Fortune telling with playing cards on “Feelings of a loved one. Layout The Naked Truth. Station layout for two

Relationship layouts:

Station layout for two

As a rule, this alignment is used to clarify the relationship between partners in love and marriage. However, it can be used to analyze the relationship between two business partners, between family members and any other people.
Position meaning

1 – Significator showing the state of this relationship now; what connects these two people.

The left row (7, 6, 5) indicates the questioner.

Right row (2, 3, 4) - his partner, man or woman.

7+2 – The top two cards characterize conscious relationships. They show what each partner is thinking about and how he evaluates this relationship.

6+3 – Both middle cards characterize spiritual, emotional relationships. They show what partners have in their hearts, their hopes or fears.

5+4 – The lower cards describe the external side of the relationship, how it looks from the outside. Perhaps this is just a facade hiding completely different thoughts (upper level) and feelings (middle level).

Interpretation of the meaning of cards:

First, using map 1, try to determine the main motive of the relationship. Then move down to the vertical rows to find out how the partners relate to each other at each level. Then check the dynamics: are the figures on the cards moving towards each other at this level, is there such movement on at least one side? Or is each partner waiting for the other to take a step forward?

Special cards:

In the scenario we may meet face cards, often denoting specific people, and therefore playing a special role in this scenario.

Relationship layout “Three blocks”

First block– attitude and motivation.

1. The main motive of the relationship (partner to you).

2. What attitude does your partner show towards you “outwardly”.

3. How your partner really treats you.

Second block– goals and aspirations.

4. What place do you occupy in your partner's life.

5. Is he serious about you?

6. The main goal of your partner in your relationship.

Third block– development and results. (Deadlines are agreed upon in advance).

7.8. What development of your relationship does your partner expect?

9.10. Will you be satisfied with the development of your relationship?

11,12,13. The tendency for relationships to develop within a given time frame.

“Relationships” layout

1 and 2 – physical state partners. In this position, we look at how sexually satisfied each of them is in this relationship.
3 and 4 – emotional condition partners, what emotions they experience for each other.
5 and 6 – mental state of partners. What do each of them think about this relationship?
7 and 8 – what this relationship gives to each of the partners.
9,10 and 11 – relationship prospects.

Layout How do we see each other?

1 – How A sees B
2 – How B sees A
3 – What does A want from love?
4 – What does B want from love?
5 – How does A think the relationship is developing?
6 – How does B think the relationship is developing?

What are you like with your loved one?

The layout is originally designed for the Goddess Tarot, although any deck can be used.

Position values:

1. What is the relationship like now?

2. How a woman behaves.

3. What kind of woman does a man see?

4. What traits does a woman need to develop in herself?

5. What a woman needs to get rid of in herself.

6. What a man likes in a woman.

7. What a man doesn’t like about a woman, what he’s afraid of in her.

8. What kind of woman will become as a result of working on herself.

9. How he would like to see you.

10. What kind of women does a man love?

11. What kind of women does a man not like?

12. What relationships will become as they develop.

Relationships layout

For a comprehensive study of relationships, use a full 17 or partial layout of 15 cards.

If the relationship is romantic, then most often the Manara Tarot is used for the reading; if the relationship is friendly or partnership, then the “Tarot of Ancient Wisdom” or “78 Doors”. Works great on other decks too.

Positions of the layout:

1, 4 – partners’ thoughts about each other

2, 5 – feelings

3, 6 – behavior that partners demonstrate

7 – characteristics of relationships in the present

8 – in the past

9 – tendency for the development of relationships (you can add 2 cards, revealing the 9th card: what the relationship will bring to both partners) – a, b, c

10, 12 – what is expected from a relationship

11, 13 – what are they afraid of?

14, 15 – what they hide from each other

Reciprocity layout

The layout is suitable for viewing any relationship (love, colleagues, mother-daughter, etc.)

The compatibility of the seeker and the opponent can be judged by the significators.

You need to take out the cards strictly in order!

1- characteristic of relationships on this moment what's happening now

2.7 - what do partners think about each other?

6.3 - loves, does not love (feelings at heart level)

4.5 – external manifestation of the relationship, its actions in relation to the partner

8,9,10 - perspective of relations for a given period

Layout “Moon path”

Distribution per person. Problems, dreams, actions and hopes in general. Cards are laid out in threes, from top to bottom, in a fan. It is in threes that they are taken from the deck, and not one at a time. Read in threes. The central main one, with clarifying ones on the sides. The left doesn't matter, but it's there. The right is important and it is there too. The significator is determined, but not laid out. If the significator’s card falls into the layout, that row is the most important and draws attention.

3. On the heart

4. In my head

5. On the right (+), which helps

6. On the left (-) what is in the way

Left, vertical row - What's leaving?

Middle vertical row - What is the strength?

Right vertical row - What's coming?

