Nose shapes in women: types, features and standards. The shape of the nose will help reveal a person's character. photo

A person's appearance can tell a lot about him. For example, it is well known that eyes reflect the state of mind, mood, inner world personality. What can a person’s nose tell about a person’s character? It turns out a lot.

Four typical nose sizes

There are many types of noses. One of the criteria for their characteristics is size. Noses range in size from large to small and long to short.

  • So, a person with great big nose, usually self-confident, selfish and passionate. He prefers to lead and command, and act independently.
  • At the owner's small nose has little patience and gets frustrated easily, but loves to play in a team, help out, and solve problems creatively.
  • A long nose indicates that its owner is ambitious and businesslike, capable of raising and solving the most complex tasks and problems.
  • People with short noses they do not like to lead, they are more driven than proactive, but they are loved for their emotionality, kindness and sensitivity.

Nose shape: there are eight main shapes of the nose structure

Maybe you should approach the mirror and, by examining your nose, learn something new about yourself?

It's no secret that our body can tell a lot about our inner world.

Israeli scientist Abraham Tamir from David Ben-Gurion University of the Negev conducted an interesting study, the results of which were published in the Journal of Craniofacial Surgery.

It turns out that you can identify eight main shapes of noses, and depending on this, you can learn the main character traits of a person.

Nubian nose

A long nose with a downward pointing tip is called Nubian. People with this nose shape are usually friendly and sociable. They are inquisitive and always strive to learn something new.

Greek nose

The Greek name for a straight narrow nose, which can be seen on antique statues. People with such noses are mostly practical people. The main feature Their character is loyalty. True, winning the favor of such a person is not so easy - they are very critical in choosing friends. But for the sake of their loved ones, they are ready to do anything.

Hooked nose

A curved nose, reminiscent of a bird's beak in shape, indicates a person's great creative potential. People with this nose shape are inventive and talented, and also fanatically devoted to their favorite work.

Arched nose

If the nose is not only curved, but also has a pointed tip, this indicates the person’s extraordinary organizational abilities. Such people are very honest and responsible; you can always rely on them in difficult times.

Button nose

Those with a small upturned nose are famous for their eccentricity. They like to act spontaneously, and in life they often rely on chance. In addition, owners of button noses do not like unnecessary conversations and immediately move from words to action.

Straight nose

A straight nose with a rounded tip speaks of the strong character of its owner. Such people are very bright personalities. They are passionate and temperamental. They are easily pissed off, but just as quickly they forget about all troubles and forgive offenders.

Aquiline nose

A slightly concave nose with a pronounced hump on the bridge of the nose indicates a person’s generosity. Such people are very sensual. You should be careful when talking to them, as they are easy to offend.

Crooked nose

Although a crooked nose is considered unattractive, its owners are the nicest people. They are kind and sympathetic. They are also excellent listeners, always ready to delve into a problem and help with practical advice.

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Modern experimental psychology treats physiognomy as a pseudoscience, but everyone decides for themselves what to believe. Hypotheses that have not yet been confirmed today may become scientific breakthroughs tomorrow.

Physiognomic studies claim that somatic changes indicate mental characteristics, therefore, the character of a person and his emotional condition can be determined by facial features and body movements if you have certain knowledge.

Psychosomatics considers the relationship between the mental state and the emerging disease to be proven, and physiognomy studies similar processes, only in healthy person. According to physiognomy, the shape of the nose and the character of a person are closely related.

How are the shape of the nose and a person’s character related?

Galen and Hippocrates also argued that individual facial features can give an impression of character and lifestyle without resorting to personal communication.

IN Ancient Greece There was an opinion about the existence of a relationship between the physical and the spiritual, but no concrete evidence was provided. Therefore, most people considered this science to be a chimerical art, and in the modern understanding it is just another esoteric teaching.

Psychosomatics is a promising direction in medicine, proving the existence of a relationship between the state of the psyche and the external structure.

For example, the nose of newborns is approximately the same shape, but over time it transforms and acquires individual characteristics.

A person’s appearance is determined at the genetic level, and the psyche can be formed under the influence of external factors. Thus, modern science recognizes not only the influence external environment on the psyche, but also the relationship between the spiritual and the physical.

