The Tajik girl janitor has become beautiful. The most famous Tajik beauties - a list, biographies and interesting facts. Hammas Kohistani. Tajik woman who conquered England

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To ordinary girl wide popularity suddenly came from Dushanbe. She was made the star of her project by a photographer who went on a world journey in search of true beauty. She is looking for heroines on the streets, she also met Munira. Now the whole world admires her, but the girl does not dream of fame.

She never learned to sign autographs, pose for fans, answer journalists' questions with rehearsed phrases and smile widely in Hollywood. Glory fell on the janitor Munira Mirzoeva as unexpectedly as if snow had fallen in Dushanbe in the middle of summer. But she resisted.

"My girlfriend told me that your photo is on the Internet. I have a feeling that I was reborn," says Munira.

A portrait on the Internet turned the life of a modest Tajik girl upside down and made her famous all over the world. "Atlas of beauty" is the name of the project of a photographer from Romania. Mihaela Norak is looking for her heroines all over the world, traveling with a backpack and a camera. In her works - a barely noticeable smile of the Tibetan Plateau, the straightforwardness of Romania, the firmness of the character of Rio de Janeiro, the colors of Iran, the mystery of Singapore, something boundless from the Amazonian forests. All the heroines are random passers-by different profession, age and social status. We don't look alike, that's why we are beautiful, says Norak.

"Over the past two years, I have traveled the world with a backpack and a camera in my hands, photographing hundreds of women. My goal is to show that beauty is everywhere. And it's not about nationality, fashion or money. It's more important to be yourself, natural and sincere," says Michaela.

Traveling around the world, she ended up in Dushanbe. Munira, who was watering the flowers, took pictures right there, at the workplace.

"I don't want to change jobs, and my job is good. I worked honestly," says Munira.

Immediately after the photo shoot, Munira returned to work, to her usual business - sweeping and watering. And also - to help your mother raise sisters and brothers. Jamshed, the youngest, always looks forward to Munira and falls asleep only to her lullaby. Their father left their family a few years ago. Munira became the main breadwinner. She never went to school, she had no time.

"I want my sisters, my brothers, so that they go to school and study. If they are happy, I am happy too," she says.

It's time to think about marriage, they advise at home. Although the beautiful daughter has always been in the spotlight. And while her mother is talking, Munira shyly hides her eyes.

“Boys come, walk around the house, they are tired, it’s better to let them marry one,” laughs Safargul Mirzoyeva, Munira’s mother.

“I don’t want much, I have only one heart. I want to become a good wife, a good mother and a good daughter-in-law,” the girl says.

World-famous, Munira, a gardening janitor from Dushanbe, continues to sweep the streets and dream of simple female happiness. Together with her, hundreds of women in orange uniforms take to the streets of the city early in the morning. And if no one noticed them before, now every passer-by involuntarily takes a closer look to see the beauty, which they may have passed by hundreds of times.

19-year-old Munira Mirzoeva, a janitor from Tajikistan, without knowing it herself, was included in the list of the most beautiful girls in the world according to The Atlas of Beauty project. A randomly taken photo of her dressed in a janitor's work uniform has gained more than 4,000 likes on Facebook. The girl was named the most beautiful janitor in the world, reports Day.Az with reference to PPcorn.

Munira Mirzoeva was photographed by Romanian photographer Mihaela Noroc during her recent trip to Tajikistan. Two years ago, she quit her job, took a backpack, a camera and went to travel the world in search of natural beauty. She found it in women different countries and nationalities - beautiful as they are: without cosmetics and fashionable clothes. Thus was born the project The Atlas of Beauty, in which Michaela photographs and uploads images of women from all over the world to the Internet. The photographer herself says that her task is to show the diversity of the world through these portraits. Having traveled to more than 37 countries, she concluded that beauty is everywhere and it does not depend on cosmetics or figure parameters. It's more about being yourself.

It was this quality that the photographer saw in Munira Mirzoeva when she accidentally met her on the streets of Dushanbe in the form of a janitor. It was a beauty that cannot be hidden under any clothes: naturalness, sincerity and individuality.