Alignment Peak of feelings

1. Querent’s potential, attitude towards sex

2. Partner’s potential, attitude towards sex

3. Desires of the querent in the relationship

4. Desires of the partner in the relationship

5,6,7. - scheme harmonious relations for a couple

8. Desirable behavior of the querent

9 . Desirable partner behavior

Harmony layout

1. How do I ideally see relationships?

2. What doesn't suit me in a relationship?

3. How does our partner see our near future?

4. What needs to be changed in yourself to achieve harmony in your relationship with your partner?

5. What approach do I need to approach my partner?

6. What will come of it? (if I follow the advice)

Layout “Cinema for two”

A layout for bilateral diagnostics of relationships and identification of behavioral scenarios.

S – movie title. Relationship scenario.

1. She. Her characteristics.

2. He. Its characteristics.

3. Her mask. What is she hiding from him?

4. His mask.

5. She is a director. What role does she offer him in the relationship, what does she expect from him.

6. He is a director.

7. She is an actress. What role will she play (plays) in the relationship.

8. He is an actor.

9. She is a critic. What she doesn’t like about the relationship (about him).

10. He is a critic. What he doesn’t like about the relationship (about her).

11. Oscar for Best Actress. What good will she give him?

12. Oscar for Best Actor.

13. Women's galoshes. The worst thing you can expect from her.

14. Men's galoshes.

15. Impromptu. Unexpected.

16. Prize for two. What will they get from the relationship? Bottom line.

Celtic heart

The layout demonstrates the difficulties and “plugs” in the existing relationships

Partner 1:

1 – Self-image in relationships

2 – Influencing circumstances (both positive and negative)

3 – What does one receive from a partner?

4 – What does it give to a partner?

5 – What personal development is looking for in a relationship?

Partner 2:

6 – Self-image in relationships

7 – Influencing circumstances (both positive and negative)

8 – What does one get from a partner?

9 – What does it give to a partner?

10 – What personal development is looking for in a relationship?


11 – How the relationship began

12 – Karmic connection uniting partners

13 – What is the lesson for further growth in relationships

14 – Immediate future of relationships

15 – More distant future

16 – Advice

Swing layout

Layout for analyzing existing relationships. Taken from the book by Vladimir Strannikov “Divination Practices. Tarot spreads.”
Two decks are used for work.

For each position, two cards are laid out. One is from the Manara deck (for a woman), the other is from the Casanova Tarot deck (for a man).

1-2. Essence of the question. What do a man and a woman want? And should they be together?

3. What is the development of this relationship?

4. What are the “cons” of developing this relationship?

5. What should I do? What to do?

6. Result. Bottom line. Advice.

Tarot spread for love

This layout is convenient for finding out the prospects love relationship. Using this love spread, you can tell fortunes for your intended partner. On the other hand, this arrangement is also convenient in cases where you already have a permanent partner, and you only need to consider the problems that have arisen in your life. Also, this tarot layout for Love can be used to answer yes-no questions, for example, “Does he (she) love me?”, “Are we ready to start a family?”, “Can we have children together?” ?. The usual “Yes-No” Tarot layout can also answer these questions.

The layout involves the Elders and Minor Arcana together. This means that before performing this layout, it is necessary to mix all the cards together, and mix them correctly, regularly turning some of the cards into their inverted position, and mixing again, which novice predictors often forget about. After the cards are mixed and removed by the querent, the process of their interpretation begins.

The meaning of card positions in the Tarot layout for Love:

1. The attitude of a man towards a woman. The degree of his interest and sexual attraction.

2. A man’s sexuality, his masculine strength, a man as a “Male”. Subconscious passions come to the fore, and, often, a man’s attitude towards this woman as a “Mother” who is capable of raising his child.

3. Material support men, the ability to provide decent living for themselves and their loved ones. Although this is a Tarot layout for Love, the material side is just as important. At least with a sweetheart it’s heaven in a hut, of course.

4. A woman's interest in her current or future partner. This is a conscious interest, animal passions come to the fore in the next card of the layout.

5. Sexuality, the instinctive beauty of a woman. Her ability to reproduce. The desire to give birth and raise a child from this man. Subconscious, animal passions.

6. Dowry, income, in general case woman's security. Denarii is the most favorable suit for this position.

Tarot spread Relationship analysis

1 – Partner’s attitude towards you

2 – How he sees your relationship

3 – What does he want from you? What is missing

4 – Your attitude towards your partner

5 – How do you see your relationship?

6 – What do you want from him? What do you lack in a relationship?

(often in subjective reality we do not want exactly what we broadcast to the outside, or not what we can and want to admit to ourselves. This explains the strange, at first glance, questions of the second part of the alignment)

7 – Point of contact in relationships (what is consonant).

Layout for Relationship Analysis

The naked truth layout

1. What do you want from your partner?

2. What's stopping you?

3. How do you experience relationships?

4. What does your partner want?

5. What stops him?

6. How does he experience your relationship?

7. Relationship past

8. Present

9. Obstacles and fears

10. Future

Layout You and Me

1 – My feelings

2 – My wishes

3 – My regrets

4 – Your feelings

5 – Your desires

6 – Your regrets

7 – Our future

Layout Two stars, two bright stories...

I offer a musical and poetic arrangement. The names of the positions use lines from songs you all know.

It is done on a full deck (you can even sing each position), and answers standard questions about love.

1. Me and you, me and you, me and you (remember this song?). The position tells about the present moment, about the state of the relationship now: dynamic, passive, emotional, conflictual, or simply not there.

