Numerology: what do the numbers that haunt us in everyday life mean. I keep seeing the same numbers. What does it mean

Sometimes a person constantly comes across the same number. Numerologists will tell you what this means and help you decipher the message of the universe.

Whatever the numbers promise you, before important matter always use whispers for good luckso that fortune does not leave you at the most crucial moment. This is especially important if the number chasing you promises you trouble. But even if, on the contrary, it warns of positive changes, a little luck will not hurt.

Number Energy

All information in the universe can be represented as zeros and ones. This applies to any type of information, in whatever area you meet it. Numbers surround us from birth, and even before we are born, they influence us. For this reason, our date of birth has a secret meaning.

If a person is haunted by the same number, this is no accident. Thus, the Universe is trying to say something, to remind about something. She can't contact us directly, so she sends signs that need to be deciphered. Numerologists believe that numbers are one of the most better ways read the intentions and messages of the universe.

Numbers can be seen on watches, on bus tickets, in advertisements. To understand that this is not just a coincidence, but really something important, is very simple - you will feel it.

Deciphering numbers

Let's say you see the number 1 everywhere or big number type 888. Any number must be reduced to a prime, that is, to a number lying on the segment from 1 to 9. To do this, you just need to add all the constituent digits of the number as many times as needed. 8+8+8=24, 2+4=6. It turns out that if you see 888, then you need to find out how the Six stands for. Obviously, the numbers themselves from 1 to 9 do not need to be simplified.

Unit. This number is the Universe's attempt to tell you to stop. If you have a Unit, then most new cases can turn into failures in the foreseeable future. This is a call for caution and discretion. When the number 1 appears everywhere, it means that you need to stop taking risks and start thinking about safety.

Deuce. You are on the threshold of discovery. People who often come across Deuces should focus on the most important thing. Failures can be hidden victories, and victories can be failures. The universe wants you to use your intuition and don't make big decisions just yet.

Troika. The number 3 is seen by those who should not deviate from the chosen path. The universe says that you are doing everything right. Deviations from the intended route can be painful. Do not take on everything at once - be consistent and attentive, but calm. A very favorable period is approaching.

Four. The number 4 is a sign that the universe craves justice. Very soon you will have to face your destiny. No one can say what adjustments the Universe will make: it all depends on what actions you have done before. If you offended a person or acted dishonestly, the events will be unfavorable. Conversely, if you have done a good deed, the Universe will reward you for it.

Five. If you are being chased by the Five, then the universe is trying to tell you that you are on the right track, but they are not noticing something very important. Perhaps you are central figure in some business. A lot depends on you, so you need to get rid of fatigue and apathy. Effective meditation will help you with this.

Six. The number 6 symbolizes the parallel development of two or more areas of life. Luck smiles at you, but you won’t be able to get everything at once. You must make a choice that will upset someone from your immediate environment. If you do not make this fateful choice, then the Universe will confront you with difficulties. Right now your life is like a crossroads, so inaction will cause global chaos.

Seven. This number tells you that in business you should strive for the golden mean. Too much ambition, quarrels and conflicts, as well as adventures or laziness - all this will work against you. Do things that will allow you to stay inside your comfort zone and not put you at risk.

Eight. The universe is warning you that you are following the wrong principles, but you don't notice it yet. Try to understand where you are wrong, where you have chosen the wrong path. Perhaps the problem lies in your mood.

Nine. The number 9 is seen by those to whom the Universe is trying to say "act." Circumstances and people may be against you, but you are on the right track. Do not doubt yourself, and do not be afraid of difficulties.

Strive to attract good luck into your life. Luck is not a determining factor for success, but a lot depends on it. Whatever number haunts you, it does not mean that a black streak is coming. The final choice is still yours. Good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

14.11.2018 04:40

Name numerology is a whole department of the ancient science of numbers and their energy. To every name...

