Dima Bilan: personal life (wife, children). Dima Bilan biography personal life family wife children photo Bilan biography personal life children

The 37-year-old singer is still searching for his soulmate. But this does not mean that he did not have serious novels. Dima Bilan has always been popular among the fair sex.

Vinokur's daughter

Dima Bilan himself diligently hides his relationships with his significant other from curious fans and journalists. Exactly because of this reason young man are often credited with having affairs with a variety of popular young ladies. For example, with students from the show “The Voice”, models, actresses, singers. But Dima is in no hurry to comment on even the loudest rumors.

Few people know that in his youth Bilan had a very serious affair, which almost ended in a wedding. The guy came to conquer the capital at the age of 20. In Moscow, he became a student at a prestigious university, during which he met Nastya. The girl turned out to be the daughter of the famous humorist V. Vinokur.

Anastasia's famous and wealthy father was categorically against a potential son-in-law. The comedian generally did not want his 18-year-old daughter to get married so early. But initially, the parents’ prohibitions did not bother the lovers at all. For both of them, these were the first serious real feelings. Dima and Nastya met for some time and talked about the wedding. But suddenly it became known that the couple was separating. The exact reason for the breakup is still unknown. But there is an assumption that it was the bride’s father who influenced this outcome.

Almost wedding

One more serious relationship that led to marriage, Bilan had with Elena Kuletskaya. The model truly captivated the singer with her beauty, determination and at the same time homeliness. To the delight of fans, this beautiful couple was together for quite a long time. Elena and Dima appeared together at all public events and did not hide the fact that they were planning to start a family.

After Bilan’s cherished victory at Eurovision, Kuletskaya began wearing an engagement ring. The lovers themselves did not comment on this event, but it was assumed that the performer proposed to his chosen one. Then, one after another, news poured in that Dima was preparing for an imminent wedding. Rumors continued to circulate on the Internet, but there was no official confirmation of them. Fans of the couple froze in anticipation, and suddenly it became known that Kuletskaya and Bilan had broken up.

The lovers separated quietly and peacefully without scandals. The main reason for the breakup was the desire of both celebrities to actively build their careers. They realized that they were simply not ready for a family. Today Kuletskaya is already the happy wife of another man and mother of many children, but she remembers her relationship with Bilan only with positive emotions.

Other novels

After breaking up with the model, Dima remained alone for some time. Then he met a new catwalk conqueror - Julianna. Bilan met the beauty on the set of one of his videos and immediately “disappeared.” The girl really has a very bright attractive appearance.

A few months of romance between two creative personalities actively developed in front of millions of fans. It was bright, but short-lived. As a result, the couple broke up, explaining their breakup by the fact that the passion between them had subsided.

Very strong feelings The singer developed a relationship with the little-known artist Lyala. The girl conquered Bilan with her unusual appearance and the same creativity. The young man was ready to do anything for his chosen one. He even began to devote much less time to work, trying to be with his beloved every second. But Lyalya was frightened by such pressure, and she simply secretly fled from Dima’s apartment along with her things. Later, the couple tried more than once to renew their relationship, but this did not lead to anything good.

The lead singer of the Tatu group once spoke about her affair with Bilan. Yulia Volkova admitted that she fell in love with a colleague while working together. Then both artists were preparing for the qualifying rounds for Eurovision. The romance between Yulia and Dima did not last long. It turned out that both lovers have difficult strong characters. In their relationship, they constantly butted heads and quarreled. As a result, both performers decided to leave.

Today Dmitry is not married. He is in active search other half. It has been rumored for a long time that the singer is having an affair with model Ksenia Sukhinova, but so far this information has not been officially confirmed.

Biography of Dima Bilan is interesting story about how an ordinary Kabardian boy from a small town reached unprecedented heights in Russian show business.

The main breakthrough in the performer’s career was the victory at Eurovision 2008, which no Russian performer had been able to achieve until that moment. In the same 2008, Dima was awarded the title People's Artist Kabardino-Balkarian Republic.

Childhood and youth

Dima Bilan was born on December 24, 1981 in the family of an engineer and a social worker. The future idol was born in the small town of Ust-Dzhegut (Karachay-Cherkessia). Dima Bilan's real name is Viktor Nikolaevich Belan.

In addition to Victor, the Belan family had two daughters - Anna and Elena. Later, the family of the future star moved to Kabardino-Balkaria and settled in the city of Maisky.

Dima had a passion for music since childhood. From the 5th grade, the future singer attended music school, graduating educational institution accordion class. Even then, the talented guy participated in all kinds of competitions, and in 1999 he even went to Moscow to the Chunga-Changa children's festival, where he received a diploma from himself.


