What to do if the daughter fell in love with her father. Dad fell in love with his daughter - is it normal? What to do if a father is sexually attracted to his daughter

But what if a long-married couple with no children takes the big step of adopting an 11-year-old girl? Baby gold. She loves her adoptive parents to the point of unconsciousness, listens to everything, does not play pranks, because she is afraid that she will be returned back to the shelter.
Over the years, she turns into a good girl (but not a sexy pexy), she has a true friend and girlfriend. The relationship with her father is excellent, he pampers her, spends a lot of time with her, theaters, cinema, vacations abroad, and most importantly, he is her best friend and the girl tells him about everything in the world.
But there are problems with the foster mother, she became cold to her over the years, she realized that the children were not hers. Moreover, the native husband spends too much time with the orphan. Because of this, there are many scandals in the family, the woman constantly threatens to give the girl back to the shelter.
After another scandal, the girl leaves home to friends. Her father cannot find her for a long time, but when he does, he promises that he will always need her and he will not return her to the shelter, because he loves her.
A man divorces his wife, and moves with his daughter to another city where the girl goes to college, and he gets a job as a professor there.
They live not badly, but the girl notices that both students and teachers pester her father. He has an ordinary appearance, not a macho but not a fat one either, an ordinary fifty-year-old (or forty-year-old (remember that he lived with his wife for a long time) man, with a small tummy and graying hair. BUT !!! , and he also has long musical fingers (maybe Ying plays some instrument).
The girl is infuriated by such attention to her father, and she is constantly not happy with this. One day, he brings a colleague into the house and introduces her to his daughter, introducing her as his woman. Having gone crazy, the girl leaves, wanders the streets for a long time and, having gone mad, returns home where she does not find her father. While she was not at home, he quarreled with his mistress and went to a bar to get drunk. Returning home, he went straight to his daughter's bedroom to find out the reason for her behavior, but when he saw how sweetly she was sleeping, he became aroused and began to pester her. At first, she resisted, but then she became aroused herself, and they did sleep.
In the morning, realizing what had happened, the father apologized for a long time and said that everything that had happened was a big mistake, and they decided to forget about everything. But after a couple of weeks, the girl got a little drunk at a party and when she came home she repeated the feat of her father. And in the morning the same thing happened again.
There was silence for a month, but the father could not stand it and, already sober, came to his daughter's bedroom. This went on for some time, at night he came to her bedroom for passionate sex, and in the morning he pretended that nothing was happening, calling what was happening just sex and nothing more.
Then the girl, deciding that it's time to live her life, agrees to a relationship with a classmate who has been courting her for a long time. One of the nights, she refuses her father, confessing that she has a boyfriend and she won’t be able to cheat on him. But the father will not beg, with long caresses and persuasion, he still achieves his goal.
At the institute, he poisons his daughter's boyfriend in every possible way and forbids him to meet with a girl, he agrees, because he really wants to graduate from the institute, with good grades. The girl is not very upset because there were no feelings for the boy. A strange relationship with his father continues, but only THIS they do sometimes during the day.
Different guys and even young teachers continue to beat wedges against the girl. A man does not tolerate this and transfers her to a university in another city and gets a job there. The girl, of course, is outraged and quarrels strongly with him, telling him everything that she thinks about him, for which she receives a hard spanking and sex on the verge of rape with demands to admit that she belongs only to Him and no one else.
And then Happy End……
If you wish, you can change the girl to a boy, but the plot should remain

I have long wanted to tell you that fathers love their daughters more than their sons, although they dream of having a son, not a daughter. I also know men who, when they find out that a daughter is born, get upset, worry that they will be called "jewelers" or "brakodel", and some even start drinking.

This topic has been of interest to me for a long time and for many years, having my four daughters, as well as watching girlfriends and friends, I can say with confidence that many men are simply subject to old stereotypes.

