What did the magpie bring on its tail? Meeting a magpie: signs, interpretation and interesting facts

Who doesn’t know this restless long-tailed bird that jumps along the branches, carefully shooting its black beady eyes to the sides, and chirps incessantly? This fidget will not let anyone pass by unnoticed; she will immediately rush to inform the entire neighborhood about what she saw. No wonder they say that a magpie on its tail brings news.

U different nations There are many beliefs about encounters with magpies. But for some reason, most signs associated with a lonely magpie promise nothing but trouble. For example, even just meeting a magpie on your way is a sign of failure. You need to bow to the magpie and cross your fingers or spit, or cross yourself or draw a cross on the ground, then the trouble will pass by. A magpie hovering above a person’s head foretells his imminent death. If she, without sitting down, flies screaming over the roof of the house, this predicts the imminent death of one of the family members. A magpie suddenly flying onto the veranda warns of thieves. But if she jumps in front of a tree house, then a pregnant woman should never go outside: in the guise of a magpie there may be a witch who will cause damage. In Switzerland, even the local name of this bird means “witch”.

Each country has its own “magpie” signs, but one thing remains the same: a lonely magpie does not bode well. But a couple of magpies portend good luck in all endeavors. For this to come true, you must greet the birds with a bow, and in some countries, with spitting. Three magpies predict a wedding or nice trip, four - good news, five - being in pleasant company.

In Ukraine, there is a belief that whoever touches a magpie’s eggs in a nest will have a pockmarked face, and the magpie will steal the owner’s chickens in retaliation. And according to French beliefs, the magpie has seven devil feathers on its head. It is also called the devil's bird because it supposedly has a drop of devil's blood under its tongue.

Some Slavic peoples There is a belief that if you cut a cross on the tree trunk on which a magpie’s nest is located, she will abandon the nest. A magpie flying into the yard foreshadows a loss, but you cannot drive it away, otherwise the loss will be even greater. You cannot swing a stick at a chirping magpie or throw a stone at it - your hand will wither. The brownie really doesn't like magpies, so you can't feed them near the house so as not to offend him.

There is a legend that the magpie was the only bird that did not want to enter Noah’s ark. She secretly hid on its top and laughed at the dying world. For this they don’t complain about her. In Rus', magpies were even cursed; they did not appear in Moscow for a long time. There are several legends on this topic.

Once, the boyar Kuchka (the progenitor of the Romanov dynasty) was hiding from enemies in the forest right in the place where Moscow now stands. The magpie gave him away with her cry, his enemies killed him here, and the dying boyar cursed this stupid bird. There is also a legend that Metropolitan Alexy forbade magpies to appear in Moscow, believing that witches were hiding under their guise.

It is not for nothing that this bird received its nickname “thief magpie”. According to an old legend, one pious Muscovite decided to make a pilgrimage to holy places. He distributed all his goods to the poor and suffering, and left only a piece of cheese for his journey. The magpie stole this cheese from him, for which God cursed her and forbade her to appear in this city.

Another interesting version. At the end of the 16th century, Tsar Ivan the Terrible, shortly before his death, gave the order to catch witches throughout Rus' and bring them to Moscow to the square. The order was carried out, then the king ordered to cover them with straw and set them on fire. This is what came out of it: “The witches were engulfed in flames - and they started screaming, screaming and meowing. A thick black column of smoke rose, and magpies flew out of it, one after the other - apparently and invisibly. This means that all the cross-witch witches turned into forty and deceived the king in his eyes. Then the Terrible Tsar became angry and sent a curse after them. “So that you,” he says, “from now on and forever remain magpies!” So now they all fly in magpies and are still afraid of the royal curse more than a sharp knife. Therefore, not a single magpie reaches Moscow within sixty miles in the district.”

But not everywhere the magpie is considered a devilish bird. For example, in Britain it is a symbol of mail along with a dove. And in China they consider it a lucky bird that brings good luck, and they believe that trouble will befall the person who kills it.

And if we put aside all superstitions and prejudices, then the magpie is simply a very sociable bird, leading relatively sedentary image life. Settles in small forests, groves, forest belts, not far from human habitation. She avoids deep forests. In mid-spring, the male and female build a spherical nest with a side entrance and a roof. To build the main frame and roof, thick branches are used, and from the inside - thin twigs, roots, shreds of wool and feathers. It happens that they build several nests and then occupy one of them.

In April, the female lays 5-8 eggs of a bluish-green hue with brown spots and incubates them for 17-18 days. When the chicks appear, both parents feed them together for a month, after which the chicks leave the nest. But for about another month the parents continue to feed them. Magpies feed on a wide variety of foods: insects, worms, seeds and fruits, and food waste. They do not hesitate to destroy other people's nests and steal eggs and chicks.

