Guessing whether a man has a girlfriend. The best fortune telling for friends is the interpretation of paired cards. Rules for fortune telling

IN modern world It is quite difficult to establish relationships with loved ones, family and friends. But exactly live communication makes us confident in ourselves and the world around us. Good friendships are also important within the family, with your loved one. But how to find mutual language with someone who doesn't notice you? How to return warmth to relationships between previously friendly people Astro7 experts suggest you use energy-psychological methods and fortune telling.

Friendship: reviews

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“Helga, thank you for the consultation. It's a pity that time ran out quickly. I'll try to listen to advice. There will be an opportunity to contact you again.”*

“Dear Evelina, I am very grateful to you for your support. I contacted you twice and both times you described the situation the same way. You have definitely seen the present, and together we will correct the future. Unlike many other experts, you look at the essence of the situation without going into details. This is more informative for me! Once again with gratitude!”*

“Dear Milana! Thank you very much! You gave me hope. I will try to do everything that you advised me and I will definitely call you again! "*

Friendship and compatibility online

Love and friendship relationships develop when there is a commonality of all five senses: taste, sight, smell, hearing, tactile sensations. To attract a person’s sympathy to your side, you need to find out what he likes. This is not always easy to do, because asking directly is sometimes simply inconvenient. In this case, you can turn to the horoscope based on the date of birth of your chosen one - it will tell you what he likes, what seems attractive in another person. Do you want to please a person? Use his favorite colors, treat him to his favorite food, choose a perfume. But food, perfume and even clothes can be energetically charged from a distance! But it’s not enough to attract attention, you need to keep it.

The advice of our esopsychologists, parapsychologists and psychics will help you with all this. Friendship, a good relationship with loved ones and colleagues - this is very important. Take the time to attract people to you, repay them with kindness for kindness - and you will immediately feel better! This applies not only to girlfriends from school or friends from college - friendly relations with loved ones and family, even children - this is an important component happy life. Astro7 experts will always be happy to help you establish relationships and maintain them.

How much does it mean to have in our lives? true friend or a girlfriend. Every person wants to have reliable support. Friendships sometimes mean more to us than relationships with our significant other. Quarrels, resentments, omissions and envy force us to resort to fortune telling.

Fortune telling allows you to find out how devoted your friend is to you and whether you should trust her with your secrets. you without special effort find out what your friends think about you, whether they are deceiving you or slandering you.

How to tell fortunes with strings

Fortune telling on strings is the simplest way, which allows you to find out about the feelings of your friends, their attitude towards you and so on.

For fortune telling, you need to prepare yellow, blue, purple, brown, gray, black, light blue, green and white threads. Braid them into a braid. Select threads of the same length. It’s better not to make a tight braid, make it slightly loose. Now close your eyes. Do not peek under any circumstances. Pull one thread from the braid. The color of the thread you pulled will tell you about your friend’s attitude towards you.

  • A red thread indicates your friend's devotion. Such a person is very devoted to you and will go with you to the ends of the earth. She expects the same dedication in your relationship. If it is not there, friendship with such a person will be significantly complicated. But you are still attracted to such unpredictability in relationships.
  • Thread yellow color indicates the ideality of your friend. Such a friend will support you in all your endeavors and will never betray you.
  • A thread of blue color speaks of cold friendships. Yes, you go for walks together. Yes, you share all your secrets with her. Yes, your friendship continues for a long time. But such relationships are very cold and not strong enough.
  • A white thread speaks of an honest and selfless friend. Such a person will never hide his feelings for you from you. He will never lie or tell lies.
  • A thread purple indicates complex friendships. Dissatisfaction quickly gives way to strong friendships, and grievances to a happy pastime.
  • A brown thread indicates that your friend has a rather conservative outlook on life. She forgives you a lot, but she will never allow you to introduce any innovations into your friendship.
  • A green thread indicates an even, warm and calm relationship. Your friend will stay with you until she feels threatened by you.
  • The gray color of the thread speaks of relationships only because material goods. Your friend likes that you lend her money and share things. She is dependent on you and will be with you until you stop sharing all your benefits with her.
  • The blue thread speaks of a cool relationship on the part of a friend, although it is very difficult to tell from you.
  • Black color indicates selfish friendship. You shouldn't have anything to do with such a friend. All he cares about is his own happiness. You shouldn't expect any return from such a friendship. You will suffer greatly from such a person.

Fortune telling with strings has its own errors. And by chance you may get the wrong thread. Do not blindly trust the results of the ritual. You need to draw conclusions only from the actual actions of your friends.

