Apartment design europe a. Tour of a European apartment: cozy interior in natural colors. Rules for interior design in European style

Designer: Sergey Kharenko

The concept of European style includes several architectural trends, united general characteristics. In general, the European style in the interior of an apartment provides for a high level of comfort and quality of work, the use of natural, environmentally friendly materials. The set of interior items represents harmonious combination furniture, equipment, accessories, in which there is no place for unnecessary things.

Apartment features

The apartment is decorated in a minimalist style with loft elements. White was chosen as the main color of the interior, filling the rooms with cleanliness, visually expanding the space, indicating careful planning and high level finishing.

Kitchen-living room

The white kitchen-living room in a one-room apartment is designed in the form of a studio, combining areas for cooking and relaxation. The snow-white room is harmoniously complemented by accents of black and white furniture, accessories, lamps, and wall decor. Even the picture has a contrasting content and at the same time carries a particle of natural freshness.

The simplicity and clarity of the minimalist character of the interior is emphasized by the smooth lines of Roman blinds. Each item is thought out and has a functional purpose. Zoning into a work area and a relaxation area occurs with the help of furniture and decorative painting of the walls.

Thanks to the skillful division of space into zones, a separate living room and bedroom were created in a one-room apartment. Despite the asceticism of the design, the kitchen gives the impression of a comfortable and convenient room, and the upholstered furniture will allow you to spend any amount of time in front of a modern large TV.

Snow-white bedroom

The lounge room continues the chosen finishing style. White walls and black pieces of furniture are complemented by gray interior items. In the course of a thoughtful layout, there was room in a small room for a comfortable double bed and a desk with a computer.

Open shelves and Roman blinds do not clutter up the space, and the glossy finish in the headboard visually pushes back the wall. The room, filled with sun, shines, seems spacious and cozy. A small partition takes up very little space, but protects the person resting in bed from the light falling from the work desk.


The bathroom is very tiny, but thanks to the right design, you can comfortably use a shower, toilet, and bidet. Elements of the loft style were used as decor - a heated towel rail and a lamp made of stainless steel, finishing in decorative stone, countertops and tiles of a warm sand shade with the texture of natural solid wood.

The glass door to the shower cabin gives the room lightness, does not clutter it up, and creates the effect of free space. This is also facilitated by mirrored shelves on the wall cabinet. In addition to visually expanding the room, this solution allowed us to eliminate the necessary mirror on the wall.

Professionally organized interior studio apartment in the European style allows you to get a beautiful modern design, with maximum functionality and comfort. There is a place for work, communication with friends, and good rest.

When starting a renovation, the owners want to update and refresh the interior, to realize their ideas and dreams. The design of an apartment or house is a reflection inner world man, his life principles. A European-style kitchen is suitable for practical housewives who can easily part with unnecessary things, value space and simplicity in their surroundings. There are several directions - from rustic to modern urban. You can introduce details of German, British, French culture into the interior, but the main thing is to understand their common features.

Kitchen in in this direction– this is space and light, of which there should be a lot. Big windows, bright artificial lighting, white decoration give a feeling of freedom and purity. A minimum of cabinets and kitchen utensils, nothing superfluous - this is the embodiment of European practicality. Various products are used in the design. If the interior gravitates towards a rustic orientation, then natural materials. For modern urban design, you can choose a combination of natural and artificial surfaces.

An open layout of the home is welcome, that is, combining a kitchen with a dining room and living room. In such a room it is easier to achieve spaciousness and good lighting, to place everything you need, using space sparingly. Zoning of the room is done using a dining table, workplace or small closet. If there is a partition, it should be low or transparent so as not to impede the penetration of light. These are tips for the kitchen-living room, but even in a small room you can implement the ideas and general style inherent in European houses.

Color palette

White is an ideal color for this trend in interior design. You can combine it with a light palette:

  • gold;
  • yellow;
  • green;
  • gray;
  • brown;
  • blue;
  • turquoise.

