A gift from God, a gift from God. Gifts of God, a treasury of spiritual wisdom. About Spas Rama

On the First Epistle to the Corinthians of the Apostle Paul, part four and last

What are spiritual gifts? From the text of the 12th and 14th chapters of the First Epistle to the Corinthians, it is clear that spiritual gifts were understood as manifestations of the special grace-filled actions of God in believers: speaking in other tongues, prophecy, healing, and much more.

Gifts of God

The apostle explains: no one who speaks by the Spirit of God will anathematize Jesus, and no one can call Jesus Lord except by the Holy Spirit(1 Cor. 12 , 3). These words mean that a person who has real gifts of grace will never deny Jesus Christ. Spiritual gifts are given only through faith in Christ, who promised the disciples: in my name they will cast out demons; they will speak with new tongues; they will take snakes; and if they drink something deadly, it will not harm them; lay hands on the sick and they will recover(Mk. 16 , 17-18). Therefore, an unbeliever cannot possess spiritual gifts.

The Apostle Paul makes a very important point: The gifts are different, but the Spirit is the same; and the ministries are different, but the Lord is one and the same; and the actions are different, but God is one and the same, working everything in everyone. But everyone is given the manifestation of the Spirit for the benefit(1 Cor. 12 , 4-7). Every spiritual gift is first and foremost a gift from God, so God can work in different ways in different people. Apparently, the Corinthian Christians, who possessed spiritual gifts, tried to “show off” them in front of others. Or they singled out certain types of gifts that manifested themselves in special and outwardly very striking forms, for example, speaking in tongues. Other gifts were neglected because they did not produce much external effect. Therefore, the apostle reminds the Corinthians that various gifts are given by God for the benefit of the whole Church, and not for the personal glory of those who possess these gifts. A gift is just a gift. The reason for the gift is God, and not the personal merits or dignity of a person, therefore gifts produces the same Spirit, distributing to each one individually as He pleases(1 Cor. 12 , eleven). Believers who have received different spiritual gifts should not exalt themselves before each other and argue about whose gift is better. The apostle writes: as the body is one, but has many members, and all the members of one body, though many, are one body,so is Christ(1 Cor. 12 , 12). As in the body there are no superfluous, unnecessary organs, but each of them is important and necessary in its own way, the same is true in the Church (see: 1 Cor. 12, 13-26). Therefore, Christians are the body of Christ, and individually the members(1 Cor. 12 , 27).

The most important gift

But still, among the various spiritual gifts, there is a single gift that everyone should strive to acquire: Be zealous for great gifts, and I will show you an even more excellent way.(1 Cor. 12 , 31).

What is this gift? The apostle writes: If I speak in human and angelic tongues, but have no love, then I am a ringing brass or a resounding cymbal. If I have [the gift of] prophecy, and I know all mysteries, and I have all knowledge and all faith, so that [I can] move mountains, but I do not have love,- then I'm nothing. And if I give away all my possessions and give my body to be burned, but I do not have love, it does not profit me.(1 Cor. 13 , 1-3). The gift of speaking in tongues, prophecy, miracles will not bring any benefit if we do not have love. The 13th chapter of 1 Corinthians is usually called "The Hymn of Love." Here the words of the apostle literally sound like poetry, penetrating into the very depths of the human heart and mind. At the same time, they are so simple that they can be memorized: Love is long-suffering, merciful, love does not envy, love does not exalt itself, is not proud, does not act outrageously, does not seek its own, is not irritated, does not think evil, does not rejoice in iniquity, but rejoices in the truth; covers everything, believes everything, hopes everything, endures everything. Love never ceases, although prophecy will cease, and tongues will be silent, and knowledge will be abolished.(1 Cor. 13 , 4-8).

Probably to the question: “What is love?” - there is no answer more accurate than the one given by the holy apostle Paul. Love is self-denial, giving up one's self for the sake of others. Therefore, love is manifested in patience and mercy (that is, a merciful, loving heart). Love is incompatible with envy or pride, irritation and evil. But most importantly, love is endless. In our time, the word "love" has depreciated so much that the grandiloquent - "make love" - ​​is simply called fornication. This is how, beyond recognition, words can be distorted ... But the apostle Paul wrote that love is for us the road to eternity - when the perfect will come, then that which is in part will cease(1 Cor. 13 , ten). Prophecy, healing, knowledge will cease - in eternity these gifts will no longer be needed. And only love will remain, the mutual love of God and man. Now we see as if through a [dull] glass, guessingly, then face to face; Now I know in part, but then I will know, just as I am known. And now these three remain: faith, hope, love; but the love of them is greater(1 Cor. 13 , 12-13). Therefore, it is necessary to strive, first of all, for those gifts that will always remain.