2. Heart, you don’t want peace... Talks about feelings for each other. Two cards ONA-ON are laid out

3. My thoughts, my horses... Says what everyone thinks about each other. We lay out two cards SHE-ON

4. I would ask love, let him give me advice... Advice card.

5. There is only a moment between the past and the future... Result.

Second honeymoon schedule

The layout helps you concentrate on positive aspects in an existing relationship, be it friendship, romantic relationship or marriage.

1. The state of the relationship at the current moment.

2. What did you like about your partner/friend when you first met?

3. What can you do to improve your relationship on an emotional level?

4. What can you do to improve your relationship on an intellectual level?

5. What can you do to improve your relationship on a physical level?

6. What can you do to overcome difficulties and keep relationships close?

7. What does your partner/friend love about you?

Love horseshoe layout

1. Past. The beginning of a relationship.

2. Present. The way the questioner imagines his relationship with his partner.

3. Hopes, fears, expectations. What the questioner expects from this relationship. Perhaps these expectations are subconscious.

4. Conflicts. Those areas in which conflicts may arise: finances, emotions, mind. Warning the questioner against possible conflicts in the family, at work and with friends.

5. External influences. External influences on emerging relationships. These influences may be previous marriages, the opinions of parents or children, the attitude of friends, social obligations, or mistrust of which the questioner is not even aware.

6. Best course of action. The best way to achieve a successful result.

7. Possible outcome. Possible outcome of the situation if the questioner follows the advice of card 6.

Relationship game layout

This layout makes it possible to see how the partners feel in this relationship at the moment. How they evaluate them reveals what they say and their true thoughts.

1. What is the situation in our relationship today? What controls our connection?

I personally

2. How do I see our relationship, how do I evaluate my partner, what do I expect from our relationship?

3. What are my feelings, what moves my heart in this relationship?

4. How do I behave towards my partner?

My partner

5. How does he see our relationship, what does he expect from them, how does he evaluate it?

6. What are his feelings towards me? What moves his heart?

7. How does my partner behave towards me, despite his thoughts and feelings?

Wicket of love layout

Consider the Tarot card layout called “Wicket of Love”. It is most suitable if you need to discover something concerning the relationship between two people.
Using the “Wicket of Love” Tarot card layout is quite simple. Each position this scenario corresponds to one question. The Tarot card, which occupies the appropriate position, is the answer to this question. Because all questions together form general concept, then the Fortune Teller must understand that all answers are interconnected and interpreted in relation to a certain specific situation of the Consultant. Experience and intuition will greatly help him in this.

Card meanings in this layout:

1. Consultant: Symbolizes the starting point. Shows who the Querent is and what place he occupies in the relationship.

2. Left Column: Symbolizes hope. Shows what the Querent expects from this relationship.

3. Right Column: Symbolizes fears. Shows what the Querent fears in this relationship.

4. Architrave: Symbolizes responsibility. Shows what difficulties and difficulties the Querent is ready to endure for the sake of this relationship.

5. Castle: Symbolizes the appearance of the partner. Shows how the Querent imagines his partner.

6. Key: Symbolizes The right way interaction with a partner. Shows how the Consultant should build his relationship with his partner.

7. Zone behind the gate: Symbolizes the synthesis of the meanings of previous cards and indicates the very solution to the situation. Shows how the relationship between the Consultant and his partner will develop and what it is like.

Thus, we have, as it were, built a “building” of relationships with its own unique architectonics, different from others.

Noble Heart layout

1. The essence of love - what is love to you?

2, 3 Awakening of Love - this is what attracted you to each other - 2, what attracts you to your partner, 3 - what attracts your partner to you

4.5 Courtship in Love - What you feel for each other

6.7 The blossoming of Love - how your feelings will develop

8.9 Rise of Love - what needs to be done to strengthen relationships

10 Deep in the heart - a problem, a hidden truth or an obstacle - the card sometimes acts as a warning.

1 – What do you think about the person you love?

2 – What does he/she think about you?

3 – What traits and habits do you like about him?

4 – What habits do you hate in the person you love?

5 – What factor in life spoils your relationship, what prevents you from being together?

6 – Do you still retain the old feelings for this person in your heart? (If the card gave the answer NO, you should turn to card 7, if the card answered YES, then see card 8).

7 – How to get him out of your heart, maybe you should let him go?

8 – This card indicates the inextricable connection between you and what holds your union, how it should be strengthened.

The Horseshoe spread is a 7-card spread with Russian symbols, ideal for the Russian Tarot. An excellent layout for cumbersome everyday issues (situation in the family / at work, etc.), as well as for quick daily views. This layout shows the road from the present to the future and the events awaiting you along this path. The entire deck is involved in the layout.

1. What influences the present from the past?

2. Current situation?

3. How will events develop?

4. What should I do?

5. The influence of the environment on the situation?

6. Difficulties you might encounter?

7. The end result?

Sword of Truth layout

1. How others see your relationship

2. Relationships in the present

3. Your partner's view of the relationship

4. What contributed to the current state of the relationship

5. Advice on the next step

6. Possible/probable outcome

Boat layout for two

1. Boat (Earth: foundation, stability, reliability).

General characteristics of relationships, what underlies them?

