What is pedantry definition. Pedantic personality type. Pedantry, what is it

Hello dear readers! Today's article is devoted to the topic: what does a pedantic person mean. We will try to understand the concepts, consider a pedant in different areas of life, understand what are the advantages of this type of personality and what difficulties owners of this character have to endure.

Features of a pedantic person

There are different types of personality. Someone active, open and agile. The other is more calm, measured and slow. The book by Otto Kroeger and Janet Thewsen will help you understand this issue well. Why are we like this? 16 personality types that determine how we live, work and love". If you want to know this area even deeper, then I recommend that you turn your attention to the works Carl Gustav Jung.

When someone says “he is a pedant”, then an association with the negative immediately arises in the head: excessive accuracy, scrupulousness to details, pettiness, pickiness, thorough study, and so on. It turns out that being pedantic is bad? Not unless it turns into manic pedantry, which we'll talk about later.

Many are confused in three concepts: pedantry, idealism and perfectionism. Let's figure it out. We immediately brush aside idealism, because this is a purely philosophical concept and has nothing to do with the type of personality.

But the perfectionist is really often confused with the pedant. Only they have one main difference: the pedant will strictly follow the instructions, do everything according to a clear plan, on time, accurately and accurately, but the perfectionist does not care about all this. For him, only the result is important, which should be the best (fast, beautiful, fashionable, new, and so on).

In our country it is rare to find a real pedantic person. Much more often they are found in Germany or Norway. And remember, each personality type has its pros and cons, the main task of a person is to recognize them, learn to work on themselves and use their strength.

Have you ever met a real pedant? How did you get along with him? What are the indisputable advantages of such people? Why can it be difficult to communicate with them? Do you find similar traits in yourself?

Wish you all the best!

The term "pedant" came to us from the Latin language, in translation it means a mentor or educator. That is, a pedant is a synonym for the word "teacher". Initially, the meaning of this term draws the image of a strict mentor who is scrupulous about his duties and the behavior of others. How do we see the pedant today? What character traits predominate in pedantic personalities?

Who is a pedant

Today, a pedant is an overly accurate person who demands exceptional order from himself and those around him, compliance with even the smallest formalities. The term "pedantry" today often has a negative connotation. Such people can often bring even the most elementary life situations to the point of absurdity, often cause irritation among others, their behavior often provokes conflict situations.

It can be said that pedantry is a person's tendency to meticulously and boringly follow certain laws, rules that were invented by him for himself and those around him. It is important for a pedant to be in harmony with his inner self, despite the fact that others consider his behavior somewhat strange.

Synonyms for "pedant"

To date, the word "pedant" has many synonyms. Here are some of them:

  • teacher;
  • letter-eater;
  • teacher;
  • formalist;
  • aristarch;
  • neat.

But no matter how we call a person with a pedantic character, his essence does not change from this. Let's try to highlight the main character traits of a pedantic personality.

Negative character traits of a pedant

Pedantry, if present as a character trait, manifests itself in almost every situation. A pedant can arrange things in a closet or food in a refrigerator in a special way, hang clothes to dry in a certain order, and the like. He can be annoyed by improperly placed shoes or dishes in the wrong place. A pedant is a person who strives to make the world around him perfect and complete. And the worst thing is that such people impose their habits on others, they consider only their opinion to be correct. This causes conflict situations, scandals in the family and at work.

Positive character traits of a pedant

There are pedants and dignity. The pedantic type of people is usually responsible, executive, very accurate in business, can clearly express their opinion. They do an excellent job of doing their jobs. It is very good if their work is connected with documents, then everything will definitely be perfect and in order. A pedant is a person who never does a job hastily. It is not common for him to often change his place of work or rearrange his apartment, he is constant, cherishes what he has, respects the team, loves those around him. The apartment of the pedant always shines with neatness and cleanliness, there is not the slightest hint of disorder. The appearance of pedantic people is always distinguished by special accuracy. Even at home, the pedant looks perfect, you will never catch him by surprise in shabby slippers and disheveled hair. Pedants are in no hurry to make hasty decisions. They will always weigh the pros and cons. Pedants are indispensable in areas where accuracy, punctuality, and clarity in the performance of duties are necessary.