The Gift of Tongues

The desire for love does not exclude the receipt of other gifts. For example, the gift of prophecy or speaking in tongues: I wish you all spoke in tongues; but it is better that you prophesy; For he who prophesies is more excellent than he who speaks in tongues, will he also explain, so that the church may receive edification?(1 Cor. 14 , 5). More about the gift of speaking in tongues. If the situation with prophecy is more or less clear (prophecy can be understood both as an edifying word about future events, and as an exhortation to repentance or a call to a feat), then with “tongues” everything is much more complicated.

The topic of a correct understanding of the gift of tongues, or glossolalia (this word comes from two Greek words: “glossa” - language, “laleo” - to speak), is becoming especially relevant today - among the numerous Protestant sects there are many who claim to have a gift glossolalia. At the same time, the presence of glossolalia is understood as evidence of the real action of the Holy Spirit during sectarian meetings. Typically, the "gift of tongues" among such sectarians manifests itself as incoherent muttering or screaming, often accompanied by convulsions, weeping, or unbridled merriment.

Unfortunately, the apostle Paul did not leave detailed descriptions of how the gift of speaking in tongues was manifested among the Corinthian Christians. But it seems very doubtful that the Corinthians were convulsing during the meetings (if this really happened, then most likely the apostle Paul would have mentioned this and hardly praised the Corinthians for such "gifts"; by the way, at the end of 14- th chapter, the apostle writes: brethren, be eager to prophesy, but do not forbid speaking in tongues; only everything should be decent and decorous(1 Cor. 14 , 39-40)). And is this gift really to be preserved in the Church at the present time?

As stated above, the only lasting gift is love. All other gifts are temporary. In addition, in the Holy Scriptures, glossolalia can mean completely different things. The apostle Paul himself writes about human and angelic languages ​​(see: 1 Cor. 13 , 1), but again without detailed explanation (although in another Epistle the apostle speaks of a man who was caught up into paradise and heard unspeakable words that a man cannot utter(2 Cor. 12 , 4)). Does glossolalia mean the ability to speak foreign languages ​​without training, or the ability to understand the language of the Angels? Dont clear. Only one thing is clear, however: the apostle Paul did not consider this gift a necessary condition for salvation (first of all, love is saving). Therefore, it is unlikely that the convulsions of modern adherents of glossolalia can be considered a manifestation of the ancient gift of tongues, mentioned in the Holy Scriptures.

The gospel in brief

What is the essence of the gospel - the gospel preached throughout the earth by the apostles of Christ, to whom Paul also belongs?

Here is the answer of the apostle Paul himself: I remind you, brethren, of the gospel which I proclaimed to you, which you accepted, in which you were established, by which you are being saved... Christ died for our sins, according to the Scriptures, and that He was buried, and that He rose again on the third day, by scripture(1 Cor. 15 , 1-2, 3-4). God became Man in order to die and be resurrected. Perhaps someone considered Christ simply a sage, or a great saint, or a miracle worker and healer of diseases (one can recall the question of Christ to the apostles - who do the people and the apostles themselves revere Him for (see Matt. 16 , 13-19)). But the Church does not believe in a sage or a healer, but in a dead and risen God who became a Man for us.

Without faith in the Resurrection of Christ, there is no Christianity: if Christ is not risen, then our preaching is in vain, and your faith is also in vain(1 Cor. 15 , fourteen). If Christ is not resurrected, then we lose the hope of salvation, because there is no deliverance from death. That is why the apostle Paul exclaims: Christ is risen from the dead, the firstborn of the dead. For as death is through man, [so] through man and the resurrection of the dead. As in Adam all die, so in Christ all shall be made alive.(1 Cor. 15 , 20-22). These words are very much in tune with the reasoning of the apostle Paul in Romans 5, where he says that just as death and condemnation entered the world through one man, just as justification and life were given through one Lord Jesus Christ (cf. : Romans 5:12-19).

Christ is the new and last Adam: the first man Adam became a living soul; and the last Adam is a life-giving spirit(1 Cor. 15 , 45). Therefore, we are all children of the New Adam, called to repay thanks be to God who gave us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ!(1 Cor. 15 , 57).