The singer's career began with an acquaintance with a producer. It was this music manager who recommended the young man to take the pseudonym Dima Bilan. In collaboration with Aizenshpis, Bilan tried his hand at the “New Wave”, where he took 4th place.

In 2003, Bilan’s first album “I am a night hooligan” was released. Videos and songs from this disc soon became popular in Russia. Fans especially remember the song “Baby”. The artist's subsequent albums become equally interesting to the public.

Dima Bilan - "Baby"

In collaboration with Aizenshpis, the album “On the Shore of the Sky” appeared in 2004. Among the new songs, fans and critics noted a composition called “You Should Be Nearby.”

On September 20, 2005, Yuri Aizenshpis passed away. Dima immediately received offers of cooperation from other production companies. As a result, the singer decided to break off relations with the center of his former mentor. At that moment, Aizenshpis’s company demanded not to use the Dima Bilan brand, the right to which belonged to this organization. But in 2008, thanks to the alliance of Dima Bilan with the conflict, the conflict was resolved. Soon the singer himself officially changed his name.

The tandem with Yana Rudkovskaya turned out to be fruitful. By the end of 2005, the singer received two Golden Gramophone awards. Dima Bilan’s songs received recognition, awards rained down on the artist like from a cornucopia - “Singer of the Year” (2006), “Best Performer of the Year” (2007), “Best Album”, “Best Composition” for the song “The Impossible is Possible”.

Gradually Dima becomes the best, improving his professionalism. Recognition of the artist’s undeniable talent was the role of Ambassador of the 2014 Olympics entrusted to him.

Virtually every composition performed by Dima Bilan becomes a hit. Such a composition was the song called “Dreamers”, which became the favorite single of millions of Russian fans of the singer.

In 2009, the artist's first English-language studio album, Believe, was released, which was recorded in Los Angeles, Miami, and Philadelphia. And immediately - a new victory in the “Album of the Year” nomination at the ZD Awards 2009 ceremony.

Dima Bilan - "I Just Love You"

The video for the song “I Just Love You” became a winner on the MuzTV Chart in 2011, staying in the top ranks for 20 weeks. The list of victories and awards in Dima Bilan’s career is huge. In 2011, fans liked the song “I’m Choking,” the video for which was called the best in the artist’s career.

2015 was no less successful for the artist. The musician presented an album called “Don’t be silent.”


Try your hand at for the first time international competition Bilan made the decision in 2005, choosing the song Not That Simple. Then the singer was bypassed at the national selection stage. Dima took second place.

In 2006, Dima Bilan, by the decision of Channel One, went to Athens to represent Russia at the prestigious Eurovision 2006 contest. With the song Never Let You Go, Bilan takes 2nd place. Such success in the history of the country was achieved only in 2000.

Dima Bilan - "Never Let You Go"

The brightest moment and peak in creative biography Dima Bilan's long-awaited victory at Eurovision 2008, which was so difficult for the artist. In tandem with the famous musician Edvin Marton and Olympic champion Dima Bilan in the final of the competition gave the whole world an amazing performance on ice to the song Believe. Dima became the first Russian in history to win the competition.

Dima Bilan - "Believe"

In 2012, Bilan almost went to Eurovision again. Dima sang a duet with the song Back To Her Future, taking only 2nd place in the Russian qualifying round.


Dima Bilan actively participates in television projects. In 2012, the singer became a mentor on the popular Channel One show “The Voice” for adult participants. In 2014, the television project “Voice.Children” was launched, in which Dima Bilan also acted as a mentor. Colleagues on the new show were also, whom he replaced in the third season. The project had big success.

2016 was a fruitful year for the singer. The artist toured with solo concerts throughout Russia and abroad, acted in films, and continued to participate in festivals and television projects.

Dima Bilan's performance at the New Wave 2016 competition was spectacular. The number for the song “Indivisible” was again among the best. In addition, the singer performed the song “Mom” together with the winner of the “Voice” project. Children-3."

Dima Bilan and Danil Pluzhnikov - "Mom"

In 2016, Bilan presented the song “In Your Head.”

In October 2016, the premiere of the animated film “Trolls” took place, in which Dima Bilan, in tandem, voiced the main characters of the film. Participants in the show “The Voice” became a huge gift for the singer. Children" who attended the premiere.