How to befriend a pedant

How to find a common language with a pedant? Here are some recommendations that will be useful in cooperation with a pedant and will help to avoid conflict situations:

  • Everything that pedants do in excess of what is supposed to be should be appreciated.
  • A pedant is a person who likes to perform only the work for which he receives money, what is included in his duties clearly according to the instructions. If you want to entrust him with something that is not part of his duties, then you must make it clear that you know this, but you cannot do without his help.
  • You need to show your respect for the pedant, thank him for helping in something or just going forward in some matter.
  • Pedants often suffer from a lack of self-confidence. They are very afraid of making a mistake, so they need to be supported in every possible way, not scolded for their mistakes, and they will definitely lend a helping hand for this.

Pathological pedantry

In psychology, there is such a thing as "pathological pedantry." This term refers to the excessive and scrupulous desire of a person for accuracy and order, brought to the point of absurdity. This often takes the form of a ritual. Such people can even paint their menu, wardrobe for a week. They are very sensitive to the situation when something did not go according to their plan. Experts explain pathological pedantry as a lack of ability to distinguish essential details from small and insignificant ones. The pedant shows pettiness and painstakingness when performing the simplest work, insignificant and absolutely useless. In this case, pedantry is considered a serious psychological deviation.


You can easily check if you are inherently pedantic. You must immediately, without hesitation, answer "yes" or "no" to the following questions:

  1. I put the money in my wallet in a certain order.
  2. I enjoy doing things that require great responsibility.
  3. It seems to me that people are not demanding enough to each other.
  4. It’s hard for me not to pay attention to poorly folded shoes, clothes, I want to fix everything.
  5. I do everything carefully and diligently.
  6. I can't sleep if I've been thinking about something all day long.
  7. I am sure that all things should have their place.
  8. If the work is not completed, then you can postpone the next day.
  9. Before leaving the house, be sure to check that everything is turned off.
  10. Any drinks must be poured to the edges of the dishes.
  11. Often there are obsessions.
  12. I don't think it's necessary to make a plan for the day.
  13. If I see that someone is not coping with something, then I want to do everything myself (a).
  14. I can take my mind off the problem by doing long work.

So, for answering “no” to questions numbered 2, 8 and 12, write down 1 point. For the answers "yes" to all other questions - also one point. We count everything together.

The sum of points is the level of pedantry.

  • 0-4 - low level of pedantry.
  • 5-9 - average level.
  • 10-14 - high level.

So, a pedantic character can manifest itself both on the good side and on the bad side. The main thing is to feel the measure in this matter, here the line is very thin. It is very important not to go too far, not to step over this line and not turn from a serious responsible person into a boring pedant.

Pedantry or Pedantry(lat. paedagogans - teaching, fr. pedant - teacher) - the quality of a person, providing for the utmost accuracy and accuracy in any actions of a person; an excessive tendency to comply with formal requirements, rules, etc.

External signs of pedantry are accuracy, pettiness, adherence to routine in different aspects of life. By nature, it has several levels of manifestation: from light and rational to obsessive-painful.

In some people, pedantry is of a very painful, obsessive nature, often associated with objective mental disorders, including neuroses.

Business pedantry, rational, is completely (or almost completely) conscious, prudent. Such pedantry can be called part of a person's life strategy. A person decides for himself that everything must be done with the highest quality, that this is a very useful habit and it will help him out more than once.

It seems difficult due to the nature of habits to separate the painful pedant (anancast) from the businesslike one. What distinguishes anancaste from a business pedant is mainly the nature of his feelings. A businessman has few such experiences. Anancaste (painful pedant) with thoughts and feelings constantly returns to his obsessive thoughts and experiences.


  • Pedantry

What is pedantry, and how it can become a pathology

We all have an idea of ​​what pedantry is. This is meticulous observance of established rules and requirements. Saying the word "pedant", we imagine a neat, restrained and punctual person who carefully does his job and does not need external control for this.