You can hear from many people: “Often (constantly) I see the same numbers (numbers) - on the clock, in the numbers of tickets, cars, etc. etc.". According to some numerologists, this situation - repeated numbers - is not at all accidental. As if spontaneously occurring in our lives, they can represent a kind of numerological prophecy. What does it mean to see the same figures and numbers?

What do repeating numbers and figures mean in numerology and how to work with them?

The fact that you often or constantly see the same symbols on your watch or in some other situations may be a mere coincidence. Or, alternatively, it could be something like a self-fulfilling prophecy: having come to the conclusion that sixes or fours are chasing you, you begin to see them everywhere. However, there is also the possibility that the Universe wants to tell you something in this way.

If in your life there is a frequently repeated figure that acquires some special meaning, find it below and find out exactly what it means.

What to do in a situation where you are being chased by the same numbers? They can also be decomposed into numbers and thus analyzed from a numerological point of view. For example, 31 will mean that vibrations 3 and 1 are related to you.

Repeating number 1: meaning in numerology

If you see the same numbers 1, then you should know: the unit says that you have gone beyond the templates, schemes. Numerology says what is best for you right now life path is individualism. It will be useful and reasonable for you to leave behind everything that limits and restrains you in the past.

Repeating number 2: meaning in numerology

The deuce invites you to join, teamwork or restoring, strengthening ties with the family, some people. You can no longer be a lonely island in the ocean of life. Seeing the same numbers 2 is also a promise of a new love union.

Repeating number 3: meaning in numerology

Often or constantly repeating three means, according to numerology, that the time has come to live here and now, to enjoy all the benefits and benefits and benefits. Everywhere you see 3 - discover new experience, find time to do what gives you real pleasure, what you like with all your heart.

Repeating number 4: meaning in numerology

The four tends to incline you towards stabilization and calmness, appeasement. If you often see 4, then you should put down roots, focus on work and ensure financial security. In addition, another numerological meaning of the repeated number 4 is that you need to take better care of your health.

Repeating number 5: meaning in numerology

Frequent fives promise some positive changes. At the same time, you do not need to do anything for this - just do not resist future events. Constantly seeing the number 5 is a call: be bolder and freer, let the wave of life carry you away with its course.

Repeating number 6: meaning in numerology

Six portends changes in emotional, personal life. If at every step you see the number 6, then soon you can meet the love of your life, prepare for a wedding or the birth of a child. Focus now on your loved ones.

Repeating number 7: meaning in numerology

Seven calls for development. What does it mean in practice to constantly see the number 7? This is a call to sign up for some courses, to complete interrupted studies, to start or continue learning languages. Think the same way about traveling and getting to know new cultures.

Repeating number 8: meaning in numerology

Eight, which is often repeated by itself or in numbers, calls for more attention to your finances. Repay debts, do not take loans, learn how to better manage your property and assets. If you happen to constantly see a repeated 8, this means that you should consider starting your own business.

Everyone, probably, very often saw the same numbers repeating, when looking at the clock, or at car plate numbers. What are these signs? The following answer is proposed for some numbers:

Angels do everything in their power to draw our attention to themselves and communicate with us. This is how they help us heal our lives. However, we often ignore the signs they send us, attributing them to mere coincidences or our imagination. The angels say, “We cannot write our messages to you in heaven.

You need to pay attention and believe when you see any pictures appear in your life, especially in response to any of your questions or prayers that you have formulated. When you hear a song repeated or see the same numbers repeated, who do you think is behind it? Your angels, of course!

Your angels often send you messages showing you sequences of numbers. They do it in two ways. First, they whisper softly in your ear so that you raise your head in time and notice the time on the clock or telephone number on the bulletin board. The angels hope that you will notice the repetition of the same numbers. For example, you may often see the number 111 set, and it will seem to you that every time you look at the clock, the clock shows 1:11 or 11:11.