As soon as a man picks up this whiny lump, which will soon turn into a deity itself, he turns into a father.
One of my acquaintances once said: “You know, until I took my Yulia in my arms, I wasn’t even a peasant. Yes, I was a lover, a master, a breadwinner, but anyone, but not a peasant. "I have to live in order to protect my blood. Wife? That's how she lived before me, people get divorced... But my daughter!!! Yes, she can't live without me, you understand? Now I'm a wife a hundred times I love you more and I will never give you a reason to think about a divorce. Just imagine, we will get divorced, my wife will get married, and Yulia? Will someone else bring her up? Yes, never in my life! Yes, such a thought should not be. "

Eh, I thought ... All fathers would think so ...
Years passed, our children grew up, his Yulia turned into a girl, and Dasha, Nastya and Marishka grew up ... A friend has four daughters and a son.
This summer we crossed paths with him in the park. He and his wife came with their children to the swing-carousel. While Irina went to ride the children on the ship, Andrey and I decided to sit in a cafe and chat.
He began to tell me about how much happiness his daughters bring to him, how he loves them and how much he learns, the whole world opens up for himself every minute. He also loves his son, but in a different way. With their son, they make a lot, do everything around the house, do repairs and take care of the house. A son needs a father's shoulder, support, and girls need love and care.

“You know what I discovered for myself? Girls need fatherly love. And you can’t hide it. Even the eldest, who can get married soon, needs my love more than any gifts. No one will ever give her daughter such a sense of confidence and protection as a father She also makes mistakes, sometimes upsets with her actions, sometimes she can even answer sharply, this is extremely rare, but it happens, but she can never doubt parental love.
We talked a lot about this topic with my wife, and read books, and talked with psychologists and came to the conclusion that the daughter should know that her father loves her no matter what.

I couldn't help but agree.
It's true...

I even noticed that girls often choose guys for their husbands who somehow look like their fathers. If the girl had a caring father, loving and sincere, she will look for the same husband. Her rude people are not interested.
And daughters are very jealous of how their father treats their mother. Mother is the most precious thing for any child. If the father scolds the mother, is rude, yells at her, the daughter will behave the same way with her father, and if the father hit the mother, then the daughter will never forgive him for this.

It is extremely difficult for many men to survive the teenage years of children. With sons it is easier for them, because if something is good, then this is his merit, and if it is bad, then his wife raised him that way. This option does not work with daughters. Here the fathers understand that somewhere they "overloved", but in something they "disliked". It is not right. You need to know that the transitional age is very difficult not only for parents, but also for children. It is at the age of 13-15 that children try to establish themselves in this life and take certain positions in the family. They need help. At this time, you need to spend a lot of time together. We went on hikes, went overnight to lakes and rivers, went fishing, cooked food together in the evenings. It's all great brings together, makes friends, captivates. There were a lot of board games at home, and in the evenings, after all the lessons were learned and household chores were done, we played together, drank tea, and discussed some interesting topics. Children did not look for company, they did not run anywhere in vain. They had enough schools, sports clubs, dance clubs and families. For them, even today, the best friends are brothers and sisters.

Once talking with a psychologist, she said that it was the father who should explain to his daughter that appearance is not all beauty. The inner world must also be beautiful and rich. A girl should have a strong character, kindness, compassion. The father understands perfectly well what a girl should be in order not to become a glamorous blonde.

But seriously, I dreamed about my sister for a long time. True, it would be better if she was born from my “common” parents. Feeling hatred for Irina, I already love my “future” sister. As if she is my own daughter. Because she's probably daddy. Here's what I thought. Parents are not chosen. So - sisters or brothers - too. I must rejoice in happiness, even when I am overwhelmed with suffering. Difficult, but nothing is completely impossible. This is not a read truth, but a truth that has come over the years. If he wants, little man, to achieve the goal - he will achieve it if he tries. And his personal qualities will help him in this. I write, not believing what I write, but I write what I feel. Well, screwed up! Worried, most likely. There is no way to keep calm. Here, anyway. Love love love…. She did not come in the way I expected to meet her.

I fell in love with my father.

Well, in the end, when we returned home, he was silent all the way and when I asked him something, he answered very coolly, although the day before that everything was fine, maybe, of course, the point was that his wife was nearby, I don’t know. Well, after this vacation, we didn’t see each other for half a summer, but I thought about him every day, sometimes I asked my father about him. Recently I met him again at my father’s birthday. He had not yet divorced his wife, but he did not particularly remember her.
It so happened that at one moment we were alone, I noticed that he was somehow sad, as if he felt bad, as if something was eating him from the inside (I noticed this during the rest, but was not interested) and decided to ask if it hurts If he had something, he answered very incomprehensibly, that is, strange. He said that his heart hurts, that he just burns.