How reliable and strong is the boat?

2. 3. Oars (Fire: energy, passion, desire to act together). Accordingly, the cards are men (2) and women (3). What do partners put into the relationship energetically, how much do they give to each other, how synchronous are their actions? Is this a well-coordinated team or does everyone play for themselves?

4. 5. Sails (Air: thoughts, attitudes, assessment). Accordingly, the cards are men (4) and women (5). What do partners think about their relationship, and how satisfied are they with it? Is their sail full of wind, or, conversely, is there complete calm in the relationship, or even a hurricane tearing the sails?

6. 7. Sea overboard (Water: feelings, emotions). Accordingly, the cards are men (6) and women (7). What feelings predominate in a relationship? Is it a sea squall or a quiet backwater?

8. Underwater reefs. Hidden problems of a couple.

9. Oasis. That's where they're going.

Ideal Relationship Layout

This alignment is for those who want to improve/maintain relationships with their partner and are ready to change themselves.

1. What does the partner like about the querent? (personal qualities, character traits, demeanor, etc.)

2. What does the partner not like about the querent?

3. What does your partner like about this relationship?

4. What does your partner not like about this relationship?

5. What would your partner like to see in this relationship? (his ideal relationship)

6. What format of relationship is he categorically not satisfied with? (what kind of relationship he doesn't want)

7. Advice to the querent. How to behave in these relationships in order to maintain/improve them (achieve what you want)?

8. Will your partner appreciate it? How will he react to changes in the querent's behavior?

9. Summary. How relationships in a couple will develop when using the advice of cards.

In addition to the main advice in paragraph 7, it is also necessary to analyze the triples of cards 1-3-5 and 2-4-6. The first three speaks about what the partner likes in this relationship and what the main emphasis should be on in order to develop and increase this “good” to improve the relationship. The second three indicates that the partner does not like it and that you need to try to exclude it from the relationship. The card in point 8 will tell you whether the partner needs the querent to change himself for the sake of this relationship? Perhaps he no longer values ​​this relationship, then all the “work” of the querent will be in vain. The card in the 9th position will show how the relationship in the couple will develop if the querent takes the advice of the cards.

Alignment Analysis of relationships in an existing couple

Tarot spread Relationship analysis

1. The current situation.

2. Is the questioner satisfied with this relationship?

3. Is the partner satisfied with this relationship?

4. The influence of the supplicant’s past on these relationships.

5. The influence of the past partner on this relationship.

6. The essence of the problems in these relationships (if any).

7,8,9. The path to follow to find a positive solution to a problem.

10. General compliance of partners.

11.Sexual correspondence between the questioner and the partner.

12.How can the birth of a child affect this relationship?

13. The influence of relatives and others on these relationships.

14. Does this couple have a future?

Card meaning:

1 – current situation (relationship stage)

2 – querent’s personality

3 – partner’s personality

4 – what the querent demonstrates to his partner

5 – what the partner demonstrates to the querent

6 – what the querent is hiding

7 – what is your partner hiding?

8 – the querent: did he have connections on the side (attempts, thoughts)

9 – with the partner: were there connections on the side (attempts, thoughts)

10 – what the querent values ​​in a partner

11 – what does the partner value in the querent?

12 – what the querent is dissatisfied with in his partner

13 – what the querent’s partner is dissatisfied with

14, 15, 16 – chronology of relationship development

17 – outcome of the relationship

The alignment is valid for six months or more, depending on whether the people on whom it is being made are ready to change anything in their lives. It will help you understand why life brought you together, what you need to learn in your union, in what direction to develop and evaluate the current state of affairs in the union.

If you are not afraid to face the truth and take responsibility for your relationship, then this alignment will be very useful for you.

1. What did I want before starting the relationship?

2. What did she want before the relationship began?

3. What is my role in this relationship now?

4. What is her role in this relationship now?

5. What do I need to learn in this relationship?

6. What does she need to learn in this relationship?

7. What do I bring to the relationship?

8. What does it bring to a relationship?

9. How committed am I to developing relationships?

10. How committed is it to developing relationships?

1. characterizes the relationship as a whole

2. his role in the relationship

3. her role in the relationship

4. his motive, the goal of the relationship

5. her motive, the goal of the relationship

6. interference from outside: what interferes with relationships

7. his plans for the future

8. her plans for the future

9. outcome of the relationship

1. relationship now

2. what he thinks about you

3. how he feels about you

4. how he will behave with you

5. What does he expect from this relationship?

6. how you should behave with him

7. relationships in the next month

8. relationship after three months

9. relationship after six months

10. relationship after a year

Schedule for people who have been in a relationship for at least 3 months!

1.What is the current relationship between a man and a woman at the moment?

2.What brings joy to a woman in a relationship

3.What brings sadness to a woman in a relationship

4. What brings a man joy in a relationship

5.What brings a man sadness in a relationship

6. How a woman would like to see a man in a relationship (behavior)

7. How a man would like to see a woman in a relationship

8. How strongly a man and woman are attached to each other

9. Is there love between a man and a woman in a couple?

This alignment makes it possible to find out what is happening in the relationship between a man and a woman. What is hidden from them? Did karma, magical influence or simply the vicissitudes of fate intervene?

