Cichlazoma labiatum or lipped - large and aggressive fish. Lip cichlazoma Behavior and compatibility

As can be seen from the decimal point in the scientific name, the history of the genus Cichlasoma Swainson, 1839 began in the 19th century. It was this genus that prevailed in the aquarium literature of the last millennium, but the revisions of the last decades tried to put everything in its place - the fish, presented under the collective name cichlazoma, returned the names according to the original descriptions. In addition, completely new genera were isolated. However, the old name - "cichlazoma", denoting the entire group as a whole and numbering 15 genera, remained in use, both among amateurs and ichthyologists. It is customary to write it in quotation marks.

The following are the "Cichlazomes" that are found in cichlid aquariums:

Amphilophus -Amphilophus Agassiz, 1858

Archocentrus - Archocentrus Gill & Bransford, 1877 already in our millennium, some species from the genus archocentrus began to be attributed to the new genus Cryptoheros Cryptoheros (Allgayer, 2001)

Kopora Copora Fernandez-Yepez, 1969 has recently been described as a completely new genus

Hypsophrys - Hypsophrys Kullander & Hartel, 1997

Herichthys - Herichthys Baird & Girard, 1854 Heros - Heros Heckel, 1840

Hypselecara - Hypselecara Kullander

Mesonauta - Mesonauta Guenther, 1862

Nandopsis -Nandopsis Gill, 1862

Thorichthys - Thorichthys Meek, 1904

Vaya - Vieja Fernandez-Yepez, 1969

The remaining 4 genera, including true cichlases, have never been represented in our aquariums.

However, among fans around the world they are very rare.

Caquetaia Fowler, 1945

Chuko - Chuco Fernandez-Yepez, 1969 Cichlasoma Swainson, 1839 Theraps - Theraps Guenther, 1862

The scientific names of the fish below correspond to the most recent systematic data.

"Cichlazoma" lipped - Amphilophus labiatum (Guenther, 1864) - a large Central American cichlid that lives in the large lakes of Nicaragua. It is distinguished by large lips, which are especially pronounced in the largest specimens. Several color variations of the lipped cichlazoma are known, one of which received an independent scientific description and, for its amazing red color in black spots, the red devil. The variability in the color of natural individuals is great - from orange-orange to light, whitish with indefinitely shaped spots. The same size of fish, close habitats, and similar coloration of some variations led to the fact that all similar fish were combined into one species with the citron cichlazoma A. citrinellum (Guenther, 1864). Under favorable conditions, both species grow in aquariums to sizes of 30 cm or more. They reproduce without problems and are very prolific. It is believed that the citron cichlazoma recognizes its fry from the fry of its neighbors of the same species by smell, and it is by smell that it distinguishes them from fry of other cichlids. This smell is probably important for identifying exactly one's own fry during periods of mass reproduction of fish of different species inhabiting the same biotopes of the lake within the same zone. It is from these fish that the multi-colored parrot cichlids, popular with beginners, originated. Their color is largely determined by special coloring feeds, without the addition of which they quickly discolor.

"Cichlazoma" wine-finned or sahika - Cryptoheros sajica (Bussing, 1974) - a relatively small (up to 14 cm) "cichlazoma" that lives in southern Costa Rica. It got its name as an abbreviation for the name of the ichthyologist Salvador Jiminez Canossa (Salvador Jiminez Canossa). Pisces are quite calm, but they can stand up for themselves. Like all cichlids of Central America, these "cichlazomes" prefer hard water with a slightly alkaline reaction. Breeding is not difficult. Previously, they were assigned to the genus Archocentrus.

According to the conditions of detention, it is very similar to Cr. sajika pink cichlazoma Cryptoheros septemfasciatus (Regan, 1908). This species is widely distributed throughout Costa Rica, but is quite rare among aquarists. Of the species known and widespread in our aquariums, the genus Cryptocheros currently includes the black-striped "cichlazoma" and spilurum.