As it turned out later, Munira Mirzoyeva works not quite as a janitor, but in the landscaping department of the Shokhmansur metropolitan area: she plants hometown flowers and plants. She is the eldest child and after graduating from school she dreamed of going to university and becoming a doctor, but due to financial problems in the family, she went to work. At 19, she is the main breadwinner in a family of 7.

Despite the fact that the dream of becoming a doctor Munira had to be postponed, she is proud of her work, because she earns her bread by honest work. At the same time, the girl manages to wear even the uniform of a street worker with grace and elegance, as can be seen in the photographs of Mihaela Noroc.

According to Munira, she does not despair because of an unfulfilled dream, because the main thing for her is to have quiet life and not depend on others. But, perhaps, the appearance in the list of The Atlas of Beauty will bring positive changes to the fate of the girl. At least that's what photographer Mihaela Noroc hopes so. She promised to follow the story of "the most beautiful janitor in the world" and share the news.

Representatives of the Tajik nationality are distinguished by amazing good looks. Their special charm and beauty are undeniably unique throughout the world. Luxurious hair, an expressive line of cheekbones, a magnificent shape of eyes and lips - such external properties have been the result of a merger over thousands of years. caucasian race with Indian, Iranian, Mongolian, Turkic peoples.

Feature of Tajik women

The territory where this nationality lives is not limited to Tajikistan or Uzbekistan. Tajiks also inhabit Afghanistan, Pakistan and Kyrgyzstan. It is not easy for women to realize themselves in a Muslim society. Famous Tajik beauties, almost all live outside their homeland in more prosperous countries. In Tajikistan, however, there are many girls who freely perform on the stage or participate in beauty contests without being subjected to religious pressure.

Tajik beauties have very expressive facial features even without makeup. But all women, in an oriental manner, very intensely emphasize their eyes, which become the brightest and most noticeable feature of their appearance.

Khadia Tajik

It's hard to believe that this beautiful charming woman- large statesman Norway, lawyer and journalist. Her political career started in 2006 when Hadiya was hired by the Ministry of Labor and Social Integration as a political advisor. In 2013, she became the first Muslim and at the same time the youngest minister in Norway. Hadiya was then 30 years old. And two years later she became one of the two deputies of the country's Labor Party.

Her parents are Pakistani Tajiks who emigrated in the early 1970s to Norway, where Khadia was born (1983) and raised. In the list of girls, Khadia could become number one, as the most intelligent and educated. She holds a bachelor's degree in human rights from the University of Stavanger, a master's degree in human rights from Kingston University in England, and a master's degree in law from the University of Oslo.

Sayora Safari

The 26-year-old film actress, originally from Dushanbe, joined the list of famous Tajik beauties after the release of the TV series Gulchatai (2011), where Sayora played leading role. Her first experience in filming the film "Desantura" (2009) was accidental, but after that the girl decided to enter the Moscow Theater School. Her parents were against such plans, but in the end they allowed Sayora to leave for Moscow. Today she has roles in a dozen films, and Sayora Safari is recognized as one of the most beautiful and talented Russian actresses. Among the natural talents of the actress, it is worth mentioning her possession of a beautiful singing voice. No wonder she dreamed of becoming an opera singer since childhood.

Hammasa Kohistani

This British model has become a celebrity among the most beautiful Tajik women in the world, not only because of her impeccable appearance.

In 2005, the Liverpool Miss England pageant took place two months after the terrible events in London, when 52 people died from explosions arranged by Islamist extremists. The crown of the beauty queen in the national competition was won by a Muslim woman, I must say, for the first time in the history of these competitions in Britain. The next day, portraits of the 18-year-old winner appeared on the front pages of most English newspapers.

The Kohistani family are Afghan Tajiks. The girl's parents at the beginning afghan war fled to Tashkent, where Hammasa was born. Later, the family returned to their homeland in Kabul, but when the Taliban took control of the city in 1996, Kohistani fled the country again. They eventually moved to the United Kingdom and settled in the West London area. There, the girl graduated from high school, and then Uxbridge College.