Illustration from open internet sources

Newspaper "Orthodox Faith" No. 21 (521)

Ra is the Cosmic energy of the Sun, the energy of life, Goodness, Light and Joy! This great Force is transmitted by the Sun to the earth and to other planets. All living things and not only biological, but also spiritual organisms feed on this energy.

A person who is able to receive the flows of this energy and let it pass through himself is called Ra-Deem! The Light Force of Goodness and Joy, Spiritual Light and Love acts through such a Person!
Our Ancestors were Sun-worshipers and their spiritual and biological organism was tuned to the sundial, time and rhythms. And if we want to return our Strength and Power to ourselves again, then one of the points may be precisely the return to the Solar cults, hours and rhythms.

Rejoicing is the spiritual practice of Vedicism. These are ritual actions, by doing which the Man harmonizes his Connection with the Ancestral Churs, the pantheon and the hierarchy of the Gods and the Earth-Mother itself.
Rejoicing is the magic of spells and Glories, spinning a whirlwind of energies in the Human body and connecting Him with the Mighty Forces of Earth and Heaven!
Glories, Trebs, Moths - these are spiritual practices that an ascetic can do, both together with Companions at the ongoing Rites and Holy Actions, and alone, tuning in a certain way.

Glory- these are hymns praising the Gods, Ancestors, Man.. Spoken in an inspired impulse, tuned to a certain Image, they convey the Power coming from the depths of the Heart to the one to whom the Glory is intended! If Glory is turned to the Ancestral Chur, then at this time He is imbued with Strength. The stronger and more inspired the impulse, the purer the Consciousness and Soul of the ascetic, the more Force and energy will be received by the one to whom the Glory is addressed. Therefore, if we want to return the Light of Vedic Russia to Mother Earth, we ourselves must initially cultivate this Light in ourselves, in our Heart and Soul. Without spiritual Power, moral purity, bright thoughts and a Good Heart, we can be like beggars who want to build a beautiful palace without a penny in their pocket! The stronger we ourselves are, the brighter the inner Fire of the Soul, the more Power during the Rites we can transfer to our Churs and Gods.

Requirements. The Gods and Ancestors who are in the other world do not eat the food that we eat. Their food is our attention, our mental energy, Light, Goodness and Love that comes from our Hearts when we think and talk about them. A treba is a sacrificial offering. It can be a small piece of bread or a whole loaf. Moreover, a small loaf, in which Love and sincerity are sincerely invested, can bring much more than a whole loaf cooked mechanically and without feelings. The Soul, the Good, the Light of the Heart is invested in the Requirement itself. This energy is very necessary in the other world. If demons feed on the energy of pain, horror, fear, then our Gods need the energy of Good and Love! Put a part of the Soul into the Requirement and commit it to Fire, which is a transformer of one type of energy into another. Everything happens faster through Fire and we are still forced to use it on our Holidays, because how to transfer the Light of the Heart directly to Churams, we are only learning to direct, but we will definitely remember everything soon and learn how to create it perfectly!

Moth. From the word SAY. Spiritual practice of pronunciation of the Sacred Words, which helped and help a Person to enter certain states. This practice was widely used in Eldership. During such practice, the ascetic turns to God and or the Ancestors and enters into a dialogue with them. Communication can take place in different ways. If the ascetic has a Pure Consciousness and Soul, lives according to the Truth and constantly improves himself morally, He can hear the Otherworld, which gives information through thoughts, Images, visions. The conversation of the Souls for a person is heard as subtle ringing sounds, similar to the sound of "Morse code". Hearing such sounds in your head, you need to pay attention to them, because this may be important information for you. To perceive it purely and without interference, it is necessary, as mentioned above, moral and spiritual purity.
Also during the practice Moths, Gods and Churas, the Forces to which you turn can give signs, using the Forces of Nature, birds, animals for this. When the Gods give an answer, They can manifest themselves through lightning in a clear sky, thunder in winter and other phenomena that can not often be found in Nature.
Previously, in the times of Vedic Russia, the Gods manifested themselves at the Rites, Holy Acts, Holidays, in full of obvious and visible physical forms. It could be both energies and physical manifestations. Many artists, whose task is to awaken the Ancestral Memory of the Rus, at the Soul level just remember those times and depict them on their canvases.

Security, during the creation of RaDeniya.