Fell in love with my dad's friend

When we were in the same room or at the table, no matter where, I simply could not take my eyes off him, although I understood that it was not decent, especially when his wife and my father were sitting next to him. Couldn't help it. I began to notice that he somehow looks too long into my eyes, as if guessing that I have feelings for him.


If we were alone, or when I spoke to him, his voice became more (excuse the expression) erotic, alluring, gentle, serious, attentive - simply charming. I looked at him and realized that if I was holding back, I was overwhelmed with hitherto unknown feelings.

Then I began to notice that he also looks at me in a special way, smiles when I laugh at his jokes. He is a very reserved person, but with a good sense of humor, so I always had fun around him.

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I complimented him, and he was pleased, but again held back, as if trying to keep me at a distance. And always when he complimented me, he apologized to his father, he was cautious again.

This time he somehow talked more, asked questions, answered mine, we got to know each other much better. After that evening, I noticed one more thing. When I wanted to go somewhere with my father and his friend, my father didn’t want me to go, but my friend insisted that I go with them. Before leaving, it so happened that my father’s friend met a friend, and they wanted to meet in the evening , go somewhere.

Before the meeting, my wife felt bad and she did not want to go (she never likes to go anywhere with her husband at all), my father was also not eager and my father's friend suggested that I go with him.

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The client complains that her husband often spends the night with her at her daughter's request. A father can give an almost naked girl a massage for a long time.

Beloved daughter and her daddy kiss on the lips. By the way, my daughter has neither girlfriends nor a boyfriend. Only beloved father. And her relationship with her mother has not gone well since childhood.

My client is trying to convince me that her husband is too good a dad, spoiling his daughter too much. “You write about such too good dads?” she tries to justify her husband. Through me, she would like to influence her husband so that he stops being too good a dad and does not harm his daughter.
However, there was no mention in my article of too-good dads continuing to have close physical contact with grown-up daughters. It talks more about symbiotic relationships, about the emotional codependency of fathers and daughters without any hint of sexuality.

Kind stories about dad and daughter for adults 18 plus without swearing

What could be better than a family vacation in one of the most luxurious seaside resorts, with white sand beaches and clear azure water? That's exactly what the two best friends thought, and decided that this would be an excellent vacation for their daughters. But enterprising wives thought completely differently, they decided to send their husbands to this resort, so that they would hold back the onslaught of possible suitors who would certainly appear with the girls on vacation. Well, of course, wives thought not only about the safety of their girls, but also about their husbands, so daughters, in turn, must also protect their fathers from the encroachments of sexy ladies. So, having received instructions on how to behave, two fathers and two daughters went on vacation.

A little about too loving dads and substitute mistresses

This went on for some time, at night he came to her bedroom for passionate sex, and in the morning he pretended that nothing was happening, calling what was happening just sex and nothing more. cared for her. One of the nights, she refuses her father, confessing that she has a boyfriend and she won’t be able to cheat on him.

But the father will not beg, with long caresses and persuasion, he still achieves his goal. At the institute, he poisons his daughter’s boyfriend in every possible way and forbids him to meet with the girl, he agrees, because he really wants to graduate from the institute, with good grades. The girl is not very upset because there were no feelings for the boy.
A strange relationship with his father continues, but only THAT they do sometimes during the day. Various guys and even young teachers continue to beat wedges against the girl.

The daughter fell in love with her own father. Father loves daughter.

As a child, when I was three or four years old, my mother “had” a laconic but interesting conversation with me. I told her that I want to marry dad, and she said that it was impossible, because mom is his wife. I cried so much in response to this.

Many years later. And I realized that my words were not empty. I love my dad. He is my most ideal ideal. He has all the features that I like in a man. Why is there no such combination of traits in others? Maybe everyone stubbornly hides this combination?

Dad understands me like no one else. He is my best friend, closest person. I have no secrets from him. I tell him everything, I share everything in the world. I even tell him things that, it seems, they don’t tell dads. Mom just went to another, and left me with dad. And this is how I am arranged: I share everything that excites me, that gnaws, that worries.

Mom left, dad found a woman. How jealous I am of her! I hate her! I wanted to somehow move to my mother so as not to meet this lady, but, as it turned out, my mother does not need me at all. She arranged her life. And, in her life, there is not an iota of free space for me. I'm not offended, but I'm surprised. I am her daughter! How can you violate all the rules of decency towards me? At least I, in relation to my own daughter, would not do that.

