What does polygon mean. What is a polygon, what can it be? Are landfills dangerous?

Among the words that suddenly received several additional meanings, there was a polygon. This concept has long been associated with military equipment and equipment. The most popular synonym is shooting range. And what is the meaning of the concept of "polygon" at the present time?

Meaning of the word

In the literal sense, the word "polygon" is a specific area of ​​​​area intended for testing any types of weapons, devices and training with personnel. The word originates from the Greek language: πολυ - means "a lot", γωνιἀ - angles. Judging by the initial values ​​of the parts, the polygon is a flat polygon. In general, this definition corresponds to the use of this concept in modern vocabulary. But there are also differences.

Polygon: the meaning of the word

Until the middle of the 20th century, various trainings with personnel and weapons are often described in military literature. In its original meaning, the range is a place for artillery exercises. The first shooting ranges arose simultaneously with primitive powder cannons. Prior to this, the place for military testing successfully replaced the shooting range - a piece of terrain where archers, infantry and cavalry trained - the main units of the ancient and medieval troops.

At present, the concept of "polygon" has been expanded and has several meanings. Most often, this word is still associated with war and defense. In military affairs, all ranges are divided according to several criteria: permanent or temporary, military and civilian, and so on.

Nuclear test sites are designed to test nuclear weapons. Rocket - for trial and serial launches of civilian and military missiles. One of the most famous nuclear test sites in the world was Semipalatinsk, located near the city of Kurchatov, Russia. This facility is currently closed for testing.

The civilian test site is designed to test samples of equipment and machinery that, if they fail, can harm people or the environment. Currently, according to safety regulations, each enterprise specializing in the production of potentially hazardous finished products must conduct tests at its own testing ground.

How to choose sites for landfills

For military tests, areas with complex landscapes are selected to simulate various combat situations. The optimal size of the shooting range is set in such a way that the maximum range of the projectile is within the zone, so that there are no injured civilians and military personnel who accidentally come under fire.

A modern military training ground is a whole complex of buildings for domestic and defense purposes. An excellent illustration of the concept can serve as a recently opened landfill in the village. Villagers of the Ryazan region, designed for training airborne paratroopers. By the beginning of 2017, on the area allocated for training paratroopers, simulators were erected to start training paratroopers, life-size models of aircraft were made, there were platforms for briefings, stocks of suspension devices.

The new training ground, the photo of which can be seen below, is designed for comprehensive training during landing from IL-76 and AN-2 aircraft, from a MI-8 helicopter. The designers took care of the arrangement of engineering networks and modern engineering facilities.

Landfills for disposal or treatment of MSW

Currently, landfills are also elegantly called the huge landfills that “decorate” the outskirts of our megacities. Such landfills are hopelessly outdated, and now the authorities are looking for opportunities to build waste processing and sorting stations according to European standards. New technologies will significantly improve the ecology of urban outskirts and fill the needs of industry in raw materials.

Polygon in computer graphics

Along with the development of web design, the word "polygon" has taken on a new meaning. A polygon, or polygonal mesh, is a collection of components that define the shape of an object in three-dimensional space. Such components are edges, planes, vertices, faces. An arbitrary convex polygon in 3d modeling simplifies the perception of an object, its visualization.

A brief overview of all modern meanings of the concept of "polygon" gives a general idea of ​​the versatility of the Russian language. What other meanings the ancient word will acquire - we will find out in the near future.

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The meaning of the word polygon

polygon in the crossword dictionary


Explanatory Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language, Vladimir Dal


m. Greek polygon, polygon, -barrel. - fortification, redoubt. Polygonal fortification method.

Polion, Artil. a place where there is training, firing from guns.

Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. D.N. Ushakov


polygon, m. (from the Greek poly - a lot and gonia - angle).

    A large uninhabited area serving as a place for experimental or training sessions and exercises for special troops, a shooting range (military). Artillery range.

    The location of the fortifications in the form of a polygon (military). Fortress landfill.

    The same as a polygon (mat. Rarely).

Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova.


    A large, specially equipped area of ​​land or sea for testing various types of weapons, military equipment, for combat exercises. Aviation, artillery, naval

    Place of scientific and other tests, trials. Zavodskoy settlement Underwater research settlement

    adj. polygon, th, th.

New explanatory and derivational dictionary of the Russian language, T. F. Efremova.


    1. A piece of terrain specially equipped for testing technical equipment of weapons, artillery firing practice and training of technical branches of the armed forces.

      An open area where reinforced concrete structures and parts are made (in the construction business).

      1. Polygon (in mathematics).

        Polyline on a plane.

    1. Closed and open polygon on the ground and on the plan.

Encyclopedic Dictionary, 1998


POLYGON (from the Greek polygonos - polygonal) a land or sea area intended for testing weapons, military equipment, combat training of troops.