Ancient fortune telling using Tarot cards is popular today

How to tell fortunes with Tarot cards

Fortune telling with Tarot cards is ancient fortune telling. It's quite popular today. Before you start magical ritual you need to choose the right Tarot:

  1. To choose Tarot, it is recommended to listen to your inner voice.
  2. You shouldn't choose a deck based solely on its appearance or according to the labels on the packaging.
  3. Take the Tarot in your hands and look closely at it. Understand the meaning of the pictures on the cards. Try to identify the image on the cards with your desires. And only after that you can purchase them.
  4. Do not use Tarot card reading very often. They need to take breaks regularly. During this period, they will gain energy and will be most truthful in their predictions.
  5. Don't guess on Sunday and Monday.
  6. Do not make a reading on the waning moon.
  7. Do not lay out Tarot cards more than six times in a row.
  8. Do not ask the same question in different card layouts.

When the Tarot is purchased, feel free to start choosing fortune telling. Fortune telling must be selected based on your feelings. For fortune telling using Tarot cards, it is recommended to choose a round table. Choose a special blanket or tablecloth for it. And don't use it in Everyday life. For the ceremony, prepare candles of the color required for the ceremony.

If, while reading Tarot cards, you suddenly feel a feeling of dizziness, a burning sensation on the top of your head, or severe weakness, you need to stop guessing. If such sensations are not observed, you can safely proceed to the layout on the cards. Card layouts exist a large number of. Each of them is good in its own way. Choose for yourself exactly the one that will help you get the answer to your question.

But not only fortune telling with Tarot cards helps you find out the answers to your questions. There are many ways to deal cards using a regular playing deck. To find out the meaning of your layout on the cards, use specialized literature. In it you will find various variations card fortune telling and their decoding.

Fortune telling using Tarot will give you a great opportunity to learn a lot of interesting things about your friends. After all, very often we make friends and communicate with people who deceive us behind our backs, betray us and hurt us. Don't lose faith. Friends can be loyal and devoted. What if your friend or girlfriend is exactly the person who will help you in any difficult moment?

Tarot fortune telling or how your girlfriend treats you

This fortune telling is used by beginners as it is not difficult to perform. The main rule for him is the following: you must clearly ask the question and know the result you want to achieve. Concentrate, relax and start planning. Draw seven cards from different places from a common deck. Place them in pairs. Place one of them in the center. She will be the main one in the entire card layout. It is also called significat. It will symbolize your friend, and the paired cards will symbolize her attitude towards you.

The card layout for friendship itself has its own interpretation. The top card pair means the thoughts that pop up in your friend when she sees you, about your relationship. The second card pair speaks of the spirituality of your friendships. The third card pair is a symbol of external friendly manifestations.

This Tarot card layout allows you to find out all the hidden secrets of relationships between friends. With its help, you can see your friendship from the outside and appreciate it in a new way.

Previously, we told you about methods of telling fortunes about your betrothed. And now we invite you to find out whether your friend will always be faithful, whether you will enter the university of your dreams, and what wish will come true.


1. On threads. Painstaking, but interesting. You should prepare yellow, blue, purple, brown, gray, black, blue, green and white threads. Braid your hair, choosing threads of the same length. Next, close your eyes and pull out one thread. The color of the thread will tell you about your friend's attitude towards you.

Red - he is devoted to you.

Blue - your relationship is cold, your friendship is not very strong.

White - your friend is honest with you.

Violet – your relationship is complex.

Brown - your friend has conservative views on life.

Green – relationships are warm, smooth, calm.

Gray – relationships due to material wealth.

Blue – cool relationships.

Black - selfish friendship.

2. On the maps. It's more interesting with a girlfriend (boyfriend). Place the first row of three cards on the table, then the second, third, and so on until the queen of diamonds falls out. After this happens, lay out two more rows and begin the interpretation.

If diamond cards predominate, it means your friend is waiting financial well-being. Club suit - successful career. Worms – love and excellent relationships with others. Peaks are trouble.


3. On the maps. Mix the deck of 36 cards well, then divide them into four parts and place them face down. Ask a question about how your career will turn out. Remove everything from the first pile of cards until an ace appears; if there is another ace immediately behind it, then we put it back to the first. We do the same with the remaining aces if they appear one after another. If they are not in a row, then we take only the first Ace card. We do the same with the next stacks of cards.

The result will depend on the number of aces that will end up in your hands.

Four aces - in the profession you aspire to, you will achieve success. Three aces - you have correctly identified your priorities, you can start thinking about a specific specialty. Two aces - there is hope for success, but you need to move towards your goal long and persistently. One ace - choose another profession (no, no, journalism is not your thing).

