Betta smaragdins ladiges, Betta taeniata Regan. Now we will talk about the shapes of the caudal fin and the differences.

By body color, fighting fish are divided into: one-color, two-color, multicolor, marble, "dragon", "butterflies", etc.

Popular aquarium representatives

How to distinguish a male cockerel from a female:: how to distinguish a male cockerel fish from a girl:: Animals:: Other

Newly appeared chicks in a chicken must be divided into cockerels and hens. They should be kept separately, as the mode and quality of feeding for them will be different. The hens will be left to lay eggs, and the males will be kept for light, lean meat.

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1. Young growth is very difficult to distinguish by gender. Weigh the chicken. The cockerel should weigh a couple of grams more. They also look bigger. In day old hens, the head is smaller than that of males, the comb is smaller. In males, the legs are strong and thicker, the beak is bent more strongly.

2. Lift the chick by the legs. The cockerel immediately hangs without moving, while the hen tries to assume a normal position, flapping its wings and turning its head. Grab the young by the scruff of the neck. At cockerel the paws hang straight, the chicken presses them under him.

3. Take the chicken's beak carefully with your fingers. The cockerel will try to snatch it from your hands.

4. Look at the plumage. The hen fledges faster than the rooster, and his feathers have a certain sheen. At cockerel on the tail, the feathers stick out upwards; in the chicken, the feather on the tail is pointed. The wings of mature hens are covered with even feathers; in cockerels they are of different lengths.

6. Look at the tail of the chickens. After a couple of weeks, it develops in chickens, in roosters later. At cockerel on the tail, the feathers stick up; the hen's feather is pointed.

7. Compare the bodies of the young. A chicken has a shorter neck than a rooster. On paws cockerel a tubercle of developing spurs is noticeable.

8. Observe chicks at the age of one month when external sexual characteristics appear. At cockerel a red beard and a large comb are already visible, the legs become longer and thicker than those of chickens, spurs appear on them.

9. Look at the behavior of the chickens. Cockerels are active, run a lot and fight with each other. Chickens are shy, run sluggishly, squeak and often lag behind their mother chicken.

10. Examine the genitals of the chicken. Press on the stomach, open the cloaca. At cockerel a tubercle will be felt on the inner wall, the hens do not have it.

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Cockerel aquarium fish - maintenance, care and compatibility with other fish

Cockerel fish, or, as it is also called, fighting fish, is a representative of the labyrinth family. Such a name for this species is not accidental. The bright color, as well as the warlike character of the "fighters" in some way resembles the same cocky and beautiful "earthly" roosters. If two males are placed in one aquarium, then a real cockfight with loose tails and fins can begin. You need to quickly separate the fighters, otherwise one of them will die. Cockerel fights are extremely popular in their homeland.


Cockerel fish has its ancestry from Thailand, Indonesia and Vietnam. There, these aquatic inhabitants live in small warm reservoirs. Therefore, the optimum water temperature for this species is 22-26 degrees. There is little oxygen in the silty stagnant waters of Southeast Asia. Therefore, your aquarium will not need an aerator to saturate the water with oxygen.

At home, no one is particularly interested in the color of the cockerel fish. Their content is reduced to preparing for battles. This is done by specialized trainers. A huge number of spectators come to watch the fights. However, most often the death of the fish is not allowed, dangling fins are enough.


Cockerel fish has an oval elongated body, slightly compressed on the sides. Its length is up to 5 cm in males and smaller, up to 4 cm, in females. They have no equal in beauty and brightness, "fabulous" coloring. At any turn, red, yellow, orange, pink, green colors sparkle and play, taking on all sorts of shades. Especially bright color in males during a skirmish with each other.

During spawning, cockerel fish also “fills” with paint. Females are a little paler than their gentlemen, the fins of the "ladies" are short and not so luxurious. However, breeders are working in this direction. Not so long ago, females appeared in which the fins have a more elongated shape, and the body color is not inferior to males.

Cockerel fish has dark stripes across or along its body. The upper fin and tail of this species are rounded, the lower fin, starting from the head, reaches the tail. The pectoral fins of cockerels are pointed. It is interesting to watch the fish being excited - the gills of the males swell, forming a protruding "collar" around the head.