In a large kitchen, bright accents are allowed. In a small room it is better to use only pastel colors. Instead of white, you can use beige, cream, light gray, or olive as a basis. This is a color scheme for finishing ceilings, walls, and floors. Furniture is selected depending on the overall tone. Main palette: gray, white, brown. Color accents of yellow, black, blue colors are possible.

European style kitchen decoration

The choice of materials depends on the direction of the interior - rustic or urban. Combining concepts is also acceptable. Modern European design can be combined with minimalism, with which it has much in common, with loft and modern. Then elements from these directions will be introduced into the decoration of the room.


The most suitable material Ceramic tiles are a practical, environmentally friendly and durable coating option. For a small kitchen it is better to choose light floor colors; in a large room the tiles can be dark brown, blue or even black. White color on the floor looks beautiful, but it is difficult to care for, all drops and stains are immediately visible, and in the kitchen it adds more work to the housewife. Therefore, the rational choice is beige, gray, olive shades. The tiles can be plain or have a simple, dim pattern and texture.

Parquet flooring, laminate and linoleum are also allowed by style features. Wood on the floor brings warmth and coziness to the design of the room. It is desirable that it be present in the furniture for a harmonious design of the room. Light shades such as walnut, hornbeam, oak, ash, olive, and beech are most suitable for European-style interiors.

Linoleum is the most a budget option. For the kitchen, it is better to choose a coating of medium thickness and high density. The texture and texture of the material make it more practical and attractive, and also increase wear resistance compared to smooth linoleum.


A distinctive feature of the European style is high baseboards, which can be made from floor tiles, wooden or plastic panels. This is an interesting design move and a practical solution, because these places get dirty the most, and the tiles are easy and quick to clean. Also special attention deserves an apron. It is traditionally made of ceramics. Small and large slabs, unobtrusive designs and patterns on them are allowed.

The rest of the wall surface in the simplest and most practical way is painted. Can also be used:

  • washable wallpaper;
  • decorative plaster;
  • fiberglass;
  • wall panels.

Brickwork or its imitation, borrowed from the loft, will become an interesting element of the kitchen. It is advisable to choose a monochromatic material or with an unobtrusive, discreet pattern. The walls must be washed well to maintain order. Think about the pedantic Germans, the prim British, the elegant Italians. They value cleanliness and their time, so materials should make cleaning easy.


Simplicity and practicality, wide application white- all this is combined with the most ordinary painting of the ceiling. But to use this option, the surface must be perfectly flat. This means you should invite a professional plasterer or cover the top of the room with plasterboard. Stretch ceilings are also suitable for haute cuisine.

Multi-tiered structures and large relief elements in the European style are not used. The transition from a horizontal surface to a wall can be decorated with a small rounding, a simple plinth or molding. For stretch ceilings, special PVC plugs are used to avoid gaps. An interesting solution for the joint is a plain fabric cord.


In the European style, a variety of fabrics is not welcomed; their quantity is reduced to the necessary minimum. At night, the windows are covered with blinds or plain simple curtains. In apartments on the upper floors you can do without them. During the day, nothing should prevent natural light from entering the room, so curtains and blinds are moved to the walls.

Furniture and lighting

The kitchen set, like all other interior elements, is subject to general rules style: simplicity, functionality, monotony and restraint. For a small cooking room, cabinets with glossy and mirrored fronts with hidden handles are suitable. For large rooms, you can choose matte surfaces. The classic solution is plain cabinets, but elegant, neat designs are allowed, for example, gold on a white or beige background, or relief.

Tabletop and work zone can become accent elements made of dark wood, stone or other material. Furniture should be chosen to be multifunctional so that its quantity can be minimized. All unnecessary and rarely used items from the kitchen are removed to the pantry, mezzanine or trash. This can be difficult, but the resulting space and lack of clutter of dishes gives a feeling of lightness and comfort. All the necessary items are at the hostess's fingertips, so nothing gets in the way of enjoying cooking and family dinners.