Being engaged in the spiritual practices of Joy, we even in our thoughts turn to the Otherworld. And it is very important to have a pure Heart, live according to the moral Canons and follow the Truth everywhere in life! Moral purity leads to the purification of the Soul, and other, “higher” Souls and Spirits, who need the energy of Love and Goodness, react to Its Light coming from such a Person. They themselves begin to protect such a Person, because the Light of His Soul is able to have a beneficial effect on entire worlds and bring positive energy to the Universe!

Practical Tips:
When working with Glories, it is better to use your own words. Even if they are clumsy and unsightly. But They are YOURS and coming from the Heart. THIS IS THE MAIN! What is written in the book may be good for the person who wrote it, because he was attuned to a certain Image.

It is better not to use words, the meaning and meaning of which is now little understood and known. In the other world, the old Images are active. For example, some of the swear words that are swearing today were previously used by the Magi as the strongest spells that could elevate or destroy. The adversary purposefully changed the meaning of these words so that when we say them, we think about the worst. Thus, they themselves destroyed our Ancestral Power. Well-known of them are ugly (the one next to Rod), Fool, B..yad (White Maiden-Bereginya) ..
It is better not to use such words as the law (i.e. after Kon, say - POCON (i.e. According to Kon). For example, in Glory - “.. and we honor our Ancestors the heavenly law!” Correctly - “.. and we honor our Ancestors heavenly Pocon!"

PraDeniya practice is Ra-Bota with our Ancestral Power, with Human energy and the interaction of the world of people with the world of the Gods and our Ancestors. Today, the lion's share of such energy is spent on feeding alien cults and egregors. In order for the Light of our Gods to shine again over Russia, those who KNOW what the Power of inspired thought, the Power of the Human Word is, Create bright practices of spiritual acquisitiveness, Joy, bringing the dawn of Vedicism and the Revival of Great Russia closer!

Good luck and good luck to all ascetics, seekers and going!


To endure insults with joy and kindness, to do good to enemies, to lay down one’s soul for one’s neighbor, and the like are the gifts of God sent down to those who choose to receive them from God, by diligence, do and keep (), as Adam was told; so that the gifts remain, (stored) by thanksgiving to the Benefactor (schmch. Peter of Damascus, 73, 174).

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The gifts of God come by themselves if they find a place clean and undefiled (St. Abba Isaiah, 59, 48).

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To everyone, but according to the measure of faith, gifts are given from God for the benefit (St. Basil the Great, 7, 365).

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Since the gifts of the Spirit are different, and just as one cannot receive all the gifts, so everyone does not receive the same gift, then it is necessary for everyone to chastely and with thanksgiving abide in the gift given to him, and all to be in agreement with each other in the love of Christ, like members of the in body. And therefore, the lowest in talents, in comparison with those superior to him, should not despair, and the highest should not despise the lesser. For those who are divided among themselves and rise against each other are worthy of perdition (St. Basil the Great, 7, 368).

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Whoever saves any gift of God only for his own enjoyment, and does not do good deeds to others, is condemned as having hidden talent (St. Basil the Great, 9, 206).

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Trouble will be brought on by the one who, having received bodily strength from God for the common good, does not use it in business and hides it (St. Basil the Great, 9, 386-387).

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If you have been honored with a gift, do not be arrogant, for you do not have a single perfection in yourself, which you received from God (); and if you do not walk according to His commandment and will, He will take His property from you and give it to the best; and then you will be like a man whose pen is taken away, freshly dipped in ink (pri. Ephraim the Syrian, 30, 182).

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The Lord gives His gifts in proportion, commensurate with the strength of the recipient; He gives Himself to see according to the strength of our eye, and to hear according to the strength of our hearing, and to glorify according to the strength of our lips, He also gives wisdom according to the strength of our tongue (St. Ephraim the Syrian, 34, 400).

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Although we have the grace of various gifts, they are all given for the service of the Church (St. Ephraim the Syrian, 36, 50).

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The action of God's grace is revealed in a person, and he accepts the gift of the Holy Spirit, which a faithful soul is worthy of, only after a long struggle, after experiences of great patience and generosity, after temptations and trials, when free will will be tested by all sorts of sorrows (St. Macarius of Egypt, 66, 74–75).

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The division of gifts does not depend on the will of the recipient, but on the will of the Giver (St. John Chrysostom, 44, 327).

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When the Lord says: “I will send you the Holy Spirit,” it means: the gift of the Spirit... Another thing is the power that is given, and another thing is the Spirit Who gives (St. John Chrysostom, 44, 895).

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(The Lord) immediately rewards us with great gifts, if only we show sincere faith in ourselves ... and never waver in our thoughts, but have a constantly firm spirit (St. John Chrysostom, 47, 406).