The brilliant victory of Hammasa in the competition became an example for every Tajik model, but at the same time caused discontent in the religious Islamic communities in Britain. The Kohistani family received insulting and threatening letters accusing the girl of betraying the principles of Islam. This was reported by the press, and it was mentioned that Hammasa was having a hard time persecuting her family by fellow believers. Perhaps these events were the reason that she interrupted her participation before the semi-finals of the Miss World contest, although she was listed as a favorite with good chances of winning.

Hammasa has made a career as a successful British model, has been the face of famous brands, her photographs are published in many fashion magazines, including Teen Vogue (2006), and she still remains the first among the world's most beautiful Tajik women.

Mozda Jamalzada

The eyes of this Canadian-Afghan singer are gray, and her hair is dark blond, which is not uncommon among mountain Tajiks, which include Mozda Jamalzada. She was five years old when the family fled from Kabul to Canada during civil war in Afghanistan. Growing up, the girl studied journalism at the British Columbia Institute of Technology, as well as philosophy and political science at the University of British Columbia. Possessing excellent singing abilities, Mozda in student years I started writing and singing songs myself. One of them was Dokhtare Afghan ("Afghan Girl"), which became an unexpected hit on Afghan radio and television. The song brought Mazda many nominations and awards from Afghan, Canadian, international radio and TV stations.

In 2009, the singer was offered the leadership of the Afghan Talent program on the 1TV channel in Kabul. Mozda accepted this offer because it allowed him to return to his homeland. Soon after starting work on 1TV, she realized that her presence in the country could at least slightly solve the problems of the Afghan society. This is how the Mozda Show program was born, which highlights taboo topics: what it is like to be a woman, a child, and, in general, a person living in Afghan society. The show provides an opportunity to study and see the current situation in Afghanistan through the eyes of the Afghans themselves.

Mozda Jamalzada is the recipient of several Canadian and international art awards. She is considered one of the first Afghan and Tajik beauties, as well as the most pretty singer in Canada.

Tajik singers and models

Limit, perfection female beauty seem to be images of Tajik girls striving to establish themselves in modeling business. Nodira Mazitova is a fashion model who is rightfully considered the most beautiful girl Tajikistan. Fatima Makhmadulaeva is a finalist of the 2016 Face of Central Asia. The most promising Tajik model Gulbahar Beknazar participated in international competition 2016 Queen of USSR Dubai. And you can name dozens more names of the most beautiful female models of Tajikistan, whose natural data is admired by the whole world.

Photos of stunning beauties are posted on the Internet, who have not reached world popularity, but have become famous within their region. For example, the albums of the popular pop singer Mohirai Tohiri are in incredible demand in Tajikistan and are sold in large numbers. And Noziya Karomatullo is not only a talented singer, but also masters the art of oriental dance and became the winner of the Indian competition "Katak". Folklore singer Nigina Amonkulova performs in national costumes and makes an impression fairy princess oriental tales. Manizha Davlatova, Tahmina Niyazova, Shabnam Surayyo are girls in whom nature has combined amazing beauty and talent.

Munira Mirzoeva

The last story is about a girl whose captivating beauty might have remained unknown if she had not been captured by Mihaela Noroc. A woman photographer from Romania, traveling the world, chose female images for his Internet project "Atlas of Beauty". One hundred portraits of the most beautiful, according to the traveler, girls were posted online. Among them was a picture of 19-year-old Munira Mirzoyeva, whom Mikhaela photographed on a street in Dushanbe.

Since this pearl of Tajik beauties was in an orange uniform at that moment, the Romanian considered her a janitor, which she mentioned in her blog. In fact, Munira is an employee of the city’s landscaping service, but on the Internet she has remained a “beautiful janitor”, which only made her irresistible appearance more touching. Her photo received thousands of likes, with a huge number of Facebook users to this day praising " natural beauty”, a sweet smile and elegance of Mirzoeva. After that, major regional media became interested in the girl, and the Russian-language edition of Cosmopolitan published her interview and photo in one of the issues.

Munira Mirzoeva accidentally became a celebrity. But this girl is one of the many fabulous beauties that the Tajik nationality is rich in, and whose portraits could adequately decorate the most prestigious glossy publications.

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