Dima Bilan in the film "Hero"

This is not the artist’s first experience in cinema. Hans from the American full-length cartoon “Frozen” spoke in Bilan’s voice. The singer first appeared in a cameo role in the New Year's musical film "Disco Night" in 2005. Next were the works “Kingdom of Crooked Mirrors”, “Golden Key”.

Bilan's debut in a feature film was the melodrama "", where the artist appeared in leading role along with . The premiere took place in 2016. Dima Bilan's films will probably be released more often, because the artist showed his best side in cinema too.

Personal life

The personal life of Dima Bilan worries millions of fans. Singer for a long time met with a model. By the way, Dima Bilan publicly announced that if he wins Eurovision, he will marry Elena. But the artist did not keep his word, the wedding never took place. This romance did not end in anything, and the couple broke up.

Who owns the heart eligible groom, unknown. Fans often attribute the man to relationships with prominent representatives of show business, and some even suggest that the singer has returned to ex-girlfriend, but does not report this publicly.

Perhaps the fans’ fantasy was also an alleged affair with an old acquaintance of the man, opera singer Julia Lima, who some time ago worked as a backing vocalist for Dima. IN in social networks photographs appeared with the performer, and fans immediately started talking about a romance between the celebrities. However, there were no comments from the artist.

Such secrecy of Bilan forced the yellow press to distribute publications about the artist’s orientation, and ill-wishers more than once called the singer gay. The artist himself does not comment on such hype around his name.

The life and career biography of the tall (height 180 cm, weight 75 kg), sports artist is watched by millions of fans on social networks "Instagram" And "Twitter". There the singer shares personal and work photos. Both accounts have passed official verification. Dima also has a verified page "In contact with".

In July 2018, the artist posted an emotional post on Instagram, where he wrote that he was thinking about a radical change of residence. The singer also shared that he is not yet planning to have a wife and children. Dima told fans that he was not ready to enter into a serious relationship and let someone into his inner world.

Previously, there was information on the Internet about Bilan’s affair with former “Voice” participant Yulia Tereshchenko. Similar rumors appeared when the artist posted on personal page group photo With girl. But later it turned out that this was only a meeting of old acquaintances.

Today fans are sure that new darling the singer became a performer. Recently, Dima shared a photo where a woman’s legs were visible. Fans thought about several candidates, but decided on Polina.

Interestingly, Bilan is on the list of the most gambling celebrities. This is the opinion of Forbes magazine. According to the publication, Dima devotes a lot of free time to gambling.

Dima Bilan now

Bilan's photo shoot in art house style caused a mixed reaction among the artist's fans. Some users called the artist's figure chic. At the same time, other users noticed melancholy and loneliness in the eyes of the singer lying naked in the bathroom. Most of all, fans of the Russian singer were interested in who captured the artist in the bathroom while listening to music. The musician’s followers were delighted with the new photos, since the performer rarely shares such photos.

In the same year, Bilan's fans learned that the singer was sick. Fans who were worried about their idol’s health even found out Dima’s phone number in order to support him with advice. According to Bilan, fans often manage to get his number. This forced the singer to stock up on a pack of SIM cards.

It is known that doctors discovered a herniated spine in the performer, which pinches a nerve, causing severe pain. The singer had to undergo a long course of treatment to get rid of the disease.

"It's true, in Lately I had hellish pain. I couldn’t do basic things: zip up, open my wallet, hold something in my hand. When I went to the doctors, I couldn’t sit for an MRI for half an hour - the drugs weren’t working. The chiropractor found not even three, but five hernias on my spine,”

– Dima Bilan said in an interview with media representatives.

In March 2017 Russian singer on Instagram he published an image in which he appeared in a new image - with a shaved head. Media workers suggested that Bilan’s decision to “become bald” is a kind of challenge to those who spread rumors about the alleged fatal disease performer.

The singer himself believes that such trials made him think about the future. According to the artist, he concluded:

“I looked at the rating - in the top ten, of course, the most touring artists in the country. I’m pleased with this, but you need to think about yourself so that you have something to give,”

– Dima Bilan noted, commenting on his physical state.

Dima Bilan - "Labyrinths"

In May 2017, the singer presented a new video for the song “Labyrinths”. The music video was directed by Alexey Golubev, and the video producer was Yana Rudkovskaya. Fans once again sing the familiar chorus, which begins with the words “I will run across the thin sky.”

Viewers note that the video turned out to be exciting and mystical due to the mass of special effects. Fans liked the video, and many were impressed by the huge glowing ball, clouds of smoke and multi-colored glow. All this created an extraordinary beautiful picture, harmoniously combining deep drama with an exciting plot.

