What does the abbreviation mbr mean in social networks. See what "mbr" is in other dictionaries

Missile weapons is the dominant direction in the military defense of all the leading powers, so it is so important to know: ICBMs - what is it? Today, intercontinental ballistic missiles are the most powerful means of deterring the threat of a nuclear attack.

MBR - what is it?

Managed Intercontinental ballistic missile has a class "ground-to-ground" and a flight range of more than 5500 km. Its equipment is nuclear warheads, which are designed to destroy extremely important strategic objects of a potential enemy located on other continents. This type missiles on possible ways basing is divided into launched from:

  • ground stations - this method of basing is now considered obsolete and has not been used since 1960);
  • stationary mine rocket launcher(SHPU). The most highly protected launch complex from nuclear explosion and other damaging factors;
  • mobile portable, on the basis of the wheel chassis of installations. This and subsequent bases are the most difficult to detect, but have dimensional limitations for the missiles themselves;
  • railway installations;
  • submarine.

ICBM flight altitude

One of the most important characteristics for the accuracy of hitting a target is the flight altitude of an intercontinental ballistic missile. The launch is carried out with a strictly vertical position of the rocket, for an accelerated exit from dense atmospheric layers. Then there is a tilt towards the programmed target. Moving along a given trajectory, the rocket at its highest point can reach a height of 1000 km or more.

ICBM flight speed

The accuracy of hitting an enemy target largely depends on the correctly set initial stage, at startup, speed. At the highest point of the flight, the ICBM has the lowest speed, while deviating towards the target, the speed increases. Most the rocket passes by inertia, but in those layers of the atmosphere where there is practically no air opposition. When descending to contact with the target, the speed of an intercontinental ballistic missile can be about 6 km per second.

ICBM tests

The first country to start building a ballistic missile was german germany, but there is no reliable data on possibly conducted tests, work was suspended at the stage of developing drawings and creating sketches. In the future, tests of an intercontinental ballistic missile were carried out in the following chronological order:

  1. The United States in 1948 launched a prototype MBA.
  2. The USSR in 1957 successfully launched a two-stage rocket "Semerka".
  3. In 1958, the United States launched Atlas, and later it became the first ICBM in the state to be put into service.
  4. The USSR in 1962 launched a rocket from a silo.
  5. In 1962, the United States passed the tests, and the first solid-fuel rocket was put into service.
  6. USSR in 1970 passed the tests, and was adopted by the state. armament is a missile with three separable warheads.
  7. United States since 1970 adopted by the state. armament "Minuteman", the only one launched from a ground base.
  8. USSR in 1976 adopted by the state. armament first mobile launch missiles.
  9. The USSR in 1976 adopted the first missiles launched from railway installations.
  10. In 1988, the USSR passed the test, and the most multi-ton and powerful ICBM in the history of weapons was put into service.
  11. Russia in 2009 there was a training launch of the latest modification of the Voevoda ICBM.
  12. India tested ICBMs in 2012.
  13. Russia in 2013 test run a new prototype ICBM with a mobile launcher.
  14. In 2017, the United States tested the ground-based Minuteman 3.
  15. 2017 North Korea tested an intercontinental ballistic missile for the first time.

The best ICBMs in the world

Intercontinental ballistic installations are divided according to several parameters that are important for successfully hitting a target:

  1. The best of the mobile installations is Topol M. Country - Russia, launched in 1994, solid fuel, monoblock.
  2. The most promising for further modernization is the Yars RS-24. Country - Russia, launched in 2007, solid fuel.
  3. The most powerful ICBM is "Satan". Country - USSR, launched in 1970, two-stage, solid fuel.
  4. The best of the long-range - SLBM Trident II D5. Country - USA, launched in 1987, three-stage.
  5. The fastest is the Minuteman LGM-30G. Country - USA, launched in 1966.

Intercontinental ballistic missile "Satan"

"Voevoda" intercontinental ballistic missile is the most powerful nuclear installation in existence in the world. In the West, in the NATO countries, she is called "Satan". In service in Russia there are two technical modification this rocket. The latest development may lead fighting(defeat of a given target) for all possible conditions, including under the condition of a nuclear explosion (or repeated explosions).

ICBM, what does this mean in terms of general characteristics. For example, the fact that Voyevoda is superior in power to the recently launched American Minuteman:

  • 200 m - hit error;
  • 500 sq. km - the radius of destruction;
  • not infected by radars due to "false targets" created during the flight;
  • there is no missile defense system in the world capable of destroying a nuclear missile head.

Intercontinental ballistic missile Bulava

Bulava ICBM is the latest development of Russian scientists and engineers. The technical specifications indicate:

  • solid fuel (fuel of the 5th generation is used);
  • three-stage;
  • astroradioinertial control system;
  • launch from submarines, "on the go";
  • impact radius 8 thousand km;
  • weight at launch 36.8 t;
  • withstands hit by any laser weapon;
  • tests are not completed;
  • rest specifications classified.