What is pedantry as a pathology

Pedantry does not immediately manifest itself as a pathology: at first glance, we are just a very meticulous person, accustomed to accuracy and order in everything. But over time, it becomes clear that the pedant-psychopath is simply not capable of making decisions. To take the “last step”, to move from a theoretical solution to a problem to action, is an impossible task for him.

Showing manic pedantry, such a person double-checks the correctness of his conclusions a hundred times, even in cases where everything has been clear to a sane person for a long time. In psychiatry, such people, who are accustomed to chewing endless "mental chewing gum", are called personalities of the anankastic type.

Before closing the front door behind him, anancast will repeatedly check whether all household appliances are turned off. And any homework will take him much more time than an ordinary person: after all, everything must be washed and dried not just well, but perfectly. To do this, the dishes are washed 2-3 times, the rags are washed with soap, and everything is ironed, including socks.

What is pedantry in the workplace: is it really that bad?

True, pedantic personalities, unlike anancastes, do not always show such meticulousness, and often their behavior remains quite acceptable to society. Such people in the workplace, as a rule, have a lot of advantages due to their seriousness, responsibility and the ability to do the job "perfectly". Pedants are formalists, chit-makers and "bores", but on the other hand, not a single trifle escapes their attention, they do not make hasty decisions and approach everything thoroughly. For this, they are appreciated by their superiors and respected by their colleagues.

What is pedantry, turned into a state of obsession

Pedantry can be detrimental only when it is supported by neuroses, that is, it acquires a painful character. In such cases, anxiety and inability to make a final decision are especially acute. Checking dozens of times whether the assigned work has been done well enough, the anancast cannot decide for itself that it has already been completed. He begins to noticeably lag behind his colleagues, which forces him to work overtime, sinking deeper and deeper into the abyss of uncertainty about the results of his activities.

Anancastas are characterized by hypochondriacal experiences, suspiciousness, anxiety. Moreover, in people prone to such a pathological condition, the listed fears take on a bizarre character: anancast is not afraid of death from any disease, he is afraid of being afraid of this death. It is not the fear of being robbed that is inherent in him, but the fear of the fear of being robbed, etc.

This leads to a mass of "counteractions", rituals that are supposed to protect the anancaste from obsessions. At the same time, he understands the absurdity of what is happening, but he cannot do anything about it. In neglected states, anancasm develops into manic-depressive pedantry, manifested by paroxysmal manifestations of painful pedantry, reaching the point of complete inability to engage in any type of activity and causing, accordingly, a feeling of powerlessness and severe depression in the patient.

What does pedantry mean


PEDANT m. (pedant f.) - French. - a strict, precise, picky small-timer, requiring observance in the matter of appearances, roundness, order; heavy and stubborn follower of the once accepted, unilateral order; self-confident scientist, inopportunely demanding from everyone the same look with himself; student, scientist.
/according to Dahl/


That’s when they stopped you on the highway, introduced yourself in all forms, checked your rights, told about your violations, told about your rights, issued a receipt, escorted you on the road and didn’t take anything - this is not pedantry, these are only the first signs ...

it means scrupulous (accurate in detail) performance of simple and complex actions. always the same in the details.
Here is such a pedant - the people. and you observe yourself and discover in yourself this pedantry.

Who is a pedant?

Pedant- who is it? What are the features of his behavior?

A pedant is a teacher, mentor (usually strict and meticulous) one who is unnecessarily strict and petty meticulous in fulfilling all formal requirements. A person who keeps cleanliness does everything perfectly and impeccably, an example that comes to mind is the character from the movie the carrier, who was also named by a police officer, since everything was well-groomed at his house, all the flowers were watered, there was not a single speck of dust and his work was built perfectly, without the slightest flaw


A pedant is a person who is distinguished by increased accuracy and meticulousness, the desire to comply with all the rules and requirements.

Pedants tend to attach importance to any small and insignificant details, conscientiously perform their work or task. For representatives of some professions, pedantry is a very important quality, for example, for accountants. Pedantry can manifest itself in everyday life, for example, in the desire to restore perfect order in the home, put things in their places, live in a certain regime and try never to break it, since disorder can cause severe discomfort to the pedant.