The absence of unnecessary furniture allows light to pass freely through the room. Glossy and mirror surfaces reflect and enhance it. European style requires good lighting. This can be realized with the help of spotlights, chandeliers or lamps on the ceiling, additional lighting in cabinets, on walls and in the work area.


Decorations for a European-style kitchen should be simple and few in number. Ideal options:

  • indoor plants in light, plain pots;
  • a picture in a regular frame, for example, metal or wood;
  • poster on the wall or photo wallpaper;
  • vase of flowers on the table.

The decor can also include gadgets and all kinds of equipment from a microwave oven to kitchen scales. Textile and knitted items, ruffles, fringes, and antique items are not welcome, except in an interior that is closer to rustic. IN modern design There should be objects of simple shape, light colors made of glass, metal, wood. Modular paintings, candles or stylized lamps can become an interesting and stylish decor.

Photos of European-style kitchens in the interior


If the owners are ready to remove everything unnecessary from the kitchen, let them in Fresh air and light, European style is what they need. This great option for a modern studio apartment. But even an ordinary room can be decorated with taste. In interior design, preference is given to light pastel colors and practical finishes. Furniture should be simple, but stylish and not cheap, made from high-quality modern materials. And most importantly, a kitchen decorated in a European style should have a lot of light, natural and artificial, and free space.

In Europe, at least if an ordinary room looks harmonious, cozy, light and even artistic. Are there any tricks that you can use to create a stylish European interior yourself?

Light and spaciousness in the interior

The lahudra feature of European interiors is that they are spacious, free, filled with air and light. Related to (the) rule, this comes down to the large footage of the premises themselves. In fact, it’s not a sin to achieve such an effect in our apartments using available techniques.

Start with the layout. In European apartments you will find narrow, cramped corridors and rooms, back alleys - either they are turned into separate closed spaces (avoiding storage of things (dressing rooms), or they are combined with other rooms into a spacious studio. The kitchen, living room and passage are combined a thousand times , and only personal spaces remain separate - dressing room, bathroom, children's room, office.

In the color scheme of walls and ceilings it would be better to give preference light colors and shades: white, cream, beige, light gray. This color scheme gives the interior lightness, cheerfulness and elegance. In addition, sympathy visually “pushes” the walls.

Acceptable for floor finishing the most dissimilar materials, without complex parquet or tile patterns. As a rule, paul is monochromatic or textured (for example, with a uniform rough wood pattern).

Simple geometry of space. In such interiors, the ceilings and walls are smooth, without complex plasterboard structures, niches, arches and columns.

Despite the apparent simplicity, in the European interior there is an atmosphere, mood, character day and night. And you can create this by painting and painting a neutral light background (walls, floor, ceiling) and “draw” emotions through the decor. It is the final decoration - lamps, textiles, accessories - that brings emotion to every room.

Objects of art occupy an extremely important place in the interior, paintings, posters, photographs, and always professionally executed and modern, in case there is no idea to create an accent in a retro style. They are selected around general idea and color output.

There are few accessories in European rooms, but each of them is special. Instead of five similar souvenirs, it is better to place one, so spectacular and unusual item. Every now and then, with the purchase of one designer item (lequith, lamp, chair, poster) you can change general form rooms.

Pretentiousness is far from welcome in European interiors, pomp, demonstrative and ostentatious brilliance. It is important to use only the most suitable materials best quality- for that matter, simplicity will not look cheap, but on the contrary, it will give the room elegance.

Little secrets of the interior

- In a different way) the room will be small, feel free to refuse lush draperies and curtains. In their place (God) ordered the use of light tulle, roller blinds, and blinds. An unusual modification for us is “naked” windows.

If a room with such windows looked seductive, you need to carefully decorate the window openings, simply not with plastic slopes, but with plaster, paint, and laconic figured trim. Additional decor can include frames (frames) or small borders around the window - the same color, ayushki? and a wall.