The hawk cichlid Hypselecara temporalis (Guenther, 1862) is one of the most beautiful peaceful cichlids in the Amazon, inhabiting approximately the same ranges as discus. Males grow to sizes over 30 cm, females are smaller. The fish were previously known as Crass cichlazoma. In aquariums, they prefer to hide among snags and in thickets of plants. The color of the fish reaches its apogee in the second or third year of life. Males develop a huge fat pad on their forehead. Breeding is not difficult, it is only important to raise the fish properly. Unfortunately, the fry are painted in a rather nondescript grey-brown tones.

"Cichlazoma" Nicaraguan - Hypsophrys nicaraguense (Guenther, 1864) - one of the cichlids with unusual behavior and breeding characteristics. It lives in Lake Nicaragua and the rivers of the adjacent basin, which reflects the name of the fish. The water in the lake at the surface can warm up to 32 degrees, relatively hard and slightly alkaline pH 8.5 - 8.7. In its composition, it is very suitable for the African Great Lakes, so Nicaraguan cichlases can be combined with non-aggressive African cichlids, as well as representatives of the Melanoteniev family.

The greenish-turquoise color characteristic of adult females is unparalleled among cichlids. This color has only been observed in some marine parrot fish (Scarus sp.) and in females of Baikal yellowfly gobies in spawning coloration. Males are also beautiful in their own way. Fish grow up to 24 cm, but smaller in aquariums. Peaceful as far as cichlids can be in general. In nature, they feed on algae, insect larvae and small snails. This must be taken into account in order to ensure health, bright colors and the ability to reproduce. Breeding is not a big problem. The couple spawns on a solid stone substrate, previously cleared of sand. It is interesting to note that, unlike other cichlases, Nicaraguan caviar is not sticky and causes a lot of trouble for producer fish. They have to constantly collect it in a pile. Otherwise, everything happens, as in other species.

Underwater observations made in the mid-seventies by Kenneth McKay and reported in The American Naturalist pointed to the unique behavior of H. nicaraguense in nature. The behavior of males of these fish engaged in the protection of juveniles of another species, Dovi's cichlazoma (Nandopsis dovii), was described in detail. The latter is the largest cichlazoma, reaching a weight of 7 kg and more than half a meter in length. This predatory species, which feeds on fish, including Nicaraguan cichlazomas, becomes easily vulnerable at the time of reproduction. Small predators, including Neetroplus nematopus cichlids and citron cichlids, as well as predatory gobies (Gobiomorus dormitator), attack and eat Dovey fry. Two male Nicaraguan cichlazoma have been observed guarding a N. dovii brood for six weeks. During this period, the naturalist has never observed that the producers of c. Dovies tried to attack altruistic males. After being captured by the Dovey cichlid, the Nicaraguans continued to guard their nest even more actively. As a result of the analysis, it was found that with their help c. Dowie managed to keep more than twice as many fry as without helpers. It was also noted that H. nicaraguense males spawning on the top of an underwater cliff (the Dovey nest was located deeper at its foot) were less active in protecting their own offspring. These are such wonderful fish!

"Cichlazoma" diamond - Herichthys carpinte (Jordan & Snyder, 1899) - for many years was known to amateurs as cichlazoma cyanoguttatum. The name of the fish reflects their distribution in the Carpinte lagoon of the Rio Conchos, Rio Soto and Rio Panuco rivers in the Caribbean. The water in which fish live in natural conditions is very hard and slightly alkaline. The size of the fish is up to 30 cm, the females are smaller. Brilliant cichlomas got their common name for their bright iridescent color, especially during spawning and caring for juveniles. In strong specimens of diamond cichlases, the bright color is preserved even in normal times. Starting from a size of about 10 cm, fish are able to bear offspring, which can amount to many hundreds of fry. Fish do not need especially high water temperatures. At 24 degrees, juveniles hatch on the fourth day and then grow very quickly. The nature of the fish is quite calm and allows them to be kept in the collection of large American cichlids of similar temperament. However, in this case, it is desirable to have a larger aquarium (2 or more meters long).

"Cichlazoma" severum - Heros severus Heckel, 1840 - inhabitant of the Amazon. For a long time, representatives of the genus Heros Heckel, 1840, described 160 years ago in the amount of three species, belonged to the genus Cichlazoma, especially in aquarium literature. Nevertheless, after the revision, everything fell into place and now this genus is represented by 5 different, but very similar species, with natural sizes varying from 20 to 30 cm.