S – The relationship itself. What relationship are you in at the moment?

1.How your relationship has developed up to now.

2. Your relationship needs.

3. Your partner's relationship needs.

4.What are you hiding from your partner?

5.What is your partner hiding from you?

6. The impact of Karma, magical influence or simply the vicissitudes of Fate on your relationship.

7. Summary. Will the situation become clearer in the near future (for this a certain period is planned, within 6 months).

Alignment Forecast of relationships for one day

Relationship forecast for the day. Very good if there is an exciting meeting with a martyr, if there are some events coming up that day, etc. The layout works great on Manara, I think it will be no worse on other decks.

1,2,3 – general description relationships on this day

4 – Thoughts, plans of the querent about the partner

5 – Thoughts, plans of the partner about the querent

6 – Actions, steps of the querent in relation to the partner

7 – Actions, steps of the partner in relation to the querent

8 – Summary of the day

Layout for forecasting events in your personal life for the week.

Created specifically for the Manara tarot, but in principle suitable for any deck.

Both groups of arcana are involved in the layout.

The dropped SAs will indicate the most significant aspects of the week.

Positions of the layout:

S. Significator

1. Hopes and trends in the field of personal relationships

2. Hopes and trends in the sexual sphere

3. Emotions of the week related to personal and sexual spheres

4. Achievements and acquisitions in your personal life during the planned week

5. Losses and failures of the week in your personal life during the predicted week

6. Warning cards

7. Board of cards

Weekly forecast for your relationship.

1. Theme of love. common topic, characterizing the hidden week for your couple.

2. Love challenge. Difficulties you will have to face.

3. Your lessons. Lessons you will learn from your relationship this week.

4. His lessons. Lessons your partner will learn from relationships this week.

5. Growth zone. All the constructive, positive moments of the week that will go “for future use” will “nourish” your relationship.

6. Sex/romance in your couple this week.

Interesting video

    I tried online fortune telling on cards for the feelings of a loved one, everything seems to be correct. I learned that maps in certain places are interpreted differently. How do gypsies look and speak so quickly? I tried it myself and looked on your website to see what each card meant. It’s very difficult, but you really want to know whether he loves you or not.

    And I wondered several times, about the same thing turns out) Is it possible to guess about other guys who simply sympathize with me, or is it better not to tempt fate? I heard somewhere that you can only guess once at a time, because the rest of the results will be incorrect. This is true?

    I had a situation in my life when everything seemed to be fine in my relationship with a man, but at the same time some doubts about the sincerity of his feelings crept into my head. She didn’t trust him, she was jealous and didn’t understand where this would all lead. An old friend helped, she made a layout on cards based on his feelings for me and opened her eyes a little. I believe the cards and believe what they say.

    Oooh, this was our favorite hobby with my girlfriends in our teens! What feelings did we have about the boys then, how interesting and important did it all seem at that time... We gathered as a group, took decks of cards and laid them out on the relationship of the boys we liked to us. Thank you for the reminders of youth)

    Girls, how opportunely this article caught my eye just now! My husband and I have been in complete discord for a month now, and I don’t understand why. I don’t seem to be hysterical and I don’t blow his mind, he always finds some reason to find fault with me, with the food I cook, to get to the bottom of my friends... He’s already giving up, maybe he’s got someone on his side and is looking for a reason leave me? I’ll do this fortune-telling, but, to be honest, I’m afraid to find out the truth.

    I have always been skeptical about this kind of fortune telling. I trust numbers and numerology more, even palmistry (reading lines on the hands) I also believe more. But an acquaintance had a non-standard situation, it would take a long time to describe, but the point is that, to my surprise, the cards very accurately showed everything that was happening at that moment, and even gave a little advice on what to do and how to act. Tell me, are there any other similar fortune telling? Maybe it really works...

    Queen of Hearts - symbolizes a young girl. It’s funny, but my colleague has me signed in exactly this way on his phone, I don’t even know why. One day he started calling me that as a joke and off we go, the nickname stuck. I don’t practice fortune telling now, because ugh ugh my relationship with the guy is fine. But there were situations in which the cards opened my eyes a little to a man and his feelings for me.

    Since he doesn’t want to admit it, I’ll guess what feelings he has for me. I use all fortune telling, because it is so interesting to know what a person is silent about. The girls and I always guess at new guys and decide who is more suitable by name, by character, by fate. Otherwise, when you meet everyone, they’re all so nice, but how do you get to know them better..)

    Can a guy tell fortunes about a girl? What feelings does she have for me? I was just wondering and it turned out that she perceives me as a lover. I came across your site - there is simply a treasure trove of fortune telling and conspiracies. Now I will bewitch my princess. She says she will never be with me. So let's see how magic works.

    Very interesting article, and online fortune telling is as easy as shelling pears. Now you can guess at any time, anywhere) I noticed that cards are given out differently when we have a fight, in a quarrel, and when everything is fine with us. I still use many others online fortune telling on this site - both for the name, and for the date of birth, and yes and no.