If I explained why I so want to “run away” from my dad, my mom would most likely turn me in to a psychiatric hospital, or somewhere else. And my friends don't know anything at all. I'm afraid to say anything. Being in my place, it is unlikely that someone, on this topic, “sculpted” anything.

Loving dad is not a sin. But, only if love for him is natural, and not the same as mine. I reproach myself, but there is no strength not to love dad. I love…. He is the best of the best. I don’t understand why my mother exchanged him for another. I saw the “other”, but I never managed to understand how he is better than dad. If he is better off financially, that's nonsense! More of a show off than anything else.

Came home one day. Papa slept soundly. I covered him with a blanket, looked at him, and went to my room. Cry. Cry and don't sleep. For probably more than four years now, I have only done that I did not sleep and roared into the pillow. Tears saved only the soul. And then - sometimes. Dad saw my tears. I made up the reasons for their "flows". And each time they were different from the previous ones. I didn't want to lie. But my truth is worse than any lie. He won't understand! And I can't stand his misunderstanding or laughter.

I'm going to live with a friend. She has a spacious three-room apartment. One of them is for me. I'll be better there. I will be visiting my dad. Because the person who lives with him infuriates me. Why am I not her? The funny thing is that I consider her a rival. Stepmother! What makes love...

If there were wizards, I would go to them for help. And so - I have to “nurture” everything in myself, hoping that this “everything” itself will lag behind me. And it doesn't even think about it. How I suffer, hating myself and all this unjust world! Cigarettes, coffee and music. They distract me, more or less, from all thoughts. What they are - I will be silent so as not to lead readers into a state of horror.

Dad teaches me how to cook. He does it well and with pleasure. I love watching his hands move. His hands are beautiful... By the way, I want to paint his portrait. But he won't agree. If from the fact that they are trying to photograph him, he begins to get very angry - drawings and portraits can be canceled immediately. And I would take my father's portrait to a friend's apartment. Let him be with me at least in the photo or on my creation. Honestly, I drew, once, my father, when he was sleeping sweetly. He does not know, of course, about this. The portrait painted by me, I hid in my hiding place. I will not describe in detail where my hiding place is, because I am afraid that he will read, once, my article. There are things you can't know!

Dissolved on the Internet, looking for answers to her difficult questions. Met only one condemnation. Well, why is that? Where, in people, so much injustice and cruelty? I do not deny that they (cruelty and injustice) live in general in every person. I don't require anything special. I just ask: “turn over” your views, dear people! Soon dad will marry the one with whom he lives, because I will have a half-sister (judging by the ultrasound). No, I won't hate her. She is my sister, although only half my own. My dad is very happy. And I, seeing this, become even happier. When he's happy, it's good for me. My love is my problem. I'm not going to run from her. This is an unrealistic solution. I will leave love to develop into ordinary affection. You need to live the right way, not the way you would like.

Walking all alone, I managed to think about a lot. I felt superfluous. In my father's life and in my mother's life. A sister will be born - I will go to my girlfriend, as I wanted. I will come when I need to help my father's woman with babysitting. I will do it with love and with pleasure, because I love kids. But seriously, I dreamed about my sister for a long time. True, it would be better if she was born from my “common” parents.

Feeling hatred for Irina, I already love my “future” sister. As if she is my own daughter. Because she's probably daddy. Here's what I thought. Parents are not chosen. So - sisters or brothers - too. I must rejoice in happiness, even when I am overwhelmed with suffering. Difficult, but nothing is completely impossible. This is not a read truth, but a truth that has come over the years. If he wants, little man, to achieve the goal - he will achieve it if he tries. And his personal qualities will help him in this.

I write, not believing what I write, but I write what I feel. Well, screwed up! Worried, most likely. There is no way to keep calm. Here, anyway. Love love love…. She did not come in the way I expected to meet her. But she came and did not ask if I wanted to see her like that. She is cheeky. But impudence is happiness, living at number two.

I dulled the pain with a liter of coffee. Then cigarette smoke. Then - sleep. But I do not forget reality: I return to it in order to change everything.

My feelings.

The daughter succumbed to her father. father love daughter.

In childhood, if I had a fate for three-chotiri, my mother “conducted” a poor-sounding, ale-coffee conversation with me. I said that I want to go abroad for a tata, and she said that it’s impossible, for that mother is her squad. I cried so much in the wake of tse.