Fish, despite their large size, are peaceful, but some plants, nevertheless, eat and dig. Suitable for large species aquariums with large calm views. Proper feeding should combine animal and vegetable components. In this case, reproduction does not cause problems. As a result of breeding work, the golden form of the severum was bred and fixed, which is bred in mass quantities for aquarists in the countries of Southeast Asia.

Cichlazoma Mesonauta

Mesonauta - Mesonauta festivus (Heckel, 1840) - is widespread throughout almost the entire Amazon and Orinoco basins. Several local color forms are known. The name of the mesonout has been preserved since the time of Zolotnitsky, although 20 years ago in the literature on aquarism and ichthyology, fish were called nothing more than cichlazoma festivum. Currently, the mesonaut genus includes 5 species very similar to each other.

The nature of the mesonaut is quite peaceful, but they eat some types of plants with pleasure. Conditions of keeping and breeding, as in other Amazonian species.

Barton's "cichlazoma" - Nandopsis bartoni (Bean, 1892) - originally caught in the Mexican river Rio Verdi was named after the curator of ichthyology of the American National Museum - Barton A. Bean, initially as Barton's acara.

Under natural conditions, these fish were almost exterminated during the thoughtless introduction of the golden tilapia (Oreochromis aureus) and were included in the Red Book in 1990. Nevertheless, they are perfectly preserved as interesting aquarium objects. At home, the fish grow up to 24 cm, in the aquarium it is much (most often twice) smaller.

Flowing lakes and coastal thickets of water lilies define the biotope of Barton's cichlazoma. Apparently due to the abundance of aquatic vegetation in the nature around them, these fish are quite careful about plants in the aquarium. Reproduction of fish is not difficult, it is noted that these cichlomas are very fond of laying eggs inside empty shells of gastropod mollusks (rapans from the Black Sea).

"Cichlazoma" orange (Festa) - Nandopsis festae (Boulenger, 1899) - remarkably bright, but, unfortunately, very "evil" cichlazoma from the river basin (Rio Guayas and Rio Daule) of the Pacific coast of Ecuador. These fish are active predators and grow over 40 cm long. The larger the fish become, the more beautiful they are and the more unbearable they become for the aquarist and neighboring inhabitants of the aquarium. Feeding is also not easy. Young fish eat almost any type of aquarium food, including bloodworms, coretra, live and frozen gammarus, but as they age, this is no longer enough and then pieces of fish, shrimp and crab meat must be added. The latter components are very important in order to ensure the health and fantastic brightness of the color of the fish. The joint maintenance of young orange cichlases, up to 15 - 18 cm in size, in an aquarium with large-sized neighbors usually does not cause problems, but then they gradually begin to show their “crown” innate habits. Sneak up, for example, to the fish from below and grab the stomach. So much so that they tear all the insides!

Breeding self-selected partners is not difficult. The fish are very prolific and the number of fry is in the thousands, often many. It is very difficult to feed such a horde, and cannibalism begins among the juveniles, which allows only the strongest to survive.

"Tsihlazoma" Managuan - Nandopsis managuense (Guenther, 1869) - similar to the previous species of fish, grow to a size of almost half a meter. The coloration of adults is exceptionally bright - iridescent with a large number of black spots of various sizes and shapes, like snake skin. By the way, the scales of fish also shimmer with all the colors of the rainbow, like the skin of a freshly molted snake. In natural waters, Lake Managua (Nicaragua in Central America), as the name implies, the water is very warm and, according to information, its temperature varies in the range of 25 - 36 degrees, and in some cases even higher. The water is hard and slightly alkaline with a pH of 8.5 - 8.8. In addition, it is slightly brackish, as evidenced by its high electrical conductivity (above 1000 microsiemens per centimeter). Given the above, the aquarium for keeping fish should be spacious - from one and a half meters. However, it is interesting to note that a self-formed pair of fish that has repeatedly laid eggs and then looked after them together can then be placed in a relatively small aquarium. For example, a pair of Managuan cichlases 35 cm male and 30 female can be perfectly kept in an aquarium measuring 80 x 45 x 45 cm. In crowded areas they live very friendly and become surprisingly tame.