Excessive pedantry may be associated with mental illness.

A pedant is a person who lives by certain rules that he has adopted for himself on his own and strictly observes them not only himself, but also requires strict adherence to them from others. Its main qualities are: accuracy, scrupulousness, adherence to instructions and instructions, the habit of living in a strict order. For a pedant, the main thing is to remain satisfied with himself, his actions, activities, regardless of the fact that his behavior seems a little strange to those around him. But pedantry is not always a negative character trait. You just need not to go too far in the performance of any task or attitude towards others.

Pedants are very attentive to trifles, bringing every trifle in a big business to an ideal state. They feel good only when everything is done as they intended. They break a big deal into parts and bring it to perfection. They can be very nerdy and can pester other people to behave in the same way.

Pedant - comes from the French word. And has a translation, like a teacher, a mentor.

Those. a pedant is a person who observes every little thing in certain moments, for example, in behavior, in statements, in speech.

Those. a pedant is a very neat person in everything.

Isolda Mayorova

Pedantry (or pedantry) - what is it in psychology? We are talking about the quality of a person, which implies the presence of extreme accuracy and accuracy in human actions, as well as an excessive tendency to comply with formal requirements and rules. If a person is pedantic, then he zealously and thoroughly follows the rules and certain norms, which he accepts for himself.

Pedantry - is it good or bad?

Pedantry is a character trait of anankastic people (anankastics), which are often found in Northern Europe, and especially in Germany: everyone knows that the notorious German pedantry implies a character trait - accuracy. In Russia, pedants are rare.

The attitude of society to the character trait under discussion is ambiguous, and therefore the question arises: is pedantry good or bad? There is no single answer to this question. If we talk about moderate pedantry, then it can be considered as a positive character trait, which cannot be said about excessive pedantry, which is a vice and the cause of various negative situations and conflicts.

A pedant is easy to identify by his desire to do everything according to the unwritten rules. Such people strive for the ideal.

Negative character traits of a pedant

Pedants are very prone to imposing their own opinions and habits on other people, since they sincerely consider their vision of the world to be "the ultimate truth." Such a person can hardly be considered pleasant in communication. If we choose a synonym for the definition of "pedantry", then people who are often called such words as "piece of wood", "rusk", "formalist" are remembered.

Pedantry cannot be regarded as an absolute synonym for formalism. It would be more accurate to say that formalism is just the visible tip of the iceberg called "pedantry"

Pedantry, if it is present in the character, manifests itself in any situation. Pedants usually lay things out in a closet in a special way, food in the refrigerator, arrange books on a shelf in accordance with their size and color of the cover. Anacasts get annoyed if someone put their shoes “incorrectly” in the hallway, laid out the plates in the kitchen cabinet, or hung up the towel in the bathroom on the wrong side.

The pedantic type of human character means that its owner seeks to bring completeness and ideality to the world the way he imagines it. This desire often turns into imposing one's habits on others, which causes conflict situations, scandals in the family and at work.

Pedants love order in everything, in particular, they arrange books by size or color of the cover.

Pathological pedantry

In psychology, there is such a thing as "pathological pedantry", which denotes the excessive and scrupulous desire of a person for accuracy and order, brought to the point of absurdity, when a person performs actions that are more reminiscent of a kind of ritual. For example, we can talk about a schedule for a week or a month ahead of a menu of home meals, clothes that a person will wear on a given day.

Anancasters are prone to relentless double-checking of work, household appliances when leaving home. And this despite the fact that the pedantic personality type of people does not imply the presence of such qualities as forgetting to close the door or turn off the gas. Any household chores for an anancastes require much more time than expected. This is due to the fact that they do almost everything several times: they wash dishes, vegetables during cooking.

According to experts, pathological pedantry is the inability to distinguish significant details from small and insignificant. Pedants show pettiness and painstakingness, performing even the simplest, and sometimes absolutely useless work. With such manifestations, pedantry is considered a serious psychological deviation..