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Don't take anything as yours. Do you have the word and the gift of teaching? Do not think that through this you have anything more than others. Therefore, in particular, you must humble yourself that you have been rewarded with great gifts (St. John Chrysostom, 52, 277).

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This is primarily the effect of Divine Providence, that God offers His gifts to everyone without distinction (St. John Chrysostom, 52, 504).

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not only gave us honor, but also made us strong to receive it (St. John Chrysostom, 54, 370).

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Sometimes people who led a good and clean life did not receive either. For what? So that they do not stumble, so that they do not become proud, so that they do not become negligent, so that they do not become too arrogant (St. John Chrysostom, 55, 34).

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The gifts are different, and not everyone is given one grace of the Holy Spirit, but to some one who makes himself capable and worthy with his zeal or diligence (St. John Cassian, 56, 82).

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Gifts are given not simply, by her as the mind prepares in those who receive them (St. Isidore Pelusiot, 60, 334).

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Blessed is the soul that, through the thirst of God, has truly prepared itself to receive His gifts, because He does not leave such a soul in anything, but protects it in everything, even in that which, out of ignorance, it does not ask Him for (St. Abba Zosima, 90, 120).

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Whoever has any spiritual gift and sympathizes with those who do not have it, he preserves this gift with compassion (St. Mark the Ascetic, 68, 8).

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Do not boast much, O man, of the wealth that you received without difficulty, but know that the Distributor of gifts, foreseeing your great damage, weakness and your death, wanted to save you somehow with these excellent gifts that you did not deserve (St. John Ladder, 57, 181).

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Some, by the incomprehensible Providence of God, received spiritual gifts before their labors; others are in their labors, others after labors, and some are already dying. Worthy of the test, which of them is more humble than the others? (St. John of the Ladder, 57, 191).

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Some most of all please miracles and other visible spiritual gifts, not knowing that there are many most excellent gifts that are hidden and therefore safe from falling (St. John of the Ladder, 57, 192).

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Some of the brethren think that they cannot have the gifts of the Holy Spirit, because, through neglect of the fulfillment of the commandments, they do not know that he who has true faith in Christ has in himself, in short, all the gifts of God. But since we, due to our idleness, are far from active love for Him, which would show us the Divine treasures in us, we rightly consider ourselves strangers to the gifts of God (St. Maximus the Confessor, 90, 223).

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He who lives not for himself, but for God, happens to be filled with Divine gifts, which are not always obvious because of the threatening attack of the passions (St. Maximus the Confessor, 90, 231).

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The spirit of fear lived is abstinence from evil deeds; the spirit of the fortress is a zealous striving and movement towards the energetic fulfillment of the commandments, the spirit of advice is the habit of distinguishing (good and evil), according to which we reasonably fulfill the commandments, tearing away the worst from the best; the spirit of piety is an infallible vision of the images of the creation of the virtues, according to which, acting, we never deviate from the sound judgment of reason; the spirit of knowledge is a true understanding of the commandments and their rational foundations, on which the images of the virtues also stand; the spirit of reason is the composition with the images and foundations of the virtues (the determination to fulfill the first and act according to the second), or, better to say, the transformation (of oneself according to them), according to which the natural forces are dissolved with the images and foundations of the commandments; the spirit of wisdom is the rapture to the Cause of the most spiritual understandings existing in the commandments, and union with Her, by virtue of which, it is not known how, being dedicated, as far as it is available to people, into the understanding of things that is in God, we communicate it to other people by speech, beating from the heart, as from some source (St. Maximus the Confessor, 90, 276-277).

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Those who have received a spiritual gift from God have a duty to pass it on before others to their spiritual children, then to friends, famous and servants, and then to outsiders, whether they are rich or poor, whether someone received the word of wisdom, or the word of understanding, or the gift of healing, or intercession about souls, or helping power, or guiding reasoning. And every one of those who teach or do anything for others, let him know that none of them will be praised and will not receive a reward for what he does, but will be severely tortured, condemned and punished for everything that he misses to do. (St. Simeon the New Theologian, 75, 95).

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As long as our natural forces disorderly keep themselves together and break up into many ospreys, until then we cannot be partakers of the supernatural gifts of God. Remaining unparticipated in them, we are nowhere far from the mysterious sacrament performed by the mental activity of the mind on the heavenly altar. When we, zealously going through the sacred ascetic labors, are cleansed of sensual inclinations and by the power of the Spirit we gather together the crowds that have formed in us, then we participate in the inexpressible blessings of God, and we worthily offer the Divine sacraments of the mysterious sacramental action of the mind to God the Word on the heavenly mental altar of God, as spectators and priests of His immortal mysteries (St. Nikita Stifat, 92, 159).