In the explanatory dictionary of V. I. Dahl, the following meanings are described: polygonal fortification - redoubt, polygonal method of fortification, and an artillery term - a place where training is taking place, firing from guns.

Based on the so-called "Training Artillery polygons”, in 1961, the first separate missile corps were created.

Polygon (cartoon)

"Polygon"- An animated film that was created in 1977 by director Anatoly Petrov based on a fantastic story by Sever Gansovsky on an anti-war theme.

Polygon (disambiguation)


  • The test site is a specially designated and prepared area for personnel and testing of various types of weapons and military equipment.
    • Polygon - fortification in the form of a polygon.
    • The polygon is a site for practical artillery shooting.
    • Military training ground - a territory for conducting military exercises or testing weapons and military equipment.
    • A nuclear test site is a territory for testing nuclear weapons.
  • Polygon - research organization (institution).
  • A landfill is an equipped area that provides waste disposal without environmental impact.
  • Polygon - a territory where role-playing games are held on the ground.
  • A frequency polygon is one of the ways to graphically represent the probability density of a random variable in mathematical statistics.
  • Polygon - polygon, the minimum surface for rendering in three-dimensional graphics.
  • NIIBT Polygon is a research and testing organization (institution) of the Russian Ministry of Defense.
  • "Polygon" - a television program.
  • "Polygon" is an animated film.
  • Polygon is a Russian rock band.
  • Polygon is a Russian publishing house.
  • "Polygon" - a music club in St. Petersburg in 1995 - 2002.
  • "Polygon" is the first Kazakh horror film of 2012.
  • Polygon is an American video game website operated by Vox Media, the owner of The Verge.
  • "Polygon" (Polygon) - educational and practical center of computer graphics from the CGTalk community in the Republic of Belarus.
  • Polygon - track by rap artist Oxxxymiron "a.

Landfill (for waste disposal)

Landfill for solid household waste- a special facility designed for isolation and neutralization of solid waste.

Landfills must guarantee the sanitary and epidemiological safety of the population. At the landfills, the static stability of MSW is ensured, taking into account the dynamics of compaction, salinity, gas release, the maximum load per unit area, the possibility of subsequent rational use of the site after the closure of the landfills (reclamation).

Landfills can be organized for any size settlements. It is recommended to create centralized polygons for groups of settlements.

Polygon (village)

Polygon- a village in the Vitovsky district of the Nikolaev region of Ukraine. Founded in 1921. The population is about 2750 people. Scientific and agrarian center of Mykolaiv region: Mykolaiv State Agricultural Experimental Station of the Institute of Irrigated Agriculture of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Mykolaiv Branch of the State Institution "Institute for Soil Protection of Ukraine" of the Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine, State Enterprise "Experimental Farm "Elite" of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, LLC Mykolaiv Plant" Semprom", LLC NPA "Zemledelec", other agricultural enterprises of non-state form of ownership. -communal enterprise, trade facilities, hairdresser.Transportation of the village with the city of Nikolaev: regular bus route No. 129 "Bus station Nikolaev - Polygon"; commuter trains Nikolaev - Dolinskaya and Nikolaev-Timkovo to the Doslidna railway platform. Distance to the city of Nikolaev 7 km.

Polygon (enterprise)

Polygon is a Russian research and production enterprise engaged in the development, production and maintenance of radio-electronic and telecommunications equipment. The enterprise manufactures equipment for the needs of telecom operators, industrial enterprises, departmental structures, public authorities and other customers. The company is focused on advanced experimental developments, the creation of competitive domestic products and high-quality training.

The company is a backbone enterprise of the Republic of Bashkortostan and takes an active part in the import substitution program. The products of SPE "Polygon" comply with the provisions of the order of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation No. 1399 dated June 03, 2015 "On the assignment and confirmation of telecommunications equipment manufactured in the Russian Federation, the status of telecommunications equipment of Russian origin."

Examples of the use of the word polygon in the literature.

Mr. President, in our opinion, on a missile polygon there was an explosion in Aleysk.

It was not the famous Baikonur that arose in my thoughts, from where heavy interplanetary spacecraft still continue to fly, but that obscure patch in the middle of the burnt yellow steppe, before general disarmament - a former rocket polygon where Antey did his internship.

While Arzhanov was in the hospital, Aspid collected polygon six people - old employees of the project, each of whom has long connected his life with Anachron.

Here Burke had no problems, he shot down a small unmanned glider used on polygon as a target.

Technicians, having uncovered the planes, checked the engines, prepared cannons, machine guns and ammunition for firing at cones and shields on polygon.