Excessive manifestation of pedantry becomes the cause of anankastic personality disorder. This phenomenon negatively affects relationships with others and the ability to make decisions.

Positive traits of a pedant

However to talk about pedants exclusively in a negative way would be biased. A pedant is a person who loves order, which is positively evaluated by society. It is no coincidence that the word “pedant” has a sufficient number of positive synonyms: “accurate”, “literal”, “clear”.

Pedants and profession

Anancasts fit perfectly into the team, becoming indispensable people in many professions.. Moderate pedantry is simply necessary for representatives of such professions as aircraft technicians or auto repairmen, who are required to repeatedly check and revise aircraft or cars to ensure safety. And therefore, if a person is not a pedant, then he should think before choosing this kind of profession.

Pedants at home

Pedantry is manifested in anancastes and in everyday life They constantly check their homework. A pedantic woman (pedant) is an excellent hostess, in whose house cleanliness and order reign, where everything is polished and ironed. True, the house of a pedant is usually more like a museum, and therefore the atmosphere in it cannot be called cozy, and washing the floors four times a day can tire not only the woman herself, but also all household members. However, even a pedant man is able to “build” the whole family.

Pedants are indispensable workers

Anancaste, who works as an accountant, will be a "valuable find" for any company, since all his documentation will be in perfect order, and the balance will be reduced to a penny. Anancasts just can't do anything "somehow".

Moderate pedants are serious, solid people who perform any work entrusted to them with high quality and on time. Anancastes are people of duty, conscientious about their duties.. These qualities of pedants are highly valued by leaders.

Career prospects for pedants

Pedants are formalists and sometimes unbearable bores, but in some professions these qualities are indispensable. Therefore, anancasters often have a great career - they become good high-level leaders. And this may not even happen by their will.

It's just that responsible people who perform their duties well often move up the corporate ladder. However, anancast leaders are afraid to make independent responsible decisions and take responsibility for other people.

Moderate pedantry is often appreciated by employers. Such people are excellent at work where scrupulous adherence to the rules is required.

Cleanliness in everything

In order to better understand what a pedantic person is, it should be noted that we are talking about neat and clean, which is primarily manifested in his appearance: clean and carefully ironed clothes, neat hair, well-polished shoes. Pedants, even staying at home, do not allow carelessness in appearance.

Pedant parents

In the matter of raising children, pedantic people are true to themselves: the established regime cannot be violated, and therefore at the specified time, the child should go to the potty, go to bed coming home from school. However, you should not get the impression that a pedantic person means a bad parent. Pedants are not insensitive individuals, and therefore, like all parents, they love children, sacrifice themselves for them.

Pedants spare no time to put things in order, without it they will get nervous

Pedantry Test

If you want to know if you have such a quality, then try to pass the pedantry test, especially since it will not be difficult to do this at all - you just need to agree or disagree with the proposals set out. You should answer "yes" or "no" to the statements provided. You can’t think about the answer for a long time:

I always keep funds in absolute order in my wallet.
I am happy to do a job that requires a lot of responsibility.
People make too few demands on each other.
It's hard not to notice carelessly folded shoes, clothes, mess. There is a desire to fix it.
All work I do with diligence and scrupulousness.
I can't sleep if the whole day has been devoted to thinking about a particular situation.
Each thing should have its own, permanent place.
If you do not have time to finish things, then you can go home with peace of mind.
Before leaving the apartment, I always double-check taps, switches, etc.
I pour all liquids to the edge of the dish.
Intrusive thoughts arise.
You don't think it's right to make a plan for the day.
If you notice that a person does not cope with the work, then there is a desire to do everything on their own.
You are distracted from worries if you work for a long time.

So, for choosing the answer "yes" to statements numbered 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 13, 14, add 1 point. For the answer "no" to statements numbered 2, 8, 12, also add 1 point. Sum these numbers. The result will show the level of pedantry of your personality.

When the sum is from 0 to 4 - low level. With a sum of 10 to 14 - high.