A lot of years have passed. I realized that my words were empty. I love my dad. Vіn є my very ideal іdeal. The new one has all three figures, like me, they are like men. Why is there no rice in others like this? Maybe it’s all easy to take it like this?

Papa understands me like no one else. Vin is my best friend, closest person. I have no secrets of any kind. I confess everything to you, I share everything in the world. I tell you to confess to you those who, nachebto, don’t tell tatam. It’s just that my mother went to the next, but she left me with a tatom. And I am so powerful: I share everything, what I praise, what grize, what turbulence.

Mom went, tato knows the woman. I'm jealous of yoga before her! I hate you! I wanted, somehow, to get over to my mother, so that I wouldn’t get in trouble with my lady, but, as it turned out, my mother didn’t need me. Vaughn ruled her life. I, in її life, there is not a trio of free space for me. Chi is not imagining, but marveling. I am a daughter! How can you break all the rules of decency according to my age? At least, I didn’t think so, as far as my native Donetsk was concerned.

I explained to Yakby why I so want to “get in” like a tata - my mother would have been better for me, better for everything, I would have gone to the psychic, otherwise go where. And my friends know absolutely nothing. I'm afraid to say anything. Perebuvayuchi on my mist, hardly chi, schos, komus, on the given topic "liv" sho-nebud.

To love a tata is not a sin. Ale, in that it’s more than a vipadka, like love to the new - natural, and not like that, like mine. I reproach myself, but I have no strength not to love Tata. Kohai…. Vin - the best of the best. I won’t worry: why did my mother change yoga for something else. "Inshoy" I?? Yakshto vin cooler in the financial position - nisenіtnitsa! Bigger - vitrebenok, lower chogos іnshoy.

Came home once. Dad slept licorice. I laid it on the carpet, marveled at the new one, and went to my room. Cry. Cry and don't sleep. I already, singsongly, more than chotirokh rokiv only robbed those who did not sleep and roared into the pillow. Slozi ryatuvali vikljuchno soul. And then - do not wait. Dad bachiv my tears. I invented the causes of their "flows". And the stench, skin times, roared in front of them. I didn't want to brehat. Ale, my truth - be more terrible nonsense. Vin is not sensible! And yoga is unreasonable, because I don’t blame laughter.

I will move to live with a friend. She has a spacious three-room apartment. One of them is for me. Meni will be better there. Until then, I will come. That person beats me, as if she lives with him. Why am I - chi not out? Funny those that I respect її supernice. Machuhu! What's the point of love....

If there were charmers, I would go to them for help. And so - to bring all the "blame" in yourself, spodіvayuchis, tse "everything" itself in the same way in my country. But you don’t think about it. How I suffer, hating myself and the whole unjust world! Cigarettes, cava and music. The stench indulges me, big-mensh, in spite of any thoughts. Yaki stinks - I’ll say a word, so that I don’t bring you to the camp to read.

Tato read me to get ready їsti. It's great to kill the wines and I'm happy. I love keeping yoga hands behind the wheel. Yogo's hands are beautiful... Before I speak, I want to paint Yogo's portrait. Ale vin will not wait. As if the photographers are trying to get mad, they start to get angry - little ones and portraits can be said at once. And I would take, tativ portrait, to an apartment to a friend. Let me win if I want to be in the photo or on my work. I’ll honestly say: I painted, once, dad, if I slept licorice. Vіn don't know, naturally, about tse. The portrait painted by me, I hoisted in my coat. I will not write a report, de my hiding place, I am afraid that I will read my article. Speech, it is impossible to know!

I worked out on the Internet, I was joking about how to feed my uneasy. There was more than one convict. Well, how about it? Zvіdki, in people, injustice and zhorstokostі style? I can’t deny that the stench (zhorstokіst and injustice) live in flames in the skin of the people. I don't mean anything special. I just ask: “turn over” look, dear people! Soon tato will make friends with you, with him alive, to that I have a sister (judging by the ultrasound). No, I won’t hate її. I, bachachi tse, become more happy. If it is good for you - good for me. My love is my problem. I do not try to fight in it. Tse is an unrealistic solution. , as I would like to.

Walking in the open self, I have a lot of things to think about. I took credit for myself. In life, tata, and in life, mami. To be born sister - I will go to my girlfriend, as I wanted. I will come to you, if it is necessary to help the tat woman with a look after the little one. I will work for love and satisfaction, for that I love a child. And about my sister, as if seriously, I dreamed for a long time.