Sergey Lazarev & Dima Bilan - "Forgive me"

Today Bilan continues to actively perform. In 2017, viewers saw the long-awaited joint performance of Dima Bilan at a concert held as part of the Muz-TV Award. The unexpected duet presented the song “Forgive Me.”

Back in 2017, Bilan presented new songs “Hold” and “You are my ocean.”

Dima Bilan - "Hold"

In February 2018, Love radio turned 10 years old. In honor of this event, a grand show took place. Dima Bilan, the permanent headliner of the project, took part in the anniversary series of concerts in Russian cities.

In the spring, the singer presented a new video for the song “Girl, Don’t Cry.” The video came out colorful and dynamic. Fans appreciated the new creation of their favorite performer and his team.

In May, Dima was awarded the “High Five” award for “ Best Show».

Dima Bilan - "Girl, don't cry"

The beginning of summer was marked by the release of a new single by Dima Bilan and singer Polina “Drunk Love”. A little later, the artist posted the first footage from the filming of the video for this composition. As planned, the performer in the video gets married and participates in a brawl at a wedding. Prominent representatives appeared in the video Russian show business and the blogosphere.

Dima Bilan is considered one of the richest Russian celebrities. According to Forbes magazine for 2017, the singer is in 5th place with an income of $6 million.

Dima Bilan on the Forbes list

This annual salary allows the star to work own business. So, in the summer of 2018, the artist boasted about his “brainchild”: the man opened a hotel that received the “3 star” classification and is intended for budget holidays.

The release of the film “Midshipmen IV” by directors and Ivan Krivoruchko is scheduled for 2019. The story will unfold in Russian Empire in 1787. According to the plot, the midshipmen will have to help the commander defeat the Turks, and, . Dima Bilan played the role of Captain Giuliano De Lombardi in the film.


  • 2003 - “I am a night hooligan”
  • 2004 - “On the Shore of the Sky”
  • 2006 - “Time is a River”
  • 2008 - “Against the Rules”
  • 2009 - “Believe”
  • 2011 - “Dreamer”
  • 2013 - “Reach”
  • 2014 - "Alien"
  • 2015 - “Don’t be silent”
  • 2017 - “Egoist”

The biography of Dima Bilan is full of secrets, so it often excites the minds of not only fans, but also people far from his work. His life path really deserves respect, because an ordinary Kabardian boy has achieved unprecedented success in show business. He not only gained popularity and recognition, but also became the first representative of Russia to win the Eurovision Song Contest.

Childhood and youth

Fans often argue about how old Bilan is. The future idol of millions was born on December 21, 1981 in the Karachay-Cherkess Republic (city of Ust-Dzheguta). It is noteworthy that this event occurred at 00 hours 00 minutes. His parents named him Victor, and his last name was Belan. But when he started working with producer Yuri Aizenshpis, the latter came up with a pseudonym for him - Bilan. And the name is the idea of ​​the performer himself. Only at the age of 27, the singer officially changed his first and last name in his passport. It turned out that the singer’s grandfather bore the name Dmitry, so the boy dreamed from childhood to be called the same.

To get to know the singer better, you should know some facts about him:

  1. Zodiac sign - Capricorn.
  2. By Eastern horoscope born in the year of the White Metal Rooster.
  3. Height - 182 cm.
  4. Weight - 75 kg.
  5. Nationality: Kabardian.

Dima was born into an ordinary full-fledged family. His father Nikolai Mikhailovich worked as a design engineer at the KAMAZ plant located in Naberezhnye Chelny. Mother Nina Dmitrievna works in the social sphere. As you can see, parents are creative. Dima also has 2 sisters:

  1. The eldest name is Elena Belan-Zimina (b. 1980) - a designer who produces clothes under the Belan brand.
  2. The younger Anna (b. 1995) lives in Los Angeles, where she is studying to become a director.

It is noteworthy that Dima communicates with all his relatives, and also gives them expensive gifts - apartments, houses, land and cars.

Dima (then Vitya) spent the first year of his life in hometown. A year later, the family decided to move to Naberezhnye Chelny. They lived here for only 5 years, and then left for the city of Maisky, which is located on the territory of the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic.

There Victor went to school No. 2, where he studied until the 9th grade. He received a certificate of secondary education after completing grades 10-11 at school No. 47. The boy also graduated from a music school in the accordion class. During his studies he took part in various festivals.

In 1998 it happened an important event in the life of an aspiring artist. He came to the capital to participate in music festival"Chunga-Changa." There, Vitya performed excellently and received a laureate diploma.