"Cichlazoma" Meek - Thorichthys meeki (Brind, 1918) - or mask cichlazoma was first brought to Russia by a great lover of the aquarium, the famous puppeteer Sergei Vladimirovich Obraztsov. The name mask cichlid reflects the ability of these cichlids to widely inflate bright red (in good individuals) gills and frighten the enemy. At the same time, the figure formed in this way resembles a terrible Indian mask with four eyes. The word Meek means, traditionally, in the German manner, the pronounced name of the zoologist Dr. S. Yu. Mik (1859 - 1914), in memory of which this cichlazoma was named. The homeland of fish is the Yucatan Peninsula (Mexico, as well as Belize and Guatemala). The size of the fish is not large and rarely exceeds 15 cm. Individuals caught in Mexico and Guatemala have the brightest color. In the waters of Guatemala, in addition, there are specimens with an amazing golden color. Fish, unlike the previous species, are peaceful, but they should not be planted in the same aquarium with every little thing, since fry and small species can be perceived by Meekami as food. The content and breeding of the mask "cichlazoma" is not a problem. The fish lay their eggs on a solid substrate and actively look after the larvae and fry, scaring off the enemy in the general aquarium. At one time, two more species were imported, similar to Meek cichlases, and now torichthys. These are Elliot's "cichlazoma" (Th. ellioti Meek, 1915) and Geller's "cichlazoma" (Th. helleri Steindachner, 1864). Keeping and breeding is similar to Meeka.

"Tsihlazoma" red-headed - Vieja synspilus (Hubbs, 1936) - differs from other species in its beautiful coloring of the head. Fish are common in the reservoirs of southern Mexico, Guatemala and Belize. They grow to sizes over 30 cm, so they need a large, preferably over a meter long aquarium. They are found in biotopes of a very diverse nature, but in slowly flowing waters, including among flooded trees and snags. In nature, they feed on small shrimps and crabs, which should be taken into account when compiling their aquarium diet. Only in this case it is possible to guarantee the excellent coloration of adults. In breeding, red-headed cichlazomas are somewhat more capricious than other species and, first of all, this is due to inadequate feeding. Give them plenty of shrimp, live amphipods (or small crayfish) and there will be no problems. In the early 1980s, a very similar cichlid, the so-called black-belted cichlid Vieja maculicauda (Regan, 1905), was also found in our aquariums. Maculicauds are even more widespread than the previous species. Their range includes the sometimes brackish waters of Costa Rica and Panama. The conditions of keeping and breeding are identical to the red-headed cichlazoma.

The second name of the fish is labiatum, which is translated from Latin as "double cock's comb". It is easy to guess that such a name is related to the appearance of cichlazoma.

The habitat of this fish is Central America: lakes Nicaragua and Managua. The length of males reaches 35 cm, and females are only slightly smaller. As the name implies, the fish has a “cockscomb”, or rather, the shape of the lips, which in profile evokes just such associations. Cichlazoma occurs in nature with different colors: gray-brown with dark spots (or without them), red, orange, pinkish and golden. Lip cichlazoma can slightly change its shade depending on nutrition. It has been observed that in aquariums where the fish were additionally fed with red paprika, they were more saturated red.

Content Features

Since the natural habitat of fish is deep volcanic lakes, therefore, in order to maintain their life in an aquarium, you need to create a similar atmosphere. Therefore, the water should be around 25°C, with an acidity level of 7.5-8.2 and a hardness of 15-25.

Pebbles and gravel are suitable as soil. You also need to put some stones and objects that cichlazoma labiatum can use as caves. Filtration of water and its weekly replacement is required. Since live fish plants spoil quickly, it is better to use artificial ones instead.

Reproduction of the species

The length and age of the female determine her fecundity. For spawning, you need to raise the temperature of the water. On the 6th day, the fry should be fed with crustacean nauplii. Adults feed on pellets, shrimp, frozen food.

Although this territorial and aggressive species cannot get along with small fish, large cichlids will become good neighbors for them.