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Do not seek to teach you gifts if they do not contribute to the salvation and preservation of humility of wisdom... (St. Theognost, 90, 388).

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The Holy Spirit, having settled in a person, destroys the kingdom of sin in him, destroys the invisible internal struggle and disorder, establishes the peace of Christ ... (St. Ignatius Brianchaninov, 40, 83).

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The only Holy Spirit can completely cleanse a person from passions and return to him the power over himself, stolen by the devil (St. Ignatius Brianchaninov, 40, 167).

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After the death of his elder, Abba John fasted for forty days, and he had a heavenly vision, and he heard a voice: “On whatever sick person you lay your hands on, he will be healed.” In the morning, by the providence of God, a man comes to him with a sick wife who suffered from breast cancer. The husband persistently asked the abba for her healing. Then the saint laid his hand on the woman, made the sign of the cross over her chest, and she immediately received healing. Since then, God has shown many other signs through him, not only during his lifetime, but also after his death (102, 73).

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Once one of the holy fathers had to be in Constantinople. In the church, an unknown person approached him and, having greeted him, began a conversation about the salvation of his soul. “Truly blessed is he,” he said, “who puts all his hope in God and entrusts all himself to Him.” And then he continued: “I was the son of a rich man, who at the same time was unusually merciful to the poor. Once, calling me, he showed me all his treasures and said: “My son, what do you want me to leave you behind: all my wealth or Christ?” I answered: "Christ, for earthly treasures are perishable and fleeting." After that, my father became even more merciful and soon distributed all his possessions to the poor. After his death, I remained a poor man and placed all my hope only in the Lord. What happened? There was in our city a rich and glorious, and at the same time a pious man, who had the same wife. They had an only daughter. When she grew up, the pious mother said to her husband: “Here we have a daughter; We have a lot of wealth, which means that we should look for her groom not rich, but meek and God-fearing, who would make her happy with himself and save our estate. The husband answered: “You are right, and I think the choice is left to God Himself. Let's go to church, pray fervently, and then, whoever the Lord sends first to church, let him be the husband of our daughter." We went, prayed and began to wait for the incoming person. This is where I entered. They sent their slave to call me, and when I arrived, they began to ask who I was and where I came from. When I named my father, whom they knew well, then, hearing that I was not married, they glorified God and exclaimed: “Christ Himself chooses you as the husband of our daughter; take it and live with the fear of God." I agreed and became the husband of their daughter, and with her received their property. And now I only care about doing everything as my pious father did” (112, 570-571).

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In the country of Savor lived a certain monk - Christ-loving, poverty-loving and merciful; young in age and old in mind. This monk bore the name Martyrius and led a holy life. He used to go to a neighboring monastery to his spiritual father, in order to pour out prayers before the Lord together with him. And so, when one day, according to custom, Martyry went to his confessor, he met on the way a beggar lying, all covered with scabs. The beggar intended to go in the same direction as Martyrius, but he did not have the strength. Martyrius took pity on him, laid out his mantle on the ground, laid the beggar on it and carried him on his shoulders. When he, with his burden, came to the monastery, the spiritual father met him and, like a seer filled with the Holy Spirit, loudly called out to the monks who were with him: “Hurry, open the monastery gates! After all, Martyrius is coming, carrying God! Martyrius, approaching the gate, took off his burden and wanted to lift the beggar from the ground, but it turned out that there was no one on the mantle. And suddenly a voice was heard: “Oh, Martyrius, you did not despise Me on earth, and I will not despise you in heaven! You have now looked upon Me mercifully, and I will have mercy on you forever!” Raising his head, Martyrius saw the image of our Lord Jesus Christ ascending to heaven.

When Martyrius entered the monastery, the spiritual father asked him: “Brother Martyrius, where is the One whom you carried on your shoulders?” Martyrius answered: "If I knew, father, who He is, I would prostrate myself at His feet." The news of the miraculous vision immediately spread throughout the monastery. The confessor also asked Martyrius: “Was it hard for you, child, to carry a beggar on your shoulders?” “No,” replied Martyrius. “When I was carrying, I didn’t feel any heaviness, for I was carrying the Bearer of me and the One Who contains everything with His word” (112, 386).