When it's time to make a choice educational institution, Dima chose the famous Gnesinka (years of study - from 2000 to 2003). Mastering the specialty of classical vocals, the singer has already begun to move up the career ladder.

Immediately after receiving his first diploma, he entered GITIS (immediately for the 2nd year). He received a diploma from this educational institution in 2005.

In the period from 2001 to 2002 he was a laureate of the Festos festival.

Even while Dima was studying in 2000, the first video clip for the song “Autumn” was broadcast on the MTV-Russia channel. Then the aspiring artist collaborated with the production center of Elena Kan. The song for which the video was shot is considered one of the first recorded by Dima in the studio.

Dima met Yuri Aizenshpis back then. when I studied at Gnesinka. The producer appreciated the talent of the aspiring artist and in 2002 sent him to the New Wave competition, which was held in Jurmala. Dima performed on stage with the song “Boom”. The jury members gave him 4th place. After some time, a video was shot for this composition.

The first album, entitled “I am a night hooligan,” was released in the fall of 2003. It has become significant event in a singer's career. A year later, fans received another gift - Dima Bilan’s second album “On the Shore of the Sky”.

In 2005, Dima participated in the qualifying stage of the Eurovision Song Contest with the song “Not That Simple” and took 2nd place. As a result, Russia was represented by another performer - Natalya Podolskaya.

In 2006, he managed to win the qualifying round and go to "Eurovision". There he performed with the song “Never Let You Go”, but he was 44 points short of 1st place. Then the victory was in the hands of the Finnish group “Lordi”. But, as it turned out later, this circumstance only fueled interest in victory.

An unpleasant event occurred on September 20, 2005. Dima's producer Yuri Aizenshpis suddenly died of a myocardial infarction. All rights to the business passed to his widow Elena Lvovna Kovrigina. For some reason, Dima decided to break his contract with the production center. In return, the management demanded that the singer give up his pseudonym, citing the fact that it was once invented by Yuri Shmilevich.

Litigation continued from 2006 to 2008. In the end, the artist turned out to be right. Then he already began working with the new producer Yana Rudkovskaya. Without thinking twice, the singer officially changed the name in his passport. Since 2008 he has been Bilan Dima Nikolaevich.

2007 was a very busy year for the performer. Despite disagreements with the company former producer, he takes part in the Muz-TV 2007 ceremony (held on June 1), where he receives 3 awards at once.

That same summer he became an honorary guest of the competition "New wave" in Jurmala. And in the same year, a reality show called "Live with Bilan".

The performer entered the top three most popular and dear people Russia according to Forbes magazine.

In 2008, he took part in the “Star Ice” show, where he took 2nd place. This year has also become eventful and successful for the singer. Now he has officially begun working with the production center, headed by Yana Viktorovna Rudkovskaya, and has submitted another application to participate in the Eurovision Song Contest.

In May 2008, Bilan and a delegation from Russia went to Belgrade. There he performs at Eurovision with the song “Believe”. Evgeni Plushenko and Edvin Marton also take part in the production of the number. According to the voting results, representatives of Russia scored 272 points, which allowed them to get 1st place.

After this triumph in his native Ust-Dzhegut, a music school was named after Dima Bilan.

Eurovision 2009 took place in Moscow. Bilan also took part in the opening ceremony.

In 2011, he announced the Russian voting results. At the same time, the singer took part in the First Channel project “The Phantom of the Opera”. In 2012, Dima once again competed at the qualifying stage of this competition. Together with former lead singer of the Tatu group Yulia Volkova, they presented the composition “Back to Her Future”, but took only 2nd place.

He regularly releases new compositions, which he talks about on the social network Instagram.

Personal life

Dima Bilan's personal life has always been shrouded in mystery. Because of this, rumors about the performer’s non-traditional sexual orientation have repeatedly appeared in the press. But they all turned out to be fabrications of reporters.

The performer's girlfriend for a long time was model Elena Kuletskaya (date of birth - August 7, 1982). The artist even stated that if he wins Eurovision 2009, he will marry her. But he apparently did not keep this promise, since the wedding did not take place. Soon the couple decided to separate.

After this, the singer was credited with having affairs with other representatives of the fair sex:

  1. Opera singer Julia Lima.
  2. Participant of the “Voice” project Yulia Tereshchenko.
  3. Singer Polina Gudieva.

According to information for 2018, the performer’s age is 37 years. He is not married, no children.

Now the singer is very popular. News about him constantly appears on the Internet and print media. He also maintains accounts on social networks Instagram, Twitter and Vkontakte, where you can see the latest photos.