The sex differences in these fish are obvious. The “boy” cockerel is more slender, it is brighter colored, its fins are much longer. Females are usually smaller, their fins are shorter. The main difference between a "chicken" and a cockerel will be the presence of a female near the anus of a small white speck - "grains". This formation is a bit like an “egg” coming out. It becomes clearly visible from the age of three months.

What else do you need to know after betta fish appeared in your house? Keeping them is not that difficult.

You do not need to have academic knowledge or special conditions in order to get a betta fish. This species thrives even in a small aquarium. Some owners manage to keep one individual in a regular three-liter jar. But two males in one "reservoir" do not get along. True, some owners divide long aquariums with glasses, settling their pets one at a time in different compartments. Many do this also because, seeing an opponent, the cockerels begin to become brighter, more colorful, they take military poses, trying to intimidate and intimidate their counterpart. Females are not so aggressive, they can be kept by several individuals at the same time.

Cockerel fish at home can live in an aquarium at the same time as other species. However, it is worth avoiding neighbors with veil fins. Otherwise, the "fighters" will certainly cut them off. It is better to settle larger fish with short fins, for example, barbs, to cockerels.

For tropical bettas, it is desirable to maintain the water temperature in the range of 24 to 28 degrees. It is allowed to periodically reduce it to 18 degrees. Open areas should be left on the surface of the water, without floating vegetation. Fish need atmospheric air. Special aeration of water is not required, but it is desirable to pass water through the filter. It is recommended to place the aquarium in such a way that during the day it receives several hours of sun. It is undesirable to put it in a draft.

Periodically, the pond should be thoroughly cleaned. To do this, either partially or completely change the water. Fish are pre-caught with a special net and placed in a jar. Sanitation is carried out without the use of powders.


The labyrinth organ is a distinctive feature of cockerel fish. This is not a simple addition to the gills - these babies breathe atmospheric air. Make sure that the surface of the water does not overgrow. Sometimes a bacterial film appears on it, it can be easily removed if you attach a sheet of paper to the water, and then just gently remove it.

Cockerels can jump out a lot. To prevent them from harming themselves, install a special cover with holes or a mesh.


Fish need soft water. Do not use distillate for the aquarium, as it lacks not only harmful, but also useful substances. Specialized stores sell special preparations for softening and purifying water. The temperature should be controlled. To slightly reduce aggressiveness and stress, add a little treatment-and-prophylactic salt (half a teaspoon per four liters). Large aquariums need a water change every two weeks. In the interval it is necessary to change it partially. Small aquariums need cleaning and water changes twice a week. Be sure to remove the remaining food from the bottom - its decomposition products will poison the water.


What to feed cockerel fish? These aquatic inhabitants are picky. They can eat both dry food and live food. Most of all, cockerels love bloodworms. You can give tubifex, cyclops, daphnia. Earthworms will do. To prevent the fish from overeating, remove uneaten leftovers 15 minutes after the start of feeding. Food should be given once or twice a day.

If you see that pets overeat, arrange for them one unloading day per week.

Cockerel fish: compatibility

As mentioned earlier, male cockerels should not be kept together. It is also undesirable to keep individuals of different sexes together. The male will constantly chase and bully the female.

Do you have a cockerel fish at home for the first time? "Who does this species get along with?" - this is a question often asked by beginners. Despite the "fighting" glory, cockerels behave peacefully enough towards their neighbors. Sometimes, however, a male may attack a male guppy, mistaking him for a relative.

It is undesirable to add a cockerel to the owners of beautiful long fins and tails. This will definitely provoke a fighting fish, and it will begin to attack. It is unlikely that the cockerel will bring the opponent to death, but he can bite or cut off the tails and fins.

Often, aquarium owners add snails to their pets. Fighting fish can eat small specimens (for this they are usually planted). In larger individuals, bettas may bite the antennae. This should be kept in mind for those who plan to decorate their aquarium with large snails.

Suitable neighbors for fighting fish

What kind of fish do roosters get along with? These can be neon irises, swordtails, platies, ancitruses, brocade catfish, tarakatums, bots, grumbling gourami, acanthophthalmus, pulchrypinnis, speckled catfish, gastromisons and some other species. It is advisable to consult with a sales assistant before purchasing fish.