Pedantry is a special personality trait; it is not quite correct to say whether it is good or bad. This is a given that is present in a person, regardless of his desire. Pedantry is an ambiguous personality trait that brings both positive and negative traits to it. In this regard, we urge you to be tolerant towards people, not to put “labels” on them, remembering that we are all different!

March 31, 2014, 17:43

When a pedant “emerges” in a conversation, an image of an extremely serious person dressed in a formal suit and distinguished by increased demands on others appears before his eyes. To what extent is this representation true? Let's try to find out in this post. We will also look for an answer to the question about the pros and cons of a pedant. Let's analyze the strengths and weaknesses of this personality type. We will understand the causes of pedantry and its role in human life. We will learn how to raise such children and build a dialogue with already adults. Let's do all this very scrupulously and thoughtfully.

Who is a pedant

A pedant is a person who devotes a lot of strength and energy to observing rules, routines, norms, requirements, and regulations. This property suggests excessive precision, accuracy, neatness. Describing pedantry, experts point to varying degrees of manifestation of this symptom, from simple to painful and even manic forms. What is it, pedantry, and why is it appropriate in some cases, but inadmissible in others? Are there similar personality traits and what are their differences?

Pedantry can be equal parts reward and punishment. For example, for a lawyer, this quality is very important, while in personal life it can seriously harm. We will talk about all the pros and cons of this phenomenon further, but for now we will touch on the topic of synonyms and their differences.

Very often pedants are confused with. In some ways they are similar, but not identical. The former pay great attention to detail, sometimes slipping into meticulousness and pettiness. But they do not always strive for perfection. Pedants rather "revel" in the very process of laying everything "on the shelves." For them, it is not victory that is important, but participation in the "competition" for the most meticulous.

The perfectionist, on the other hand, strives for progress and the ideal. Such a person will definitely delve into all the little things and nuances, but with the aim of improving them. Perfectionists, like pedants, are alien to superficiality, but for different reasons. They are afraid to miss the smallest detail, because then they will not be able to bring what they started to perfection. Pedantic personalities are simply afraid to miss the nuance, without a clear understanding of why this is happening.

This quality has a pronounced geographical reference. For example, in Russia it is quite rare. There are a lot more real pedants in Northern Europe. First of all, in Germany. Goods from this country are in great demand all over the world. For example, German cars are considered among the best.

Types of pedants

Pedantry does not have a clear classification. Roughly, it can be divided into moderate(rational) and excessive(painful). In the first case, it arises as a result of a logical conclusion, which suggests the need for accuracy and scrupulousness. In the second case, a person maniacally sorts out the same details in his head, literally “parsing” matter into atoms. At the same time, he himself does not understand the meaning of his actions, which rather oppress him than help him in life. Such a state is called anancastia.

moderate pedant- a successful person, thanks to his accuracy and thoroughness. In contrast to him, the anancast is a nervous and twitchy type, pestered by obsessions and negative experiences. This condition can turn into a clinical case that already requires intervention. To prevent this from happening, you should, as early as possible, identify the aggravation of pedantry, learn to recognize the norm and deviation. We will talk further about how to identify a pedant in your environment and understand how strongly this quality is expressed in him.

How to recognize a pedant

You can identify a pedant by appearance and demeanor. In most cases, neatness extends to the clothes of such a person, in general his appearance and demeanor. It is unlikely that anyone will see a real pedant in a crumpled suit, with dirty shoes or gloves with holes in them. Most often, he is dressed “to the point”, while preferring classic clothes than the fashionable “beeping” of the next designer. Therefore, an adult pedant can dress old-fashioned and at the same time feel absolutely comfortable. It is in this form that he most often appears in the fantasy of those who think about pedantry.

But the main criterion, nevertheless, is connected with the behavior of this type of personality. Excessive neatness and accuracy is manifested in increased demands on oneself and others. In addition, these qualities take place both at work and in the family. Pedantry does not distinguish the situation. It is equally expressed in all. Therefore, a first-class accountant, who is practically “carried around” by colleagues, may be less joyfully perceived by his wife and friends. Attention to detail, the desire for orderliness and accuracy are manifested always and everywhere. In one case, it is appropriate, and in the other, it annoys others. But such a pedant, and it is desirable to treat him with understanding, as soon as he is identified.