4. On the water. Pour a glass of water, look at your reflection in it and mentally ask a question (important: it must concern your future profession, be clear and specific. For example, should I be an astronaut?). Place the glass in the cold overnight and examine the ice in the morning. If the ice has frozen over like a hole, then a career in the chosen direction is unlikely to work out. If there are both smooth surfaces and depressions, this means that there will be ups and downs in your activity. If the ice freezes evenly, you will be successful. But it's best if it's a hump. This suggests that your career will develop rapidly.

What wish will come true

5. On leaves. Before going to bed, write your wishes on small pieces of paper and put them under your pillow. In the morning, as soon as you open your eyes, put your hand under the pillow, mix the wishes and take out three at random. Whichever ones you pull out, those will come true.

6. On the water. Make a cherished wish to yourself and pour at least six tablespoons of water into a glass. After everyone has done this, place the glass near the bed overnight. In the morning you need to look at the water level in the glass. If it seems that there is more water, this is great - a good sign. This means that everything planned will come true, but if, on the contrary, there is less water, the wish will not come true. Just don’t put the glass near the radiator and make sure that the cat doesn’t wander around your room, otherwise the prank won’t succeed.

Relationships with friends of the fair sex worry no less, and sometimes even much more, than relationships with men. After all, a girlfriend is the person with whom you want to share both good and bad. But this is not always possible due to quarrels, omissions, envy and resentment.

In such cases, girls resort to fortune telling to find out what is really going on in their relationship, and how much they can trust the one they consider a close friend.

Let's find out how to tell fortunes for a friend using a braid of threads.

Fortune telling by a braid of colored threads

In order to check whether she is holding a “stone in her bosom”, take several multi-colored threads of the same length and weave a loose braid from them.

For this you need to take threads of the following colors: yellow, blue, white, purple, brown, green, gray, blue, black.

After this, closing your eyes, pull one of the strings without peeking. Depending on what color thread you pull, read the interpretation below.

Red thread means that your friend is very devoted and is ready to do a lot for you. True, she expects the same from you. That's why your relationship with her is complicated. But you are very attached to her and, perhaps, it is her unpredictability and fire that attracts you the most.

Yellow thread- your friendship is almost perfect. You can count on your confidante to support you at any moment, to never betray you, and to illuminate your relationship like the sun.

Blue thread speaks of coldness in relationships. It seems like you spend time together, but you don’t always tell each other everything. Such friendship has a chance to last for years, but it is not very strong.

White– your girlfriend is good and honest. True, if you are not ready to accept criticism, then it will be quite difficult for you to find a common language with it. After all, she always speaks only the truth and only to her face.

Purple- complicated friendship. Today you are happy together, and tomorrow you are already offended. If you express any dissatisfaction with her behavior, then she is very offended herself and offends you.

Brown– this color suggests that in a relationship a lot can be built on a common past. If you have been friends since childhood, then she can forgive you a lot. But are you ready for her to judge you if you suddenly deviate from the conservatism accepted in your relationship?

Green thread means that your calm relationship is reliable until you decide to radically change something in your life. It’s difficult to piss off your friend, but if she feels a threat to your measured and calm relationship, then you will immediately begin to have problems in your friendship.

Gray thread means that they are friends with you only for the sake of receiving some kind of benefit. For example, if you can borrow money or ask for help in any matter. And you are always ready to give what is required upon request. True, you are unlikely to receive the same attitude in return. As long as you are profitable, they will be friends with you... If, of course, it can be called friendship.

Blue– despite the fact that you are very attached to your girlfriend, she is cool about your friendship. However, she behaves quite reservedly with all people, and you are no exception.

Black color speaks for itself: there is no friendship here, but next to you, rather, is your enemy. She is selfish and she doesn’t care how you will feel if, for example, she steals your boyfriend. After all, for such a young lady, the most important thing is her personal happiness. And she doesn’t care at all that in achieving her goals, she hurts you.

Of course, in any fortune telling there is something that can coincide with reality. However, you should not blindly trust fortune-telling and suspect loved ones of falsity. Draw conclusions about a person by his actions and attitude towards you.

How much it means in our life to have a faithful boyfriend or girlfriend. Every person wants to have reliable support. Friendships sometimes mean more to us than relationships with our significant other. Quarrels, resentments, omissions and envy force us to resort to fortune telling.

Friendships are important for every person

Fortune telling allows you to find out how devoted your friend is to you and whether you should trust her with your secrets. You can easily find out what your friends think about you, whether they are deceiving you or slandering you.

How to tell fortunes with strings

Fortune telling with strings is the simplest way that allows you to find out about the feelings of your friends, their attitude towards you, and so on.

For fortune telling, you need to prepare yellow, blue, purple, brown, gray, black, light blue, green and white threads. Braid them into a braid. Select threads of the same length. It’s better not to make a tight braid, make it slightly loose. Now close your eyes. Do not peek under any circumstances. Pull one thread from the braid. The color of the thread you pulled will tell you about your friend’s attitude towards you.