These birds are found throughout Europe, in temperate zone and Asia, in the northwest African continent, in the West North America. There are several subspecies, differing only in color details. Magpies do not like loneliness and often fly in small flocks of several birds, and in autumn and winter they gather in large flocks of up to several dozen or even hundreds of birds.

So what is the magpie chattering about? Perhaps he is simply talking with his relatives about his bird affairs. Or maybe she’s trying to tell us about the absurdity of the signs associated with her?

The talkative bird, which in a children's nursery rhyme feeds good workers porridge and categorically refuses to treat lazy people, is distinguished by its increased efficiency and tendency to make noise. If a white-sided moth settles near a house, the whole neighborhood will immediately know about it. “They chatter like magpies,” they say disapprovingly of chatterboxes. “The magpie brought it on its tail,” they say about gossip. And people who believe in omens, when meeting a restless bird, either spit and begin to draw crosses on the ground, or respectfully take off their hats and bow. Why?

Features of magpie behavior

For its insatiable curiosity, the conspicuous bird ended up in many legends, each of which characterized it not with the best side. Then the magpie refused to hide in Noah’s ark and, sitting on its top, loudly mocked the dying world. Then with her chirping she betrayed to the enemies the boyar Kuchka, the progenitor of the Romanov family. Then she stole last piece cheese from a pious pilgrim... In short, she behaved extremely ugly and was not at all embarrassed about it. On the other hand, a fussy bird must have minor weaknesses.

Actions in relation to a person’s home

There are no more bad omens about magpies than there are about any bird with a positive reputation, and there are no less good ones. See for yourself.

Near the house

  • If a magpie sits on the roof, this means that the home is “clean” - the future of its inhabitants is in complete order, the house is not in danger, bad news bypasses it on the tenth road. The same applies to a city apartment, if by some miracle a bird appears on the railing of a high-rise building balcony.
  • A magpie in the yard warns owners about a hole in the budget. At the same time, driving a black and white reel is useless and even harmful - you will lose twice as much money.
  • If a tailed gossip has taken a fancy to the window sill, and even jumps happily on it, the old saying is right - news has come to you on a long bird's tail. Pleasant, otherwise the magpie wouldn’t be frolicking.
  • A bird that suddenly begins to tap its beak on the glass promises bad news for the house (including the death of the owner).
  • An equally bad omen is a magpie hitting a window in flight. There are possible options here: it shook itself, perked up and flew away - double your caution and the sad news will bypass the house; fell to the ground dead - the health and life of the household is in danger. But it is important to keep a cool head. What if it turns out that the feathered pilot was only led astray by the glare of the sun on the glass?
  • A lonely bird circling over the roof of a house is also considered an unfit postwoman. They say that if a magpie never decides to sit on the roof, nothing good can be expected from its visit.

A flock of magpies is a controversial omen. Some are sure that a crowd of talkative white-sided cats brings a lot more trouble than one. Others consider any flock of birds a sign of happiness and prosperity. So believe what you want.

A magpie has arrived in the yard - get ready to fork out some cash


  • If a bird starts babbling something in its bird language on the windowsill of a room where a sick person is lying, the illness will subside in a matter of days, and the patient will get back on his feet.
  • If a magpie flies into the entryway or loggia or jumps off the balcony railing to walk on the floor, be vigilant and check the alarm system - thieves are threatening the house.

On open air

  • A meeting with a lonely bird foreshadows misfortune for the traveler. But warding off a bad sign is a piece of cake! If you are wearing a hat, remove it; if your head is uncovered, then bow. In other words, show the bird respect and it won't cause trouble. No less the right way The sign of the cross is considered to be protection from any evil spirits. The most suspicious ones draw a cross on the ground and quickly leave without looking back.
  • Two magpies signal: unexpected guests are coming, whom you have long wanted to see.
  • Three birds predict a wedding.
  • Four is stunning but good news.
  • Five – newborn. You or someone in your immediate family.
  • Fishermen have their own superstition about magpies. When you get out of the house with a fishing rod, look around. If you meet a couple of magpies, you will be rewarded with a rich catch. The most interesting thing is that science does not contradict the fishing belief. In damp and inclement weather, one of the parents needs to warm the chicks, so the birds take turns flying out of the nest. And in dry and sunny conditions, the kids feel great without a living heater, so the magpies go in pairs to find food. The bite in this weather is the best.
  • If a magpie jumps on a car while it is parked or flies in front of the hood of a moving car, the driver faces death. Slow down, undergo a technical inspection, and remember the traffic rules. The winged messenger does not deliver sentences, but warnings.
  • If magpies have built a nest closer to the top of the tree, the summer will be sunny, without prolonged downpours. If they choose thick branches closer to the ground, thunderstorms with gale-force winds should be expected.