Dima Bilan and his personal life have haunted his army of loyal fans, as well as hundreds of annoying paparazzi, for years in a row. What connects Dima Bilan and Anna Moshkovich? Does the artist have a wife and children? Or a star of the domestic pop scene - gay? And how does Bilan, with such a hectic personal life and busy touring schedule, manage to act in films and even take 1st place at Eurovision? So, who exactly is this “night hooligan”? Let’s find out in this article.

Personal life of Dima Bilan - his wife and children

Lena Kuletskaya, Yulia Sarkisova, Anna Moshkovich - all of them were predicted by popular rumor to take the place of the wife of Dima Bilan, one of the most eligible bachelors of domestic show business. But - alas! Each time, information about the upcoming wedding celebration (or a wedding that had already taken place) was not confirmed. Best Chances model Lena Kuletskaya had the opportunity to become Bilan’s wife, according to journalists who follow the personal lives of celebrities. A stunning blonde with an angelic appearance - she is simply made for love!

Lena Kuletskaya, alleged wife of Dima Bilan

It is not surprising that Bilan could not resist the beauty of Lena Kuletskaya. The young people dated for several years and appeared together at various events. The singer even presented his beloved with a ring during one of the concerts! This unequivocal gift gave rise to numerous conversations about the imminent wedding of the “night hooligan” and the “blond angel.” Even evil tongues that attributed a stormy affair with Mickey Rourke to the performer’s bride could not seem to interfere with the happiness of the lovers.

Lena Kuletskaya and Dima Bilan

Lena Kuletskaya and Dima Bilan

In the video for the song “It Was Love,” the heroes Kuletskaya and Bilan begin a romantic relationship, but fate separates them. The video became prophetic - soon one of the most beautiful couples in domestic show business ceased to exist. Although, many wondered: maybe all this was just a PR stunt to hide gay famous artist?

Today Lena Kuletskaya is happy married woman. What about Dima Bilan? – The performer still never ceases to intrigue his fans, giving rise to more and more rumors about his personal life. Dima Bilan’s Instagram is replete with photos with spectacular “colleagues.” Ksenia Sobchak, Lera Kudryavtseva, Pelageya, Sasha Savelyeva... this list can be continued endlessly. But about the permanent girl and love relationships there is no question.

Photo from Dima Bilan's Instagram

Dima Bilan never tires of leading curious paparazzi by the nose, proving that it’s not for nothing that he is called the sex symbol of domestic show business. For this, he even starred in a very explicit BDSM photo shoot.

Dima Bilan in a BDSM photo shoot

As for Dima Bilan’s children, so far the ubiquitous paparazzi have not been able to “unearth” anything interesting. A certain Anna Belan, whose name appears every now and then on the personal Instagram of the “night hooligan,” turned out to be... younger sister singer The girl lives in the United States and does not hide her intentions to follow in the footsteps of her famous brother.

Dima Bilan's sister, whom the paparazzi mistook for her daughter

Although, the pop star still has a son... a godfather. This is Alexander, the son of Evgeni Plushenko and Yana Rudkovskaya. The singer gets along well with the boy. This can be clearly seen from the numerous photos of the artist with his little godson, which Dima Bilan posts on his pages on social networks.

Dima Bilan with his godson

The singer has not yet thought about his own children, preferring... dog barking to children's laughter. In one of his interviews, he shared his dream of owning a Weimaraner dog.

Dima Bilan's wedding: the whole truth about the scandalous photo

“Dima Bilan got married in Sevastopol! Chosen One famous performer became Yulia Sarkisova!” The media were full of such headlines, wanting to be the first heralds of this sensational news. However, significant event turned out to be only part of the script for the singer’s future video. And Yulia Sarkisova is a girl who is happily married to her husband, the famous entrepreneur Nikolai Sarkisov. Moreover, the couple has three children.

False wedding of Dima Bilan

However, these fake wedding photos plus rather intimate selfies of the Bilan-Sarkisova couple created quite a stir among social media users.

Dima Bilan with his “bride”

Is Dima Bilan gay?

Another contender to be called the artist’s other half is the Baltic model Rowens Pritula. One Lithuanian publication reported that the couple in love often spends time together. And after a joint trip to Amsterdam, Rovens got a treasured engagement ring on his finger. It was also reported that the wedding of Dima Bilan and Rowens Pritula will take place in Germany. But it seems we have been fooled again. And the rumors that Dima Bilan is gay still remain rumors.

Rowens Pritula

Dima Bilan and Anna Moshkovich: husband and wife?