Can there be any suspended ceilings? European designers use them only in public interiors (cafe-bars, restaurants, hotels).

A good option living room furniture - cabinet, modular stool. This is a kind of construction set for adults: you order only those elements of the rack that are necessary and arrange them in a convenient order. The lightness and versatility of the modules allow you to change the interior from time to time.

An interesting technique: where you can choose a single set in the living room or dining room various items (ottoman + chaise longue or several chairs). Of course, they must match in style and color. Such a set will look more interesting than a massive and monotonous “corner”. This is also an option for old furniture- you can cover the chairs with fashionable fabric of different shades or patterns.

European comfort

European design does not interfere with comfort, but, on the contrary, embodies livability. So the kitchen and bathroom should first of all be comfortable. When drinking, large items can be hidden in storage systems, and individual items Use utensils and table equipment as decor. To do this, you will have to buy high-quality and stylish dishes and cutlery - they will perform two functions at once: serve for a long time and faithfully, and in a specific turn decorate the room.

Keep me safe...

Europeans pay a lot of attention to storage systems. The end is no matter what piece of furniture is thought out so that every centimeter inside it is occupied with benefit. As a rule, the things of the whole family are stored in specially organized places: pantries, dressing rooms.

Only the most necessary items that should be at hand remain in the rooms. Thanks to this, the interiors of the poorly educated are overloaded with cabinets, “walls”, shelves...

If it is not possible to highlight space for a dressing room or pantry, they can be successfully replaced by spacious sedan-type wardrobes. The main thing is to choose the most neutral design: a simple mirror or wooden isogeotherm, avoiding patterns, drawings and other elaborate decor.

We are not afraid of bright cutters

Consoles, don’t be afraid to experiment with color! This is precisely why the neutral, discreet “three pillars” (light walls, sex, ceiling) are so good - it allows you to play with bright colors, changing the network, covers or upholstery, rugs...

The main rule of tonal development is to throw out one bright “mark” in a saturated color (sofa, carpet, part of the wall, etc.), complementing it with small accessories of other shades - in the spirit of similar, similar and contrasting. How smaller area color accent, the more different colors may be involved.

Interior decor is a great opportunity to create your dream home, embodying your ideas about aesthetics, ergonomics and comfort. By creating decor with our own hands, we put a piece of our own soul into our houses and apartments, making them original and individual. But in order for the resulting interior to look truly harmonious and stylish, inspiration is needed. You will find it on the pages of our website. When choosing the decor of a kitchen or apartment, we often strive to make it as functional as possible. However, many people forget that, for example, the kitchen is not only a place for preparing food, but also a room where the whole family gathers for friendly, warm communication. That's why the kitchen decor photos presented on our website are designed to help you make right choice. Are there universal criteria by which you should choose the decor of a kitchen or apartment? Of course no. Each apartment, each room is unique, and therefore requires careful study of its characteristics. However, designers have developed several simple tips on the selection of optimal interior solutions: the decor of the apartment must correspond to the spirit of its owner - only in this way can it bring the owner a feeling of peace and pleasure from relaxation; it is necessary to decorate the interior based on the architectural features of the room: you cannot use an abundance of dark elements or stucco in small rooms, as well as decorate impressive rooms with small objects in the Provence style; It is necessary to select materials, decorative items and interior items based on the developed style of the room and fully suit it, otherwise a feeling of dissonance and discomfort will be created. Creating apartment decor is not as easy as it seems. But by browsing through the selection of interior design ideas on our website, you are sure to find something to suit your taste! Creating interior decor with your own hands is not only fashionable, but also very interesting! Take a look at the photo of the interior decor and you will understand what real beauty in hand-made style is. Hand-painted boxes, cabinets and tables, decorated using decoupage, original jewelry and accessories for the kitchen and apartment - everything that will help you update your interior without extra costs, making it bright and memorable! Photos of apartment decor collected on the pages of our website are a treasure trove of unusual ideas for decorating your home. Perhaps there are no more diverse options for transforming rooms than decor. It includes many ways to decorate the interior: painting walls and furniture; stone and forged elements; stained glass; carved decor; decorations made of macrame and hand embroidery; flower arrangements and much more. Decor doesn't have to be expensive. To update, for example, a living room, it is enough to replace the textiles (curtains, rugs, tablecloths), decorate the walls and shelves with a couple of new decorations (paintings and figurines) of a similar style to the textiles, and instead of the usual wooden coffee table, use a funny pouf in a catchy shade - “ alive” and the colorful interior is ready. Decorative elements in the interior occupy a dominant position. The smallest details can radically transform a space. That is why it is so important that the surrounding decor is pleasant for you and makes you feel comfortable. Find inspiration, create and have fun with us.