Signs about the magpie chirping

No need to be afraid of the noisy bird! She often brings good news

  • If a magpie screams while flying over a person’s head, it predicts trouble for that person. Fortunately, getting rid of a bad forecast is as easy as in the case of any meeting with a black and white bird: take off your hat, bow, cross yourself, and no misfortunes will affect you.
  • A magpie is chirping in the yard - expect a letter. Here you need to try to jump out into the street and see in which direction the beak of the noisy creature is directed. Wherever they look, they hurry to lead from there.
  • The magpie screams, swinging on an open window or shutter - calling a guest into the house. And if the winged troublemaker chirps throughout the entire neighborhood, jumping on the windowsill, she promises the owners a broken feast with good friends. The magpie is a cheerful bird, so the matter is unlikely to be limited to simple tea drinking.

In Europe, a pregnant woman did not leave the house if a piercing magpie chirping sounded nearby. And all because of the fear of meeting a witch in the guise of a bird. Go check if she’s cracking up at a cat sneaking around the yard or is sending a conspiracy?

What happens if you kill a magpie?

No matter how unflattering beliefs might be said about bird gossips, it was forbidden to offend magpies. If you swing a stick at a chirping white-sided tree, your hand will wither; if you throw a stone, you will regret it for the rest of your life. Those who like to destroy birds' nests were warned against trying to encroach on the magpie's eggs: either the robber's face would become stained, or the child would be born with pockmarks, or the angry bird itself would drag the chickens out of the yard in revenge. If you deprive the feathered creature of life, it will twist it so that it doesn’t seem small.

But when the death of a magpie occurs due to an accident - for example, the bird is hit by a car - there is no need to be afraid of the consequences. Take the dead chirping bird away from the road and ask for forgiveness for your accidental guilt. Take the car to a car wash and let it sit in the garage for several days. If you see fit, go to the church and give alms. But if a flock of magpies lives not far from your house and you decide to feed the friends of the dead bird, as many drivers with pigeons do, choose a feeding place away from the yard. It is believed that Brownie cannot stand magpies. Don't quarrel with your family friend and protector!

There is a reliable antidote to all bad omens: arm yourself with a healthy dose of skepticism so as not to lose your nerves in anticipation of troubles. With this attitude, the house will be intact, the car will not be damaged, and your health will not fail (even if a magpie starts tap dancing on the hood of the car or crashes into the bedroom window with a roar). If you believe in omens, then only good ones!

A bird flew into the house through an open window and flew out - according to the sign, a message will come. If a bird flies into the house, it's news. If a bird that has flown into a house holds a blade of grass or something else in its beak, then this is a sign good event which will happen in the near future. If the bird is still there, then you can leave it some food, thereby appeasing it. Wallpaper with images of birds means loneliness. A bird hovers over the house or flies around - someone will get very sick. The bird is soaring - beware of betrayal, especially if the bird is a predator. Birds suddenly change direction of flight - danger is approaching the observer. Birds fly in front of you from left to right - a sign of good luck. Birds flying in front of you from right to left are a sign of bad luck. Birds flying towards you means good luck. Birds flying away from you is a bad sign. Birds flying high are a sign of good luck. Birds fly low - to failure. Seeing birds flying before starting a journey is a success if they fly to the right;...

There are many signs associated with the magpie, and all of them, as a rule, are bad. This can be explained by the fact that, firstly, the magpie was supposedly the only bird that did not want to enter Noah’s ark. She hid on top of the ark and laughed at the dying world. And secondly, it is believed that under her tongue there is a drop of the blood of the king of the Underworld, and that is why the magpie is called the bird of the devil. Hovering above a person's head, a magpie predicts his imminent death. In some countries it is considered bad luck to see a magpie flying away from the sun. If this happens, you need to grab the first object you come across and throw it after her, saying: “Misfortune to the bird that flies against the direction of the sun.” Meeting several magpies on the road at once always portends something, but whether it’s good or bad depends on their number. Meeting one magpie is perceived by many as Bad sign to this day, and people who are otherwise non-superstitious often bow to it, spit it out, or...

Always take off your hat when you see a magpie or bow to it, otherwise trouble will happen to you. (Somerset).
When leaving home on business, seeing a magpie is a bad sign; It’s better to go home and put aside your business. (Everywhere).
The latter superstition has often served commercial travelers well. There is a reliable story recorded of a Yorkshire magistrate who once went to the York Challoner Bank to deposit his salary. As soon as he left the house, he noticed a magpie that flew across his path. There he was. he returned home and never went anywhere else. The next day he learned that just at the moment when he was supposed to come to the bank, the bank building collapsed. And finally, here are some more signs associated with magpies: “One - for sadness, two - for joy, three - wedding, four - for childbirth - etc. "The explanation given for all the bad omens associated with the magpie was that the magpie was supposedly the only bird that did not want to enter Noah...