Unwanted neighbors for cockerels

Acaras, piranhas, tilapias, black-striped cichlosomes, ctenopomas, tetraodons, parrots, kupanus, astronotus - cockerels cannot be settled with these types of fish. Fighters can attack and cut off the fins of such neighbors as neon, zebrafish, guppies, cardinals, barbs, as well as spotted, pearl and marble gourami.

Spawning should be carried out in a small separate aquarium (from seven liters). In this case, the height of the water column should be approximately 10-15 cm. Shelters from aquarium plants and artificial grottoes are arranged here. Cockerel fish (female) will be able to hide here from the male, which is very aggressive during this period.

Producers before spawning should be fed with all kinds of live food. Bright light is not needed. In a spawning aquarium, you should not do aeration - it will interfere with the construction of the nest.

Sexual maturity in fighting fish occurs at three to four months. Spawning can be stimulated by large water changes. It is heated in the aquarium by 1-3 degrees. Previously, the fish are "acquainted" with each other. To do this, they are placed in adjacent containers so that they can see their neighbors.

For the male, small floating plants are added so that he can strengthen the nest. At the beginning of spawning, starting to build a "dwelling", the male cockerel releases small air bubbles, then sticking them together with his saliva. Approximately a day after the manufacturer was launched, a future mother is placed next to him. After the start of spawning, the male cockerel collects the eggs with his mouth and takes them to the nest.

At the end of spawning, he becomes aggressive, attacks the female. Therefore, it should be removed to another aquarium. The male rears the offspring - he guards the nest, picks up the fallen eggs, placing them back. After the larvae have hatched, the cockerel does not allow them to spread in different directions, collecting them.

The female is capable of laying 100-300 eggs at a time. Under normal conditions, spawning begins a day or two after a pair of bettas are placed together in an aquarium. It happens, however, that this process is delayed for a week. After a day or three, larvae appear in the aquarium. After all the fry appear, and this will happen in 4-6 days, the male is removed, otherwise he is able to crush the fry spreading in different directions. In a spawning aquarium, the betta is usually fed with bloodworms. The food must be washed well beforehand.

In cockerel fry, the labyrinth organ will appear only after a few months. To create good conditions for growing young animals, it is necessary to establish aeration. You can lower the water level.

They feed the fry with infusoria - "living dust". In exceptional cases, you can give a steep egg yolk. However, you should not abuse such complementary foods. When the young grow up, you can transfer it to feeding Artemia larvae. Further, the size of the feed is selected taking into account the size of the fry. You can introduce chopped tubifex or specially designed industrial feeds into the diet.

Fighting fish live for about three years. In the "old" age, it is undesirable to use them as producers.

Summing up

Bright and eccentric bettas are able to decorate any home or office. Caring for them is easy. In return, they will give many pleasant minutes to their owner.

How to distinguish a male cockerel fish from a female?

Lida Voznyuk

Males reach up to 5 cm in length (females - about 4). The coloration is light olive, slightly gray, along or across the body (depending on mood) there are darker stripes. The fins are short and rounded. Scales are cycloid. Numerous color and veil variations have gained wide popularity in aquarium fish farming.
Looks like a macropod. However, they have no equal in brightness and beauty of color. Red, blue, yellow, green, pink colors, at every turn in good lighting, the colors play, taking on different shades. Males become especially bright during spawning or a skirmish with other males. Female fighting fish are somewhat paler in color than males and have small fins. Although recently females have appeared with somewhat elongated fins, which are not inferior in color to males. Pronounced dark stripes running along the body, characteristic of females, are barely noticeable in them, and in the best specimens they are completely absent.

How to distinguish a female cockerel fish from a male if they are still small and the fins cannot be identified

Konstantin Bogdanov

You will not understand anything by fins and behavior! There are as many females as you like who easily scare young roosters, there are also females whose plumage is almost no different from males.
Look at the belly of the fish. All chickens have something like a navel on their belly. Like a white speck. Here you see her. Here is a photo for those who want to understand. Once you see you will never confuse a female and a male.

Here is another shot of a 100% female. A white speck on the abdomen is clearly visible, males never have this. Here you can see that the shape of the body is different and the fins too.