A certain Anna Moshkovich is a mystery girl whom no one has seen, but who, nevertheless, managed to ring Bilan himself! In any case, this is how some media reported information quite recently. Dima Bilan and Anna Moshkovich are a married couple! What a sensation!... However, this news turned out to be another successful PR move by the team of the famous artist. So, the photo from Dima Bilan’s wedding is a well-orchestrated prank.

Photos from Dima Bilan’s “wedding”

Photos from Dima Bilan’s “wedding”

In fact, the singer is still absolutely free. He travels a lot, creates, shoots new videos, voices animated characters... What can I say! " Night hooligan“I even managed to star in a big movie! Although, secretly, he still dreams of meeting the one and only one... In any case, that’s what Dima himself says in his interviews.

« She, first of all, must be faithful, as well as dynamic, bright, always remain a mystery for me, which I would like to solve and solve further, throughout my life! I think the ideal girl is the one who can understand me, my profession , to be a part of my life, to realize that I will always need to be shared with the stage»

From singers to actors: Dima Bilan’s film “Hero”

When you have achieved so much on the musical Olympus, you want to test your strength in something else. Dima Bilan, having collected a huge collection of domestic and international awards as a singer, set his sights on “the most important of the arts” - cinema. The pop artist's debut on big screen became serious historical film"Hero", which takes place in Russia during the First World War. Dima’s character – captain Andrei Dolmatov – fights, loves, suffers. Was it possible famous singer to convey all the depth and tragedy of his hero - to judge by film critics and viewers. One thing is certain: military uniform It suits Dima Bilan very well.

Dima Bilan in the film "Hero"

Poster for the film “Hero” with Dima Bilan

The trailer for Dima Bilan’s new film “Hero” makes it clear: the film will make the viewer empathize with the main character from the first frame to the final credits. And the pop celebrity’s partners on the set were such masters as Alexander Baluev and Alexander Adebashyan.

However, the Russian stage star’s co-stars were no worse. The main character and the love of the hero Dima Bilan’s life was played by a young, promising actress Svetlana Ivanova, familiar to viewers from the films “House of the Sun”, “Legend No. 17”. The film also stars the talented actress Yulia Peresild, the same female sniper Lyudmila Pavlichenko from the Battle of Sevastopol.

Who knows if the romantic relationship of the main characters with the “Stop!” team has ended? Cut!” or waiting for us new wave rumors about another novel by the singer of the hits “On the Shore of the Sky” and “Night Hooligan”?

Dima Bilan's 1st place at the Eurovision Song Contest 2008: watch in good quality

Our hero was easily able to refute the well-known proverb that you cannot enter the same river twice. The singer performed at Eurovision for Russia two times! Moreover, twice – successfully! More precisely, once successfully, and twice triumphantly. In 2006, the young star with the song “Never Let you go” took 2nd place, losing only to the outrageous Finnish rockers Lordi. All of Europe remembered that beautiful, gentle production with a porcelain ballerina emerging from a white piano. And the hit, which overnight became popular in dozens of countries, was not sung except by a person with complete absence hearing

Two years later, the performer again decides to storm the inaccessible peak of the most popular song competition in Europe. Dima easily beats his competitors in the national selection and again enters the big Eurovision stage. This time he dials greatest number points in the final vote. And the number of people who want to watch good quality the video of Dima Bilan's 1st place at Eurovision 2008 on the most popular video hosting site YouTube has already exceeded 2 million people.

Dima Bilan's Instagram: all about his personal life and new girlfriend

With the advent of Instagram, celebrity fans have a unique opportunity to watch the lives of their idols almost online. Dima Bilan was no exception. Now he delights his large army of fans every day with new shots of himself in the leading role. His Instagram is one of the most popular in RuNet. The singer has more than a million subscribers. All of them can find out every day what the singer eats, where he goes, and with whom he likes to spend time. By the way, on the celebrity’s Instagram page today you can see a photo of another mysterious blonde, who kept Dima company during his recent vacation in America. The pop singer himself introduces her as his old friend from Gnesinka.

Dima Bilan's new girlfriend?

Dima Bilan and possibly his new girlfriend

But is this really so?... Most Instagram users are confident that the pop star is having another affair. The personal life of Dima Bilan is again under the scrutiny of millions of prying eyes.

Dima Bilan's real name is Victor Belan. The winner of the Eurovision Song Contest, the idol of millions of women, carefully hides his personal life. He is credited with dozens of love affairs, but the artist himself does not talk about them.

Novels by Dima Bilan

The charming brunette has always been popular with the opposite sex. The artist stated several times in an interview that he has not yet met a woman with whom he is ready to live his whole life.