Since ancient times, birds have been considered a symbol human soul. There are many superstitions associated with birds, both good and bad. Many birds were associated with mystical rites.
Magpie denotes news. But not all signs are related to news. If you meet a magpie when leaving home, this is a bad sign, you should return home and change your affairs.

You should take off your hat if a magpie sits in front of you, otherwise there will be trouble. If a lonely magpie flies around a house, one of the residents of the house will die.

A magpie jumps around the yard, there will be news or a letter from the direction the bird is looking. Seeing one magpie is bad luck, two magpies are for guests, and three are for a wedding.

According to legend, if a magpie sits on the roof of a house, then the house is not in danger. The magpie sits on the window and shouts this loudly to the guests, and if there is a sick person in the house, for his speedy recovery. If a magpie flies ahead of a person going to church, death is near. In this case, you need to cross yourself.

The best way...

The talkative bird, which in a children's nursery rhyme feeds good workers porridge and categorically refuses to treat lazy people, is distinguished by its increased efficiency and tendency to make noise. If a white-sided moth settles near a house, the whole neighborhood will immediately know about it. “They chatter like magpies,” they say disapprovingly of chatterboxes. “The magpie brought it on its tail,” they say about gossip. And people who believe in omens, when meeting a restless bird, either spit and begin to draw crosses on the ground, or respectfully take off their hats and bow. Why?

Features of magpie behavior

For its insatiable curiosity, the conspicuous bird ended up in many legends, each of which did not characterize it from the best side. Then the magpie refused to hide in Noah’s ark and, sitting on its top, loudly mocked the dying world. Then with her chirping she betrayed to the enemies the boyar Kuchka, the progenitor of the Romanov family. Then she stole the last piece of cheese from...

When leaving home, be the first to meet a magpie and especially screaming - a bad omen, a sign of failure. It is better to return home and postpone the things planned before going out.

If a magpie chirps very close in the yard- this is news, you will receive a letter, and the news will be from the side where the magpie is facing its beak.

Magpie that sits near the window and screams- this is a sign for guests, and if there is a sick person in the house, then for his recovery.

If a magpie sitting on the window screams- this portends you a newborn guest.

If you suddenly saw one forty- this is unfortunately two forty- to guests, and three or more forty- for the wedding.

If a magpie flew into the canopy- a sign for thieves.

If a magpie landed on the roof of your house- This good sign- the house is not in any danger.


In the arsenal of folk superstitions about magpies, there are beliefs with both happy and unfavorable interpretations. The respectful and cautious attitude of our ancestors towards the long-tailed smart bird reflected in the Russian folklore heritage.

An elegant black and white bird sitting or walking on the roof of a house is a good omen, promising the family a calm, measured life in which there is no place for dangers and adversity. If the magpie is the first one seen when going outside, the day will bring unpleasant news. Today you shouldn’t deal with serious matters; it’s better to put them off for a while. You can reduce the risk of failure by removing your headdress and nodding respectfully to the white-sided woman. If a magpie meets a fisherman, it promises a rich catch.

The situation when a magpie sat on the window has a more neutral interpretation:

Expect news. If the bird is cheerful and active, it brings good news; if someone is unwell in the house, the appearance of a chirping magpie heralds that the patient will soon get better;...

If, when leaving the house, including on business, you are the first to meet a magpie, especially a screaming one, it is not good, it is a sign of failure.

A magpie is chirping close, in the yard - to the news, to receive a letter, and the news will be on the side where its beak is facing.

Sitting near the window and screaming - to the guests, and if there is a sick person in that house, then to recovery.

If a magpie screams while sitting on a window or shutter, this portends a newborn guest.

If you see one magpie - unfortunately, two magpies - for guests, three magpies or more - for a wedding.

A magpie climbs under the eaves - towards the blizzard.

Flew into the canopy - to the thieves.

When leaving home on business, seeing a magpie is a bad sign; It’s better to go home and put aside your business.

If a magpie flies ahead of a person going to church, this is a sign of imminent death.

If a lone magpie flies around a house screaming, one of its inhabitants must die.

If a magpie lands on your roof, it's a sign that...

If you see a magpie on your window, then you shouldn’t be upset or worry. This bird, despite its notoriety, has brought you some news. In the old days, this sign was interpreted differently. If a magpie sat on the windowsill and started screaming, then you should set the table, as guests will come to you very soon. If there is a sick person in the house, a visit from a magpie promises a speedy recovery. However if a bird sits on the windowsill, but at the same time looks not into the house, but into the street

If a magpie just sat on the window- wait for news, but the sign here is silent about whether it is good or bad. When she looks into the house as if looking for something, be prepared for expenses.