The second method is by which the angels show you sequences of numbers that have meaning, such as by physically placing a car that is moving in front of you and has a sign with a special number that they want you to see. Those who are familiar with this phenomenon become experts at reading various license plates. In this way, the angels can actually give you detailed messages. Here are the basic meanings of some sequences of numbers. One way or another, but your personal angels will tell you if your situation has a different meaning for you. Ask your angels, "What are you trying to tell me?" and they will gladly give you more information to help you decipher the meanings of their numbers.

Digital messages from angels

111 Watch your thoughts carefully and make sure you only think about what you want to think and not about what you don't want to think. This sequence means that great opportunities open up for you, and your thoughts manifest in physical form in record time. 111 is similar to the bright light of a flash. This means that the universe has photographed your thoughts and manifests them in physical form. Are you satisfied with the thoughts that the universe photographed? If not, correct your thoughts. (ask your angels to help you with this if you are having difficulty controlling and observing your thoughts).

222 “Our newly sown ideas are beginning to grow into reality. Keep watering and fertilizing them, and soon they will break through the soil so that you can see the evidence of your manifestations. In other words, don't miss five minutes before this miracle. Your manifestation will soon become apparent to you, so keep up the good work! Keep holding positive thoughts, keep repeating affirmations and visualizations.

333 – The Ascended Masters are close to you, wanting to show you that you can count on their help, love and companionship. Call on the Ascended Masters often, especially when you see sets of numbers with 3 around you. Some of the more famous Ascended Masters are: Jesus, Moses, Mary, Kuan Yin, Yogananda.

444 – Angels surround you, assuring you of their love and help. Don't worry because angelic help is nearby.

555 - Fasten your seat belts. Major life change ahead. This change should not be seen as "positive" or "negative" because all change is just a natural part of the flow of life. Perhaps this change is the answer to your prayers, so keep calm.

666 – Your thoughts are out of balance now, they are too focused on the material world. This set of numbers asks you to keep your thoughts in balance between heaven and earth. Just like in the famous Sermon on the Mount, the angels are asking you to focus on spirit and service, and remember that your material and emotional needs will be automatically met as a result.

777 - Angels applaud you, congratulations, you are in the flow! go on Good work and know that your wish is coming true. This is an extremely positive sign, meaning that you can expect more miracles to happen.

888 - A certain stage of your life is coming to an end, and this sign is a warning to prepare. This set of numbers could mean that you are ending an emotional career, or a phase of a relationship. It also means that there is light at the end of the tunnel. Additionally, it means, “The harvest is ripe. Collect it and enjoy it." In other words, move forward without delay, or enjoy the fruits of your labor.

999 - Completion. This is the end of a major phase in your personal or global life. Also, this is a message to the lightworkers involved in the healing of the Earth, meaning, "Get to work, because Mother Earth needs you now."

000 - A reminder that you are one with God, so that you feel the presence of your Creator's love in you. Also, it means that some situation has come full circle.

Our guardian angels often try to contact us, sometimes through the numbers that surround us. But in order to feel their help, you need to know what to look for, and numerology will help with this.

Called to protect our lives, and they do an excellent job, but we rarely listen to them. And sometimes we do not even notice the signs sent from above. In failures, we are accustomed to referring to a combination of circumstances or accidents. You need to trust your instincts, listen to your sixth sense.

It is worth paying attention to the repeating numbers - with their help, the angels contact us. The repetition of identical numbers surrounds us everywhere: on the street, at home, at work. This could be a car number, a road sign, a receipt from a store, or the time on a clock. If you often see a combination of same digits- this suggests that they want to reach you with important information.