The public believes that he was in relationships with models, show business and television stars.

Dima Bilan and Anastasia Vinokur

As soon as Bilan arrived in Moscow, he met Vladimir Vinokur’s daughter Anastasia. Dima was 22 years old, the girl was 18. The celebrities were young, but their feelings were sincere. Things were heading towards the wedding, but suddenly the couple broke up.

The couple was preparing for the wedding

They say that humorist Vladimir Vinokur was against their romance. He refutes these rumors: “I did not interfere with their relationship, this is the speculation of journalists.”

Dima Bilan and Inna Andreeva

Journalists saw several times how the singer was accompanied to social events by an attractive girl with an athletic build named Inna. She is a yoga instructor. From Krasnodar region, but has been living in Moscow for many years.

Inna Andreeva: ex-lover Dima

He has been friends with Bilan for more than 10 years. The musician assures that there is no love between them: “Inna Andreeva is a very close person to me, but she is not my beloved.”

Elena Kuletskaya

TV presenter and model Elena Kuletskaya is one of the few “official” lovers of Dima Bilan. They dated for many years, even before Eurovision. The musician promised that if he won, he would marry the girl, but this never happened.

Followers say that their romance was short, and after the competition the relationship turned into a smart PR move. Bilan himself confirmed this in 2011.

Bilan and Anna Moshkovich

There is almost no information about Anna Moshkovich. She is said to be an aspiring model and singer.

Dima Bilan with Anna Moshkovich

She often went out with Dima, but the young people did not say anything specific about their relationship.

Yana Rudkovskaya

Yana Rudkovskaya is Dima Bilan's producer. They began collaborating in 2007. Many say that the girl made an invaluable contribution to the singer’s victory at music competition Eurovision in 2009. Dima himself admits that without Rudkovskaya he would not have been able to achieve such recognition.

Yana Rudkovskaya with Dima Bilan: producers

There was never a romantic connection between them - only collaboration and strong friendship. By the way, Dima Bilan - Godfather Sasha, son of Yana and figure skater Evgeni Plushenko.

Dima Bilan and Yulia Volkova

A member of the formerly famous Tatu group, Yulia Volkova, confirmed that she had a short relationship with Dima Bilan: “The romance began during the Eurovision qualifying round, but we soon realized that we could not be together.”

Dima with Yulia Volkova

It is very difficult for two hot-tempered artists to build love, but they were able to maintain a friendly relationship after the breakup.

Victoria Dayneko

Two celebrities of Russian show business worked together on musical project In Los Angeles. Victoria was then still married to Dmitry Kleiman.

Dima Bilan and Victoria Daineko

Bilan and Pelageya

Dima Bilan and Pelageya are judges of the popular project “The Voice”. They speak well of each other. The singer once said that Bilan is very attractive and an interesting man: “We are constantly in touch, texting, exchanging videos. He's so funny!

Dima had to give a detailed comment to the press: “There is only sincere friendship between us. This girl deserves the best." Let us remind you that Pelageya is now married to hockey player Ivan Telegin.

Ksenia Sukhinova

Model Ksenia Sukhinova is another alleged girlfriend of Dima Bilan. They filmed the artist’s video “Girl, Don’t Cry” together. This is not their first collaboration.

Dima Bilan and Ksenia Sukhinova

In the film, the young people play the role of lovers so convincingly that fans were confident in their romance. Celebrities do not confirm this.

Dima Bilan's wife and children

There are several photographs on the Internet of the allegedly secret wedding ceremony of Dima Bilan and Elena Kuletskaya. Most likely, it was an ordinary staging at a fashion show.

By official information Dima has never been married and has no children.

Dima Bilan with godson Sasha Plushenko

Although he considers Yana Rudkovskaya’s child to be his son, which he constantly says on Instagram: “I’m already a father, albeit a spiritual one.”

Dima Bilan's life today

The 36-year-old singer continues to actively tour, record new compositions and shoot videos. He considers his home a luxurious mansion in the near Moscow region, west of the capital.

Country house of Dima Bilan

They say he bought it for a million euros. The housing is located in a pine forest, not far from the highway.

Bilan has a spacious apartment in the very center of Moscow. The musician bought it a long time ago. Apartment with an area of ​​100 sq. m. cost the artist half a million dollars. The interior is simple but sophisticated. Most Dima spends years in the apartment, but often goes to his mansion.

Dima Bilan remains one of the most eligible bachelors in Russia: “I’m happy with my life, and I don’t intentionally want to change anything about it.”

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