It can be assumed that folk signs associated with such a bird as the magpie depend on how our ancestors treated...

There are many legends and fairy tales about forty. These birds are found in the folklore of almost every nation in the world, and people have long reflected their behavior in various signs and beliefs.

Like all signs associated with birds, there are enough beliefs about the magpie, both positive and negative for humans.

The fact that omens about a magpie do not bring anything good is associated by many superstitious people with the legend of Noah's Ark. According to her, the magpie did not dare to enter the ark and preferred to sit on the roof. This is where the distrust of many peoples towards this talkative bird arose.

What does the magpie fly to?

Everyone has heard the well-known expression “the magpie is on its tail.” This is what they usually say when a magpie flies to the house.

Superstitions agree on why the magpie flew in. According to legend, this bird brought gossip with it.

Signs about a magpie's nest

Superstitious people have long learned to predict the weather based on where magpies make their nests. So, if a magpie builds a nest on the lower branches of a tree, you should wait for a storm, inclement weather. And if a magpie makes a nest high in a tree, the weather will be good.

The omen does not cause any harm where the magpie builds its nests, but only warns of future changes in the weather.

Why is the magpie knocking on the window?

Signs of a magpie knocking on the window are interpreted by superstitions in different ways. For example, it is believed that a magpie brought bad news, a warning to prepare for the worst. Many people have a categorical opinion on this matter. In their opinion, as a result of this behavior of the magpie, one of the family members may die.

Another, more optimistic sign says that a magpie knocking on the window is good sign. Soon the family will receive good news from their relatives.

You shouldn't expect anything good if a magpie accidentally hits the window of your house. According to the sign, you need to pay attention to what she does next. If she died from hitting the glass and fell to the ground, there will be grief in the family (illness or even the death of one of the household members). And if a magpie hits and immediately flies away, this is a warning that you need to be attentive and careful to avoid trouble.

You can often see a magpie perched on the window. There are also many beliefs and signs on this subject. You should expect good or bad news For the owners of the house, if a magpie sat on the window, it will depend on its further behavior. So, it is believed that the house will soon have funny company, if this bird began to “joyfully” jump on the windowsill. If a magpie begins to cry, an unexpected guest will soon appear in the house.

If she begins to peer and examine something in the house, this means financial expenses.

It is considered good news if a magpie lands on the window of a house where there are sick people. At the same time, superstitions regard the bird’s chirping as its telling the patient about a speedy recovery.

Another sign says otherwise - such a visit from a magpie is a bad sign, and robbers will soon come to the house.

If this bird is just sitting on the window - it's news.

A magpie flew into the yard - that means family budget not everything is fine. Drive her away - no The best decision. By driving the magpie out of the yard, you can further aggravate your financial condition and lose a lot of money.

First of all, if you see a magpie on the street, you need to cross yourself.

It is considered a bad sign if you meet a forty on the way when leaving home. In this case, you can neutralize the effect of the sign by taking off your hat, bowing, or drawing a cross on the ground.

Some people believe that meeting a magpie flying ahead on the way to church means death.

Sign: magpie on the fence

If you see this bird sitting on the fence, there will be a quarrel.

Why are magpies chattering?

If an arriving magpie chirps in the yard, expect a letter. As superstitious people say, it is important where its beak is directed - this means that news will come from that direction.

To believe or not to believe in signs about forty is everyone’s right. But one thing you can be sure of is that you can take something away for yourself from every sign or belief. And even more - you can learn to take care of all living things that nature has created, including birds.

How I, a teacher from Saratov, married an American rich man

I am 30 years old, I have a little daughter. It would seem, how can I, a simple teacher, marry a millionaire? However, this story can instill faith even in those who are already despairing. I hope it inspires you.

My story begins with bad marriage. I married for love at 19, and lived with an absolute loser for almost 10 years. At first he seemed sweet and good, but after the birth of the child he started drinking and turned into an alcoholic, spending my meager salary on vodka.

There are many signs associated with the magpie, and all of them, as a rule, are bad. This can be explained by the fact that, firstly, the magpie was supposedly the only bird that did not want to enter Noah’s ark. She hid on top of the ark and laughed at the dying world. And secondly, it is believed that under her tongue there is a drop of the blood of the king of the Underworld, and that is why the magpie is called the bird of the devil. Hovering above a person's head, a magpie predicts his imminent death. In some countries it is considered bad luck to see a magpie flying away from the sun. If this happens, you need to grab the first object you come across and throw it after her, saying: “Misfortune to the bird that flies against the direction of the sun.” Meeting several magpies on the road at once always portends something, but whether it’s good or bad depends on their number.