Physiognomy + photo

In medicine, it is believed that the proportional structure of the face – a marker of good health, good genes. If according to appearance damn now you can make conclusions about the state internal organs, then personality, character traits, mental characteristics can be determined by the shape and structure of facial features.

From an anatomical point of view, the state of natural openings on the face is determined by the configuration of the muscles responsible for chewing and facial expressions, the ends of which are fixed near these openings.

Consequently, each nostril and nasal tip, even the bridge of the nose, carry information about the habits, inclinations and most common emotions of an individual. With age, the face changes more and more, and each feature receives data that is very valuable for an experienced physiognomist.

By adding the signs together, the specialist draws conclusions.

The basic rule for studying facial features take into account the totality of physiognomic data and the gender of the person, rely on your knowledge and experience.

Then any, even the most secretive nature, will become accessible to understanding. Studying a photo makes it possible to examine a face without being influenced by impressions, charm, or emotions. This is the goal of the current research.

How to determine character by the bridge of the nose?

The bridge of the nose is not the most informative area. Accept that a hump speaks of an extraordinary nature. But she might be characteristic feature ethnicity or temperament and domineering nature.

A woman with a wide and high bridge of the nose is stubborn, distinguished by an iron will and a desire for leadership. By the convex bridge of the nose, others can guess about the performance and endurance of its owner.

Among other things, it demonstrates a rejection of authority and intolerance to orders.

What can the tip of the nose say about personality?

This is an eloquent feature that is usually judged arbitrarily:

  • "eagle beak" can mean natural cunning or vindictiveness;
  • the downward curved and pointed tip will remind you of the necessary caution in communicating with its owner;
  • a small nose, with its tip turned up, speaks of impressionability and a tendency to make impulsive decisions;
  • a slightly curved tip indicates the owner’s prudence;
  • the owner of the pointed and raised tip is mercantile, wants to accumulate wealth, but he is not able to achieve such an achievement.


If they are large and round, they can mean openness and generosity or ambition along with arrogance and rancor. The owner of small nostrils is tight-fisted, money is the main thing for him, and success is measured by its quantity.

Love is an inaccessible feeling for owners of narrow and long nostrils. Close people for them are a source of emotions, a means of feeding their own soul, which is poor in feelings.

Character of a person according to the length of the nose

There are several types of long noses, and in order to correctly decipher the character, you should pay attention to the tip and bridge of the nose.

Straight shape - evidence of logic and consistency, bonyness speaks of quarrelsomeness. A prominent tip indicates a tendency towards secrecy.

Types of noses on girls

Despite the 14 types of noses identified by scientists, physiognomy considers only Roman, African, Greek, classic, aquiline, potato and snub-nosed to be typical in girls.

Judge about feminine character based on the general type - a rash step. It is necessary to take into account both the structural features and the location in the overall architectonics of the face.

Types of noses in men

In men, there are two types of long (sometimes three), snub and potato, two types of short nose and asymmetrical. However, the business of physiognomy is not classification by type, but reading by the totality of features.

The shape of the nostrils, the wing, the bridge of the nose (back) and the tip should be taken into account. All together will tell a lot to a person who knows how to read faces.

Proportions of an ideal nose + photo

For determining perfect shape Some calculations are required. But even they will not give an idea of ​​perfection, because every race, ethnicity and culture has its own concepts of beauty.

The only one common feature – symmetry in relation to the rest of the facial features and exact location in the center.


Man receiving at the genetic level characteristics appearance, at the same time inherits some mental characteristics. Owner of the nose a certain shape automatically acquires specific features and attitude towards others.

He is instilled with concepts characteristic of the nation or race in which he lives. However, experienced physiognomists believe that only the type of external respiratory organ should not be considered. The architectonics of the face matters mutual arrangement its components, harmony and distance between them.