Fortune telling with strings has its own errors

  • A red thread indicates your friend's devotion. Such a person is very devoted to you and will go with you to the ends of the earth. She expects the same dedication in your relationship. If it is not there, friendship with such a person will be significantly complicated. But you are still attracted to such unpredictability in relationships.
  • A yellow thread indicates the ideality of your friend. Such a friend will support you in all your endeavors and will never betray you.
  • A blue thread indicates cold, friendly relations. Yes, you go for walks together. Yes, you share all your secrets with her. Yes, your friendship continues for a long time. But such relationships are very cold and not strong enough.
  • A white thread speaks of an honest and selfless friend. Such a person will never hide his feelings for you from you. He will never lie or tell lies.
  • A purple thread indicates complex friendships. Dissatisfaction quickly gives way to strong friendships, and grievances to a happy pastime.
  • A brown thread indicates that your friend has a rather conservative outlook on life. She forgives you a lot, but she will never allow you to introduce any innovations into your friendship.
  • A green thread indicates an even, warm and calm relationship. Your friend will stay with you until she feels threatened by you.
  • The gray color of the thread speaks of relationships only because of material wealth. Your friend likes that you lend her money and share things. She is dependent on you and will be with you until you stop sharing all your benefits with her.
  • The blue thread speaks of a cool relationship on the part of a friend, although it is very difficult to tell from you.
  • Black color indicates selfish friendship. You shouldn't have anything to do with such a friend. All he cares about is his own happiness. You shouldn't expect any return from such a friendship. You will suffer greatly from such a person.

Fortune telling with strings has its own errors. And by chance you may get the wrong thread. Do not blindly trust the results of the ritual. You need to draw conclusions only from the actual actions of your friends.

Ancient fortune telling using Tarot cards is popular today

How to tell fortunes with Tarot cards

Fortune telling with Tarot cards is the oldest fortune telling. It's quite popular today. Before you begin the magical ritual, you need to choose the right Tarot:

  1. To choose Tarot, it is recommended to listen to your inner voice.
  2. You should not choose a deck only by its appearance or by the inscriptions on the packaging.
  3. Take the Tarot in your hands and look closely at it. Understand the meaning of the pictures on the cards. Try to identify the image on the cards with your desires. And only after that you can purchase them.
  4. Do not use Tarot card reading very often. They need to take breaks regularly. During this period, they will gain energy and will be most truthful in their predictions.
  5. Don't guess on Sunday and Monday.
  6. Do not make a reading on the waning moon.
  7. Do not lay out Tarot cards more than six times in a row.
  8. Do not ask the same question in different card layouts.

When the Tarot is purchased, feel free to start choosing fortune telling. Fortune telling must be selected based on your feelings. For fortune telling using Tarot cards, it is recommended to choose a round table. Choose a special blanket or tablecloth for it. And don't use it in everyday life. For the ceremony, prepare candles of the color required for the ceremony.

If, while reading Tarot cards, you suddenly feel a feeling of dizziness, a burning sensation on the top of your head, or severe weakness, you need to stop reading. If such sensations are not observed, you can safely proceed to the layout on the cards. There are a large number of card layouts. Each of them is good in its own way. Choose for yourself exactly the one that will help you get the answer to your question.

Card layout for friendship

But not only fortune telling with Tarot cards helps you find out the answers to your questions. There are many ways to deal cards using a regular playing deck. To find out the meaning of your layout on the cards, use specialized literature. In it you will find various variations of card fortune telling and their decoding.

Fortune telling using Tarot will give you a great opportunity to learn a lot of interesting things about your friends. After all, very often we make friends and communicate with people who deceive us behind our backs, betray us and hurt us. Don't lose faith. Friends can be loyal and devoted. What if your friend or girlfriend is exactly the person who will help you in any difficult moment?

Tarot fortune telling or how your girlfriend treats you

This fortune telling is used by beginners as it is not difficult to perform. The main rule for him is the following: you must clearly ask the question and know the result you want to achieve. Concentrate, relax and start planning. Draw seven cards from different places from a common deck. Place them in pairs. Place one of them in the center. She will be the main one in the entire card layout. It is also called significat. It will symbolize your friend, and the paired cards will symbolize her attitude towards you.

The card layout for friendship itself has its own interpretation. The top card pair means the thoughts that pop up in your friend when she sees you, about your relationship. The second card pair speaks of the spirituality of your friendships. The third card pair is a symbol of external friendly manifestations.

This Tarot card layout allows you to find out all the hidden secrets of relationships between friends. With its help, you can see your friendship from the outside and appreciate it in a new way.

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