Meeting one magpie is considered by many to be a bad omen to this day, and people who are otherwise non-superstitious will often bow to it, spit on it, or cross their fingers to ward off impending bad luck. Or they will look around in the hope of seeing a lone crow - in this case, two evils will be mutually destroyed. In England it was customary to take off your hat, spit in the direction of the bird and say: “Devil, devil, I renounce you!” In Germany, when meeting a lonely magpie, you were supposed to cross your thumbs and say: “My cross to the magpie, her cross to me. Misfortune for the magpie, happiness for me.” Two magpies together usually portend good luck. At the same time, however, it is necessary to greet the birds with a bow, and in some places with spitting, otherwise the good omen will not come true. Three birds promise a successful trip or wedding, four promise good news or childbirth, and five promise pleasant company. In general, each country has its own signs in this regard.

However, among all nations, a lonely magpie is a harbinger of trouble. If a magpie lands on a tree or the roof of your house, it means that neither the tree nor the house will ever collapse. However, if a magpie flies screaming over your home without sitting down, this portends the death of one of the family members. It is considered bad luck to see a magpie at the beginning of a journey, and if it flies over you while you are going to church, it means an imminent illness. But when going fishing, seeing magpies flying in pairs means a good catch. The source of this sign is probably that in cold and damp weather magpies leave their nests only one by one - one bird always remains in the nest to warm the chicks. If magpies fly in pairs, then the weather is warm and good, and therefore especially favorable for fishing.

If a magpie has flown onto the veranda of a house, you should, just in case, strengthen the windows and doors, since, according to legend, the unexpected appearance of a bird in the entryway or on the veranda is a sign of thieves! If a magpie is chirping in a tree in front of the house, then a pregnant woman should never go outside at this time: in the guise of a magpie there may be a local witch who will spoil or even steal the child from the womb.

In connection with this sign, one can recall the legend of Marina Mniszech, who turned into a magpie when she had a bad time and flew out of the window of her mansion. For this reason the magpie was cursed in Rus'. But not only for this. For a long time there were no forty in Moscow, because one of them once, with its chirping, betrayed the boyar Kuchka (the ancestor of the future Romanovs), who was hiding from enemies in the forest in the very place where Moscow now stands. This is where he was killed. And the dying boyar cursed the stupid bird. They also said that Metropolitan Alexy forbade magpies to appear in the first throne, because he believed that witches were infiltrating Moscow under the guise of magpies.

There is also a legend about one pious Muscovite who gave away all his goods to the poor and kept only the last piece of cheese for himself to go with on a pilgrimage to holy places. And forty stole this cheese. For this, God ordered her not to appear in the city anymore, and among the people the bird received the nickname “thief magpie.”

But the most interesting legend relates to the events of the late 16th century, to last days reign of Ivan the Terrible. It is known that on the eve of his death, the king ordered witches to be caught throughout the country and brought to the capital square. The king came out and ordered everyone to be covered with straw and set on fire from all sides. “The fire of the witches engulfed them - and they started screaming, screaming and meowing. A thick black column of smoke rose, and magpies flew out of it, one after the other - apparently and invisibly. This means that all the cross-witch witches turned into forty and deceived the king in his eyes. Then the Terrible Tsar became angry and sent a curse after them. “So that you,” he says, “from now on and forever remain magpies!” So now they all fly in magpies and are still afraid of the royal curse more than a sharp knife. Therefore, not a single magpie reaches Moscow within sixty miles in the district.” By the way, in 1714, one woman was sentenced to death in Moscow for witchcraft and turning into a magpie (even Field Marshal Sheremetev believed in her ability for such a transformation).

“Leaving the house on business and seeing a magpie flying towards you is a bad sign

In Ukraine they say about the magpie that you cannot collect its eggs, because then the face will become pockmarked, and the magpie will carry the chickens in retaliation.

According to French beliefs, she has seven devil feathers on her head. In Switzerland, the local name for magpie was synonymous with the word “witch.” Magpie is the bearer of news. Along with the dove, it is a symbol of the postal service. In Brittany, for example, meeting a magpie in the morning means that you will receive a letter in the afternoon.

A killed magpie serves as a talisman for poultry. In Belarus, the feathers of a magpie killed on the first day of March are placed under a chicken sitting on its eggs to protect it from the evil eye. Bulgarians have a belief that the magpie is able to repel the disease that attacks chickens. Therefore, it is hung near the chicken coop or magpie feathers and stomach are used as a talisman.

There is a widespread belief that a magpie can be forced to leave its nest if a cross is cut out on the tree trunk on which it is located, and the misfortune predicted by a meeting with a magpie can be averted by crossing oneself or drawing a cross on the ground.

You cannot throw a stone at a chirping magpie or swing a stick at it - your hand will wither.