Physiognomy considers at least 24 signs related to the nose. But these are 576 possible combinations! By looking at the nose of your interlocutor, you can better understand its owner

Physiognomy considers at least 24 signs related to the nose. But these are 576 possible combinations! By looking at the nose of your interlocutor, you can better understand its owner. Let’s figure out what features immediately attract attention and are clear for interpretation

From an expert

German Teplyakov, doctor, teacher, psychologist, highly qualified specialist in the field of medical and psychovisual diagnostics:

- Scientists are still arguing about the mysteries of human origins. According to one version, our distant ancestors lived on the banks of reservoirs and got their food in the water. So the man lost his hair, which prevented him from swimming, and acquired subcutaneous fat to keep warm in the water, and improved a device that allows searching for food - the nose. Nose - amazing gift nature. It can be small and large, narrow and wide, straight and with a hump. And in all cases, this wonderful organ makes a person unique, giving him his own charm and special uniqueness.

Nose length

Lorenzo Villoresi

Man with long nose(an example is the outstanding modern perfumer Lorenzo Villoresi) is thorough, knows how to appreciate beautiful and tasty things. Gives great importance aesthetic side of the issue. Well versed in high fashion and in haute cuisine. The owner of a long nose should not be rushed - on the contrary, you should try to imbue him with his pace. Where the gift of diplomacy is required, long-nosed people will be simply irreplaceable.

Danielle Westbrook

People with short noses (example: British actress and TV presenter Danielle Westbrook) are more specific, prefer to receive information quickly and immediately, in a compact form, the beauty of the packaging at the same time special significance will not have. Such people give out information in the same way - quickly and compactly. True, it is not always polite - which, however, is simply perceived by the short-nosed people themselves as frankness. Is it possible to be offended by the truth? And one more thing: people with short noses are invaluable if you need the ability to quickly navigate and make decisions.

Now the question is: which nose length is better for a sommelier, and which for a fireman?

With and without a hump

Paris Hilton

A straight nose (for example, the famous party girl Paris Hilton) is characteristic of people with the same straight character. It is usually easier to negotiate with them: they do not change the original conditions.

Adrien Brody

Another thing is a nose with a hump (for example, actor Adrien Brody). The owners of such noses are very changeable; new ideas constantly come to their minds, forcing them to change their path and, alas, sometimes retreat from previously reached agreements. If your child has a hooked nose, you should not ask him two weeks before his birthday what mobile phone he wants as a gift - new versions of “wants” will be announced every day.

Always remember that a person with a hump on the nose has a particularly sensitive pride. If in a conversation with him you notice that he has begun to rub his hump, know that you have inadvertently offended him.

So, the question is: will you draw up a contract in every detail or will you just take the word of a person with a hump on his nose?


The width of the nostrils is used to judge the degree of energy of a person (sometimes called temperament). Indeed, a person with wide nostrils is able to absorb more air at once, which serves our species homo sapiens are the main type of “fuel”.

Mikhail Pugovkin

A person with wide nostrils (an example is actor Mikhail Pugovkin) is easy-going, quickly lights up and... alas, quickly deflates. Long-term programs are not his thing. Such people are best suited to the “eat an elephant” technique, when a large task is posed successively in small fragments.

Roald Amundsen

Narrow nostrils (for example, the traveler Roald Amundsen) endow their owner with regularity and balance. Such a person is by nature capable of long-term work at a measured pace. In other words, if the term “sprinter” is better suited to wide nostrils, then narrow nostrils are always a stayer.

Business problem: which employee is more suitable for a startup and which one is more suitable for implementing a long-term project?

Nose ridge


The narrow ridge of the nose (for example, the Central Asian conqueror Tamerlane) belongs to people who are sharp, sometimes hot-tempered, always ready to rush into battle. Combined with an aquiline nose - an explosive mixture! You need to negotiate everything with such people in a friendly, calm atmosphere, eliminating stress and quarrel.

Steve Wozniak

A wide ridge of the nose (for example, one of the founders of Apple, Steve Wozniak) reveals peaceful, kind, and sincere natures. These characters are always looking for (and successfully finding!) a peaceful way out of the most ambiguous situations. They have the rare gift of not only avoiding conflicts, but also stopping them at the very beginning.