Cichlazoma labiatum is another very large representative of American cichlids, which is difficult to advise for keeping behind the glass of a room aquarium. But for the settlement of large capacities of offices and lobbies of enterprises, it is quite suitable. Its appearance and dimensions will help create the image of your organization.

Synonyms, names in other languages: Herichthys labiatus, Amphilophus labiatum, Cichlasoma dorsatum, Red Devil, Large Lipped Cichlid

Habitat: Inhabits deep lakes of volcanic origin in Central America.

Description: The main distinguishing feature is the large lips, which, when viewed in profile, resemble a paired cock's comb, which in Latin sounds like labiatus (double comb). In appearance, especially in the early stages of development, they are easily confused with citron cichlazoma. Because of this, a large number of uncontrolled hybridizations of these two species occur. Because of this, some authors argue that it is almost impossible to meet a purebred Amphilophus labiatum behind the glasses of Eurasian aquariums. They differ from lemon cichlases in color. But this sign is quite variable, so it cannot be guided by it. A more reliable sign is the shape of the head. At Herichthys labiatus the snout is more elongated, reminiscent of a fox's muzzle. It ends with large, as if inflated with air or silicone 🙂 lips. In citrons, the head is less elongated, the lips have more modest dimensions. Cichlasoma dorsatum first described Gunther around 1864.

In the bosom of nature, it reaches 30 - 35 centimeters in length. Behind the glass of the aquarium, it usually has half the length.

Color from dirty yellow to bright orange. Life expectancy under good conditions is about 15 years.

Snout elongated

Cichlasoma dorsatum is strongly territorial, especially during spawning. Predator. They become sexually mature when they reach about 9-15 months of age. The number of eggs for each clutch is very variable, depending on the maturity, as well as the length of the female. It may number in the hundreds or thousands.

Sex Differences: Females are smaller than males about one and a half to two times. Male organisms have longer ends of the dorsal, anal fins. Also, their head is decorated with a fatty growth, which has the largest dimensions in the dominant male. Females of the lipped cichlazoma mature later than males. This must be taken into account when trying to create a pair ready for spawning. A mature male, not having achieved reciprocity from an immature girlfriend, can beat her to death.

aggressive. Aggression can be somewhat reduced when co-grown with other individuals from a young age, as well as when using a larger aquarium.

The capacity of the vessel is unacceptable for a city apartment. After all, one individual needs about 200 liters of water. And with the content of one pair, a vessel with a capacity of at least three hundred liters is required.

The soil should be selected in dark tones that correspond to the soil of the lakes of the natural habitat of Cichlasoma dorsatum. The dark color of the ground helps, to a certain extent, to calm down Herichthys labiatus somewhat extinguishing their aggressiveness.

As a primer, you need to use a large or medium fraction of gravel in dark shades. It is necessary to delimit the bottom by placing several large stones vertically approximately every forty centimeters. These stones will act as a visual boundary between the territories of individuals or formed pairs. It is also necessary to build caves, grottoes, canyons from large stones. They will serve as a safe haven for weaker neighbors or a female not ready for spawning. It would be desirable to decorate the bottom with snags, which will give a resemblance to the bottom of natural reservoirs in which the lipped cichlazoma lives.

Plants cichlasma labiatum loves. Dense thickets will help hide a girlfriend or other fish who prefer to avoid a showdown with Amphilophus labiatum. But like all cichlazomas, Amphilophus labiatum digs the ground, so they can dig out green bushes. Nevertheless, it is worth at least trying to decorate their home with plants that have a strong root system and hard leaves. They may also be useful when

decoration of the underwater world fast-growing species.

The cichlazoma labiatum imposes the same requirements on water parameters as other members of the family. The hardness can be in the range from 5 to 30°dH, the optimum is from 15 to 25°dH. pH 7.2 to 8. Can withstand short-term large temperature fluctuations from 1 to 50°C. However, it's not worth the experiment. The preferred temperature for keeping is the same as for most other cichlids from 24 to 26°C.

Lighting for fish is indifferent. Therefore, it can be selected according to your taste, as well as in accordance with the needs of the plants with which you tried to decorate this underwater world.