A magpie flew into the yard - to a loss, but there is no need to drive it away - then the damage will be minimal. It is also not worth feeding the bird near the house - the brownie, who is disgusted by the magpie, will be offended.

Having turned into magpies, witch-things (most often there are two of them) can act like “ordinary witches”: milk cows and spoil people. A peculiar activity that characterizes the thing magpie (usually tailless) is the abduction of fetuses from the wombs of pregnant women. Magpie witches fly from house to house at night and steal unborn babies, replacing them with brands, brooms, crusts of bread, pieces of ice, frogs, and bricks.

In Siberia they believed that a witch at midnight turns underground through twelve knives. Its upper half becomes a magpie, and the lower half of its body, while the witch flies, is kept underground, under a trough.

Little things end up in someone else's house, lifting its front corner. Appearing in a room, a witch can turn into anyone from the household. It was believed that if a magpie chirps in a hay field at night, it is a witch who wants to steal the fetus from a pregnant woman, and it is dangerous to go out to see her.

Appearing in the room, the werewolf magpie seems to paralyze the pregnant woman, who cannot move:

Having kidnapped a child, the things sometimes eat him right there, at the table. The little things do this without malice, since they feed in this way.

If you manage to tear your shirt when a werewolf appears, then the witch finds her real look, falls naked at her feet and asks for forgiveness. At this time you can do whatever you want with her.

In the past, they believed that if a witch flies in the form of a magpie, then if you throw a piece of a hoop towards her, the bird will immediately fall to the ground with a broken wing. Only the fragment mentioned must have been found by chance somewhere on the road.

However, not everywhere the magpie is considered a devilish bird. In China, for example, local residents They consider her a lucky bird and have unlimited faith that whoever kills her will face big troubles.


The magpie is a talkative black bird. Many children's fairy tales are written about her and interesting legends. Almost always, a magpie is a bad sign, as it is associated with grief and death. Signs about forty have many meanings. Distrust of dark birds exists among many people around the world.

Signs about forty

Near the house

Bad luck associated with a bird is nothing new. Often it is magpies who bring bad news to people. What to expect if you see a magpie near your house, window, or if it sits on the balcony?

  1. Seeing a magpie on the roof of a house is not a bad omen. It means that nothing threatens the residents of the house, their apartment is in perfect order and there is no need to worry about the future. This sign applies both to your own houses and to high-rise buildings. Good news awaits people who see a bird on their balcony. A sign about birds on a house or balcony promises only good things.
  2. When a magpie comes into the yard of a house, the omen promises heavy spending and a lack of finances, but during this time it is forbidden to drive away the bird, since you can lose 2 times as much.
  3. If a magpie sat on the window and at the same time runs and jumps on the windowsill, news, news, and gossip are expected. There is no need to worry at this moment: the magpie is cheerful, which means the news will be joyful.
  4. When a magpie knocks on the window, it's a bad sign. A bird outside the window brings sad news or even promises imminent death to the owner of the apartment.
  5. It is considered a bad omen if a magpie hits a window while flying. You also need to take a closer look at the behavior of the bird. If she hit and flew away, grief will bypass her. If she hit herself and immediately fell and died, we must take care of her health and life: the owners of the apartment are in great danger.
  6. Seeing a bird flying over your house is also a bad sign. A popular legend says: if a magpie does not land on the roof of a house, it means that nothing joyful can be expected in the near future.
  7. If there are several birds (two or more), there is no exact interpretation. Some people do not see anything wrong with this and believe that many birds are just for luck. Others are afraid of such signs and expect unpleasant news from them.

The bird climbed into the house

Magpie in the house promises a lot of good things. If she flies into the house and shouts something in her own language, such a sign means something good. For example, a sick person will recover in a few days.

If a magpie has flown into the yard or landed on a loggia, balcony or summer terrace, you should be vigilant: the house may be robbed. It’s better to play it safe and check your security in the form of alarms and yard dogs, listen to every rustle and sound.

Magpie flew into the yard

If a magpie flew into the yard, it brought some information. Anyone could have heard this expression: “The magpie brought it on its tail.” If a bird flew into the yard, it brought bad slander and gossip from neighbors and friends.

Whoever met a black bird on his way began to think about this meeting. Some simply didn’t pay attention and moved on, but many believe that folk sign is coming true, which means that something will definitely happen soon.

Meet a bird on the street while walking

While walking down the street, people do not even notice that signs and signs surround them at every step. Such walks can also bring both misfortune and happiness. What exactly to expect from walks in the fresh air?