Life comes in abundance, and leaves, barely manifesting, smoothly disappearing from its material polygon.

You know how unpleasant it is, having just mastered the driving skills and somehow shot at the training polygon suddenly be under real fire.

As far as troubles are concerned, polygons Woomera in Australia and on the Atlantic coast of America is the most common occurrence.

The ship wandered somewhere over the horizon, working out another hydrological polygon, and meanwhile the boat, swaying a little on a light wave, began its five-day drift to the south.

This was followed by an order to award me the rank of colonel and the appointment of the head of the Central Scientific and Testing Railway polygon near the station Gorokhovets, Gorky region.

This state of emergency is still quite fresh in the memory of the soldiers, especially since Gora turned out to be well acquainted with Gradov, who began service with him in Termez polygon.

After a serious and detailed conversation, Grigorovich and his closest employees went to one of the suburban polygons.

Martin Heidegger, as Landsturmist, was transferred to the barracks, and then sent for military training to polygon Heuberg, not far from his native Meskirch, Husserl wrote him a letter, kept in a very personal tone, in which, in particular, he complained about how he now lacked their joint philosophizing.

The proximity of the manufacturer simplified the development of the machine and the solution of problems associated with the start of operation, and located nearby polygon ZakVO was supposed to help pilots master piloting in mountainous areas - it was no secret to anyone that the unit was being prepared for shipment to the DRA.

Listen, Gleb Alexandrovich, let's take a sip of tea so that our mental strength is not depleted, - Boreev pressed some buzzing button, and then said firmly: - A trip to polygon-- be.

What is a polygon? Most of us have heard of polygons, but few get it right. Polygons are more complex than most of us realize. A landfill is a waste disposal system in which waste is buried.

Waste is first processed and only after that they are buried.

Landfills are one of the most common ways to dispose of waste. But in recent times, landfills have become less popular as they have negative consequences. That is why developed countries are looking for other ways to dispose of waste, excluding landfills.

Remember that landfills have a negative impact on the environment and human health. Various chemical and toxic compounds enter the ground, thereby polluting water, soil and air.

Landfill construction

Of course, not all organizations are conscientiously involved in the construction of landfills. There are certain rules by which the construction of the landfill must take place. Let's list these rules.

1. Land area

The plot of land to create a landfill must be large. Since the landfill should be enough for the waste dump itself, but also for all the structures that will be there. An environmental impact study of the landfill should also be carried out prior to construction.

2. The bottom of the pit must be waterproof

The bottom of the pit should be as waterproof as possible. This means that the bottom of the pit must be compacted, the rocks must not have cracks. This is done in order to prevent leakage of water from the pit into groundwater.

3. Studying the flow of water

The flow of water should also be studied in order to develop strategies to prevent the leakage of wastewater from the landfill into rivers. This means that landfills should not be built near rivers and lakes. This requires the use of drainage systems to control the flow of surface water.

4. Environmental impact assessment

This step is essential. This is necessary to assess the possible damage that may occur in the region where the landfill will be built. This is also done in order to be safe from possible emergencies. The systems created here should ensure the complete neutralization of the negative consequences of the landfill on the environment.

5. Historical and archaeological value of the site

A historical and archaeological assessment of the site must be made to rule out that the site is of historical value. Either this site is an important place for the indigenous population.

Today, Utilitservice LLC is an enterprise with a positive reputation, extensive experience, and an established material and technical base.

Conducting such activities for our team is not only a business, but also an idea formed from the understanding of the problems that exist today in the field of waste management. We consider only such an approach to be the only correct one in solving a whole range of problems related to ecology.

Polygon classification

By working time

  • permanent
  • temporary

By appointment

  • research,
  • test (low-temperature, aviation, artillery, anti-aircraft, engineering, mine, rocket, torpedo, tank, etc.)
  • military (a military training ground is intended for conducting military exercises or testing weapons and military equipment)
  • factory (to check the quality of manufactured weapons, their zeroing, debugging)
  • training (for combat and training shooting, bombing, torpedo throwing, as well as for conducting various military exercises)
  • imitation
  • miniature polygons (training artillery range, which is a reproduction of the terrain (a relief plan on a scale of usually 1: 300 - 1: 1000), equipped with targets (targets) and a special device that simulates shell bursts. A miniature range is equipped indoors or outdoors Designed for training artillery firing at ground and air targets, it allows you to practically learn the rules of artillery firing and carry out artillery shooting training.


Depending on the purpose, the ranges can be equipped with observation posts, target installations, dugouts, shelters, means of communication, are supplied with instrumentation, vehicles, etc.

Types of products that can be tested in landfills

  • snowplows
  • engines
  • generators
  • thermal insulation materials

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010 .


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