The meaning of the numbers on the clock in numerology

Don't be afraid if you're being chased by the same numbers. The angels want you to notice these signs. Numbers have a huge impact on us, one should not underestimate Birth Numerology "> numerology. Pay attention to them, do not ignore them. Mirror numbers are of particular importance: 12:21, 14:41, - or repeating: 03:03, 02:02. Most exact signs posted on Wednesday and Thursday. Don't forget to keep an eye on your watch these days:

  • 00:00 - indicates that you need to make a wish: it will certainly come true if your thoughts are pure;
  • 01:01 - joyful news from a loved one hurries to you;
  • 01:10 - the business that you have recently begun to do will give you good result;
  • 01:11 - arrive profitable proposition;
  • 02:02 - a fun pastime is planned;
  • 02:20 - do not succumb to the provocations of people;
  • 02:22 - they are hiding something from you;
  • 03:03 - love is near;
  • 03:30 - unrequited feelings;
  • 03:33 - joy and success rush to you;
  • 04:04 - it is advisable to reconsider your problems;
  • 04:40 - luck is not on your side;
  • 04:44 - you risk getting a reprimand at work;
  • 05:05 - you are surrounded by enemies that you are not aware of;
  • 05:50 - beware of natural elements;
  • 05:55 - possible meeting with a very smart person, which will clarify a lot;

  • 06:06 - close wedding;
  • 07:07 - beware of the military;
  • 08:08 - increase;
  • 09:09 - loss of personal belongings is likely;
  • 10:01 - introduction to influential people;
  • 10:10 - changes are coming;
  • 11:11 - you will be attached to a person or thing;
  • 12:21 - a pleasant acquaintance;
  • 13:13 - beware of competitors;
  • 13:31 - a long-awaited dream will come true;
  • 14:14 - today love is above all;
  • 14:41 - you will face failures;
  • 15:15 - listen to advice;
  • 15:51 - a stormy passion awaits you;
  • 16:16 - be careful on the road;
  • 17:17 - beware of attack;
  • 18:18 - do not drive;
  • 19:19 - success is expected;
  • 20:02 - a minor quarrel with loved ones is possible;
  • 20:20 - family troubles;
  • 21:12 - the birth of new ideas;
  • 21:21 - ardent feelings for a person;
  • 22:22 - meeting new people;
  • 23:23 - unfavorable romance;
  • 23:32 - unexpected illness.

Angelic numerology in other numbers around us

Throughout the day, we are surrounded by numbers everywhere, and we are used to it. But there are cases when the same number pursues, "treads on the heels." The message, encrypted by the guardian angel, seeks to reach the addressee. For example, when you go out into the street, you come across an advertisement for renting an apartment, and on it is a phone number with similar numbers. After some time, a car passes by, in the license plate of which the same numbers are again visible. To your mobile phone the call comes in and you notice the same numbers. Doubts away - Higher forces are trying to contact you. This is just one example of how angels operate. It is worth considering what exactly they want to convey to you.

Number 111. An abundance of opportunities. If your plans come true, you will be successful. This combination shows how Higher power committed to helping you realize your dreams.

Number 222. They are trying to tell you that it is time to take on the solution of your problems, to own life. Now you need to reinforce your soul with powerful positive energy.

Number 333. Angels protect you and want to show that any step you take does not go unnoticed. They surround you with love and happiness.

Number 444. Keepers watch over you, helping you solve problems. Don't be afraid to ask them for help.

Number 555. Expect significant changes in your life. But it is not known what exactly they will bring. Angels ask you to think about the good and attract only positive energy.

Number 666. evil number. They warn you that you are spending too much energy on material values. It blackens the soul. You need to do self-improvement in the spirit of the plan.

Number 777. Your dreams have begun to come true. Only good things are expected in the near future. Angels consider you worthy contenders for happiness.

Number 888. Keepers report that you are making progress. Your work will be rewarded soon. Continue in the same spirit.

Number 999. This combination indicates that you have abandoned personal growth. You need to complete your business and look around: perhaps someone from your loved ones needs help. You are needed.

Number 000. The angels express their love and let you know that you have accomplished an impossible task.