Vidchuvayuchi hatred to Irina, I already love the “maybe” sister. So, nibi won - my dear donka. To that, singsongly, that there is a tatova. I am what I thought. Batkiv - do not choose. So - sister or brother - tezh. I am guilty for the sake of happiness, to inspire the same, if I resurrect the suffering. It is foldable, but there is nothing, absolutely, impossible. Tse - the truth was not read, but what came with the fates. If you want, little man, reach meti - you can reach it, try to try. I in tsomu yomu will be helped by yogo special qualities.

Dr. Freud would like me, as I am a walking confirmation of his theories. Here and now - I came to be treated for unhappy love. In general, unrequited love is a regular occurrence in my life.

That Oedipus Complex

I want to hear him, see him, be near him... I have no one dearer than him.

The unusually calm Doc raised his eyebrows.

And it's all?

Yes, why?..

Yes, the fact that there is no passion, desire. You talk about him as a beloved brother, father... By the way, how old was your dad when your parents broke up?..

30-35 years...

Great, find a picture of him for our next meeting...

In the evening, a photo of dad was found out of my mother's bins ... To say that my father was very similar to my beloved means to say nothing! They were twin brothers. I wonder why I didn't pay attention to this before? Or was the thought of the similarity of the man of my dreams with my own father driven away from me?!

When the ancestors parted, I went to first grade.

Between about 3 and 5 years of age, a girl develops a pronounced attraction to one of the parents, usually the father. Freud called this the Electra complex (a similar attraction in boys to mothers is called the Oedipal complex). In general, in my brain, love for dad managed to be fixed.

Kill love!

A 3-year-old girl, trying to capture the attention of her father, begins to be jealous of her mother, said Dr. Kryukov. - And he decides to beat the enemy with his own weapon - he adopts manners, gestures, and especially the behavior of his mother. If the parents love each other, the Electra complex will not take on painful forms. Is it not the first time that neighbors and relatives will be surprised: "Why do men want sons more, but then they love daughters?" Yes, it’s just that dad recognizes his wife’s favorite traits in the growing girl. Here is the key to "hereditarily happy" families: a girl chooses the type of men that ideally matches her way of thinking and character - just like her father corresponded to her mother.

More than 70% of women at the subconscious level choose their loved ones in the image and likeness of their father (it doesn’t matter if their parents live together or have separated). One recognizes dad in the partner's facial expressions, the other in the manner of speaking or moving, the third is bribed by his views on life. It can be difficult to get to the bottom of such (and even smaller) nuances. The external similarity is obvious - therefore, it is easiest to deal with this kind of "love". And you really need to fight if relationships with partners of a certain type of happiness do not bring.

Hereditary losers

It has been noticed, for example, that the daughters of alcoholics strive to marry alcoholics; if dad beat mom, then - a hundred to one! - her husband will also beat her daughter ... If her parents divorced, the girl will plunge into unrequited love over and over again: handsome "father-like" people do not like her appearance (manners, character, voice ...). Maybe that's why dad left mom at the time. Girls subconsciously seek out "native" (positive, by the way) traits, which are certainly accompanied by "native" vices.

And if there was no father at all and there was no one to “sculpt the image” of the girl? Then, it is quite likely that her love for a man is replaced by the need for paternal care, which was not received in childhood. Perhaps she will be lucky to meet a decent adult who will provide the “orphan” with a comfortable, peaceful existence. This is not love. This is comfort (which, in general, is also good). But more often such girls throw themselves into the arms of the first person they meet - who will caress. And they end up, if not in criminogenic situations, then in a hassle - for sure.

Or dad was very good and beloved ... How many beautiful ladies remained old maids because they "did not meet someone like dad"?


“You know what,” the doctor said, “and you look for an image from the contrary. That is, designate three qualities (maybe even paternal ones) that a man should not have in any case. From the rest you will choose a husband.” When everyone who wanted to command me, liked to save money and confused Gogol with Hegel, was weeded out, I got married.

He doesn't look like my father. Just a little bit... Anyway, when I woke up yesterday morning with a feeling of absolute happiness, I stretched and said: "It's good, pa-a!" And then she covered her mouth with her palm, stuffing her subconscious back into its dark depths.

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