Intercontinental missiles of the world

The speed and impact indicators depend on how the intercontinental ballistic missile flies (the amplitude of movement). In addition to Russia and the United States, there are several other world powers armed with ICBMs, these are France and China:

  1. China (DF-5A) - range 13,000 km, two-stage, liquid fuel.
  2. China (DF-31A) - range 11,200 km, solid propellant, three-stage.
  3. France (M51) - flight range 10,000 km, solid fuel, launch from submarines.

The military policy of any state is based on the protection state borders, state sovereignty and national security. Therefore, it is worth asking the question: ICBMs - what can this mean for the effective protection of the borders of the Russian Federation? Russian military doctrine implies the right to a response when applied to her aggression. In this regard, ballistic missiles in service are the most effective means of deterring foreign aggression.

Mbr Depending on the context, either an intercontinental ballistic missile or a blowjob without a rubber band. Warfare, Youth slang

Dictionary of modern vocabulary, jargon and slang. 2014 .

See what "mbr" is in other dictionaries:

    ICBM- sea ballistic missile sea. Source: http://nuclearno.ru/text.asp?8711 An example of using the Bulava ICBM ICBM Intercontinental ballistic missile ICBM Dictionary: S. Fadeev. Dictionary of abbreviations of the modern Russian language ...

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    IBR NB- Intercontinental ballistic missiles ground-basedDictionary of abbreviations and abbreviations

    ICBM- An intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) is a strategic guided ballistic missile that is part of the ground-to-ground class. ICBMs (ICBM) are designed to destroy objects located at long distances and on remote continents, all ... ... Wikipedia

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  • "Satan" and "Voevoda". The most formidable nuclear weapon, Zheleznyakov Alexander Borisovich. "Satan" ("Satan") - so the Americans called the Soviet military missile system R-36M, the most powerful and advanced ICBM that implemented the strategy of guaranteed retaliation. 8… Buy for 1083 rubles
  • Marine reconnaissance MBR-2. "Flying Seagull" Beriev, Zablotsky A., Salnikov A.. "The car is excellent. It will live!" - Said the test pilot after the first flight of the MBR-2 naval reconnaissance aircraft in Sevastopol. Created by Georgy Beriev "in an initiative order", this ...

Many people who, on the duty of their profession, or in private, are faced with construction, are well aware of what an ICBM is. But the thing is that today they have not yet figured out how to replace the bitumen-rubber composition. It is used when constructing roofs for which mastic is used, as well as when using roll materials for roofing.

So, MBR 65 was certified back in the days of the USSR. But this does not mean that since then its composition has not changed or been modified. There are two varieties of it - liquid and thick. By itself, it is petroleum bitumen with additives of filler and plasticizer. The latter, in turn, gives it viscous properties, which makes it easy to apply the solution to the roof surface.

Composition and structure

Due to its composition, bitumen-rubber mastic (MBR) quickly combines with any materials. Therefore, it is packed in special anti-adhesive containers or bags. To give the substance the necessary plasticity, crumb rubber is added to it.

Where is it used?

On all multi-storey buildings today, roofing based on mastic is laid. Its advantage is that it completely fills all the existing gaps. Work with mastic is carried out by preheating it. Those who know what an ICBM is take this fact into account, so they warm it up in advance. It softens completely at a temperature of about 90 ° C.

Before starting work, the surface is prepared. To do this, the roof is cleaned of existing debris. Also, dry before starting work. In this case, special gas burners are used. If the weather is dry and hot outside, then this procedure may not be produced.

Application features

In addition to the above methods of application, those who know what an ICBM is also use it when laying pipelines. The fact is that the MBR 65 has higher temperature softening and is therefore used to isolate structures that are constantly exposed to vibration. In the process of mechanical deformation of the treated pipe, the mastic layer will change along with it.


Now, having understood what an ICBM is, let's consider some of its common varieties.

MBR-100 mastic is used when laying roll materials for roofing, as well as for pouring waterproofing screeds. The number indicated in its marking indicates the temperature at which softening occurs. But at the same time, it is worth considering that the mastic needs to be heated up to 200 ° C. All this is done in order to make it easy to apply it on pitched surfaces, as well as on vertically located walls.

Anyone who has long figured out bituminous has at least once come across such a variety of it as MBR-X. A feature of this material is that preheating is not required for its use. This is achieved due to the fact that the composition includes a special solvent, which, after application, evaporates spontaneously, and the mastic hardens.

MBR and GPT. Main questions.

MBR and GPT - definition.

Windows offers us 2 options: Master Boot Record(MBR) - Master Boot Record - and Globally Unique Identifier Partition Table(GPT) - Globally Unique Partition Table Identifier. The latter received support from Vista/Windows Server 2008 versions . However Windows XP 64's bit also supported this format.