  1. If you meet a magpie on the street, misfortune awaits you. You can take him away from you by the following actions: if you are wearing a hat on your head, you should take it off, if not, bow, and all troubles will pass by. It is worth showing respect to the bird, then it will not touch you. You can also cross yourself or draw a cross on the ground.
  2. Several birds are a sign of the imminent arrival of guests whom you will be very glad to see.
  3. Three magpies can predict your fate.
  4. Four is very bad news.
  5. Five birds are an addition to the family. Soon you or your relatives will have a long-awaited baby.
  6. Fishermen also have their own superstitions. Those who were going to fish had to look around. If several magpies are seen nearby, the catch doubles.
  7. If a dark bird flies near the window of a moving car or jumps on the hood, the driver may have an accident and die. You should definitely slow down and stop by a car service center for an unscheduled check of the car’s condition.
  8. There is also a belief about magpie nests. If they weave their home at the very top of the tree, the weather will be very warm. If their house is very low in the tree, the weather will change dramatically, it will go heavy rain, there will be a hurricane and it will be cold. If birds are building their nest, nothing bad will happen, since this sign exclusively portends a change in weather.

What to expect from a chatty magpie

Magpies bring positive signs when they chatter outside the window or on the street. If a bird flies over a person and screams something, it has brought him trouble. This situation is easy to correct: you can take off your hat, bow or cross yourself. If magpies start chattering outside the window in the yard, you will have to wait for news or a letter. You should also take a closer look at where exactly it is looking. bird beak: from that side you should wait for news.

If a dark bird sits on a gate or shutter and mutters something, it is inviting guests into the house. If she jumps and knocks on the window, there will be a holiday or a feast with friends in the house. The magpie is a very cheerful creature, so simple tea is not enough; with good friends you can drink something stronger.

SORA Signs about the magpie.

40 years Ruby wedding, traditions, signs and rituals

What does killing a magpie promise?

Of course, it is prohibited to kill or injure magpies, even though they bring a lot of evil and grief. If you swing at a magpie with a stick or hand, the hand will soon break or be seriously damaged. If you throw a stone, you may regret what you did for the rest of your life.

People who destroy birds' nests and destroy eggs will have the same thing with their children: they may be born with diseases or will catch them during their lives. If you take a bird's life, it can come back the same way.

Let's sum it up

Magpies are living creatures that also want to live. We must try not to pay attention to them, and they will not return the favor. Whether to listen to superstitions or not is up to everyone to decide for themselves.

If a magpie flew in (according to a sign), knocked on the window and immediately flew away, it is better not to pay attention to it: maybe it was just mistaken. If it is outside the window on the windowsill and persistently beats, you should be wary and prepare for the worst. In any case, it is worth listening to the signs and signals.

Different peoples' attitudes towards magpies vary from sharply negative to very favorable. In Europe, this thieving and noisy bird has long been considered one of the incarnations evil spirits. After all, it was not for nothing that she refused to enter Noah’s ark along with everyone else and cheerfully mocked from above the dying world. She is also credited with many other sins: from theft and spreading gossip to the tendency to bring bad news on her tail about the death of one of her loved ones.

But in the East, “white-sided” is revered, as they are sure that its appearance promises happy changes in fate. Anyone who dares to destroy a bird will pay for his sin long years, getting into a long series of troubles.

What does a meeting with a feathered soothsayer actually predict? Most often it does not bring happiness, but there are pleasant exceptions. It all depends on the surrounding circumstances.

  • Did you meet a magpie while leaving home? It’s better to postpone your planned activities and come back, since anyway, luck has already turned away from you that day.
  • Did you see a loudly chirping messenger in the yard? Pay attention to which direction its chirping beak is facing. After all, it is from there that the news will come to you, but whether it will turn out to be good or bad, the omen does not tell you.
  • A magpie screaming outside the window usually warns of a visit from guests, but if there is a sick person in the house, then it predicts his imminent recovery.
  • Meeting several birds at once is an excellent omen. Two guests report the arrival of relatives, three – a wedding celebration, four – unexpected but good news, five – a newborn in the family.
  • If a feathered visitor visits a loggia, balcony, corridor or entryway, then lock the doors tightly and install an alarm. After all, the bird warns that your home is under threat from thieves.
  • If a magpie flies screaming in front of a person going to church, or circles over his house, then the sign clearly predicts imminent death.
  • But the “white-sided” one, sitting on the ridge of the roof, reports that in the near future the dwelling and its inhabitants will not face any misfortunes. The same thing is foreshadowed by the appearance of a prophet on the railing of a balcony or loggia.
  • Have you noticed a bird chirping happily outside your window? An excellent omen warns of happy news. But if, instead, the feathered “gossip” began to silently tap her beak on the glass, then trouble will come to the house.
  • A bird crashing into a window glass is also considered a bad postman. After all, she carries bad news on her tail about the illness and even death of one of the household members. It will be possible to resist the gloomy prediction only if the “white-sided” one does not suffer from the blow and immediately flies away.

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