The photo is of course a female. Females are usually less colorful, they can also be aggressive (like males), but their fins are already different from the age of one month. I had a female cockerel, so she killed all the cocks.

Many home fish lovers keep betta fish in their aquariums. But not all of them know how to distinguish a female cockerel fish from a male. Let's try to figure this out.

cockerel fish, or veil-tailed fighting got its name because of the pugnacious nature of males. This fish, which has no equal in beauty of color, is very popular with aquarists. Probably, many of those who keep such fish at home have repeatedly wondered how to determine the sex of their pets. This is not so difficult, it can be done both in their appearance and in their behavior.

How to distinguish a female from a male cockerel fish in appearance?

Male cockerel fish:

  • more brightly colored than females;
  • have larger dorsal, caudal, ventral and anal fins;
  • during spawning or during a skirmish with other males, they become especially bright;
  • when excited, the gills of males swell and protrude like a collar.

Male cockerel fish:

  • smaller and slightly paler in color than males;
  • have smaller fins;
  • on the stomach near the anus they have a white grain, similar to a caviar;
  • Recently, new breeds of female bettas have been bred with longer fins and a brighter color, but such females can also be distinguished from males by a white grain next to the anus.

Characteristic signs of behavior that help distinguish a female cockerel from a male

Male cockerels:

  • have a pugnacious nature and often clash with other males;
  • build nests and take care of eggs and fry.

Male cockerels:

  • calmer in behavior than the male;
  • if the female is ready for spawning, then at the sight of a male, she becomes covered with vertical stripes and her color becomes like a “zebra”.

As you can see, it is not difficult to distinguish a female from a male cockerel fish.

Dr. Elliot, BVMS, MRCVS is a veterinarian with over 30 years of experience in veterinary surgery and companion animal care. She graduated from the University of Glasgow in 1987 with a degree in Veterinary Medicine and Surgery. She has been working at the same animal clinic in her hometown for over 20 years.

Number of sources used in this article: . You will find a list of them at the bottom of the page.

Cockerels are well-known fighting fish. They are often sold in pet stores in separate individual containers, and at times it may seem to you that all these fish have the same appearance and disposition. However, despite your personal impressions, there are notable differences between male and female fighting fish. It is the characteristic differences in appearance and behavior that will help you distinguish the sex of the fish, which is very important when you decide to start breeding cockerels.


Determining the sex of males by appearance

    Wait for the moment when the fry begin to show sexual differences. Young males and females are very similar in appearance. This is due to the fact that they do not immediately begin to develop gender differences, but appear a little later with a certain age. Before separating fry by sex, wait for the moment when among them you can identify specimens with obvious features of males, which should happen at about two months of age.

    Look at the size and shape of the fins. The male fighting fish usually has long dorsal (upper), anal (lower), and caudal (tail) fins. Often they are 2-3 times longer than the thickness of the body of the fish. Due to the large length of the dorsal and caudal fins, very often they simply hang down. The fins of female bettas are usually noticeably shorter, in length they correspond to the thickness of the body of the fish or can be even shorter. The anal fin of the female cockerel often looks like a flat comb.

    • Although short fins may indicate the female sex of a fish, this trait should only be taken into account in conjunction with other traits before making a final decision on the sex of a particular individual.
  1. Pay attention to the color of the fish. Males usually have a bright color, which cannot be said about females. The coloration of females is more faded, especially on the body. The presence of bright colors of blue, green and red on the body and fins of the fish is a sure sign that there is a male in front of you.

    • The color of the fish can change depending on the stress they experience. Under the influence of stress, female bettas become more colorful than those females that were not subjected to stress.
  2. Check for an ovipositor. In female bettas, a small white spot (ovipositor) can be seen on the underside of the body. This speck is somewhat similar to a grain of salt. It is located on the edge of the anal fin near the head of the female. Identification of the ovipositor spot allows you to accurately identify females, since males never have anything like this.