Is it good or bad to be a pedant

A rather difficult question, continuing the previous thought. It all depends on the situation and the severity of pedantry. If we are not talking about a mental deviation that complicates life, then accuracy is an undeniable advantage. In the case of a clear search, this quality can destroy relationships, careers and ruin everything. But let's not talk about sad things. First, let's talk about the strengths of such people.

Benefits of Pedants

The advantages of pedantry lie in the scrupulousness and balance of its owners. This personality type fits perfectly into the role of an employee related to finance or jurisprudence. Also, the pedant will be a good regulator, clerk, builder, mechanic, engineer, etc. He will also achieve success in business, because he will carefully calculate all possible scenarios for the development of events, take into account the smallest details and nuances.

Any organizer or leader who has to deal with a large number of "pitfalls" should learn pedantry. This will help to avoid problems with the fiscal service, inspection organizations, and detect fraud on the part of subordinates. So, for career development or your business, this quality is almost indispensable. It can only be compared with and confidence in success. But this is about work. If we talk about personal life, then it is not always worth being a pedant in it.

Disadvantages of pedants

The cons of pedantry appear as soon as this quality invades relationships or friendships. The fact is that during the holidays, people, as a rule, like to relax, forgetting about all sorts of rules and routines. And if someone persistently reminds them of the norms, regulations, requirements, then such a person is sometimes ready to be beaten painfully. It may not come to reprisal, but they are unlikely to communicate with a pedant. Therefore, when creating a family, or starting friendly communication, it is worth taking life a little easier, thereby not alienating a potential partner with its severity.

A special case is the clinical manifestations of pedantry, when a person himself is not happy with his “talents”. Most often, they develop already in adulthood, under the influence of numerous stresses and. Excessive irritability and nervous tension are manifested in the aggravation of anancastia. To correct this condition, it is necessary to help a person to relax, switch and rest. We will talk in more detail about the topic of communication with pedants in the next section.

How to behave with a pedant

To begin with, it is worth understanding why you communicate with him. If there is such a need, then this person should be taken into account. He cannot stand laxity, untidiness, and the habit of being late. So, trying to please a pedant, you need to show accuracy, punctuality, scrupulousness, accuracy and respect for formalities. This should be expressed both in clothing and behavior. In this case, communication can acquire more trusting forms. This is relevant, for example, during an interview with a potential employer who does not hide his pedantry.

If there is no need and desire to communicate, then it is better not to develop such a dialogue, since it cannot be called easy. Even in a good mood, a pedant is able to "load" any interlocutor. You can’t call such a person bad, he’s just very difficult to communicate with. Accordingly, noticing notes of pedantry in your child, it is advisable to pay attention to this in the process of his upbringing. We'll talk about this.

How to raise a pedant

Pedant children are not so common. This property, as a rule, appears at a more mature age. Of course, it is right to develop responsibility, punctuality, and accuracy in a child, but it is not advisable to overdo it. The main thing is not to show pedantry in relation to the child, scrupulously instilling in him excessive formalism.

Children should not be deprived of childhood, turning them into little "adults". If, nevertheless, such glimpses appear in their young look, it is necessary to carefully restrain maximalism, since the habits developed in childhood are the most difficult to correct later. The little pedant looks funny at first, but in the process of growing up, it causes less and less reason for fun. Each demeanor has its own age, so you should not turn the child into a "business archivist."

As with any other type of character or, the development of strengths (eg, punctuality, responsibility, consistency) should be encouraged, while avoiding excessive fanaticism. Also, it is desirable to teach the growing pedant to distinguish between work and rest, showing his nature in the first case, and holding back in the second.

There are many types of human personality. A pedant is not the worst option, but with its own tangible shortcomings, which, first of all, manifest themselves in personal life. If such a person learns to control his diligence, periodically allowing himself to relax, then accuracy and punctuality will help him succeed in any chosen business.

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