    The fortune telling didn’t give me exactly what I wanted... Tell me, can I try and change the situation somehow? Or does the fortune tell once and never change again? I came across some spells from you, my feelings for the boy are blowing my mind so much that I would love to bewitch you)

    I started reading the article and realized that when I moved to new apartment I don’t remember the cards in my luggage! and I had a deck, I remember exactly! It’s still an old one, my grandmother gave it to me.. I often did fortune-telling with it and sometimes played solitaire out of boredom) but I see that I don’t have to worry too much - here you can do everything online now)

    I laughed a lot when I came across the “queen of hearts”))))) When my husband and I met, that’s exactly how he wrote me down in his phone, because we met at a friend’s house, we were playing cards, and I beat him like a fool, the winning card was the queen of hearts)) I’ll save the fortune telling, but we already have love, I don’t need it yet)

    Yes, I’m also wondering if it’s possible for a man to tell fortunes using a similar fortune-telling method, only for a girl? I’ve been trying to get her for months now, but she’s either playing with me, or she doesn’t like me, but is afraid to say something and offend me. somehow I don’t want to waste my time, but the girl is very worthwhile, if there are chances, I will continue.

    Well, this is what remains when you come to him with both soul and body, as they say, and he is cold as an iceberg in the ocean... and does not write first, and does not say hello during breaks. or score or try, I’ll try to turn to the cards.. as they say, maybe I’ll try again “everything will happen, if you just don’t want to”?) men are infuriated by the sharp ignore

    For me, in general, the ideal guy is quite stingy with words. A man should not wag his tongue a lot, well, preferably tall, pumped up, dark-haired and handsome... But from such figs you will get a clear understanding of their attitude towards you! so sometimes I turn to fortune telling when such “objects” appear

    girls, I don’t understand my boyfriend... or maybe he’s not even my boyfriend, but just a romantic friend. When we spend time with him (and more often he invites me to see him), I feel sympathy and awe towards myself, gentle touches, gentlemanliness... but when we are not together, we communicate on Viber or the phone, then he is somehow very inaccessible or something .. constrained .. I’m already afraid to write to him. What is the best way to do fortune telling in this case?

    The guy showed up about 3 weeks ago. and now he has disappeared somewhere! and everything was fine, we communicated, we started official relations(offered to meet), we are now in a beautiful candy-bouquet period, but suddenly he simply turned off his mobile and stopped communicating. According to fortune telling, it turned out that he has feelings for me. I don’t know what to think or what to do now

    I don’t understand how gypsies or some fortune tellers instantly tell the future from cards. I looked at the fortune telling from this article on the meaning of the cards, and I myself understand that in order to interpret their meaning you need to know a lot. It’s even trivial to answer the question “does he love me or not.”

    But I seem to be dating a guy, everything seems to be fine. But sometimes such doubts get into my head about his feelings and sincerity towards me! I had to look through familiar fortune tellers, because at one time I just screwed myself up so much that let’s go already nervous breakdowns. If I had known earlier that you could also get an answer online, I would have done it here, now it’s simply no longer relevant.

    Tell me, is it possible to guess again on the same guy? I told fortunes about my current boyfriend several times, in principle the results were approximately the same, so I chose to believe the predictions of the cards in your fortune-telling. But won’t I smooth out this prediction if I guess again?

    Oh, how my classmates and I had fun after school! Wasn't there then social networks, the Internet was not as popular and necessary for life as it is today. We opened our magic book, took the deck and went through all the boys in a row from our class, from parallel ones... As soon as I remember, it becomes so funny)

    I came across this article on your website just in time; I really want to check my own husband’s feelings for me. Dada, after several years of marriage, one can doubt his sincerity and fidelity. Started in Lately look for reasons for a quarrel. He’s clinging to all sorts of bullshit, either a midlife crisis (but somehow it’s still early), or he’s found someone... It’s easier to live without men (

    I’ve been dating a guy for a couple of weeks, we saw each other every day, but I don’t understand why, suddenly he stopped calling and texting me. He answers calls and speaks normally, but he has a lot to do, he’s busy, etc. I’m worried about what happened, I started digging around and remembering the last meetings... No, I couldn’t ruin anything or push him away with anything. Thanks for the fortune telling, I’ll do it and hopefully I’ll calm down.

    And I still can’t understand how my current “friend” and I relate to each other. No, this is not friendship, we spend so much time together. We can kiss and cry on each other’s shoulders, but I don’t understand what’s next. He’s so constrained, and I’m so worried now. This uncertainty blows my mind and sometimes tears me apart; I’m afraid to do fortune-telling, because I might not get what I want to hear.

    Online fortune-telling is as easy as shelling pears) I’m going home on the train, I open it, make a layout and then read it, decipher it, look for applications for my situations) In fact, the meanings vary depending on the current relationship with my MCH. Sometimes on your site I turn to the “coin” fortune teller, as I call it - yes/no which answers)

    I found a link to this article in my browser history) My beloved got burned, I hope she was wondering about me, and not about someone else. Tell me, are there similar fortune telling for men on girls? There was a fear that my girlfriend loved someone else, I had already created so many bad thoughts for myself..