    • However, in young females, the ovipositor can be difficult to spot due to the incomplete development of the reproductive organs. But as the fish grows older, its ovipositor will increase and become more noticeable.
    • If you're having trouble getting a better look at your fish for an ovipositor, try feeding them or starting preparations for feeding. Most likely, the fish will float up and stretch their heads to the surface of the water, which will allow you to better view them from below.
  3. Compare the body shapes of the fish. Male and female fighting fish have noticeable differences in body shape. Males are usually more elongated and slender, while females are not so long, but fuller. However, these differences are barely perceptible. In order to distinguish between the sexes of fish based on their body shape, you first need to become familiar with what 100% male bettas look like. Female fighting fish in body shape look almost the same as males, only they are outwardly more stocky.

    Attach a mirror to the aquarium. Male fighting fish tend to spread their fins at the sight of other males. In males, both males and females can be prone to aggressive behavior. However, the likelihood of aggression in males is much higher. If you attach a mirror to the aquarium, the fish will see their reflection in it. Males are more likely to fan out their fins and protrude their gills to show their dominance. They may also try to attack the mirror.

    • Female bettas sometimes spread their fins as well to show dominance. However, they do so with less persistence. For males, the fact of having a second male nearby is simply crazy.
    • Do not leave the mirror near the aquarium for a long time. While it may be interesting for you to watch the aggressive behavior of the fish, it puts the fish under stress, which is bad for their health. Due to prolonged stress, the length of the fins in males may begin to shrink.

    Determining the sex of males by behavioral features

    1. Consider the method of acquiring your fish. How you acquired your fish may give you some clues about their gender. Male bettas are often sold in the most common pet stores because of their impressively bright colors and large fins. Such catchy features are characteristic of males, so stores tend to buy males for sale. Females can be purchased directly from aquarists or in specialized aquarium stores.

      • In many cases, shop assistants have more animal knowledge than you do. However, it may also happen that the seller's knowledge is limited to his own pets. When consulting with the seller about the sex of a fighting fish, ask him if he himself has ever breeded bettas or just tells you the gender of the fish that is indicated on the price tag. If you have any doubts, it can be assumed that the fish being sold is a male.
    2. Pay attention to the presence of a nest of air bubbles. When males prepare to mate, they begin to build a nest of air bubbles on the surface of the water. Fish create a nest of hundreds and even thousands of bubbles glued together. Such activity on the part of the male suggests that he is preparing to fertilize the female's eggs. Usually, the offspring are cared for mainly by male cockerels.

      Check for a ridge on the gills. Both male and female bettas have a prominent membrane under their gill covers that is a different color from their body color. It is usually brown or black in color. The size of the membrane in males is larger than in females. It is possible to notice the edge of the membrane sticking out from under the closed gill covers in the female only upon very close examination. The membrane of males is so large that it can be easily seen even with open gill covers.

    • The skill of accurately determining the sex of fighting fish develops as experience accumulates. Experienced aquarists can sometimes spot male fry when they are only 2cm long.
    • If you have any doubts when determining the sex of a fish, try to consult a fish specialist in a specialty aquarium store. Look for an aquarium store that sells only fish and aquarium supplies, not a general pet store.
    • If you need to determine the sex of adult bettas, the easiest way is to look at their size. Females usually have a smaller body size than males.


    • While female bettas can be kept together under the right conditions, males cannot be kept together. Similarly, males and females should not be housed together except for a short mating period.

It is possible to distinguish cockerel fish by sex only after three or four months of age.
Distinguishing a female cockerel from a male cockerel is almost always easy. Although it also depends on the type of cockerel. It is difficult to do this with poster bantams, and you often have to guess, especially when the fish are young.
So, about females:

    they almost always have a white grain on their stomach.

    short pectoral fins in front of that grain.

    short tail fin

    short anal fin (under the belly) and sleep n noah.

    at the sight of a male, if the female is ready to spawn, she will be covered with vertical stripes - her color will become like a "zebra". But white females are not covered with stripes if desired and ready to spawn - the lack of pigment in the scales.

    You can also distinguish them by the presence of caviar in the stomach - it is clearly visible on the white one.

I will say one thing about male Betta Splendens cockerels - they have large fins - tail, dorsal, ventral and anal. Even in adult short-tailed forms of poster cockerels, one can distinguish a female from a male. However, young males often have grains on their stomachs, which is sometimes confusing. Then you need to pay attention to the betta's pelvic fins - they are under the belly, thin and long.
cockerel poster:

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