MBR- she is Master Boot Record is the master boot record on the hard drive. It is located at the very beginning of the hard drive, that is, in the first sectors of the hard drive. Its task is to select the disk partition in which the operating system will be loaded (in fact, the master boot record was created for this). This is done using a short executing code that the BIOS, after self-diagnostics, uploads to . Next, the executing code in the MBR takes the reins and loads the OS in the specified partition of the hard disk (information about partitions is also contained in the boot record). By the way, this is why the master boot record cannot be created on a disk that cannot be divided into parts, and vice versa, it can be created where the data carrier can be divided into several disk, albeit virtual, devices.

MBR and GPT. Comparison.

What difference does it make to me?

If you do not have multi-boot, then almost none. As you already understood, modern operating systems of the Windows family work great under the control of both file tables. Easy to install operating systems or considering a multi-boot version (you will need an MBR) of the computer, the user needs to remember a few points:

  • GPT - more modern
  • GPT will require Windows to boot only in mode (you will have to forget about the old bootloaders)
  • MBR requires previous generations of Windows to boot in BIOS mode (however, 64-bit versions can also boot in UEFI mode)

On this theoretical part about MBR and GPT, I propose to finish and move on to practical matters installation of operating systems and conversion of disk tables:

How do I know what version of the spreadsheet I have?

It's easy to check, as always. We hold down the keys Windows+R, enter the command diskmgmt.msc. In the console window, select on the left Disk Management. Select any of the partitions, right-click and click Properties(the same window can be found directly from the System Explorer with a list of local drives) :

What can an abbreviation of several capital letters stand for? Recognition and understanding of it will largely depend on the context. What is an ICBM - what does it mean? Similar combinations of capital letters without deciphering them can create confusion.

Abbreviation: what is an ICBM

Based on the essence of the definition of the concept, in most cases this is a shortened initial combination (from Italian abbreviatura is translated as shortening). The first letters of three words create a new formation.

What can they mean? Many things. If you turn to a special dictionary, which contains almost all of the frequently used abbreviations, you can find at least ten exact matches and more than forty mentions of these letters in one combination or another. What is an ICBM according to reference publications?

This may be the name of the structure of the youth business in Russia, we can talk about marine biological resources or a modifier of biological reactions. And this abbreviation is often understood as the names of banks (international or inter-American "B" development), as well as the type of ballistic missiles (sea or intercontinental). You can find such a reduction in the definition of mechanized or motorized teams, as well as highly specialized terms: for example, when it comes to interbank settlements, low-budget advertising, multi-mode buffer registers.

Brevis is Latin for short. The main purpose of the abbreviation is to reduce the volume of printed text in order to facilitate its perception. Verbose constructions reduce different ways. The initial scheme described above is often used for this. Such formations are written in capital letters (the exception is the university). There are no dots between them.

There is another way to reduce it: from each component they take not one, but several letters (chief accountant). There are cases of mixed formation of abbreviations (KamAZ). Sometimes, when forming a word form, it may be necessary to separate the letters with a space. This is necessary when you need to highlight two persistent expressions (Russian Foreign Ministry).

In any case, deciphering the abbreviation involves familiarization with the text surrounding it. However, there are all recognizable expressions that, when mentioned, immediately evoke persistent associations (USSR, NATO, USA). It is not advisable to abbreviate other phrases in this way - this will inevitably cause confusion.

What is an ICBM in the context of military strategy

ballistic missile is a weapon strategic purpose. It is a multi-stage module. One part puts the missile into orbit, the other sets the direction and the desired flight path, the third provides overcoming the defense by releasing false targets, the fourth is, in fact, a warhead with an onboard electronic navigation system.

The fuel can be hydrazine, kerosene or aluminum powder. Each type has its own reaction oxidizers (ammonium perchlorate, hexogen, liquid oxygen, etc.). The speed of ejection of burnt gases from the nozzle can reach 4 km / s, and the temperature can reach 4000 K. The weight of fuel tanks is often more than ¾ of the total mass.

An intercontinental ballistic missile (its stages) is made of composite materials. It can be controlled by rotary nozzles of the main engine, gas-generating units when breeding steps or aerodynamic rudders. It gains the necessary acceleration of the flight in 3-5 minutes, while burning all the fuel.

The stage with the tanks and the engine are separated. At this stage, the speed can reach 7.9 km/s. The stage with the warhead is covered with a high-strength alloy fairing. At its end, an aerodynamic needle can be extended to reduce drag when entering the dense layers of the atmosphere.

Commercial Bank "MBR"

What is hidden under this abbreviation? This is the Moscow CB "International Development Bank". State registration as a credit organization took place in 2001. His competence is confirmed by the General License of 2012 as a professional participant in the securities market with the right to provide services in the field of depositary, dealer, brokerage and other activities (the right to issue guarantees for the payment of customs duties). The Bank is a member of a system that provides for mandatory deposit insurance.

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