    I thought that I don’t have a single whole deck at home. Somewhere there are not enough cards, you will have to buy them) I think that it is more effective when you hold the cards in your hands, they somehow still absorb your energy, I think this arrangement will be more correct in the end. Tell me, which back is better to buy a deck of cards for fortune telling? Or does it not matter?

    I have a wonderful lover, but I want something more. And everything suits him. I’m afraid to insist on something more, and it’s not a girl who should be heading towards a more serious and regular relationship, but I want to move on to new stage. Let the cards help me. They’ll say no, I’ll forget about him.

    I love silent men. Silence is golden, I love laconicism, conversations clearly to the point, without empty unnecessary words, without “water”. To be honest, I don’t like talkative women either; most often it turns into a bazaar. But it’s hard to get the truth about feelings from such an ideal man for me.

    I come from a fairly prosperous family, I don’t need anything, there are a lot of guys with all of them on normal terms, almost friendly, and they all don’t live badly either. We hang out together and relax with our company. But then a guy from a poor society pestered me, he’s nothing but constantly asking me to marry him. I wondered, but he has selfish intentions.

    I really like telling fortunes to all my friends; they come and ask me to tell fortunes for a guy or several. But lately they have started to come less often. My cards began to lie or the layouts became outdated. I bought new cards and am practicing on my relatives. With the help of your article. They say that everything is working out correctly.

    Very often we tell fortunes about guys with our friends. There are a lot of options for guys. On their feelings for the girl and intentions, for the future. We always use only this layout, it very accurately and correctly shows the guy’s relationship with you, and future problems too, very clearly visible. I recommend everyone to guess here.

    My husband and I are divorced. I married my husband a long time ago and live very happily. But my former husband never found his soul mate. Constantly comes to my house. My husband and I have already sung together, we go to football games together and often sit and chat. But he doesn’t even breathe towards me. He constantly hugs and pinches. I was wondering here that he loves me as a monogamist.

    We're in the office after New Year's holidays with colleagues, got hooked on online fortune telling. As soon as it’s lunch break, we immediately gather in the office with tablets and guess. There is a lot of fortune telling here. It’s so good that Ulyanka found this site. Now all the offices are hanging out here, we don’t even have enough time for lunch, it’s been very long.

The first month flew by quickly and dizzyingly after meeting the most charming, strong, kind man. The young body, exhausted from the persistent caresses of well-groomed and strong hands, demands a continuation of the love feast. fiery heart, vigorously pumping blood at the sight of this beloved and dear man, asks for even more passion. However, the foggy mind, which has quieted down for a while, whispers more and more insistently that it’s time to find out true intentions men. The mind, relaxed during the period of romantic courtship, begins to hint more and more boldly that there are some little things and certain circumstances indicating that a man may have other plans for the future that are clearly different from our fantasies.

Indeed, such a situation occurs at every step, when a couple is having a great time together, but no declarations of love or proposals to legitimize the relationship are heard from the guy at all. When partners have a great time rare watch divine idyll, but not the slightest hint of serious relationship from the outside young man and doesn't come out. For some period of time, uncertainty can be tolerated, but over time, every self-respecting woman has a logical question: “How to understand the true intentions of the man you like? How do you know if the guy you love so much has serious plans?”
Our mothers, grandmothers and distant ancestors knew well that the soul of another person is darkness, and the structure of the male psyche is a completely dense forest. The guys’ camouflaged behavior, their silence and reluctance to show emotions is natural and natural phenomenon. All this is due to the fact that recognizing the existence of love is much more difficult for a man than conquering the vastness of the Universe and setting up scientific stations in distant galaxies.

Absolutely everything scares young people when declaring their love and telling them their plans. And the fear that they won't be able to pick up the right words. And the worry that they will be misunderstood. And the fear that they will be ridiculed. And the anticipation that others will know about their plans. However, the most obsessive and all-consuming male fear, which does not allow him to talk out loud about his intentions, is associated with the fact that guys naively believe that as soon as the lady of his heart finds out about serious plans, she will certainly reject him.
Stealth is a natural instinct of men, which, in their opinion, allows them to survive and succeed on the love front. We won't remodel male psychology, but let’s accept this feature of the guys as a fact. And we will begin to act like a spy who has penetrated a complex a man's life to find out: he is attracted only by a short-term relationship, or he has serious intentions. We take advice from psychologists for guidance.

How to tell if a guy has serious intentions: signals of his sympathy
A huge mistake that many women make is passing off sweet dreams as harsh reality. To get rid of the chaos in your head, eliminate the confusion in your soul and determine the guy’s true plans, the main action is to remove pink glasses, put out the heart fire and turn on the mind. We, like sages who have taken the lotus position and observe life from heaven, must look at our relationship with a guy from the outside. To impartially evaluate the essence and quality of our contacts. Analyze your partner’s behavior, his statements about life values and plans. Do not try to embellish his personality, do not justify his actions and do not distort true meaning meetings.
Attentiveness, observation and prudence will help determine whether a guy’s intentions are serious or whether he craves a short pleasant pastime. We should study very carefully how exactly he treats us: what he says, how he helps, what advice he gives. No matter how funny it may sound, even whether a man opens the car door for you or offers you his jacket on a cool evening can tell a lot about his upbringing and manners. We need to pay attention to what opinion he expresses in general about female field, whether he talks about his parents with respect or disdain, and whether he values ​​family traditions.