An aquarium with cichlazoma labiatum fish must be equipped with powerful aeration and filtration systems. It is desirable that the filter system be external in order to free up the internal volume of the tank, which is already critical for fish of this size. Even with a good filtration system - water aeration, you must remember to replace one quarter of its volume weekly.

As already mentioned above, lipped cichlazoma are territorial aggressive predators. Therefore, it is advisable to think again and again before planting any beautiful, but small fish to them. The smaller, slower, more peaceful this fish is, the deeper and longer the thoughts should be. Small fish should not be planted with these giants at all. Anything that fits in their mouth will be eaten. If you really want to diversify the species composition of your home lake, then you need to look at other large American cichlases. At the same time, it is desirable to grow them together from a young age. It is necessary to provide for the territorial division of the bottom, as well as a sufficient number of man-made shelters, grass thickets as described above.

Labiatums with citron cichlazoma should not be kept due to their ability to freely interbreed.

There are no problems with food. They will eat everything or almost everything that you offer them.

Lips are huge

Almost all varieties of live, frozen or dry food. Only liver, chicken meat should be avoided. You can feed bloodworms with earthworms, small crustaceans and mollusks. Large pieces of food, for example, earthworms, it is desirable to chop a little. It is necessary to remember about vegetable dressings. Especially plants or fruits that contain a large amount of carotenoids and procarotenoids. So, for example, it was noticed that in order to maintain a bright orange color, it is necessary to add paprika (sweet pepper) to food together with crustaceans - artemia. Dry feed mixtures containing carotenoids also have a positive effect on the color of Cichlasoma dorsatum. Just try to avoid using cheap imitations. It is better to use special feeds such as "Red Parrot", "Astacolor".

Breeding has its own characteristics. So, for example, it must be remembered that the female individuals of the lipped cichlazoma had the imprudence in the process of evolution to acquire the ability to mature later than the male ones. This could end badly for them. However, some authors point out that it is just an immature girlfriend who can give an inadequately cruel rebuff to the unlucky loving gentleman. Be that as it may, if the physiological development of the female lags behind, one of the prospective producers may suffer greatly when trying to find out how the object of his desire relates to him. It is also a bad idea to put adult Cichlasoma dorsatum in one vessel, who have never seen each other before. In this scenario, the likelihood of a fight is even higher.

The most optimal option is to keep producers in one container separated by a transparent partition until signs of mutual favor appear. After that, you can try to remove the partition. Don't forget to keep an eye on what's going on. It is possible that the partition will have to be put in place for some more time.

After pairing, you can try to stimulate spawning. To do this, replace one quarter of the volume of water with fresh settled water and gradually raise its temperature by 2 - 4 degrees Celsius. Amphilophus labiatum will choose some secluded place, and then, having cleaned any flat stone from algae and dirt, they will lay eggs on it from several hundred to several thousand. This is determined by the size and maturity of the female. Incubation lasts about 3 days after another 4-6 days, the larvae become fry, take a horizontal position and begin to feed near the native stone under the supervision of caring parents.

In nature, cichlazoma labiatum feeds its offspring with a special skin secret, which begins to be produced by the time the offspring appears. In artificial conditions, you can help your pets by feeding their offspring with brine shrimp or its nauplii. Up to about two weeks, the fry, at the slightest danger, can hide in their father's mouth. During spawning, do not disturb the fish. For your own safety, do not put your fingers in the water. Especially it is necessary to ensure that children do not do this. Pisces are aggressive and can injure the impudent enough to be seen in your finger.

Another tip is reflection. Before provoking spawning, think about where you will put the fry then. If you are a simple amateur, then problems may arise. However, the fish farm has problems getting rid of juveniles of the lipped cichlazoma, too. Indeed, due to the huge size, not every fan will be able to keep even one such fish. So the demand for them is not so great. In general, it is difficult to recommend sponges for an indoor lake. After all, this reservoir should take up a lot of space. However, as the well-being of the population grows, rooms of sizes appear that allow you to ride a scooter, and there is also a place for a capacity of such a volume. But it's still exclusive. Therefore, in my opinion, an aquarium with cichlazoma labiatum fish is more suitable for interior design, no matter how spacious an office or an enterprise lobby. Their large size and unusual appearance can contribute to the organization's image.