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Abba Milicius, passing through one place, saw that people were supporting the monk as if he had committed a murder. The elder, approaching, questioned his brother and, learning that he was slandered, said to those holding him: “Where is the murdered one?” They showed him the dead. Abba told everyone to pray. When he himself stretched out his hands to heaven, the dead rose again. And the elder asked him: “Tell us, who killed you?” He said: “When I entered the church, I gave money to the presbyter, and he strangled me and threw me into the monastery of the abbot. But I ask you to take the money from him and give it to my children.” Then the elder said to him: “Go, sleep until the Lord comes and awakens you.” And he immediately rested again (97, 440-441).

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A certain woman was ill with cancer and, having learned about Abba Longinus, wanted to meet him. He lived nine miles west of Alexandria. When a woman was looking for him, it happened to this blessed one to collect firewood. Seeing him, the woman asked: “Abba, where does the servant of God live, Abba Longinus?” He said, “What do you want from him? Do not go to him, for he is a deceiver. What do you need?" The woman showed a sore spot. The elder, having crossed him with the sign of the cross, let her go, saying: “Go, the Lord heals you, but Abba Longinus cannot help you.” The woman left, believing the word, and was soon healed.

When she told about her healing and pointed out the signs of the elder, everyone understood that this was Abba Longin himself (97, 437-438).

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At other times they brought a possessed man to Abba Longinus. He said to those who brought them: “I can’t do anything to you, but it’s better to go to Abba Zenon.” Abba Zenon began to pray and began to push the demon, expelling him. The demon cried out: “Maybe you think that I’m going out for you? Here Abba Longin prays, speaking to God against me, and, fearing his prayers, I go out, and I would not give you an answer” (97, 438).

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It was said about Abba Macarius that, walking from the Skete and carrying baskets and tired, he sat down and prayed, saying: “God, You know that I no longer have strength.” And immediately he found himself by the river, near the place where he was going (97, 439).

“The gifts are different, but the Spirit is the same; and the ministries are different, but the Lord is one and the same; and the actions are different, but God is one and the same, working everything in everyone. (1 Corinthians 12:4-6).

If you believe that the Lord created you, then you must also understand why He created you. By understanding God's purposes, you can begin to focus on it and make better use of your life.

The moment you step over the spiritual threshold and start following Christ, you say: “I will follow the path that the Lord will lead me. I will not follow my own desires. Let God rule my life. I want to do God's will, not mine. I will do what God has ordained for me."

Once you take this step, the Lord will give you four spiritual gifts:

Forgiveness. Romans 5:15 says: “For if by the transgression of one many were put to death, how much more the grace of God and the gift of the grace of one man, Jesus Christ, abound to many”. The first thing Jesus did was to wash away all the sins you have ever committed. They are forgiven! There will be no condemnation for them.

Immortal life. God has long term plans for you. The Bible says in Romans 6:23: "For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord". You can never earn your way to Heaven. The only way you can go to heaven is by faith accepting the gift of Jesus Christ.

Holy Spirit. In Romans 5:5 we read: "The love of God has been shed abroad in our hearts through the Holy Spirit given to us." How can you know that God is in charge of your life? When your life bears the fruits of the Spirit: love, joy, peace, patience, mercy, goodness, faith, meekness and temperance.

Special abilities. In the Bible, these abilities are called spiritual gifts, and they are distinct from material or physical gifts. These are the abilities by which you can perform the ministry that God has placed you in. Most believers don't even know they have spiritual gifts. They also do not know their purpose. But every Christian has gifts!

The Bible reveals to us: “The gifts are different, but the Spirit is the same; and the ministries are different, but the Lord is one and the same; and the actions are different, but God is one and the same, working everything in everyone.. (1 Corinthians 12:4-6).

What is a spiritual gift? This is the equipment the Lord has given you. God has a plan for your life. And this equipment will help you achieve what He asks of you. God will never ask you to do something that He has not given you the ability to do. It is given to you the moment you receive Christ. You don't have to choose your gifts. And you don't earn them.

Spiritual gifts are not given to you for your benefit. They are given to you to help other people. And the Lord gave gifts to the brothers and sisters in your church family so that they would help you.


When I use my gift of teaching, you are blessed. When you use your spiritual gifts, the people in your church are blessed. It looks like a mosaic. If one detail is missing, that will be the first thing you find when you look at the painting. When we use and develop our spiritual gifts, we and those around us will be blessed.