To find out the intentions of a young man, entering his social circle will help us. We must understand how his friends live and breathe. Find out whether he prefers to communicate with established family people or likes to spend time in a cheerful and noisy company of bachelors who dilute their leisure time with fun with women.
His statements about his previous relationships can also tell you whether a guy has serious intentions. Does he accuse his previous passion of all mortal sins, brand her with shame, attribute devilish flaws, or respond with warmth. If his previous relationship has resulted in him becoming a father, we must carefully examine how he treats his own child. We remember that if a man speaks cynically and angrily about his previous partner, we cannot be sure that such negative diarrhea will not happen to him after our separation. We take into account that if a man does not help and does not contribute to the upbringing of an existing child, then he is unlikely to become caring parent in future.

Pay attention to whether he is trying to introduce you to his circle of friends, how he introduces his companion to his friends. We take into account that a young man with serious intentions tries to “show off” his lovely bride to his friends and therefore is happy to be with her in company. We remember that if a man makes some global plans for you, he will not delay the moment of introducing his chosen one to his relatives. Of course, you can’t expect that after the first date the guy will definitely introduce you to his parents as a bride. However, if a man does not make any attempts to meet his family after a year of dating, then he is unlikely to make serious plans for you. This phenomenon is often observed among married men who lead their mistress by the nose, assuring them that they are single.

A sign that a man has serious intentions is trust. If a person boldly trusts you with secrets, openly tells you details of his past, shares his experiences, then, for sure, his plans include your presence in his life. Another sign indicating a guy’s serious intentions is a conscious choice of conversation topics related to prospects life together. A guy who talks about how wonderful and happy you will be together is definitely interested in continuing the relationship.
A significant signal confirming that you are valuable and dear to a man is his hint about a clear desire to procreate. A man will never discuss the topic of raising children if he does not see his current partner as their mother. Unless, of course, he is a notorious liar and cynic.
An important evidence that a guy has serious intentions is his desire to spend as much time with you as possible. A man in love will regularly call you on the phone, write messages to you in social networks. He will try to meet you after work and offer to spend the evening together. He will definitely want to be close to you on the weekend.

Many women believe that if a young man invited them home, this is a guarantee of his serious intentions. However, this is not entirely true. There are guys for whom their native land is a sanctuary, where mere mortals cannot enter. But there is also a large group of guys who simply do not have the opportunity to find another place for intimate meetings with a woman. Their house is like a passageway, where fifty young ladies visit in a month, and not only his girlfriends, but also the chosen ones of his friends. Therefore, you should not draw a conclusion about a man’s plans just because you crossed the threshold of his apartment. But if a guy persistently demands that you pack your bags and move to his paradise in a hut, then this is a serious argument that confirms his interest.

When a man feels sympathy for a young lady, he will show care and tenderness. Moreover, he will not demand anything in return for his help. A guy interested in a woman will never ignore her requests and will not refuse to do things that he is capable of doing. He will not shirk cutting down the dead trees in his beloved grandmother's garden. He will courageously carry a rotten sofa from the bedroom to the living room. A man in love will patiently teach your younger brother ride a tricycle.
Some ladies believe that if a guy is in love, he will talk non-stop about his feelings. However, young ladies forget that for some young guys, vows of deep love are an empty sound that they repeat every day. That is why most often the silence of men acts as confirmation of their serious intentions. His gestures, facial expressions and movements speak about the guys’ true feelings. A young man in love will strive with his whole body to get closer to his chosen one. He will look the lady of his heart straight in the eyes.

A serious guy will look for ways to surprise and please his chosen one. Moreover, he will not necessarily arrange surprises if there is an important occasion. It is not necessary that his gifts will be expensive, but you can definitely count on the originality of the ideas of a man in love. Of course, there are also guys who are unable to think beyond sweets and bouquets.
One more important point, revealing the essence male attitude, is directly intimacy. A man in love will not insist on intimacy and rush a woman. At the moment of an intimate meeting, he will not limit himself solely to his own pleasure, but will try with all his might to please his lady. A man in love will not stare at his smartphone immediately after a meeting, nor will he rush to a spontaneously organized business meeting.

In the morning after a stormy night, a man in love will offer breakfast or at least make coffee. He will not be indifferent to how the lady of his heart gets home from his apartment: he will take the woman to the entrance by car or order her a taxi. A man interested in a companion will not limit the time she stays in his house, hinting that at eight in the morning there is a conference in his apartment. Moreover, it will not disappear for a month after the first sex.

How to find out a man's plans? We remember that a man in love will not:

  • talk exclusively about sex;
  • avoid meeting with you and look for reasons to cancel the date;
  • give ultimatums;
  • interrupt you when you talk about your feelings;
  • “hide” you from the public;
  • disappear for a long time;
  • demand the impossible from you.

  • Remember: if something really worries you in your relationship with a man, The best way find out his plans - talk to him frankly. If the young man fusses and tries to avoid the conversation, it is quite possible that his intentions are not too serious at all, or that he has another woman.

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