Numerology has long predicted the future with the help of numbers. Higher powers endow each number with energy and various properties. And with the help of this exact science angels contact us daily. However, angelic numerology is a relatively new science. Every day we learn new things about the meanings of the messages. We ask you not to ignore the angels, they protect and strive to help make your life better. be happy and don't forget to press the buttons and

Each of us has guardian angels (usually people have at least three) who help us to realize our earthly destiny to the maximum, and one of their ways to do this is to send us signs. People often come across the same numbers, their sequence, and this is one of the common methods for angels to communicate with us.

The search for meaning in numbers and numerical sequences dates back to ancient times, and numerology - the belief in a divine, mystical connection between numbers and events - is currently enjoying considerable popularity. So-called angel numbers usually appear in groups of three and can appear on a license plate, phone number, bill, or billboard. They may also appear as "separated" numbers, such as 3303.

The angels are always trying to get our attention to give us guidance, and sometimes the numbers really seem to come crashing down on our faces! Here are some total numbers angels that can be found along with general messages our universe.

Combination value 111

This angel number has powerful energy. If you are lucky enough to look at the clock at 1:11, the angels are telling you that now is the perfect time to make your dreams come true. Don't worry if you see 111 or any sequence of angel numbers multiple times during the day or week. Sometimes the energy around us is more favorable, and 111 is a sign that the energy around you is now ripe for making important decisions, changing stereotypes, or moving projects or relationships forward. Keep your eyes open for opportunities and take action to achieve your goals.

222 - what do these numbers say?

You can also see a combination like 222 everywhere. You can see this combination of numbers quite often, for example, on an electricity bill, on a clothes price tag, or on a mailbox number. This may be a signal that you are working hard to change your life and build new career. The angels who send you this number often put a wonderful meaning into it. Message 222 concerns metaphorical farming. If you see this angel number, keep working hard (at your job, in your relationships, with your finances) and caring for the so-called growing crop. On the this moment your efforts may not look like much, but you are laying the foundation for an impressive harvest in the future. If you are wondering if you are on the right path in your life and seeing the number 222, it means that you have received positive confirmation from the angels that you are moving in the right direction and should continue to work.

444 - what is this combination?

Angels have a favorite sequence of numbers - 444. You can see 444 when you experience difficult period in your life, you have a difficult diagnosis or you suffer from loneliness. Number 444 is just a reminder that the angels are there and supporting you. At that moment when you feel lonely and depressed and accidentally see the number 444, it can be a very comforting and hopeful sign. You may have seen the 444 after a job well done at the office or when you were on a long-awaited vacation. Again, this is a reminder that the angels are with you. They probably did their best to help the universe bring you these blessings! If an email from a new client arrives at 4:44 sharp, consider that a good omen!


From time to time, the number 555 comes into our lives unintentionally. We all have periods when everything seems to be changing in our lives and we have some kind of huge burst of energy. If you see angel number 555 when things seem chaotic or unfamiliar, it is a sign from the angels that such transitions can be intense, even if you are facing changes that you have been striving for or working very hard for. No matter what period you are going through, good or bad, change is always a restructuring of your soul, a change in its part. In the end, you will get the other side of the coin, which will be much better.

What will 777 warn about?

Sequence 777 is a message from the angels regarding spirituality, and you may encounter it during many phases of life when you are focusing or paying due attention to your spirituality, learning about new spiritual practices, or simply looking for meaning in life. Angels are not anonymous, they work with people of all faiths and spiritual beliefs. Angel number 777 can be a sign that your spirituality is expanding, you are diving into that deep well of spiritual awareness that exists within each of us.


This is an abundance number and you can see it on the receipt you receive for services you have performed so that you know that there is an opportunity for good. financial cooperation with this particular client, company, or just the type of work you are currently working on. Angel number 888 can also be a hint from the angels that each of us has access to the abundance of the universe and the angels can help us bring more of that abundance into any area of ​​our life such as romance, career or health. Sequence 888 is a signal that we remain open to abundance in whatever form comes along, not just the form we expect or are attached to. If you have an abundance of something - love, time, money, spread it all around you, and this abundance will boomerang back to you!

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