Question: If you were to go on a space flight, which nose ridge would you prefer to choose as your neighbor in the orbital station?

bridge of the nose

Monica Lewinsky

A wide bridge of the nose (an example is the well-known Monica Lewinsky) inclines a person to investigative behavior. In science, psychology and the practice of investigative bodies, this is the most valuable quality, but in ordinary life may lead to conflicts. In addition, people with this feature sometimes have difficulty setting goals - they need help with choosing a goal.

Prince Charles

A narrow bridge of the nose (for example, Prince Charles) gives excellent goal setting and completely predictable behavior that is comfortable for others. Although... openness in behavior does not always please those who are nearby with its frankness.

Challenge: Which bridge of your nose would you choose to be the head of security for your corporation?

tip of the nose

On this basis they look at how neat a person is and is able to delve into details.

Steve Jobs

Let's remember Steve Jobs, whose nose was as sharp as a beak. Jobs paid exceptional attention to every detail of every device produced by his company. If you are negotiating with a sharp-nosed person, prepare for the fact that he will want to ask you about the smallest details related to the matter. And if your marriage partner has a sharp tip of the nose, pedantry in everything will be your constant companion.

Gerard Depardieu

A blunt tip of the nose (like, say, Gerard Depardieu) betrays a person for whom the big picture is much more important than small details. Hence, there is not so much attention to order and a reluctance to delve into details. Do not expect deep analytics and scrupulousness from such a person - this is not in his nature. But it will come in handy where you need to act quickly and in “broad strokes.”

Scarlett Johansson

Snub-nosed people (for example, actress Scarlett Johansson) are most often open and optimistic people, with a cheerful and easy-going disposition. They prefer to enjoy today without thinking too much about the future. It’s another matter if the tip of the nose hangs down (example - the owner Microsoft Bill Gates). In ancient and medieval treatises on physiognomy, such a sign was noted as a nose for money. There really is something to this. A person with such a nose tip will not always be a millionaire, but in almost all cases he has some special talent that can be successfully monetized.

Question: Which nose tip shape would you choose as your personal financial advisor?

For a long time known fact that the shape of a person's nose can tell some of a person's traits.

There are a great variety of nose shapes, but there are eight main types:


The Nubian nose is distinguished by its length. The back of such a nose is almost straight, and the tip is directed downward. People with this form are often curious and very optimistic. “Nubians” try very hard to help others and create ideal conditions for those around them. Many people like people with Nubian noses; they will always find a solution to any problem.


This name came about as a result of observing Greek ancient sculptures. The Greek nose is very narrow, long and straight. "Greeks" do not always like to be in the spotlight. They are very practical and loyal to their loved ones. It is very difficult for such people to talk about their feelings, which is why they seem rather withdrawn.


Many people compare this nose shape with bird's beak. Its back is curved and its tip is directed downwards. Such people are very creative, very selfless. They are passionate about defending their principles, risking everything to achieve their own goals.


This type of nose is very similar to a hook nose, but its tip is even more pointed. People with such noses are brilliant organizers. They are always honest and responsible in their work, and always systematically achieve the necessary goals.


This nose is quite small and graceful, slightly snub-nosed. Its form is quite common. Owners of such a nose are very spontaneous in their decisions, which sometimes displeases others. These people have a very strong and cocky character, they immediately move from talk to action. They almost always try to get what they want.


This nose is very common in Asia. Its shape is almost perfectly straight, slightly flat. The tip is rounded and the nostrils are quite wide. Such people have very a strong character. They are very cunning, secretive, passionate and temperamental, they usually hide their thoughts and grievances within themselves and under outward goodwill. It is very easy to provoke the anger of people with straight noses. It is very dangerous to have such people as your enemies.


This type of nose has a small bump on the back. This form is not very common; it is quite difficult to immediately distinguish it from others. People with such a nose are distinguished by their friendliness, isolation, generosity, and desire to solve the problems of others. Owners of this form are very sensitive, they are easily offended or offended, but usually few people know about it.


The name is not the most pleasant. However, the character of such people very often turns out to be soft and loving. The back of such a nose is curved and the tip is rounded. "Bow-nosed" are very concentrated on what they are doing in the moment. They are excellent listeners, protectors, best friends and partners.

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