Here is such an aquarium fish - lipped cichlazoma. I think that despite its large size, it will still find its adherents among our nature lovers.

Endemic to two lakes, Nicaragua and Managua, located on the territory of modern Nicaragua in Central America. Both lakes are of tectonic origin, connected by the Tipitapa River. Cichlazoma labiatum prefers to stay along rocky coasts, where it swims among crevices.
The note- oz. Nicaragua is the largest freshwater lake in Latin America and the only one in the world where sharks are found.

Brief information:

  • The volume of the aquarium - from 350 liters.
  • Temperature - 21–26°C
  • pH value - 6.0–8.0
  • Water hardness - soft to hard (5–26 dGH)
  • Substrate type - rocky
  • Lighting - moderate
  • Brackish water - no
  • Water movement - light or moderate
  • The size of the fish is 30–35 cm.
  • Food - any
  • Temperament - aggressive
  • Keeping alone in a species aquarium


Adults reach a length of up to 35 cm. More powerful males have a characteristic occipital hump that distinguishes them from females, as well as elongated and pointed dorsal and anal fins. The color varies from white-yellow to deep orange.


They are not at all whimsical about the diet, they eat everything that can fit in their mouth, including smaller fish. In a home aquarium, the basis of nutrition should be frozen, fresh or live foods, such as earthworms, pieces of snails and other molluscs, shrimps, as well as herbal supplements such as peas, spinach, etc. Specialized foods for large central fish are an excellent alternative. American cichlids produced by some manufacturers.

Maintenance and care, arrangement of aquariums

For one adult fish, an aquarium of 350 liters is required. In the design, fragments of rocks, large stones, gravel substrate are mainly used. There is no need for live plants, if desired, artificial ones can be used. All interior decor should be securely fastened, and equipment should be hidden if possible so that such a large fish cannot damage anything. The aquarium is equipped with a reliable cover. Despite its size, the "Red Devil" is able to jump out of it.
Water parameters have wide acceptable ranges of pH and dGH values, so there are no problems with water treatment. Difficulties are associated only with maintaining high water quality. Filtration and aeration systems are installed based on the need to process large amounts of organic waste and the needs of fish for a high content of dissolved oxygen. A weekly replacement of part of the water (20–25% of the volume) with fresh water is mandatory.

Behavior and Compatibility

One of the most aggressive representatives of cichlids, it attacks not only other fish, but also representatives of its own species. Skirmishes, as a rule, lead to the death of a weaker individual. Joint maintenance is possible only in large aquariums from 1000 liters. As neighbors, fish of a larger size should be selected, which will not be so easily intimidated, and / or reliably protected from among large catfish. An amateur can recommend an exclusively species aquarium.

Breeding / reproduction

The process of breeding the "Red Devil" is quite simple. When the mating season comes, the fish will do everything themselves, without the need to create any special conditions or advance the introduction of a special diet.
The main difficulty is that the fish are not compatible with each other and it is extremely difficult to get a pair ready for breeding in a home aquarium. Cichlazoma labiatum is often kept alone due to its large size and aggressive behavior, and if a male is placed in the same tank as a female, she will soon be killed.
There are several ways to get offspring in an artificial environment, but none of them gives a 100% guarantee.
First. Male and female from different aquariums are placed in one and separated by a transparent perforated wall. There is a small chance that in a few weeks the male will get used to it and reduce the degree of aggression, and in the future they will be able to form a temporary pair.
Second. Initially, about 6 young individuals are acquired, which will grow in place. As they grow older, one pair can naturally form, which in the future will regularly give offspring. The chances of pairing increase in proportion to the number of young fish growing together, but this is not the case for the hobby hobbyist.
As a result, it is better to buy this species from professional breeders than to breed it yourself.

Fish diseases

The main cause of most diseases is unsuitable living conditions and poor quality food. If the first symptoms are detected, you should check the water parameters and the presence of high concentrations of hazardous substances (ammonia, nitrites, nitrates, etc.), if necessary, bring the indicators back to normal and only then proceed with treatment. Read more about symptoms and treatments in the section "

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