To the question What gifts do people receive from God in our time? Your opinion. given by the author Spacious the best answer is gifts in the form of people. gifts of mercy. various gifts of prophecy, holy spirit, gifts of various kinds of ministry, gifts for our sins in the person of the sacrifice of Christ.

Answer from 22 answers[guru]

Hey! Here is a selection of topics with answers to your question: What gifts do people receive from God in our time? Your opinion.

Answer from Caucasian[guru]
Have you paid taxes? From a freebie then?

Answer from Ђov.Spok.[guru]
God teaches people the truth, and gives the right understanding, changing their soul: mind, will and emotions:
1. through His Word, influencing the mind and thinking;
2. through desires, influencing our habits, and correcting them;
3. through our emotions and sensations, creating certain situations and conditions around us.

Answer from Personal Account Deleted[guru]
Good. Joy. Mind. Inspiration...

Answer from Prosorushka[guru]
the best gift is His sclerosis and indifference ...))

Answer from Saturn.65[guru]
Do you have morning verbal diarrhea?

Answer from Usso-tourist.[guru]
The best thing to do would be to take it all and then share it equally.

Answer from Man of Sin Son of Perdition[master]
Gifts are different! But the most is in Christ Jesus!

Answer from Panther[guru]
“All good and perfect gifts are from above” (James 1:17). The gifts that Jehovah has entrusted to his servants are an expression of his undeserved kindness. One of the greatest gifts that Jehovah bestows upon us is holy spirit. We can cultivate the qualities of love, meekness, and goodness by showing fellow believers the love of the heart and willingness to support them.
True wisdom and knowledge that we acquire with the help of the holy spirit (1 Cor. 2:10-16). Our strengths, abilities, and talents can also be considered gifts that we should use to glorify our heavenly Father.
God lovingly instructs and corrects us through the Scriptures, through the Christian congregation, and “gifts in the form of men” (Eph. 4:8). He watches as we respond to his fatherly instruction. “I will give you understanding, I will guide you on the path that you should follow. I will give advice and I will watch you. (Psalm 31:8)

Answer from man of God[guru]
Here is the gift God the Father gives to all people:
"In that country there were shepherds in the field, keeping watch over their flock by night. Suddenly an angel of the Lord appeared to them, and the glory of the Lord shone on them; and they were afraid with great fear. And the angel said to them: Do not be afraid; I proclaim to you great joy that will be to all people: For today a Savior has been born to you in the city of David, who is Christ the Lord, and this is a sign for you: you will find a baby in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger. and on earth peace, goodwill toward men!" (Gospel of Luke 2:8-14)
The Good News, which the Son of God Jesus Christ proclaims, is God's favor, which God the Father gives to all people. The meaning is simple and obvious: - man is the bearer of God's Image! God is not in the temple and in the mosque, God is in the heart of man! and the Temple of God within ourselves. And where is the Temple of God - there is the Tenant Himself - God the Father! It is about this true Faith in the Son and about this Temple that Jesus Christ speaks. Start a new life by starting to LIVE without evil in your heart and actions, becoming for God the Father - His child!
And the Lord Himself testifies to this - Jesus Christ, being the Son of God in man: "The Spirit of the Lord is upon Me; for He anointed Me to preach the gospel to the poor, and sent Me to heal the brokenhearted, to preach deliverance to the captives, to the blind sight, to set the tormented free, to preach summer acceptable to the Lord." (Gospel of Luke 3: 18-19)
The Son of God Jesus Christ says: “Truly I say to you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God like a child will not enter it.” (Gospel of Mark 10:15)
The Son of God Jesus Christ says: "This is the will of Him who sent Me, that everyone who sees the Son and believes in Him may have eternal life; and I will raise him up at the last day." (Gospel of John 6:40)
The Son of God Jesus Christ says: “He who believes in Me does not believe in Me, but in Him who sent Me. And he who sees Me sees Him who sent Me. believe, I will not judge him, for I did not come to judge the world, but to save the world. He who rejects me and does not receive my words has a judge for himself: the word that I spoke, it will judge him on the last day. For I did not speak of myself but the Father who sent me, he gave me a commandment what to say and what to say. And I know that his commandment is eternal life. )
True self-knowledge is the awakening of the consciousness of the Divine nature in man.
When we come out of the darkness of ignorance, with soul and body we come to know the all-encompassing truth, then the Kingdom of Good will come. And the great forces of nature will become the property of everyone. Living will become as easy as breathing.

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