While getting acquainted with different works, visitors receive little information about their creators, but it is so interesting to get to know famous masters better. Below are ten very popular and significant personalities in interior art working in Europe in recent years.

Fabio Novembre is one of Italy's most eccentric designers. He is very energetic, unpredictable and has brought many bright ideas. True, they still expect even more from him, calling him promising. It is thanks to people like him that hope remains that interior art will not descend to the level of standard stamping of faceless things.

Philippe Starck promotes love for one's neighbor and generosity of soul in his lectures, and at the same time creates works in which notes of sex and violence coexist. His extraordinary approach to business has led to the fact that his turnkey work is very popular around the world. Prices for items he designs vary greatly, giving fans the opportunity to treat themselves to a chair or lamp even on a limited budget.

Konstantin Grcic leads a very modest social life, and in his works is guided by the functionality and practicality of solutions. He is known for his attention to detail; for example, it can take him three years to design a set of dishes. Behind the whimsical forms of his inventions there is always comfort and logic.

Patricia Urquiola is a world-famous specialist who has worked with the most famous design houses. She often makes feminine, warm, soulful things from fabric, threads and similar materials. She manages to combine minimalism with spirituality. Patricia is an architect by training, but mainly deals with the production of individual models, and she agrees to work on a large project only for special customers who are responsive to her opinion.

Alfredo Haberli was born in Argentina, and lives with his family in a small apartment in Switzerland. He has a passion for designing compact items as well as all kinds of baby parts. When working on large-scale projects, he always requires at least two years of time from the client. Alfredo considers this period to be the minimum for carrying out such a serious matter.

Tord Bontje dreamed of becoming a forester, but instead he mastered laser cutting and creates a variety of works based on the same motif. Curtains and tablecloths, tables and dishes - everything is decorated with flowers, petals and little animals. His simple ideas are combined into fabulous installations, and the flow of buyers does not dry out. In the modern technocratic world, his work becomes a breath of tenderness and closeness to nature.

Ingo Mauer focused exclusively on the production of lighting products. He is ready to make any interior lively and interesting with their help, and uses a variety of techniques for this. His light bulbs with wings and a chandelier in the shape of a bowl of soup are known all over the world. Mauer opened his own company, and works by various authors are published under his brand.

Hella Jongerius ignores the requirements for practicality and happily shows fans her creations, which are particularly decorative. For example, a plate with a plump porcelain hare in the middle is unlikely to be convenient for use. Hella is very critical of modern consumerism and affluence, and also does not like pets.

Morten Klesson, Ero Koivisto and Ola Rune work in a trio and create entire interiors in the Scandinavian style. They love it when their products sell in mass quantities and try to make them original, but universal. The bureau takes particular pleasure in working with the construction and design of multi-storey buildings.

Terence Conran has a very complex character, and yet throughout his life he urged consumers to simplicity. He believes that the decorative nature of Victorian-style furniture has long been out of date, and all things should be functional first and foremost. He created a career based on this principle.

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